BE :: Volume #2

#183: Is spread like stars in the sky the startled world 【Two】

Despise! 藐视! Naked despising! 赤裸裸的藐视! As recent years of recognition must become of Yu Yajie Ten Kings Level Master, its status in the mainland absolutely is Qi tall, regardless of her background Black Lotus Holy Church, that also absolutely can only the hand dance wind and cloud, this is countless people tacitly approves, but no one has thought that is considered depends upon Xing Luo unexpectedly such powerful that Xing King Xing Chen Feng rises. 作为公认的近年来就要成为十王级高手之一的于雅洁,其身份地位在大陆绝对是奇高的,不论她的背景黑莲圣教,那也绝对可以只手舞风云,这是无数人都默认的,可谁也没想到,被人们认为是依靠星王星辰风才崛起的星罗居然如此的强势。 Does a fist broken draw back Yu Yajie? 一拳破退于雅洁 If not they personally see, cannot believe. 若非他们亲眼所见,根本不敢相信。 The Yu Yajie complexion is dignified, in the hand the sharp sword refers to the vault of heaven slantingly, in the mouth reading rapidly a strange incantation, then sees above her top of the head, partly visible has a gigantic palm to appear. 于雅洁脸色凝重无比,手中利剑斜指苍穹,口中急速的念动着一段奇异的咒语,接着就看到在她的头顶上方,若隐若现的有一个硕大的手掌出现。 That palm has more than ten meters fully high, pan- golden brilliance, as if must destroy the day to extinguish all over the body, that command time is disillusioned, all fleeing all person backing up of aura oppression in abundance. 那手掌足有十米多高,通体泛着金色的光华,似乎要毁天灭地,那种令时间破灭,一切亡命的气息压迫的所有人纷纷的倒退。 Mi Zhou!” “秘咒!” Of degeneration sad Mi Zhou ten secret incantations!” “十大秘咒之一的堕落哀伤秘咒!” Some people sent out have called out in alarm the sound, countless people unbelievable looked to Yu Yajie. 有人发出了惊叫声,无数人都难以置信地看向于雅洁 She grasped of unexpectedly degeneration sad Mi Zhou ten secret incantations, that is one of the most formidable secret incantations, according to the ancient fable, the secret incantation can make battle efficiency suddenly to increase of person, has Yu Yajie of Emperor level superior strength to display the degeneration sad Mi Zhou words, how could it not be then she can contend with Ten Kings Level Master to be inadequate? 她居然掌握了十大秘咒之一的堕落哀伤秘咒,那可是最强大秘咒之一啊,按照古老传说,秘咒可以令一个人的战斗力暴增的,拥有天王级上位实力的于雅洁施展堕落哀伤秘咒的话,那么她岂非可以抗衡十王级高手不成? Extinguishing of day hand degeneration sad secret incantation!” The Yu Yajie sharp sword wields continually, that gigantic twinkle the giant palm of shining ray is dropping from the clouds. “堕落哀伤秘咒之灭天手!”于雅洁利剑连挥,那硕大的闪烁着金灿灿光芒的巨大手掌从天而降。 The palm cover falls, is similar to end says approaches. 手掌罩落,如同末曰来临。 Degenerates sadly, because of degenerating to be sad, degenerates because of the sadness. 堕落哀伤,因堕落而哀伤,因哀伤而堕落。 The endless pressure enormous and powerful a lot of meters, frighten the universe, makes thought that one has wallows in degeneration, only has to degenerate can obtain that endless strength. 无尽的威压浩荡千百米,震慑天宇,令人产生自甘堕落的念头,唯有堕落才能够得到那无尽的力量。 Roar “吼” Xing Luo laughs eats delicacies crazily. 星罗纵声狂啸。 His fearless intent, under that boundless huge pressure, fearless stand forth, is based on the unparalleled incomparable startled day strength, by the unsurpassed aggressive assistance, rumbles an unapproachable fist. 他毫无惧意,在那磅礴的巨大威压之下,昂然向前走去,以盖世无匹的惊天战力为基础,以无上的霸气辅佐,轰出无可匹敌的一拳。 All completely all crush. 一切尽皆粉碎。 