BE :: Volume #2

#178: The powerful is taken to the threshing ground 【Three】

The entire street, except for chanting in a low voice of Wachs pain, does not have a sound again, the peaceful fearfulness, all people like looking at the monster look at Xie Aoyu. 整条街道,除了瓦克斯痛苦的低吟,再无一点声音,安静的可怕,所有人都像看怪物一样看着谢傲宇 A move defeats Wachs! 一招击败瓦克斯! This is what kind of strength, they may know that this Wachs can be arranged to probe the Xie Aoyu strength by the Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire aspect, decides however the strength not to be weak, let alone his age is also placed there, unexpectedly was lifted in the feet to give to trample by Xie Aoyu to fly, has exceeded beyond the imagination of people completely. 这是怎样的实力啊,他们可都知道,这瓦克斯能够被图罗帝国方面安排来试探谢傲宇的实力,定然实力不弱,何况他的年龄也摆在那里,居然被谢傲宇抬脚之间就给踹飞了,完全超出了众人的想象之外。 Too strong! 太强了! Lao Xie does well!” Lang Zhantian called out, this is a man, Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire beauties screamed that cried out for the second put on airs in your mind.” 老谢干得好!”浪战天叫道,“这才是男人,诸位图罗帝国的美眉们尖叫吧,为你们心目中的第二白马王子呐喊吧。” Lin Dongyun said in consternation: Who is the first put on airs?” 林动云愕然道:“谁是第一白马王子?” Nonsense, this also uses to ask that definitely was a God of Love!” Lang Zhantian stares to say. “废话,这个还用问,肯定是本爱神了!”浪战天瞪眼道。 One group of day natives of Romania lose one's voice to laugh. 一群天罗人失声大笑。 In the middle of Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire really many females have exuded the squeal, more people hoping to have placed that Xiao Ke and Jason body. 罗帝国当中的果然有不少女子发出了尖叫声,更多的人则是将希望放在了那肖克和杰森特的身上。 Hope that they save face. 他们两人可是挽回面子的希望。 Xie Aoyu both hands recited backwards from the end, ease say (way): Next.” 谢傲宇双手倒背,悠然的道:“下一个。” I fight you!” Xiao Ke sinking sound track. “我来战你!”肖克沉声道。 Stands fearlessly, Xiao Ke's complexion becomes dignified, air/Qi of withering fills all around, he lifts the right foot, falls to the ground suddenly, thump, the ground has swayed. 昂然站立,肖克的脸色变得凝重起来,一股肃杀之气弥漫四周,他抬起右脚,猛然落地,“咚”的一声,地面都摇晃了一下。 The spirits of all people were shaken. 所有人的精神都被震了一下。 Crazy!” “狂化!” Xiao Ke breaks shouts to clear the way, his body rises suddenly, originally only then one meter about seven he, reaches one meter nine altitude instantaneously, the muscle of whole body stirs, clothes also present the crack fissure, disclosed the muscle of that inflation that simultaneously put out a great sword. 肖克断喝道,他的身体随之暴涨起来,原本只有一米七左右的他,瞬间达到一米九的高度,全身的肌肉都鼓荡起来,身上的衣服也出现裂裂痕,将那膨胀的肌肉透露出来,同时拿出一把巨剑。 Thinks Chocqueuse was Xie Aoyu of most powerhouse is looks, this Xiao Ke was stronger, after his crazy, should want the Wachs strength high scale, then surplus Jason was obviously stronger. 原本以为肖克斯是最强者的谢傲宇算是看出来了,这肖克更强,他狂化之后,应该要比瓦克斯实力高一个档次,那么剩余的杰森特显然更强了。 You are not my match.” Xie Aoyu said. “你不是我的对手。”谢傲宇道。 Bang!” “轰!” Those who replied Xie Aoyu was the great sword strikes, leads the fresh breeze to howl, the malignant influences tumbled, wiped the silver-white ray probably is the red glow stimulation, on that sword was glittering the cold and gloomy sword light. 