BE :: Volume #2

#184: The fusion of mind 【One】

Tyrannical, the people can understand that after all Xing Luo had the innumerable years from that antiquity respected family Xinghun Family, fostered by that family, Xing Luo became Ten Kings Level, nobody had suspected, but as tyrannical defeated the Lion King dragon as raising hand, routed Yu Yajie, that extremely shocked. 强横,众人可以理解,毕竟星罗来自那个存在无数岁月的上古大家族星魂家族,在那个家族的培养下,星罗成为十王级,已经没有人怀疑,可是强横到举手间击败狮王龙,击溃于雅洁,那就太过震撼了。 Some old fogies have thought of a few words. 一些老家伙则想到了一句话。 In society rule has seven respected families to be set, this word not empty, in seven respected families is considered that very ordinary Xing Luo has this so shocking strength unexpectedly. 世间规则有七大家族来制定,此言不虚啊,在七大家族中只是被认为很普通的一个星罗居然有这如此骇人听闻的实力。 How many strengths did that these seven respected families hide? 那这七大家族到底隐藏了多少的力量? Ten thousand years of inside story! 万年的底蕴啊! Many thanks!” Xing Luo looks at Yu Yajie, says two stunned words. “多谢!”星罗看着于雅洁,冒出两个令人错愕的话。 The Yu Yajie whole body trembles greatly. 于雅洁浑身巨颤。 You make me think through with the attack of Lion King dragon finally have spanned are three years of hindrance before me.” Xing Luo begins supinely, the bright sound track, originally becomes Ten Kings Level is this!” “你与狮王龙的攻击让我终于想通了横亘在我面前长达三年之久的阻碍。”星罗仰起头,朗声道,“原来成为十王级是这样的!” Audience complete silence. 全场鸦雀无声。 Each eye projects the ray that envy and envies. 每一双眼睛都射出嫉妒和羡慕的光芒。 He saw the light suddenly unexpectedly! 他居然顿悟了! Ten Kings Level! 十王级 Another Ten Kings Level will soon be born, this is may vibrate the mainland fully. 又一个十王级即将诞生,这是足可震动全大陆的。 You did not have the opportunity to become Ten Kings Level!” Yu Yajie gloomy saying with a smile, she backhandedly stroke of sharp sword in skill, a wisp of fresh blood stream above sharp sword. “你没有机会成为十王级了!”于雅洁阴森森的笑道,她反手将利剑在手腕上一划,一缕鲜血流在利剑之上。 That blood blooming scarlet brilliance. 那鲜血绽放血色光华。 Sharp sword slight tremor. 利剑则轻微的颤动。 Wipes cold and gloomy must destroy all chill in the air to ascend once more, Yu Yajie fast reading the incantation, is resounding along with her incantation, the people realize the analogy a more fearful feeling. 一抹森冷的要毁灭一切的寒意再次升腾起来,于雅洁快速的念动着咒语,随着她的咒语响起,人们体会到比方才更加可怕的感觉。 Degenerates the sob of sad god of death! 堕落哀伤之死神的哭泣! But this time, the might wins. 只不过这一次,威力更胜。 As the Yu Yajie incantation resounds, is similar to the soul is weeping bitterly, dead souls in sad, huge form partly visible reappearing in upper air. 随着于雅洁的咒语响起,如同亡灵在痛哭,死灵在悲戚,一道巨大的身影若隐若现的浮现在高空中。 God of death!” “死神!” That is the god of death in fable!” “那是传说中的死神!” Countless people point at that big form to exude the squeal, panic-stricken whooshes, some people were frightened to faint at the scene, the endless pressure is turbulent, frightens ten sides. 无数人指着那高大的身影发出尖叫声,惊恐的嘶吼起来,更有一些人当场被吓得昏死过去,无尽的威压动荡,震慑十方。 Xing Luo treats with indifference, does not care quite the same as. 星罗淡然处之,浑然不在意。 The stance of his all completely grasped made the people of many worry put down have been hanging the heart. 他那种一切尽在掌握的姿态令很多担心的人放下了悬着的心。 „The sob of god of death!” The corner of the eye of Yu Yajie falls drop of tears. “死神的哭泣!”于雅洁的眼角滑落一滴泪水。 Tears clear, the landing springing, changes to a strange pearl unexpectedly. 泪水晶莹,落地弹动,竟然化作一颗奇异的珍珠。 The pearl disruption, changes to a life essence continuously, entirely gathering above the form of that unreal god of death, condenses finally completely above in the god of death light hand is raising the god of death sickle. 珍珠碎裂,化作一缕缕的生命精气,统统的汇聚到那虚幻的死神的身影上方,最后全部凝聚在死神光影手中提着的死神镰刀之上。 God of death light void steps, have held up the god of death sickle. 死神光影虚空踏步,举起了死神镰刀。 Brush! 刷! The god of death sickle delimits in the sky. 死神镰刀当空划下。 Xing Luo one step, is forward fearless and vertical. 星罗向前一步,昂然而立。 Works as!” “当!” The god of death sickle cuts on the body of Xing Luo, immediately that god of death sickle rebounding, reviewed Xing Luo is only the clothes above that left shoulder presented a slit. 死神镰刀斩在星罗的身上,立刻将那死神镰刀给反弹出去,反观星罗只是那左肩之上的衣服出现了一条缝隙而已。 Is impossible, is impossible, degenerates sadly is one of the ten secret incantations, the might will be infinite, the god of death that will transform will have my Yu Yajie 150% strengths, you have become aware to pass stride in the Ten Kings Level boundary , the Emperor level superior, how possibly hardly will resist!” Yu Yajie was startled to call out. “不可能,绝不可能,堕落哀伤是十大秘咒之一,威力无穷,幻化出来的死神将会拥有我于雅洁150的力量,你就算已经悟通跨入十王级境界,也还是天王级上位,怎么可能硬抗!”于雅洁惊叫道。 Is impossible!” Yu Yajie was startled to call out. “不可能!”于雅洁惊叫道。 Xing Luo sighed: You have touched the Ten Kings Level edge, had not actually understood that the Ten Kings Level meaning, Ten Kings Level i.e. each time does have ten Wang Ji master? In the history exists less than ten people, or the number of times of unnecessary ten king are also many, why called Ten Kings Level? You did not understand.” 星罗叹息道:“你已经触及到十王级的边缘,却还没有理解十王级的含义,十王级难道就是说每一个时代都是有十个王级高手吗?历史上存在的不足十人,或者多余十王的次数也不少,为什么叫十王级?你根本不理解。” His words made all Emperor level masters be lost in thought. 他的话则令所有天王级高手陷入了沉思。 Ten Kings Level did not say ten Wang Ji master. 十王级并非说十个王级高手。 But has the meaning! 而是另有含义! This meaning as if means that the Emperor superior master steps into the Ten Kings Level key, what is? 这个含义似乎意味着天王上位高手踏入十王级的关键,到底是什么呢? Ten Kings Level? Ten kings?” The say (way) that Yu Yajie muttered, heard the Xing Luo words, she faint held anything, has not caught. 十王级?十王?”于雅洁喃喃自语的道,听到星罗的话,她隐隐中抓住了什么,却又没有抓到。 Xing Luo said: Does not need to think!” 星罗道:“没有必要去想了!” He must kill people. 他要杀人。 The hearts of all people jump, for the past ten years, the mainland was most active most makes Black Lotus Holy Church that one dreaded protect to teach Yu Yajie greatly seems is judged the death penalty. 所有人的心就是一跳,近十年来,全大陆最活跃最令人忌惮的黑莲圣教大护教于雅洁好似被宣判了死刑。 Lion King Long Sha!” The Yu Yajie mind shakes, she orders the Lion King dragon to attack immediately. “狮王龙杀!”于雅洁心神一震,她立刻命令狮王龙出击。 Does not wait for the Lion King dragon to attack, Xing Luo then same place vanishes, appears in the left of Lion King dragon, lifted a hand palm of the hand to pat, hit the Lion King dragon flew horizontally. 