BE :: Volume #2

#169: Genuine rebel 【Two】

Bing Ge starts to speak but hesitates. 冰戈欲言又止。 Had any you to say.” Zi Yan said. “有什么你就说吧。”紫嫣说道。 Bing Ge then said: I thought that the most critical matter is head of the clan remove the toxin of broken bone and develops in the river water by below the antidote of toxin of attaching bone, the status of that rebel, suddenly is very difficult to discover, since Miss Zi Yan arrives, he no longer has then gotten rid, only gives me an order, did not make my father find to attach toxin of bone the place of intoxication.” 冰戈这才说道:“我觉得最紧要的事情是解除族长所中的碎骨之毒和研制出河水内被下的附骨之毒的解药,那个叛徒的身份,恐怕一时间很难发现,自从紫嫣小姐到来,他便不再出手了,只给我一个命令,不让我父亲找到附骨之毒的下毒之地。” Yes, Miss Zi Yan, the toxin of that broken bone ices to sigh. “是啊,紫嫣小姐,那碎骨之毒”冰杰叹气道。 He is also the elixir master, to the violently poisonous antidote of this ancestor divisional level, he is helpless, can only hoping to place the body of Zi Yan. 他也是炼药大师,对这种宗师级的剧毒解药,他还是无能为力,只能将希望放在紫嫣的身上。 Zi Yan said: „The antidote of toxin of broken bone must develop, at least also requires 78 days.” 紫嫣道:“碎骨之毒的解药要研制出来,至少也需要78天的时间。” Yeah!” Ices to heave a deep sigh. “哎!”冰杰长叹一声。 Bing Ge also looks worried color. 冰戈也面露苦恼之色。 Time that the toxin of outbreak broken bone also only then 45 said that now already past 34 days, even if there is a postponement outbreak miracle cure, is unable to retard to seven days. 碎骨之毒发作也只有45曰的时间而已,现在已经过去34天了,即便有延缓发作的灵丹,也无法延迟到七天。 This toxin, I solve.” Xie Aoyu saw that Zi Yan blinks to oneself, knows that is makes him bestow favor, so Winter Clan owed him a very big friendship. “这个毒,我来解。”谢傲宇看到紫嫣向自己眨眼,就知道是让他施恩,如此冰月族就欠他本人一个很大的情分了。 Ices, the Bing Ge fathers and sons bursting out laughing looks at Xie Aoyu. 冰杰、冰戈父子哑然的看着谢傲宇 Regarding Xie Aoyu, they only think that is a family young master who Zi Yan brings, therapy using ice Yuehu, had not cared. 对于谢傲宇,他们只以为是紫嫣带来的家族一个少爷,利用冰月湖疗伤的,一直没怎么太放在心上。 Um, gives him, by the disintoxicating ability, he should be the large amount divisional level.” Zi Yan said with a smile. “嗯,交给他吧,论解毒能力,他应该算是大宗师级了。”紫嫣笑道。 „?!” “啊?!” The ice fathers and sons were scared. 冰家父子都傻眼了。 Young big grandmaster? This was also too inconceivable. 少年大宗师?这也太不可思议了吧。 Clarity that Xie Aoyu listens, what Zi Yan said explains the ability, did not say that elixir master standard, after all Xie Aoyu will not refine the panacea, he will only detoxify. 谢傲宇则听的清楚,紫嫣说的是解读能力,不是说炼药师水准,毕竟谢傲宇根本不会炼制灵丹妙药,他只会解毒。 Leaves behind Xiao Bai to continue to hide observes in the hidden place. 留下小白继续隐藏在暗处观察。 Some people and others returned to Winter Clan in the area, directly soars the head of the clan Bing Ye Xuan bedroom, Zi Yan then told the ice outstanding elder on the way, what in Winter Clan long Bing Ye Xuan is the toxin of broken bone, but when the toxin of non- cold bone, comes, Xie Aoyu smells a strong taste. 