BE :: Volume #2

#173: Gold flame condor 【One】

As placing to enter You Lan Ruo in the secret strength of family, Yin Feng after was used Medical Spirit Finger to contain within the body broken bone blood poison by Xie Aoyu, then quietly left. 作为安插进入幽兰若所在家族的秘密力量,阴风在被谢傲宇使用药神指遏制体内碎骨血毒之后,便悄然离开了。 Their matters need Zi Yan to arrange. 他们两人的事情需要紫嫣来安排。 Must want to enter an antiquity respected family, is not that simple, will encounter very detailed investigation, even if has a flaw, will be looked up, thus falls short, treatment that therefore Zi Yan also needs to be careful, this is Xie Aoyu leaves a move of start to You Lan Ruo. 要想进入一个上古大家族,可不是那么简单的,会遭到十分详细的调查,哪怕是有一丝的破绽,都会被查出来,从而功亏一篑的,故而紫嫣也需要小心谨慎的对待,这是谢傲宇幽兰若出招的开始。 After the butterfly, You Lan Ruo was the antiquity respected family Han Family future successor, if handled her, that was affects the mainland situation absolutely the biggest variable. 蝶后幽兰若是上古大家族韩家未来的继承人,若是将她搞定,那绝对是影响大陆局势的最大变数。 When Yin Feng and Xie Lang depart, that Flame Spirit Fruit was also mature. 阴风谢狼离去,那焰灵果也成熟了。 Incites “滋滋” Intermittent Mars surround from Flame Spirit Fruit, some Mars splash to the face on, immediately causes a roaring flame flaming combustion, in the flame with Fire Cloud Cave is incompatible. 阵阵的火星从焰灵果上面环绕,更有一些火星飞溅到山壁上面,立刻引起一场烈焰熊熊燃烧,与火云洞内的火焰格格不入。 Weird. 邪门的很。 The fragrance that Flame Spirit Fruit above gives off is also aggravating. 焰灵果上面散发出来的香气也在加重。 The fragrance heads on, Xie Aoyu deeply inspires, felt that fragrance entrance is actually having the cool feeling of faint trace, the fast gathering in the brains, a little ignorant brains Pure Brightness got up slightly immediately. 香气扑面而来,谢傲宇深吸一口气,就感到那香气入口竟然带着丝丝的凉意,快速的汇聚到了头脑中,原本略微有点浑噩的头脑顿时清明起来。 Xie Aoyu sighs with emotion. 谢傲宇不禁为之感慨。 Flame Spirit Fruit, wonderful treasure! 焰灵果,奇宝也! This thing seems like is only the excellent works produces, has the effect that plans unable to think, after is excellent works Flame Spirit Flower needs several thousand years of essence to moisten forms, but on Flame Spirit Fruit, is not perhaps worse than some marvelous work. 此物看似只是圣品所产,却有着意想不到的效果,毕竟是圣品焰灵花需要数千年的精华滋润才形成的,但就焰灵果而言,或许比一些神品也不差的。 Incites “滋滋” The Flame Spirit Fruit fragrance is getting more and more heavy, that Mars are also getting more and more. 焰灵果的香气越来越重,那火星也越来越多。 With increase of Mars, here temperature of ignition has promoted rapidly, is only 3,000-4,000 degrees, now actually presses up to 5000 degrees critical junction. 随着火星的增加,这里的温度开始急速的提升了上去,原本只是三四千度,如今却直逼5000度的大关。 5000 degrees, know on Xie Aoyu, Earth Pulmonary Heart Flame as if also mediocre. 5000度啊,就谢傲宇所知,地肺心炎似乎也不过如此吧。 So the high temperature, appeared unexpectedly, is not Qi Huo, Flame Spirit Fruit mysterious obviously general, simultaneously a thought flashes past in the Xie Aoyu mind. 这般高温,居然出现了,还不是奇火,焰灵果的神奇可见一般,同时一个念头在谢傲宇的脑海中一闪而过。 Opportunity? 机会? The Xie Aoyu look becomes the incomparable firmness, his personal appearance in a flash, is separated slightly suddenly from Zi Yan the protection of Shadow Demon Spirit Fire. 谢傲宇的神色变得无比的坚定,他身形微微一晃,骤然从紫嫣魅影灵火的保护中脱离出来。 