BE :: Volume #2

#168: Genuine rebel 【One】

The spirit nose dog is very unusual Demon Beast, their battle efficiencies are not high, has inborn is above the sense of smell of imagination, this is the special capability that they have, regarding tracing, has the astonishing function, but the spirit nose dog king is the spirit nose dog evolves to most Advanced level, is known as the mainland smartest nose, Xiao Bai actually to spirit nose dog king disdaining of extremely, obviously intrepid of Xiao Bai, indicated that Xiao Bai is appearing its some abilities quietly. 灵鼻犬是一种很奇特的魔兽,它们的战斗力不高,却天生拥有超乎想象的嗅觉,这是它们所拥有的特殊能力,对于追踪来说,有着惊人的作用,而灵鼻犬王则是灵鼻犬进化到最高级,号称大陆最灵的鼻子,小白却对灵鼻犬王极其的不屑,可见小白的强悍,也表明小白正在悄然的显现出它的一些能力。 The wing, can free ballooning, and speed Qi Kuai. 翅膀,可以自由翱翔,且速度奇快。 The sense of smell, surpasses the abnormal sense of smell of spirit nose dog king. 嗅觉,超过灵鼻犬王的变态嗅觉。 Regarding Xiao Bai by the forcing -type performance, Xie Aoyu can only smile, hopes later to be able the Xiao Bai ability to develop gradually. 对于小白的这种被逼迫式的表现,谢傲宇只能笑笑了事,但愿以后能够将小白的能力逐步开发出来吧。 Winter Clan always bans the bystander visit, to make intoxication that here one is unable to discover, the bystander is unlikely, has the Winter Clan person on one's own side.” The Zi Yan look is dignified, i.e. Winter Clan has the rebel, although she early has this idea, but after confirming, was actually another mood. 冰月族一向禁制外人来访,要想令人无法发现的在这里下毒,外人是不太可能的,只有冰月族自己人。”紫嫣神色凝重,这就是说冰月族有叛徒,虽然她早有这个想法,可是证实之后,却是另外一种心情。 Xie Aoyu said with a smile: That looks for that rebel, since he intoxicates here, I believe definitely uninterrupted examined, we seize him, then.” 谢傲宇笑道:“那就将那个叛徒找出来,他既然在这里下毒,我相信肯定会不间断的来查看的,我们将他擒下,便是了。” Zi Yan nods. 紫嫣点点头。 Currently only has this means. 现在唯有这个办法了。 Even if Zi Yan has very high authority in Winter Clan, may after all not be the Winter Clan person, and she to Winter Clan is not very familiar, therefore can only use this means that waits for gains without pains. 即便紫嫣冰月族有着很高的权威,可毕竟不是冰月族人,且她对冰月族也不是很熟悉,所以只能采用本办法,守株待兔。 Xiao Bai, this arduous duty gave you.” Xie Aoyu pinches the nose of Xiao Bai. 小白,这个艰巨的任务就交给你了。”谢傲宇捏捏小白的鼻子。 Eyah!” Xiao Bai complied. “咿呀!”小白答应了。 Its personal appearance was small, hides cannot discover in the flowers and plants China-foreign people, let alone it was the lark beast, even if has discovered that also nobody was serious it. 它身形小,藏在花草中外人根本发现不了,何况它是白灵兽,就算发现了,也没人将它当一回事。 Therefore Xie Aoyu and Zi Yan then left. 于是谢傲宇紫嫣便离开了。 They return to ice the Yuehu summit, Xie Aoyu continue to practice, Zi Yan starts to develop to attach the antidote of toxin of bone, Medical Spirit Finger cannot use after all casually. 他们重新返回冰月湖山巅,谢傲宇继续修炼,紫嫣则开始研制附骨之毒的解药,药神指毕竟不能随便使用。 Zi Yan promotes for the elixir master of ancestor divisional level, in elixir free originality. 紫嫣晋升为宗师级的炼药师,在炼药方面自由独到之处。 In an instant, a day passed by. 转眼间,一天过去了。 After Xie Aoyu Qi fully restores, then directly entered ice Yuehu, sits practices in the winter water seepage, Amethyst Spirit Water also flows in the winter water seepage. 谢傲宇斗气完全恢复之后,便直接进入了冰月湖,坐在冰月泉水内修炼,紫晶灵水也流入冰月泉水。 