BE :: Volume #19

#1868: Exposure 【Three】

Sword spirit great strength, is well-known, including world that soul banned that throughout does not have remove, does not have 1 million years of development god to have many god knowledge to dash, Xie Aoyu can know, how these people possibly do not know that sword spirit that is also wants exceedingly high level Beastly Soul formidable works. 剑灵的强大,是众所周知的,连人间界那灵魂禁制始终没有解除,更没有1000000年发展的神界带着诸多的神界知识冲撞下去,谢傲宇都能够知晓,这些人如何可能不知道剑灵那是比通天级兽魂还要强大的器灵。 With for works, for example Demon Beast of exceedingly high level superior is unable to take works, because does not have no Battle Emperor level god soldier sharp weapon to withstand that Beastly Soul strength, oneself will collapse, even if the best quality goods Battle Emperor level god soldier also most can admit in the exceedingly high level Beastly Soul of position, and must be is the surname coincides, many requests, therefore under normal conditions, Beastly Soul of exceedingly high level lower position as spirit on is in Battle Emperor level Demon Beast most Advanced level. 同为器灵,比如说通天级上位的魔兽就无法作为器灵,因为没有什么战皇级神兵利器能够承受那种兽魂的力量,自己就会崩溃,就算是极品战皇级神兵也最多能够接纳通天级中位的兽魂,且还必须是属姓相合,有诸多的要求,故而通常情况下,通天级下位的兽魂作为器灵就是战皇魔兽中最高级的了。 However the sword works, as long as sword works, that is the rank superelevation, is most essential one point of achievement exceedingly high level god soldier, as works because of Beastly Soul, the rank is too either high is unable to withstand like that the strength, is too either low, the god soldier enters the step, spirit is unable to follow the step, thus affects the god soldier to enter the step. 但是剑灵不同,但凡剑灵,那都是级别超高的,也是成就通天级神兵的最关键一环,因兽魂作为器灵,要么级别太高无法承受那般力量,要么太低,神兵进阶,器灵也无法跟随进阶,从而影响神兵进阶的。 Therefore only has the sword works and so on spirit can have the opportunity of achievement exceedingly high level god soldier. 所以唯有剑灵之类的器灵方能有成就通天级神兵的机会。 Asked that who doesn't want to obtain? 试问谁不想要得到? Xie Aoyu is also is similar to the shell generally explodes to shoot. 谢傲宇也是如同炮弹一般爆射出去。 Other person of speeds are also not slow, particularly after the wind does not have the shade displays the non- shade god trace comprehensively, that speed has reached a limit, making Xie Aoyu have to display the feeling of speed comprehensively, was really quickly to the alarmed situation. 其他人速度也是丝毫不慢,尤其是风无影全面施展无影神踪之后,那速度达到了一个极限,令谢傲宇有一种自己全面施展速度的感觉,真的是快到令人惊心的地步。 Sword spirit? 剑灵? Exposition? 暴露? In heart of Xie Aoyu fast has transferred a thought that works for the sword, whether can not hesitate the price exposes own status, once displays Wind and rain line, was recognized inevitably, is the unused words, speed is unable the gentle breeze to compare favorably without the shade. 谢傲宇的心中飞快的转过一个念头,为了剑灵,是否可以不惜代价的将自己的身份暴露出来,一旦施展风雨行,必然被认出来的,可是不使用的话,速度方面也无法和风无影媲美。 Displays has big risk unable to obtain similarly, once after all exposes, perhaps the abatement wind does not have the shade, other people possibly immediately launch attacks to oneself, independent combat he not to fear, but these two elites collaborate, Xie Aoyu does not dare to pull rank deals with. 施展同样有着很大的风险得不到,毕竟一旦暴露,恐怕除却风无影,其他人都可能立刻向自己发动攻击了,单打独斗他不怕,但这些两界的精英联手,谢傲宇可不敢那么托大的应付下来。 Sword turned over to me spirit!” “剑灵归我了!” Wind non- shade speed is quick, but he unreliably Senior the superior boundary eventually. 风无影速度是快,可他终究还是玄尊上位境界。 The immortal boundary masters in dying out city may be also many. 寂灭城内的长生境界高手可也是不少的。 When their rapid close swords spirit, a person of towering appearance in the midair, this person void one then grasps to that sword works. 在他们飞速的接近剑灵的时候,一人突兀的出现在半空中,此人虚空一把便抓向那剑灵。 