BE :: Volume #2

#171: Large amount divisional level toxicant 【Two】

The matter seemed like has been solved, but Sun Ming contained actually still some headaches, his look somewhat dignified say (way): Miss Zi Yan, in two clans in annihilated to look, must eradicate them, was relaxed, but the Black Lotus Holy Church aspect was not quite perhaps good to process, what especially this time they sent was the Yin Feng poisonous master, Qi of this person was average, was the ability in Shi Du aspect, was really fearful, they gave my weapon to smudge the toxin of broken bone, I before Bing Ye Xuan compared with fighting, once had inspected, but also has touched with the hand, has not been poisoned, thus it can be seen, that broken bone poisonous not superficial poisonous, how that Yin Feng poisonous master this dealt is.?” 事情看似已经解决了,可是孙明涵却仍然有些头疼不已,他神色有些凝重的道:“紫嫣小姐,两族内的内歼找出来了,要将他们铲除,也是轻松,可是黑莲圣教方面恐怕不太好处理啊,尤其此次他们派出来的是阴风毒师,此人的斗气平平,可是施毒方面的能力,实在是可怕之极,他们给我的兵器涂抹碎骨之毒,我在与冰夜轩比斗之前,也曾检查过,还用手触摸过,均未曾中毒,由此可见,那碎骨之毒绝非泛泛之毒,那个阴风毒师又该如何应对才是。呢?” In poisonous technique, evil Master Batu without a doubt is most powerhouse, even if Ten Kings Level Master to him , was apprehensive that but can make evil Master Batu treat sb. With special favor only, thinks that is hopeful to overtake his only then this Yin Feng.” Zi Yan light say (way). “在毒术方面,邪师巴图鲁毋庸置疑是最强者,即便十王级高手对他,也是忌惮三分的,而唯一能够令邪师巴图鲁另眼看待,认为有望追上他的就只有这个阴风了。”紫嫣淡淡的道。 Yes, copes with this person best means is unexpectedly, at one fell swoop strikes to kill, but he is surreptitious, we simply do not have the opportunity to kill him.” Sun Ming contains to knit the brows to say. “是啊,对付此人最好的办法就是出其不意,一举击杀,可他行踪诡秘,我们根本没有机会袭杀他。”孙明涵皱眉道。 Zi Yan shows a faint smile, „the Yin Feng poisonous master gives me to process, so long as the head of the clan according to my plan conduct, thinks can two clans in annihilates eradicates completely.” 紫嫣微微一笑,“阴风毒师就交给我来处理吧,只要族长按照我的计划行事,想必能够将两族的内歼全部铲除的。” Zi Yan will then plan afterward to inform Sun Ming to contain in detail. 随后紫嫣便将计划详细的告知了孙明涵。 Implementation of plan also with time said starts. 计划的实行也与次曰开始。 Xie Aoyu treats with Zi Yan in Fire Cloud Clan single layer Fire Cloud Cave. 谢傲宇则与紫嫣待在火云族第一重地火云洞 Fire Cloud Cave once was a volcano, latter somehow collapsed, only left behind one a depth of several hundred meters Shendong, cave entrance seemed the large-mouthed vessel big mouth that Demon Beast opened, in the hole most deep place, until now, nobody has entered, even if it is said were in the Fire Cloud Clan history a strongest Emperor superior level master, has not stepped into to most deep layer, but planted a mysterious fire in most deep layer has been Qi Hua of surname, as for concrete, was the Fire Cloud Clan secret, the bystander was unknown, even if were Zi Yan, did not facilitate the inquiry. 火云洞曾经是一座火山,后不知何故坍塌,只留下一个深达几百米的深洞,洞口好似魔兽张开的血盆大嘴,洞内最深处,迄今为止,无人进入过,据说即便是火云族史上最强的一位天王上位级高手,也未曾踏入到最深层,只是在最深层栽种了一株神奇的火属姓的奇花,至于具体的,则是火云族的秘密,外人不得而知,即便是紫嫣,也不方便询问。 100 meters place of Flame Spirit Flower in situated in Fire Cloud Cave. 焰灵花位于火云洞内100米处。 100 meters place, its temperature has reached as high as 3,000-4,000 degrees, the ordinary masters are hard to arrive at this place to be compelled to draw back by that high temperature conveniently. 