BE :: Volume #2

#176: The powerful is taken to the threshing ground 【One】

Supreme Gold Flame overbearing manifests once more, Spirit Thunder was also unusual strange existed, but bumped into Supreme Gold Flame, even if were absorbed part by Gold Flame Hawk, only remaining, similarly shaking to rebound Spirit Thunder, the opportunity of continually approaching did not have. 至尊金焱之霸道再次体现出来,灵雷也算是少有的稀奇存在了,可是碰到至尊金焱,哪怕是被金焱神鹰吸收一部分,仅剩下一丝,同样将灵雷给震得反弹回来,连靠近的机会都没有。 Hissing hissing “嘶嘶” Gold Flame Hawk screamed. 金焱神鹰尖叫起来。 It felt that Beastly Soul has by the possibility that Supreme Gold Flame destroys completely. 它感觉到兽魂有被至尊金焱灭掉的可能。 Xie Aoyu is also the brow tight wrinkle, thinks deeply about the means that may think it over, has not found out practical and feasible means that he did not have the means to Supreme Gold Flame. 谢傲宇也是眉头紧皱,思索办法,可想来想去,也没有想出一个切实可行的办法,他对至尊金焱还真没办法。 elder sister tries.” Zi Yan sees that then curls to forward. 姐姐来试一下吧。”紫嫣见状,便袅袅向前。 „It is not good!” “不行!” Xie Aoyu holds the arm of Zi Yan. 谢傲宇一把抓住紫嫣的胳膊。 Stood on tiptoes the tip of the toe to kiss on the Xie Aoyu forehead, the Zi Yan supple sound track: Relax, I haggle over innately, once there is a danger, I remove.” 踮起脚尖在谢傲宇的额头上亲吻了一下,紫嫣柔声道:“放心吧,我自有计较,一旦有危险,我就撤出来。” Good, is certainly careful!” Xie Aoyu sinking sound track. “好吧,一定要小心!”谢傲宇沉声道。 Looks at the Xie Aoyu overbearing appearance, a Zi Yan at heart happiness, she arrives at the Gold Flame Hawk near gradually, low shouts to clear the way: I help you, lets loose the defense, making my Shadow Demon Spirit Fire enter!” 看着谢傲宇霸道的样子,紫嫣心里一阵甜蜜,她缓步来到金焱神鹰的近前,低喝道:“我来助你,放开防御,让我的魅影灵火进入!” Hissing “嘶” Gold Flame Hawk neighed, agreed. 金焱神鹰嘶鸣一声,表示同意。 Zi Yan is also some somewhat intense, similar also anticipations, do not look is only Supreme Gold Flame, is regarding Shadow Demon Spirit Fire, that has the help that is unable to imagine absolutely. 紫嫣也是有些紧张,同样的也有期待,别看只是一丝的至尊金焱,可是对于魅影灵火来说,那绝对有着无法想象的帮助的。 If might of Shadow Demon Spirit Fire in Qi Huo is strong, then Supreme Gold Flame is similar to all Qi Huo supreme existence, absolutely existence of invincible level. 如果说魅影灵火在奇火中威力算是强的,那么至尊金焱就如同所有奇火中至高无上的存在,绝对无敌级的存在。 Her jade refers, Shadow Demon Spirit Fire broken enters in Gold Flame Hawk Gold Flame. 她玉指一点,魅影灵火破入金焱神鹰金焱内。 Immediately saw Shadow Demon Spirit Fire rises suddenly suddenly, Zi Yan also comprehensively stimulates to movement all Shadow Demon Spirit Fire to integrate Gold Flame Hawk within the body. 随即就看到魅影灵火猛然暴涨起来,紫嫣也全面催动所有的魅影灵火融入到金焱神鹰体内。 Xie Aoyu alert is staring, feels Gold Flame Hawk attentively. 谢傲宇则戒备的盯着,用心去感受金焱神鹰 Gold Flame Hawk under his order, starts to help Shadow Demon Spirit Fire contact Supreme Gold Flame, because Supreme Gold Flame is extremely strong, even if one, if Shadow Demon Spirit Fire wants also to be the difficult ratio to ascend to heaven its absorption, can only bit by bit carries on. 金焱神鹰在他的命令下,开始帮助魅影灵火接触至尊金焱,由于至尊金焱太过强势,哪怕是一丝,魅影灵火要想将其吸收也是难比登天,只能一点一点的进行。 In an instant, three days passed by. 转眼间,三天过去了。 Shadow Demon Spirit Fire also made the breakthrough of substantive surname to Supreme Gold Flame, has absorbed one, although is only a point, but Xie Aoyu feels strength of Shadow Demon Spirit Fire obviously. 