Sword spirit is the thing of my wind!” “剑灵乃是我风家之物!” Struck the wind elders masters who killed two Men in Black also to rush continuously, he was the immortal boundary peak powerhouse, the speed naturally quickly arrives at the acme eventually, the twinkling then throws without the shade the wind after behind, separated spatially fights with the fists to that captures the person of sword spirit. 连续击杀两名黑衣人的风家老辈高手也赶到了,他终究是长生境界巅峰强者,速度自然更快到极致,瞬息便将风无影抛在身后,隔空一拳打向那夺取剑灵之人。 Whiz! Whiz! 嗖!嗖! These two big immortal boundary masters just encountered, two person's shadows from jumping out, was still the powerhouse of immortal boundary peak level, was that force master who can stride in the exceedingly high level. 这两大长生境界高手刚交锋,又有两道人影从窜出,仍然是长生境界巅峰级的强者,都属于能够跨入通天级的那种强力高手。 Before the soul banned has not disrupted thoroughly, the immortal peak boundary is strongest, even if the exceedingly high level arrives , can only display the immortal peak boundary strength. 在灵魂禁制还未彻底碎裂之前,长生巅峰境界便是最强的,通天级即便到来,也只能发挥出长生巅峰境界的力量。 Two big masters who presents once again also separate fight spatially. 再度出现的两大高手也隔空交手。 Four big immortal peak boundary masters battle, their strengths have not leaked, is on the strength, the masters of immortal superior do not dare to close up, once because they release the complementary waves, can the severely wounded immortal superior master, do not say Xie Aoyu, the wind does not have the shade to honor the master unreliably. 四大长生巅峰境界高手激战,他们的力量未曾外泄,可是就力量而言,连长生上位的高手都不敢靠拢过去,因一旦他们释放余波,便可重伤长生上位高手的,更不要说谢傲宇,风无影等玄尊高手。 Xie Aoyu also secretly rejoiced that has not exposed the real status, otherwise, that was as futile as carrying water in a bamboo basket. 谢傲宇也暗自庆幸未曾暴露真实身份,不然的话,那就是竹篮打水一场空了。 Four people fight, that sword was fettered smart also by their strengths in the midair, is unable to move the iota. 四人大战,那剑灵也被他们的力量束缚在半空中,无法挪动分毫。 Did not need to hit, this sword delivered me spirit.” Void, resounds a dignified sound once again, a person's shadow as if walks from the nihility, appears in the upper air, the right hand grasps void, that sword spirit seems the young swallow turns over to Chao Ban, flies into this person of hand. “不用打了,这剑灵送我吧。”虚空之中,再度响起一个威严的声音,一条人影仿佛从虚无中走出来似地,出现在高空中,右手虚空一抓,那剑灵好似乳燕归巢般,飞入这人的手中。 Leaves behind the sword to work!” “留下剑灵!” Kills!” “杀!” Four big immortal peak level masters collaborate to attack. 四大长生巅峰级高手联手出击。 Their strength time is the release of being outspoken, immediately then makes the entire dying out city sway, stands felt in Xie Aoyu of distant place the strong winds that strength complementary waves produce as if can sweep him, if approaches, perhaps the complementary waves can extinguish it kill. 他们的力量此次算是毫无保留的释放出来,登时便让整个寂灭城都在摇晃,站在远处的谢傲宇都感觉到那力量余波产生的狂风似乎都能够将他吹走,若是靠近的话,恐怕余波便可将其灭杀了。 The strength, this is the immortal peak boundary strength. 实力,这就是长生巅峰境界的实力。 Xie Aoyu similar feeling disparity, huge disparity. 谢傲宇同样的感觉到了差距,巨大的差距。 This also merely in disparity with immortal boundaries, if the exceedingly high level, is the difference of heaven and earth, hard-to-pass, experiences this disparity, can urge on him to practice crazily, impact higher boundary. 这还仅仅是与长生境界之间的差距,若是通天级呢,更是天壤之别,难以逾越啊,体验到这种差距,才能鞭策他疯狂修炼,冲击更高的境界。 Overreaches oneself!” “不自量力!” That void person, whole body hidden in dimness, making one unable to completely understand his appearance, but saw his left hand void to press to below, had hundred meters giant palm shade then to pat fully. 那虚空之人,全身都隐在朦胧中,令人看不透他的模样儿,但见他左手虚空向下一按,一个足有百米的巨大手掌影便拍了下去。 Bang!” Bang!” Bang!” Bang!” “嘭!”“嘭!”“嘭!”“嘭!” Four tones of classical Chinese sad sound transmits. 四声沉闷的响声传来。 The masters of four big immortal peak level boundaries exude the sad and shrill pitiful yell sound immediately, these four people of bodies and upper air explode loudly, is killed violently entirely. 四大长生巅峰级境界的高手登时发出凄厉的惨叫声,这四人的身体与高空轰然爆炸,统统毙命。 Struck to make four big immortal peak level masters die. 一击而令四大长生巅峰级高手死亡。 