BE :: Volume #2

#180: Beautiful woman's invitation 【Two】

Ru Yan that the monster flatters what takes to the human is the intense stimulation, the enchanting tender body stands in the hall, passes is sending maddening palpitation, even if Han Yue, Singer et al. cannot bear pan- the unusual color vision is placing the body of Ru Yan, sweeping back and forth, wishes one could to look through the hindrance of that clothing, appreciates to the most charming dressed carcass. 妖媚的如烟带给人的是强烈的刺激,妖娆的娇躯站在大厅内,无不透发着令人发狂的悸动,即便是韩越、辛格等人也忍不住将泛着异样色彩的目光放在如烟的身上,来回的扫荡,恨不得看破那衣衫的阻碍,欣赏到最迷人的胴体。 It is similar to cancels the spirit of person. 其就如同勾人的妖精。 „Do your young ladies have to invite me?” Lang Zhantian rubs hands to say. “你们小姐有没有邀请我?”浪战天搓手道。 Ru Yan winks the pupil that bewitches, shook the head, said: No, the young lady told that only invited Xie Shao one person to go, because he was the young lady until now, the person of only moving.” 如烟眨眨勾魂的眸子,摇了摇头,道:“没有啊,小姐吩咐,只邀请谢少一人前往,因为他是小姐迄今为止,唯一动心之人。” „? Can't?” Lang Zhantian called out. “啊?不会吧?”浪战天叫道。 Han Yue et al. also reveal the envy the expression. 韩越等人也纷纷流露出嫉妒的表情。 Only has a Xie Aoyu brow wrinkle, the maidservant in this way beautiful moving, his young lady naturally pretty, this seems the normal ideas of all people, is Ru Yan this blatant saying, how could it not be to make others envy to oneself is deeper? Let alone that so-called young lady, oneself has never seen, what to come moving said. 唯有谢傲宇眉头一皱,侍女如斯的妖艳动人,其小姐自然更加的靓丽,这似乎是所有人的正常想法,可是如烟这样公然的说出,岂非令别人对自己嫉妒更深?何况那个所谓的小姐,自己从未见过,何来动心之说。 You? Beautiful Ru Yan, should you not have to be charmed by Lao Xie?” Lang Zhantian said. “那你呢?美丽的如烟,你应该没有被老谢迷倒吧?”浪战天道。 „The Ru Yan generation after generations follow the young lady.” When Ru Yan spoke this saying, that pair of pupil flashes through wipes to make one produce intense impulsive flattering intent, the tender body approached several points to Xie Aoyu quietly. 如烟生生世世追随小姐。”如烟说这话时,那双眸子闪过一抹令人产生强烈冲动的媚意,娇躯更是悄悄向谢傲宇靠近了几分。 Do the master and servant two females want to marry one person? 主仆两女均要嫁给一人? Several people on the scene reveal the color of envy. 在场几人都露出嫉妒之色。 Xie Aoyu has swept an expression of people, discovered that Lang Zhantian and Lin Dongyun are actually tranquil, particularly Lang Zhantian seems like to the woman is crazy, actually counts him to be calmest, but the Yun Tianfeng expression is most special, unexpectedly wipes the loathing to reappear on the facial cast, making Xie Aoyu discover once again that Yun Tianfeng does not like the woman. 谢傲宇扫了一眼众人的表情,发现浪战天林动云倒是平静,尤其是浪战天看似对女人疯狂,却数他最冷静,而云天风表情最特别,居然是一抹厌恶浮现在脸庞上,让谢傲宇又一次发现,云天风不喜欢女人。 Lucky in love really great.” In the Han Yue mouth full is the say (way) of envy, does not know that you entice this master and servant two females, is any meaning, has cares Bing Wu, the undecided generation, how can take to the woman to be happy.” “艳福真不浅啊。”韩越口中满是嫉妒的道,“就是不知道你勾引这主仆二女,是什么意思,有没有把冰舞放在心上,三心二意之辈,怎能带给女人幸福。” Do I entice? 我勾引? Xie Aoyu strange looks at Han Yue, properly speaking, Han Yue mental should not so, suddenly reveal that envy the appearance of going crazy, he as if hasn't seen including the Ru Yan young ladies? 谢傲宇怪怪的看着韩越,按理来说,韩越的心智不应该如此吧,竟然表露出嫉妒的发狂的样子,他似乎连如烟的小姐都没见过吧? Wait / Etc.! 