BE :: Volume #19

#1870: Middle-aged man status 【Two】

The sound is faintly recognizable, actually spreads over in surrounding area ten thousand meters place each ear of person, actually nobody can find that middle-aged man is. 声音飘渺,却传遍方圆万米的地方每一个人的耳朵中,却没有一个人能够找到那中年男子的所在。 Sigh Xie Aoyu grows the one breath, the hopeless situation meets to live. 谢傲宇长出一口气,绝境逢生啊。 He does not understand that who this person is, why must rescue itself, moreover repeatedly three in view of their performance, make him feel to wonder. 只是他更加不明白了,这人到底是谁,为何要救自己,而且屡次三番的针对自己的表现,都让他感到纳闷。 At first Xie Aoyu once suspected he was antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong. 起初谢傲宇曾怀疑他就是上古圣皇赵天龙。 But if is Zhao Tianlong, how the possible three moves to ice are almost killed violently, that evil Monarch kills seems not Zhao Tianlong strength. 可如果是赵天龙的话,如何可能三招将冰邪君杀的几乎毙命呢,那似乎不是赵天龙的实力吧。 According to a sea emperor soul, as if they started to attack the giant, then arrived at hell demon, therefore antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong should be the exceedingly high level superior, but can three moves ice evil Monarch's such half giant almost to kill, feared that was in half giant nobody may achieve, even if were initial triangle violent Shenlong is also not necessarily able to achieve. 根据海皇一线灵魂所讲,似乎他们才开始冲击巨头,便降临到了地狱魔界的,所以上古圣皇赵天龙应该是通天级上位,而能够三招将冰邪君那样的半巨头几乎杀死的,怕是半巨头中无人可做到,就算是当初的三角暴神龙也未必能够做到。 Who is this person? 这人到底是谁? How Xie Aoyu wants unable to find out this person of status. 谢傲宇怎么想都想不出这人的身份。 This time the voice of middle-aged man may not have formerly to rob the sword like that to conceal likely spirit, but is the real sound, finally Xie Aoyu discovered that just now also the complexions of shameless proficient five big immortal boundary masters become very ugly, even also has fearing in their eyes. 此番中年男子的声音可没有像先前抢夺剑灵那般隐瞒的,而是真实的声音,结果谢傲宇就发现,方才还无耻到家的五大长生境界高手的脸色都变得非常难看,甚至在他们的眼中还有一丝的惧怕。 As if these people know the status of middle-aged man. 似乎这些人都知道中年男子的身份。 Also is when they hear this sound, Xie Aoyu discovered that imprisoned his strength to vanish. 也是在他们听到这个声音的时候,谢傲宇就发现禁锢他的力量消失了。 Xie Aoyu has not made any indicated that but static is waiting and seeing, now has not been out of the danger. 谢傲宇没有做出任何表示,只是静静的观望着,现在还没有脱离危险呢。 Anyone, leave to this young master!” It is obviously strange to this sound, he has not noted Lei Wankun et al. the complexions, the young master spleen surname makes him not be feeling well very much, interrogated loudly. “谁,给本少爷滚出来!”雷凡显然对这声音很陌生,他也没注意到雷万坤等人的脸色,那少爷脾姓让他很不爽,大声质问起来。 „!” “啪!” Does not wait for the middle-aged man to open the mouth again, Lei Wankun backhands a palm of the hand to pull out on face, transferred same place three that he hits, opens mouth to spout a blood. 不等中年男子再开口,雷万坤反手一巴掌抽在雷凡的脸上,将他打的原地转了三圈,张嘴喷出一口鲜血。 This palm of the hand hits ruthless. 这一巴掌打的狠啊。 Father.” Was scared. “父亲。”雷凡傻眼了。 Lei Wankun gets angry shouts to clear the way: Closes you to enter Lei Hungu 100 years!” 雷万坤怒喝道:“关你进入雷魂谷100年!” Does not want, the father, such I will die.” Frightens looks deathly pale, the loud entreaty said. “不要啊,父亲,那样我会死的。”雷凡吓得脸色惨白,大声哀求道。 Shut up!” Lei Wankun shouts to clear the way. “闭嘴!”