魅影灵火也对至尊金焱有了实质姓的突破,吸收了一丝,虽然只是一点,可是谢傲宇明显感觉到魅影灵火的壮大。 Hence Xie Aoyu truly felt relieved. 至此谢傲宇才真正放心。 Shadow Demon Spirit Fire has the opportunity, he then relieved waits to practice in Fire Cloud Cave, is above with the aid of outside that the temperature of imagination, the Xie Aoyu practice speed wonderful quick incomparable. 魅影灵火还是有机会的,他便安心的待在火云洞内修炼起来,借助外界那超乎想象的温度,谢傲宇的修炼速度奇快无比。 20 days later, Gold Flame Hawk is separated thoroughly from Supreme Gold Flame. 20天之后,金焱神鹰彻底从至尊金焱中脱离出来。 It has absorbed that Supreme Gold Flame 70% strengths, remaining 30% were being absorbed by Zi Yan, because Zi Yan Shadow Demon Spirit Fire Gold Flame Hawk Gold Flame like that does not have some relations with Supreme Gold Flame, therefore speed of absorption wonderful slow incomparable. 它已经吸收了那点至尊金焱的70的力量,剩下的30正被紫嫣吸收,由于紫嫣魅影灵火不似金焱神鹰金焱那般与至尊金焱有一些联系,所以吸收的速度奇慢无比。 Xie Aoyu calculates next time, is away from the final of Continental Youth Competition not to be far, but Zi Yan at least takes one month to absorb completely, therefore he has not stayed for a long time, contains to Fire Cloud Clan long Sun Ming, Winter Clan long Bing Ye Xuan said after one next, then said goodbye. 谢傲宇计算一下时间,距离大陆青年大赛的总决赛已经不远了,而紫嫣至少需要一个多月才有可能完全吸收,所以他也没有久留,向火云族孙明涵,冰月族冰夜轩说了一下之后,便告辞了。 Just before leaving before, he also especially went to exchange with Bing Ge. 临走前,他也特地去与冰戈交流了一番。 Bing Ge can be said as in the future one of the strong characters, Xie Aoyu hopes that maintains the relations from his growth period, so after him the help will be bigger. 冰戈可以说是未来强势人物之一,谢傲宇希望从他的成长期就搞好关系,如此对他以后帮助会更大的。 After the farewell, Xie Aoyu then releases Gold Flame Hawk, departs while the hawk. 告别之后,谢傲宇便释放出金焱神鹰,乘鹰离去。 First time rides Gold Flame Hawk, Xie Aoyu knew what is the speed! 第一次乘坐金焱神鹰,谢傲宇知道了什么叫速度! He leaves from two clans, according to the quickest velocity calculation, arrives in the Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire Yanjing at least to take 15 days, but rode Gold Flame Hawk only to use less than unexpectedly for three days, moreover on the way slowed down some speeds, was not full speed vanguard constantly, otherwise, Xie Aoyu suspected that perhaps only took one day to arrive. 他从两族离开,按照最快速度计算,到达图罗帝国燕京至少需要15天,可是乘坐金焱神鹰居然只用了不到三天,而且还是途中放慢了一些速度,并不是一味的全速前行,否则的话,谢傲宇都怀疑恐怕只需要一天就能够到达。 Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire and Sky Luo empire and New Luo empire compound three big empires, the strength of country is very abundant, Yanjing is also the mainland can count the lively city. 罗帝国天罗帝国新罗帝国并列三大帝国,国家的实力很是雄厚,燕京也是全大陆数得着的繁华城市。 Xie Aoyu marches into the Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire Yanjing to have one type the feeling of returning to day of Yanjing, but has Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire the character and style of local nationality to be thicker. 谢傲宇步入图罗帝国燕京就有一种回到天罗燕京的感觉,只是带有图罗帝国的当地民族的风情更浓厚一些。 Inquired to the passer-by, Xie Aoyu knew that comes the participating Sky Luo empire players already before the number said arrives, was arranged in the Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire most luxurious post house, because Continental Youth Competition is ten years compares, moreover affects enormously, therefore sponsors the empire is treats as the major event to treat, after all among these participating players has some An­tiq­uity family juniors, once can maintain the relations, that might come a powerful backer for the empire. 