Younger brother!” Zi Yan had a scare, this compares favorably with Qi Huo the high temperature, even if she now is in the highest sage the boundary of position, does not have the least bit assurance, does not depend upon Shadow Demon Spirit Fire to resist, let alone the strength of Xie Aoyu trivial Cloud level lower position boundary, how can contend. “弟弟!”紫嫣吓了一跳,这可是媲美奇火的高温啊,就算是她现在是至圣中位的境界,也没有半点把握,不依靠魅影灵火就能够抵抗的,何况谢傲宇区区一个云级下位境界的实力,如何能抗衡。 Xie Aoyu shakes the head to Zi Yan. 谢傲宇紫嫣摇摇头。 He agitates Qi of whole body resolutely, crazy surges, simultaneously walks toward Flame Spirit Flower gradually, this will be one has the danger opportunity. 他毅然鼓动全身的斗气,疯狂的涌动起来,同时缓步向焰灵花走去,这将是一个有着生命危险的机遇。 Xie Aoyu does not want to give up. 谢傲宇不想放弃。 He knows that he has the Tricolor God Core later growth to be definitely getting more and more formidable, but the time does not wait for the human, he faces is any people, does not say You Lan Ruo, Han Li and generation of Vyell Pang Se, even if were these people in strength Cenozoic, that was also outstanding, after respective family the cultivation of wholeheartedly, they did not think formidable, was difficult, to win the Continental Youth Competition champion, he must seize all possible opportunities. 他知道,自己拥有三色神丹以后的成长肯定会越来越强大的,只是时间不等人,他面临的都是些什么人,不说幽兰若韩隶、维尔庞瑟之辈,就算是这些人所在力量的新生代,那也都是出类拔萃的,经过各自家族的全心全意的栽培,他们想不强大,都困难,要想夺取大陆青年大赛冠军,他必须抓住一切可能的机会。 Flame Spirit Fruit is mature is forming such one to be possible with the opportunity that cannot be sought. 焰灵果成熟正在形成这么一个可遇不可求的机会。 Xie Aoyu chooses to attack resolutely. 谢傲宇毅然选择出击。 The turbulent flame dispersed in all around, because Shadow Demon Spirit Fire is wonderful hot might first three formidable existences, therefore these flame have not revolted to it, now Xie Aoyu gets rid of the protection of Shadow Demon Spirit Fire, immediately on inspiring all flame entirely to the Xie Aoyu gathering. 汹涌的火焰原本只是分散在四周的,因为魅影灵火属于奇火威力前三位的强大存在,故而这些火焰对其可没有反抗,现在谢傲宇摆脱魅影灵火的保护,立刻就引动所有的火焰统统的向谢傲宇汇聚而来。 Flame Spirit Fruit is pan- innumerable Mars, falls to Xie Aoyu. 焰灵果更是泛起无数的火星,向谢傲宇落去。 Sits cross-legged to sit down, Xie Aoyu controls moving restlessly of Spirit Thunder, positive control Qi protects oneself, resists that is above imagination the ignition of roaring flame. 盘腿坐下,谢傲宇控制灵雷的躁动,全面控制斗气进行自我保护,抵挡那超乎想象的烈焰的灼烧。 An impact, the roaring flame of coming in waves gives the destruction completely son Xie Aoyu Qi. 只是一个冲击,滚滚而来的烈焰就将谢傲宇斗气给破坏殆尽儿。 Flame Spirit Fruit Mars start to tumble, covers Xie Aoyu. 焰灵果的火星则开始翻滚起来,将谢傲宇笼罩起来。 Mars embellish, the flame actually all flinches. 火星点缀,火焰却全部退缩。 The Xie Aoyu complexion becomes ruddy, and that clothing shortly will have soaked, the hair is also wet, on the forehead full is the big big beads of sweat. 谢傲宇的脸色变得红润起来,且那衣衫顷刻间就湿透了,头发也湿漉漉的,额头上满是大颗大颗的汗珠。 His whole person seems looks like a drenched chicken. 他整个人看上去就像是落汤鸡。 That sweat just appeared, immediately is evaporated. 偏偏那汗水刚出现,立刻就被蒸发。 So the high temperature made Xie Aoyu feel that the body must fire, he clenched the teeth, whatever that high temperature burnt the body, assembling Qi that he went all out. 如此高温令谢傲宇感到身体都要灼烧起来了,他咬紧牙关,任由那高温灼体,他则拼命的调集斗气 At this moment his dantian was almost dry. 此刻他的丹田几乎干涸了。 „” “哧哧” The temperature of superelevation made Xie Aoyu Qi be incapable of resisting radically, similar that consumed, but the result that Qi flinched gradually was another Xie Aoyu clothes no longer is protected. 