100米处,其温度已高达三四千度,普通的高手都难以走到这个地方便被那种高温逼退的。 Xie Aoyu can arrive by Flame Spirit Flower, under Zi Yan Shadow Demon Spirit Fire helps one another, arrives, by his ability, even if has Spirit Thunder, reluctantly leads the way to about 50 meters, obviously the fearful degree of that high temperature, is far from the imagination is so simple. 谢傲宇能够来到焰灵花旁,也是在紫嫣魅影灵火相助之下,才到达的,以他的能力,就算是有灵雷,也只是勉强前行至50米左右,可见那高温的可怕程度,远非想象的那么简单的。 Flame Spirit Flower, high about one meter, is the flame color all over the body, six flame florets, the flower petal presents the white, six floret composition circulars, making the middle position highlight a floral axis, above has one to send out the fruit of gladdening the heart fragrance, but the walnut size, the surface smooth is clear, light Mars surround in the surroundings faintly, exceptionally attractive, this is Flame Spirit Fruit. 焰灵花,高不过一米左右,通体呈火红色,有六朵火红色的小花,花瓣呈现白色,六朵小花组成圆形,使得中间位置凸显出一根花茎,上面有一枚散发着沁人心脾香气的果子,不过核桃大小,表面光滑圆润,隐隐有一丝淡淡的火星在周围环绕,异常的诱人,这便是焰灵果 Here temperature is so high, moreover had the time also several thousand years, elder sister, you said that can have Qi Huo to exist?” Xie Aoyu sits in that Flame Spirit Flower side, looks to the following Shendong. “这里的温度这么高,而且存在时间也有几千年了,姐姐,你说会不会有奇火存在?”谢傲宇坐在那焰灵花旁侧,看向后面的深洞内。 No.” Zi Yan gently by in the shoulder of Xie Aoyu, nobody time, she looks like a concubine, needs the man to love the concubine, Fire Cloud Clan is a very unusual race, the birth of this race, because of this cave, is hiding anything as for inside, except for Fire Cloud Clan all previous dynasties head of the clan, even if the elder is also unknown, according to family that concluded that Flame Spirit Fruit and ice Yuehu can accomplish an ancestor inspection of Ten Kings Level Master, in this cave the flame of 200 meters place was not weak in ordinary Qi Huo, but the cave depth most conservative estimate 300 meters to 400 meters, properly speaking, so the situation, should be born probably. Qi Huocai is, but fact is just the opposite, not Qi Huo is born, thinks that this cave most deep place should have mystical existence that some we do not know.” “没有。”紫嫣轻轻的靠在谢傲宇的肩头,没人的时候,她就像是一个小女人,需要男人疼爱的小女人,“火云族是一个很奇特的种族,这个种族的诞生,皆因这个山洞,至于里面到底隐藏着什么,除了火云族历代族长,即便是长老也不得而知,据家族那位断定焰灵果和冰月湖能够造就一位十王级高手的先祖查验,此山洞内200米处的火焰已经不弱于普通的奇火,而山洞深度最保守估计大概有300米至400米,按理说,如此情况,应该诞生。奇火才是,可事实恰恰相反,并无奇火诞生,想必这山洞最深处应该有着某种我们不知道的神秘存在。” Xie Aoyu thinks that effect of Tricolor God Core on the wonderful fire, in the heart moves, then attentively induces, he must have a look at Tricolor God Core but actually whether has the response. 谢傲宇想到三色神丹对奇火的作用,心中一动,便用心去感应,他倒要看看三色神丹是否有反应。 If Tricolor God Core has the action, then in this cave has Qi Huo inevitably. 如果三色神丹有举动,那么此山洞内必然有奇火。 And this wonderful fire is not absolutely simple, by him now to wonderful fire knew, perhaps under that Qi Huo might no longer Zi Yan Shadow Demon Spirit Fire. 且这奇火绝对不简单,以他现在对奇火的一些认识,恐怕那奇火的威力不再紫嫣魅影灵火之下。 Attentive induces. 用心的去感应。 