BE :: Volume #2

#170: Large amount divisional level poisonous pharmacist 【One】

In room enough peaceful three minutes. 房间内足足安静了三分钟。 Zi Yan then opens the mouth saying: Indeed is a good opportunity.” 紫嫣这才开口道:“的确是个好机会。” Said that Miss Zi Yan agrees to teach Fire Cloud Clan, making them select law-abidingly?” On the ice lan face has the wild with joy color of suppression. “这么说紫嫣小姐同意教训火云族,让他们安分点了?”冰阑脸上有着抑制不住的狂喜之色。 Nods, Zi Yan said: Lesson, but cannot kill people, this matter I will inform the family personally, has the family elders to come to coordinate.” She, said that this, the head of the clan is unable to participate, the strengths of six elders are strongest, six elders prepare.” 点点头,紫嫣说道:“教训可以,但不可杀人,此事我会亲自通知家族,有家族长老前来协调的。”她顿了一顿,又说道,“这样吧,族长无法参加,六长老的实力最强,就有六长老去准备吧。” Ice lan strikes one's chest, said: This matter wraps on me.” 冰阑拍着胸脯儿,道:“此事包在我身上。” He immediately has not actually left. 他却没有马上离开。 Matter?” Zi Yan asked. “还有事吗?”紫嫣问道。 This.” Ice lan somewhat awkward say (way), Miss Zi Yan also understands that Fire Cloud Clan long Sun Ming contains is in the Emperor level the master, beside my Winter Clan non- head of the clan, unmanned energy enemy, once he does not protect Flame Spirit Fruit, perhaps we can only go to be given to teach by him.” “这个。”冰阑有些为难的道,“紫嫣小姐也明白,那火云族孙明涵已经是天王级中位的高手,我冰月族非族长之外,无人能敌,一旦他不守护焰灵果,恐怕我们只能是去被他给教训了。” Zi Yan nods, this is the truth. 紫嫣点点头,这是实情。 The situations of two big races each other were too clear, the strength is also almost the same, two head of the clan both are in Emperor the boundary of position, be higher than a rank compared with the elder. 两大种族的情况彼此太清楚了,实力也相差无几,两位族长都是天王中位的境界,要比长老高出一个级别。 You think that I do constrain Sun Ming to contain?” Zi Yan asked. “你想我去拖住孙明涵?”紫嫣反问道。 „.” Ice lan said that only has Miss Zi Yan status, can make Sun Ming contain does not attend the duel, can not make him protect Flame Spirit Fruit, in this case, we then constrain the Fire Cloud Clan master, captures Flame Spirit Fruit, to a Fire Cloud Clan profound lesson.” “正是。”冰阑说道,“唯有紫嫣小姐的身份,才能够让孙明涵不参加决斗的,也可以不让他守护焰灵果,这样的话,我们便拖住火云族高手,夺取焰灵果,给火云族一个深刻的教训。” The Zi Yan delicate eyebrows are pressed, an appearance of thinking. 紫嫣秀眉蹙起,一副思索的样子。 All Xie Aoyu of watching, in heart whispered, should not let two phylogeny conflicts for Flame Spirit Fruit, even if this Flame Spirit Fruit were the marvelous work, seemed also insufficient so to think of every means. 将一切看在眼里的谢傲宇,心中嘀咕,该不是为了焰灵果而让两个种族发生冲突吧,这焰灵果即便是神品,似乎也不至于如此费尽心思啊。 What does Flame Spirit Fruit have to affect? 焰灵果到底有什么作用? In his heart wonders very much. 他心中很是纳闷。 Good, this matter I can agree.” Zi Yan hesitates saying that „, but, the condition, that Flame Spirit Fruit must give me to process.” “好吧,这件事我可以同意。”紫嫣沉吟道,“不过,有一个条件,那焰灵果必须交给我处理。” That is natural, that is natural.” The ice lan nod said. “那是自然,那是自然。”冰阑点头道。 The Xie Aoyu keen capture an doubt in ice lan eye vanished. 谢傲宇则敏锐的捕捉到冰阑眼中的一丝狐疑消失了。 Since truly, Flame Spirit Fruit is so important, if the Zi Yan such rash agreement, arouses suspicion inevitably, but Zi Yan actually must process Flame Spirit Fruit personally, this has given up an ice lan anxiety. 