BE :: Volume #2

#177: The powerful is taken to the threshing ground 【Two】

Lin Dongyun then related another four people of situations, in the middle of these four people, three people are Xie Aoyu from Zi Yan there know, one is Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire Murong respects the room, this person not only talent Qi tall, has Murong Family to cultivate fully, grasped one in ten big profound wonderful secrets, the strength is extraordinary. 林动云便将另外四人的情况诉说了一遍,这四人当中,有三人是谢傲宇紫嫣那里知道的,一个是图罗帝国的慕容敬斋,此人不但天赋奇高,有慕容家族全力栽培,更掌握了十大玄奇秘技中的一种,实力非凡。 One is the land soars, is the Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire person, the younger generation from Lu Family, Lu Family and Murong Family was known as the nature that one of the Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire two respected families, the absolute strong family, cultivates is not a weak one, has of tight Nara Mi Zhou ten secret incantations. 一个是陆腾飞,也是图罗帝国的人,来自陆家的年轻一代,陆家慕容家族号称图罗帝国两大家族之一,绝对的强势家族,栽培出来的自然不是弱者,更有十大秘咒之一的紧那罗秘咒。 Again two two respected family True and Qi Luo from New Luo empire, their strengths are always a riddle, the number of times of because this two people of getting rid are not many, and participates in the trials is three moves of defeat enemies, the bystander does not know their accurate strengths how, True has of Purple Electricity bite Dragon Spear ten big pro­found soldier, Qi Luo is a female, it is said also has Mi Zhou who one type mysterious not measures, concrete is anything, then nobody knows. 再有两人则是来自新罗帝国的两大家族特鲁和绮罗,他们的实力始终是一个谜,因为此二人出手的次数并不多,且参加选拔赛都是三招败敌,外人根本不知道他们确切的实力如何,那特鲁拥有十大玄兵之一的紫电噬龙枪,绮罗是一名女子,据说也拥有一种神奇莫测的秘咒,具体是什么,则无人知晓。 This five people absolutely are the strong enemies, regarding us whether to win the final champion, has hinders enormously, I will think the means multi- collections about their materials, hopes that has helped you.” Emperor's son Yun Tianfeng said that „, a person, you must pay attention.” “此五人绝对是强劲的敌人,对于我们能否取得最后的冠军,有着极大地阻碍,我会想办法多收集关于他们的资料,希望对你们有所帮助。”皇子云天风说道,“嗯,还有一个人,你们要注意。” Who?” “谁?” Everybody has raised up the ear. 大家都竖起了耳朵。 Yun Tianfeng said with a smile: This person prince zu Zhou Zhenwang from mercenary soldier, original Zhou Zhenwang does not attend the competition, since was defeated after by Xie the brother, he then announced the participation, and on behalf of the Kingdom Alliance participation, Kingdom Alliance has won a player for this reason specially, registered for him, as far as I know, Zhou Zhenwang , before several months suffered defeat, in the self-torture, the strength progress has been rapid, perhaps has achieved above Cloud level, even was higher.” 云天风笑道:“此人就是来自佣兵之王家族的周震王,本来周震王是不参加比赛的,自从被谢兄击败之后,他便宣布参赛,并且代表王国联盟参赛,为此王国联盟特别拿下了一个参赛选手,为他报名的,据我所知,周震王自从数月前败北,一直都在苦修,实力进步飞速,恐怕已经达到云级以上了,甚至更高。” Ha Ha, Lao Xie, you may probably be careful, the week shakes Wang Ming obviously to come to you, to us, he has not paid attention.” Lang Zhantian laughs to say. “哈哈,老谢,你可要小心了,周震王明显是冲你来的,对我们,他可是从来没有放在眼里的。”浪战天大笑道。 Han Yue hear Yanleng snort said: That is you are incompetent, do not say me.” 韩越闻言冷哼道:“那是你无能,不要把我也说进去。” Other people actually very natural vision centralized on the body of Xie Aoyu, other did not say that Zhou Zhenwang did not plan participates this is all people knows, because looks like in Zhou Zhenwang, nobody is worth him participating, now actually suddenly participates, clarifies is the Xie Aoyu reason. 