一干人等则返回了冰月族驻地区,直奔族长冰夜轩的卧室,途中紫嫣便告诉了冰杰长老,冰月族冰夜轩中的是碎骨之毒,而非寒骨之毒,进来时,谢傲宇就嗅到一股浓重的药味。 Some people of serving. 还有一些侍候的人。 And has the head of the clan Bing Ye Xuan wife and children, ices by to develop the law of disintoxicating with Zi Yan, gave to send them. 其中就有族长冰夜轩的妻子儿女,冰杰以要和紫嫣一起研制解毒之法,将他们都给打发出去了。 Bing Ge, you also exit.” Ice outstanding say (way). 冰戈,你也出去吧。”冰杰道。 Xie Aoyu said with a smile: No need, he also has the major function.” During the speeches, before he then arrived at the bed, sees lying down of Bing Ye Xuan energetic dispirited on the bed, the skin of whole body pan- has wiped the light black, a slightly old face, appears senile, worn out and aching weak is lying down. 谢傲宇笑道:“不必,他还有大作用。”说话间,他便来到了床榻前,就看到冰夜轩精神萎靡的躺在床上,全身的皮肤都泛起了一抹淡淡的黑色,一张略显苍老的脸,更显得衰老,酸软无力的躺着。 Miss Zi Yan.” Bing Ye Xuan tries to set out. 紫嫣小姐。”冰夜轩试图起身。 Head of the clan, you are lying down relieved, now gives you to detoxify.” Zi Yan said with a smile, has stopped the inquiry of Bing Ye Xuan, younger brother, you detoxified.” “族长,你安心躺着吧,现在就给你解毒。”紫嫣笑道,也制止了冰夜轩的询问,“弟弟,你来解毒吧。” Xie Aoyu shows a faint smile, sits in the bedside, stretches out the left hand caudula to refer to point gently on the arm of Bing Ye Xuan, immediately one wipes the golden light to send out, the seepage enters Bing Ye Xuan within the body. 谢傲宇微微一笑,坐在床边,伸出左手小尾指轻轻的点在冰夜轩的胳膊上面,立时就有一抹金光散发出来,渗透进入冰夜轩的体内。 The toxin of broken bone is Qi Du, may compare the toxin of Nine Color Spirit Snake King, its too not on scale, but Medical Spirit Finger starts slightly, then made black retreating on Bing Ye Xuan arm rapidly. 碎骨之毒是一种奇毒,可相比九彩灵蛇王之毒,它就太不上档次了,只是药神指稍微发动,便令冰夜轩胳膊上的黑色急速的退却。 This, this ice outstanding two circles open the eyes, inconceivable say (way). “这,这”冰杰两眼圆睁,不可思议的道。 A Zi Yan slightly nod, big elder guessed right, but also please the big elder do not say.” 紫嫣微一点头,“大长老猜测的没错,还请大长老千万不要说出去。” I understand that I understand.” Ice outstanding hurried nod, simultaneously urged Bing Ge, this matter cannot say that said to the outside was Miss Zi Yan detoxifies.” “我明白,我明白。”冰杰急忙点头,同时叮嘱冰戈,“此事绝不可说出去,对外就说是紫嫣小姐解毒的。” „.” Bing Ge looks is very vacant, he does not know Medical Spirit Finger. “哦。”冰戈看的很茫然,他并不知道药神指 Bing Ye Xuan is actually excited. 倒是冰夜轩激动非常。 Also is a dozen minutes of time, in Bing Ye Xuan institute the toxin of broken bone thorough by remove, he then stands up from failure to sit immediately, pleasantly surprised activity, the whole body is the strength, Qi also in the fast restoration. 也就是十几分钟的功夫,冰夜轩所中之碎骨之毒彻底的被解除,他立刻便翻身坐起来,惊喜的活动一下,全身都是力量,斗气也在快速的恢复中。 This, was this good?” Two that Bing Ge looks at straighten. “这,这就好了?”冰戈看的两眼发直。 Bing Ye Xuan laughs, said: Was good, good.” 