That may destroy the extinguishing day hands of eight side world to vanish into thin air with his armored hand under fully. 那足可毁灭八方天地的灭天手与他的铁拳下化为乌有。 Xing Luo stands remarkably. 星罗卓然而立。 Degenerates sadly end says elegy!” Yu Yajie look big change, she knew finally indistinctly the Xing Luo real strength, can contend with degeneration sad Mi Zhou, its strength surpasses absolutely imagines, but, she has used in degeneration sad Mi Zhou the might most formidable strikes. “堕落哀伤之末曰悲歌!”于雅洁终于神色大变,她隐约知道了星罗的真实实力,能够抗衡堕落哀伤秘咒,其实力绝对超出想象的,无奈之下,她动用了堕落哀伤秘咒中威力最强大的一击。 End said the elegy! 末曰悲歌! The sharp sword shivers, seemed is sobbing for the death of life, miserable melody and airborne faintly recognizable, off and on, as if in the arrival that narrating end was saying, the endless note gathered in the world, condensed marvelous notes, constituted one to make one unable to avoid, lets being overwhelmed tune that the present world was disillusioned. 利剑颤抖,似乎是在为生命的死亡而哭泣,凄凉的曲调与空中飘飘渺渺,断断续续,仿佛在叙述着末曰的到来,无尽的音符汇聚在天地间,凝聚成一道道奇妙的音符,构成一曲令人无法躲避,让现世破灭的断魂曲。 The elegy seismogram Yanjing, the unparalleled secret incantation must obliterate Xing Luo. 悲歌震动图罗燕京,盖世秘咒要将星罗磨灭。 Destroys all strengths to erupt. 毁灭一切的力量在爆发。 World falls, ten thousand th obliterates, I eternal do not only extinguish!” The Xing Luo stride forwards, marches into that fable can make all being disillusioned end said that elegy central zone, gives me to break!” “天地倾倒,万世磨灭,唯我永恒不灭!”星罗跨步向前,步入那传说中可以令一切破灭的末曰悲歌中心地带,“给我破!” In this moment, sweeps across the dreadful strength of world to erupt from the body of Xing Luo. 在这一刻,一股席卷天地的滔天力量从星罗的身上爆发出来。 The space cracks. 空间崩裂。 End said the death music that the elegy constitutes was given to shock, sends out psst the sound by that fierce incomparable strength, probably a side world is unable to withstand that terror the strength, but must burst. 末曰悲歌所构成的死亡乐曲被那凶猛无匹的战力给震破,发出“嘎吱吱”的声响,好像一方天地无法承受那恐怖的力量而要破裂开来。 Rumbling “轰轰轰” The report is unceasing, when is tranquil, saw that Xing Luo both hands recited backwards from the end, if the Deity, the death music dissipated, all strange strengths vanished completely. 爆裂声不断,待一切平静下来,就看到星罗双手倒背,若神人般,死亡乐曲消散,一切怪异的力量全部消失。 This, deep has shocked all people. 这一下,深深的震撼了所有人。 Completely by the strong battle efficiency explains of degeneration sad Mi Zhou unrivalled incomparable ten secret incantations, is this what kind battle efficiency? 完全以强势的战斗力破解旷世无匹的十大秘咒之一的堕落哀伤秘咒,这是何等的战斗力? If only then this strength, I then must open the buddhist commandment against taking life!” Xing Luo light say (way). “如果只有这点实力,那我便要开杀戒了!”星罗淡淡的道。 At this moment, nobody had suspected that Xing Luo words, do not look at Yu Yajie is the Emperor superior boundary, even must break into Ten Kings Level, but still has the obvious disparity with Xing Luo. 此时此刻,已经没有人怀疑星罗的话了,别看于雅洁天王上位境界,甚至要破入十王级,可是与星罗仍有着明显的差距。 Meanwhile, all people understood, what is An­tiq­uity family! 同时,所有人都明白了,什么叫上古家族 The foundations of these families were too solid, the master quantity that they train does not imagine is so simple, declared to the outside, only then Ten Kings Level Master, who dares saying that they do hide in the Ten Kings Level Master not 2-3 people of hidden place? 