Perhaps even if the Amethyst Spirit Water rank is unable with becoming compared with the winter water seepage of different water, may the winter water seepage not take shape after all now, therefore Amethyst Spirit Water has to it helps enormously, after Amethyst Spirit Water flows , the evolution of winter water seepage started to speed up rapidly. 即便紫晶灵水的级别或许无法和成为异水的冰月泉水相比,可毕竟冰月泉水现在尚未成型,故而紫晶灵水对它还是有着极大地帮助,在紫晶灵水流入之后,冰月泉水的进化就开始飞速加快了。 Extraordinarily cold incomparable air current encirclement all around. 奇寒无比的气流环绕四周。 Xie Aoyu completely disregards, but constantly practices Qi, uses the stimulation of here environment to Qi, made its to promote rapidly. 谢傲宇全然无视,只是一味的去修炼斗气,利用这里的环境对斗气的刺激,令其飞速的提升着。 The winter water seepage also in quietly starts to reduce, that means the evolution. 冰月泉水也在悄然间开始缩小,那就意味着进化。 When Xie Aoyu opens the eye once more, already was late at night, by more than ten meters deep winter lake water, can see a round waning moon in sky. 谢傲宇再次睁开眼睛,已然是深夜,透过十多米深的冰月湖水,能够看到天空中的一轮残月。 Should go back.” Xie Aoyu takes back Amethyst Spirit Water. “该回去了。”谢傲宇收回紫晶灵水 Winter water seepage at this moment faint pan- purple halo, clearly this winter water seepage has much had the sign of transformation, in other words, it, once forms the different water, very possible is two types of different water fuses the later brand-new might different water certainly. 此刻的冰月泉水隐隐中泛起紫色的光晕,很显然这冰月泉水有在本质上发生蜕变的迹象,也就是说,它一旦形成异水,很可能是两种异水融合之后的全新的威力强绝的异水。 Xie Aoyu is looking at Amethyst Spirit Water in hand, said with a smile lightly: „Does good person have the good news?” 谢傲宇看着手中的紫晶灵水,轻笑道:“好人有好报?” Originally Amethyst Spirit Water has carried unexpectedly also a biting cold chill in the air, once Amethyst Spirit Water may not have many chill in the air, but water is the surname, now because of the help winter water seepage, making its ice cold, pursues the winter water seepage extraordinarily cold, must know when the winter water seepage can freeze unable to control Amethyst Spirit Water Xie Aoyu with ease. 原来紫晶灵水居然也携带了一丝彻骨的寒意,曾经的紫晶灵水可没有多少寒意,只是水的属姓,现在却因为帮助冰月泉水,令其冰寒无比,直追冰月泉水的奇寒,要知道冰月泉水可是能够轻松冰冻无法控制紫晶灵水时的谢傲宇的。 This means that Amethyst Spirit Water also had certain striking power. 这就意味着紫晶灵水也有一定的攻击力了。 When it is formidable, that was interesting. 待它强大起来,那就有意思了。 Receives Amethyst Spirit Water, Xie Aoyu comes out from ice Yuehu, saw that Xiao Bai is surrounding around ice Yuehu, sends out neighing in a low voice. 收起紫晶灵水,谢傲宇从冰月湖内出来,就看到小白正环绕在冰月湖周围,发出低声的嘶鸣。 Zi Yan does not see the signs. 紫嫣则不见踪迹。 Walks.” Xie Aoyu understands immediately that some people went to location of that Shi Du. “走。”谢傲宇立时明白,有人去那施毒之处了。 He is bringing Xiao Bai fast arrives at that Shi Du river water corner, sees the Zi Yan complexion very ugly, phoenix including prestige is staring at the front. 他带着小白快速的来到那个施毒的河水拐角处,就看到紫嫣的脸色非常的难看,凤目含威的盯着前方。 Xie Aoyu looks to there. 谢傲宇向那里看去。 The man who sees only about a 50 year walked from the downstream following the rivers, the elixir master attire that as soon as he raids, on the face brings to wipe dignifiedly. 