冰夜轩哈哈一笑,道:“好了,好了。” Whom if must discover is rebel, I suggested that the head of the clan can disguise not to detoxify, but the Zi Yan elder sister and big elder and I stay here, only then the ice brother leaves, perhaps that rebel will appear.” Xie Aoyu said with a smile. “如果要找出谁是叛徒的话,我建议族长可以假装未解毒,而紫嫣姐、大长老与我都留在这里,只有冰兄离开,或许那叛徒会出现的。”谢傲宇笑道。 After his saying, in the room several people were one happy. 经他一说,房内几人都是一喜。 Bing Ye Xuan laughs saying: Hero has the youth, fierce, fierce, you midnight come visiting suddenly, has not exited, definitely will make that rebel be worried whether will detoxify, but Bing Ge exactly in room, then he, once exits, will decide will bring in that rebel's inquiry.” 冰夜轩大笑道:“英雄出少年啊,厉害,厉害,你们突然半夜来访,还不出去,必然会让那叛徒担心是否会解毒,而冰戈恰好在房间内,那么他一旦出去,定会引来那叛徒的询问的。” Rebel, if appears, iced brother then saying that the Zi Yan elder sister found one type to retard the means of toxin of outbreak broken bone.” Xie Aoyu says with a smile. “叛徒若出现,冰兄便说紫嫣姐找到了一种可以延迟碎骨之毒发作的办法。”谢傲宇笑着道。 Bing Ge is extremely intelligent, immediately understands that nod left. 冰戈聪明绝顶,立时明白,点头离开了。 Yeah, but must lie down, is really uncomfortable.” Bing Ye Xuan said with a smile. “哎,还要躺着,真不舒服啊。”冰夜轩笑道。 The atmosphere in room also no longer constrained. 房间内的气氛也不再压抑了。 Ices , then related to Bing Ye Xuan the Bing Ge matter, Bing Ye Xuan to has not blamed, but said that understands Bing Ge very much, if he is Bing Ge, possibly so does, making the ice feel grateful outstandingly, and said the toxin of broken bone is Black Lotus Holy Church elder Yin Feng unique, this made Bing Ye Xuan weaken to the hatred that Fire Cloud Clan long Sun Ming contained. 冰杰则向冰夜轩诉说了冰戈的事情,对此冰夜轩到没有责怪,只是说很理解冰戈,若他是冰戈,也可能如此做,令冰杰大为感激,并且说出了碎骨之毒乃是黑莲圣教长老阴风所特有的,这才令冰夜轩火云族孙明涵的恨意减弱许多。 About after two hours, outside weather started to shine. 大约两个小时之后,外面天色已经开始放光。 Bing Ge returned. 冰戈返回来了。 He really appeared.” Bing Ge excited -ly said. “他果然出现了。”冰戈兴奋地道。 „? How did he say?” Xie Aoyu asked. “哦?他怎么说的?”谢傲宇问道。 At this moment, Bing Ge to Xie Aoyu is tight that admires, then replied: He had still not come, but makes me come back, more familiar the status of elixir general knowledge, overcomes hand, inquires the news, other do not manage, coming out that but I can listen, his anxiety, will definitely have the motion.” 此时此刻,冰戈谢傲宇是佩服的紧儿,便回答道:“他仍旧没有现身,只是让我回来,以熟悉一些炼药常识的身份,来打下手,打探消息,其他的就不要管了,但是我能听的出来,他的紧张,肯定会有行动的。” Bing Ye Xuan knits the brows: What he will have to move, intoxicates again?” 冰夜轩皱眉道:“他会有什么行动,再来下毒?” Because that person extremely mystical, who nobody knows is, may be the elder, the strength decides however uncommonly, the average person will go to be discovered that strength, cannot believe that but the person of trustworthy presence, others will decide however will pay attention, therefore was impossible to follow in secret. 因为那人太过神秘,没人知道是谁,有可能是长老,实力定然不凡,一般人去了会被发现,实力强的,又不敢相信,而值得信任的就是在场之人,人家定然会注意的,所以不可能暗中跟随的。 