回答谢傲宇的是巨剑一击,带动着劲风呼啸,煞气翻滚,一抹银白色的光芒好像是红芒般的激发出去,那剑上更是闪烁着森冷的剑光。 After crazy cut down to cut fully. 狂化之后的全力劈斩。 Of might, force stands in nearby bystander retrocedes in abundance, even if that thinks that the strength is good, irresistibly that overwhelming power wind in the upper heavens. 威力之强,迫使站在附近的围观者纷纷的后退,就算是那自认为实力不错的,也无法抵抗那威猛的罡风。 Xie Aoyu slanting cross one step. 谢傲宇斜跨一步。 That great sword scratches his tip of the nose to fall, has not actually taken to him any chill in the air, instead is on the face is hanging the teasing expression, this is intentionally. 那巨剑就擦着他的鼻尖落下,却没有带给他任何寒意,反而是脸上挂着戏谑的表情,这是故意的。 A Xiao Ke sword wields, apparent must, his bite back strength. 肖克一剑挥出,便知要遭,他急忙收回力道。 Who would have thought Xie Aoyu lifted a foot to step on. 哪知谢傲宇抬起一脚踩了过去。 „!” “哇!” The screams resound from the surroundings, has the sound of innumerable sucking in cold air, no one has thought that Xie Aoyu steps on Xiao Ke's great sword with the foot unexpectedly, not only this shames Xiao Ke, what is main is Xiao Ke's strength, in addition the sharpness of great sword, this under foot, if the strength is insufficient, that ends up to turn out the destiny that a foot was cut. 惊呼声从周围响起,更有无数的倒抽凉气的声音,谁也没想到,谢傲宇居然用脚去踩肖克的巨剑,这不但是羞辱肖克,更主要的是肖克的力量,加上巨剑的锋利,这一脚下去,若是实力不够的话,那就落得一个脚被斩下的命运。 The Xie Aoyu extremely arrogant performance makes Xiao Ke anger launch a psychological attack. 谢傲宇狂妄的表现让肖克怒火攻心。 Too extremely arrogant! 太狂妄了! Rumbling “轰轰轰” Xiao Ke that inflates one time had Qi surging forwards to surge because of the crazy technique, he no longer has any control strength, complete goes all out the stance. 肖克那因狂化术而膨胀了一倍有余的斗气汹涌澎湃的涌动出去,他不再有任何的控制力道,完全的一副拼命地架势。 Complete Qi joins, making that great sword violent dodge silver luminous. 全部的斗气加入,使得那巨剑暴闪银色的光亮。 Jianfeng of great sword has the time twinkle together faintly. 巨剑的剑锋更是隐隐有一道流光闪烁。 Bang!” “嘭!” Xie Aoyu was still a foot stepped on, does not have meaning that the least bit stayed, a foot fell, was stepping in the great sword sharp incomparable sword blade edge. 谢傲宇仍旧是一脚踩了下去,没有半点停留的意思,一脚落下,正踩在巨剑锋利无比的剑刃上面。 All people stared in a big way eye. 所有人都瞪大了眼睛。 A victory and defeat space. 胜负一线间。 Bang!” “嘭!” That great sword on reverse pulls up, must the foot of Xie Aoyu cutting, the foot sword collides finally, Xiao Ke ru was struck by lightning, almost lets go to discard the great sword. 那巨剑反向上撩,要将谢傲宇的脚给斩下来,结果脚剑碰撞,肖克如遭雷击,差点松手扔掉巨剑。 That boundless strength transmits, his both hands hemp, the tigers mouth splits, a blood of faint trace flows out, the great sword by the insertion ground that a Xie Aoyu foot steps on. 那磅礴的力量传来,他双手一麻,虎口裂开,一丝丝的鲜血流出,巨剑更是被谢傲宇一脚踩的插入地面。 Lets go!” The Xie Aoyu Qi powerful attacks. “撒手!”谢傲宇斗气强势出击。 The pain was called one, Xiao Ke both hands flowed the blood to back up again and again, that great sword on such oblique cutting ground. 痛叫一声,肖克双手流着鲜血连连倒退,那巨剑就那样斜插地上。 