BE :: Volume #2

#175: Gold flame condor 【Three】

Speed, Gold Flame Hawk speed! 速度,金焱神鹰的速度! The Xie Aoyu heartbeat a little accelerates, must know that the Gold Flame Hawk speed can with the Ten Kings Level Master competion speed, that is any concept. 谢傲宇的心跳有点加速,要知道金焱神鹰的速度是可以和十王级高手比拼速度的,那是什么概念啊。 According to the view of Master Ge Telixie, this incantation sign the strength was limited because of him at that time, the secret incantation is incomplete, therefore and is unable to place on a par with the incantation sign of enchanter running amuck age, some many flaws, but leaves behind the Gold Flame Hawk speed, I thought that is quite good, Xie Shao will be unsatisfied.” Sun Ming contains say (way) with a laugh. “根据哥特里谢大师的说法,这个咒牌因他当时力量有限,秘咒残缺不全,所以并无法与咒师横行年代的咒牌相提并论,多少有一些缺陷,不过留下金焱神鹰的速度,我觉得还是相当不错的,谢少不会不满意吧。”孙明涵笑呵呵的道。 Head of the clan was too annoying, this gift was too expensive.” Xie Aoyu possibly is how unsatisfied, satisfies serious, has this incantation sign, his energy also fully, later hit runs, who feared anyone, the family had the Sky Prison Wood King attendance in any case, on the current situation, can do a shameful matter. “族长太可气了,这礼物太贵重了。”谢傲宇怎么可能不满意,是满意得不得了,有此咒牌,他的底气也足了,以后打不过就跑,谁怕谁,反正家族有天牢木王照顾,就目前情况,可以干点见不得人的事儿了。 Curls the lip, Bing Ye Xuan whispered: Shows off smelly.” 撇撇嘴,冰夜轩嘀咕道:“臭显摆。” Sun Ming contains to stare saying: „Does old boy, you refuse to accept? Previous time we compete with have not decided the victory and defeat, can hit again? Looked you who I do not punch kneel beg for mercy are strange.” 孙明涵瞪眼道:“老小子,你不服?上次咱们比试还没分出胜负呢,要不要再打一场?看我不揍的你跪地求饶才怪。” I will fear you.” Bing Ye Xuan called out. “我会怕你。”冰夜轩叫道。 In two head of the clan maos. 两个族长卯上了。 Sees this situation, Zi Yan said: Head of the clan Sun, you first said the incantation of opening incantation sign.” 见此情形,紫嫣道:“孙族长,你还是先把开启咒牌的咒语说出来吧。” Sun Ming contains along with, even if told Xie Aoyu the incantation, incantation is very simple, so long as when recited the incantation, the psychic force input incantation sign, can release Gold Flame Hawk, then had is, Gold Flame Hawk since the seal has not used, Master Ge Telixie has urged, before being best to use, first summoned in Fire Cloud Cave it, in that case, Gold Flame Hawk Beastly Soul many can increase a battle efficiency, I estimated that should a little help Xie Shao.” 孙明涵随即便将咒语告诉了谢傲宇,“咒语很简单,只要在念动咒语的时候,将精神力输入咒牌内,便可释放出金焱神鹰,再有就是,金焱神鹰自从封印并未曾使用过,哥特里谢大师叮嘱过,最好使用之前,先将其在火云洞内召唤出来,那样的话,金焱神鹰兽魂多少能够增加一点战斗力,我估计,应该对谢少有点帮助的。” Xie Aoyu great happiness. 谢傲宇大喜。 Contains such person regarding Ge Telixie and Sun Ming, possibly increases a battle efficiency, must know that they may be the masters of Emperor level, but Xie Aoyu is actually only the Cloud level boundary, the bad long distance, others said that a battle efficiency, it is estimated that can be equal to Earth level, even Rainbow level, even if Zi Yan is in Sage level the position boundary, if not has Phoenix Dance Roaring Moon Spear, to them, the strength is also average. 