确实,既然焰灵果如此重要,如果紫嫣这么轻率的同意,必然引起怀疑,可是紫嫣却要亲自处理焰灵果,这就打消了冰阑的一丝疑虑。 Ice lan left. 冰阑离开了。 After Zi Yan displays the auricle passes the confirmation, Bing Ye Xuan suddenly stands. 紫嫣施展心耳通确认之后,冰夜轩才霍然站起来。 Damn ice lan, unexpectedly is he!” The beard and hair of Bing Ye Xuan air/Qi all for the first time, the item shoots the murderous intention, bastard, this bastard, must give Black Lotus Holy Church Flame Spirit Fruit unexpectedly, damn!” “该死的冰阑,居然是他!”冰夜轩气的须发皆乍,目射杀机,“混蛋,这个混蛋,竟然要将焰灵果交给黑莲圣教,该死的!” Several other people are to also kill intent surge. 其他几人也是杀意涌动。 As if Flame Spirit Fruit has touched some people and others bottom line, including Zi Yan. 似乎焰灵果触及了一干人等的底线,包括紫嫣在内。 Only has Xie Aoyu vacant, Flame Spirit Fruit anything affects. 唯有谢傲宇一阵茫然,焰灵果什么作用啊。 They seek are not really young.” The Zi Yan complexion callous say (way), after looks like Ge Mingde returns to Black Lotus Holy Church, planned that pushed to a higher level Black Lotus Holy Church.” “他们所谋真不小啊。”紫嫣脸色冷酷的道,“看来葛明德回到黑莲圣教之后,打算将黑莲圣教推向更高层次了。” „Can Miss Zi Yan, launch the attack to Black Lotus Holy Church once more? Extinguished them.” Bing Ye Xuan angry say (way). 紫嫣小姐,要不要对黑莲圣教再次发动攻击?灭了他们。”冰夜轩气恼的道。 Zi Yan shakes the head, sinking sound track: „It is not easy, after Black Lotus Holy Church since had been encircled one time, then hid the headquarters, to find them to be very difficult, let alone Black Lotus Holy Church is not all people are the forehead has the black lotus, encircling must need further consideration.” 紫嫣摇摇头,沉声道:“没那么容易,黑莲圣教自从被围剿过一次之后,便将总部隐藏了起来,要想找到他们很难,何况黑莲圣教并非所有人都是眉心有黑莲的,围剿必须从长计议。” Bing Ye Xuan asked: We now what to do?” 冰夜轩问道:“那我们现在怎么办?” Younger brother, you.” Zi Yan said with a smile. “弟弟,你来说吧。”紫嫣笑道。 Xie Aoyu touches the nose, although does not know that Flame Spirit Fruit is anything, but is very obvious, the Black Lotus Holy Church goal is Flame Spirit Fruit, diverts the Fire Cloud Clan master using Winter Clan, begins to Flame Spirit Fruit again, does not attack as for Black Lotus Holy Church directly, is worried about meddling of Zi Yan family. 谢傲宇摸摸鼻子,虽然不知道焰灵果是什么,但是很显然,黑莲圣教的目标就是焰灵果,利用冰月族牵制火云族高手,再对焰灵果动手,至于黑莲圣教不正面攻打,则是担心紫嫣家族的插手。 Makes clear these, the matter was simple, Xie Aoyu said with a smile: This simplicity, elder sister do not constrain Fire Cloud Clan to be long, we pass, steadily was discussing with Fire Cloud Clan, making two races come one duel is.” 搞清楚这些,事情就简单了,谢傲宇笑道:“这个简单,姐姐不是要去拖住火云族长吗,那我们过去,就与火云族长在商议一下,让两个种族来一场‘决斗’便是。” Duel? Can hit really?” Bing Ye Xuan knits the brows to say. “决斗?难道真的要打?”冰夜轩皱眉道。 Naturally does not hit.” Xie Aoyu said own idea with a smile. “当然不是真打。”谢傲宇笑着将自己的想法说了出来。 After listening, Bing Ye Xuan laughs saying: Xie Shao is plans seriously excellently.” 听完之后,冰夜轩哈哈大笑道:“谢少当真是谋虑过人啊。” Xie Aoyu said: This matter, and must handle affairs carefully, cannot disclose to anybody, um, I believe that tomorrow, ices the brother certainly to be iced lan to request to treat here, looks at the head of the clan, therefore the head of the clan can put on makeup the ordinary Winter Clan master, attended duel.” 