But Tricolor God Core did not respond that Xie Aoyu puts out a hand to touch that Flame Spirit Flower, but this flower pan- the light flame, in this cave around 100 meters place, all flame are centered on Flame Spirit Flower exists. 可是三色神丹却是毫无反应,谢傲宇伸手触摸到那焰灵花,此花可是泛着淡淡的火光的,这山洞内100米处周围,所有的火焰都是以焰灵花为中心而存在的。 The palm touches Flame Spirit Flower. 手掌触及焰灵花 Faint trace quantity of heat continuously transmits. 丝丝缕缕的热量传来。 Xie Aoyu smiles bitterly, still did not have the least bit to respond. 谢傲宇苦笑一下,仍旧没有半点反应。 „” “咻” Meanwhile, an incisive sound transmits from outside. 与此同时,一声尖锐的响动从外面传来。 Xie Aoyu and Zi Yan simultaneously shake, this is the Yin Feng poisonous master rate person comes to rob the Flame Spirit Fruit signal, hides contains to begin outside Sun Ming. 谢傲宇紫嫣同时一震,这是阴风毒师率人前来抢夺焰灵果的信号,隐藏在外面的孙明涵应该已经动手。 They have also stood. 两人也都站了起来。 Zi Yan is slightly to the first half step, keeps off Xie Aoyu after behind, this act made Xie Aoyu one be moved, he naturally understands that this was Zi Yan was worried Yin Feng led the master to arrive, will injure Xie Aoyu, so then can have her to protect the Xie Aoyu security, has not needed to say directly, such many returned to attack Xie Aoyu, was the consideration is it may be said that thorough. 紫嫣更是稍微向前半步,将谢傲宇挡在身后,此举令谢傲宇一阵感动,他自然明白,这是紫嫣担心阴风带着高手到来,会伤害到谢傲宇,如此便可以有她来保护谢傲宇的安全,还不用直接说出来,那样多少回打击谢傲宇的,可谓是考虑周到。 Looks at Zi Yan that enchanting tender body, Xie Aoyu sighs darkly, has the wife so, husband duplicate what Qiu. 看着紫嫣那妖娆的娇躯,谢傲宇暗叹,有妻如此,夫复何求啊。 The needless moment, outside the cave broadcasts the intense fighting sound. 不消片刻,山洞外传来激烈的打斗声音。 Some people came, is two people.” Zi Yan said in a low voice. “有人来了,是两个人。”紫嫣低声道。 The Xie Aoyu also utilization auricle as far as possible passes this profound wonderful secret, listens attentively attentively, really has very slight sound of footsteps to transmit quickly. 谢傲宇也尽可能的运用心耳通这种玄奇秘技,用心去倾听,果然很快就有十分轻微的脚步声传来。 With the strength promotion of Xie Aoyu, auricle passes, although grasps most superficial knowledge, its range of hearing has also extended to 20-30 meters distance , helping him enormously. 伴随着谢傲宇的实力提升,心耳通虽然只是掌握最皮毛,其听到的范围也已经延伸到二三十米的距离,对他帮助还是极大地。 Quick, two person's shadows appear in their lines of sight. 很快,就有两条人影出现在他们的视线中。 The left is an old man, the hoary hair, pair of a little yellowing eyes that slope outwards, the beard, on the face hangs is wiping the bright smiling face, the right hand is lifting void, wipes the blue halo to cover him, seems another of his body side the 40-year-old middle-aged man covering. 左侧是一名老者,花白头发,一双有点泛黄的三角眼,山羊胡,脸上挂着一抹灿烂的笑容,右手虚空抬着,一抹蓝色的光晕将他笼罩,同时也将他身侧的另外一名看上去40多岁的中年男子给罩住。 A middle-aged man silver gray long hair, the ash-gray eyes, seem are very strange, wears a black pharmacist robe, in the hand is taking one about half meter medicine pole, the whole body in the protection of blue halo. 中年男子一头灰色的长发,有一双灰色的眼睛,看上去很是奇异,身穿一袭黑色的药师袍,手中拿着一根大约半米长的药杆,周身在蓝色光晕的保护中。 Yin Feng!” Zi Yan is staring at the middle-aged man, cold sound track. 阴风!”紫嫣盯着中年男子,冷声道。 The middle-aged man Black Lotus Holy Church elder, poisonous master Yin Feng, he also saw Zi Yan, no wonder Sun Ming contains to me enters Fire Cloud Cave not to stop many, originally Miss Zi Yan is defending here.” 