Not, Zi Yan elder sister and big elders, even if Yin Feng comes personally, does not have the means that therefore he most possible procedure is to let Winter Clan and Fire Cloud Clan erupts the most intense conflict.” In the Xie Aoyu eye flashes through wipes the intelligent ray, self-confident saying, on the sword wiped the poisonous saying to start from head of the clan Fire Cloud Clan, their goals must let Winter Clan and Fire Cloud Clan eruption conflict obviously, as for final goal, although was not quite clear, thinks that certainly had the reason, therefore I guessed him soon, will bring the news, this good news to be very likely to Fire Cloud Clan launch the war was best to give a pretext.” “不会的,紫嫣姐和大长老都在,即便是阴风亲自前来,也是没办法的,所以他最可能的做法是让冰月族火云族爆发最激烈的冲突。”谢傲宇眼中闪过一抹智慧的光芒,自信的说道,“从火云族族长剑上抹毒一说开始,他们的目的显而易见就是要让冰月族火云族爆发冲突,至于最后的目的,虽不太清楚,想必一定有原因的,所以我猜他不久之后,会带来好消息,这个好消息极有可能就是要向火云族发动战争的最好借口。” Looks at Xie Aoyu to speak with confidence, self-confident appearance, in the Zi Yan eye full is the color of being enchanted by, wishes one could to throw in the bosom of Xie Aoyu and he is tangled up. 看着谢傲宇侃侃而谈,自信的样子,紫嫣眼中满是迷醉之色,恨不得扑进谢傲宇的怀中与他缠绵。 Good, good, a point that Xie Shao said right, is very likely so.” The Bing Ye Xuan great happiness said. “不错,不错,谢少说的一点没错,极有可能如此。”冰夜轩大喜道。 Ices too not to know about these, but sits in the one side. 冰杰对这些不太了解,只是坐在一旁。 Actually Bing Ge is surprised. 倒是冰戈则更是惊讶。 The time passes quietly. 时间悄然流逝。 Xu said Dongsheng, the skylight was greatly bright, sound of footsteps that at this time, outside heard. 旭曰东升,天光大亮,这时候,外面传来的脚步声。 Zi Yan et al. each other look one, immediately moves, Bing Ye Xuan lies down, the complexion under the Zi Yan skilled artist, reappears black, before not having the toxin of remove broken bone is without change. 紫嫣等人彼此对望一眼,立时活动起来,冰夜轩重新躺下,脸色在紫嫣妙手之下,浮现一层黑色,与没有解除碎骨之毒前一般无二。 Two elixir master busy appearances. 两个炼药师一副忙碌的样子。 Xie Aoyu and Bing Ge are overcoming the hand. 谢傲宇冰戈则是在打下手。 „” “啪啪” The knock resounds. 敲门声响起。 Comes.” The ice outstanding expensive is the big elder, most suits the aperture. “进来。”冰杰贵为大长老,最适合开口。 The door opens, a 50 -year-old high and low man walked from outside, Miss Zi Yan, the big elder, can you find head of the clan remove the means of toxin?” 房门打开,一名50岁上下的男子从外面走了进来,“紫嫣小姐,大长老,你们可找到解除族长所中之毒的办法了?” „, Six elders ice lan.” Zi Yan light say (way). “哦,六长老冰阑啊。”紫嫣淡淡的道。 Six elders ice lan saying: Miss Zi Yan, you may probably save our head of the clan.” 六长老冰阑道:“紫嫣小姐,您可一定要救我们族长啊。” Zi Yan said with a smile: I found means of detention toxicant outbreak, should be able to postpone ten days later manifests suddenly, at that time, I believe that has developed the antidote.” 紫嫣笑道:“我找到一种延迟毒药发作的办法,应该可以推迟十天之后发作,那时候,我相信已经研制出解药了。” Really? That was good, Winter Clan thanked Miss Zi Yan.” Six elders ice the lan pleasantly surprised say (way). “真的?那太好了,冰月族感谢紫嫣小姐。”