BE :: Volume #19

#1878: Lesson 【Two】

A move? 一招? The Xie Aoyu words probably are cardiotonic, in exciting Turlogh several want crazily, makes his dust-laden memory open, once extremely arrogant he must challenge real Lei Tianze, finally was defeated by one move, at the present runs into Xie Aoyu this fake Lei Tianze, actually once again threatened that a move defeats him, is the boundary the situation that in he is lower, asked how in Turlogh not to go crazy, this is not only to his despising, is the naked shame, despises to his extreme. 谢傲宇的话就好像是一记强心剂,刺激的特洛内几欲疯狂,也让他尘封的记忆重新开启,曾经狂妄的他要挑战真实的雷天泽,结果被一招击败,而今遇到谢傲宇这个假的雷天泽,竟然再度扬言一招击败他,还是境界比他低的情况下,试问特洛内如何不发狂,这已经不仅仅是对他的藐视,更是赤裸裸的羞辱,对他的极端藐视。 Too extremely arrogant! 太狂妄了! In violent anger Turlogh go crazy the promotion strength, does not have the least bit to retain again, Senior the superior boundary strength to show unreliably completely, a fist can let this other institute overall collapsing, he is also fettering the strength non-proliferation, bombardment Xie Aoyu as far as possible, must strike to kill him. 暴怒的特洛内发疯似地提升力量,再无半点保留,玄尊上位境界的力量完全展现出来,一拳便可让这别院整体垮塌的,他还束缚着力量不扩散出去,尽可能的轰击谢傲宇,要将他击杀。 Not is only in Turlogh, is Nha and god Bolton hears this saying, felt that was too extremely arrogant. 不光是特洛内,就是琳洛雅和神目科波顿听到这话,也感到太狂妄了。 Indeed once can a move rout in Turlogh, now the boundary disparity, can win is a very big difficult problem, how possible move to win. 诚然曾经能够一招击溃特洛内,现在境界的差距,能否获胜都是个很大的难题,怎么可能一招获胜。 Nha felt that Xie Aoyu somewhat exaggerated. 琳洛雅感觉谢傲宇有些夸大了。 Is the say (way) of god Bolton in a tone with taunt: You, if can a move defeat in Turlogh the brother, my god Bolton from now, no longer called the god, called the blind person Bolton!” 就是神目科波顿都语带嘲讽的道:“你要是能一招击败特洛内大哥,我神目科波顿从此以后,不再叫神目了,叫瞎子科波顿!” Blind person? Do not insult the blind person to be good.” Xie Aoyu say (way) with a laugh. “瞎子?你不要侮辱盲人好吧。”谢傲宇笑呵呵的道。 If really Lei Tianze, even if he in the monstruous talent, is certainly difficult to jump the ranks a move to rout in Turlogh, but he is not Lei Tianze, he is Crazy Blade Violent Monarch Xie Aoyu. 如果是真的雷天泽,就算是他在妖孽,也绝难越级一招击溃特洛内,可他不是雷天泽,他是刀狂暴君谢傲宇 Others cannot achieve, he must achieve. 别人做不到的,他就要做到。 Brother, has killed him!” God Bolton exclaimed crazily. “大哥,杀了他!”神目科波顿狂吼道。 In Turlogh crazy sound track: Gives me dead!” 特洛内狂声道:“给我去死!” His double fist also attacks, the accumulation of that boundless angel Qi surging forward in the past, caused that fist and air friction, had Mars piece by piece to splash, the explosive strength was makes in the air hear an airing sound, that pair of fist led started the remnant fallen leaves wind in everywhere coldly the dance, in Turlogh was similar to the deicide, the stretch of world of agitation was shaking. 他双拳同时出击,那磅礴的天使斗气汹涌澎湃的聚集过去,使得那拳头与空气摩擦,都有片片火星飞溅,劲爆的力量更是令空气中传来一阵的气爆声,那双拳带动的冷掀起满地的残枝败叶风中狂舞,特洛内如同杀神般,搅动的这片天地都在摇颤。 „A move, I only leave one move!” Xie Aoyu facing crazy Turlogh, indifferent saying. “一招,我只出一招!”谢傲宇面对疯狂的特洛内,淡然的说道。 This grade of stance is in exciting Turlogh several near crazy. 这等姿态更是刺激的特洛内几近疯狂。 So-called one move, is Lei Shazhi. 所谓的一招,便是雷杀指。 The research of Xie Aoyu to Lei Shazhi is very profound, the attack surname method that he most likes, this Lei Shazhi can also display the golden lightning the might, after obtaining, he then liked. 谢傲宇对雷杀指的研究很深刻,他最喜欢的还是攻击姓手段,这雷杀指还能发挥金色闪电的威力,当得到之后,他便喜欢上了。 Whiz whiz whiz 嗖嗖嗖 Golden electric light rapid loafs above his right hand from the body of Xie Aoyu. 金色的电光迅速的从谢傲宇的身上游荡到他的右手之上。 Wild strength also along with it attack. 狂暴的战力也随之出击。 The air/Qi of ice cold piercing freezing also follows the strength to appear, shortly, strange appeared, then along with Turlogh in gets rid, but the remnant fallen leaves of dance in abundance was frozen in the air, is the formidable air current tumbling seems is frozen general. 冰寒刺骨的冰冻之气也跟随着战力显现出来,顷刻间,怪异的一幕出现了,那随着特洛内出手而狂舞的残枝败叶纷纷的被冰冻在空气中,就是强大的气流翻滚好似都被冰冻一般。 The Xie Aoyu right hand index finger and middle finger rise together simultaneously, the slit has then been selecting among that two fists. 谢傲宇右手食指和中指并起,对着那两个拳头中间缝隙便点了出去。 Lei Shazhi! 雷杀指! Is containing the light beam of golden lightning and strength explodes to shoot from two fingertips, that light beam thickly 34 centimeters appearance, once appeared, immediately displays the strength that shocks everybody, one then the double fist above strength collapse in Turlogh, an appearance bloodstain that his pair of fist shakes, blood directing current, two fists also separated to about, resign that broad chest, Lei Sha have referred to the strength rumbling directly in the past. 蕴含着金色闪电和战力的一道光束从两根手指尖爆射出去,那光束粗不过34厘米的样子,可是一经出现,立刻展现出惊世骇俗的力量,一下便将特洛内的双拳上面的力量崩溃,更是将其双拳震的出现道道血痕,鲜血直流,两拳也向左右分开,让出了那宽阔的胸膛,雷杀指力量直接轰了过去。 If were hit, in Turlogh finally only then, that dies. 若是被击中,特洛内结果只有一个,那就是死。 The life and death crisis moment, in Turlogh both eyes are completely red, rave, back that forwards to the wing of snow white suddenly, constitution defense together, before simultaneously body, forms a cream light arc. 生死危机关头,特洛内双目尽赤,狂吼一声,背后那对雪白的羽翼猛然向前,构成一道防御,同时身前形成一个乳白色的光弧。 His defense speed quick also makes Xie Aoyu exclaim in surprise secretly, Angel Clan ability majority on this pair of wing, self-help, indeed is fierce. 他这防御速度之快也让谢傲宇暗自惊叹,天使族的能力大部分都在这对羽翼上面,自救方面,也的确是厉害的很。 Thump!” “咚!” Defense of wing constitution under golden light beam, was punctured at the scene. 羽翼构成的防御在金色光束之下,当场被打穿。 Everywhere feather dances in the air, bringing some blood to float, seems is very chilly beautiful. 漫天的羽毛飞舞,带着一些鲜血飘洒,看上去很是凄美。 Bang!” “嘭!” That golden light beam then rumbles on the cream light arc, immediately routs that only arc, but that only arc as if there is mystery of side-slipping, the direction of attack changing, had the heart position to transfer the left shoulder. 