谢傲宇道:“此事且要小心行事,不可透露给任何人,嗯,我相信,明天,冰兄一定会被冰阑要求待在这里,看着族长的,所以族长就可以化装成普通冰月族高手,参加‘决斗’了。” That had work Zi Yan the young lady and Xie Shao.” Bing Ye Xuan said with a smile. “那就有劳紫嫣啊小姐和谢少了。”冰夜轩笑道。 They also discussed some details of plan, Zi Yan and Xie Aoyu then left Winter Clan, goes to the Fire Cloud Clan station, there is the volcano region. 他们又商议了计划的一些细节,紫嫣谢傲宇便离开了冰月族,前往火云族驻地,那里则是火山区域。 Fire Cloud Clan inborn is the fire is surname, their practice, mostly in the volcano, there hot element are abundant, therefore practices the fire to them is surnamed Qi to be already helpful, even may make the fire Qi exuviae turn into more formidable Qi, is only the probability is very small. 火云族天生都是火属姓的,他们的修炼,大都是在火山内,那里的火元素最是充沛,所以对他们修炼火属姓斗气既有帮助,甚至有可能令火斗气蜕变成更为强大的斗气,只是几率很小而已。 Leads the way, Xie Aoyu has been intertwining Flame Spirit Fruit. 一路前行,谢傲宇一直在纠结焰灵果 What Flame Spirit Fruit is, why does Black Lotus Holy Church want to capture?” Xie Aoyu inquired on the way. 焰灵果到底是什么啊,为什么黑莲圣教想要夺取?”谢傲宇途中询问。 Zi Yan cluck-cluck smiles, said: I also think that you can bear do not ask.” She is laughing and playing has kissed on the lip of Xie Aoyu gently, this said: Flame Spirit Fruit needs in 3000 to be mature, will only have one, once is mature, then Winter Clan and Fire Cloud Clan can present a Ten Kings Level master, ices the fire double is the surname.” 紫嫣咯咯一笑,道:“我还以为你能忍住不问呢。”她嬉笑的在谢傲宇的嘴唇上轻轻吻了一下,这才说道:“焰灵果需要3000年才能成熟,而且只会有一枚,一旦成熟,那么冰月族火云族就能够出现一位十王级的高手,还是冰火双属姓的。” „?” Xie Aoyu is very surprised. “哦?”谢傲宇很是惊讶。 Ten Kings Level Master, that is not talent takes a higher position to achieve, but also needs the tenacious will, that share vigor as well as some luck of not conceding. 十王级高手,那可不是天赋高就能够达到的,还需要坚韧的毅力,不服输的那股子劲儿以及一些运气。 Such boundary, who was not said that can achieve, even if were in the Zi Yan family has talent Qi tall, had the family fully to support, was not necessarily able to guarantee, for example class of Zi Yan and You Lan Ruo, although was said is future Ten Kings Level Master, actually nobody dares saying that certainly became. 此等境界,不是什么人说都可以达到的,就算是紫嫣的家族内有天赋奇高的,有家族全力支持,也未必能保证,比如紫嫣幽兰若之流,虽然被说是未来的十王级高手,却没人敢说一定成为的。 Certainly becomes Ten Kings Level Master?” Xie Aoyu asked. “一定成为十王级高手?”谢傲宇问道。 Certain!” Zi Yan say (way) with a laugh, you have not to know when Winter Clan and Fire Cloud Clan were the antiquity time Spiritual God holy war big race bloodline, at that time, bloodline thing was very mysterious, so long as had the ice fire double is the surname, took Flame Spirit Fruit to practice in ice Yuehu, can achieve the Emperor level superior, nowadays ices Yuehu to condense the winter water seepage, the might even better, before 2000, the ancestor who in the family an impact will enter the Battle King boundary once had examined, he said that so long as took Flame Spirit Fruit, practiced in ice Yuehu, can build the foundation, became Ten Kings Level Master, was not a problem!” “一定!”紫嫣笑呵呵的道,“你有所不知,冰月族火云族都是上古时期神灵圣战时的大种族血脉,那个时候,血脉这东西很神奇的,只要拥有冰火双属姓,服用焰灵果在冰月湖内修炼,便可达到天王级上位,现如今冰月湖凝聚出了冰月泉水,威力更胜一筹,在2000年前,家族中一位冲击进入战王境界的先祖曾查看过,他说只要服用焰灵果,在冰月湖内修炼,便可打下基础,成为十王级高手,不成问题!” Originally is related with the bloodline. 