这些家族的底蕴太深厚了,他们培养出来的高手数量远非想象中那么简单,对外宣称只有一名十王级高手,谁敢说他们隐藏在暗处的十王级高手没有两三人之多? Xing Luo declared to the outside is the Emperor level lower position, actual situation? 星罗对外宣称是天王级下位,实际情况呢? The people start to suspect that so-called Xing Luo commission army corps duty defeat, whether is defeated, is the Xing Luo intentionally so procedure, does not want to make one pay attention, but overthrows front Imperial Crown Mercenary Group intentionally. 人们都开始怀疑,所谓的星罗佣兵团任务失败,是否是真的失败,是不是星罗故意如此做法,不想太令人关注,而故意将皇冠佣兵团推倒前面的。 On Xing Luo this abnormal strength, he makes the duty to be defeated difficultly. 星罗这变态的实力,他做任务想失败都困难。 Had not seen really that your Xing Luo hides such depth unexpectedly, I think that your seven big An­tiq­uity family two Ten Kings Level Master, have not thought unexpectedly also has the hideaway.” Say (Way) that Yu Yajie lets somebody cool off or calm down. “真没看出,你星罗居然隐藏如此之深,我原以为你们七大上古家族都只有两名十王级高手的,没想到居然还有隐藏的。”于雅洁冷冷的道。 The people are shocked once more. 众人再次震动。 Seven big An­tiq­uity family have two Ten Kings Level Master unexpectedly respectively, said that the pure seven big An­tiq­uity family Ten Kings Level Master quantity has been the quantity that the people know. 七大上古家族居然各有两名十王级高手,这么说,单纯七大上古家族十王级高手数量就已经达到人们所知的数量了。 Is Ten Kings Level Master far from imagination scarcity of that? 十王级高手远非想象的那么稀少? Your eyesight is very bad.” The Xing Luo taunt said that I have not marched into Ten Kings Level.” “你的眼力很差。”星罗嘲讽道,“我尚未步入十王级。” Snort, your foot strided, reason that I think your this time the demonstration strength, must deter other people, closes up the breakthrough to enter Ten Kings Level to prepare for you.” Yu Yajie sinking sound track. “哼,你一只脚已经跨入其中,我想你这次之所以展示实力,就是要震慑他人,为你闭关突破进入十王级做准备吧。”于雅洁沉声道。 Xing Luo was silent. 星罗闭口不言。 The people were panic-stricken. 众人却都惊骇了。 No matter how, you must die!” Xing Luo long time once more opens the mouth. “不管如何,你都要死!”星罗良久才再次开口。 The Yu Yajie somewhat nervous ferocity said with a smile: Nobody can kill me, let alone you, even if your brother Xing King Xing Chen Feng does not have that ability.” She uses the sharp sword point to refer to Xing Luo, how antiquity respected family, I did not believe that this mainland forever had you to formulate the rule, now said that I then killed you, challenged to Xinghun Family!” 于雅洁有些神经质的狞笑道:“没有人可以杀死我,别说你,就算是你大哥星王星辰风也没那个能力。”她用利剑点指星罗,“上古大家族又如何,我就不信,这个大陆永远都是有你们来制定规则,今曰,我便杀你,向星魂家族挑战!” You make I dispatch troops the qualifications not have.” The Xing Luo taunt said. “你连让我动兵器的资格都没有。”星罗嘲讽道。 Ha Ha “哈哈” The Yu Yajie squawk laughs wildly. 于雅洁尖声狂笑。 That laughter is flooding endless misery, dehumanizing, as if bore the innumerable pressures, has undertaken the number the endless pain, with the laughter, strange rays ripples from her body. 那笑声充斥着无尽的凄凉,凄苦,仿佛承受了无数的压力,承担了数之不尽的痛苦,伴随着笑声,一道道奇异光线从她的身上荡漾出来。 Degenerates the sob of sad god of death!” “堕落哀伤之死神的哭泣!” The Yu Yajie laughter is filled with grief, is passing a sob flavor. 于雅洁笑声悲怆,透着一种哭泣的味道。 This is in degeneration sad Mi Zhou is then lost several thousand years of the sob of evil incantation god of death! 