BE :: Volume #2

#172: Large amount divisional level poisonous master 【Three】

Is staring at the Yin Feng poisonous master some little time, Xie Aoyu smiled suddenly. 盯着阴风毒师好一会儿,谢傲宇突然笑了。 But that Yin Feng companion is actually the look big change, how he has not thought that Yin Feng wants to do such one to contend unexpectedly, makes the gambling stake with oneself, perhaps others think that the so-called poisonous master is some capricious villains, but he looks at Yin Feng to grow up, too clear Yin Feng manner, this person kept promises, the matter that so long as complied with, will not renege on a promise absolutely. 可是那阴风的同伴却是神色大变,他怎都没想到阴风居然想要搞出这么一个赌赛,用自己来做赌注,别人或许认为所谓的毒师就是一些反复无常的小人,可是他是看着阴风长大的,太清楚阴风的为人了,此人说一不二,只要是答应的事情,绝对不会反悔的。 Yin Feng, do you do, had forgotten protected to teach to comply with our matters greatly?” This person of binocular circle opens the eyes, berated loudly. 阴风,你这是干什么,难道忘记了大护教答应我们的事情了吗?”此人双目圆睁,大声喝斥道。 Xie Aoyu said with a smile: He is rescuing his life.” 谢傲宇笑道:“他在救自己的命。” As long as is the poisonous master, to reach the ancestor divisional level, is passes through hundreds of thousands of times building up to be poisonous inevitably, this toxin naturally also has a large number to enter the body, each other after the combination, forms a brand-new violent poisonousness, such violently poisonous is in the poisonous master hand the most fearful violent poisonousness, the toxins of other so-called becoming famous, are the superficial toxins, because violently poisonous is the toxin of non-solution, only then in the body forms, is poisonous master is unable remove.” Yin Feng tranquil saying, the facial expression is very gloomy, thinks my Yin Feng, becomes the big grandmaster with 30 years old, until now, ten years, have been studying remove my within the body violently poisonous means that actually throughout do not know the proper way, latter seek evil Master Batu, yeah!” “但凡是毒师,要想达到宗师级,必然是经过数十万次的炼毒,这毒自然也有相当一部分进入身体,彼此混杂之后,形成一种全新的剧毒,此等剧毒才是毒师手中最可怕的剧毒,其他所谓的成名之毒,都是泛泛之毒,因为只有身体内形成的剧毒才是无解之毒,就是毒师本人也无法解除。”阴风平静的说道,神情很是暗淡,“想我阴风,与30岁成为大宗师,迄今为止,十余年,一直都在研究解除我体内剧毒的办法,却始终不得其法,后寻到邪师巴图鲁,哎!” Old man hear [words/that], complexion big change, he wants to speak, beckoned with the hand to stop by Yin Feng, then no longer said a word, he knows that Yin Feng should have anything to plan was. 那老者闻言,脸色大变,他想说话,被阴风摆手制止了,便不再言语,他知道阴风应该有什么打算才是。 Evil Master Batu doesn't have means?” Xie Aoyu is narrowing the eye, at heart faintly anticipations, if can subdue Yin Feng, perhaps after him has the inestimable advantage, because he has a very big idea. “邪师巴图鲁没有办法?”谢傲宇眯着眼睛,心里隐隐有一种期待,若是能够将阴风收服,或许将对他以后有着不可估量的好处,因为他有一个很大的想法。 Yin Feng said: He has an idea, is needs Flame Spirit Fruit is the medicine directs, to coordinate 18 types of marvelous work, can melt the toxin of my within the body in hundred years not to manifest suddenly.” 阴风道:“他有一个想法,就是需要焰灵果为药引,配合18种神品,可以化解我体内之毒百年内不发作。” Flame Spirit Fruit makes the medicine to direct. 焰灵果做药引。 