等等! Has he seen? In the Xie Aoyu mind flashes through together miraculous, if Han Yue has not seen, how envy so, although Ru Yan is also the first-class beautiful woman, but is not as good with Bing Wu partly plans, how can Ru Yan let Han Yue so? The only explanation is, Han Yue has seen the Ru Yan young lady. 他见过?谢傲宇脑海中闪过一道灵光,如果韩越没见过的话,如何会这般的嫉妒,虽说如烟也是一流的美女,可是与冰舞还是稍逊半筹的,如烟如何能够让韩越如此?唯一的解释就是,韩越见过如烟的小姐。 Is has seen? 仅仅是见过? Young lady has said that as long as behind the successful man, would some women, the young lady is willing to become the Xie Shao back woman.” Ru Yan said. “小姐说过,但凡成功男人背后,总会有一些女人的,小姐愿意成为谢少背后的女人。”如烟说道。 Han Yue cold snort, the color of envy. 韩越冷哼了一声,嫉妒之色更甚。 „Did your family young lady invite me to do?” Xie Aoyu asked. “你家小姐邀我干什么?”谢傲宇问道。 Servants do not know.” Ru Yan replied, young lady made the servants invite Xie Shao.” “奴婢不知。”如烟回答道,“小姐只是让奴婢来邀请谢少。” Looked at Ru Yan one, Xie Aoyu had not had any discovery, his light say (way): I have the important matter, went back to tell your family the young lady to thank her invitation.” 看了如烟一眼,谢傲宇并未有任何发现,他淡淡的道:“我另有要事,回去告诉你家小姐谢谢她的邀请了。” Ru Yan said with a smile: Young lady said that if Xie Shao has matter, then makes me accompany, after processing, again and Xie Shao sees her.” 如烟笑道:“小姐说如果谢少有事,便让我相陪,处理完之后,再和谢少去见她。” It seems like I must go.” Xie Aoyu said. “看来我非去不可了。”谢傲宇道。 On the face of Ru Yan reveals to wipe the mischievous smiling face, completely changed the makings that her monster flatters, now is more like the little girl who triumphs, the transformation of that makings made Xie Aoyu look was startled. 如烟的脸上流露出一抹调皮的笑容,将她那妖媚的气质彻底的改变了,现在更像是得胜的小女孩儿,那种气质的转变令谢傲宇看的都是一怔。 Xie Aoyu must see this so-called young lady. 谢傲宇也只得去见这个所谓的小姐。 In some people and others envied and envied Xie Aoyu and Ru Yan went out of the hall, the front surface bumps into Bing Wu to walk from own room, to here. 在一干人等嫉妒、羡慕中谢傲宇如烟走出了大厅,迎面就碰到冰舞从自己的房间内走出来,向这里而来。 Bing Wu, accompanies me to exit, but is good?” Xie Aoyu said. 冰舞,陪我出去一下,可好?”谢傲宇道。 Bing Wu looked at Ru Yan one, that elegant face appears the ice is colder, lets somebody cool off or calm down snort, did not have the interest!” Then brushes, enters hall. 冰舞看了如烟一眼,那俏脸更显得冰寒,冷冷的哼了一声,“没兴趣!”便擦身而过,进入大厅。 Xie Aoyu helpless shaking the head, walks.” 谢傲宇无奈的摇摇头,“走吧。” They leave the post house, under the influence of Ru Yan, they arrives in a unique yard. 两人离开驿馆,在如烟的引领下,他们来到一处别致的小院内。 The yard in Yanjing can only be smallest one, is very refined, all around completely is some strange flowers and grass, is giving off the spooky fragrance, the lobby crossing room, enters in the following small garden. 小院在图罗燕京只能算是最小的一种,却很雅致,四周尽是一些奇花异草,散发着幽幽香气,穿堂过室,进入后面的小花园内。 Xie Aoyu has one type the feeling of entering Huahai. 谢傲宇有一种进入花海的感觉。 The entire courtyard everywhere is the flowers and plants. 整个院子到处都是花草。 That is my family young lady.” The Ru Yan slender jade refers to a point squatting a female in the flowers and plants. “那便是我家小姐。”如烟纤细的玉指一点蹲在花草中一名女子。 Xie Aoyu strange looked at Ru Yan one, this female where also has the appearance that the least bit beguiles, to human intense clear feeling, the earth-shaking change made Xie Aoyu somewhat be hard to adapt. 谢傲宇古怪的看了如烟一眼,此女哪里还有半点狐媚的样子,给人强烈的清纯感觉,前后天翻地覆般的变化令谢傲宇有些难以适应。 Resembling is discovered that the doubts of Xie Aoyu, Ru Yan said in a soft voice: Young lady said that must understand that outside protects itself.” Said that she then quietly retreats. 似是发现谢傲宇的疑惑,如烟轻声道:“小姐说了,在外要懂得保护自己。”说完她便悄然退走。 