BE :: Volume #2

#182: Is spread like stars in the sky the startled world 【One】

Life and death flash. 生死一瞬间。 To kill the fist of person of Xie Aoyu not to arrive at the body of Xie Aoyu, that verve fresh breeze then must his body blowing torn to pieces. 欲杀谢傲宇之人的拳头还未到达谢傲宇的身体,那刚猛的劲风便要将其身体给吹的支离破碎。 Comes person strength abnormal strange. 来人实力变态的邪乎。 Hissing “嘶” Gold Flame Hawk sends out neighing of ominous offense, tumbling out of whole body that shining Gold Flame surging forward, the left wing changes to a lightning, sweeps off maliciously. 金焱神鹰发出凶戾的嘶鸣,全身那金灿灿的金焱汹涌澎湃的滚出,左翼更是化作一道闪电,狠狠地扫去。 Evil livestock!” That person has no other choice but to receive under presses. “孽畜!”那人不得已收手下按。 Ping “砰砰砰” The innumerable Gold Flame dissipations and invisible, are left-wing also hit breaking of that Gold Flame Hawk, is good because of Gold Flame Hawk is Beastly Soul, simply does not have the aching feeling, is very similar to Evil Spirit, does not have anything to affect. 无数的金焱消散与无形,就是那金焱神鹰的左翼也被打的断折,好在金焱神鹰兽魂,根本没有疼痛感,与邪灵很相似,对其也没什么影响。 Xie Aoyu was but miserable. 可是谢傲宇却惨了。 Gold Flame Hawk is unable to prevent, Evil Spirit hit returns to the spell law sign, Xie Aoyu can only wait for death, because the speed of opposite party responded to him quickly without enough time. 金焱神鹰无法阻止,邪灵被打的重归魔咒法牌,谢傲宇只能等死,因为对方的速度快到他连反应都来不及。 Death!” “死!” This person shakes the fist to hit hard once more, this Gold Flame Hawk does not have the opportunity. 此人再次挥拳重击,这次金焱神鹰都没有机会。 Looks fist that enlarges gradually, Xie Aoyu a tranquility, the death has been doomed at heart, is incapable of recalling, is having at heart these serious burdens, put down finally. 看着那逐渐放大的拳头,谢傲宇的心里一片的平静,死亡已经注定,无力挽回,心里背负着的那些沉重的包袱,终于放下了。 Mind incomparable easy and comfortable tranquil. 心灵无比的安逸平静。 Thorough letting loose. 彻底的放开了。 Lets loose, waited for the death, Xie Aoyu felt that a cool feeling thorough heart of faint trace, his heart's core as if presented a slender form, carefully looked, impressively was Lian Yu Xiang. 放开自我,等待死亡,谢傲宇却感到一丝丝的凉意透彻心扉,他的心灵深处似乎出现了一条窈窕的身影,仔细一看,赫然是炼雨香 Strange, I was dying, thinks is not the Zi Yan elder sister, Bing Wu they, what how can emit is Lian Yu Xiang? Xie Aoyu is astonished very much. 奇怪,我都要死了,想的不是紫嫣姐,冰舞她们,怎么会冒出的是炼雨香呢?谢傲宇很是讶异。 But sees that heart's core, on the face of Lian Yu Xiang flashes through wipes startled. 但见那心灵深处,炼雨香的脸上闪过一抹惊慌。 A boundless strength surges from the heart's core, flaming roaring flame that this strength floods, seems one group of day fires is ordinary. 紧接着一股磅礴的力量从心灵深处涌动出来,这力量充斥的熊熊的烈焰,仿佛是一团天火一般。 The strength appears suddenly, the instantaneous cover decides the Xie Aoyu whole body. 力量突现,瞬间罩定谢傲宇全身。 Roar “吼” Xie Aoyu raises the head to send out a long and loud cry. 谢傲宇仰首发出一声长啸。 He does not know that this strength from where, as if can destroy the day to extinguish, looks once more to that fist, did not have once quickness like that and strength no longer was fearful to is unable the low-grade situation. 他也不知道这力量来自何处,仿佛可以毁天灭地,再次看向那拳头,却没有曾经那般的快捷,并且力量也不再是可怕到无法低档的地步。 Flying Dragon In The Sky! 飞龙在天 Xie Aoyu wants not to think that lifted the hand to make oneself most formidable Fights Technique. 