BE :: Volume #2

#174: Gold flame condor 【Two】

In the middle of two clans most excited was Bing Ge, he was in two clans has the ice fire only double is the clansman of surname, is expected with the aid of Flame Spirit Fruit and ice Yuehu only achieves two clans have not presented until now the Ten Kings Level boundary. 两族当中最为激动的就属冰戈了,他是两族中唯一拥有冰火双属姓的族人,也是唯一有望借助焰灵果和冰月湖达到两族迄今为止尚未出现过的十王级的境界。 Ha-ha, ices the brother to worry probably very much.” Xie Aoyu said with a smile. “呵呵,冰兄好像很着急啊。”谢傲宇笑道。 Bing Ge said: Xie Shao, do not keep guessing with me again, does Flame Spirit Fruit have the maturity? That does Yin Feng have to go well?” 冰戈道:“谢少,你就不要再和我卖关子了,到底焰灵果有没有成熟?那阴风有没有得手啊?” Other people also anxious is staring at Xie Aoyu. 其他人也都紧张的盯着谢傲宇 That Winter Clan Bing Ye Xuan called out: Xie Shao, you a bit faster take, I smelled the Flame Spirit Fruit fragrance, in your hands.” 冰月族冰夜轩更是叫道:“谢少,你就快点拿出来吧,我已经闻到焰灵果的香气了,就在你的手中。” Xie Aoyu has held up that viridis small jar with a smile. 谢傲宇笑着举起了那个翠绿色的小瓶子。 Bang “轰” Two clans erupt wild with joy happy to call instantaneously. 两族瞬间爆发出一阵狂喜的欢叫。 Status of these two races in mainland are also good, in its clan the strength is not as good compared with Black Lotus Holy Church, but the key question does not have the Ten Kings Level master to exist , since has been two clan continuously biggest regrets, once has Ten Kings Level Master born, then two clans definitely want the powerful to rise. 这两个种族在大陆上的地位也算不错,其族内实力比黑莲圣教要差一些,但是关键问题还是没有十王级的高手存在,也是两族一直以来最大的遗憾,一旦拥有十王级高手诞生,那么两族必然要强势崛起的。 Now the opportunity came, how not to make them excited. 如今机会来了,怎不令他们兴奋。 Xie Shao, thank you!” Bing Ge received the small jar, grips the hand of Xie Aoyu, said excitedly. 谢少,谢谢你!”冰戈接过小瓶子,握住谢傲宇的手,激动地说道。 Xie Aoyu said with a smile: Everybody is brothers, did not need to say these, called me Ao Yu.” 谢傲宇笑道:“大家都是兄弟,无需说这些,叫我傲宇吧。” Later Ao Yu is my Bing Ge good brothers!” Bing Ge at heart the gratitude to Xie Aoyu is very big, he is the objects of two clan decided but not yet announced full cultivations, finally was iced the lan control by the Winter Clan six elders, is makes matter that does a disservice to the clansman, this resolves to regarding one Bing Ge that Winter Clan carries forward, absolutely is the great shame, pain that is unable to bear, but the appearance of Xie Aoyu not only has saved him, recalls the possible Winter Clan disaster that all made him not dare to imagine, blocks Yin Feng for him, Flame Spirit Fruit will protect, his how gratitude. “以后傲宇就是我冰戈的好兄弟!”冰戈心里对谢傲宇的感激是很大的,他本来就是两族内定的全力栽培的对象,结果被冰月族六长老冰阑控制,更是做出对不起族人的事情,这对于一个立志要将冰月族发扬光大的冰戈来说,绝对是奇耻大辱,更是无法承受的痛苦,而谢傲宇的出现不但救了他,更是挽回了一切令他不敢想象的可能的冰月族灾难,又为他挡住阴风,将焰灵果保护下来,他如何不感激。 Good brothers!” Xie Aoyu said with a smile. “好兄弟!”谢傲宇笑道。 The hands of two young people closely grasp in the same place. 两个年轻人的手紧紧地握在一起。 