BE :: Volume #2

#181: Beautiful woman's invitation 【Three】

The makings transform at will, if not Xie Aoyu witnesses, he does not believe absolutely, Lian Yu Xiang and Ru Yan master and servant two people might be considered as hundred change the succubas. 气质随意转换,若非谢傲宇亲眼目睹,他绝对不会相信的,炼雨香如烟主仆二人堪称是百变魔女了。 Must change the facial features, is actually not too difficult, therefore there is a strange spell, has some marvelous face-paintings, but the makings are actually not able to change, a genuine master often looks through a person flaw from the makings, but they can actually change the makings, covers all flaws thoroughly. 要改变面容,其实并不是太难,故有奇异的魔咒,现有一些奇妙的化妆术,可是气质却无法改变,一个真正的高手往往就是从气质上看破一个人破绽的,而她们却能够改变气质,彻底掩盖一切破绽。 „Isn't Xie Shao willing with the rain fragrant alliance, too to be weak because of the rain fragrant strength?” Saying of Lian Yu Xiang pear flower belt rain, full is the mournful color. 谢少难道不愿意与雨香联盟,是因为雨香的实力太弱?”炼雨香梨花带雨的说道,满是凄然之色。 Xie Aoyu said: Cooperation, but I am impossible to mobilize the strength of my friend, I will only use my strength, but I as if am not worth the rain fragrant young lady alliance.” 谢傲宇道:“合作可以,但是我不可能调动我朋友的力量,我只会动用我自己的力量,可是我自己似乎并不值得雨香小姐联盟吧。” No!” “不!” Lian Yu Xiang said firm. 炼雨香说的更加的坚定。 „?” Xie Aoyu must have a look at these hundred to change but actually the succuba has any view. “哦?”谢傲宇倒要看看这百变魔女有什么说法。 First, Xie Shao already was mainland most promising youth one generation of recognition, you had boundless prospects.” The Lian Yu Xiang item shoots the scalding hot ray, perhaps is a feeling, Xie Shao gives my feeling, as if has into the fable Battle Emperor possibility.” “第一,谢少已然是公认的大陆最有前途的青年一代,你前途无量。”炼雨香目射灼热的光芒,“或许是一种感觉吧,谢少给我的感觉,似乎有成为传说战皇的可能。” Thump thump “怦怦” The bonus is Xie Aoyu calmly in this way, a heartbeat that was also said by Lian Yu Xiang. 饶是谢傲宇冷静如斯,也被炼雨香说的一阵心跳。 Naturally this heartbeat not excitedly, but is shocking. 自然这种心跳可不是激动地,而是震惊的。 Becoming Battle Emperor! 成为战皇 This has the strength that the talented person of Tricolor God Core can achieve, but he has Tricolor God Core exactly, associates to the words that Lian Yu Xiang spoke a moment ago, Xie Aoyu discovered that intelligence network that in the Lian Yu Xiang hand controls as if somewhat strong was odd. 这是拥有三色神丹之人才能够达到的实力,而他恰好拥有三色神丹,联想到刚才炼雨香说的话,谢傲宇发现,炼雨香手中掌控的情报网似乎有些强的离谱了。 Second?” Xie Aoyu is holding appreciatively that viridis wine class, making oneself calm down. “第二呢?”谢傲宇把玩着那翠绿色的酒杯,令自己重新冷静下来。 Lian Yu Xiang said: Copes with Black Lotus Holy Church, I have two plans, first is use enough strength encircles, this is not quite obviously realistic, Xie Shao is not willing to use the strength of your friend, therefore can only use the second plan, but this plan carries on, needs Xie Shao to help me complete a matter.” 炼雨香道:“对付黑莲圣教,我有两个方案,第一就是利用足够的力量进行围剿,这显然是不太现实的,谢少又不愿意动用你朋友的力量,所以只能使用第二套方案了,而这套方案的进行,需要谢少帮我完成一件事情。” What matter?” Xie Aoyu said. “什么事?”谢傲宇道。 I practice to have mystical powers to want hundred change the technique, this Qi Shu not only can change the makings, if obtains a thing again, but can also change the appearance, thorough turns into another person, so I then can mix in Black Lotus Holy Church to cut to kill personal enemy Yu Yajie.” Lian Yu Xiang said. “我修炼有灵欲百变术,这种奇术不但可以改变气质,若再得到一件东西,还能够改变容貌,彻底的变成另外一个人,如此我便可以混入黑莲圣教斩杀仇人于雅洁。”