BE :: Volume #19

#1869: Middle-aged man status 【One】

Before Beastly Soul pavilion, gathers more than 100,000 people, as a result of the bitter experience of Beastly Soul pavilion, wind eyes covetously, therefore nobody stands in the high place, or float in airborne, stands in the ground, so as to avoid being found an excuse to lash out by wind to vent the anger in heart, only has to takeoff has seven meters altitude fully, captures the attention of all people. 兽魂阁前聚集不下100000人,由于兽魂阁的遭遇,风家一个个虎视眈眈,所以没有人站在高处,或者漂浮在空中,都是站在地面上的,免得被风家找个理由出手攻击发泄心中的愤怒,唯有雷凡离地足有七米的高度,吸引所有人的目光。 You cannot think that Lei Yinghuan the shape technique is my secret of Lei not passing on, early changed the practice rule.” The handsome facial features are hanging sneering, but Xie Aoyu clearly read the fierceness of his innermost feelings. “你想不到吧,雷影幻形术乃是我雷家不传之秘,早已经改变修炼规则。”雷凡俊朗的面容挂着冷笑,可谢傲宇分明读到了他内心的狰狞。 Just now is inadequate with the aid of this false status blackmail, so is crazy, Xie Aoyu sighed secretly, if he, so, will directly not seek for oneself immortal boundary master to begin inevitably in secret, to be how could it not be better, now sees through an affair intentionally in the presence of everyone, nothing but was likes showing off, making the human pay attention. 方才借助这个假身份敲诈不成,才这般疯狂,谢傲宇暗自叹口气,若是他的话,必然不会如此,直接寻找自家长生境界高手暗中动手,岂非更好,如今雷凡故意当众拆穿,无非就是喜欢显摆,让人关注罢了。 Only this point, looked by Xie Aoyu is very low. 仅此一点,雷凡就被谢傲宇看的很低。 This person is eventually good-for-nothing. 此人终究不成器。 May be such person, the trouble that creates most makes the human have a headache, they stop at nothing radically, only needs in the heart to dispel anger carefree can. 可越是这样的人,造成的麻烦才最让人头疼,他们根本无所顾忌,只需要心中畅快解恨便可。 Lei has below the exceedingly high level the human to practice Lei Yinghuan the shape technique, but also needs to tell you? Lei must carry on the plan of what secret, must Lei Yinghuan the shape technique coordinate, needs to inform your to be inadequate?” The Xie Aoyu icy say (way), his void steps, gradually move toward, cold and gloomy killing intent surges from the body. “雷家是否有通天级以下之人修炼雷影幻形术,还需要告诉你吗?难道雷家要进行什么隐秘的计划,必须雷影幻形术来配合,也需要通知你雷凡不成?”谢傲宇冷冰冰的道,他虚空踏步,一步步走向雷凡,森冷的杀意从身上激荡出来。 Feels the Xie Aoyu imposing murderous intention, reveals a panic, called out: You 感受到谢傲宇凛然的杀机,雷凡流露出一丝恐慌,叫道:“你” Xie Aoyu interrupts his words directly, does not give him any opportunity to pierce own status, say (way) that lets somebody cool off or calm down: I have said that so long as destroys the old ancestor plan, no matter anybody of Lei, may kill!” 谢傲宇直接打断他的话,不给他任何机会来戳穿自己的身份,冷冷的道:“我说过,只要破坏老祖计划,不管是雷家的任何人,均可杀!” You at all are not the Lei person!” Loudly exclaimed. “你根本不是雷家人!”雷凡大吼道。 Xie Aoyu then explodes to shoot suddenly. 谢傲宇骤然便爆射出去。 He must strike to kill. 他要击杀雷凡。 Hurries to retrocede, he realized the Xie Aoyu strength, should compared with him, if fought, did not have the stratagem which ensures success certainly. 雷凡赶紧后退,他可是体会到了谢傲宇的实力,应该比他更强一些,若是交手,绝无胜算的。 But on the speed, were too inferior many, even if Xie Aoyu uses ordinary movement Fights Technique, can make him run away not to be possible to run away. 怎奈就速度而言,雷凡逊色太多了,就算是谢傲宇使用普通的身法斗技,都能够让他逃无可逃。 One then arrived at, Xie Aoyu has shaken the fist then to hit. 