紧接着,那金色光束便轰在乳白色的光弧上面,当即将那光弧击溃,但那光弧似乎有侧滑的奥妙,将攻击方向给改变了,有心脏位置转为左肩。 Along with a dull thumping sound, golden light beam pierces the left shoulder in Turlogh, explodes to shoot more than 100 meters, one gave the bang the wall of this other institute but actually. 随着一声闷响,金色光束洞穿特洛内的左肩,爆射出去100多米,一下将这别院的墙壁都给轰倒了。 In Turlogh was calling out pitifully, flew upside down, layer on layer fell to the ground to slide backward more than ten meters. 特洛内更是惨叫着,倒飞出去,重重落地向后滑出去十多米。 Looks at so the aspect, Xie Aoyu is very satisfied, Lei Shazhi the might is very indeed intrepid, is similar to promotion version Broken Shield Cut, moreover similarly has the broken against ability, if fuses with promotion version Broken Shield Cut it, its might even may compare favorably with the promotion version ten thousand dragon worships. 看着如此局面,谢傲宇很满意,雷杀指的威力的确很强悍,与升级版破盾斩差不多,而且同样具有破防的能力,若是将其与升级版破盾斩融合的话,其威力甚至可媲美升级版万龙朝拜。 In Turlogh, I have said that you very badly are very bad, a move, this overestimated you.” The Xie Aoyu contemptuous say (way), makes a crazy condition. “特洛内,我说过,你真的很差很差,一招,这都高估你了。”谢傲宇轻蔑的道,做出一副狂态。 Real Lei Tianze is a madman. 真实的雷天泽就是一个狂人。 Xie Aoyu heart of hearts also crazy conditions, otherwise does not become Crazy Blade Violent Monarch, must therefore display a madman surname, his true colors, did not need demonstration desirably actually. 谢傲宇内心深处也有一份狂态,不然不会被成为刀狂暴君,所以要发挥狂人个姓,他倒是本色了,无需刻意的演示。 „” “咳咳” Turlogh interconnected to cough several, spouted some capillaries, was covering the wound of left shoulder, he looked deathly pale looks at Xie Aoyu, the lip wriggles, cannot say a few words. 特洛内连咳了几声,喷出一些血丝,捂着左肩的伤口,他脸色惨白的看着谢傲宇,嘴唇蠕动,也未能说出一句话。 Ruthless words? 狠话? A others move strikes to kill you, what ruthless words has to say? 人家一招击杀你,有什么狠话可讲? Status? 身份? But Xie Aoyu under Lei lets the head of household successor competitor, in his Turlogh not to have the qualifications to become under Angel Clan the competitor of head of the clan successor, the respective strength that relatively speaking, they can mobilize, in obvious Turlogh is more inferior. 谢傲宇可是雷家下任家主继承人竞争者,他特洛内还没有资格成为天使族下任族长继承人的竞争者呢,相对而言,两人能够调动的各自力量,明显特洛内要逊色很多。 One move, is really one move.” Nha looks at Xie Aoyu dull, inconceivable of whole face, in the position cross level by profound Senior routs Senior the superior master unreliably, even if were the present giant once were also hard to achieve, do not say that was one move won, the monstruous talent, were really the monstruous talent. “一招,真的是一招啊。”琳洛雅呆呆的看着谢傲宇,满脸的不可思议,以玄尊中位跨级击溃玄尊上位高手,就算是现在的巨头曾经也难以做到,更不要说还是一招获胜了,妖孽,真的是妖孽啊。 Changes mind to think that in Turlogh with own relations, on Nha face reappears wipes the happy expression, vents spleen, since, she has been suppressed by Turlogh, this time finally found the opportunity. 转念想到特洛内与自己的关系,琳洛雅脸上又浮现一抹笑意,解气啊,一直在以来,她都被特洛内压制着,此番终于找到机会了。 