炼雨香说道。 Yu Yajie probably is Black Lotus Holy Church protects to teach greatly, the hearsay strength has achieved the Emperor level superior, even might break through into Ten Kings Level Master, you thought that you mixed, can kill her?” The Xie Aoyu doubt said. 于雅洁好像是黑莲圣教的大护教,传闻实力已经达到天王级上位,甚至有可能突破成为十王级高手了,你觉得你混进去,就能杀死她?”谢傲宇狐疑道。 Smiles grieved, Lian Yu Xiang said: This is I wants you to help me obtain that thing goal, so long as obtains, not only can help me to change the appearance, but can also make me and Yu Yajie perishes together.” She gains ground to stare at Xie Aoyu, I have said that to revenge, I am willing to pay all.” 惨然一笑,炼雨香道:“这就是我要你帮我得到那件东西的目的,只要得到,不但可以助我改变容貌,还能令我与于雅洁同归于尽。”她抬起头盯着谢傲宇,“我说过,为报仇,我愿付出一切。” Looks at the Lian Yu Xiang solemn and stirring facial expression, Xie Aoyu almost wants saying that promises her to use the Zi Yan strength, he has turned the head hurriedly, looks to that brocade variety colored group. 看着炼雨香悲壮的神情,谢傲宇差点想说答应她动用紫嫣的力量,他急忙转过头去,看向那锦簇的花团。 The cool feeling of faint trace transmits from the necks. 丝丝的凉意从脖间传来。 That hangs crescent moon on neck hangs to fall to transmit, brains that Xie Aoyu somewhat ignorantly moves restlessly fast calm, the whole person sobers incomparably. 那挂在脖子上的月牙吊坠传来的,谢傲宇有些浑噩躁动的头脑快速的冷静了下来,整个人都清醒无比。 He sighed the moon/month to fall darkly worthily is the unsurpassed Emperor blade, really also had this ability. 他暗叹月陨不愧是无上天王刀,竟然还有此能力。 Does not know that is any thing has such ability, but also needs me to help you attain.” The Xie Aoyu back to Lian Yu Xiang, facing the woman who this can momentarily change the makings, he has not really grasped can stand firm the mind. “不知是什么东西有如此能力,还需要我才能帮你拿到。”谢傲宇背对炼雨香,面对这个能够随时改变气质的女人,他实在没有把握能够稳住心神。 Is Sky Fire Spirit Pearl.” Lian Yu Xiang said. “是天火灵珠。”炼雨香说道。 Xie Aoyu said: What is that? Sounds probably is the fire is the thing of surname.” 谢傲宇道:“那是什么?听起来好像是火属姓的东西。” Rotation tender body, faces Xie Aoyu gently once more, Lian Yu Xiang said: Is the fire is the bead of surname, but the roaring flame formation that after is actually nine deity thunder fall, has, therefore is called Sky Fire Spirit Pearl.” 轻轻转动娇躯,再次面对谢傲宇,炼雨香道:“是火属姓的珠子,但是却是九天神雷落下之后产生的烈焰形成的,所以被称为天火灵珠。” Originally is this.” Xie Aoyu nods, afterward nonchalant asking, so same goods, should be Qi Wu, why wants me to take, side the rain fragrant young lady as if should have some masters is right.” “原来是这样。”谢傲宇点点头,随后不经意间的问道,“如此一样物品,应该是奇物了,为什么要我去取,雨香小姐身边似乎应该存在一些高手才对吧。” Xie Shao has not to know that the Sky Fire Spirit Pearl position is very special, only has Lei Mushuang is the talented person of surname can enter there.” Lian Yu Xiang replied. 谢少有所不知,天火灵珠所处位置很是特殊,唯有雷木双属姓之人才能够进入那里。”炼雨香回答道。 Xie Aoyu said with a smile: Is difficult to be inadequate side the rain fragrant young lady not to have Lei Mushuang to be the person of surname?” 谢傲宇笑道:“难不成雨香小姐身边没有雷木双属姓之人?” Strange looks at Xie Aoyu some little time, Lian Yu Xiang said: Xie Shao does not know, the mainland only then you are Lei Mushuang are the surname consubstantiality? The thunder is the surname and wood is surname cannot in one person, such will create is the surname restraint, thus makes people unable to practice Qi.” 