超高的温度令谢傲宇斗气根本无力抵抗,已经消耗的差不多,而斗气逐步退缩的结果就是另谢傲宇的衣服不再被保护中。 Mars fall. 一丝火星落下。 The Xie Aoyu clothes burn fiercely. 谢傲宇的衣服猛地燃烧起来。 Whistling “呼呼” The raging flame sweeps. 熊熊烈火一扫而过。 The Xie Aoyu clothes were fired the ashes immediately, he entire on naked[ ***] sitting there, making the elegant face that Zi Yan of nearby intense attention looked at crimson. 谢傲宇的衣服立刻被烧成了灰烬,他整个就赤身[***]的坐在那里,令旁边紧张关注的紫嫣看的俏脸绯红。 Although she pierced that matter window paper with Xie Aoyu, did not have what human body contact, this sees the male surname body of Xie Aoyu for the first time. 她虽说与谢傲宇已经捅破那层窗户纸,却还没有什么肉体接触,这还是首次看到谢傲宇的男姓躯体。 Bronze flesh under roaring flame bright, the whole body muscle blows up, the abdomen has the rare eight musculi abdominis, before that is Xie Aoyu had not obtained Tricolor God Core, effect that the going all out self-torture achieves. 古铜色的肌肤在烈焰下更加的明亮,全身肌肉鼓起,腹部更是有罕见的八块腹肌,那都是谢傲宇还没有得到三色神丹之前,拼命苦修才达到的效果。 The body of male surname takes to the Zi Yan intense visual impact. 男姓的身体带给紫嫣强烈的视觉冲击。 She looks somewhat was in a stew. 她看的有些着迷了。 The biting cold ignition made the body of Xie Aoyu in slight shivering, the taste of that baking was really in deep sorrow, the skin in sending out to incite the sound, probably the human must be roasted was ripe same. 彻骨的灼烧令谢傲宇的身体都在轻微的颤抖,那种烧烤的滋味实在是痛不欲生,皮肤都在发出“滋滋”的响声,好像人要被烤熟了一样。 Insisting! 坚持! On the Xie Aoyu face flashes through wipes the ruthless color, does not admit defeat. 谢傲宇脸上闪过一抹狠色,绝不认输。 He clenches teeth , to continue to insist that is resisting that indescribable pain, simultaneously controls that only remaining to resist less than Qi as far as possible. 他一咬牙,继续坚持,抗拒着那无法形容的痛苦,同时尽可能的控制着那已经只剩下不足一线的斗气进行抗拒。 The dry dantian was almost forced by him must belch smoke. 干涸的丹田几乎被他逼迫的要冒烟了。 Younger brother, gives up, this, you will be in danger.” Understanding that Zi Yan looks, consoling Xie Aoyu that she is worried about, hopes that he gives up. “弟弟,放弃吧,这样,你会有生命危险的。”紫嫣看的明白,她担心的劝解谢傲宇,希望他放弃。 Xie Aoyu just likes has not heard. 谢傲宇恍若未闻。 That expression made the thought that Zi Yan could not give birth to independently deciding, once she, because talent unparalleled, therefore under early was referred to as the head of the clan successor, therefore the status in the family was extremely high, regarding the matter of family, has very big independent authority, the decisions of something, even Lian her father, the current head of the clan cannot interfere, obviously Zi Yan powerful, but saw Xie Aoyu that solemn facial features, she could not mention is the thought that Xie Aoyu took responsibility. 那种表情令紫嫣生不出一丝自作主张的念头,曾经的她,由于天赋无双,故而老早就被认定为下任族长继承人,所以在家族中地位极高的,对于家族的事情,也是有着很大的自主权力的,有些事情的决定,甚至连她的父亲,现任族长都不能干涉,可见紫嫣的强势,但是看到谢傲宇那冷峻的面容,她却提不起为谢傲宇做主的念头。 Zi Yan also can only smile bitterly, perhaps only then Bing Wu dares to raise the objection to the decision of Xie Aoyu. 紫嫣也只能苦笑,恐怕只有冰舞敢对谢傲宇的决定提出异议吧。 Time one minute one second of past. 时间一分一秒的过去。 Mars that Flame Spirit Fruit scatters are also increasing. 焰灵果散射出来的火星也在增多。 It arrived said maturely. 它已经到了成熟曰。 This type of strange fruit can calculate the minutes and seconds maturely, is very mysterious, is looking at Flame Spirit Fruit, Zi Yan emits a thought at heart suddenly. 