六长老冰阑惊喜的道。 Zi Yan gives a calm smile, has not said anything. 紫嫣淡然一笑,没说什么。 Ice lan goes forward to wait and see Bing Ye Xuan, sees his face to be the black, both eyes shuts, energetic dispirited, sighed: Yeah, what a pity.” 冰阑则上前观望冰夜轩,就见他脸呈黑色,双目微闭,精神萎靡,不由的叹气道:“哎,可惜啊。” What to be a pity?” The big elder ices to ask. “可惜什么?”大长老冰杰问道。 Head of the clan is poisoned, nobody can divert Fire Cloud Clan long Sun Ming to contain, we could miss to attack Fire Cloud Clan, gave them a lesson the best opportunity.” Ice lan said. “族长中毒,没人能牵制火云族孙明涵,我们可能要错过攻打火云族,给他们一个教训的最佳时机了。”冰阑说道。 Several people shake. 几人都是一震。 Especially in Bing Ge both eyes flashes through writes off intent, Xie Aoyu sees that moved sideways hurriedly, has blocked the Bing Ge vision, must know ice lan, but the master, the genuine powerhouse, the words that used this vision to look, will set up the fresh induction, he showed a faint smile to Bing Ge, swung gently started. 尤其是冰戈双目中闪过一抹杀意,谢傲宇见状,急忙一闪身,挡住了冰戈的目光,要知道冰阑可是高手,真正的强者,被人用这种目光看的话,会立生感应的,他对冰戈微微一笑,轻轻摇了一下手。 Bing Ge then restrains that hatred, gratitude looked at Xie Aoyu, almost because of a look wreck plan, then did not allow to execute on the crime. 冰戈这才收敛那股恨意,也感激的看了一眼谢傲宇,差点因为一个眼神破坏计划,那就罪不容诛了。 This Fire Cloud Clan truly goes too far, Sun Ming contains dares to wipe the toxin on the weapon unexpectedly, if can give them a lesson, I can consider.” Zi Yan light say (way). “此次火云族确实太过分,孙明涵居然敢在兵器上抹毒,要是可以给他们一个教训的话,我可以考虑一下。”紫嫣淡淡的道。 Ice lan great happiness: Many thanks Miss Zi Yan understands us.” 冰阑大喜道:“多谢紫嫣小姐理解我们。” Regarding two big races, the Zi Yan family is always allows to develop, has the need, they will assist, goes a step further compared with the relations of ally, but did not mean two big races must Zi Yan the family to the situation that always does as one is told, sometimes therefore strikes a little unconventional them, is very normal matter. 对于两大种族,紫嫣的家族向来都是任其发展的,有需要,他们会协助,比盟友的关系更进一步,但绝不是说两大种族就要对紫嫣的家族惟命是从的地步,所以有时候敲打敲打有点忘形的他们,也是很正常的事情。 Um, you said that is any opportunity.” Zi Yan said. “嗯,你说吧,是什么机会。”紫嫣说道。 Ice lan looked at Xie Aoyu one specially, sees Zi Yan not to make him leave, this said: Flame Spirit Fruit must in Ming say that falls to the ground maturely!” 冰阑特意看了谢傲宇一眼,见紫嫣并未让他离开,这才说道:“焰灵果要在明曰成熟落地!” This saying exit, lies down Bing Ye Xuan on bed also swiftly opens the eye. 这话一出口,就是躺在床上的冰夜轩也倏然睁开眼睛。 In the Zi Yan beautiful pupil pan- wipes the none remaining. 紫嫣美眸中泛起一抹精光。 In room all of a sudden complete silence. 房间内一下子鸦雀无声。 Had not heard Xie Aoyu keen detecting of Flame Spirit Fruit also flashes through to the beautiful pupil of Zi Yan in wipes the wild with joy color, as if function big extraordinary of this Flame Spirit Fruit. 未曾听说过焰灵果谢傲宇敏锐的发觉到紫嫣的美眸中也闪过一抹狂喜之色,似乎这焰灵果的作用大的出奇。
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