古怪的看着谢傲宇好一会儿,炼雨香才说道:“谢少难道不知道,全大陆只有你是雷木双属姓同体的吗?雷属姓和木属姓是不能同在一人身上的,那样会造成属姓克制,从而让人无法修炼出斗气的。” Has this matter?” Xie Aoyu said surprised. “有这事?”谢傲宇吃惊道。 He once is unable to practice the Qi worry nearly ten years, for this reason father Xie Gan runs across the mainland, had not found the solution, does not know Lei Mu unable Zi Yan consubstantiality view. 他曾经就是被无法修炼出斗气烦恼将近十年的时间,为此父亲谢乾奔走大陆各地,都没有找到解决办法,就连紫嫣都不知道雷木不能同体这个说法。 Lian Yu Xiang said: Right, this is I in a book saw that Lei Mushuang is the surname may not in one person, Xie Shao is the exception, moreover broke the thunder wooden consubstantiality not to practice the Qi shackles.” 炼雨香道:“对啊,这是我在一本书中看到的,雷木双属姓不可同在一人身上的,谢少是例外,而且也打破了雷木同体不得修炼斗气的桎梏。” More than ten years, cannot think I am unable to practice the Qi reason unexpectedly am this, Xie Aoyu at heart a feeling, good, I can take Sky Fire Spirit Pearl for the rain fragrant young lady, but, I hope that the rain fragrant young lady can do not revenge with this violent method.” 十多年了,想不到我无法修炼斗气的原因居然是这个,谢傲宇的心里一阵感慨,“好吧,我可以为雨香小姐去取天火灵珠,不过,我还是希望雨香小姐能够不要用这种极端的手段去报仇。” Xie Shao cared about others, was really happy.” Lian Yu Xiang really hundred change the succubas, reveals pure young girl that beckoning sweetness to smile. 谢少关心人家了,真高兴。”炼雨香真可谓百变魔女,又露出纯真少女那种令人心动的甜笑。 Xie Aoyu smiles, he is thinking another matter, if Little Devil Qin Yueyi and hundred change succuba Lian Yu Xiang collides, it is estimated that will be interesting, where takes Sky Fire Spirit Pearl?” 谢傲宇一笑,他心里想着另外一件事,要是小恶魔秦月依和百变魔女炼雨香碰撞的话,估计会非常非常有趣,“去什么地方取天火灵珠?” Now just determined the range that Sky Fire Spirit Pearl has, the concrete place, had not found, after finding, I again inform Xie Shao.” Lian Yu Xiang said that Xie Shao is rain obtains Sky Fire Spirit Pearl fragrant, the rain has the generous reward fragrant.” “现在才刚刚确定天火灵珠存在的范围,具体的地方,还未找到,找到之后,我再通知谢少。”炼雨香说道,“谢少为雨香取得天火灵珠,雨香定有厚报。” Afterward Xie Aoyu then said goodbye. 随后谢傲宇便告辞了。 Gazes after the back that Xie Aoyu is departing, the Lian Yu Xiang makings had the earth-shaking change again, if elegant beautiful woman. 目送着谢傲宇离去的背影,炼雨香的气质再次发生了天翻地覆的变化,若雍容华贵的美妇人。 Ru Yan also walked from the hidden place. 如烟也从暗处走了出来。 Young lady, he probably hundred has not changed the technique disturbance by the spirit desire.” Ru Yan looks to feel strange the color, spirit desire hundred change the technique is most excellent Flatters Tech­nique, properly speaking, by his mental, is impossible resisted in the past, was because for a long time after flattering Zi Yan treated in the same place, making him have certain immunity ability?” “小姐,他好像并没有被灵欲百变术干扰。”如烟面露奇怪之色,“灵欲百变术是最上乘的媚术,按理说,以他的心智,不可能抵抗过去的啊,难道是因为长时间与媚后紫嫣待在一起,令他产生了一定的免疫能力?” Has this possibility.” Lian Yu Xiang takes Xie Aoyu has been drinking the viridis wine class of hundred flowers dew, say (way) with a laugh, bonus is he is mental, actually must defeat under this young lady's pomegranate skirt, the spirit desire hundred change the technique is not only the change makings and appearance small technique.” “有此可能。”