BE :: Volume #2

#179: Beautiful woman's invitation 【One】

Although the great sword is only ordinary weapon, but after having instilled into the Xie Aoyu strength, its destructive power absolutely is very astonishing, unexpectedly does not affect to Jason, Xie Aoyu has to acknowledge that gold gagger is actually uncommon. 巨剑虽然只是普通的兵器,但是灌输了谢傲宇的力量之后,其破坏力绝对是非常惊人的,居然对杰森特毫无作用,谢傲宇不得不承认,金皮铁骨却是不凡。 Regarding Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire this time action, Xie Aoyu is holding the mentality of lesson, must keep own strength, particularly some Fights Technique, after all this Wachs, Xiao Ke and Jason have not been selected in the people of Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire eight big player, has such strength, if exposes ahead of time, for him, is far from a good deed. 对于图罗帝国此次的举动,谢傲宇是抱着教训的心态的,同时也必须保留自己的实力,尤其是一些斗技,毕竟这瓦克斯、肖克和杰森特都是未曾入选图罗帝国八大选手之人,就有如此实力,若是提前暴露,对他来说,绝非好事。 Cannot expose the strength, but must teach the match. 不能暴露实力,还要教训对手。 This is not simple. 这就不简单了。 Roar!” “吼!” The thrashing chest that Jason makes an effort, sends out to roar intermittently, shows his strength, he forwards quickly, shakes the fist to hit to Xie Aoyu, fights with the fists, wipes the visual purple to gather above the fist, blooms radiant brilliance, is good to seem to be that the innumerable radiant purple stars are common along with that fist glide, exceptionally magnificent. 杰森特用力的捶打胸膛,发出阵阵吼叫,彰显出他的实力,他快步向前,挥拳向谢傲宇打去,一拳打出,一抹紫光汇聚在拳头之上,绽放出璀璨的光华,好似有无数的璀璨的紫色的星辰随着那拳头滑行一般,异常的瑰丽。 Beautiful is having the infinite murderous intention. 美丽中带着无限杀机。 Hits!” “打!” Meaning that Xie Aoyu had still not gotten rid, flies a foot, tramples maliciously, he must give Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire these shameless person lessons. 谢傲宇仍旧没有出手的意思,飞起一脚,狠狠地踹出去,他就是要给图罗帝国这些无耻之人一个教训。 The foot kicks three big masters, may frighten other Challenger fully. 脚踢三大高手,足可震慑其他的挑战者。 That foot is similar to the difficult situation strange light, as if extinguishes the thunder of world born, the malignant influences soar to the heavens, is similar to the landslide cracks in the earth is carrying the wild energy of enormous and powerful tumbling, causes the surrounding area space fierce shaking within ten meters. 那一脚如同惊涛骇浪般的奇异之光,仿佛灭世之雷降世,煞气冲天,如同山崩地裂般的携带着浩荡翻滚的狂暴能量,使得方圆十米内的空间都剧烈的摇动起来。 Bang!” “嘭!” Their hard anti-. 两人硬抗一记。 Wipes the purple ray from handing over the striking place full house exits, makes the closing eye that all people can not help, the formidable shock-wave is makes the bystander back up more than ten meters to stand firm the personal appearance. 一抹紫色的光芒从交击处爆棚出去,令所有人都情不自禁的闭上眼睛,强大的冲击波更是令围观者倒退十多米才稳住身形。 When the bystander restores the vision actually to discover that Xie Aoyu is entirely still same place, both hands recited backwards from the end, the breeze blew gently, making his clothing sough to hike up, looked at Jason again, backed up five steps to stand firm the personal appearance again and again, every step left behind one a depth of three centimeters footprint on the ground, right fist slight shivering, the complexion was a little slightly pale. 