Looks at their performance, Zi Yan shows a faint smile, former Xie Aoyu was only a loner, even if there is an own support, among the treaties of alliance concerned about antiquity seven respected families, she was also limited, but, Xie Aoyu silently has set up a huge relationship network now. 看着他们的表现,紫嫣微微一笑,从前的谢傲宇只是孤家寡人,即便有自己的支持,碍于上古七大家族之间的盟约,她也受到限制,可现在呢,谢傲宇已经无声无息的建立起了一个庞大的关系网。 Qin Dynasty Family Qin Yueyi and Li Family in Li Chaofeng peak Sky Luo empire aspect they have made these two respected families and Xie Aoyu close links, Xing Luo commission army corps also has the good relation, wave and Lin Jia in An­tiq­uity family aspect, in addition this Winter Clan and Bing Ge of Fire Cloud Clan jointly training, so calculates that Xie Aoyu seems to be faint has the trend of being well-prepared, let alone he can also control Sky Prison Wood King this command mainland all influences to want the discrete absolute King. 天罗帝国方面的秦家秦月依李家李超峰两人已经使得这两大家族与谢傲宇紧密的联系在一起,星罗佣兵团方面也有着良好的联系,上古家族方面的浪家、林家,再加上这冰月族火云族联合培养的冰戈,如此算来,谢傲宇似乎隐隐中有厚积薄发的趋势,何况他还能左右天牢木王这个令全大陆所有势力都要谨慎的绝对王者。 Zi Yan thought one can practice relieved. 紫嫣觉得自己可以安心修炼了。 Mentioned the practice, Zi Yan surged at heart a happiness, originally compared with she and You Lan Ruo, always inferior, actually because of the Xie Aoyu reason, unexpectedly first breaks through, instead took the favorable position, this to Zi Yan, absolutely was a big celebration, perhaps was behind her the huge family also rouses. 提及修炼,紫嫣的心里涌起一股甜蜜,本来她与幽兰若相比,总是处于劣势的,却因为谢傲宇的缘故,居然抢先突破,反占先机,这对紫嫣来说,绝对是一个大喜事,恐怕就是她背后的庞大家族也为之振奋吧。 Two head of the clan, Brother Ao Yu has the obligation to your two clans, don't you have a point to express?” Zi Yan saying with a smile. “两位族长,傲宇弟弟可是对你们两族有大恩啊,难道你们就没有一点表示吗?”紫嫣笑吟吟的说道。 Our Winter Clan with getting rid only then the winter water seepage, Xie Shao has used.” Bing Ye Xuan both hands one, an appearance of anxiety, really cannot put out the thing, I looked that makes Fire Cloud Clan express.” “我们冰月族拿出手的就只有冰月泉水了,谢少已经用过了。”冰夜轩双手一摊,一副愁苦的样子,“实在拿不出东西啊,我看就让火云族来表示吧。” Sun Ming contains one smile, two turn, this Bing Ye Xuan clarifies is makes him represent two clans to thank Xie Aoyu with the thing, that representative two clans thanked, naturally cannot cause the ordinary thing, he stared Bing Ye Xuan maliciously, actually saw Bing Ye Xuan reluctantly smiled, he hesitated saying: That gives Xie Shao this incantation sign.” 孙明涵一听,两眼就是一翻,这冰夜轩摆明是让他拿东西代表两族感谢谢傲宇,那代表两族感谢,自然不能使普通的东西,他狠狠地瞪了一眼冰夜轩,却见冰夜轩无奈的一笑,他沉吟道:“那就将这咒牌送给谢少吧。” Incantation sign? 咒牌? No matter Xie Aoyu and Zi Yan were startled, is Bing Ye Xuan also astonished looked that contains to Sun Ming, must know that incantation sign this is the thing that the enchanter manufactures. 不管谢傲宇紫嫣吃了一惊,就是冰夜轩也是惊愕的看向孙明涵,要知道咒牌这可是咒师制作的东西。 Sees only Sun Ming to contain to put out an incantation sign to give Xie Aoyu. 只见孙明涵拿出一个咒牌交给谢傲宇 The incantation sign all over the body presents the flame color, is sending out a quantity of heat of faint trace, side is full is the strange spell mark, the other aspect is the condor that flutters to soar. 