Roar “吼” So was defeated, is before numerous people, immediately made always proud Xiao Ke infuriated, he was not willingly admits defeat in light of this, raises the head to send out a beast to roar, wild Qi surged, formed a silver-white ray in his body week, issued the dance, an eye projected the substantive light beam. 如此被打败,还是在众多人面前,顿时令一向自傲的肖克火冒三丈,他不甘心就此认输,仰首发出一声兽吼,狂暴的斗气涌动,在他的身周形成一道银白色的光芒,乱发狂舞,一双眼睛射出实质般的光束。 He seems Demon Beast. 他好似魔兽 A Xie Aoyu personal appearance revolution, the ghosts and demons appear in Xiao Ke's front, does not need to use movement Fights Technique such as the light electricity, his speed changes makes Xiao Ke unable to compare. 谢傲宇身形一转,鬼魅般出现在肖克的面前,无需动用身法斗技如光似电,他的速度变令肖克无法比拟。 You lost.” Xie Aoyu flies a foot to trample. “你输了。”谢傲宇飞起一脚踹去。 Wild with rage such as Demon Beast Xiao Ke links leaves a move of opportunity not to have, by a Xie Aoyu foot trampling Wachs who flying upside down, will crawl pounds once more but actually. 狂怒如魔兽的肖克连出招的机会都没有,就被谢傲宇一脚给踹的倒飞出去,将爬起来的瓦克斯再次砸倒。 Also won. 又胜了。 Only leaves one move. 还是仅出一招。 One move, is a foot, ratio were many a movement to Wachs, was the foot has defended, finally was still the master disastrous defeat in Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire aspect. 一招,就是一脚,比对瓦克斯多了一个动作,就是出脚防守了一下,结果仍旧是图罗帝国方面的高手惨败。 If Wachs is defeated, but can also find the excuse, then Xiao Ke's suffering defeat, did not give a pretext may say. 如果说瓦克斯失败,还能找到借口,那么肖克的败北,就毫无借口可说。 This modification, he was also too strong.” “这个变态,他也太强了吧。” Is, but Xiao Ke to guarantee our empire can send out the strongest master, respects the room son to admit defeat to Murong on own initiative, words that hits, he is not necessarily able to lose to Mr. Murong Jingzhai.” “就是,肖克可是为了保证我们帝国能够派出最强高手,主动向慕容敬斋公子认输的,真打的话,他未必就能输给慕容敬斋公子。” How Xiao Ke said that also used the crazy technique, the strength to multiply.” “肖克怎么说也用了狂化术,实力倍增啊。” Is a foot, this fellow worthily is the Sky Luo empire trump card.” “又是一脚,这个家伙不愧是天罗帝国的王牌。” Without a doubt, Xie Aoyu defeats two big masters continuously, has deterred the Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire masters thoroughly. 毫无疑问,谢傲宇连续击败两大高手,彻底震慑了图罗帝国的高手们。 Fought in this share, the vision that the Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire people will anticipate fell on that Jason body, this recalls the opportunity of face countenance only. 战斗到了这个份上,图罗帝国的人都将期待的目光落在那杰森特的身上,这是唯一挽回颜面的机会了。 If defeats again 若是再败 They do not dare to imagine, this time the Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire action is shameless sorrow, the goal must probe trump card Xie Aoyu of Sky Luo empire player, finally others have not moved including the hand, but has moved the foot, overthrows them, passes on, Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire youth one generation, face countenance where? 他们都不敢想象,此番图罗帝国的举动可谓是无耻之忧,目的就是要试探天罗帝国选手的王牌谢傲宇,结果人家连手都没动,只是活动了一下脚丫子,就打倒两人,传出去,图罗帝国青年一代,颜面何在? Jason, come on!” “杰森特,加油!” Jason defeats this modification, making him know our Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire youth one generation of fierce.” “杰森特打败这个变态,让他知道我们图罗帝国青年一代的厉害。” Right, beats to death him, making him know fiercely.” “对,揍死他,让他知道厉害。” Some people shouted in confusion. 