雷万坤喝道 Except for the masters of several immortal boundaries, does not have the shade including the wind, in Turlogh et al., reveals the stunned color, why is puzzled Lei Wankun so procedure, who does not know that Lei Wankun hides shortcomings extremely. 除了几个长生境界的高手,包括风无影,特洛内等人在内,都流露出错愕之色,不解为何雷万坤如此做法,谁不知雷万坤极其护短的。 Middle-aged man that faintly recognizable voice resounds once again, Lei Hungu 100 years were too few, destroy my plan, Feng Rulei will kill the mountain in 1000.” 中年男子那飘渺的声音再度响起,“雷魂谷100年太少了,破坏我的计划,封入雷杀山1000年。” Yes!” Lei Wankun the respectful say (way), to shouts to clear the way, crystal boy, has not then thanked for kindness!” “是!”雷万坤恭敬的道,然后对雷凡喝道,“孽子,还不谢恩!” Called out: Lei Shashan in 1000, that is punishes the immortal boundary master, but must thank for kindness,” his two eyes turn, immediately then fainted. 雷凡叫道:“雷杀山1000年,那是惩罚长生境界高手的啊,还要谢恩,呃”他两眼一翻,当即便昏死了过去。 Xie Aoyu clearly sees Lei Wankun eyes sad of flashing through, unwilling, loves dearly also has the hatred, but Lei Wankun actually does not dare to have the slight revolt. 谢傲宇分明看到雷万坤眼中的闪过的难过,不甘,心疼还有恨意,可雷万坤却不敢有丝毫的反抗。 This sounded queer, who is middle-aged person? 这就更让人奇怪了,中年人到底是谁? Until at this moment, wind Zhaokang respectful say (way): Asked the senior to come sees.” 直到此刻,风兆康才恭敬的道:“请前辈现身一见。” Void , a crack towering appearance, this slit was torn slowly, then a person treadonned Thun­der and Light­ning to walk from inside. 虚空之中,一道裂缝突兀的出现,这缝隙缓缓地被扯开,然后一人脚踏雷电从里面走了出来。 This person impressively is the middle-aged man. 这人赫然是中年男子。 This person stands proudly void, both hands recited backwards from the end, unsurpassed dignified then made many immortal boundary masters unable to ventilate, even made the feeling that the life left to lie prostrate in worship. 此人傲然站立虚空,双手倒背,一股无上威严便令诸多长生境界高手透不过气,甚至令人生出顶礼膜拜的感觉。 Has seen the senior.” “见过前辈。” Wind family tradition Zhaokang, Angel Clan, demon Lingshan and god cast the clan four big immortal boundary masters simultaneously respectful saluting. 风家风兆康,天使族,魔灵山和神铸族四大长生境界高手同时恭敬的行礼。 The middle-aged man was light um. 中年男子轻“嗯”了一声。 Whiz whiz whiz 嗖嗖嗖 Person's shadows leap from the crowd, they are also the immortal boundary masters, but the strength wants ten thousand Kun et al. more inferior. 一条条人影从人群中跃出,他们也是长生境界的高手,只是实力要比雷万坤等人逊色很多的。 However the bodies of these people ripple the formidable thunder are being the strengths, obviously is the Lei people. 但是这些人的身上荡漾着强大的雷系力量,明显都是雷家人。 See head of household!” “参见家主!” Lei Jia people also salutes. 雷家人同时行礼。 Lei Wankun simply Shan Tui kneels, said: Head of the clan forgives, every son he does not know is a head of the clan, many affronts, ten thousand Kun is willing to lead him to accept the penalty.” 雷万坤干脆单腿跪地,道:“族长恕罪,凡儿他不知是族长,多有冒犯,万坤甘愿带他接受惩罚。” You and others drew back for the time being.” The middle-aged man said. “你等暂且退下。”中年男子道。 Does Lei Jia people to withdraw in abundance. 一干雷家人纷纷退后。 Lei Wankun kneels on the ground as before. 雷万坤依旧跪在地上。 Middle-aged man two eyes are glittering the cold glow, is watching intently Lei Wankun, said: Has never seen me, has not heard my voice, does not know is innocent, but!” His sound becomes woods is suddenly cold, he destroys my plan, actually must pay the price, if not looked, in he does not know that this plan in share, already made him be frightened out of one's wits.” 