Say (Way) that Nha smiles: In Turlogh, your was known as that the special skill of invincible telling tales, how hasn't taken?” 琳洛雅笑眯眯的道:“特洛内,你那号称无敌的搬弄是非的看家本领呢,怎么没有拿出来?” Nha, you in Turlogh points at Nha, two of air/Qi is turning, the plump throws down on the ground, faints at the scene. “琳洛雅,你”特洛内指着琳洛雅,气的两眼一翻,扑通一声摔倒在地上,当场昏死过去。 Nha sees that very has vented spleen. 琳洛雅见状,别提多解气了,。 She is happy. 她开心啊。 „!” “咻!” At this moment, cuts the void incisiveness to howl resounds suddenly, god Bolton who closely pays attention to sneak attacks to get rid, he also by the performance of Xie Aoyu being shocked, but thinks that relations with Xie Aoyu, he glimpses Xie Aoyu not to note him, then the sneak attack attacks. 就在这时,一声划破虚空的尖锐呼啸骤然响起,始终关注的神目科波顿偷袭出手,他也被谢傲宇的表现给惊呆了,但是想到与谢傲宇的关系,他瞥见谢傲宇未曾注意到他,便偷袭出击。 Strongest angel god attack. 最强的天使神目攻击。 Meanwhile, after god Bolton also follows closely that pupil technique attacks, double is grasping a sharp Excalibur, cut-throat killing in the past, must series kill, needs to strike to kill Xie Aoyu. 同时,神目科波顿也紧随那瞳术攻击之后,双手持着一把锋利的神剑,凶狠的扑杀过去,要连环袭杀,务求将谢傲宇击杀。 The Xie Aoyu mind opens, what can conceal him? 谢傲宇心眼开启,什么能够隐瞒过他? Let alone god Bolton sneak attacks, was he first gives birth to kill intent to be caught by Xie Aoyu, how to give the opportunity that he sneak attacked. 别说神目科波顿偷袭,就是他第一时间生出杀意都被谢傲宇捕捉到了,怎会给他偷袭的机会。 However, since must sneak attack, then counter-attacks again, even if were has had a heavy touch, thinks that Angel Clan will not act. 不过,既然要偷袭,那么再反击,就算是出手重了,想必天使族也不会出面吧。 Xie Aoyu puts out a hand to grasp void. 谢傲宇伸手虚空抓去。 On the striking power, god Bolton is very indeed strong, in the same step is also the powerhouse, may compare with Xie Aoyu, then on bad was too far, at all not on a level. 论攻击力,神目科波顿的确很强,在同阶中也算是强者,可与谢傲宇相比,那就差的太远了,根本不在一个层次上面。 Especially Xie Aoyu has fought with him, how was too clear his strength. 尤其是谢傲宇与他交过手,太清楚他的实力如何了。 „!” “啪!” Xie Aoyu one grasped breaks to pieces that day to cause the attack of god ejection, immediately the palm made a fist the bombardment, in that divided above the Excalibur that cut to come with raw hate. 谢傲宇一把抓碎了那天使神目射出的攻击,随即手掌握拳轰击在那凶狠劈斩而来的神剑之上。 In fierce vibration, god Bolton immediately shaken cannot hold the Excalibur, the human the also shaken five main internal organs (entrails) seemed turned each one, severe pain incomparable pitiful yell backlash. 剧烈的震动中,神目科波顿当即被震的抓不住神剑,人也被震的五脏六腑好似翻了个个,剧痛无比的惨叫后退。 Xie Aoyu cold snort, bullies near with the body. 谢傲宇冷哼一声,跟身欺近。 Shows mercy!” A person's shadow rapid clashes the stop. “手下留情!”一条人影飞速的冲过来阻拦。 This is an immortal boundary master, under attacks fully, the speed quick also is very astonishing, particularly Angel Clan excels at the speed, is good is at because of the Xie Aoyu mind, can catch his path. 这是一个长生境界的高手,全力出击之下,速度之快也很是惊人,尤其是天使族擅长速度,好在谢傲宇心眼所在,还是能够捕捉到他的轨迹。 