对于哥特里谢孙明涵这样的人来说,可能只是增加一点战斗力,要知道他们可都是天王级的高手,可是谢傲宇却只是云级境界,差的十万八千里呢,人家说一点战斗力,估计能够相当于大地级,甚至彩虹级了,就算是紫嫣至圣级中位境界,若非拥有凤舞啸月枪,对他们而言,实力也就是个平平而已。 Said that walked, we hit again, this time I must make you know, my fierce.” Bing Ye Xuan does not wait for Xie Aoyu to express gratitude, then pulled Sun Ming to contain to leave. “都说完了吧,走,咱俩再去打一场,这次我要让你知道,我的厉害。”冰夜轩不等谢傲宇道谢,便扯着孙明涵离开了。 Looks back that they go far away, a Xie Aoyu funniness, these two are actually free and unrestrained. 看着他们远去的背影,谢傲宇一阵好笑,这两人倒是逍遥自在。 Bing Ge has not stayed for a long time, he obtains Flame Spirit Fruit, prepares the ice Yuehu practice, present he will be Winter Clan and hopes of Fire Cloud Clan two races will be, tried hard. 冰戈也未久留,他得到焰灵果,准备去冰月湖修炼,现在的他将是冰月族火云族两个种族的希望所在,更加努力了。 When they all leave, Xie Aoyu then with Zi Yan re-entry Fire Cloud Cave. 待他们全部离开,谢傲宇便与紫嫣重入火云洞 Reenters Fire Cloud Cave, the mood was totally different, particularly Xie Aoyu, obtains the incantation sign to him, has the multiple significances, most mainly, that is turns the passive situation into initiative. 再入火云洞,心情却已迥然不同,尤其是谢傲宇,得到咒牌对他而言,有着多重的意义,最主要一点,那就是化被动为主动。 Beastly Soul of Gold Flame Hawk may make him be in an impregnable position. 金焱神鹰兽魂可令其立于不败之地。 Steps into Fire Cloud Cave, that temperature gradual enhancement, Zi Yan releases Shadow Demon Spirit Fire to plan to protect Xie Aoyu, has not actually thought that does not wait for her Shadow Demon Spirit Fire to touch Xie Aoyu, sees in the Xie Aoyu hand is taking incantation sign above spell mark independent revolving, a golden flame of faint trace sends out from above, protects Xie Aoyu. 踏入火云洞,那温度逐步的提高,紫嫣释放出魅影灵火打算保护谢傲宇,却不曾想不等她的魅影灵火触及到谢傲宇,就看到谢傲宇手中拿着的咒牌上面的魔咒符号自主的旋转起来,一丝丝的金色的火光从上面散发出来,将谢傲宇保护起来。 This incantation sign is really out of the ordinary.” Zi Yan said with a smile. “这咒牌果然与众不同。”紫嫣笑道。 Xie Aoyu looks at the incantation sign, said: It is mysterious, to exceed made me have the strong interest to the age that once the enchanter ran amuck.” 谢傲宇看着咒牌,啧啧称赞道:“它越是神奇,越令我对曾经咒师横行的年代产生浓厚的兴趣。” They chatted marched into the Fire Cloud Cave more than 60 meters place. 两人说笑间已经步入火云洞60多米处。 Probably we had not asked where Sun Ming contains releases Gold Flame Hawk Beastly Soul to be better.” Zi Yan stands here, has thought of an issue. “好像我们没有问孙明涵在什么地方释放金焱神鹰兽魂更好一些。”紫嫣站在这里,想到了一个问题。 More depends on inside to be better probably.” Xie Aoyu hesitates saying that this Gold Flame Hawk practiced in Fire Cloud Cave, it had Gold Flame, what Master Ge Telixie had was Supreme Gold Flame, I always felt that in this as if a little related.” “大概是越靠里面越好吧。”谢傲宇沉吟道,“这金焱神鹰生前就是在火云洞内修炼的,它拥有金焱,哥特里谢大师拥有的是至尊金焱,我总感觉这里面似乎有点联系。” Zi Yan hear [words/that], nodded, she also from this considered. 紫嫣闻言,点了点头,她也由此考虑。 They continue to forward. 两人继续向前。 Crosses Flame Spirit Flower of hundred meters place, enters the deep place. 越过百米处的焰灵花,直入更深处。 