其他人却都很自然的将目光集中在谢傲宇的身上,别的不说,周震王不打算参赛这是所有人都知道,因为在周震王看来,没有人值得他去参赛,现在却突然参赛,摆明就是谢傲宇的缘故。 Zhou Zhenwang, the king of future mercenary soldier, is considered that may becomes the Battle King level master, but is not the Ten Kings Level Master super potential stock, his powerful is without a doubt, since suffers defeat, the self-torture, no one knows fully he has achieved any boundary, in addition grasps to have Bing Qi Shu certainly, even is more terrorist than that five thirty-year old masters. 周震王,未来的佣兵之王,更是被认为有可能成为战王级高手,而不是十王级高手的超级潜力股,他的强势是毋庸置疑的,自从败北,全力苦修,谁也不知道他已经达到了什么境界,加之掌握有绝兵奇术,甚至是比那五大青年高手还要恐怖。 I hope actually he can come.” Xie Aoyu said with a smile, the corner of the eye split vision glimpsed Bing Wu to turn head to visit him, then smiled to him, felt relieved that I confident.” “我倒是希望他能来。”谢傲宇笑道,眼角余光瞥见冰舞扭头看他,便对他一笑,“放心吧,我有信心。” Snort!” Bing Wu cold snort, turned head to look to elsewhere. “哼!”冰舞冷哼了一声,扭头看向别处。 Xie Aoyu helpless shrugging. 谢傲宇无奈的耸耸肩。 The people start to discuss that related a matter character that oneself know, Xie Aoyu, was interrogated by the key point particularly, after all he is an one person alone person hurries along, comes late, many made one want to know that he has done anything during this period. 众人又开始商议起来,把自己知道的事情个字诉说了一下,尤其是谢傲宇,被重点盘问,毕竟他是孤身一个人赶路的,还是来得最晚的,多少令人想知道,他在这期间到底干了些什么。 Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire Wachs challenges day of Luo youth talent!” “图罗帝国瓦克斯挑战诸位天罗青年才俊!” Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire Xiao Ke challenges day of Luo youth talent!” “图罗帝国肖克挑战诸位天罗青年才俊!” Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire Jason challenges viviparus youth talent!” “图罗帝国杰森特挑战诸位田螺青年才俊!” The consecutively three sounds resound through sky over the post house, has planned the conversation in hall, all people frowned, what is this, before final, is all as far as possible low-key time, Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire so blatantly comes to challenge unexpectedly, clearly wants the powerful to attack, comes to see the strength of clear Sky Luo empire youth master through the challenge, so the procedure will disclose that a goal, that is Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire exerts its utmost to the champion, such will cause other national players to collaborate to resist, after all Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire is a host. 连续三个声音响彻驿馆上空,也打算了大厅内的交谈,所有人都皱起了眉头,这是什么意思,总决赛之前是各方尽可能低调的时候,图罗帝国居然如此公然派人前来挑战,分明就是要强势出击,通过挑战来看清楚天罗帝国青年高手的实力,如此做法就会透露出一个目的,那就是图罗帝国对冠军势在必得,那样是会引起其他国家选手联手抵抗的,毕竟图罗帝国是东道主。 Goes to have a look.” Yun Tianfeng sinking sound track. “出去看看。”云天风沉声道。 Some people and others went out of the post house in abundance. 一干人等纷纷走出驿馆。 Arrives at outside, actually sees the post house entrance sea of people, the entire street was filled with the human, preliminary estimate also several thousand people, the street that because the post house is one of the Yanjing most prosperous streets, let alone all places besides post house, such as the roof and top of the tree is the human. 来到外面,却见驿馆门口人山人海,整条街道都被挤满了人,初步估计也有几千人,因为驿馆所在的街道是图罗燕京最繁荣的街道之一,何况除了驿馆之外的所有地方,如房顶、树顶统统都是人。 Very obviously, this is the opposite party comes prepared. 很显然,这是对方有备而来。 Looks at three people that must challenge again, Xie Aoyu has anger to surge, these three people evidently, are 30 -year-old appearances, has gone beyond the category of youth. 