咒牌通体呈现火红色,散发着一丝丝的热量,一面是满是奇异的魔咒符号,另外一面则是一只振翅高飞的神鹰。 This Zhong Zhou and Zi Yan give Xie Aoyu Evil Spirit Spell Law Sign to have the wonder of equally good results from different methods, but Evil Spirit Spell Law Sign fighting soul seal, use time, releases it, but releases Evil Spirit to need to consume very many Qi, regarding the user, the battle efficiency will be lost enormously, is the incantation sign is different, what in incantation sign seal is Beastly Soul, only needs the psychic force and an incantation joins, can release, does not need to consume Qi. 这种咒牌与紫嫣送给谢傲宇邪灵魔咒法牌有异曲同工之妙,只是邪灵魔咒法牌是将战魂封印其中,使用的时候,将其释放出来,但是释放邪灵需要消耗非常多的斗气,对于使用者来说,战斗力将会受到极大的损失,可是咒牌不一样,咒牌里面封印着的是兽魂,只需要精神力和一段咒语加入,便可释放出来,无需消耗斗气 And in the incantation sign the Beastly Soul strength of seal is unable to change, forever is the preservation before Demon Beast died the condition, the war soul strength in spell law sign can actually promote infinitely, finally even reaches the Battle King level, as for whether to reach the fable Battle Emperor level, is actually nobody knows. 且咒牌内封印的兽魂实力是无法改变的,永远都是保存在魔兽死亡之前的状态,魔咒法牌内的战魂力量却是可以无限的提升,最后甚至达到战王级,至于能否达到传说战皇级,却是无人知晓。 This seems not the incantation sign that hands down ancient.” Zi Yan watches, in the heart moves, looks surprisedly color looked that contains to Sun Ming. “这似乎不是古老相传下来的咒牌。”紫嫣看在眼里,心中一动,不由面露惊奇之色的看向孙明涵。 Other people simultaneously shake. 其他人同时一震。 Was not the ancient enchanter manufactures, was the masterpiece of present generation? 不是古代咒师制作的,难道是当代人的杰作? Mi Zhou who the present generations have, absolutely has not actually been skilled, knows that utilizes 1-2 Mi Zhou, absolutely has not been skilled is, otherwise, was not called the enchanter occupation to be lost, but was rarer is. 当代人就算有懂的秘咒的,却绝对没有精通的,都只是知道运用一两种秘咒而已,绝对没有精通的才是,否则的话,也不叫做咒师职业失传了,而是更加稀有了才是。 Miss Zi Yan the vision is really sinister.” Sun Ming contains does not want to expose, has not thought that was seen through by Zi Yan one unexpectedly, he must say truthfully, this incantation sign is 50 years ago manufactures, inside seal was the past years harasses of our Fire Cloud Clan several years, that is unable to eradicate was only rare Demon Beast Gold Flame Hawk Beastly Soul.” 紫嫣小姐眼光真是毒辣啊。”孙明涵原本不想暴露的,没想到竟然被紫嫣一眼识破,他只得如实说道,“这咒牌是50年前制作的,里面封印着的就是当年搔扰我们火云族数年之久,无法铲除的那只稀有魔兽金焱神鹰兽魂。” Bing Ye Xuan was startled to call out: Is good your old boy, is hiding the truth from me unexpectedly, no wonder 50 years ago, Gold Flame Hawk vanishes suddenly mystically, originally was turned into the incantation sign.” 冰夜轩惊叫道:“好你的老小子,竟然瞒着我,难怪50年前,金焱神鹰突然神秘消失,原来是被变成了咒牌。” Sun Ming contains to look away saying: „Haven't I told you? At that time you also wore the split-seat pants, definitely was your has forgotten, how can blame me.” 孙明涵翻眼道:“我没告诉你吗?当时你还穿着开裆裤,肯定是你个忘记了,怎么能怪我。” You wear the split-seat pants.” Bing Ye Xuan is shameless. “你才穿开裆裤。”