Arrived at 130 meters place, Shadow Demon Spirit Fire then had the problem, can only resist that high temperature unexpectedly reluctantly, but Gold Flame that in the incantation sign sent out did not have the sound. 到达130米处,魅影灵火便出现了问题,竟然只能勉强抗拒那高温,而咒牌内散发出来的金焱却是毫无动静。 So they are surprised Gold Flame Hawk of Gold Flame. 如此两人更是惊讶金焱神鹰金焱之强。 140 meters, Shadow Demon Spirit Fire reach limit basically. 140米,魅影灵火基本达到极限。 150 meters, Shadow Demon Spirit Fire has been incapable of resisting, this is pure Qi Huo, regardless of Qi Huo in the friendly situation, can arrange to enter first three Qi Huo. 150米,魅影灵火已经无力抵抗,这可是单纯一种奇火,不论奇火相融的情况下,能够排进前三的奇火啊。 Younger brother, you must protect me.” Zi Yan showed a faint smile, gave up Shadow Demon Spirit Fire, changed to has Gold Flame that in the incantation sign released to protect. “弟弟,你要保护我哦。”紫嫣微微一笑,放弃了魅影灵火,改为有咒牌内释放出来的金焱进行保护。 Xie Aoyu embraces the slender waist of Zi Yan, the mood exceptionally is actually surging. 谢傲宇揽着紫嫣的细腰,心情却是异常激荡的。 Continues. 继续前行。 Goes directly to 200 meters time, Gold Flame that in the incantation sign releases also reaches the limit, proceeds again, perhaps that was above the high temperature of imagination must make Gold Flame be repulsed. 直达200米的时候,咒牌内释放出的金焱也达到极限,再往前,那超乎想象的高温恐怕就要让金焱败退了。 The station here, looks to Fire Cloud Cave, was still one does not look at the boundary, only saw very profoundly, the bonus was the Zi Yan use auricle passes the secret , in can only hear as if some sounds indistinctly, was not really clear, because the auricle of Zi Yan passed most can only be more than 100 meters, in other words, the Fire Cloud Cave depth at least must over 300 meters. 站在这里,向火云洞内望去,仍旧是一眼望不到边际,只看到很深邃,饶是紫嫣使用心耳通秘技,也只能隐隐约约听到里面似乎有一些声响,却不甚清楚,因为紫嫣的心耳通最远只能达到100多米,换句话说,火云洞的深度至少要在300米以上。 Started.” Xie Aoyu holds up the incantation sign, looks at a that pan- beginning halo Gold Flame Hawk, he starts to read Sun Ming to contain the incantation of instruction. “开始了。”谢傲宇举起咒牌,看着那泛起点点光晕的金焱神鹰,他开始念动孙明涵传授的咒语。 The incantation starts with the psychic force together. 咒语伴随着精神力一起发动。 Xie Aoyu felt one as if in Gold Flame Hawk with incantation sign had some marvelous relation, in the mind has transmitted low and deep neighing. 谢傲宇就感到自己仿佛与咒牌内的金焱神鹰发生了某种奇妙的联系,脑海中传来一声低沉的嘶鸣。 Then whole body one warm. 接着全身一暖。 But Zi Yan sees Xie Aoyu fire of greatly Sheng Gold Flame, in the binocular pupil as if one wipes the golden light to enlarge gradually, after being the certain extent, she saw clearly, that impressively is Gold Flame Hawk. 紫嫣则看到谢傲宇的身上金焱之火大盛,双目瞳仁中似乎有一抹金光正在逐步的放大,达到一定程度之后,她看清楚了,那赫然便是金焱神鹰 Comes out, Gold Flame Hawk!” The Xie Aoyu incantation finished, takes the incantation sign from the sky to paddle together the strange arc. “出来吧,金焱神鹰!”谢傲宇咒语完毕,拿着咒牌在空中划动一道奇异的弧线。 Along with even if sees incantation sign golden light suddenly to dodge. 随即便看到咒牌金光暴闪。 Hissing “嘶” A hawk cry transmits. 一声鹰鸣传来。 That incantation sign above Gold Flame Hawk design the violent shoots immediately. 