一下便到了雷凡近前,谢傲宇挥拳便打。 The fist has not made, Xie Aoyu felt that at present a person's shadow flower, some people before a more astonishing speed one then plunders body, has blocked his way. 拳头还未打出,谢傲宇就感到眼前人影一花,有人以更加惊人的速度一下便掠到了雷凡的身前,挡住了他的去路。 Immortal boundary! 长生境界! The Xie Aoyu heart shakes crazily, the fist that must attack receives immediately. 谢傲宇心头狂震,那要出击的拳头立刻收回来。 Facing the master of immortal boundary, he simply does not have any resistivity, only if can stimulate the complete liquid psychic force, ability that one strikes, but that is impossible. 面对长生境界的高手,他根本没有任何的抵抗力,除非是能够激发全部的液态化精神力,才有一击的能力,但那根本不可能的。 Father!” “父亲!” This thinks who must die sees this person, immediately great happiness. 本以为必死的雷凡看到这人,登时大喜。 Immortal boundary man cold say (way): Does not know that my Lei Wankun does not have the qualifications to know Lei also does have the exceedingly high level following person to practice Lei Yinghuan the shape technique?” 长生境界男子冷然道:“雷凡不知道,难道我雷万坤也没有资格知道雷家还有通天级以下人修炼雷影幻形术吗?” Father, in his hand has Long Langhun, that is the descendants of three ghost god wolf Wang Hean gold demon flame dragons, 200 million spirit spars, that is our.” Called out excitedly. “父亲,他手中有龙狼魂,那可是三煞神狼王和暗金魔炎龙的后裔,还有200000000灵晶石,那都是我们的。”雷凡兴奋地叫道。 Lei Wankun lets somebody cool off or calm down stared one eyes. 雷万坤冷冷的瞪了雷凡一眼。 Frightens trembles, hurries to close the mouth, at heart also strange, why the father thinks so me, I said is the truth. 雷凡吓得一哆嗦,赶紧闭上嘴巴,心里还奇怪,父亲干嘛这么看着我,我说的都是实话啊。 Is really stupid enough.” The Xie Aoyu taunt said. “真够愚蠢的。”谢傲宇嘲讽道。 The yawn that is mad cares to curse angrily the counter-attack. 雷凡气的张口意欲怒骂反击。 Lei Wankun cold -ly snorted and said: Has not drawn back, orders without me, opens the mouth again, punishes your Lei Hungu to be confined to barracks for ten years!” 雷万坤冷哼道:“还不退下,没有我命令,再开口,罚你雷魂谷禁足十年!” hear [words/that], frightens spirit startles shivered. 雷凡闻言,吓得激灵灵打了个冷颤。 Xie Aoyu was pondering rapidly how to explain this predicament, in his mind emits the innumerable methods, finally actually discovered that these methods do not have one unexpectedly usefully. 谢傲宇飞速的思考着如何破解这个困局,他的脑海中冒出无数的法子,结果却发现,这些法子居然无一有用的。 He as if fell into the dead end, does not have including a slim chance of survival. 他似乎陷入了死局,连一线生机都没有。 The strength is bad. 实力不济。 Earth Escape Technique is unable to display in front of the immortal boundary. 土遁术在长生境界面前根本无法施展。 Xie Aoyu never has the aspect that so must die, even if facing seven big giant 1/10 souls, he has a slim chance of survival, finally is extinguishes kills seven big giant 1/10 souls, but does not have the means now. 谢傲宇从未有过如此必死的局面,哪怕是面对七大巨头1灵魂,他都有一线生机,最后更是灭杀七大巨头1灵魂,可现在却毫无办法。 He as if can only passive meeting incur, preserves the Lei person share as far as possible, has a slim chance of survival. 他似乎只能被动的接招,尽可能的保住雷家人身份,才有一线生机。 How can preserve the Lei person share? 可如何保住雷家人身份? This Lei Wankun is not that playboys, the black sheep of the family waste can compare, to disintegrate oneself Lei Jia people status, how could it not be is the slight effort. 这雷万坤可不是雷凡那个纨绔子弟,败家子废物所能比的,要想瓦解自己雷家人的身份,岂非是举手之劳。 