中年男子两眼闪烁着寒芒,逼视着雷万坤,道:“雷凡从未见过我,也未曾听过我的声音,不知者无罪,但是!”他的声音陡然变得森寒起来,“他破坏我的计划,却要付出代价,若非看在他不知此计划的份上,早已让他魂飞魄散。” May I ask the head of household, this plan Lei Wankun shot a look at Xie Aoyu. “敢问家主,这计划”雷万坤瞥了一眼谢傲宇 Xie Aoyu also immerses to shock. 谢傲宇还沉浸在震撼中。 How he has not thought that this middle-aged man unexpectedly is the Lei head of household, in other words beside Lei abatement that giant, the true being in power person, commands Lei exists high. 他怎都没想到,这中年男子居然是雷家家主,也就是说雷家除却那位巨头之外,真正的掌权人,统帅雷家的最高存在。 But how will he pay attention his? 可他如何会关注自己的? Felt that Lei Wankun looks at itself, Xie Aoyu suddenly awakens, even if the middle-aged man is the Lei head of household, other square people do not believe that behind them has the huge influence similarly, the middle-aged man, if wants not to explain that will carry off, perhaps their back people will come. 感觉到雷万坤看自己,谢傲宇才猛然醒悟过来,就算中年男子是雷家家主,其他的四方人也不相信的,他们背后同样有着庞大的势力,中年男子要想不解释就将自己带走,恐怕他们背后的人就会现身的。 Xie Aoyu is listening to the middle-aged man so-called plan, immediately understands that is dodges the words that interrogated before the plan that coordinating oneself makes up wild stories, immediately coordinated to get down, said: Head of household forgave, plans to be destroyed.” 谢傲宇听着中年男子所谓的计划,登时明白,那是在配合自己之前胡诌的计划来搪塞雷凡质问的话,马上配合下去,道:“家主恕罪,计划被破坏了。” This matter does not blame you, I have not thought that unexpectedly was my Lei Jia people destroyed our plan.” The middle-aged man said. “此事不怪你,我也没想到居然是我雷家人破坏了我们的计划。”中年男子道。 Lei Wankun the complexion becomes somewhat pale, said: Head of household, he is really my Lei Jia people, but Lei Yinghuan the shape technique is not the stipulation only has the exceedingly high level only then to practice.” 雷万坤脸色变得有些惨白,道:“家主,他真的是我雷家人,可雷影幻形术不是规定唯有通天级方可修炼吗。” „Can't this head of household discover in my clan the talent potential of Cenozoic to be enough, grants the qualifications that he practices?” The middle-aged man gets angry said. “难道本家主就不能发现我族中新生代的天赋潜力足够,赐予他修炼的资格吗?”中年男子怒道。 Yes, yes.” Lei Wankun where also dares to inquire. “是,是。”雷万坤哪里还敢询问。 He may I ask, other people actually must inquire that at least must determine that Xie Aoyu whether Lei Jia people, that 200 million spirit spar, Long Langhun absolutely is worth them opening the mouth. 他不敢问,其他人却要询问的,至少要确定谢傲宇到底是否雷家人,那200000000灵晶石,龙狼魂绝对值得他们开口的。 Wind trillion condar: Senior, does not know that he is Lei that youth juniors, so ability.” 风兆康道:“前辈,不知他是雷家那位青年子弟,如此才能。” The Xie Aoyu secret passage came, even if the middle-aged man is the Lei head of household, must put out him is Lei Jia people evidence, but does not know how this person solves this difficult problem. 谢傲宇暗道来了,就算是中年男子是雷家家主,也必须拿出他是雷家人的证据才可以,但不知这人如何解决这个难题。 Sees the middle-aged man to wave, a lightning falls. 就见中年男子一挥手,一道闪电落下。 The electric light arrives, Xie Aoyu has not responded that already fell on his body. 电光降临,谢傲宇都没反应过来,已然落在他的身上。 Um? 