In the small garden only then Xie Aoyu stands beside the colored group, looks in that assorted strange flower and grass, wears the female of white skirt blue clothes to approach one about on that perfect beautiful face the floret of thumb size, gently is smelling, its one meter about seven height, perfect division proportion, luxuriant optional hanging loose on fragrant shoulder, what is most noticeable is that pair of lavender pupil, the wave light is billowing, if in flower demon. 小花园内只有谢傲宇站在花团之外,看着那各色奇花异草中,一名身穿白裙蓝衣的女子将那完美的玉容凑近一朵约有拇指大小的小花上,轻轻的嗅着,其一米七左右的身高,完美的分割比例,秀发随意的披散在香肩上,最引人瞩目的是那一双淡紫色的眼眸,波光潋滟,若花中精灵。 Xie Aoyu is also has experienced the beautiful woman, charming such as colored Zi Yan, iced cold Bing Wu, graceful bearing remarkable You Lan Ruo, cunning and unreasonable young girl Qin Yueyi, is the outstandingly beautiful beautiful woman, but saw that this female still had absent-minded of flash, the beauty of this female is not weak in this four females, has one share to be indifferent to fame or gain the dust the flavor. 谢傲宇也算是见识过美女的了,娇媚如花的紫嫣,冷若冰霜的冰舞,风姿卓越的幽兰若,刁蛮少女秦月依,均是绝色倾城,可是看到此女仍旧有一瞬间的失神,此女之美不弱于此四女,却有着一股子恬淡出尘的味道。 As if she in the demon that in the flower is born, does not contaminate the world smoke and fire. 仿佛她是在花中诞生的精灵,不沾染人间烟火。 Compared with You Lan Ruo, she elegantly simple. 幽兰若相比,她更加的淡雅。 The people are in the flowering shrubs, imitates, if a peerless picture boundary. 人在花丛中,仿若一副绝世的画境。 Xie Shao came.” In the flower the demon stands up, tender body moves lightly flies fast, if the startled great wild goose, just like Caifeng, comes with the flowering shrubs, brings the intermittent flower fragrance. 谢少来了。”花中精灵站起身,娇躯轻动间翩若惊鸿,宛若彩凤,与花丛中飘然而至,带来阵阵的花香。 Xie Aoyu said: Is the young lady makes me?” 谢傲宇道:“是小姐约我?” The females show a faint smile, the fair white arms turn, in the hand are many a viridis wine class, inside has one to send out the liquid of attractive fragrance. 女子微微一笑,白皙的皓腕一翻,手上多出一个翠绿色的酒杯,里面有着一股散发着诱人香气的液体。 This is the rain picks the honey of hundred flowers fragrant, from fermenting hundred flowers dew.” The females said. “这是雨香采百花之蜜,自酿的百花露。”女子说道。 Looks at that hundred flowers dew, Xie Aoyu has not gone to meet. 看着那百花露,谢傲宇并未去接。 What's wrong? Feared that the rain fragrance does intoxicate in inside?” The females smile, that smiling face seems a hundred flowers in full bloom, moving incomparable, making one look at the elation. “怎么?怕雨香在里面下毒?”女子莞尔一笑,那笑容好似百花盛开,动人无比,令人望之心醉。 Has the possibility! 有可能! Xie Aoyu does not have the reason to emit such a thought at heart, he looks to say the rain fragrant female, actually reappeared after at present the butterfly, You Lan Ruo form. 谢傲宇心里没来由得冒出这么一个念头,他看着自称雨香的女子,眼前却浮现了蝶后幽兰若的身影。 Two women have the astonishing similarity. 两个女人有着惊人的相似处。 To human elegantly simple such as the feeling of immortal, what also has to be different, You Lan Ruo to the feeling of person is graceful, as if the female celestial of space, momentarily must go back \; Rain fragrance to the feeling of person from the world, but does not moisten the world smoke and fire, is Huaxianzi, has smart-alecky side. 都是给人淡雅如仙的感觉,但是又有不同的是,幽兰若给人的感觉是飘飘欲仙,似乎天上的仙女,随时都要回去\;雨香给人的感觉则是来自人间,但不沾人间烟火,就是花仙子般,有着俏皮的一面。 I know one with your makings extremely likeness.” Xie Aoyu received the hundred flowers dew. “我认识一个与你气质极其相似之人。”谢傲宇接过百花露。 „Is she a beautiful woman?” The females said. “她是美女吧?”女子道。 