向路人询问了一下,谢傲宇得知前来参赛的天罗帝国的选手都已经在数曰前到达,被安排在图罗帝国最豪华的驿馆内,由于大陆青年大赛是十年一比,而且影响极大,所以主办帝国都是当做头等大事来对待的,毕竟这些参赛的选手当中有一些上古家族的子弟,一旦能够搞好关系,那就有可能为帝国来了一个强有力的靠山。 Although a country is strong, may face An­tiq­uity family, does not have the least bit superiority, because An­tiq­uity family is extremely intrepid, they send out some masters to be able the imperial family of empire to eradicate directly completely, shortly will make an empire disintegrate, therefore each empire in attentive contacts with each ancient family. 一个国家虽强,可面对上古家族,却没有半点优势,因为上古家族太过强悍,他们直接派出一部分高手就能够将帝国的皇室全部铲除,顷刻间就让一个帝国瓦解的,所以各个帝国都在用心的与各个古老家族联系的。 Post house that the Sky Luo empire player is located in the Dongcheng District of Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire Yanjing, before the gate, has the large army guard of Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire, preventing some people to assassinate and so on. 天罗帝国的选手所在的驿馆位于图罗帝国燕京的东城区,门前有图罗帝国的重兵把守,防止有人来行刺之类的。 Lao Xie, you came finally.” 老谢,你终于来了。” A Xie Aoyu appearance, Lang Zhantian and Lin Dongyun then loudly shouted to welcome. 谢傲宇一出现,浪战天林动云便大嚷着迎了出来。 Their sounds have also alarmed other people. 他们的声音也惊动了其他人。 Such as Liias, Singer, Han Yue, Wu Jia, Wang Chao, Baja Tuttass and other people also walked from the respective room, this time they looked that was different to the Xie Aoyu vision, particularly so-called day Yanjing three few, they in seeing officer of the guard Chen Qi of Sky Luo empire Emperor are respectful after Xie Aoyu, had one to dread to Xie Aoyu. 诸如利亚斯、辛格、韩越、吴嘉、王超、巴哈图塔斯等六人也从各自的房间内走了出来,此时的他们看向谢傲宇的目光都已经不同了,尤其是所谓的天罗燕京三少,他们在看到天罗帝国皇帝的卫队长陈奇都对谢傲宇毕恭毕敬之后,对谢傲宇也产生了一丝畏惧。 The Xie Aoyu vision sweeps, does not have the Bing Wu form, cannot help but sighed, it seems like Bing Wu still in the vitality, this also no wonder, saw with one's own eyes the man who oneself liked to sexually harass own master worker, was that naked, it is estimated that will be a woman will unable to bear, he also can only in send regards to 100 You Lan Ruo at heart. 谢傲宇目光一扫,没有冰舞的身影,不由得一叹,看来冰舞还在生气,这也难怪,亲眼看到自己喜欢的男人调戏自己的师父,还是那么赤裸裸的,估计是个女人都会受不了的,他也只能在心里把幽兰若问候了100遍。 Xie brother came finally, I also worried that you are not possibly able to rush.” When does not know, day Luo emperor's son Yun Tianfeng appears in the entrance of post house, stood in Xie Aoyu. “谢兄终于来了,我还担心你可能无法赶到呢。”不知何时,天罗皇子云天风出现在驿馆的门口,站在了谢傲宇的身后。 Made your highness be worried.” Xie Aoyu said with a smile. “让殿下担心了。”谢傲宇笑道。 Yun Tianfeng beckons with the hand, said: Xie the brother was also polite, now is not the special occasion, later called me the day wind and that's the end, did not use your highness your highness, such was too unfamiliar.” 云天风摆摆手,道:“谢兄又客气了,现在也不是什么特殊场合,以后叫我天风就是了,不用殿下殿下的,那样太生疏了。” His saying one, Wu Jia, Wang Chao, Baja Tuttass et al. are shocking. 他这话一出,那吴嘉、王超、巴哈图塔斯等人更是震惊。 Is on intimate terms with the future emperor, this is what relates? 