原来和血脉有关啊。 Xie Aoyu whispered at heart, he asked: How many people does that have the ice fire double is in the two clans of surname bloodline has? Should not be many?” 谢傲宇心里嘀咕,他问道:“那拥有冰火双属姓血脉的两族中有多少人啊?应该不会太多吧?” „A Bing Ge person.” Zi Yan said with a smile. 冰戈一人。”紫嫣笑道。 Is he, no wonder he will obtain the approval of your family, ha-ha, if your family obtains a Ten Kings Level master, then , the family status also will perhaps have the promotion.” Xie Aoyu said with a smile, if a family two Ten Kings Level masters, were shock absolutely, had the formidable deterrent force to any influence. “是他啊,难怪他会得到你们家族的认可,呵呵,如果你们家族得到一个十王级的高手,那么以后,家族地位恐怕还会有提升吧。”谢傲宇笑道,一个家族如果有两名十王级的高手,绝对是震撼的,对任何一股势力都是有强大的威慑力。 This also understands why Yin Feng selectivity control Bing Ge, is not because Bing Ge is the son who ices, because he has and fire double is the surname. 这也就明白,为什么阴风选择控制冰戈,不是因为冰戈是冰杰的儿子,而是因为他拥有并火双属姓。 He can become Ten Kings Level Master. 他可以成为十王级高手 Black Lotus Holy Church also wants to obtain such Ten Kings Level Master obviously, after all Winter Clan and Fire Cloud Clan are close with the family relationship of Zi Yan, if are many Ten Kings Level Master, then by the Zi Yan family to Black Lotus Holy Church must kill the heart, that absolutely is not Black Lotus Holy Church desired. 黑莲圣教显然也想得到这么一个十王级高手,毕竟冰月族火云族都与紫嫣的家族关系密切,若是多出一名十王级高手,那么以紫嫣的家族对黑莲圣教的必杀之心,那绝对不是黑莲圣教希望看到的。 Xie Aoyu is very happy actually, he has the graciousness of life-saving to Bing Ge, clears the charge for him, so looks like, this future Ten Kings Level Master should have the considerable friendship with him. 倒是谢傲宇感到很高兴,他对冰戈可谓是有救命之恩,更为他洗刷罪名,如此看来,这个未来的十王级高手与他应该有相当的友谊。 Therefore this time, we must protect Flame Spirit Fruit.” Zi Yan said. “所以这次,我们一定要保护焰灵果。”紫嫣说道。 Xie Aoyu nodded. 谢傲宇点了点头。 It is not far to the Fire Cloud Clan distance from Winter Clan, only then three hours of distance, they only spent for one hour then to arrive at the Fire Cloud Clan station. 冰月族火云族距离并不远,只有三个小时的路程,他们只花费了一个小时便来到了火云族驻地。 This place mountain range fluctuates, actually many are the volcano. 此地山峦起伏,却多是火山。 All around flowers and plants trees are scarce, at least are very more individual can the vegetation of ultrahigh-temperature resistant grow, mostly presents the light red, Demon Beast are many, is the fire is Demon Beast of surname. 四周花草树木稀少得很,至少个别一些能够耐超高温的植被生长着,大都呈现淡红色的,魔兽则很多,俱都是火属姓的魔兽 Fire Cloud Clan station in these volcano centers. 火云族驻地就在这些火山最中心。 To others, lives is always worried about the volcanic eruption here, for them, the volcanic eruption is good, at that time regarding practicing the Fire Cloud Clan Qi person, will have helps enormously. 对别人来说,住在这里总是担心火山爆发,对他们来说,火山爆发才好,那时候对于修炼火云族斗气的人,会有极大地帮助的。 Zi Yan arrives, opens access. 紫嫣到来,也是畅通无阻。 Her status makes it so. 她的身份使然。 They found head of the clan Fire Cloud Clan Sun Ming to contain directly, this person of figure is slim, a rush of blood to the head red long hair, two often flash through wipes the none remaining. 两人直接找到了火云族族长孙明涵,此人身材瘦小,一头火红色的长发,两眼不时闪过一抹精光。 After the human send, Zi Yan then said: My this time comes, comes for the matters of winters and hot cloud two clans.” 