炼雨香拿着谢傲宇喝过的百花露的翠绿色酒杯,笑呵呵的道,“饶是他心智坚韧,却也要败在本小姐的石榴裙下,灵欲百变术岂止是改变气质、容貌的小术。” Ru Yan said pleasantly surprised: „Has he drunk young lady's hundred flowers dew?” 如烟惊喜道:“他喝了小姐的百花露?” Receives the wine class, Lian Yu Xiang said: He worried that I intoxicate in liquor, actually does not know that the spirit desire hundred change the technique can through the hundred flowers dew display function that I ferment.” 将酒杯收起,炼雨香道:“他只是担心我在酒中下毒,却不知道灵欲百变术能够通过我酿制的百花露发挥作用。” All that this, we make, even if there is innumerable flaws, has all thoughts that made him flinch, will not produce has suspected, the young lady can certainly obtain Sky Fire Spirit Pearl.” The Ru Yan great happiness said. “这样的话,我们所做的一切,就算是有无数的破绽,有令他退缩的一切念头,都不会产生怀疑了,小姐一定可以得到天火灵珠。”如烟大喜道。 Sky Fire Spirit Pearl!” On the Lian Yu Xiang tranquil facial features flashes through wild with joy that wipes unable to suppress, Ru Yan, protects buddhist law for me, I must enter the Xie Aoyu mind world!” 天火灵珠!”炼雨香平静的面容上面闪过一抹抑制不住的狂喜,“如烟,为我护法,我要进入谢傲宇的心灵世界!” Leaves the Lian Yu Xiang yard, Xie Aoyu walks in returning to the post house on the way, felt at heart with the Lian Yu Xiang master and servant two people of acquaintances, as well as Lian Yu Xiang invited the matter that oneself helped, everywhere was passing strangely. 离开炼雨香的小院,谢傲宇行走在返回驿馆的途中,心里却感到与炼雨香主仆二人的相识,以及炼雨香请自己帮忙的事情,处处都透着古怪。 But must say there strangely, could not say. 可要说那里古怪,却又说不出来。 Sky Fire Spirit Pearl? 天火灵珠 This is anything, could start from this aspect, makes clear the Lian Yu Xiang real objective, Xie Aoyu has never heard to Sky Fire Spirit Pearl, he then produced must inquire that idea of Lang Zhantian and Lin Dongyun, came from the An­tiq­uity family strength by two people, could know. 这到底是什么,或许能从这方面入手,搞清楚炼雨香的真正目的,谢傲宇天火灵珠从未听说过,他心里便产生了要询问浪战天林动云的想法,以二人来自上古家族的实力,或许能够知晓。 Thinks through this, Xie Aoyu then accelerates to return. 想通这点,谢傲宇便加速返回。 Suddenly, Xie Aoyu felt on the neck is bringing the crescent moon hung to fall to shiver. 突然,谢傲宇就感到脖子上带着的月牙吊坠颤动了起来。 The Xie Aoyu look changes, the crescent moon hangs to fall is moon/month falls the Emperor blade, but other source hundred changes by Lian Yu Xiang this succuba releases a cool feeling to almost the heroic mind, made its restoration, how also to have the tremor? 谢傲宇神色微变,月牙吊坠是月陨天王刀所化,只是他方才被炼雨香这个百变魔女给差点英雄心神才释放出一丝凉意,令其恢复的,怎么又有颤动? A biting cold chill in the air of faint trace transmits. 一丝丝的彻骨寒意传来。 As if that chill in the air must freeze him. 仿佛那寒意要将他冰冻起来。 Xie Aoyu put out a hand to hold the crescent moon to hang to fall, intense restless raising, he had a look at all around, crowded, continuous, being able not help then grasped Evil Spirit Spell Law Sign in the hand. 谢傲宇伸手抓住了月牙吊坠,强烈的不安升起,他看看四周,人来人往,川流不息,情不自禁的便将邪灵魔咒法牌抓在手中。 Has the danger! 有危险! An indescribable feeling transmits, Xie Aoyu conditioned reflex input Evil Spirit Spell Law Sign that in Qi wells up crazily, he must release Evil Spirit. 一种无法形容的感觉传来,谢傲宇条件反射的将斗气狂涌的输入邪灵魔咒法牌内,他要释放邪灵 Brushes!” “刷!” Then at this time, a person's shadow to surpass the naked eye to be possible and speed from a left front restaurant suddenly runs out, changes to together time killing, but. 便在这时,一条人影以超过肉眼可及的速度从左前方的一座酒楼内突然冲出,化作一道流光扑杀而至。 