与未来的皇帝称兄道弟,这是什么关系? Is Liias and Singer is also one knits the brows, they come from one of the day Luo three respected families, is clearer, the day Luo three respected family each other strengths are equally matched, at the present the Qin Dynasty Family two Cenozoic passed away, had the potential weak situation, now as if exactly opposite, relations of Xie Aoyu and Qin Yueyi, they clearly, once so emperor's son Yun Tianfeng becomes an emperor, then Qin Dynasty Family will certainly have a bigger support, perhaps might make Qin Dynasty Family establish a new school, surpasses another two respected families, read and here, they looked that was bigger to the Xie Aoyu look hostility. 就是利亚斯和辛格也是一阵皱眉,他们都来自天罗三大家族之一,更加清楚,天罗三大家族彼此实力不相上下,而今秦家两个新生代亡故,本来有势弱的情况,如今似乎恰好相反啊,谢傲宇秦月依的关系,他们还是清楚地,如此一旦皇子云天风成为皇帝,那么秦家必将得到更大的支持,恐怕都有可能令秦家独树一帜,超出另外两大家族了,念及此处,两人看向谢傲宇的眼神敌意更大了。 Since everybody arrived, we then discussed the matter about competition.” Yun Tianfeng said with a smile, he put out a hand to hold the palm of Xie Aoyu, then walked toward the hall. “既然大家都到了,我们便商议一下关于比赛的事情吧。”云天风笑道,他伸手抓住谢傲宇的手掌,便向大厅内走去。 I depend! 我靠! Xie Aoyu startles shivers spirit, how this movement feels is so irritable, should not be this emperor's son your highness will have any whereabouts issue. 谢傲宇激灵灵打个冷颤,这动作怎么感觉那么别扭,该不会是这位皇子殿下有什么去向问题吧。 Lao Lang, you go to call Bing Wu.” Xie Aoyu withdrawing quietly, said loudly. 老浪,你去把冰舞叫来。”谢傲宇悄然的抽回手,大声说道。 So big sound, when Bing Wu in room naturally heard. 如此大的声音,待在房内的冰舞自然听到了。 The door was shoved open, the Bing Wu look walked desolately, looked that does not look at Xie Aoyu, turns around to walk into the hall, Han Yue sees that said with a smile lightly: Sister Bing Wu.” 房门被推开,冰舞神色冷淡的走了出来,看也不看谢傲宇,转身走入大厅内,韩越见状,轻笑道:“冰舞小妹。” The Xie Aoyu complexion changes, this Han Yue also really can do the matter, this is intentionally. 谢傲宇脸色微变,这韩越还真是能搞事,这是故意的。 Any matter.” Say (Way) that Bing Wu lets somebody cool off or calm down. “什么事。”冰舞冷冷的道。 That ice-cold expression made Han Yue smile awkwardly, he wants taking the opportunity to be mad Xie Aoyu, has not thought that Bing Wu did not respond him, had the shining say (way): Does not have, all right.” 那冰冷的表情令韩越尴尬一笑,他原本想借机气气谢傲宇的,没想到冰舞根本不搭理他,只得灿灿的道:“没,没什么事。” Ha Ha “哈哈” Xie Aoyu sees this situation, laughs heartily. 谢傲宇看到这种情况,纵声大笑起来。 This makes the Han Yue complexion ugly, Bing Wu does not return actually, as if has not heard to be the same, many disappointed Xie Aoyu a little, does not know how this time should make Bing Wu give up to own prejudice. 这更让韩越脸色难看,倒是冰舞头也不回,仿佛没听到一样,多少令谢傲宇有点失望,不知道这次该怎么让冰舞放弃对自己的成见了。 Is good entered the hall because of Yun Tianfeng, takes a seat in the middle, everybody also in abundance enters, temporarily depresses the Bing Wu matter, discussed the situation about Continental Youth Competition . 好在云天风已经进入大厅,在中间落座,大家也纷纷进入,暂时将冰舞的事情压下,讨论关于大陆青年大赛的情况。 Wave brother and Lin the brother, your do well-informed, what strength strong match have regarding the players in this other empires in?” Yun Tianfeng said. “浪兄、林兄,你们的消息灵通一些,对于这次其他帝国的参赛选手中有什么实力强劲的对手吗?”云天风说道。 