Xie Aoyu and Zi Yan look one, this is the Yin Feng all movements primary purposes, unexpectedly is remove own toxin, with controlling Bing Ge this future Ten Kings Level Master will have nothing to do. 谢傲宇紫嫣对望一眼,这才是阴风所有动作的根本目的,居然是解除自身之毒,与控制冰戈这个未来的十王级高手无关。 18 types of marvelous work, regarding the person of Zi Yan this antiquity respected family, were very difficult all assembleds, do not say a Black Lotus Holy Church elder. 只是18种神品,对于紫嫣这种上古大家族之人来说,都是很难聚齐,更不要说一个黑莲圣教的长老。 „, That made me try the toxin of solution your within the body.” Xie Aoyu said that he has not grasped, can perplex the evil Master Batu violent poisonousness, is not that easy remove, even if he has Medical Spirit Finger. “原来如此,那就让我试解一下你体内之毒吧。”谢傲宇说道,他也没有把握,能够难住邪师巴图鲁的剧毒,可不是那么容易解除的,即便他拥有药神指 Stroke of Yin Feng with right hand index finger that point long nail on the arm, then has a wound gently, a wisp presents the garnet blood flows out, counts on the fingers a ball. 阴风用右手食指那尖长的指甲轻轻在胳膊上一划,便出现一道伤口,一缕呈现暗红色的血液流出,屈指一弹。 Whiz!” “嗖!” That garnet blood then flies to shoot. 那暗红色的血液便飞射出去。 In the blood departs the blue halo, in the roaring flame contacts of several thousand high temperatures with Fire Cloud Cave, actually not burnt change air, instead is the surface ascends a black flame, making him prevent the ignition of roaring flame. 血液中飞出蓝色光晕,与火云洞内数千高温的烈焰接触,却没有被烧的化为空气,反而是表面升腾起一股黑色的火光,令其阻挡烈焰的灼烧。 Medical Spirit Finger! 药神指 Xie Aoyu narrows the eyes to see, when that blood has not arrived at his one meter, Medical Spirit Finger then uncontrolled shivers, this is never has the matter, even if Xie Aoyu meets in the Sky Prison Wood King institute the toxin and cloud not wind toxin of Nine Color Spirit Snake King, needs to touch their bodies only then to have the response. 谢傲宇眯眼看着,在那血液尚未到达他身边一米的时候,药神指便不受控制的颤抖起来,这是从未有过的事情,即便是谢傲宇遇到天牢木王所中之毒和云未风中的九彩灵蛇王之毒,也需要触摸到他们的身体方可有反应的。 This toxin is overbearing. 此毒霸道无比。 Wipes the light golden light to flash through. 一抹淡淡的金光闪过。 Color deterioration pink / white retrogression. 变色粉消退。 The Xie Aoyu left hand caudula refers to selecting like lightning, the radiant golden light blooms, he directs swiftly, center that flies the blood that shoots to come. 谢傲宇的左手小尾指闪电般点出,璀璨的金光绽放,他倏然一指点出,正中那飞射而来的血液。 Bites!” “叮!” The clear sound is similar to wind chimes, that blood and airborne maneuver condense, the Xie Aoyu left hand caudula refers to pan- golden light. 清脆的响声如同风铃,那一滴血液与空中回旋凝聚成一点,谢傲宇的左手小尾指则泛起一道道的金光。 Both touch, immediately saw the blood was fettered by the golden light. 两者相触,立刻就看到血液被金光所束缚起来。 Medical Spirit Finger, is really Medical Spirit Finger.” Say (Way) that Yin Feng muttered, he was strange, at the Xie Aoyu age, how can kill evil Master Batu, the only explanation was Medical Spirit Finger that command all pharmacists must candidly admit defeat. 药神指,果然是药神指。”阴风喃喃自语的道,他就奇怪,以谢傲宇的年龄,如何能够杀死邪师巴图鲁,唯一的解释就是那令所有药剂师都要甘拜下风的药神指 Thinks that the Medical Spirit Finger hearsay, the Yin Feng heartbeat starts to accelerate. 想到药神指的传闻,阴风的心跳开始加速起来。 Perhaps really hopeful. 或许真的有希望。 Sees this, that Yin Feng companion also relaxed. 看到这一幕,那阴风的同伴也松弛了下来。 