待围观者恢复视觉却发现,谢傲宇原地纹丝不动,双手倒背,微风习习,令他衣衫飒飒飘起,再看杰森特,连连倒退五步才稳住身形,每一步都在地上留下一个深达三厘米的脚印,右拳一阵轻微的颤抖,脸色略微有点苍白。 Only then gold gagger, you have not been able to contend with me.” Xie Aoyu said with a smile. “只有金皮铁骨,你还无法与我抗衡。”谢傲宇笑道。 Not necessarily!” “未必!” Jason shouted in the sound, both hands got hold of once more, his body that wiped the light visual purple to have the change, faint was passing silk thread glow. 杰森特断喝声中,双手再次握紧,他的身上那一抹淡淡的紫光发生了变化,隐隐中透着一丝缕芒。 ? The gold gagger second stage, Xie Aoyu watches, moves at heart, gold gagger it is said three, first is ordinariest, may work as generally invulnerability \; Second can achieve with the situation that the sword of best quality goods contends with, and has certain immunity ability to Qi, third has a tentative plan, must resist Saint, but has not created, but was also difficult to hold the human to create, after all the time alternated, the hero emerged one after another incessantly, appears some startled picks certainly the colorful Tianjiao type character, was very normal. 哦?金皮铁骨第二阶段,谢傲宇看在眼里,心里一动,那金皮铁骨据说有三层,第一层是最普通的,可当一般刀枪不入\;第二层则是可以达到与极品的刀剑抗衡的地步,并且对斗气有一定的免疫能力,第三层只是有一个设想,就是要抵抗圣器,只是尚未创造出来,但也难保有人创造出来了,毕竟时代更迭,英雄层出不穷,出现一些惊采绝艳的天骄式人物,也是很正常的。 „!” “呀啊!” Wielding that the Jason double fist makes an effort, along with his wielding, visual purple turned into the pale-green halo thoroughly, covers it. 杰森特双拳用力的挥动,随着他的挥动,身上的紫光彻底变成了淡绿色的光晕,将其笼罩起来。 gold gagger second! 金皮铁骨第二层! The immunity certain Qi ability, absolutely is abnormal Fights Technique. 免疫一定斗气的能力,绝对是变态的斗技 Comes again!” Jason foot pedal place, ground presents a ten centimeters deep pit, he is similar to like lightning Biao shoots, shakes the fist then to hit. “再来!”杰森特一脚蹬地,地面出现一个十厘米深的坑,他则如同闪电般飚射出去,挥拳便打。 Xie Aoyu stands firm firmly, the right foot was similar to the veteran that took root, the left leg lifts once more, relies on the length of leg to trample to Jason chest. 谢傲宇牢牢站定,右脚如同扎根的老树,左脚再次抬起,凭借着腿的长度踹向了杰森特的胸膛。 The fight does not act recklessly. 战斗可不是蛮干。 Compared with the leg and arm, obviously are the leg are very longer, and Xie Aoyu itself wants Jason to stand head and shoulders above others, naturally wants long many, his foot tramples to Jason. 腿与胳膊相比,很显然是腿更长,且谢傲宇本身就要比杰森特高出一头,自然要长的多,他的脚丫子率先踹到杰森特。 Roar!” “吼!” Jason knows perfectly well so, is actually sends out the long and loud cry, the green laser of whole body gathers above the chest, a hard anti- Xie Aoyu foot, simultaneously the fist maliciously pounds to the thigh of Xie Aoyu. 杰森特明知如此,却是发出长啸,全身的绿光汇聚到胸口之上,硬抗谢傲宇一脚,同时拳头狠狠地砸向谢傲宇的大腿。 Is better than Han Yue, Lang Zhantian, Lin Dongyun and class of Murong Jingzhai, the land soaring, narrowed the eye, they know that Jason this has staked everything on a single throw of the dice, if Xie Aoyu cannot a foot trample Jason, inevitably was the result of disastrous defeat, but saw that Jason can use gold gagger second, made them not look down upon to Jason. 强如韩越,浪战天林动云、慕容敬斋、陆腾飞之流,均眯起了眼睛,他们知道,杰森特这是孤注一掷了,若是谢傲宇不能一脚踹开杰森特,必然是惨败的结局,而看到杰森特能够动用金皮铁骨第二层,也令他们对杰森特不在小视。 Bang!” “嘭!” A Xie Aoyu foot tramples in Jason chest. 谢傲宇一脚踹在杰森特的胸口。 