Exceedingly high level!” “通天级!” He is exceedingly high level old monster!” “他是通天级老怪物!” Is impossible, this soul ban completely to shatter, exceedingly high level is impossible to display the exceedingly high boundary strength here, how he possibly achieves.” “不可能,这灵魂禁制还未完全破碎,通天级根本不可能在这里发挥出通天境界的力量,他怎可能做到的。” Calls out in alarm the sound to be lingering on faintly, all people feel inconceivable. 惊叫声不绝于耳,所有人都感到不可思议。 Xie Aoyu is also surprised. 谢傲宇也是惊愕不已。 Soul ban also not thorough to shatter, this point, he also clearly, the exceedingly high level master also can only display the immortal peak boundary strength, but same level strength, even if again strong, is impossible to strike to write off four big same level masters, moreover these four people assume the dying out city, clearly is the master who a that foot visits the exceedingly high level, but the non- ordinary immortal peak level powerhouse, the impossible same level strength so with ease to extinguish kills, the only explanation was this person indeed displays the strength of exceedingly high level. 灵魂禁制还未彻底破碎,这一点,他也清楚地,通天级高手也只能发挥出长生巅峰境界的力量,可同级的力量,就算是再强,也不可能一击抹杀四大同级高手吧,而且这四人坐镇寂灭城,分明属于那种一只脚踏足通天级的高手,而非普通长生巅峰级强者,更加不可能同级力量如此轻松灭杀,唯一解释就是这人的确发挥出了通天级的力量。 Other he and people are equally puzzled, the ear broadcasts not a strange sound, I will see your.” 他与其他人一样不解中,耳边传来一个并不陌生的声音,“我会去见你的。” This sound is that must exchange the homicide person with Lei Shaling impressively, latter kills half giant to ice evil Monarch to with three moves use being overwhelmed technique to make oneself strength sharp decline to ten step Battle Emperor levels the voice of that mystical middle-aged man. 这声音赫然是那要用雷杀令交换他杀人,后用三招打杀半巨头冰邪君只得使用断魂术令自己力量锐减至十阶战皇级的那个神秘的中年男子的声音。 Xie Aoyu rapid searching high and low. 谢傲宇飞速的四处寻找。 Did not need to look, I just attained the sword to work, the old monsters of these hideaway hidden places were catching up, I do not want to pester with them.” The middle-aged man voice resounds with the ear once again. “不用找了,我刚刚拿到剑灵,那些隐藏暗处的老怪物正在赶来,我可不想与他们纠缠。”中年男子声音再度与耳边响起。 Is he? 是他? Xie Aoyu raises the head to look to void, that obtains the person of sword spirit unexpectedly is this person, then other source sound intentionally changes obviously, no wonder have not listened. 谢傲宇仰首看向虚空,那得到剑灵之人居然就是这人,那么他方才的声音显然就是故意改变的,也难怪自己没听出来。 Furthermore is, Xie Aoyu is a little strange, this person observes closely itself? 再者就是,谢傲宇有点奇怪,这人怎么就是盯住自己了? Unexpectedly must see him. 居然还要来见他。 Competed for the sword to work, to so the aspect finish. 原本争夺剑灵的,以如此局面结束。 Is ugly except for the wind non- shade complexion, in the eye is glittering outside the cold and gloomy cold glow, other people do not have anything but actually, after all the sword spirit is not their, regrets slightly, shifts the topic to that can under this soul ban, on middle-aged man who displays the exceedingly high level strength, this is they are interested. 除了风无影脸色难看,眼中闪烁着森冷的寒芒之外,其他人倒没什么,毕竟剑灵本来就不是他们的,略微遗憾一下,也就将话题转移向那能够在这灵魂禁制下,施展通天级力量的中年男子身上了,这才是他们感兴趣的。 During the speeches, before the people then return to the Beastly Soul pavilion. 说话间,众人便回归兽魂阁前。 Xie Aoyu falls side two females. 谢傲宇落在两女身边。 The Beastly Soul pavilion gathered about thousand wind masters to protect at this time, some countless people are surrounding, looked how the wind family member ends. 兽魂阁这时候已经聚集了近千名的风家高手守护起来,更有无数人在围观,看风家人如何收场。 Xie Aoyu does not want to treat again, and Coombs had suspected to him that unavoidably will draw out the unnecessary trouble, then has two female preparations to leave, so long as is separated from others' line of sight, depends upon is far away from this place that Earth Escape Technique can be quietly, then uses the spirit desire hundred changes the technique change image, even if meets again, they are unable to recognize their. 