The Xie Aoyu nod said: Right, is viper feelings.” Was saying tosses down that hundred flowers dew, smacks the lips, says with a smile: Flavor is very good.” 谢傲宇点头道:“没错,就是蛇蝎心肠。”说着将那百花露一饮而尽,咂咂嘴,笑道:“味道很不错。” Viper feelings, I did not want and her am equally good.” Female that pair of lavender pupil pan- wipes the visual purple, tender body same place extension. “蛇蝎心肠啊,那我不要和她一样好了。”女子那双淡紫色的眸子泛起一抹紫光,娇躯原地转一圈。 Such the time of a twinkling, Xie Aoyu discovered that this female makings had the change of overturning the heavens hell unexpectedly, is passing one share noble manner, probably the aristocrat young girl, the corners of the mouth reveal a happy expression, actually does not reveal the tooth, acts with constraint very much. 就这么一眨眼的功夫,谢傲宇发现此女的气质居然发生了翻天地府的变化,透着一股子的高贵气质,好像贵族少女,嘴角流露出一丝笑意,却不露齿,很是矜持。 „A person can change the makings unexpectedly at will, your master and servant two people resemble the origin not to be simple.” Xie Aoyu is opened mind. “一个人居然可以随意的改变气质,你们主仆二人好像来历不简单啊。”谢傲宇算是开了眼界。 Flees the person of horizon, to maintain a livelihood, practiced the spirit desire hundred changed the technique.” The female light say (way), is passing a bitter and astringent flavor, knows officially, I called Lian Yu Xiang, fled the person of horizon because of Black Lotus Holy Church.” “不过是亡命天涯之人,为了活命,修炼了灵欲百变术。”女子淡淡的道,透着一丝苦涩的味道,“正式认识一下,我叫炼雨香,因黑莲圣教而亡命天涯之人。” Xie Aoyu said with a smile: You invited me to come this, thinks that the meaning of what wasn't your heart movement Ru Yan said?” 谢傲宇笑道:“你邀我来此,想必不是如烟所说的什么你心动之意吧?” Lian Yu Xiang cluck-cluck smiles, said: That is the joke.” 炼雨香咯咯一笑,道:“那都是玩笑话啦。” I want also to be.” Xie Aoyu indifferent say (way), that present whether to tell me, invited my real objective.” “我想也是。”谢傲宇淡然道,“那现在可否告诉我,邀请我的真正目的了吧。” Lian Yu Xiang swept smart-alecky appearance, at this moment looked like particularly solemn, the holy aura sent out faintly, making Xie Aoyu several doubt You Lan Ruo to arrive at present, he has to sigh that transformation ability of this Lian Yu Xiang in makings has almost gone to the impregnable situation, might be called hundred changes. 炼雨香一扫刚才的俏皮模样儿,这一刻看起来分外的端庄,隐隐有一股圣洁的气息散发出来,令谢傲宇几疑幽兰若来到了眼前,他不得不感叹,这个炼雨香在气质方面的转变能力几乎达到了无懈可击的地步,堪称百变。 I ask you to come, to collaborate!” “我找你来,是为了联手!” The gentle words made Xie Aoyu change countenance, in his heart flashed through the innumerable thoughts, asked me to collaborate, must cope with Black Lotus Holy Church, because she said that was persecuted by Black Lotus Holy Church, is forced to leave home, but why can ask me to collaborate? What does he have to attempt? 轻柔的话语却令谢傲宇动容,他的心中闪过无数个念头,找我联手,显然是要对付黑莲圣教了,因为她说了,是被黑莲圣教迫害,被迫离家出走的,可是为什么要找我联手呢?他有什么企图? Is very strange?” Lian Yu Xiang earnest say (way). “是不是很奇怪?”炼雨香认真的道。 Right.” Xie Aoyu nods, I am very strange, why will you choose me? I have anything to be worth settling on, must know that Black Lotus Holy Church is an organization of mainland rank, but I come from a small family.” “没错。”谢傲宇点点头,“我很奇怪,你为何会选择我?