Lei brother, this person, since is not your Lei Jia people, inevitably has the immortal boundary master to support, not, if I help you seize him.” “雷兄,这人既然不是你雷家人,身后也必然有长生境界高手支持,不若我来帮你擒下他吧。” This grade of matter, my wind must help one absolutely, perhaps, the bitter experience of my wind Beastly Soul pavilion, has this person of partner to do, the sword that loses works.” “这等事情,我风家绝对要帮一把的,说不定,我风家兽魂阁的遭遇,就有这人的同伙干的,才丢失的剑灵。” Angel Clan always to the person of counterfeit is the hatred, this kind of person, my Angel Clan saw that strikes to kill it inevitably, warns others against following a bad example.” 天使族向来对假冒之人最是痛恨,这类人,我天使族见到,必然将其击杀,以儆效尤。” In dying out city, how to allow this grade of person to disguise as our giant descendants at will, that is other insult to me, cannot make him live is leaving this place.” “寂灭城内,岂容这等人随意假扮我们巨头后裔,那是对我等的侮辱,绝不能让他活着离开此地。” Sounds from resound in all directions. 一个个的声音从四面八方响起。 Four person's shadows appear in the midair, faint Lei Wankun and Xie Aoyu gives surrounding in the middle. 四条人影出现在半空中,隐隐中将雷万坤和谢傲宇给包围在中间。 Their status are also obvious, has the demon Lingshan immortal boundary master, has the wind family member, has the Angel Clan person, casts the clan master brightly. 他们的身份也显而易见,有魔灵山长生境界高手,有风家人,有天使族人,有神铸族高手。 These four people are also the immortal boundary powerhouses. 这四人还都是长生境界的强者。 They and Lei Wankun, but old acquaintance. 他们与雷万坤可是老熟人。 „Do you do, this person disguises as my Lei Jia people, from, when has my Lei Jia people to handle, the strengths of Lei do not need others to help.” Is silly also knows that these people are rob, wants in that huge spirit spars as well as other treasures that grasps from Xie Aoyu slices, he knows that father Lei Wankun definitely is unable saying that therefore jumps to shout immediately. “你们干什么,这人假扮我雷家人,自当有我雷家人处置,我们雷家的力量可不需要别人帮忙。”雷凡再傻也知道,这些人是来抢劫的,想要从谢傲宇掌握的那庞大的灵晶石以及其他宝物中分一杯羹,他更加知道,老爹雷万坤肯定无法说出口的,所以立刻跳出来叫嚷起来。 Thunder ten thousand feminine virtues: Good that every son said that this person dares to pretend to be my Lei Jia people, has the Lei person to help one another surely can be so bold, I must its capture, good intention, ten thousand Kun many thanks.” 雷万坤道:“凡儿说的不错,这人敢于冒充我雷家人,身后必定有雷家人相助方能如此大胆,我必须将其擒拿回去,诸位的好意,万坤多谢了。” He naturally wants these things that has sole possession of Xie Aoyu to grasp. 他自然是想要独吞谢傲宇掌握的那些东西。 Anyone, impossible giving up easily. 无论是谁,都不可能轻易的放弃。 Lei brother, your this saying is not right.” The wind immortal boundary master with a hand figure of that somewhat broken Beastly Soul pavilion, Beastly Soul pavilion bitter experience attack, loses the sword to work, this is everybody is obvious to all, but this person moves in my Beastly Soul pavilion, difficult insurance these assassins to have nothing to do with him, but must ask Lei the brother to give me him in advance, if can guarantee that he has nothing to do with this matter, I give you him again.” “雷兄,你这话就不对了。”风家长生境界高手用手一指那有些残破的兽魂阁,“兽魂阁遭遇袭击,损失剑灵,此乃大家有目共睹,而这人在我兽魂阁活动,难保那些刺客与他无关,还需请雷兄将他先行交给我,若能确保他与此事无关,我再将他交给你。” Wind Zhaokang, you quibbled, if he were the assassin gang, how to purchase Long Langhun with the spirit spar naturally, that was not the waste.” Lei Wankun cold -ly snorted and said. “风兆康,你这是强词夺理,若他是刺客一伙人,岂会大方的用灵晶石购买龙狼魂,那不是浪费吗。”雷万坤冷哼道。 