这种奇异的果实成熟都是可以计算到分秒的,是非常神奇的,望着焰灵果,紫嫣的心里突然冒出一个念头。 She counts on the fingers a ball. 她屈指一弹。 Shadow Demon Spirit Fire projects from the fingertip together, enters in that Flame Spirit Flower stem. 一道魅影灵火从手指尖射出,直入那焰灵花茎内。 Flame Spirit Flower immediately fierce swaying. 焰灵花立时一阵剧烈的摇晃。 Then saw that six flowers were all being covered by an unreal vague hot shade, then projects a flame from six flowers respectively, pours into that Flame Spirit Fruit. 接着就看到六朵花全都被一层虚幻的若有若无的火影所笼罩着,然后从六朵花上面各自射出一道火光,注入那焰灵果内。 „” “哧哧” Flame Spirit Fruit emits one group of flames immediately. 焰灵果立刻放射出一团火光。 Also is its flame greatly abundant flash, Xie Aoyu felt that the surrounding roaring flame temperature promotes suddenly, enough near time of expanding. 也就是它火光大盛的一瞬间,谢傲宇就感到周围的烈焰温度骤然提升,足足有近倍的扩涨。 This time rises suddenly, immediately made Xie Aoyu that pitiful Qi resistance vanish instantaneously. 此番暴涨,顿时令谢傲宇那可怜的斗气抵抗瞬间消失。 The roaring flame arrives at his body finally. 烈焰终于到达他的身体。 „!” “啊!” The two circles of Xie Aoyu pain open the eyes, the forehead blue vein sticks out suddenly, the muscle of whole body stirs, the whole person probably tight cheetah is common. 谢傲宇痛的两眼圆睁,额头青筋暴起,全身的肌肉都鼓荡起来,整个人就好像绷紧的猎豹一般。 That indescribable ignition taste is stimulating his body. 那种无法形容的灼烧滋味正刺激着他的身体。 Cannot admit defeat! 不能认输! Xie Aoyu the form that at present flashes through the father Xie Gan lethargic sleep, ruthless severe surges from the Xie Aoyu moral nature, he bites the steel tooth, fully resistance. 谢傲宇的眼前闪过父亲谢乾昏睡的身影,一股狠厉从谢傲宇的心底涌动出来,他咬碎钢牙,全力抵抗。 Bang!” “轰!” Also strengthens confidence that moment in him, the dry dantian surges suddenly the innumerable air currents, floods in various dantian places fast, covers once more it. 也就是在他坚定信心的那一刻,干涸的丹田陡然涌动出无数的气流,快速充斥在丹田各处,再次将其笼罩起来。 Younger brother!” Zi Yan that is hanging the heart then puts, hurries to release Shadow Demon Spirit Fire to wrap Xie Aoyu, isolates with the roaring flame of outside. “弟弟!”紫嫣那悬着的芳心这才放下来,赶紧释放出魅影灵火谢傲宇包裹起来,与外界的烈焰隔绝。 The painful taste goes, following is the comfort of not being able to say. 痛苦的滋味一去,随之而来的就是说不出的舒爽。 Broke through! 突破了! Finally made the breakthrough in life and death online, Xie Aoyu deeply has inspired, carefree that the mood could not say, that moment of also in him breaking through, Flame Spirit Fruit was ripe. 终于在生死线上做出了突破,谢傲宇深吸一口气,心情说不出的畅快,也就是在他突破的那一刻,焰灵果熟了。 Flame Spirit Fruit, protects quickly.” Xie Aoyu low shouts to clear the way. 焰灵果,快保护起来。”谢傲宇喝道 Zi Yan then remembers, she to help Xie Aoyu a bit faster broke through, urges round of Flame Spirit Fruit early several minutes of maturity, once Flame Spirit Fruit will fall maturely then to the ground, when the time comes, if cannot its protection, once fell on the ground, the Flame Spirit Fruit thorough dissipation, will become the Flame Spirit Flower nutrient. 紫嫣这才想起,她为帮助谢傲宇快点突破,催发焰灵果早了几分钟成熟,一旦焰灵果成熟便会落地,到时候,若不能将其保护,一旦落在地上,焰灵果就会彻底的消散,成为焰灵花的养分。 Showed loving care for Xie Aoyu Zi Yan instead to give to forget it wholeheartedly. 一心关怀谢傲宇紫嫣反而把它给忘记了。 