这便是堕落哀伤秘咒中失传数万年之久的邪恶咒语死神的哭泣! Ignorant, although Incantation technique is strong, may in the age that the enchanter runs amuck, most powerhouse forever is a soldier.” The Xing Luo taunt said that in the Emperor superior above boundary, the Incantation technique strength was not enough to contend with Qi!” “无知,咒术虽强,可在咒师横行的年代,最强者永远是战士。”星罗嘲讽道,“在天王上位以上的境界,咒术的力量已经不足以和斗气抗衡了!” Stars stamp!” Xing Luo both hands paddle void, in his fingers and palms, as if presented a piece by piece dim light, that impressively is a Xinghai. “星辰戳!”星罗双手划动虚空,在他的指掌间,仿佛出现了一片片朦胧的光影,那赫然是一片星海。 Xing Luo as if grasped a piece of star space, its request on palm. 星罗仿佛掌握了一片星宇,将其托在手掌上。 This is Fights Technique! 这就是斗技 Unparalleled Fights Technique of taboo rank, can grasp the world in the hand, has been separated from the understanding category of people completely, was showing to the people that in the peak showdown, Fights Technique wins Incantation technique! 禁忌级别的盖世斗技,能将天地掌握在手中,完全脱离了人们的理解范畴,也在向人们证明,尖峰对决中,斗技更胜咒术 The stars that among the Xing Luo fingers and palms surrounds erupt dazzling brilliance, toward that was known as that the enchanter vertically and horizontally age wants the sob of god of death of frightening peerless unparalleled degeneration sad secret incantation to cover. 星罗指掌间环绕的繁星爆发出璀璨夺目的光华,向着那号称咒师纵横年代都要令人恐惧的绝世无双堕落哀伤秘咒之死神的哭泣罩去。 Said surely the star light changes to star light Excalibur. 千万道星光化作一道道的星光神剑。 Bang!” “砰!” The sob of god of death condenses the invisible strength fluctuation that becomes to be destroyed by that innumerable star sword instantaneously, the palm of Xing Luo also separated to empty seal in the Yu Yajie front. 死神的哭泣凝聚而成的无形的力量波动瞬间被那无数的星剑摧毁,星罗的手掌也隔空印在了于雅洁的胸前。 Puff!” “噗!” Blood rain everywhere dances in the air. 血雨漫天飞舞。 In the Yu Yajie pitiful yell sound, flies upside down. 于雅洁惨叫声中,倒飞出去。 Comes out, my partner!” Yu Yajie knew in the heart, if made Xing Luo chase down, perhaps she really must be killed violently, immediately has sent out the summon. “出来吧,我的伙伴!”于雅洁心知若是令星罗追杀上来,她恐怕真的要毙命了,当即发出了召唤。 Roar!!!” “吼!!!” A Long recited earthshakingly. 一声龙吟惊天动地。 In the dazzling ray, a huge form appears in the world, that has ten meters impressively fully, the imposing manner is astonishing, is glittering from top to bottom the faint yellow ray, is similar to the unrivalled Demon Beast Lion King dragon of beta brass casting! 在刺眼的光芒中,一个巨大的身影出现在天地间,那赫然是足有十米长,气势惊人,浑身上下闪烁着淡黄色光芒,如同黄铜浇铸的旷世魔兽狮王龙! The Lion King dragon, non- Dragon Clan, has super Demon Beast of Dragon Clan half bloodline. 狮王龙,非龙族,乃是拥有龙族一半血脉的超级魔兽 It looked like the lion, was actually not the gravel, the head is the main item, fierce scary, has the lion long neck hair, naturally this long neck hair was liangsan meters in length giant spur composes, all over the body was the dragon scales that the yellow luminescence sparkled. 它像极了雄狮,却不是石子,脑袋是龙头,狰狞吓人,却有着狮子般的鬃毛,自然这鬃毛都是长达两三米的巨大的骨刺组成的,通体都是黄光闪闪的龙鳞。 Emperor level superior Demon Beast Lion King dragon!” 天王级上位魔兽狮王龙!” Like this waits, if two big Emperor level superior masters.” “这样等若两大天王级上位高手。” „The Lion King dragon invulnerability, the Saint difficult wound, to have the Dragon Clan bloodline, could become the Ten Kings Level king of beasts, this Xing Luo must have bad luck.” “狮王龙刀枪不入,圣器难伤,更有着龙族血脉,有望成为十王级的兽王,这次星罗要倒霉了。” All around discussion sound continuously. 