Even if so, Zi Yan still discretely were alerting. 即便如此,紫嫣仍旧谨慎戒备着。 The Medical Spirit Finger opponent has violently poisonous blood, is having the absolute superiority, after one minute, that blood was then seeped by the golden color, black element in blood gradual by flinching that the golden halo forces, finally condenses black in the blood center. 药神指对抗者有着剧毒的一滴血液,占据着绝对的优势,一分钟之后,那一滴血液便被金色所渗透,黑色的元素在血液中逐渐的被金色的光晕逼迫的退缩,最后于血液中心凝聚成一点黑色。 Xie Aoyu lets loose Medical Spirit Finger thoroughly. 谢傲宇彻底放开药神指 He hopes the black element in remove that blood, is violently poisonous is, how the discovery regardless of his procedure, is actually not able thorough cancelling. 他希望解除那血液中的黑色元素,也就是剧毒之所在,却发现不论他如何做法,都无法彻底的抹去。 It seems like this contending, I did not have the means to win.” Xie Aoyu said. “看来这次赌赛,我是没办法取胜了。”谢傲宇道。 Zi Yan said with a smile: I look not necessarily, although you do not have remove to be violently poisonous, at least can contain it, retards the outbreak, only treats your Medical Spirit Finger accomplishment, remove is the slight effort, you think that Yin Feng big grandmaster!” 紫嫣笑道:“我看未必,你虽然没有解除剧毒,至少能够将其遏制,延迟发作,只待你的药神指大成,解除不过是举手之劳而已,你认为呢,阴风大宗师!” Indeed has contained the outbreak of broken bone blood poison.” Yin Feng said that is only the Medical Spirit Finger accomplishment “的确遏制了碎骨血毒的发作。”阴风说道,“只是药神指大成” Thinks loses in the Xie Aoyu cannot help but heart that controls the Yin Feng opportunity great happiness, my Medical Spirit Finger stepped over most difficulty, said according to Sky Prison Wood King, the time of accomplishment was not far, if the Yin Feng big grandmaster helped one another, I thought the Medical Spirit Finger accomplishment, was only the time issue.” 原本以为失去掌控阴风机会的谢傲宇不由得心中大喜,“我的药神指已经迈过最难关,按照天牢木王所言,大成之期不远了,若是阴风大宗师相助的话,我想药神指大成,只是时间问题了。” Yin Feng narrows the eye to stare at Xie Aoyu, changes Zi Yan the vision. 阴风眯眼盯着谢傲宇,又将目光转向紫嫣 Regarding Xie Aoyu, are not many, but from Black Lotus Holy Church that he knows knew that Xie Aoyu from a small family, the ice does not have any special origin, regarding him, if wants achievement Medical Spirit Finger, to look like in Yin Feng, all hopes on the body of Zi Yan, as the Black Lotus Holy Church elder, he naturally know that Zi Yan status, clearer Zi Yan was the next head of the clan successor of that huge antiquity respected family. 对于谢傲宇,他知道的不多,只是从黑莲圣教中得知谢傲宇来自一个小家族,冰无什么特殊的来历,对于他要想成就药神指,在阴风看来,一切希望还是在紫嫣的身上,作为黑莲圣教长老,他自然知道紫嫣的身份,更加清楚紫嫣是那个庞大的上古大家族的下任族长继承人。 Once Zi Yan becomes the An­tiq­uity family head of the clan, then the Medical Spirit Finger success of Xie Aoyu, was not quite as if remote, Yin Feng thinks of here, pulls up the Chinese-style gown, Shan Tui kneels, Yin Feng is willing to be the Xie Shao servant.” 一旦紫嫣成为上古家族的族长,那么谢傲宇药神指成功,似乎也不太遥远了,阴风想到这里,一撩袍子,单腿跪地,“阴风愿为谢少仆人。” Xie Aoyu great happiness. 谢傲宇大喜。 Can obtain Yin Feng such poisonous master of large amount divisional level, absolutely is the huge boost, must know that Yin Feng hopefully becomes second evil Master Batu, once achieves Bathu boundary, then Yin Feng quite in Ten Kings Level existed, naturally, Xie Aoyu will not believe him with ease. 