再看要挑战的三人,谢傲宇就有一股怒火涌动出来,这三人看样子,都是30来岁的样子,已经超出青年的范畴。 Shameless! 无耻啊! Three do need to challenge my Sky Luo empire youth talent?” Yun Tianfeng had discovered similarly saying that these three people of ages, then let somebody cool off or calm down. “三位要挑战我天罗帝国的青年才俊?”云天风同样发现了这三人的年龄,便冷冷的说道。 „, Emperor's son your highness is not will fear that their strength is bad, loses face to your country, therefore doesn't make them get rid?” Wachs who that spoke first said. “正是,皇子殿下不会是怕他们实力不济,给贵国丢脸,所以不让他们出手吧?”那最先说话的瓦克斯说道。 Yun Tianfeng cold -ly snorted and said: Sky Luo empire never fears any challenge!” 云天风冷哼道:“天罗帝国从不怕任何挑战!” As the emperor's son, is the only emperor's son, future day Emperor Luo, Yun Tianfeng already fostered that imperial unique dignity, Wachs of oppression backed up slightly one step. 作为皇子,还是唯一的皇子,未来的天罗皇帝,云天风早就养成了那种皇家特有的威严,压迫的瓦克斯微微倒退了一步。 Such being the case, that asked the day Luo fellow youth talents to come out with me to fight.” Wachs thinks that behind supporter, back, said loudly. “既然如此,那就请天罗各位青年才俊出来与我一战。”瓦克斯想到身后的支持者,腰杆一挺,大声说道。 Comes out a war!” “出来一战!” Is the man comes out to hit a stick!” “是男人出来打一杖!” „The Sky Luo empire coward, accepts the challenge!” 天罗帝国要不是孬种,就接受挑战!” As Wachs's voice falls, in crowd resounds sounds of the shouting immediately, played the role that creates a disturbance, let alone here is Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire, they naturally are partial to the person in oneself country. 随着瓦克斯的声音落下,人群中顿时响起一个又一个的叫嚷之声,也起到了起哄的作用,何况这里本来就是图罗帝国,他们自然是偏向自己国家的人。 Looks at so the aspect, Xie Aoyu smiles. 看着如此局面,谢傲宇笑了。 This Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire may really take great pains, moreover can be said as is not concerned about face. 这次图罗帝国可真是煞费苦心啊,而且也可以说是不要脸之极。 War, nature, but Yun Tianfeng knows , if not fight, that is equal to showing weakness, is very influential regarding the Sky Luo empire prestige, „our times are to come participating, therefore accepts challenge only this one time, otherwise, I think that this is some people knows not to beat, comes to disturb especially, to let our day native of Romania was challenged exhausted that does before the competition.” “战,自然可以,但是”云天风知道如果不战,那等同于示弱,对于天罗帝国的声誉很有影响,“我们此次是来参赛的,所以接受挑战只此一次,不然,我会认为这是有些人自知不敌,特地前来捣乱的,为的是让我们天罗人在比赛前就被挑战搞的筋疲力尽。” Xie Aoyu shouted darkly high, Yun Tianfeng seemed like the simplicity that said that regulations the excuse of Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire dying of suffocation, if this challenge is unable to probe the strength of day Luo player, do not want to send for probing again. 谢傲宇暗叫高啊,云天风看似说的简单,实则是将图罗帝国的借口给堵死了,如果这次挑战无法试探出天罗选手的实力,就别想再派人来试探了。 Naturally, but we want to choose the day Luo player to challenge.” Say (Way) that Wachs smiles. “当然可以,但是我们要自己来选择天罗选手进行挑战。”瓦克斯笑眯眯的道。 Your excellency is quite astute.” Xie Aoyu cold sound track. “阁下好精明啊。”谢傲宇冷声道。 Ha Ha, Xie Shao praised, heard that Xie Shao has defeated Zhou Zhenwang, my Wachs just wants to challenge.” Wachs laughs saying that the direct roll-call must challenge Xie Aoyu. “哈哈,谢少夸奖了,听说谢少打败了周震王,我瓦克斯正想挑战呢。”瓦克斯大笑道,直接点名要挑战谢傲宇 Xie Aoyu light say (way): I will not disappoint you.” 谢傲宇淡淡的道:“我不会让你失望的。” Other such as Yun Tianfeng, Lang Zhantian, Lin Dongyun et al. are the look are ugly, this in view of the challenge of Xie Aoyu, in other words, the Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire aspect has clearly treated as the strongest match Xie Aoyu, as for other people, has not actually cared, at least will not care. 