那咒牌上面的金焱神鹰图案随即暴射出来。 Wipes the golden light to flash through, gigantic Gold Flame Hawk appears in their front, Gold Flame Hawk has more than three meters fully high, the wingspan is about 67 meters, its surface looks, with common blue eyes condor not too big difference, but the surface of its wings one wipes the light golden color, when it launches the wings, under impressively is the golden feather, is glittering golden Mars, is Gold Flame. 一抹金光闪过,一只硕大的金焱神鹰出现在他们的面前,金焱神鹰足有三米多高,翼展更是达到67米左右,其表面看去,与一般的碧眼神鹰没太大的区别,可是其双翼的表面则有一抹淡淡的金色,待它展开双翼,下方赫然是金色的羽毛,闪烁着点点金色火星,正是金焱 Hissing “嘶” Gold Flame Hawk has poked head, rubs gently the chest of Xie Aoyu with the head, seems showing good will general, does not have the color of least bit ominous offense. 金焱神鹰探过头来,用脑袋磨蹭一下谢傲宇的胸膛,仿佛在示好一般,毫无半点凶戾之色。 Gold Flame Hawk, although turned into Beastly Soul, the wisdom has, you make it practice voluntarily.” Zi Yan watches, is Xie Aoyu was happy. 金焱神鹰虽然变成了兽魂,智慧还是有的,你就让它自行修炼一下吧。”紫嫣看在眼里,也为谢傲宇高兴。 Xie Aoyu said with a smile: Hears not to have, oneself practice.” 谢傲宇笑道:“听到没有,自己修炼去吧。” Hissing “嘶” Gold Flame Hawk nods excitedly, but it has not actually moved, staring is staring at Xie Aoyu. 金焱神鹰兴奋地点点头,可它却没有行动,直勾勾的盯着谢傲宇 Visits me to do? Head of the clan Sun had not said probably how I help Gold Flame Hawk to restore a strength.” Xie Aoyu doubts looks to Zi Yan. “看我干什么?孙族长好像没说过我如何助金焱神鹰恢复一点实力啊。”谢傲宇疑惑的看向紫嫣 Zi Yan is also vacant of face. 紫嫣也是一脸的茫然。 Actually saw Gold Flame Hawk to shout two to Xie Aoyu Space Ring. 却见金焱神鹰对着谢傲宇空间戒指叫嚷了两声。 It had a liking for in your hand probably any thing.” Zi Yan said with a smile. “它好像看上你手上什么东西了。”紫嫣笑道。 Xie Aoyu looks away, whispers: No wonder does everything to me, the sentiment sees any good thing.” He has thought that in hand as if no what thing to be worth the Gold Flame Hawk from this idea, his vision passed over gently and swiftly on the body of Gold Flame Hawk, the miraculous glow then dodged together, Supreme Gold Flame!” 谢傲宇一翻眼,嘀咕道:“难怪对我那么献殷勤,感情是看到什么好东西了。”他想了一下,手中似乎没有什么东西值得金焱神鹰由此想法啊,他的目光在金焱神鹰的身上掠过,一道灵光便闪了过去,“至尊金焱!” He has put out Overlord Gloves immediately. 他马上拿出了霸王拳套 Hissing hissing “嘶嘶” Gold Flame Hawk sounds immediately excitedly. 金焱神鹰顿时兴奋地鸣叫起来。 Really so, the Xie Aoyu heart shakes, he can conclude now that Supreme Gold Flame and Gold Flame Hawk Gold Flame has some relation inevitably. 果然如此,谢傲宇心头一震,他现在敢断定,至尊金焱金焱神鹰金焱必然有着某种联系的。 Supreme Gold Flame in this gaunglet (glove), there is a skill your oneself to take.” Although after Xie Aoyu also has the idea made Spirit Thunder, absorbs this Supreme Gold Flame, but he also understands, that has not known many years later, but if Gold Flame Hawk Beastly Soul can restore certain strength through Supreme Gold Flame, will be bigger to his help, let alone in his unsurpassed Emperor blade moon/month fell also has to be certain Supreme Gold Flame, Spirit Thunder, if met the requirements, can absorb inside Supreme Gold Flame. 