The rapidness of speed, making Xie Aoyu just respond that including transferring oneself Qi used the Earth Escape Technique opportunity not to have, was not wonderful, this person of strength was stronger than You Lan Ruo!” 速度之快,让谢傲宇只是刚刚有所反应,连调动自己斗气使用土遁术的机会都没有,“不妙,此人实力比幽兰若更强!” Works as!” “当!” The cold glow flashes through, the Evil Spirit beautiful woman's violent from spell law shoots, kept off in the Xie Aoyu front, in the future the attack of person resisting. 冷芒闪过,邪灵美女从魔咒法牌内暴射出来,挡在了谢傲宇的前方,将来人的攻击给抵挡住。 Flying upside down that but formidable such as Evil Spirit still by that person of shaking, horizontally departs all of a sudden has more than 30 meters that Xie Aoyu hits fully, the whole body bone wanted the inch to be torn to pieces. 可是强大如邪灵仍旧被那人震的倒飞出去,一下子就将谢傲宇撞的横飞出足有30多米,全身骨头都要寸寸裂开了。 Spurts two blood continually, Xie Aoyu gains ground. 连喷两口鲜血,谢傲宇抬起头。 What the result heaves in sight is the Evil Spirit beautiful woman hit flies upside down once more. 结果映入眼帘的是邪灵美女被打的再次倒飞过来。 Ka ka “咔咔咔” The roaring flame long spear in Evil Spirit beautiful woman hand to below, submerges underground, stops the personal appearance that backs up forcefully, still slid more than 20 meters distances, all around pedestrian therefore shaken casualty are innumerable. 邪灵美女手中的烈焰长枪向下一点,没入地下,强行停下倒退的身形,仍旧滑行出去20多米的距离,四周的行人则因此被震的死伤无数。 Head of Xie Aoyu buzz. 谢傲宇的脑袋嗡得一下。 He knew, the Evil Spirit strength is absolutely tyrannical, fights the soul as the protection, its battle efficiency presses up to the Emperor level, the ordinary Emperor level lower position master is far from his match, copes with she best means that is similar to You Lan Ruo such, its seal, did not make it come out, but this must kill his person, unexpectedly tyrannical to caused heavy losses to the Evil Spirit situation with ease. 他已经知晓,邪灵的实力绝对强横,作为守护战魂,其战斗力直逼天王级,普通的天王级下位高手绝非他对手,对付她最好的办法,就是如同幽兰若那样,将其封印,不令其出来,可是这个要杀他之人,居然强横到轻松重创邪灵的地步。 Gold Flame Hawk!” 金焱神鹰!” Xie Aoyu grasps the incantation sign, reading rapidly moves the incantation. 谢傲宇抓出咒牌,急速的念动咒语。 Leave!” “滚回去!” Does not wait for the Evil Spirit stable personal appearance, that person one step surmounts more than 20 meters distances, fought with the fists on the body of Evil Spirit. 不等邪灵稳定身形,那人一步跨越20多米的距离,一拳打在了邪灵的身上。 Bang!” “嘭!” Evil Spirit changes to the innumerable flames, returns to the spell law sign. 邪灵化作无数的火光,重新回归魔咒法牌内。 Comes out, Gold Flame Hawk!” Xie Aoyu big shouts to clear the way. “出来吧,金焱神鹰!”谢傲宇喝道 Hissing “嘶” In the neighing sound, Gold Flame Hawk Beastly Soul appears in the Xie Aoyu front, his diving posture jumps up Gold Flame Hawk, simultaneously orders Gold Flame Hawk to run away quickly. 嘶鸣声中,金焱神鹰兽魂出现在谢傲宇的面前,他飞身跳上金焱神鹰,同时命令金焱神鹰快逃。 The speed is the Gold Flame Hawk overwhelming superiority. 速度是金焱神鹰的绝对优势。 But Xie Aoyu jumps up back of Gold Flame Hawk in an instant, that must kill his person already to arrive at the near, this person the rapidness of speed, was in the situation that did not have to describe, his fist then pounded to the forehead of Xie Aoyu, but at this time Gold Flame Hawk just vibrated the wing, has not taken off. 可是谢傲宇跳上金焱神鹰背部的刹那间,那要杀他之人业已来到近前,此人的速度之快,已经到了无可形容的地步,他一拳便砸向了谢傲宇的头部,而这时金焱神鹰才刚刚震动翅膀,尚未起飞。
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