Wind Zhaokang hey said with a smile: That said that who can guarantee that he is not intentionally so, lulls us, wants to approach with my wind family member, therefore I must its capture, finds out him is whether related with these assassins.” 风兆康嘿嘿笑道:“话是这么说,谁敢保证他不是故意如此,麻痹我们,想要与我风家人接近呢,所以我必须将其擒拿,查出他是否与那些刺客有关。” Towering rage that Lei Wankun is mad. 雷万坤气的火冒三丈。 The discerning people one can look, wind Zhaokang is intentionally, wants to rob the spirit spar in Xie Aoyu hand, 200 million spirit spars, everybody will move. 明眼人一下就看得出来,风兆康是故意的,想要抢夺谢傲宇手中的灵晶石,200000000的灵晶石,谁都会动心的。 Furthermore if the assassin, just now the assassin comes, but also assassinates Xie Aoyu, Xie Aoyu cuts to kill it at the scene, how possibly is assassin one group of people. 再者若是刺客,方才刺客现身,可是也刺杀谢傲宇的,谢傲宇当场将其斩杀,如何可能是刺客一伙的人。 Wind brother, I thought that this boy should give me Angel Clan processing to be right first.” Angel Clan immortal boundary master has opened the mouth, in my Angel Clan Turlogh must bid for Long Langhun, was destroyed by him, perhaps this matter inside has any shameful goal, I must its capture, ascertain am good, look aims at our Angel Clan plot.” “风兄,我觉得这小子应该先交给我天使族处理才对。”天使族长生境界高手开口了,“我天使族特洛内要竞购龙狼魂,是被他破坏的,此事说不定内里有什么见不得人的目的,我必须将其擒拿,问清楚才行,看看是不是针对我们天使族的一个阴谋。” The words of this Angel Clan person, are the total involvement pondered Xie Aoyu that escapes had forgotten tries to find the solution, looks at the Angel Clan person, has a thought at heart, shameless! 天使族人的话,就是全身心思考逃脱的谢傲宇都忘记了去想办法,愣愣的看着天使族人,心里只有一个念头,无耻啊! Has seen shameless, is so shameless, first time sees. 见过无耻的,如此无耻的,第一次见到。 Simply shameless to family. 简直无耻到家了。 In order to capture the spirit spar and Long in Langhun his hand, does not hesitate to quibble unexpectedly so the situation, is only fair tendering, unexpectedly can pull anything to their Angel Clan plot. 为了夺取他手中的灵晶石和龙狼魂,居然不惜强词夺理到这般地步,只是一个公平竞价,居然能扯上什么对他们天使族的一个阴谋。 Xie Aoyu was experiences, repaired to be higher, was false, for the benefit, did not want any facial skin, for them, practice at the same time, in the disciplining facial skin thickness, went to not being concerned about face unmatched in the world situation simply. 谢傲宇算是见识到了,修为越高,越是虚伪,为了利益,根本不要什么脸皮了,对他们来说,修炼的同时,也是在磨练脸皮厚度的,简直就是达到了不要脸天下无敌的地步。 „The words of Angel Clan person, I am always careful, but this saying said is very correct, I approve, perhaps this boy is also has any plot to our demon Lingshan, must give us to advance processing.” The immortal boundary masters in demon Lingshan also opened the mouth. 天使族人的话,我向来都要小心的,可这话说的很正确,我赞同,这小子说不定是对我们魔灵山也有什么阴谋呢,必须交给我们先行处理。”魔灵山的长生境界高手也开口了。 Another shameless person. 又一个无耻之人。 Lei Wankun looks at these whole face benevolences bitterly, the regulations shameless proficient scouring, wished one could to give to tear into shreds them has vented spleen. 雷万坤恨恨的看着这些满脸仁义道德,实则无耻到家的人渣,恨不得将他们都给撕碎了才解气。 You?” Lei Wankun looked that casts the clan master to the god. “你呢?”雷万坤看向神铸族高手。 The gods cast the clan masters to shrug, said: I do not have them to be so shameless, my this person is reasonable, since this Xie Aoyu 200 million spirit spars, go in view of the auction of my clan surely, obviously has the plot to the auction, therefore I also need to investigate clearly.” 