中年男子正是黑莲圣教的长老,毒师阴风,他也看到了紫嫣,“怪不得孙明涵对我进入火云洞并未多加阻拦,原来紫嫣小姐在这里守着。” Since knows me here, do not have any idea to Flame Spirit Fruit again.” Zi Yan cold say (way). “既然知道我在这里,你就不要对焰灵果再有任何想法了。”紫嫣冷然道。 Miss Zi Yan, do not press me with your family, my Yin Feng never eats this set, Flame Spirit Fruit, I must decide, you good that should better or leaves.” The eye of Yin Feng has swept that Flame Spirit Fruit, immediately pan- wipes the frantic color. 紫嫣小姐,不要用你的家族来压我,我阴风从不吃这一套,焰灵果,我要定了,你最好还是离开的好。”阴风的眼睛扫过那焰灵果,立时泛起一抹狂热之色。 The Zi Yan slender jade refers, that makes me have a look at your Yin Feng to have what ability 紫嫣纤细玉指一点,“那就让我看看你阴风有何能耐” Waves to break Zi Yan to speak, Yin Feng said proudly: Miss Zi Yan, by the strength of your trivial grant master class elixir, is unable to contend with me.” 一挥手打断紫嫣说话,阴风傲然道:“紫嫣小姐,以你区区大师级炼药师的实力,根本无法与我抗衡。” That may not necessarily.” In the Zi Yan mind presents three golden leaf designs. “那可未必。”紫嫣的胸襟上出现三片金色的叶子图案。 The leaf design is the elixir Master Pinjie symbol, the common three silver leaf designs are the elixir masters, but three golden leaf designs mean the elixir ancestor divisional level the strength. 叶子图案是炼药师品阶的象征,一般三片银色的叶子图案是炼药大师,而三片金色的叶子图案则意味着炼药宗师级的实力。 Reveals this grade of design, that follows in the Yin Feng body side old man exudes one to shout lowly. 露出这等图案,那跟随在阴风身侧的老者发出一声低呼。 Ancestor divisional level elixir master, good, good, Miss Zi Yan talent in elixir master is really extremely rare, was only a pity that” Yin Feng puts out a hand to hold the pharmacist robe to pull gently, that has the signs of three golden leaf designs remove, displacing impressively is three transparent diamond leaf designs, I am the large amount divisional level poisonous master!” “宗师级炼药师,不错,不错,紫嫣小姐在炼药师方面的天赋果然是极其罕见的,只可惜”阴风伸手抓住药师袍轻轻一扯,那有着三片金色叶子图案的标志被撤掉,取而代之的赫然是三片透明的钻石叶子图案,“我是大宗师级毒师!” Xie Aoyu et al. unbelievable looks to Yin Feng. 谢傲宇等人难以置信的看向阴风 Since large amount divisional level, continuously, mainland also only then five pharmacists of large amount divisional levels, four are the elixir teachers, one is the poisonous master, but that poisonous master is evil Master Batu, because Bathu achievement in poisonous technique is too high, the people have listed as the poisonous master who him surpasses the large amount divisional level. 大宗师级,一直以来,全大陆也只有五名大宗师级的药师,其中四名是炼药师,一名是毒师,而那名毒师就是邪师巴图鲁,只是由于巴图鲁在毒术方面的成就实在太高,人们已经把他列为超过大宗师级的毒师。 These big masters of great learning and integrity, youngest also has over 80 years old. 这些大宗师,年龄最小的也有80多岁。 But Yin Feng has over 40 years old. 可是阴风却只有40多岁。 It already was the large amount divisional level! 其已然是大宗师级! Is evil Master Batu must commend the human worthily.” Zi Yan raises up the thumb to Yin Feng, „, if you say now do not die, he said that can exceed evil Master Batu surely, becomes the pharmacist first person!” “不愧是邪师巴图鲁都要称赞之人。”紫嫣阴风竖起大拇指,“若你今曰不死,他曰定能超越邪师巴图鲁,成为药师界第一人!” Miss Zi Yan thought that I also do have the opportunity to defeat me?” Yin Feng said. 紫嫣小姐觉得我还有机会打败我?”阴风道。 Zi Yan shows a faint smile, large amount divisional level compared with the ancestor divisional level high scale, the strength is actually the difference of heaven and earth, I am not a match, but I had not planned that fights with you, your match is he.” When speech, with hand figure of Xie Aoyu, you whether to obtain Flame Spirit Fruit, but must think that he did agree.” 