能够得到阴风这样的大宗师级的毒师,绝对是天大的助力,要知道阴风是有希望成为第二个邪师巴图鲁的,一旦达到巴图鲁的境界,那么阴风就相当于十王级的存在了,当然,谢傲宇也不会那么轻松地就相信他。 I had heard manner about your Yin Feng, as if likely is not under the Gansu inhabitants, let alone a servant of my such young.” Xie Aoyu said. “我听说过一些关于你阴风的为人,似乎不像是甘居人下的,何况还是我这么一个少年的仆人。”谢傲宇说道。 My Yin Feng to is very pale, when is only young, revenges eagerly, when practicing poisonous technique that the life and death looks, restrains the toxin in within the body, makes into such situation, if not I have not revenged, will not think in the means remove institute the toxin.” In the Yin Feng eye flashes through wipes the color of pain. “我阴风对生死看的很淡,只是年轻时,急于报仇,未曾在修炼毒术之时,加以克制体内之毒,才弄成此等情况,若非我尚未报仇,根本不会去想办法解除所中之毒。”阴风眼中闪过一抹痛苦之色。 Xie Aoyu looks to Zi Yan, he does not know what Yin Feng said is to is wrong. 谢傲宇看向紫嫣,他不知道阴风说的是对是错。 Zi Yan to his slightly nod. 紫嫣向他微微一点头。 Your personal enemy, I knows, by your ability, even if becomes Bathu such Poisonous technique big grandmaster, to revenge, is very difficult.” Zi Yan said. “你的仇人,我知道,以你的能力,就算成为巴图鲁那样的毒术大宗师,要想报仇,也很难。”紫嫣说道。 Therefore I join Black Lotus Holy Church, but Black Lotus Holy Church development, although is quick, does not have a lot of years of inside story, is unable to contend with the antiquity respected family.” The vision dissociation of Yin Feng to the body of Zi Yan, knows the family that Miss Zi Yan is at not to be as if harmonious with my personal enemy family on me.” “所以我才加入黑莲圣教,怎奈黑莲圣教发展虽快,没有千百年的底蕴,根本无法与上古大家族抗衡。”阴风的目光游离到紫嫣的身上,“就我所知紫嫣小姐所在的家族似乎与我的仇人家族并不和睦。” Zi Yan said with a smile: This you are also clear, um, that indicated that you indeed are the sincerity.” She said to Xie Aoyu that younger brother, accepts him.” 紫嫣笑道:“这个你也清楚,嗯,那就表明你的确是真心的。”她对谢傲宇说道,“弟弟,收下他吧。” The sly fellow, sentimental Yin Feng this old boy hires oneself I, not only because of Medical Spirit Finger, but also wants to revenge with the aid of the Zi Yan elder sister's family strength, Xie Aoyu criticizes, but, on the other hand, is so, explained that Yin Feng is hiring oneself of sincerity, but is not the hypocrisy. 狡猾的家伙,感情阴风这老小子投靠我,不仅仅是因为药神指,还想借助紫嫣姐的家族力量报仇,谢傲宇暗骂不已,不过,话又说回来了,越是如此,也就说明阴风是真心的投靠,而不是假意的。 As the sincerity, I am willing to place in all person lists in Fire Cloud Clan and Winter Clan gives the young master, and prevents the internecine strife of this two clan.” Yin Feng said. “作为诚意,我愿将安插在火云族冰月族内的所有人名单交给少爷,并且阻止此次两族的火拼。”阴风说道。 Xie Aoyu and Zi Yan smile, said: Does not use, this two clans do not have the internecine strife.” In seeing Yin Feng after its companion stunned expression, Xie Aoyu said that this is in itself a bureau that I and Zi Yan elder sister set up, what you control in Winter Clan is six elders ices lan, what controls in Fire Cloud Clan is two elder Sun Ming heard that in that Winter Clan long Bing Ye Xuan institute the toxin of broken bone already remove, he also mixes in the Winter Clan crowd that ice lan has led.” 谢傲宇紫嫣相视一笑,道:“不用了,此次两族并没有火拼。”