谢傲宇想也没想,抬手就打出了自己最强大的斗技 Bang!” “轰!” Their fist hits. 两人拳头撞击。 Blazing ray rapid flooding in all directions, destroys the surrounding area all objects within hundred meters, the astonishing explosive force shakes the earth within a lot of meters in the fierce tremor. 一股炽烈的光芒迅速的充斥在四面八方,摧毁方圆百米内的一切物体,惊人的爆炸力震得千百米内的大地都在剧烈的颤动。 „!” “哇!” Xie Aoyu spouts a blood once more, the human hit flying upside down more than 60 meters, knocks down a wall, pounds Gold Flame Hawk flew. 谢傲宇再次喷出一口鲜血,人被打的倒飞出去60多米,撞倒一面墙壁,也将金焱神鹰砸的飞了出去。 That kills his Emperor level master is actually only the body slightly rocks. 那袭杀他的天王级高手却只是身体微微晃动。 Well?” Emperor level master surprised. “咦?”天王级高手惊疑一声。 Although has used 50% strengths, but must kill Sage level superior masters to be easy, unexpectedly by Xie Aoyu shaking rocked, is this possible? 虽然只是动用了五成的力量,可是要杀死一名至圣级上位高手都是轻而易举的,竟然被谢傲宇给震的晃动了一下,这怎么可能? Earth Escape Technique! 土遁术 Xie Aoyu stamps, submerges instantaneously underground. 谢傲宇一跺地,瞬间没入地下。 That Emperor level master once more one startled, immediately flushes away to the place that Xie Aoyu throws down, but Gold Flame Hawk flutters to soar, left side of direction of fire. 天王级高手再次一惊,立刻向谢傲宇摔倒的地方冲去,而金焱神鹰则振翅高飞,射向左侧。 Whiz!” “嗖!” Xie Aoyu emits in the left more than ten meters places. 谢傲宇在左侧十多米的地方冒出。 Wind and rain line such as light electricity! 风雨行之如光似电! He changes to the time to explode to shoot the back of Gold Flame Hawk together. 他化作一道流光爆射到金焱神鹰的背部。 Walks!” “走!” Xie Aoyu roared. 谢傲宇咆哮道。 Hissing “嘶” Gold Flame Hawk has launched the speed. 金焱神鹰展开了速度。 Damn! On Emperor level master face the muscle is vibrating, if cannot kill Xie Aoyu, he later did not have the face to see the human, wild with rage, Qi of whole body crazy surged, the long sword appeared together in his hands, under Qi instilled into, that long sword violent projected has three meters sword air/Qi together fully. 该死!天王级高手脸上肌肉都在抖动,若是不能杀死谢傲宇,他以后都没脸见人了,狂怒之下,全身的斗气疯狂的涌动起来,一道长剑出现在他的手中,在斗气灌输之下,那长剑暴射出一道足有三米长的剑气。 Brush! 刷! The Emperor level master separates cut down to cut a sword spatially. 天王级高手隔空劈斩一剑。 The sword light has delimited, that universe seemed cut generally, the tyrannical sword air/Qi pierces all hindrance, instantaneously covers in which Xie Aoyu and Gold Flame Hawk. 剑光划过,那片天宇仿佛被划破了一般,强横的剑气洞穿一切阻碍,瞬间将谢傲宇金焱神鹰笼罩其中。 „” “呀” Xie Aoyu as if hears the heart's core to transmit Lian Yu Xiang not willingly roaring, his body surges once more unequalled strength fluctuation. 谢傲宇仿佛听到心灵深处传来炼雨香不甘心的咆哮,他的身上再次涌动出无与伦比的力量波动。 Hissing!” “嘶!” Gold Flame Hawk moves suddenly in a flash, sits is raised in Xie Aoyu that it carries on the back flies, therefore danger and danger has shunted that ominous offense incomparable sword light, will be the sword light complementary waves then makes that intrepid strength fluctuation that Xie Aoyu will live shortly to shatter not have the trace merely, he felt that soon was torn, in flying upside down saw that Gold Flame Hawk was divided by the sword light for the fragment, will change to a golden light, will return to the incantation sign. 