嗯? This electric light and body, the body of Xie Aoyu had the change immediately, this is not he is most surprised, what he is most unbelievable, the strength of this change physique unexpectedly is the spirit desire hundred changes the technique! 这电光及体,谢傲宇的身体立刻发生了变化,这不是他最惊讶的,他最难以置信的是,这改变形体的力量居然是灵欲百变术! The spirit desire hundred change the technique is not the woman practices? 灵欲百变术不是女人修炼的吗? Moreover is more than 50,000 years ago, the world antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong woman created, how this god Lei head of household can grasp the law of practice, how also to build by the man. 而且是50000多年前,人间界上古圣皇赵天龙的女人创造出来的,这神界雷家家主如何能够掌握修炼之法,又怎么以男儿身修成的。 Suddenly, Xie Aoyu was somewhat blurry, he discovered that this middle-aged man is a giant riddle. 一时间,谢傲宇有些迷糊了,他发现这中年男子就是一个巨大的谜团。 In this spirit desire that uses Lei Yinghuan the shape technique to conceal hundred changes under the technique help, the Xie Aoyu appearance had the huge change, transforms one seems 27 or 28-year-old, four square features, heavy features the appearance of charming man. 在这用雷影幻形术掩饰的灵欲百变术帮助下,谢傲宇的模样儿发生了巨大的改变,转换成一个看上去二十七八岁,四方脸,浓眉大眼的帅气男子的样子。 Lei Tianze?!” “雷天泽?!” He did not die, two years ago died, to be living how.” “他不是死了吗,两年前就死了,怎么还活着。” Unexpectedly is he, monstruous talent Lei Tianze of that Lei!” “竟然是他,那个雷家的妖孽雷天泽!” This appearance foreign, immediately causes calling out in alarm of surrounding countless people. 这幅模样儿对外,立刻引起周围无数人的惊叫。 The middle-aged man light say (way) of: Day Ze indeed was almost killed two years ago, cultivation to drop to the third-order Battle Emperor boundary, just now restores after two years, carries out a plan for me, who also has the question?” 中年男子淡淡的道:“天泽的确在两年前差点丧命,一身修为更是跌落至三阶战皇境界,历经两年方才恢复过来,为我执行一项计划,谁还有疑问?” He has used 300 million spirit spars.” Wind Zhaokang said. “他动用了300000000灵晶石。”风兆康说道。 300 million spirit spars, even if the god five side influences is impossible to take casually, after all the exceedingly high level master active area or god, have not arrived at hell demon, how can search that many spirit spars. 300000000灵晶石,就算是神界五方势力也不可能随随便便拿出来的,毕竟通天级高手活动区域还是神界,没有降临地狱魔界,如何能够搜索那么多的灵晶石。 The middle-aged man said: I am also strange, day Ze, which your spirit spar comes.” 中年男子道:“我也奇怪,天泽,你的灵晶石哪来的。” Returned to the words of head of household, day Ze went to an ice demon valley.” The Xie Aoyu thoughts rotation, thinks immediately improves this status the means that some fortuitous encounters.” “回家主的话,天泽去了一趟冰魔谷。”谢傲宇心思转动,立刻想到完善这个身份的办法,“有些奇遇。” „? Fortuitous encounter? What fortuitous encounter makes you obtain so many spirit spars.” Wind Zhaokang said that „the tour of ice demon valley, the human are many, as if has not seen you to come, you move in secret.” “哦?奇遇?什么样的奇遇让你得到如此多的灵晶石。”风兆康说道,“冰魔谷之行,人很多,似乎也未曾见过你现身,难道你都是暗中行动。” Xie Aoyu shows a faint smile, said: Senior has made a mistake, person who has seen my are many . Moreover the scene has many people to see me.” He put out a hand to take the demon blade. 谢傲宇微微一笑,道:“前辈错了,见过我的人很多,而且现场就有不少人见过我。”他伸手将魔刀拿了出来。 demon blade, causes the stir immediately. 魔刀一出,登时引起轰动。 