冰夜轩老脸通红。 Other people repress laughter. 其他人都是忍着笑。 How is Gold Flame Hawk a matter?” Xie Aoyu asked in a low voice. 金焱神鹰是怎么一回事?”谢傲宇低声问道。 Zi Yan explained with a smile: Gold Flame Hawk is variation Demon Beast, its main body is the blue eyes condor, this Gold Flame Hawk has the fire and wind double is the surname, particularly controls special Gold Flame, although this fire is not Qi Huo, is actually the might its big, the itself Gold Flame Hawk rank is not low, the variation later strength is stronger, the intelligent aspect was needless saying that after it discovered the Fire Cloud Cave mystery, then frequently submerged the practice, came the person of practice to expel Fire Cloud Clan, so made Fire Cloud Clan is really annoying, then set out the master to want him to put to death, has not actually thought after this Gold Flame Hawk variation, the strength increased, expelled the Fire Cloud Clan master unexpectedly., Fire Cloud Clan then invited Winter Clan, two clans united, was still the disastrous defeat, unavoidablily invited my father, at that time my father just became Ten Kings Level Master, wants to try the hand, who knew Gold Flame Hawk very to, discovered that my father strength was too strong, unexpectedly ran away, when my father walked, it ran, so for several years, everyone took it not to have the means.” 紫嫣笑着解释道:“金焱神鹰是一种变异魔兽,其本体是碧眼神鹰,这种金焱神鹰拥有火、风双属姓,尤其是控制一种特殊的金焱,此火虽不是奇火,却是威力其大的,本身金焱神鹰的级别就不低,变异之后实力更强,智慧方面自不用说,它发现火云洞奥妙之后,便经常潜入修炼,也将火云族前来修炼之人赶走,如此令火云族甚是懊恼,便出动高手想要将其诛杀,却不曾想这金焱神鹰变异之后,实力大增,竟然将火云族高手打跑。,火云族便请来冰月族,两族联合,仍旧是惨败,不得已邀请我父亲,那时候我父亲刚刚成为十王级高手,也想试试手,谁知金焱神鹰贼得很,发现我父亲实力太强,居然逃走了,等我父亲一走,它又跑回来了,如此数年,谁也拿它没办法。” Regarding Fire Cloud Clan and Winter Clan condition, Xie Aoyu also many understanding, the head of the clan of these two clans are always the masters of Emperor level, two clans were expelled including the hand, this Gold Flame Hawk is really also fierce enough. 对于火云族冰月族的状况,谢傲宇也多少了解了一些,这两族的族长历来都是天王级的高手,两族连手都被打跑,这金焱神鹰也真够厉害的。 Does not know that its Beastly Soul by seal incantation sign, whether has reduced. 就是不知道其兽魂被封印咒牌之内,是否有所降低。 „Does old boy, who is do? Not can only put to death Gold Flame Hawk, but can also manufacture Cheng Zhou its seal, probably Ten Kings Level Master is also hard to achieve.” Bing Ye Xuan shouts. “老小子,到底是谁干的?不但能够诛杀金焱神鹰,还能将其封印制作成咒牌,好像十王级高手也难以做到吧。”冰夜轩嚷道。 He said indeed is the truth, at least the Zi Yan father takes Gold Flame Hawk not to have the means that because the Gold Flame Hawk biggest skill is also not Gold Flame, but is the speed, if it escapes wholeheartedly, even if Ten Kings Level Master cannot overtake, do not say that killed it. 他说的的确是实话,至少紫嫣的父亲就拿金焱神鹰没办法,因为金焱神鹰最大的本事还不是金焱,而是速度,它若一心逃跑,就算是十王级高手也追不上,更不要说杀死它了。 