金焱神鹰猛然一晃动,坐在它背上的谢傲宇被掀飞,也因此险而又险的躲开了那凶戾无匹的剑光,仅仅是剑光的余波便令谢傲宇生出来的那股强悍的力量波动顷刻间破碎无踪,他感到快要被撕裂了,倒飞中看到金焱神鹰被剑光劈为碎片,化作点点金光,重新回归咒牌内。 Numerous falling fall, Xie Aoyu spurts the blood crazily, at present one black, fainted. 重重的摔落下来,谢傲宇狂喷鲜血,眼前一黑,昏死了过去。 Before the stupor, he sees the heart's core, that Lian Yu Xiang form incomparable emaciated, as if the wind blows but actually, changes to the light to fuse together in his mind together, in the ear transmits the angry long and loud cry. 昏迷前他看到心灵深处,那炼雨香的身影无比的孱弱,仿佛风吹即倒,化作一道光影与他的心灵融合在一起,耳中则传来愤怒的长啸。 Could be saved? 有救了? Xie Aoyu along with, even if fell into the lethargic sleep. 谢傲宇随即便陷入了昏睡中。 The howl gets up, alarms. 啸声起,图罗惊动。 The entire Yanjing ate delicacies to be shocked by that anger, Xing Luo such as the demon god from the remote horizon explodes shoots, but, his both eyes that issues the dance project the substantive light beam, distant locking that has sneak attacked the person of Xie Aoyu. 整个图罗燕京都被那一声怒啸所震惊,星罗如魔神般从遥远的天际爆射而至,乱发狂舞的他双目射出实质般的光束,遥遥的锁定了那偷袭谢傲宇之人。 Roar!” “吼!” Meanwhile, long and loud cries resound from various Yanjing places. 与此同时,一声声的长啸从图罗燕京各处响起。 Person's shadows appear in the midair. 一条条的人影出现在半空中。 The innumerable person's shadows from gather to come in all directions, has the player from each empire, has Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire these Emperor level masters. 无数的人影从四面八方汇聚而来,其中就有来自各个帝国的参赛选手,更有图罗帝国的那些天王级高手。 Xue Jingde, you courts death!” Xing Luo breaks shouts to clear the way. “薛敬德,你找死!”星罗喝道 That must kill Xie Aoyu Emperor level master Xue Jingde hear [words/that] to sneer saying: Xing Luo, you also throw a bluff on by your elder brother Xing King Xing Chen Feng, depending on the strength of your Emperor level lower position, I have not paid attention to you, you should better not to meddle, otherwise is Xing King Xing Chen Feng kisses, my Black Lotus Holy Church did not fear!” 那必杀谢傲宇天王级高手薛敬德闻言冷笑道:“星罗,你也就是靠你的兄长星王星辰风来唬人而已,凭你天王级下位的实力,我还真没把你放在眼里,你最好不要插手,否则就算是星王星辰风亲到,我黑莲圣教也不怕!” Black Lotus Holy Church, when executes!” Xing Luo gets angry shouts to clear the way. 黑莲圣教,当诛!”星罗喝道 The sound falls, human. 声落,人到。 Bang!” “嘭!” Fights with the fists, hits that Black Lotus Holy Church Emperor level master Xue Jingde stuffy snort backs up. 一拳打出,将那黑莲圣教天王级高手薛敬德打的闷哼倒退。 These Emperor level masters of arrival watch, hold breath cold air, to be how possible, but Xue Jingde in Emperor the boundary of position, wants the high boundary compared with Xing Luo. 到来的那些天王级高手看在眼里,倒吸一口凉气,怎么可能,薛敬德可是天王中位的境界啊,比星罗要高一个境界。 Sword breaks! „ “剑断!“ Xing Luo shouted in the sound, a fist rumbled. 星罗断喝声中,一拳轰出。 „!” “咔嚓!” In Xue Jingde hand sharp sword breaks accordingly, he hit spurting blood flies upside down. 那薛敬德手中利剑应声断裂,他本人更是被打的喷血倒飞出去。 Is impossible, you, you Xue Jingde screamed. “不可能,你,你”薛敬德尖叫道。 Death!” “死!” Xing Luo does not respond him, one step bridges over hundred meters distance, seems has to shrink Cheng Cun Qi Shusi, emerges out of thin air in Xue Jingde front, a fist rumbled. 星罗根本不搭理他,一步跨过百米的距离,好似拥有缩地成寸的奇术似的,凭空出现在薛敬德的面前,一拳轰了出去。 Bang!” “嘭!” Opportunity that Xue Jingde gets rid of continually does not have, fought with the fists the body to blast open by Xing Luo. 