神铸族高手耸耸肩,道:“我没他们那么无耻,我这人最是讲道理的,这谢傲宇既然有200000000灵晶石,必定是针对我族的拍卖会去的,显然是对拍卖会有阴谋的,所以我也需要调查清楚才可以。” „!” “咳!” Lei Wankun was almost choked by the saliva, damn is shameless!” 雷万坤差点被口水呛死,“他妈的更无耻!” Do others attend the auction not to know that you give to pull unexpectedly hardly, but also mouthful anything was most reasonable, you compared with their shameless hundred times. 人家参不参加拍卖会都不知道,你竟然给硬拉扯过去,还满嘴什么最讲道理,你比他们更无耻百倍。 Lei brother, in my opinion, we are fair, examines him together, how thinks.” Wind Zhaokang's saying with a laugh. “雷兄,依我看,我们还是公平点吧,一起来审查他,诸位觉得如何。”风兆康笑呵呵的说道。 His words are pointed out without doubt must assign the thing that Xie Aoyu grasps fairly, is said to Lei Wankun that finally inquired other people, clearly must unite other people to exert pressure together, forcing Lei Wankun to agree. 他的话无疑是点明要公平分配谢傲宇掌握的东西,是对雷万坤说道,最后却询问其他人,分明是要联合其他人一起施压,逼迫雷万坤同意。 Wind brother said is extremely.” “风兄所言极是。” This idea was good, I lift both hands support.” “这个主意太好了,我举双手支持。” The Angel Clan people and demon Lingshan masters agreed. 天使族人和魔灵山高手纷纷同意。 The gods cast the clan masters to say with a smile: This fairest, my this most reasonable person most liked like this fair, public principle.” 神铸族高手笑道:“这个最公平,我这种最讲道理的人最喜欢这样的公平,公开的原则了。” Shameless! 无耻啊! Xie Aoyu thorough was speechless, later looks like also wants the disciplining facial skin to be good. 谢傲宇彻底无语了,以后看来也要磨练脸皮才行啊。 Facing four big masters, Lei Wankun also can only the helpless agreement, unable a person to the previous four big masters, good, only then this.” 面对四大高手,雷万坤也只能无奈的同意,总不能一人对上四大高手吧,“好吧,也只有这样了。” Slow!” “慢!” Xie Aoyu has opened the mouth, five, had you as if have not asked my agreed.” His skill turns, Space Ring was grasped by him in the hand, dragon wolf soul, 200 million spirit spars, I, so long as pinches gently, no one has the opportunity to obtain it.” 谢傲宇开口了,“五位,你们似乎还没有问过我同意没同意。”他手腕一翻,一枚空间戒指被他抓在手中,“龙狼魂,200000000灵晶石都在其中,我只要轻轻一捏,谁都没有机会得到它。” Five big immortal boundary master each other you visit me, I think you, simultaneously laughs. 五大长生境界高手彼此你看我,我看你,同时大笑起来。 Stupid boy, in our five people have three people to grasp to have the space deep meaning, your crumb Space Ring, I can in one second, let it restores such as beginning and ensure inside thing iota is lossless.” A wind trillion Kangda said with a smile. “愚蠢的小子,我们五人中有三人掌握有空间奥义,你捏碎空间戒指,我可以在一秒钟内,让其恢复如初,保证里面的东西分毫无损。”风兆康大笑道。 Xie Aoyu hear [words/that], a forced smile, the last opportunity lost. 谢傲宇闻言,不由一阵苦笑,最后一点机会都失去了。 Once is captured takes, the read remembers inevitably, then his status also decides however exposes. 一旦被擒拿,必然读取记忆,那么他的身份也定然暴露的。 Meanwhile, an astonishing imprisoned strength suddenly appears, Xie Aoyu felt that is similar to by 10,000 ropes twining, the body moves not to be good. 与此同时,一股惊人的禁锢力量突然出现,谢傲宇就感到如同被10000条绳索给缠绕起来,身体动弹一下都不行。 How five big masters get rid not to know that he was imprisoned. 连五大高手如何出手都不知道,他就被禁锢了。 Xie Aoyu desperate time, a familiar sound sound, I counted to three, who did not take back own strength, I must kill it!” 谢傲宇绝望的时候,一个熟悉的声音响了起来,“我数到三,谁不收回自己的力量,我必杀之!” That middle-aged man! 那个中年男子!
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