我有什么值得你看中的,要知道黑莲圣教是一个大陆级别的组织,而我来自一个小家族而已。” The Lian Yu Xiang vision is firm, an earnestness of face, „, your back is not a small family, but is several huge strengths, although my country was disillusioned, but in my hand the good intelligence network, regarding all your, I had still investigated, after you behind have flatters Zi Yan, she will be a future successor of antiquity respected family \; Lang Zhantian and Lin Dongyun, this two people of family, although after being inferior to flatter the family, actually also 3,000-4,000 years of history, 300 years ago Gu Family are they cleans \; Has day of Luo respected family Qin Dynasty Family, has the subtle relation with Heaven Luo Imperial Family, although you seem like are only person of the small family, but your relationship network actually fully may make you become in the mainland strongest youth one generation.” 炼雨香目光坚定,一脸的认真,“不,你的背后不是一个小家族,而是数个庞大的力量,我的国家虽然破灭了,但是我手中仍然有一张不错的情报网,对于你的一切,我都调查过,你身后有媚后紫嫣,她可是一个上古大家族的未来继承人\;还有浪战天林动云,此二人的家族虽不及媚后的家族,却也都有三四千年的历史,300年前的顾家便是他们扫除的\;更有天罗大家族秦家,与天罗皇室亦有微妙的联系,虽然你看似只是一个小家族之人,可是你的关系网却足可令你一跃成为大陆上最强势的青年一代。” Originally you settle on is not I.” Xie Aoyu touches the nose. “原来你看中的不是我啊。”谢傲宇摸摸鼻子。 No!” Lian Yu Xiang shakes the head saying that why you can contact with so many people, does not have him, because of your outstanding, the information that I obtain demonstrated that on Xie Shao as if has any secret, after can let the butterfly, You Lan Ruo must for it heart movement secret.” “不!”炼雨香摇头道,“你为什么能够与如此多的人联系起来,无他,因为你的优秀,我得到的情报显示,谢少身上似乎有什么隐秘,一个能够让蝶后幽兰若都要为之心动的隐秘。” The Xie Aoyu heart shakes crazily. 谢傲宇心头狂震。 Must kill his matter about You Lan Ruo, knows is few, even if Zi Yan, Lang Zhantian and Lin Dongyun three people knows, they will not say, because this involves too in a big way, after all they from An­tiq­uity family, were the Zi Yan strict order can not say. 关于幽兰若要杀他之事,知道者寥寥无几,就算是紫嫣浪战天林动云三人知晓,他们也不会说出去的,因为这个牵扯太大,毕竟他们都是来自上古家族,是紫嫣严令不得说出去的。 But You Lan Ruo must kill him, bystander is more impossible to see, because You Lan Ruo is impossible to leave behind a witness, after letting Xie Aoyu found, with Bing Wu confronts. 幽兰若要杀他,外人更加不可能看到,因为幽兰若不可能留下一个证人,让谢傲宇找到之后,与冰舞来对质。 Lian Yu Xiang actually knows. 炼雨香却知晓。 Rain fragrant young lady is not very simple.” Xie Aoyu said. “雨香小姐很不简单啊。”谢傲宇道。 Just now also resembles the imposing inviolable saintess flavor the Lian Yu Xiang makings again changes, in the purple pupil is flooding one group of mist, pours down to sob, national extinguished that moment, the rain then swore fragrant revenges, makes utmost efforts to develop the strength, was Black Lotus Holy Church is extremely huge, the rain wanted fragrant really desperately, has not thought of this time, Xie Shao appears.” Teardrops fall, on the long eyelash is hanging the teardrops rain, the pear flower belt allows to make one look at brokenhearted tenderly, „, so long as can revenge, the rain fragrance is willing to pay all, even if the body!” 方才还似凛然不可侵犯的圣女味道的炼雨香气质再变,紫色的眸子中充斥着一团水雾,泫然欲泣,“国家被灭的那一刻,雨香便立誓报仇,全力发展力量,可是黑莲圣教太过庞大,雨香真的要绝望了,没想到这时候,谢少出现了。”一颗颗的泪珠滑落,长长的睫毛上挂着泪珠,梨花带雨般的娇容令人望之心碎,“只要能报仇,雨香愿意付出一切,哪怕是身体!” That sad appearance made Xie Aoyu unable to bear feel sad, has the intense impulsion, must emerge in the bosom her, he has pinched maliciously his thigh, that painful feeling made him calm down, was staring at Lian Yu Xiang, in his heart pan- an idea, which was real Lian Yu Xiang, or these were her so-called spirit desire hundred change the technique so-called, was real that she also in the hideaway? 那悲戚的样子令谢傲宇都忍不住心酸,生出强烈的冲动,要将她涌入怀中,他狠狠地捏了一下自己的大腿,那生疼的感觉令他冷静下来,盯着炼雨香,他心中泛起一个想法,到底哪一个才是真实的炼雨香,或者这些都是她所谓的灵欲百变术所谓,真实的那个她还处于隐藏中?
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