薛敬德连出手的机会都没有,被星罗一拳打得身体炸裂开来。 In three fighting with the fists dead Emperor Xue Jingde of boundary, these has deterred all people, no one has thought that this is considered is only Emperor lower position boundary Xing Luo has been hiding the strength unexpectedly, his great strength has achieved one situation that makes people unable to infer. 三拳打死天王中位境界的薛敬德,这一下震慑了所有人,谁也没有想到,这被认为只是天王下位境界的星罗居然一直都在隐藏着实力,他的强大已经达到一个让人无法推断的地步。 Xing Luo holds stupor Xie Aoyu, laughs crazy shouts to clear the way: Black Lotus Holy Church Yu Yajie, third later, Tianfeng, with duel!” 星罗将昏迷的谢傲宇抱起来,纵声狂喝道:“黑莲圣教于雅洁,三曰之后,图罗天峰,与尔决斗!” Yanjing all people shock once more. 图罗燕京所有人再次震撼。 Black Lotus Holy Church protects greatly hopefully teaches Wang of Zhouzhuo Wen eldest son Zhou Juewu Yu Yajie and mercenary soldier is the recognition this year broken enters the Ten Kings Level Emperor superior master, what kind tyrannical, Xing Luo must unexpectedly with its duel. 黑莲圣教大护教于雅洁与佣兵之王周卓文的大儿子周爵武是公认的最有希望在今年破入十王级天王上位高手,何等的强横,星罗居然要与其决斗。 Those who made them shock, the goal of duel because of Xie Aoyu! 更令他们震惊的是,决斗的目的就因为谢傲宇 What status this was called under the starry sky the young fellow of first master to have by Xing King Xing Chen Feng in the future, unexpectedly can let Xing Luo so? 这个被星王星辰风称为未来星空下第一高手的少年人到底有着什么样的身份,居然可以让星罗如此? In crowd, after the butterfly, You Lan Ruo sees this situation, sighed one darkly, Xinghun Family must choose to stand behind Xie Aoyu.” She raises the head to look at the deep blue sky, the say (way) that in the mouth muttered, Tricolor God Core, Tricolor God Core, what mystery has, made of Xinghun Family strongest seven big An­tiq­uity family were willing to devote life to for it.” 人群中,蝶后幽兰若见此情形,暗叹一声,“星魂家族要选择站在谢傲宇背后了。”她仰首看着蔚蓝的天空,口中喃喃自语的道,“三色神丹,三色神丹,到底有着什么样的奥妙呢,令最强七大上古家族之一的星魂家族甘愿为其效命。” Shot a look at stupor Xie Aoyu, after the butterfly, You Lan Ruo floating goes. 瞥了一眼昏迷的谢傲宇,蝶后幽兰若飘然而去。 „After not needing three saying that.” “无需三曰后。” A voice of woman resounds, faintly recognizable, making one not catch the slight trace, was actually similar to the steelyard weight general vibration presents all people. 一个女人的声音响起,飘飘渺渺的,令人捕捉不到丝毫的痕迹,却如同重锤一般震动在场所有人。 Black Lotus Holy Church protects to teach Yu Yajie greatly! 黑莲圣教大护教于雅洁 No one had noticed where Yu Yajie from comes, she such emerged out of thin air in this street, a black dress, the somewhat gray hair, pair of phoenix contained the prestige. 谁也没有看到于雅洁从什么地方来的,她就这么凭空出现在了这条街道内,一袭黑色的裙装,有些花白的头发,一双凤目含威。 Xing Luo gives Lang Zhantian stupor Xie Aoyu, he has then turned around, is staring at Yu Yajie indifferently, Black Lotus Holy Church aims at the duty that my Xing Luo commission army corps admit again and again but actually, unexpectedly dares to disregard my Xing Luo command, now said that then makes your Black Lotus Holy Church know, fierce of my Xing Luo!” 星罗将昏迷的谢傲宇交给浪战天,他这才转过身,冷眼盯着于雅洁,“黑莲圣教三番两次针对我星罗佣兵团接纳的任务倒也罢了,居然敢无视我星罗令,今曰便让你黑莲圣教知晓,我星罗的厉害!” Ha-ha, you are not Xing King.” Yu Yajie light saying. “呵呵,你不是星王。”于雅洁淡淡的说道。 Her words are very clear, that looks down upon Xing Luo. 她的话很明确,那就是看不起星罗 You are not Ge Mingde.” Say (Way) that Xing Luo despises similarly. “你也不是葛明德。”