Intrepid strikes, Jason body fierce tremor several, shameless suppressed red, forehead blue vein suddenly Xian, a whole body muscle vibration. 强悍的一击,杰森特身体剧烈的颤动几下,老脸都被憋的通红,额头青筋暴现,全身肌肉一阵抖动。 This foot strength was too full. 这一脚力量太足了。 But he was still resisted. 可是他仍旧是抵挡住了。 Hits him!” “打他!” Jason attacks!” “杰森特攻击啊!” The cry has made a sound all of a sudden, can block a Xie Aoyu foot, Jason can counter-attack, his fist is away from the thigh of Xie Aoyu not to be far. 叫声一下子响了起来,能够挡住谢傲宇一脚,杰森特就可以反击了,他的拳头距离谢傲宇的大腿可不远。 Was trampled but actually them by Xie Aoyu continuously, makes unbearable that these Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire bystanders constrain, suddenly, the opportunity appears at present, they are not how excited. 连续被谢傲宇踹倒两人,令这些图罗帝国的围观者都压抑的够呛,突然之间,机会出现在眼前,他们怎不兴奋。 You lost!” On Jason face reveals wipes the smiling face. “你输了!”杰森特的脸上露出一抹笑容。 Xie Aoyu smiles, said: Yes, you lost!” 谢傲宇一笑,道:“是啊,你输了!” His original words present, the voice falls, the smiling face on Jason face also coagulated, felt that on front that foot transmits incomparably vigorous Qi, this Qi made his gold gagger second that immunity ability to Qi, was neglected completely, the body directly had also been delivered by that Qi. 他原话奉送回去,话音落下,杰森特脸上的笑容也凝固了,就感到胸前那只脚上传来一股无比雄浑的斗气,这股斗气令他金皮铁骨第二层对斗气的那点免疫能力,完全被忽略,身体也被那股斗气直接送了出去。 Whiz!” “嗖!” Jason has been a flying trapeze. 杰森特做了一次空中飞人。 As expected, drops in Wachs and Xiao Ke front. 不出所料,跌落在瓦克斯和肖克两人的面前。 „!” “啊!” The pleasantly surprised bystander instantaneously was scared, on many faces is also maintaining the wild with joy color, this joyful has not gotten down, pushed the surprised, inconceivable expression, strangeness that facial expression could not say. 原本惊喜的围观者瞬间都傻眼了,很多的人脸上还保持着狂喜之色,这喜悦未下去,又挤上了惊讶,不可思议的表情,那神情说不出的怪异。 Xie Aoyu does well, worthily is the trump card of my empire competition, walks, this emperor's son must chat the banquet congratulations for you personally!” Yun Tianfeng goes forward one step, grabs the hand of Xie Aoyu, the clear and resonant voice said. 谢傲宇干得好,不愧是我帝国此次比赛的王牌,走,本皇子要亲自为你大摆筵席庆贺!”云天风上前一步,抓住谢傲宇的手,朗声说道。 His is intentional raised Xie Aoyu. 他这是故意的抬高谢傲宇了。 Was grasped by a man, lets a Xie Aoyu irritability. 只是被一个男人抓着手,让谢傲宇一阵别扭。 Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire these people were scared. 罗帝国的那些人却都是傻眼了。 Thinks to Sky Luo empire one time ugly, has not thought that finally is just the opposite, instead has helped Xie Aoyu, three feet trample to fly three big masters, it is estimated that must live it up a while. 本来以为是给天罗帝国一次难看的,未曾想,结果恰恰相反,反而成全了谢傲宇,三脚踹飞三大高手,估计要热闹一阵子了。 Xie Aoyu has not said what, returns to the post house with Yun Tianfeng. 谢傲宇也没说什,与云天风返回驿馆。 Walks into the post house, Xie Aoyu saw that the distant place person's shadow dodges, Bing Wu hid in the room, his corners of the mouth pan- a happy expression, it seems like Bing Wu very much cares about me. 重新走入驿馆,谢傲宇就看到远处人影一闪,冰舞躲进了房间,他的嘴角泛起一丝笑意,看来冰舞还是很关心我啊。 Some people and others entered the hall once more. 一干人等再次进入大厅。 Yun Tianfeng told that chats the banquet. 云天风吩咐大摆筵席。 