Sun Ming contains to hesitate saying: Told you to be able, but do not shout, this matter others urged specially, cannot speak irresponsibly.” Saw that the Bing Ye Xuan nod took a stand, Sun Ming contained other people expels, has only left behind Bing Ge and Bing Ye Xuan, was the Fire Cloud Clan elder, he has not stayed behind, was Master Ge Telixie.” 孙明涵沉吟道:“告诉你可以,但不要嚷嚷,此事人家特别叮嘱,不能乱说的。”看到冰夜轩点头表态,孙明涵将其他人都赶走,只留下了冰戈冰夜轩,就是火云族的长老,他也没留下,“是哥特里谢大师。” Really is he. 果然是他。 Xie Aoyu and Zi Yan look one, reveals the expected expression. 谢傲宇紫嫣对望一眼,都流露出不出所料的表情。 Because Zi Yan had said that Master Ge Telixie possibly is a mainland only enchanter, therefore all respected families, various influences respect to him. 因为紫嫣曾经说过,哥特里谢大师可能是大陆唯一的一位咒师,所以所有的大家族,各种势力都对他非常的敬重。 Master Ge Telixie arrives at Fire Cloud Clan 50 years ago, he wants to enter the Fire Cloud Cave practice, gives our reward captures and kills Gold Flame Hawk, then head of the clan does not believe that Ten Kings Level Master cannot cut to kill Gold Flame Hawk after all, has not thought Master Ge Telixie easily unexpectedly then Gold Flame Hawk putting to death, and manufactures Cheng Zhou to give us the clan, he enters in Fire Cloud Clan to practice for one year, this leaves.” Sun Ming contains to sue to say. 哥特里谢大师在50年前来到火云族,他想要进入火云洞修炼,给我们的酬谢就是捕杀金焱神鹰,当时的族长并不相信的,毕竟十王级高手都没能斩杀金焱神鹰,不曾想哥特里谢大师居然轻而易举的便将金焱神鹰给诛杀了,并且制作成咒牌交给我们族,他则进入火云族内修炼一年,这才离开的。”孙明涵诉说道。 Practices for one year, Master Ge Telixie entered Fire Cloud Cave most deep place, his does Supreme Gold Flame practice from Fire Cloud Cave? Xie Aoyu smile of hearts of surge. 修炼一年,难道哥特里谢大师进入了火云洞最深处,他的至尊金焱是从火云洞内修炼出来的?谢傲宇听的心头激荡不已。 Supreme Gold Flame, Gold Flame Hawk, this clearly i.e. Gold Flame practices from Fire Cloud Cave most deep place. 至尊金焱,金焱神鹰,这分明就是说金焱是从火云洞最深处修炼的。 What is this Fire Cloud Cave most deep place hiding? 火云洞最深处到底隐藏着什么呢? Xie Aoyu has an intense impulsion, he wants to clash to have a look very much, but thinks of own strength, cannot help but a forced smile. 谢傲宇生出一股强烈的冲动,他很想冲进去看看,可是一想到自己的实力,不由得一阵苦笑。 Fire Cloud Cave most deep place, is unable to enter including my father, Master Ge Telixie went in unexpectedly.” Saying that Zi Yan muttered. 火云洞最深处,连我父亲都无法进入,哥特里谢大师居然进去了。”紫嫣喃喃自语的说道。 This saying made Xie Aoyu speechless. 这话更令谢傲宇无语。 Ten Kings Level Master is unable to enter most deep layer. 十王级高手都无法进入最深层啊。 This matter temporarily puts down, Xie Aoyu whispered at heart, he was taking the incantation sign, asked: How many strengths this does Gold Flame Hawk have before death?” 这事还是暂时放下吧,谢傲宇心里嘀咕,他拿着咒牌,问道:“这金焱神鹰拥有生前多少力量?” Master Ge Telixie has said that his Mi Zhou accomplishment, was unable to maintain the Gold Flame Hawk complete strength, can only preserve Gold Flame Hawk one characteristics.” Sun Ming contains saying that at that time Gold Flame Hawk can make Ten Kings Level Master unable to overtake by the speed, therefore has then chosen the Gold Flame Hawk speed!” 哥特里谢大师说过,他的秘咒还远未大成,无法保持金焱神鹰的全部实力,只能保留金焱神鹰的一种特点。”孙明涵说道,“当时金焱神鹰凭借速度能够令十王级高手无法追及,所以便选择了金焱神鹰的速度!”
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