Xie Aoyu fully realized that others came out to stop, if deicide Bolton, to oneself also disadvantageous, then should be a next to long-handled fan to the god Bolton's cheeks. 谢傲宇深知,人家都出来阻拦了,若是杀神目科波顿,对自己也不利,便该为一巴掌扇向神目科波顿的脸颊。 ! 啪! Clear ear and area around it sound gets up. 清脆的耳光声响起。 God Bolton airborne revolved three, this falls in the bosom of immortal boundary master. 神目科波顿空中旋转了三圈,这才落在长生境界高手的怀中。 „!!!” “啊!!!” Sad and shrill pitiful yell sound sends out from the god Bolton's mouth, his both hands are covering the eye, loudly exclaimed: My eye, my angel god.” 凄厉的惨叫声从神目科波顿的口中发出,他双手捂着眼睛,大吼道:“我的眼睛,我的天使神目。” The blood remains following the finger seam. 鲜血顺着手指缝留下来。 His both eyes lose one's sight, by Xie Aoyu abandoning. 他双目失明,被谢傲宇给废了。 From now on again atheistic item of Bolton, before such as him, spoke, turned into blind person Bolton, lost angel god, Bolton's battle efficiency sharp decline incessantly one time, even was removed from the Angel Clan three big sharp Cenozoic masters thoroughly. 自此再无神目科波顿,如他自己之前所讲的一样,变成了瞎子科波顿,失去天使神目,科波顿的战斗力锐减不止一倍,甚至彻底从天使族三大精锐新生代高手中被排除。 You went too far!” The immortal boundary master gets angry shouts to clear the way. “你太过分了!”长生境界高手怒喝道 Xie Aoyu sneers saying: Excessively? That may I ask, Bolton sneak attacks me, is excessive? I have not killed him, has given the Angel Clan face very much.” 谢傲宇冷笑道:“过分?那敢问,科波顿偷袭我,是不是过分?我没杀他,已经很给天使族面子了。” You immortal boundary master are at a loss for words. “你”长生境界高手张口结舌。 Nha walked, said: Elder, this matter truly is we are in the wrong, he comes here to be a guest, in Turlogh actually finds fault with Bolton, even does not hesitate to get rid, is the sneak attack, if the real theory gets up, perhaps Lei looks, we will be very troublesome, he has Lei Shaling.” 琳洛雅走了过来,道:“长老,此事确实是我们理亏,他来我这里做客,特洛内和科波顿却来找茬,甚至不惜出手,更是偷袭,若是真的理论起来,恐怕雷家找上来,我们会很麻烦的,他可是有雷杀令的。” The immortal boundary master looked at Xie Aoyu one bitterly, was bringing in Bolton and Turlogh leaves. 长生境界高手恨恨的看了谢傲宇一眼,带着科波顿和特洛内离开了。 Other institute piece in confusion. 别院一片狼藉。 Nha told that the human comes to repair. 琳洛雅吩咐人前来重新修理。 I, your this other institute cannot like this.” Xie Aoyu follows Nha to arrive in the living room in other institute to take a seat, this said. “要不是我,你这别院也不会这样了。”谢傲宇跟随琳洛雅到达别院的客厅内落座,这才说道。 Such loss received exchange for Bolton's eyes, the severe wound in Turlogh, I am glad to lose several times.” Nha was still very excited. “这样的损失换取科波顿的一双眼睛,特洛内的重伤,我乐意多损失几次。”琳洛雅仍旧很兴奋。 Xie Aoyu said with a smile: „, You should thank me.” 谢傲宇笑道:“如此说来,你应该感谢我喽。” Nha said: Sighted person did not speak the code words, I and two indeed have very deep resentful crack, your this time this does not act, for me over, I is very grateful, you ask me to think that has any matter, that said that so long as I can achieve, certainly helps you, thanks you.” 琳洛雅道:“明人不说暗话,我与那两人的确有很深的怨隙,你这次本可不出面,却为我出头,我很感激,你来找我想必有什么事吧,那就说吧,只要我能做到的,一定帮你,也算是感谢你了。”
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