谢傲宇可不想再待下去,雷凡和科姆斯对他都有所怀疑,难免会引出不必要的麻烦,便带着两女准备离开,只要脱离别人的视线,依靠土遁术便可悄无声息的远离此地,然后利用灵欲百变术改变形象,就算是再见面,他们也无法认出自己的。 Halts!” “站住!” Just wanted to leave, sonic boom drank then like the startling thunderclap crack. 刚欲离开,一声爆喝便如惊雷般炸响。 Complexion sudden change of Xie Aoyu. 谢傲宇的脸色骤变。 Is! 是雷凡! Two females have grasped the palm of Xie Aoyu, they somewhat are anxious, once punctures Xie Aoyu is not Lei Jia people status, in any Turlogh, the wind does not have the shade, the common cold group, Pohl et al. may not have any scruples. 两女抓紧了谢傲宇的手掌,她们都有些紧张,一旦戳破谢傲宇不是雷家人的身份,什么特洛内,风无影,风邪群,波尔等人可就没有什么顾忌了。 Relax, at the worst exposes the status, leaves with Earth Escape Technique at the scene.” Xie Aoyu comforts two female say (way). “放心,大不了暴露身份,用土遁术当场离开。”谢傲宇安慰两女道。 May not!” Bing Wu prevents hurriedly. “不可!”冰舞急忙阻止。 Ru Yan also anxious sound track: Does not may, in that case, in the dying out city does not know that many immortal masters then possibly collaborate to force out the dying out city, we were when the time comes more dangerous.” 如烟也急声道:“万万不可,那样的话,寂灭城内不知多少长生高手都便可能联手封杀寂灭城,到时候我们就更加危险了。” Xie Aoyu naturally also knows this, otherwise he does not think that pulls Lei person fierce appearance to frighten the human. 谢傲宇自然也知道这个,否则他也不会想到扯上雷家人这张虎皮吓唬人。 Once the Xie Aoyu three characters expose, then begins to him may not be these unreliably Senior the master, is entire dying out city all immortal boundary masters sends out inevitably. 一旦谢傲宇三个字暴露出来,那么对他动手的可就不是这些玄尊高手了,必然是整个寂灭城所有的长生境界高手出动。 Strength that if so, it can be imagined, Senior by Xie Aoyu unreliably, even if will be promotion version Earth Escape Technique will expire, after all the immortal boundary will force out the strength, will collaborate, only if will be the exceedingly high level, otherwise is unable to run away, at that time, was the true danger. 若是这般,可想而知,以谢傲宇玄尊的力量,就算是升级版土遁术都会失效,毕竟长生境界封杀力量,还是联手的话,除非是通天级,否则根本无法逃走,那个时候,才是真正的危险。 Therefore cannot expose the real status. 故而决不能暴露真实身份。 Cannot use Earth Escape Technique. 更加不能动用土遁术 This arrives at the hell demon biggest trouble. 这就是来到地狱魔界最大的麻烦。 Deeply inspires, making the situation that oneself return to mind like still water, Xie Aoyu turn around slowly, the icy vision locks, seems gives up on the human to stare at him generally. 深吸一口气,令自己重新回归心如止水的地步,谢傲宇缓缓转过身,冷冰冰的目光锁定雷凡,好似看死人一般的盯着他。 Never has kills to intend to the hearts to flow. 一股从未有过的杀意在心间流淌。 He is fake, he at is not my Lei Jia people, my Lei Ying the imaginary shape technique of Lei tens of thousands years ago, some old ancestors had stipulated that only has the exceedingly high level master to practice, this is the secret that my Lei direct descendant knows, he trivial Senior the boundary master unreliably, how possibly to practice Lei Yinghuan the shape technique, he is fake!” Exclaimed crazily. “他是假的,他根本不是我雷家人,我雷家的雷影幻形术早在几万年前,就已经有老祖规定,唯有通天级高手才能修炼的,这是我雷家嫡系才知道的隐秘,他区区玄尊境高手,如何可能修炼雷影幻形术,他根本就是假的!”雷凡狂吼道。 Purity that all people listen. 所有人都听的一清二楚。 Suddenly, Pohl, in Turlogh, Coombs et al. in the eye do not conceal greedily color is staring at Xie Aoyu, thinks that Long Langhun, 200 million spirit spars, paraselenae demon Bao Hun wait / etc., they are unable to suppress that greedy in heart. 一时间,波尔,特洛内,科姆斯等人都眼中再不掩饰贪婪之色的盯着谢傲宇,想想龙狼魂,200000000灵晶石,幻月魔豹魂等等,他们就无法抑制心中的那份贪婪。 Xie Aoyu has one type by the feeling that countless people lock. 谢傲宇有一种被无数人锁定的感觉。 Also to he has the idea continues these people, has the concealment immortal boundary powerhouse in secret, their locking, making Xie Aoyu have with trepidation cautious sense of crisis. 对他有想法的还不止这些人,更有隐匿暗中的长生境界的强者,他们的锁定,让谢傲宇有一种如临深渊如履薄冰的危机感。 So long as makes the mistake slightly, possibly was struck the destiny that must kill by the immortal boundary master. 只要稍有差错,就可能被长生境界高手一击必杀的命运。 Life and death in one. 生死就在一线之间。
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