不等狮王龙出击,星罗便原地消失,出现在狮王龙的左侧,抬手一巴掌拍了出去,将狮王龙打的横飞出去。 The hot tempered Lion King dragon even without enough time revolts. 暴躁的狮王龙甚至来不及反抗。 The people understand that Xing Luo closer Ten Kings Level, or he is Ten Kings Level is not overrated, was too formidable, at is not Yu Yajie can contend. 众人明白,星罗更贴近十王级了,或者说他已经是十王级也不为过,太强大了,根本不是于雅洁能够抗衡的。 Dies!” “去死吧!” But when the people think Xing Luo must win, Yu Yajie actually suddenly grins fiendishly, she seems goes crazy with the body resists the fist of Xing Luo. 可是就在众人以为星罗必胜的时候,于雅洁却突然狞笑起来,她好似发疯似的用身体去抗击星罗的拳头。 This commits suicide simply. 这简直就是自杀。 Yu Yajie actually must say that Xing Luo dies. 偏偏于雅洁却要说星罗去死。 Bang!” “轰!” A fist that Xing Luo must kill touches the flash of Yu Yajie body, felt that the indescribable blazing transmission, the golden flame erupts together from Yu Yajie within the body. 星罗必杀的一拳触及于雅洁身体的一瞬间,就感到无法形容的炽热感传来,一道金色的火光从于雅洁的体内爆发出来。 That flame is shining. 那火光金灿灿的。 Flying upside down that only then the hot flame, actually shakes Xing Luo together. 只有一道火炎,却将星罗震的倒飞出去。 Supreme Gold Flame!” Some people know that hot flame, immediately exudes the panic-stricken cry. 至尊金焱!”有人识得那火炎,立时发出惊恐的叫声。 Yu Yajie within the body is hiding together Supreme Gold Flame unexpectedly. 于雅洁体内居然隐藏着一道至尊金焱 Is better than Xing Luo, may compare favorably with the Ten Kings Level super master fully, facing that only then wisp of Supreme Gold Flame ends the defeat unexpectedly, hit flying upside down. 强如星罗,足可媲美十王级的超级高手,面对那只有一缕的至尊金焱居然是完败,被打的倒飞出去。 Forced to hide in the final trump card strength in within the body, Yu Yajie has sent out laughing wildly. 逼迫出隐藏在体内的最后王牌力量,于雅洁发出了狂笑。 Supreme Gold Flame, nothing which is not broken!” 至尊金焱,无所不破!” The Xing Luo complexion finally changed, he is very indeed strong, but clearer Supreme Gold Flame means anything, dignified his weapon day Luo Jian. 星罗脸色终于变了,他的确很强,可是更清楚至尊金焱意味着什么,凝重的将他的兵器天罗剑。 Yu Yajie both hands move in the front imaginary, that wisp of Supreme Gold Flame changes to the rocket to explode to shoot immediately together. 于雅洁双手在胸前幻动,那一缕至尊金焱立刻化作一道火箭爆射出去。 Star soul broken!” “星魂破!” Xing Luo has used the most formidable strategic move directly. 星罗直接动用了最强大的招数。 The day star sword according to the path that mysterious not measures, delimits spatially, but, hits hard that wisp of Supreme Gold Flame. 天星剑按照玄妙莫测的轨迹,划空而至,重击那一缕至尊金焱 Bang!” “轰!” 22 bump into, the day star sword was rebounded, the Xing Luo shaken spurting blood flies up at angle, on that day the star sword was the sword whining noise that exuded to tremble. 22相撞,天星剑被反弹起来,星罗更是被震的喷血斜飞出去,那天星剑更是发出颤栗的剑鸣声。 Supreme Gold Flame potential certainly, takes in everything at a glance. 至尊金焱强绝之势,一览无余。 Supreme Gold Flame, extinguishes kills Xie Aoyu!” Yu Yajie measured cloudy the say (way) that her grass controls that wisp of Supreme Gold Flame to bloom radiant brilliance, Xie Aoyu that the direction of fire still remained unconscious. 至尊金焱,灭杀谢傲宇!”于雅洁阴测测的道,她艹控着那一缕至尊金焱绽放出璀璨的光华,射向仍旧昏迷不醒的谢傲宇 Ao Yu!” 