紫嫣微微一笑,“大宗师级比宗师级高一个档次,实力却是天壤之别,我自不是对手,可我也没打算与你交手,你的对手是他。”说话时,用手一指谢傲宇,“你能否得到焰灵果,还要看他同意不同意。” Hey, a kid.” The Yin Feng companion taunted. “嘿嘿,一个小屁孩儿而已。”阴风的同伴嘲讽道。 Gives a calm smile, Xie Aoyu forward one step, with Yin Feng relative, but Zi Yan faces the Yin Feng companion, such four people become two groups of fights. 淡然一笑,谢傲宇向前一步,与阴风相对,而紫嫣则面对阴风的同伴,这样四人成为两拨战斗。 Xie Aoyu say (way) with a smile: Hopes that the Yin Feng big grandmaster do not disappoint me like evil Master Batu.” 谢傲宇笑吟吟的道:“希望阴风大宗师不要像邪师巴图鲁那样让我失望。” What did you say?” The Yin Feng look changes. “你说什么?”阴风神色微变。 Anything, has not been carefully has not killed evil Master Batu.” Xie Aoyu was saying with a laugh has put out evil Master Batu that space bangle from Space Ring. “没什么,就是不小心杀了邪师巴图鲁。”谢傲宇笑呵呵的说着从空间戒指内拿出了邪师巴图鲁的那个空间手镯。 This space bangle is very huge, its space has compared with the Xie Aoyu Space Ring big several fold, and some superficial also strange pattern designs. 这空间手镯很庞大,其空间比谢傲宇空间戒指大数倍有余,且表面还有一些奇异的花纹图案。 The Yin Feng two circles open the eyes, this is the evil Master Batu blood jade poisonous bracelet!” 阴风两眼圆睁,“这是邪师巴图鲁的血玉毒镯!” Blood jade poisonous bracelet?” Xie Aoyu took the bangle to look more than 34, actually never discovered any name, originally you recognized, that should know that evil Master Batu Lu never leaves the hand the bangle.” “血玉毒镯?”谢傲宇拿着手镯看了不止34遍,却从未发现什么名字,“原来你认得,那就应该知道邪师巴图鲁是从不将手镯离手的吧。” Good, this blood jade poisonous bracelet has the effect of disintoxicating, but can also absorb violently poisonously, Bathu himself builds up the toxin because of the with body, therefore he is a poisonous person, needs the blood jade poisonous bracelet and Fond Il­lu­sion Licor can suppress within the body violently poisonously to make a false counter-accusation it, therefore the blood jade poisonous bracelet never leaves the body.” The Yin Feng sinking sound said that his item shoots Qi Guang is staring at Xie Aoyu, „have you killed evil Master Batu really?” “不错,这血玉毒镯拥有解毒的奇效,还能吸收剧毒,巴图鲁本身因以身炼毒,所以他本人就是一个毒人,需要血玉毒镯和迷梦酒才能压制体内剧毒将其反噬,故而血玉毒镯从不离身。”阴风沉声说道,他目射奇光的盯着谢傲宇,“你真的杀了邪师巴图鲁?” Xie Aoyu said: You can try.” 谢傲宇道:“你可以试一下。” Yin Feng was silent. 阴风沉默了。 In Fire Cloud Cave suddenly complete silence. 火云洞内一时间鸦雀无声。 Zi Yan being careful is alerting, is staring at the Yin Feng companion indifferently, as for Yin Feng, he believes that the poisonous technique of Yin Feng is strong, in front of Medical Spirit Finger, does not help matters, is unable to injure to Xie Aoyu absolutely I. 紫嫣则是小心谨慎的戒备着,冷眼盯着阴风的同伴,至于阴风,他相信就算阴风的毒术再强,在药神指面前,也是无济于事的,绝对无法伤害到谢傲宇本人的。 Is interested in coming one time to contend.” Good long while, Yin Feng opens the mouth to say. “有没有兴趣来一次赌赛。”好半天,阴风才开口道。 Said?” Xie Aoyu asked. “怎么讲?”谢傲宇问道。 Yin Feng said: In my hand had Lian Xie Master Batu Lu Ye not to find the violent poisonousness of law of melting, if you can remove, my Yin Feng be then willing to be your servant!” 阴风道:“我手中有一种连邪师巴图鲁也还未曾找到化解之法的剧毒,你若能够解除,我阴风便甘愿做你的仆人!”
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