有人吵嚷起来。 The person of Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire surrounding refuels for Jason. 罗帝国围观之人纷纷为杰森特加油。 Jason actually exceptionally calm, he unemotionally two steps, you can rest forward, I will not take your advantage.” 杰森特却是异常的冷静,他面无表情的向前两步,“你可以休息一下,我不会占你的便宜的。” Does not need.” Xie Aoyu cold say (way). “不需要。”谢傲宇冷然道。 Jason did not speak, calmly waited. 杰森特却是不说话,静静地等待。 About after three minutes, Jason then said: „ Starts! „ 大约三分钟之后,杰森特这才道:“开始吧!“ The so calm action, making all surrounding the people of Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire cannot help but rouse, has been full of the hope once more, who Jason was? Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire youth one generation of famous masters. 如此沉稳的举动,令所有围观的图罗帝国的人不由得振奋起来,再次充满了希望,杰森特是谁?图罗帝国青年一代有名高手。 Saw Xie Aoyu still the leisurely appearance, Jason said: I am not Wachs and Xiao Ke, despises me, means your defeat.” 看到谢傲宇仍旧悠哉悠哉的样子,杰森特道:“我不是瓦克斯和肖克,轻视我,将意味着你的失败。” To the shameless generation, I will not always attach great importance.” Xie Aoyu said. “对无耻之辈,我向来不会重视的。”谢傲宇道。 This saying said Wachs, Xiao Ke shamelessly one red, but Jason actually unemotionally, as if has not heard general, only this can maintain the mood ability, makes Xie Aoyu hold in high esteem to him. 这话说得瓦克斯、肖克两人老脸一红,可是杰森特却是面无表情,仿佛没有听到一般,仅此能够保持心境的能力,就让谢傲宇对他刮目相看。 „” “啪啪啪” Jason does not have the weapon, both hands to make a fist, makes an effort slightly, the body transmits a clear skeleton sound to move, his coat also along with it cracking. 杰森特没有兵器,双手握拳,略微用力,身上传来一阵清脆的骨骼声响动,他的上衣也随之崩裂。 The semblance looks that Jason slightly is emaciated, no one has thought that after his coat cracks, reveals is actually muscle, particularly the muscle block of abdomen. 外表看去,杰森特略显瘦弱,谁也没想到,他的上衣崩裂之后,露出来的却是一身的肌肉,尤其是腹部的肌肉块。 Brushes!” “刷!” Wipes the light visual purple to reappear in Jason body surface. 一抹淡淡的紫光浮现在杰森特的体表。 His muscle also ballooning in abundance gets up. 他的肌肉也纷纷的鼓胀起来。 Lao Xie is careful, what this Jason practices is the special secret gold gagger, ordinary sword and spear basic being hard wound to him.” Lin Dongyun reminded in a low voice. 老谢小心,这杰森特修炼的是特殊秘技金皮铁骨,普通的刀枪根本难以伤到他。”林动云低声提醒道。 gold gagger? 金皮铁骨? In the Xie Aoyu mind reappeared had seen an old book, the hearsay gold gagger was several thousand years of previous talent creates, that person created Fights Technique from Demon Beast, actually accidentally bumped into variation Demon Beast, that variation Demon Beast it can be said that invulnerability, is unable to injure including general Saint, this made him create gold gagger, because of the emergence of gold gagger, countless people even has been ready, replaced auricles in ten big profound wonderful secrets to pass with gold gagger, but that person has not made gold skin gagger Fights Technique go to the Saint not broken situation, was killed., Also causes gold gagger lost became of opportunities ten big profound wonderful secrets, but gold gagger fierce has also been proven. 