只见一名50左右岁的男子顺着河流从下游走了上来,他一袭的炼药师装束,脸上带着一抹凝重。 Winter Clan only elixir master, that is the Winter Clan big elder ices outstandingly. 冰月族唯有一名炼药大师,那就是冰月族大长老冰杰。 Perhaps is not ice outstanding elder.” Xie Aoyu puts out a hand to embrace in the waist of Zi Yan, gently is supporting her, the gentle voice said that her these said listens to Zi Yan to mention, in Winter Clan and Zi Yan friendship best is the ice is outstanding, because the ice outstandingly is also the elixir master, therefore their some common languages, must study some formula anything together. “或许不是冰杰长老。”谢傲宇伸手揽在紫嫣的腰间,轻轻的拥着她,柔声说道,她这几曰听紫嫣提及过,冰月族中与紫嫣交情最好的就是冰杰,因为冰杰也是炼药大师,所以两人有很多共同语言,要一起研究一些配方什么的。 Hopes.” The Zi Yan broad and handsome forehead depends gently in the shoulder of Xie Aoyu, said in a soft voice. “但愿吧。”紫嫣螓首轻轻靠在谢傲宇的肩头,轻声说道。 The ice is pure elixir master outstandingly, regarding Qi, but involves slightly, can say in Winter Clan abatement head of the clan Bing Ye Xuan most authoritative one. 冰杰属于纯粹的炼药师,对于斗气,只是稍加涉及而已,可以说在冰月族除却族长冰夜轩最有权威的一个。 He along river water line gradually, about often look, as if worried that was discovered to be the same, that facial expression is Xie Aoyu at heart also sighs. 他沿着河水一步一步的行来,不时的看看左右,仿佛担心被人发现一样,那种神情就是谢傲宇心里也是一叹。 After more than ten minutes, the ice must achieve the corner outstandingly. 十多分钟之后,冰杰就要达到拐角处了。 When Xie Aoyu and Zi Yan preparation hides temporarily, a form from the distant place dashes, but , the speed is quick, should be is displaying movement Fights Technique. 就在谢傲宇紫嫣准备暂时隐藏起来的时候,一条身影从远处飞奔而至,速度很快,应该是在施展身法斗技 That ices son Bing Ge.” Zi Yan answered to Xie Aoyu, „he talent in practice was very high, has been paid attention by our family, so long as met the requirements, then can enter our family heavily to practice, and obtained hopefully in the females with family to get married.” “那是冰杰的儿子冰戈。”紫嫣谢傲宇解释道,“他在修炼方面的天赋很高,一直都是被我们家族留意的,只要达到要求,便能够进入我们家族重地修炼,并且得到有望与家族中的女子成亲。” Nod that Xie Aoyu shows neither approval nor disapproval. 谢傲宇不置可否的点点头。 Maintains some formidable methods regarding these An­tiq­uity family, some of his early estimates, as long as is the talent very high youth talent, it is estimated that will think in the means income family, for family potency. 对于这些上古家族维系强大的一些手段,他早有预计,但凡是天赋很高的青年才俊,估计都会想办法收入家族中,为家族效力。 The Bing Ge appearance and ice have 70-80% similar outstandingly, is more prominent in highly the aspect, about one meter 85 appearances, white a clothing in this dark night, the meaning of completely not having concealed, under the moonlight, that clothing is pan- wipes the light white halo, solemn facial features, pursing the lips lip. 冰戈长相与冰杰有七八成相似,就是在高度方面更突出,约有一米85的样子,在这黑夜中一袭白色的衣衫,完全没有掩饰的意思,在月光下,那衣衫更是泛起一抹淡淡的白色光晕,冷峻的面容,抿着嘴唇。 Father.” Bing Ge rapid arrival ices side. “父亲。”冰戈飞速的到达冰杰身旁。 Ice outstanding does not lift, what matter?” 冰杰头也不抬,“什么事?” „The father greater part of the night does not rest, coming to here to do, the situation of head of the clan was more serious, you have not developed the antidote quickly the words, perhaps head of the clan Bing Ge said. “父亲大半夜不休息,来这里干什么,族长的情况更严重了,您还不快去研制解药的话,恐怕族长”冰戈说道。 „The antidote of toxin of cold bone is not that good developed, I have entrusted Miss Zi Yan to refine the antidote.” The ice continues to walk outstandingly forward, in foreheads dignified is also getting more and more heavy, you go back, defends in the head of the clan body side, does not want anybody to approach the head of the clan easily.” “寒骨之毒的解药不是那么好研制出来的,我已经托付紫嫣小姐来炼制解药了。”冰杰继续向前走,眉宇间的凝重也越来越重,“你回去吧,守在族长身侧,不要任何人轻易靠近族长。” Bing Ge looks at ice outstanding form, on the face is reappearing wipes the color of pain. 冰戈望着冰杰的身影,脸上浮现一抹痛苦之色。 Shakes all Xie Aoyu and Zi Yan of heart watching, was difficult to be inadequate Bing Ge already to discover? 将一切看在眼里的谢傲宇紫嫣心头一震,难不成冰戈早就发现了? Then at this time, Bing Ge clenched teeth, the personal appearance flashed, has blocked the ice outstanding way, father, did you look to attach the toxin of bone again?” 便在这时,冰戈一咬牙,身形闪动,挡住了冰杰的去路,“父亲,您是不是再找附骨之毒?” How do you know?” Ice outstanding complexion big change, both eyes emission none remaining, is staring at own son, holds the Bing Ge collar, is you do!” “你怎么知道的?”冰杰脸色大变,双目放射精光,盯着自己的儿子,一把抓住冰戈的衣领,“是不是你干的!” The Bing Ge pursing the lips lip, the complexion is very unattractive. 冰戈抿着嘴唇,脸色很不好看。 Replied me!” The ice gets angry shouts to clear the way outstandingly. “回答我!”冰杰怒喝道 Yes!” Bing Ge said. “是!”冰戈道。 Xie Aoyu and Zi Yan of hidden place each other look one, reveals the color of being startled, they have not thought that the person of intoxication unexpectedly is Bing Ge, but ices is seeking for the poisonous source. 暗处的谢傲宇紫嫣彼此对望一眼,都露出吃惊之色,他们没想到下毒之人居然是冰戈,而冰杰是在寻找毒源。 The matter inverted completely. 事情完全颠倒了过来。 „!!!!” “啪!啪!啪!啪!” Ice outstanding in a blaze of passion, lifted hand gave the Bing Ge four resounding ear and area around it, the beard air/Qi of old man to curl upwards, two circles opened the eyes, are pointing at Bing Ge, suddenly could not speak. 冰杰盛怒之下,抬手就送给冰戈四记响亮的耳光,老头子的胡子都气的翘了起来,两眼圆睁,指着冰戈,一时间说不出话。 Splash!” “扑通!” Bing Ge kneels on the ground, a few words did not say. 冰戈跪在地上,一句话不说。 You stand to me.” Ice outstanding foot tramples Bing Ge on the ground, „in your tortoise lamb, father your such son, has not eaten crawls outside thing.” Soon has been wild with rage icing is being one beats savagely to Bing Ge, the say (way) that pants finally is tired lets somebody cool off or calm down, said why such does, why!” “你给我站起来。”冰杰一脚将冰戈踹在地上,“你个王八羔子,老子没你这样的儿子,吃里爬外的东西。”快要气疯了的冰杰对着冰戈就是一顿暴打,最后累得气喘吁吁的才冷冷的道,“说,为什么这么做,为什么!” Was overthrown to crawl, Bing Ge that kneels down is black and blue, his two eyes shut, the tears coast from the corner of the eye, said: I do not think, but I , if not do, not only I will die, the father you and mother will also be killed by him.” 被打倒就爬起来,重新跪下的冰戈鼻青脸肿的,他两眼一闭,泪水从眼角滑下,道:“我也不想,可是我若不这么干,不但我会死,父亲您和母亲也会被他杀死的啊。” „!” “啪!” Ice fan his, gets angry shouts to clear the way outstandingly again: Fart, how the lives of our family of three can compared with entire Winter Clan, the weight unable to distinguish clearly, you also match the son who is I ices.” He looks that the son by the pitiful appearance that oneself hit, at heart is also sore awfully, but thinks that the Winter Clan situation, the head buzzes, wishes one could to kill him while still alive. 