其他如云天风浪战天林动云等人都是神色难看,这分明就是针对谢傲宇的挑战,也就是说,图罗帝国方面将谢傲宇当做了最强劲的对手,至于其他人,却没有放在心上,至少不会太在意。 Good, good, it seems like day Luo should also send out several masters to challenge Murong Jingzhai and land soars.” Yun Tianfeng seems like optional saying. “好,好,看来天罗也该派出几个高手去挑战慕容敬斋和陆腾飞了。”云天风看似随意的说道。 Wachs resembles early is prepared, laughs saying: Naturally, but, everybody is youth one generation, cannot send these to exceed the age is.” 瓦克斯似早有准备,大笑道:“当然可以,不过,大家都是青年一代,可不能派那些超过年龄的才是。” Yun Tianfeng sneers saying: Your excellency looks like the age is not as if young.” 云天风冷笑道:“阁下看起来年龄似乎不小了吧。” Naturally, naturally, I tomorrow reach 30 years old.” Wachs said with a smile, also day, must say goodbye to youth one generation.” “当然,当然,我明天就满30岁了。”瓦克斯笑道,“还有一天的时间,就要告别青年一代喽。” Shameless!” “无耻!” Han Yue, Singer and Liias who this time continually and Xie Aoyu does not cope with could not bear scold one, but also one day reach 30 years old, this type shameless arrived at the acme. 这次连与谢傲宇不对付的韩越、辛格和利亚斯都忍不住骂了一声,还有一天就满30岁,这种无耻已经到了极致。 Yun Tianfeng shakes the head, said: Human cannot be so shameless.” 云天风摇摇头,道:“人不可以如此无耻。” Your highness, this asked the human not to be concerned about face, unmatched in the world.” Xie Aoyu said with a smile. “殿下,这叫人不要脸,天下无敌啊。”谢傲宇笑道。 They look at each other, has smiled. 两人相视一眼,都笑了起来。 The move that indeed, the Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire aspect leaves, indeed was as shameless as the family, even did not have including the opportunity of rebuttal, can only the passive receive challenge. 的确,图罗帝国方面出的这一招,的确是无耻到家了,甚至连反驳的机会都没有,只能被动接受挑战。 You are day Luo this hope, wants the retained situation again to them a lesson.” Yun Tianfeng urged in a low voice. “你是天罗此次的希望,一定要有所保留的情况再给他们一个教训。”云天风低声叮嘱道。 Xie Aoyu said with a smile: Yes.” 谢傲宇笑道:“明白。” The Wachs two steps, said forward: Xie Shao, we should find a broad place, such narrow place, I feared that Xie Shao cannot display.” 那瓦克斯向前两步,道:“谢少,我们是不是该找个宽阔的地方,这么狭窄的地方,我怕谢少施展不开。” Might as well, does not take many efforts in any case.” Xie Aoyu said. “无妨,反正也不费多少力气。”谢傲宇道。 Said well!” “说得好!” Shameless person is face thick-skinnedly.” “无耻之人就是脸皮厚点而已。” Two sounds resound from the back, is actually Liias and Singer, they in family, although and Qin Dynasty Family is the trend of competition, therefore to Xie Aoyu and disliking, but these two fully realized that they first are the people of Sky Luo empire, therefore at this time, very natural on support Xie Aoyu, shows no external differences. 两个声音从背后响起,却是利亚斯和辛格二人,他们所在家族虽然与秦家是竞争的趋势,因此对谢傲宇并不待见,可这两人深知他们首先是天罗帝国之人,所以在这个时候,很自然的就支持谢傲宇,一致对外。 Their performance, making Xie Aoyu nod secretly, to the national level, has shown no external differences, this point, these two were only worth respecting. 他们的表现,令谢傲宇暗自点头,到了国家层面上,一致对外,仅此一点,这两人就很值得敬重。 The Xie Aoyu vision falls on the face of Bing Wu. 谢傲宇的目光又落在冰舞的脸上。 Bing Wu opens mouth, has not said anything. 冰舞张张嘴,没有说出什么。 Sighed, Xie Aoyu a little disappointed returned to turn around, at this time the ear broadcast the Bing Wu sound, careful.” 叹口气,谢傲宇有点失望的回转身,这时耳边传来冰舞的声音,“小心点。” The disappointed Xie Aoyu cannot help but great happiness, just wants to speak, saw that Bing Wu moved sideways to enter the post house, only left her back. 本来失望的谢傲宇不由得大喜,刚想说话,就看到冰舞一闪身进入了驿馆,只留给她一个背影。 