谢傲宇脑海中浮现曾经看到过一个古籍,传闻这金皮铁骨是数千年前一位天才所创,那人本来是从魔兽身上创造斗技的,却无意中碰到一只变异魔兽,那变异魔兽可以说是刀枪不入,连一般的圣器都无法伤到,这才令他创出了金皮铁骨,也因为金皮铁骨的出现,无数人甚至都做好了准备,用金皮铁骨替换十大玄奇秘技中的心耳通,怎奈那人还未令金皮铁骨斗技达到圣器不破的地步,便丧命。,也使得金皮铁骨失去了成为十大玄奇秘技之一的机会,但是金皮铁骨的厉害也是得到证明的。 Absolutely intrepid mysterious Fights Technique. 绝对强悍的玄妙斗技 Has so intrepid Fights Technique, has not actually advanced into one of eight thirty-year old masters Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire chooses, can indicate that Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire this time sends out the great strength of master. 拥有如此强悍的斗技,却还没有跻身图罗帝国挑选出来的八大青年高手之一,更能表明图罗帝国此次派出高手的强大。 Can gold gagger really invulnerability? 金皮铁骨是否真的能够刀枪不入? Xie Aoyu has had an interest actually, looks on the current situation, the words of Saint, definitely cannot resist, that uses the ordinary weapon to probe. 谢傲宇倒是产生了一丝兴趣,就目前的情况看,圣器的话,肯定抵挡不住,那就用普通的兵器来试探一下。 He shot a look at a ground that to enter the great sword of ground the oblique cutting. 他瞥了一眼地上的那把斜插入地面的巨剑。 Used it. 就用它了。 Thump “咚咚咚” Jason flushes away forward, his both hands also lifted, seems very stiff appearance, what because practices was gold gagger makes this seem like full is the attack strategic move of flaw turned into the sharp weapon of destroying the hardest defenses. 杰森特向前冲去,他的双手也抬了起来,看上去很僵硬的样子,但是由于修炼的是金皮铁骨就使得他这看似满是破绽的攻击招数变成了无坚不摧的利器。 Bang!” “嘭!” Xie Aoyu lifted the foot to stamp the ground. 谢傲宇抬脚跺了一下地面。 Centered on him, the surrounding area ground within one meter experienced a fluctuation of non- rule, this is the Earth Escape Technique characteristics, although is not escapes into underground, has certain control to nearby ground. 以他为中心,方圆一米内的地面出现了一丝不规律的波动,这是土遁术的特色,虽然不是遁入地下,却对附近的地面有一定的掌控。 The ground fluctuates, the great sword of insertion ground shot immediately. 地面波动,插入地面的巨剑顿时弹了出来。 The great sword sprang, hangs in airborne that moment, Xie Aoyu lifts a foot to trample above the great sword sword hilt, was changed to the cold brightness to project by the great sword of strength impact formidable immediately together. 巨剑弹出,悬在空中的那一刻,谢傲宇抬起一脚踹在了巨剑剑柄之上,受到强大的力量冲击的巨剑立时化作一道寒光射出。 Is a foot, be careful!” “又是一脚,小心!” Xie Aoyu leaves the foot to repel two big masters continuously, made the bystander have inexplicable fear to a Xie Aoyu foot, that foot, but can the deceased person. 谢傲宇连续出脚击退两大高手,已经令围观者产生了一丝对谢傲宇脚丫子的莫名恐惧,那脚丫子一出,可是能死人的啊。 Drinks!” “喝!” The Jason both arms separate, front visual purple twinkle. 杰森特双臂分开,胸前紫光闪烁。 He wants mechanical reactance sword. 他要力抗这一剑。 Works as!” “当!” Center the great sword Jason chest, sent out the metal to hand over the engine knock immediately, that great sword was rebounded, was looking at Jason chest, perfect, a trace has not stayed behind. 巨剑正中杰森特的胸膛,立时发出了金属交击声,那巨剑被反弹出去,在看杰森特的胸口,完好无损,连个痕迹都没有留下。
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