His solemn emperor's son your highness, moreover is day of Luo in the future the ruler, unexpectedly some people so do not show due respect for the feelings to come to challenge shameless, itself is very angry, so wantonly takes care, is tells the Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire arrangement these people here to have a look, this emperor's son was not very happy! 他堂堂皇子殿下,而且是天罗未来帝皇,居然有人如此不给面子前来无耻挑战,本身就很气恼,如此大肆张罗,也是告诉图罗帝国安排在这里的那些人看看,本皇子很不高兴! Lao Xie, dry good, two hands both do not use, uses a foot, fierce.” Lang Zhantian walked grinningly, is embracing the shoulder of Xie Aoyu, I said Lao Xie, disclosed that did your boy also make the breakthrough?” 老谢,干的好,连两只手都不用,就用一只脚,厉害啊。”浪战天笑嘻嘻的走了过来,揽着谢傲宇的肩膀,“我说老谢啊,是不是透露一下,你小子又有突破了?” Xie Aoyu smiles a slightly nod. 谢傲宇笑着微一点头。 My grass!” Lang Zhantian blows out a thick mouth. “我艹!”浪战天爆出一句粗口。 Modification!” Lin Dongyun scolded, your was a modification!” “变态!”林动云骂道,“你丫的就是一变态!” Although breaks through somewhat quickly, but Xie Aoyu is also clear, he breaks into Cloud level the position, that is risks neck, was almost fired the ashes. 虽说突破有些快,但是谢傲宇也清楚,他破入云级中位,那可是冒着生命危险的,差点被烧成灰烬。 Enough payout, can be repaid. 足够的付出,才能得到回报。 Three waste.” Han Yue sneers to say. “不过三个废物而已。”韩越冷笑道。 Waste?” Lang Zhantian sizes up Han Yue up and down, resembles others waste to be disinclined to challenge you.” “废物?”浪战天上下打量韩越,“好像人家废物都懒得挑战你。” Lin Dongyun said: That explained that his waste was inferior.” 林动云道:“那就说明他连废物都不如。” „!” “啪!” A Han Yue palm pats suddenly on table, you refuse to accept, on together 韩越猛然一掌拍在桌子上,“你们两个不服,就一起上” Vomits!” “呕!” Lang Zhantian assumes the guise the disgusting shape, I said Han Yue, I have thought you are very normal, cannot think you like the man unexpectedly, but also likes doing with two men together, disgusting disgusting.” 浪战天扮作恶心状,“我说韩越啊,我一直以为你很正常,想不到你竟然喜欢男人,还喜欢和两个男人一起搞,恶心啊恶心。” We are the normal people.” Lin Dongyun said. “我们是正常人。”林动云道。 Is been pale by the complexion of Han Yue air/Qi they taunted, I must kill your scouring!” 被两人嘲讽的韩越气的脸色铁青,“我要杀了你们两个人渣!” You are the best quality goods in scouring!” “你是人渣中的极品!” „The scouring in best quality goods!” “极品中的人渣!” Lang Zhantian and Lin Dongyun their is acts in harmony, shivers the whole body of Han Yue air/Qi. 浪战天林动云两人那可是配合默契,把韩越气的浑身颤抖。 Saw that the smell of gunpowder is too strong, Yun Tianfeng knits the brows only, has not waited for the aperture, outside runs a Sky Luo empire imperial palace protect guard. 眼看着火药味太浓,云天风唯一皱眉,还没等开口,外面跑进来一名天罗帝国的皇宫护卫。 Your highness, outside has a female to seek an interview Xie Shao.” “殿下,外面有一名女子求见谢少。” Also there is a matter? 又有事了? People neat looks to that protect guard. 众人都齐刷刷的看向那名护卫。 What female? Is attractive? Is the stature what kind of? Has the marriage?” Lang Zhantian raised four issues immediately. “什么样的女子?漂亮不漂亮?身材怎么样?有没有婚配?”浪战天马上抛出了四个问题。 The protect guard was scared. 护卫傻眼了。 Xie Aoyu shook the head with a smile, said: Makes her come.” 谢傲宇笑着摇了摇头,道:“让她进来吧。” Compliant.” The protect guard has drawn back. “遵命。”护卫退了下去。 