Xie Shao is really proud, still less than 20 years old, then had such breadth of spirit, does not know that in the event of the situation of accident, how you to tidy up.” Wachs by Xie Aoyu unbearable of belittling air/Qi, his strength can become one of the players absolutely, because the age happen to achieves before the competition 30 years old, does not meet the requirement, this is forced to give up, therefore he is confident to himself. 谢少真是骄傲啊,尚不足20岁,便有如此气魄,就是不知道,一旦出现意外的情况,你会怎样收拾。”瓦克斯被谢傲宇的小觑气的够呛,他的实力绝对是可以成为图罗选手之一的,只是因为年龄正好在比赛之前达到30岁,不符合要求,这才被迫放弃的,所以他对自己信心十足。 Say (Way) that Xie Aoyu smiles: Does not have the accident.” 谢傲宇笑眯眯的道:“没有意外。” You were too crazy!” “你太狂了!” Wachs is angry, his age compared with Xie Aoyu, can definitely say that is one generation, differs over ten years old, actually so was despised, how not to lose one's temper. 瓦克斯大怒,他的年龄比谢傲宇来说,完全可以说是不是一代人,相差十多岁,竟然被如此藐视,怎不动怒。 In a blaze of passion he directly to shooting. 盛怒之下的他直接冲射上去。 Wachs lost one's temper, gets rid is the most formidable Fights Technique blue flame blade, looks quickly!” “瓦克斯动怒了,一出手就是最强大的斗技蓝炎刀,快看!” In the inevitable crowd has about Wachs knows some, immediately has sent out calling out in alarm. 围观人群中有对瓦克斯了解一些的,立刻发出了惊呼。 Both hands wield again and again, saw that Wachs's body week presents is tumbling the blue blade light to be ordinary, brings the misty blue mist, gave to dye the blue color the sky, a hot flame layer upon layer flaming was burning, Wachs divided 7749 blades instantaneously, the blade light that formed folded shade adding together, as if must tear the world, the wild blue blade wolf condensed in together, formed the scary blade curtain to fall from the spatial intermediate hood. 双手连连挥动,就看到瓦克斯的身周出现一层翻滚着的蓝色的刀光一般,带起蒙蒙的蓝色雾气,将天空都给染成了蓝色的,一层层的火炎熊熊燃烧着,瓦克斯瞬间劈出7749刀,形成的刀光叠影相加,似乎要撕裂天地般,狂暴的蓝色刀狼凝聚在一起,形成骇人的刀幕从空中罩落下来。 This written order Yun Tianfeng, Lang Zhantian, Lin Dongyun , etc. did day natives of Romania is the complexion is dignified, particularly Bathu Tass et al. are exudes one to call out in alarm, that cuts the horizon the blade light, punctures them unable to open the eye, making all people feel the terror of that this attack. 这一手令云天风浪战天林动云等一干天罗人都是脸色凝重,尤其是巴图哈塔斯等人更是发出一声惊呼,那划破天际的刀光,刺得他们都无法睁开眼睛,令所有人都感到那这攻击的恐怖。 That hides representative Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire Murong who watches in the hidden place respects the room and land soars each other looks one, is a sigh, „, if not Wachs age were limited exactly, the probability that we win will certainly increase.” 那隐藏在暗处观看的代表图罗帝国的慕容敬斋和陆腾飞彼此对望一眼,都是一阵叹息,“若非瓦克斯年龄恰好受到限制,我们获胜的几率必将大增。” This move, is difficult to explain.” Lu Tengfei said. “此招,难破解。”陆腾飞说道。 This time Wachs et al. the so shameless action, the goal must make them be able to see with one's own eyes to defeat Zhou Zhenwang some Xie Aoyu many strengths. 这次瓦克斯等人如此无耻的举动,目的就是要让他们能够亲眼看到能够打败周震王的谢傲宇到底有多少实力。 Without any startled, on the face of Xie Aoyu was still hanging the light happy expression, he stares at the blue flame blade curtain that is blotting out the sky to come, the corners of the mouth knocks, departs a foot suddenly. 没有任何的惊慌,谢傲宇的脸上仍旧挂着淡淡的笑意,他盯着那铺天盖地而来的蓝炎刀幕,嘴角一敲,骤然飞出一脚。 A foot breaks into that dense blade curtain. 一脚破入那密实的刀幕中。 The blue blade curtain of that tumbling is instantaneously torn to pieces, but Wachs likely suffered the thunder stroke to be common, a pitiful yell, flew upside down backward. 那翻滚的蓝色刀幕瞬间支离破碎,而瓦克斯则像是遭受到了雷击一般,一声惨叫,向后倒飞出去。 Merely one move, routs Wachs! 仅仅一招,击溃瓦克斯!
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