在看到阴风与其同伴错愕的表情之后,谢傲宇才说道,“这本身就是我和紫嫣姐设的一个局,你在冰月族控制的是六长老冰阑,在火云族控制的是二长老孙明闻,那冰月族冰夜轩所中碎骨之毒已经解除,他也混入了冰阑带领的冰月族人群中。” The Yin Feng forced smile said: Young master is really astute, Medical Spirit Finger can actually the toxin of remove broken bone, Bing Ye Xuan be all right, these people who I control were miserable, is only they 阴风苦笑道:“少爷果然精明,药神指却是可以解除碎骨之毒,冰夜轩没事,我控制的那些人就惨了,只是他们” They must die!” The Xie Aoyu callous say (way), these humanities are Winter Clan and Fire Cloud Clan person, to maintain a livelihood, but devotes life to for you, who can guarantee whether they will revolt in the future, they and you are different.” “他们必须死!”谢傲宇冷酷的道,“这些人本是冰月族火云族人,为了活命,而为你效命,谁能保证他们将来是否会叛变,他们与你不同。” All have the young master to take responsibility.” Yin Feng waves to his companion. “一切有少爷做主。”阴风向他的同伴招招手。 The old men walked. 老者走了过来。 Yin Feng said: Young master, he called Xie Lang, was my family's old steward, was he raises me, I hope that the young master can accept him.” 阴风道:“少爷,他叫谢狼,是我家的老管家,也是他把我养大的,我希望少爷能够收下他。” Good, he later with you is.” Xie Aoyu also a little hears regarding Xie Lang, the fame of this person is not bigger than Yin Feng, however his strength is quite high, it is said is the Black Lotus Holy Church candidate elder. “好,他以后跟着你便是。”谢傲宇对于谢狼也有一点耳闻,此人的名气并不比阴风大,但是他的实力相当高,据说是黑莲圣教的候补长老。 How does younger brother plan to arrange them?” Zi Yan said with a smile. “弟弟打算怎么安排他们?”紫嫣笑道。 The Xie Aoyu corners of the mouth curl upwards, show a happy expression, elder sister thought after they are separated from Black Lotus Holy Church, your can the respected families of this level be interested in Yin Feng?” 谢傲宇嘴角一翘,露出一丝笑意,“姐姐觉得他们脱离黑莲圣教之后,你们这种层次的大家族会否对阴风感兴趣呢?” Although does not understand that the meaning of Xie Aoyu, Zi Yan replied: That is natural, but Yin Feng the poisonous master of large amount divisional level, he could become second evil Master Batu, that is equal to the Ten Kings Level master . Moreover the poisonous technique is excellent, means the disintoxicating ability, has Yin Feng, quite does not need to fear any violently poisonously in a respected family, can say, if he openly announced that must join some family, any family will come to invite on own initiative.” 虽不明白谢傲宇的意思,紫嫣还是回答道:“那是自然,阴风可是大宗师级的毒师,他有望成为第二个邪师巴图鲁,那可是相当于十王级的高手,而且毒术高超,也就意味着解毒能力,拥有阴风,就相当于一个大家族无需惧怕任何剧毒,可以说,他若公然宣布要加入某个家族,任何一个家族都会主动前来邀请的。” Miss Zi Yan was polite.” Yin Feng light saying. 紫嫣小姐客气了。”阴风淡淡的说道。 But his expression disclosed that his innermost feelings idea was proud, indeed so, the 40-year-old large amount divisional level poisonous master, that absolutely made one covet. 可是他的表情却透露出了他的内心想法骄傲,的确如此,40岁的大宗师级毒师,那绝对是令人眼热的。 Xie Aoyu said with a smile: Such being the case, that asked the Zi Yan elder sister to help me, lets Yin Feng and Xie Lang they joins the You Lan Ruo family.” 谢傲宇笑道:“既然如此,那就请紫嫣姐帮我一个忙,让阴风谢狼两人加入幽兰若的家族吧。” In the Zi Yan beautiful pupil flashes through wipes the bright, you planned that began to You Lan Ruo?” 紫嫣美眸中闪过一抹亮光,“你打算对幽兰若动手了?” A Xie Aoyu layer on layer nod. 谢傲宇重重一点头。
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