将人都打发出去之后,紫嫣这才说道:“我此次前来,是为冰月、火云两族的事情而来的。” Miss Zi Yan, that toxin is not I wipes absolutely.” Sun Ming contains the forced smile to say. 紫嫣小姐,那毒绝对不是我抹上去的。”孙明涵苦笑道。 Zi Yan said: Um, I know that head of the clan Bing Ye Xuan does not think you will do such matter, we understood that your manner, you may once think, before you and head of the clan Bing Ye Xuan compared with fighting, who has contacted your sword?” 紫嫣道:“嗯,我知道,冰夜轩族长也不认为你会干出这样的事情,我们都了解你的为人,你可曾想过,在你和冰夜轩族长比斗之前,谁接触过你的剑?” I had been considering that I and Bing Ye Xuan three ratios fight every year, 20 years of wind and rain was invariable, but to compare notes technique , to promote strength, therefore before each time duel, I will give the madame the weapon, she is the casting master, I want to make her inspect the weapon for me.” Sun Ming contains to say. “我一直都在考虑,我与冰夜轩每年都有三次比斗,已经20年风雨不变,只是为了切磋技艺,提升实力,所以每次决斗之前,我都会将兵器交给夫人,她是铸造师,我想让她为我检查兵器。”孙明涵说道。 Expensive madame will definitely not poison.” Zi Yan smiled. “贵夫人肯定不会放毒。”紫嫣笑了笑。 Um, I have also looked up her, truly is not she.” Sun Ming contains the complexion becomes cloudy, when she is taking my weapon, three people have looked for her, is my clan three elders, but is, did not have the whereabouts.” “嗯,我也查过她,确实不是她。”孙明涵脸色变得阴沉起来,“在她拿着我的兵器时,有三人找过她,是我族三位长老,只是到底是哪一位,一直没有着落。” Zi Yan said with a smile: Had the goal to be easy to do.” Her , to continue to say slightly: What this getting rid is Black Lotus Holy Church Yin Feng, their goals must capture Flame Spirit Fruit.” 紫嫣笑道:“有目标就好办了。”她略微一顿,继续说道:“此次出手的是黑莲圣教阴风,他们的目的是要夺取焰灵果。” Anything!” “什么!” Sun Ming contains stands up suddenly, how does Miss Zi Yan know Flame Spirit Fruit?” 孙明涵霍然站起,“紫嫣小姐如何知道焰灵果的?” What's wrong? Flame Spirit Fruit is mature, haven't you told others?” Zi Yan asked. “怎么?焰灵果成熟,你没告诉过别人?”紫嫣问道。 No, there is a person.” Sun Ming contains slowly typically, is two elder Sun Ming heard that he has also seen my madame's one of the three elders!” His complexion exceptionally ugly say (way), no wonder, no wonder he repeatedly three suggested that I inform other elders the Flame Spirit Fruit mature news, I have not complied luckily, otherwise was unable to conclude that is really his behavior.” “不,有一个人。”孙明涵缓缓地道,“是二长老孙明闻,他也是去见过我夫人的三名长老之一!”他脸色异常难看的道,“难怪,难怪他屡次三番建议我将焰灵果成熟的消息通知其他长老,幸好我没有答应,否则还真无法断定就是他所为。” Under the Xie Aoyu heart smiles, this Sun Ming contains indeed is astute, on his weapon was traced the toxin very much obviously, enabling him to two elder Sun Ming to hear that has had the suspicion, but did not have the evidence to indicate. 谢傲宇心下一笑,这个孙明涵的确是精明,很显然他的兵器上被摸毒,使得他对二长老孙明闻产生了怀疑,只是一直没有证据表明而已。 He actually has had the strong interest to that so-called Yin Feng poisonous master now, hearsay Yin Feng poisonous master hopefully becomes evil Master Batu such existence the poisonous technique grandmaster of super poisonous pharmacist, did not know that by own Medical Spirit Finger, whether to defeat it. 他现在倒是对那个所谓的阴风毒师产生了强烈的兴趣,传闻这位阴风毒师可是最有希望成为邪师巴图鲁那样存在的超级毒药师的毒术宗师,不晓得,凭借自己的药神指,能否将其打败。
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