Lin Dongyun said: Can me know to we pose the threat, altogether five people, but does not remove the master who also has them to hide desirably.” He has drunk liquor, steady mind , to continue saying: „The strongest enemy is the Yu Yajie four grandsons who Black Lotus Holy Church protects to teach greatly in the cloud peak, this person of 26 years old, hold the considerable superiority in the age, according to news that recently obtained, in his hand as if double tornado spirit spears in ten big pro­found soldier, are the wind are pro­found soldier of surname, the might is incomparable, in addition I obtain the comprehensive cultivation of Yu Yajie, it can be said that this competition is most greatly popular.” 林动云说道:“能够对我们构成威胁的就我所知,总共有五人,但是不排除还有他们刻意隐藏的高手。”他喝了一口酒,稳了稳心神,继续说道:“最强劲的敌人是黑莲圣教大护教的于雅洁的四孙子于云峰,此人26岁,在年龄上占有相当的优势,根据最近得到的消息,他手中似乎有十大玄兵中的双旋风灵枪,是风属姓的玄兵,威力无匹,加之本人得到于雅洁的全面栽培,可以说是此次比赛的最大热门。” Regarding in cloud peak person, Xie Aoyu has hearing, once had contacted with his brothers Yu Yunchao, he then had treated at that time as the biggest competitor this person, at that time he suspected that can have Black Lotus God Wing including Yu Yunchao, has the shocking thing in the cloud peak hand inevitably, does not want unexpectedly to be one of the ten big pro­found soldier, thus it can be seen, the champion of Black Lotus Holy Church to Continental Youth Competition also exerted its utmost. 对于于云峰此人,谢傲宇还是有过耳闻的,也曾与他的兄弟于云超接触过,当时他便将此人当做了最大的竞争对手,那时候他就怀疑,连于云超都能有黑莲神翼,于云峰手中必然也有令人震惊的东西,未曾想居然是十大玄兵之一,由此可见,黑莲圣教大陆青年大赛的冠军也是势在必得了。 This person of I have hearing, what Han Yue has to supplement?” Yun Tianfeng said. “此人我也有耳闻,韩越有什么补充的吗?”云天风道。 Han Yue has been startled, but actually has not thought that Yun Tianfeng will inquire him unexpectedly, moreover mentioned by name directly, he has thought that this said: I know, Black Lotus Holy Church suits attended the final as if not stop in cloud peak one person, that Yu Yajie three grandsons, as if also suffice the age in the sea of clouds.” 韩越怔了一下,倒没想到云天风居然会询问他,而且直接点名的,他想了一下,这才说道:“就我所知,黑莲圣教适合参加总决赛的似乎不止于云峰一人,那于雅洁的三孙子,于云海似乎也够年龄。” „Does he suffice the age really?!” Lin Dongyun both eyes pan- wipe none remaining. “他真的够年龄?!”林动云双目泛起一抹精光。 Should, but does not know that he can participate.” The Han Yue look is also dignified. “应该是的,只是不知道他会不会参赛。”韩越也神色凝重无比。 Lin Dongyun and Lang Zhantian look one, their complexions become exceptionally are dignified, as if they have thought of any important matter. 林动云浪战天对望一眼,两人的脸色都变得异常凝重起来,似乎他们想到了什么重要的事情。 Long time, Lang Zhantian said: Such depth that this person hides, the Black Lotus Holy Church foreign propaganda in the sea of clouds 30 years old, has thought his goal is not Continental Youth Competition , but is another place.” 良久,浪战天才说道:“此人隐藏的如此之深,黑莲圣教一直对外宣传于云海已经30岁,想必他的目标不是大陆青年大赛,而是另外一处地方。” Has the possibility, but has to guard.” The Han Yue nod said. “却有可能,但不得不防。”韩越点头道。 Xie Aoyu smile at heart whispers, the hideaway age, unexpectedly for another place, where that is, what goal is also? He sees Han Yue, Lang Zhantian and Lin Dongyun these three juniors from An­tiq­uity family is stern-faced, faintly felt that the matter is not very perhaps simple. 谢傲宇听的心里一阵嘀咕,隐藏年龄,居然是为了另外一个地方,那是什么地方,又是什么目的呢?他见韩越浪战天林动云这三个来自上古家族的子弟都是一脸凝重,隐隐感到,事情恐怕很不简单。 Yun Tianfeng also knows, the look somewhat is as deep as a well, returns the topic: Four people are any situations.” 云天风似也知晓,神色有些高深莫测,转回话题道:“还有四个人是什么情况。”
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