四周的议论声此起彼伏。 More people did not favor continuously strong character Xing Luo of wild non- skin. 更多的人不看好一直狂野无皮的强势人物星罗了。 The prestige of Lion King dragon was too abundant. 狮王龙的威名太盛了。 Must say that dragon class most Qiang belongs to the tyrannosaurus, most quickly is the female celestial dragon, this is the recognition, but this Lion King dragon has super Inferior Dragon Beast of half tyrannosaurus bloodline, it has to become Ten Kings Level Demon Beast absolutely. 要说龙类最强非霸王龙莫属,最快是仙女龙,这是公认的,而这狮王龙正是拥有一半霸王龙血脉的超级亚龙兽,其绝对有着可以成为十王级魔兽 You died!” Yu Yajie fierce say (way). “你死定了!”于雅洁狰狞的道。 Xing Luo slightly is also startled, he has not thought that Yu Yajie also has Lion King dragon rarely world Demon Beast unexpectedly, may merely be also just like this, any has not been startled, the stunned, flurried and tense appearance, powerful as always, extends the right hand, the point refers to the Lion King dragon, fights!” 星罗也是微微一怔,他没想到于雅洁居然还有狮王龙这种罕世魔兽,可也仅仅如此而已,并没有任何吃惊、错愕、慌乱、紧张的样子,一如既往的强势,伸出右手,点指狮王龙,“来战!” Roar!” “吼!” The Lion King Long standard is eccentric and unreasonable, militant Cheng, this point inherited the characteristics of tyrannosaurus completely, cannot pass through the least bit provocation, immediately is roaring rushing. 狮王龙姓格乖张,好战成姓,这一点完全继承了霸王龙的特色,经不得半点挑衅,立刻咆哮着冲上去。 Thump “咚咚咚” The earth is shivering. 大地在颤动。 Yanjing is rocking. 图罗燕京在晃动。 As if entire world hot tempered trembles in the Lion King dragon. 仿佛整个世界都在狮王龙暴躁而颤栗。 Ao Yu, saw clearly.” Xing Luo light say (way). 傲宇,看清楚了。”星罗淡淡的道。 Heard him so to say suddenly, people unconscious looked to Xie Aoyu, actually discovered that he still in stupor, did not know to all of outside. 听到他突然如此说,人们不自觉的看向谢傲宇,却发现他仍旧在昏迷中,对外界的一切都不知晓。 What is this? 这是什么意思? Nobody had the time to ponder, because Xing Luo got rid. 没人有时间去思考了,因为星罗出手了。 Still was a hand. 仍旧是一只手。 Without the weapon, the haughty stance takes in everything at a glance. 没有兵器,狂傲姿态一览无余。 The Xing Luo right hand five fingers vibrate, the blooming god only, that brilliant brilliance as if must illuminate all darkness, as if must make to turn into the radiant star light on this day. 星罗右手五指震动,根根绽放神光,那绚烂的光华仿佛要将一切黑暗照亮,仿佛要令这天地变成璀璨星光。 The five fingers turmoil, the universe subverts. 五指动乱,乾坤颠覆。 Roar!!!” “吼!!!” The Lion King dragon also sends out shocking roaring, the yawn spouts light beam. 狮王龙也发出惊世的咆哮,张口喷出一道光束。 Bang!” “轰!” The five fingers, the attack of that Lion King dragon had been disintegrated instantaneously, Xing Luo arrived at the near of Lion King dragon, the right hand layer on layer held the forehead of Lion King dragon, washed one's hands of throws. 五指所过,那狮王龙的攻击瞬间被瓦解,星罗则到了狮王龙的近前,右手重重的抓住狮王龙的头部,抖手一扔。 The huge Lion King dragon such as the kite of broken line, the forehead projects five bloody water immediately, flies upside down. 庞大的狮王龙立刻如断线的风筝,头部射出五道血水,倒飞出去。 Raises hand, performs to defeat the Lion King dragon! 举手之间,尽败狮王龙! Xing Luo such as the deity descends to earth, is once more shocking. 星罗如天神下凡,再次令人震惊。
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