Puts out a viridis small jar hurriedly, Zi Yan puts out a hand like lightning under, that Flame Spirit Fruit then falls into the small jar, Zi Yan snaps fingers to project Shadow Demon Spirit Fire to wrap immediately together that Flame Spirit Fruit, this receives the small jar, she has turned around, the elegant face is tying tight, younger brother, you too take risked!” 急忙拿出一个翠绿色的小瓶子,紫嫣闪电般伸手在下方,那焰灵果便落入小瓶子内,紫嫣立刻弹指射出一道魅影灵火将那焰灵果包裹起来,这才收起小瓶子,她转过身,俏脸紧绷着,“弟弟,你太冒险了!” Hey, has the opportunity to hold.” Xie Aoyu knows that she cares about herself. “嘿嘿,有机会就要抓住嘛。”谢傲宇知道她是关心自己。 That must have security guarantees, do you know, slow that so long as a moment ago you broke through, you possibly were fired the ashes, even if I had Shadow Demon Spirit Fire unable to save you.” Zi Yan more said more is mad, say (way) that in the black and shining pupil pan- mist, the sound sobbed, you, if has had an accident, what to do let me, did you have elder sister care.” “那也要有安全保证才可以啊,你知道不知道,刚才只要你突破的慢一线,你就可能被烧成灰烬,就算我有魅影灵火也救不了你。”紫嫣越说越气,黑溜溜的眸子中泛起一层雾气,声音哽咽的道,“你要是出事了,让我怎么办,你到底有没有把姐姐放在心上啊。” Xie Aoyu is holding the Zi Yan appearance, supple sound track: I remember certainly elder sister, elder sister is my darling, come, kisses.” 谢傲宇捧着紫嫣的容颜,柔声道:“我当然记得姐姐,姐姐可是我的心肝宝贝哦,来,亲一下。” Smelly younger brother, coaxes little girl, you is a kid.” Zi Yan smiles to be angry to say. “臭弟弟,哄小女孩儿呢,你才是小屁孩儿呢。”紫嫣笑嗔道。 Numerous kissed on the red lip of Zi Yan, Xie Aoyu said with a smile: Kid? I am not young.” 重重的在紫嫣的红唇上吻了一下,谢傲宇笑道:“小屁孩儿?我可是不小哦。” Zi Yan hear [words/that], the corner of the eye split vision looked at one to the Xie Aoyu crotch department, finally then discovered that the Xie Aoyu clothes were fired the ashes, saw the Xie Aoyu qualification. 紫嫣闻言,眼角余光不由向谢傲宇裆部瞄了一眼,结果这才发现谢傲宇的衣服都被烧成了灰烬,一眼就看到了谢傲宇的本钱。 „! Young sexual harasser.” Zi Yan has turned around hurriedly. “啊!小色狼。”紫嫣急忙转过身去。 Xie Aoyu lowers the head looks, shameless one red, then may be good, such point stored goods also gives to expose, he hurried to put out one set of clothes set from Space Ring on the body, the mouth whispers: Has suffered a loss, has suffered a loss, is not good, I must look at this line.” Was saying searches the wolf claw to the buttocks of Zi Yan. 谢傲宇低头一看,老脸一红,这下可好,就这么点存货还都给曝光了,他赶紧从空间戒指内拿出一套衣服套在身上,嘴里则嘀咕道:“吃亏了,吃亏了,不行,我要看回来此行。”说着向紫嫣的臀部探去狼爪。 „To profit, that must think that you can overtake elder sister.” Zi Yan cluck-cluck smiles, moves sideways, then arrived at more than ten about meters. “想占便宜,那要看你能不能追上姐姐了。”紫嫣咯咯笑着,一闪身,便到了十多米开外。 Xie Aoyu is in hot pursuit. 谢傲宇紧追不舍。 They then arrive at outside Fire Cloud Cave suddenly. 两人眨眼间便来到火云洞外。 Here Sun Ming contains to lead Fire Cloud Clan, Winter Clan all elder level core members who Bing Ye Xuan leads anxiously to wait for outside. 这里孙明涵带领火云族,冰夜轩带领的冰月族所有的长老级核心成员均在外面焦急的等待着。 But in these two clans most prominent is Winter Clan Bing Ge! 而这两族中最突出的就是冰月族冰戈 Sees them, Zi Yan was loaded with the Flame Spirit Fruit small jar to give Xie Aoyu that quietly, and blinked to him, a Xie Aoyu feeling, had an intimate young person to be good at heart, this clearly took two clans both, later the people of these two clans he has felt grateful to Xie Aoyu are similar to treat the benefactor to be ordinary. 看到他们,紫嫣悄然将那装有焰灵果的小瓶子交给了谢傲宇,并且向他眨眨眼,谢傲宇心里一阵感慨,有个知心红颜就是好啊,这分明是要两族都对他有所感激的,以后这两族的人对谢傲宇就如同对待恩人一般了。
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