In a while, a slender form appears in the line of sight of people, the gorgeous unparalleled appearance, has been full of the makings of beguiling, the pupil wave circulation, bewitches to seize the soul, the Yao nose that very curls upwards flaps, has not smudged any color bilabial to be bright, ruddy is similar to the thoroughly ripe cherry, swan neck piece of snow white, a pitch-black beautiful long hair. 没过多久,一个窈窕的身影出现在众人的视线中,艳丽无双的容颜,充满了狐媚的气质,眸子似水波般的流转,勾魂夺魄,挺翘的瑶鼻呼扇,未曾涂抹任何颜色的双唇鲜艳无比,红润的如同熟透的樱桃,天鹅般的颈子一片雪白,一头乌黑秀丽的长发。 The twin peaks are tall and straight, the waist is slender, Yingying cannot withstand grasps, the beautiful buttocks are perfectly round, along with that leisurely lotus steps, the slight swing, seriously is the enticement that could not say, that pair of slender jade leg, under jade silk skirt partly visible, fresh-faced tender swaying, very attracted. 双峰挺拔,蛮腰纤细,盈盈不堪一握,美臀浑圆丰满,随着那款款莲步,轻微摇摆,当真是说不出的诱惑,那双修长的玉腿,在玉罗裙下若隐若现,粉嫩嫩的晃来晃去,十分魅惑。 The skirt of silk fabrics fine gauze moves with the wind, slender and wispy, Naqu line dim dressed carcass perfect outlined, appeared the surname feeling is enchanting, this was a spirit of check person. 绸缎轻纱的裙子随风而动,袅袅娜娜,将那曲线朦胧的胴体完美的勾勒出来,显得更加的姓感妖娆,这就是一个勾人的妖精。 Xie Aoyu also looks moves at heart, this female beauty may be called the top picks, but the obsequious attitude surfaces, after has not flattered, superb of Zi Yan, fell the hinayana on the contrary. 谢傲宇也看得心里一动,此女的姿色堪称上上之选,只是媚态过于表面化,远没有媚后紫嫣的出神入化,反倒落了下乘。 Servants Ru Yan, has seen emperor's son your highness, Xie Shao.” Beguiles the female floating pendulum. “奴婢如烟,见过皇子殿下,谢少。”狐媚女子飘飘一摆。 Yun Tianfeng sees the Ru Yan beguiling appearance, the eyebrow selects, seems somewhat repugnant, falls in the Xie Aoyu eye, concluded that the whereabouts in this Yun Tianfeng some aspect are not as if normal, Yun Tianfeng nodded, has not inquired about, making Xie Aoyu process. 云天风看到如烟的狐媚样子,眉毛就是一挑,似乎有些反感,落在谢傲宇的眼里,更加断定,这云天风似乎某方面的去向不正常啊,云天风只是点了点头,并没有过问,让谢傲宇自己处理。 „Do you look for me?” Xie Aoyu asked. “你找我?”谢傲宇问道。 Ru Yan smiles, seriously is the character and style ten thousand types, the red lip that is surnamed the feeling is glittering the gloss of being puzzled person, said in a soft voice: Is my family young lady is invited.” 如烟一笑,当真是风情万种,姓感的红唇闪烁着惑人的光泽,轻声道:“是我家小姐有请。” Your family young lady? Are you really the servants, maidservant? Can't? Has such attractive maidservant, isn't your family young lady also beautiful certainly this world?” Lang Zhantian called out. “你家小姐?你真的是奴婢,侍女?不会吧?有这么漂亮的侍女,那你家小姐还不是美绝人寰?”浪战天叫道。 Ru Yan gives a calm smile, said: Compared with my family young lady, I am only the remnant flower.” 如烟淡然一笑,道:“与我家小姐相比,我只是残花而已。” Lang Zhantian rushed immediately, Lao Xie, this time you may probably help me, you looked at my Lao Lang are 17-18 old people, did not have a woman to the present.” 浪战天立刻冲了上去,“老谢啊,这次你可要帮帮我啊,你看我老浪都是十七八的老人了,到现在还没一个女人。” „Do you want to vindicate?” Xie Aoyu asked that „the several time?” “你又想去表白?”谢傲宇问道,“第几次了?” Lang Zhantian said: Are not many, is the 127 th time.” 浪战天道:“不多,才是第127次。” Xie Aoyu two turn, this one month does not see, this boy has vindicated more than 20 times. 谢傲宇两眼一翻,这才一个多月不见,这小子又表白了20多次。
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