傲宇!” Xie Aoyu!” 谢傲宇!” Lao Xie!” 老谢!” Related quite near several people to call out in alarm with Xie Aoyu, no one has thought that occupied absolute winning side Xing Luo to suffer defeat unexpectedly suddenly, hit a little did not have the strength to hit back. 谢傲宇关系比较近的几个人都惊叫了起来,谁也没想到原本占据绝对上风的星罗居然突然败北,更是被打的有点毫无还手之力。 What made their unbelievable was, so under the situation, Yu Yajie unexpectedly still remembers that must kill Xie Aoyu. 更令他们难以置信的是,如此情形下,于雅洁居然还记得要杀死谢傲宇 Other people are want to rescue are impossible, because the strength disparity is too greatly is too big, Supreme Gold Flame controls in Yu Yajie grass, in an instant arrived in front of Xie Aoyu. 其他人就算是想要营救都不可能,因为实力差距实在是太大太大,至尊金焱于雅洁的艹控下,刹那间就到了谢傲宇面前。 Even if holds Xie Aoyu Lang Zhantian without enough time to respond that can only look helplessly. 即便是抱着谢傲宇浪战天都来不及反应,只能眼睁睁的看着。 Bites!” “叮!” A clear sound transmits. 一声清脆的响动传来。 The sound is not loud, all people heard, body of that sound from Xie Aoyu, then made their dumbfounded one appear. 声音不大,所有人都听到了,那声音来自谢傲宇的身上,接着令他们目瞪口呆的一幕出现了。 That certainly abnormal Supreme Gold Flame unexpectedly changes to together the luminous spot, submerged the body of Xie Aoyu. 那强绝变态的至尊金焱居然化作一道光点,没入了谢傲宇的身上。 Such vanished. 就这么消失了。 Changes continuously unexpectedly, making all people a little unable to make a turn, first is shock that Xing Luo brings, then Yu Yajie really has the Supreme Gold Flame guard, counter-attacks Xing Luo, now Supreme Gold Flame unexpectedly by stupor Xie Aoyu confiscating. 连续令人意想不到的变化,使得所有人都有点转不过弯,先是星罗带来的震撼,接着于雅洁竟然有至尊金焱护身,反击星罗,现在至尊金焱居然被昏迷的谢傲宇给没收了。 How possible, to be how possible.” Yu Yajie looks at own both hands, she lost the feeling of Supreme Gold Flame unexpectedly, Supreme Gold Flame!” “怎么可能,怎么可能。”于雅洁看着自己的双手,她竟然失去了至尊金焱的感觉,“至尊金焱!” She shouted loudly. 她大声叫嚷。 However that Supreme Gold Flame did not respond. 但是那至尊金焱却毫无反应。 Supreme Gold Flame! Supreme Gold Flame! Supreme Gold Flame!” Yu Yajie roared to call out unceasingly, result did not respond that the Yu Yajie complexion gradually changed. 至尊金焱至尊金焱至尊金焱!”于雅洁不断地吼叫道,结果是毫无反应,渐渐的于雅洁的脸色变了。 Not fierce, does not have the anger, not wild, only then miserable, bitter and astringent and helpless, her knees, knelt down on the ground, in the eye pan- the tears. 没有狰狞,没有愤怒,没有狂野,只有凄凉、苦涩、无奈,她双膝一曲,跪倒在地上,眼中泛起了泪光。 The people are startled once more. 众人再次一怔。 Is this does do? 这是干什么? Sees only in the Yu Yajie eye the tears crash-bang to fall, the hair is disorderly, does not have the imposing manner that Black Lotus Holy Church protects to teach greatly, instead likely is an injured woman. 只见于雅洁眼中泪水哗啦啦的掉落下来,头发杂乱,毫无黑莲圣教大护教的气势,反而像是一个受伤的女人。 You have forgotten me, you forgot me.” Yu Yajie both hands grasp into underground, two straighten, unceasing saying. “你真的把我忘记了,你真的把我忘记了。”于雅洁双手抓入地下,两眼发直的,不断的说道。 Xing Luo sees this situation, has not begun, appearing suddenly of Supreme Gold Flame, making him have the new idea, others do not know that his very clear Ge Telixie status, understood some once past events, what many made his gratified was, Ge Telixie drew support from Xie Aoyu to take back Supreme Gold Flame unexpectedly. 