Is he, that captures the person of demon blade.” “是他,那个夺取魔刀的人。” Has robbed the demon eye source person.” “抢走了魔眼本源的人。” Mystical powerhouse who defeats three big pupil technique masters.” “打败三大瞳术高手的神秘强者。” Does not need to explain anything, only this demon blade then brings in countless person's shouting. 不需要在解释什么,仅此魔刀便引来无数人的叫嚷。 Xie Aoyu also sees god Bolton, kills gold Claire, fights god clan Wagg, the wind common cold group as well as stands in the god casts clan master Coombs behind, does not know in Shan Tianxiong the eyes when presents jumps the light and the angry flame that hatred shoots. 谢傲宇也看到神目科波顿,杀眼金克莱尔,斗神族瓦格,风家风邪群以及站在神铸族高手科姆斯身后,不知何时出现的单天雄眼中迸射出来的仇恨之光和愤怒火焰。 Younger generation practice has Lei Yinghuan the shape technique, therefore they do not know that is the younger generation.” The Xie Aoyu light say (way), as for the spirit spar, unfortunately, the younger generation had discovered in the ice demon valley a spirit spar mineral lode, has then spent many time, collects it, does not know that the senior also has any issue.” “晚辈修炼有雷影幻形术,所以他们不知是晚辈罢了。”谢傲宇淡淡的道,“至于灵晶石,不巧,晚辈发现了冰魔谷内一条灵晶石矿脉,便花费了许多时间,将其收集起来,不知前辈还有什么问题。” Wind trillion condar: Outside hearsay, 1 million years ago the ice demon once now artificially has created a giant spirit spar mineral lode for his child ice evil Monarch, may help ice evil Monarch to attack the boundary of giant, thinks that spirit spar mineral lode after 1 million years, big of its quantity has been hard to imagine, is possibly birth Advanced level, even the spirit spar of best quality goods, Lei was really the harvest is extremely numerous.” 风兆康道:“外界传闻,1000000年前冰魔曾今为其子冰邪君人为创造了一个巨大的灵晶石矿脉,可助冰邪君冲击巨头之境,想必那灵晶石矿脉历经1000000年,其量之大已经难以想象了,更是可能诞生高级,甚至极品的灵晶石了,雷家真是收获极多啊。” Other people also reveal the color of envying. 其他人也都流露出羡慕之色。 The middle-aged man said: Um, good that day Ze makes, this Lei Shaling then grants you, from now, you are under my Lei let one of the head of household competitors.” 中年男子道:“嗯,天泽做的不错,此雷杀令便赐予你,从此以后,你便是我雷家下任家主的竞争者之一。” Xie Aoyu received Lei Shaling, said: Xie main deep affection.” 谢傲宇接过雷杀令,道:“谢家主厚爱。” The hand grasps Lei Shaling, status changes immediately, from now, any immortal boundary masters can not be awkward with Xie Aoyu, this is the giants between restraint, can not surmount the big boundary to feel embarrassed the later generation, the security surname increases suddenly, but Xie Aoyu is actually not clear, this middle-aged man knows obviously one are not Lei Jia people, why must grant Lei Shaling, moreover before entering ice demon valley, present that intends. 手握雷杀令,身份立刻改变,从此以后,任何长生境界高手都不得与谢傲宇为难,这是巨头们之间的约束,不得跨越大境界为难后辈,安全姓陡增,但谢傲宇却更是不清楚,这中年男子明明知道自己不是雷家人,为何还要赐予雷杀令,而且是从进入冰魔谷之前,就有意的赠送。 Does he actually want to do? 他到底想干什么? „If unquestioned, this head of household said goodbye in advance.” The middle-aged man waves, three lightnings fall, are holding Xie Aoyu as well as Bing Wu, Ru Yan then fly to his near, immediately opens a slit void, walks into, four people then under being a focus of public attention, without a trace of disappearance. “如无疑问,本家主先行告辞了。”中年男子一挥手,三道闪电落下,托着谢傲宇以及冰舞,如烟便飞临到他的近前,随即虚空开启一条缝隙,走入其中,四人便在万众瞩目之下,消失的无影无踪。 Wind Zhaokang et al. each other looked at one, reveals the fierce color. 风兆康等人彼此看了一眼,都流露出狰狞之色。
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