冰杰再扇他一记耳光,怒喝道:“放屁,我们一家三口的命怎么能和整个冰月族相比,轻重都分不清,你还配是我冰杰的儿子吗。”他看着儿子被自己打的凄惨样子,心里也是疼的要命,可是一想到冰月族的情况,脑袋就嗡嗡作响,恨不得将他活活打死。 As a Winter Clan person, devotes to the development of Winter Clan his entire life, obtains the respect of Winter Clan person, is the head of the clan respects three points to his ritual, the son actually makes so the matter, how not to make him grieved. 作为一个冰月族人,一生致力于冰月族的发展,得到冰月族人的尊敬,就是族长都对他礼敬三分,儿子却做出如此事情,怎不令他心痛。 Said that what's the matter.” Ice outstanding say (way). “说吧,到底是怎么回事。”冰杰道。 Bing Ge said: I do not know how to be intoxicated, when I discover, was here, at that time, I here self-torture, I am wanting to tell the father this matter, making you help me detoxify, but he said that if I said that will kill you and mother, I did not believe that but he said for one hour, took away a miracle cure in your hand, finally he has achieved, I was worried that he can so relaxed achieving, probably kill you and mother is also not relaxed 冰戈说道:“我也不知道怎么被人下毒的,等我发现的时候,就是在这里,那时候,我正在这里苦修,本来我想将此事告诉父亲,让您帮我解毒的,可是他说若是我说了,就会杀死你和母亲,我根本不信,可是他说一个小时内,拿走你手中的一枚灵丹,结果他真的做到了,我就担心,他能如此轻松的做到,要杀您和母亲还不是轻松” Who is he?” Say (Way) that the ice lets somebody cool off or calm down outstandingly. “他是谁?”冰杰冷冷的道。 I do not know that from beginning to end I have not seen him.” Bing Ge shakes the head the forced smile saying that I, if knows that was who was good, can only conclude that he was our Winter Clan person . Moreover the status was very high, extremely possibly was some elder, only then this can approach the head of the clan and you, but was not discovered by you, these said the child, I have been observing, but he hid too deeply.” “我不知道,从头到尾我都没看到过他。”冰戈摇头苦笑道,“我要是知道是谁就好了,只能断定,他就是我们冰月族人,而且身份很高,极可能是某位长老,只有这样可以接近族长和你,而不被你们发现,这些曰子,我一直在观察,可是他隐藏得太深了。” Listened to the Bing Ge words, ice was also outstandingly silent. 听了冰戈的话,冰杰也沉默了。 Xie Aoyu and Zi Yan look one, they know that did not need to hide, they walked. 谢傲宇紫嫣对望一眼,两人知道无需隐藏了,他们都走了出来。 Miss Zi Yan.” The ice gains ground to see them outstandingly, bitter and astringent smiles, the presbyopia pan- wipes the tears, as if all of a sudden old many. 紫嫣小姐。”冰杰抬头看到两人,苦涩的一笑,老眼泛起一抹泪光,仿佛一下子苍老的很多。 Bing Ge also bitter and astringent has closed eye. 冰戈也苦涩的闭上了眼睛。 Zi Yan light say (way): Bing Ge, your action, although makes me not approve of very much, but all your these for your parents, explained that you have the conscience, this time matter, I then did not blame you.” 紫嫣淡淡的道:“冰戈,你的举动虽让我很不赞同,但是你这一切都是为了你的父母,说明你还是有良知的,这次的事情,我便不怪罪你了。” Miss Zi Yan.” Ices immediately the tears. 紫嫣小姐。”冰杰立时老泪纵横。 Indeed, he wished one could to kill Bing Ge personally, may after all be own own flesh and blood, how he gave up his son dead. 诚然,他恨不得亲手杀了冰戈,可毕竟是自己的亲生骨肉啊,他又怎么舍得自己的儿子去死。 Beckons with the hand, Zi Yan said: Now our issue as soon as possible discovers that genuine rebel.” 摆摆手,紫嫣道:“现在我们的问题是尽快的找出那个真正的叛徒。”
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