星罗见此情形,也没有动手,至尊金焱的突现,令他有了新的想法,别人不知道,他很清楚哥特里谢的身份,更加明白了曾经的一些往事,多少让他欣慰的是,哥特里谢竟然借助谢傲宇收回了至尊金焱 Yu Yajie did not have maintaining life charm amulet since then again. 于雅洁从此再无保命的护身符了。 You walk.” Xing Luo receives the day star sword, the desolate say (way), this time I can forgive you not dead, next time will make me see you again, must kill you!” “你走吧。”星罗收起天星剑,冷淡的道,“这次我可以饶你不死,下次再让我看到你,必杀你!” Yu Yajie as if has not heard, is only say (way): Heart demon went, your I did not have the connection again.” She stands up, is looking out the direction of day Yanjing, restrains the mournful color on that face, turns around to ride the Lion King dragon, we walk!” 于雅洁仿佛没有听到,只是怔怔的道:“心魔已去,你我再无瓜葛了。”她站起身,遥望着天罗燕京的方向,收敛起那脸上的凄然之色,一转身骑上狮王龙,“我们走!” Roar!” “吼!” The Lion King dragon turns around to go far away. 狮王龙转身远去。 Xing Luo said: Do not take any compounded drug to Brother Xie.” He gains ground to have a look at the deep blue sky, I should also close up.” The words fall, the human disappears, as if has never appeared, only then that disorder everywhere makes clear just now is having an unrivalled war. 星罗道:“不要给谢老弟服用任何丹药。”他抬头看看蔚蓝的天空,“我也该去闭关了。”话落,人消失,仿佛从未出现过,只有那满地的狼籍昭示着方才有一场旷世之战。 All restore peacefully, is only bystander the question at heart are getting more and more, finally vision centralized on stupor Xie Aoyu. 一切重新恢复安静,只是围观者的心里疑问却越来越多,最后目光都集中在昏迷的谢傲宇身上。 All gets up because of him, the result ended because of him. 所有的一切都因他而起,结果又因他而结束。 The humans affair fluctuates not measured seriously. 世事变幻当真莫测。 Meanwhile, Lian Yu Xiang also facial color pale throwing down in the bosom of Ru Yan, her corners of the mouth flows out a blood, the energetic dispirited, is good because of Xie Aoyu has not died.” 与此同时,炼雨香也面色惨白的摔倒在如烟的怀中,她的嘴角流出一丝鲜血,精神萎靡之极,“好在谢傲宇没死。” Young lady? Just now probably outside dozen of fierce.” Ru Yan is being Lian Yu Xiang has protected buddhist law, does not know that had anything, but felt that outside has the strength fluctuation that made her unable to resist. “小姐,到底怎么了?方才好像外面打的厉害。”如烟一直在为炼雨香护法,并不知道发生了什么,只是感到外面有令她无法抗拒的力量波动。 Say (Way) that Lian Yu Xiang clenches jaws: Yu Yajie that old woman wants to kill Xie Aoyu unexpectedly, damn old woman!” In her look is passing cold and gloomy killing intent, sooner or later one will say that I must kill Yu Yajie!” 炼雨香咬牙切齿的道:“于雅洁那个老女人竟然想杀死谢傲宇,该死的老女人!”她神色中透着森冷的杀意,“早晚有一曰,我必杀于雅洁!” Xie Aoyu does not die, the young lady then can use him to obtain Sky Fire Spirit Pearl, kills Yu Yajie not to be difficult.” Ru Yan said with a smile, wants to come young lady to take the Xie Aoyu injured opportunity, entered his mind world with ease?” 谢傲宇不死,小姐便可以利用他得到天火灵珠,杀死于雅洁也就不难了。”如烟笑道,“想来小姐应该利用谢傲宇受伤的机会,轻松进入他的心灵世界了吧?” Mentioned this matter, Lian Yu Xiang was mad bites the silver slivers tooth, far more than entered, is forced to fuse!” 提到这事,炼雨香更是气得咬碎银牙,“何止进入,被迫融合了!” „?!” Ru Yan was scared. “啊?!”如烟傻眼了。
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