至尊金焱就在这只拳套内,有本事你就自己拿吧。”谢傲宇虽然也有想法令灵雷以后吸收这点至尊金焱,可是他也明白,那还真不知道多少年之后,而金焱神鹰兽魂若是能够通过至尊金焱恢复一定的实力,对他的帮助将会更大,何况他的无上天王刀月陨内还有一定得至尊金焱,灵雷若达到要求,可以吸收里面的至尊金焱 Hissing “嘶” Gold Flame Hawk neighed excitedly, immediately saw fire of enlargement its Gold Flame rapidly, fast combustion, but the Overlord Gloves also tremor of that left hand slightly. 金焱神鹰兴奋地嘶鸣一声,随即就看到它的身上金焱之火急速的放大,快速的燃烧起来,而那左手的霸王拳套也微微的颤动起来。 Supreme Gold Flame is partly visible in inside. 一点至尊金焱在里面若隐若现。 Bang!” “嘭!” In the Gold Flame Hawk neighing sound, the Supreme Gold Flame lasing exits unceasingly finally, do not look at Supreme Gold Flame in Overlord Gloves is only the bean size, but its might, Xie Aoyu personally sees, absolutely is the abnormal rank, can kill to be equal to the highest sage superior eight color spirit snakes with ease, that at least can compare favorably with the strength of Emperor lower position boundary master obviously. 金焱神鹰不断地嘶鸣声中,至尊金焱终于激射出去,别看霸王拳套内的至尊金焱只是豆子大小,可其威力,谢傲宇是亲眼所见的,绝对是变态级别的,能够轻松杀死相当于至圣上位的八彩灵蛇,那显然至少可以媲美天王下位境界高手的力量。 Stares at Supreme Gold Flame, the Gold Flame Hawk yawn was swallowing down it. 盯着至尊金焱,金焱神鹰张口将其吞了下去。 It is Beastly Soul, is existence of soul body, swallows Supreme Gold Flame not to have imagination the phenomenon of that instantaneous Gold Flame full house, but is Supreme Gold Flame is pasting in Gold Flame Hawk within the body rapidly. 它本是兽魂,属于灵魂体的存在,吞下至尊金焱并未有想象中的那种瞬间金焱爆棚的现象,而是至尊金焱金焱神鹰体内飞速的流转着。 Xie Aoyu does not know whether becomes the owner of incantation sign, clearly situation that he can see Gold Flame Hawk within the body, that Supreme Gold Flame rapid winds through in Gold Flame Hawk whole body each spot, later Gold Flame Hawk ray Sheng, that Gold Flame flaming burns all over the body greatly on its body. 谢傲宇不知是否成为咒牌的主人,他能清楚的看到金焱神鹰体内的情况,那点至尊金焱飞速的在金焱神鹰全身各个部位流过,之后金焱神鹰通体光芒大盛,那金焱在它的身上熊熊燃烧起来。 Hissing hissing “嘶嘶” Gold Flame Hawk is crying out strangely excitedly. 金焱神鹰兴奋地怪叫着。 Xie Aoyu received Overlord Gloves. 谢傲宇则将霸王拳套收了起来。 Overlord Gloves lost a passive offensive force since then, its might also slightly dropped, after all the Supreme Gold Flame strong modification. 霸王拳套从此失去一个被动的攻击力量了,其威力也略微下降了一些,毕竟至尊金焱强的变态。 The time passes. 时间流逝。 The brow of Xie Aoyu wrinkled gradually. 谢傲宇的眉头渐渐的皱了起来。 Younger brother, how? What has not to be right?” Zi Yan cares saying that she has also discovered that Gold Flame Hawk excited cry no longer excited, as if some is panic-stricken and anxious, but looks from the semblance, Gold Flame Hawk and just now not any specially big difference. “弟弟,怎么了?有什么不对?”紫嫣关心道,她也发现了,金焱神鹰兴奋的叫声不再只是兴奋,似乎还有一些惊恐和焦急,只是从外表看去,金焱神鹰与方才并没有什么特别大的区别而已。 Gold Flame Hawk seems unable to absorb the Supreme Gold Flame strength completely.” The Xie Aoyu sinking sound track, he points, Spirit Thunder flies to shoot. 金焱神鹰似乎无法完全吸收至尊金焱的力量。”谢傲宇沉声道,他手指一点,灵雷飞射出去。 We hope that Spirit Thunder can absorb Supreme Gold Flame. 希望灵雷能够吸收一点至尊金焱吧。
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