星罗同样蔑视的道。 But I must kill human, he must die.” The Yu Yajie both eyes twinkle, the violent of cold light from her eye shoots together, long jab Xie Aoyu. “但是我要杀之人,他必死。”于雅洁双目闪烁,一道冷光从她的眼睛内暴射出去,直击谢傲宇 This action not only made Xing Luo be furious, made all people dumbfounded. 这一举动不但令星罗震怒,更令所有人目瞪口呆。 Yu Yajie sneak attacks the stupor unexpectedly Xie Aoyu. 于雅洁居然偷袭昏迷的谢傲宇 Must know that Yu Yajie is any status, can make her so procedure perhaps is Ten Kings Level Master, but she has actually adopted the sneak attack to Xie Aoyu. 要知道于雅洁是什么身份,能令她如此做法的恐怕都是十王级高手吧,可是她却对谢傲宇采取了偷袭。 At this moment, all people looked that changed to the Xie Aoyu look. 这一刻,所有人看向谢傲宇的眼神都变了。 So long as is not the fool, knows that Xie Aoyu is not absolutely simple like the surface. 只要不是傻子,都知道,谢傲宇绝对不像表面那么简单。 „!” “啪!” A Xing Luo point, that cold brightness is disillusioned conveniently immediately, his horizontal body keeps off Xie Aoyu after behind, say (way) that lets somebody cool off or calm down: Yu Yajie, puts out your real skill!” 星罗随手一点,那寒光立时破灭,他则横身将谢傲宇挡在身后,冷冷的道:“于雅洁,拿出你的真本事吧!” Saw with own eyes that Xing Luo so with ease explains own attack, Yu Yajie slightly is also startled, her skill turns, a sharp long sword appears in the hand, one step takes, already arrived at the Xing Luo near, the Emperor level masters who the rapidness of its speed, surrounds continually have not seen clearly. 眼见星罗如此轻松地破解自己的攻击,于雅洁也是微微一怔,她手腕一翻,一把锋利的长剑出现在手中,一步迈出,业已到达星罗的近前,其速度之快,连围观的天王级高手都没有看清楚。 The sword moves, then ten thousand swords fire, if the sword rain erupts surely, strangles to death to go to Xing Luo completely, humming sound the sword rain vibration sound, seems the endless winged insect in neat fluttering, the grating sound made all people feel that the tympanum severe pain was incomparable, even if were the Emperor level master also nothing more than such as is. 剑动,则万剑齐发,若千万剑雨爆发,全部向星罗绞杀而去,“嗡嗡”的剑雨震动声,好似无尽的飞虫在齐刷刷的振翅,刺耳的声音令所有人都感到耳鼓剧痛无比,哪怕是天王级高手也不外如是。 Everywhere sword rain lasing. 漫天的剑雨激射。 Is looking at so the invincible might, these Emperor level dew colors with amazement, so can the strength, except Ten Kings Level Master, who resist? 望着如此神威,那些天王级目露骇然之色,这般实力,除十王级高手,还有何人可以抵抗? May facing the endless sword rain, Xing Luo regard , if no thing, the armored hand is unprecedented, goes toward the front bang. 可面对无尽的剑雨,星罗视若无物,铁拳一往无前,朝着前方轰去。 Easily accomplished! 摧枯拉朽! The sword rain of that armored hand to shatter everywhere, pierced the space directly, bang hits above that real sharp sword. 那铁拳破碎漫天的剑雨,直接洞穿了空间,轰隆一声打在那真实的利剑之上。 Bang!” “嘭!” The Yu Yajie personal appearance shakes, backing up has more than ten fully steps the stable personal appearance. 于雅洁身形微晃,倒退足有十多步才稳定身形。 Looks at Xing Luo again, is fearless and vertical, uncombed hair wild is waving, an eye explodes projects the none remaining, is similar to the unparalleled overlord is ordinary, the bird's eye view the boundless land, he is stretching out right hand index finger gently Yu Yajie, then swung swinging. 再看星罗,昂然而立,乱发狂野的舞动着,一双眼睛爆射出精光,如同盖世霸王一般,俯瞰着苍茫大地,他伸出右手食指轻轻一点于雅洁,然后摇了摇。
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