BE :: Volume #2

#167: Little Bai sense of smell 【Two】

Resembles Xiao Bai that rests to hear to summon its name, then rubbed the eyes to sit, stretched oneself, turns the buttocks to walk. 似睡非睡的小白听到呼唤它的名字,便揉揉眼睛坐了起来,伸了个懒腰,扭着屁股走过来了。 Eyah.” Xiao Bai sits in the Xie Aoyu front. “咿呀。”小白坐在谢傲宇的面前。 Xie Aoyu said with a smile: Xiao Bai, should express that what, you incessantly is a lark beast so are probably simple, I said right?” 谢傲宇笑道:“小白,是不是该表示点什么啊,你好像不止是一只白灵兽那么简单,我说的对吧?” Eyah.” “咿呀。” Xiao Bai visits him confusedly. 小白迷茫的看着他。 Also comes this move, Xie Aoyu grasps crazily, arrives at the critical moment, the appearance that Xiao Bai is not being able to understand, really can the human irritating. 又来这一招,谢傲宇一阵抓狂,一到关键时刻,小白就是一副听不懂的样子,真是能把人给气死。 Eyah, eyah.” Xiao Bai then jumped, is patting own chest with the small beastly claw, begins supinely, I am not the ordinary Demon Beast appearance, small beastly claw grasps. “咿呀,咿呀。”小白接着又蹦了起来,用小兽爪拍着自己的胸膛,仰起头,一副我不是普通魔兽的样子,小兽爪一阵抓动。 The wind blade edge and fireball, puncture, Thun­der and Light­ning and water arrow suddenly, a series of magics flash before. 风刃、火球、地突刺、雷电、水箭,一系列的魔法闪现出来。 Xie Aoyu ill-humored say (way): „It is not that said that I meant that your real status, the first time, You Lan Ruo told me the Earth Pulmonary Heart Flame site, actually three scorpion Long Shou existences, that time I, at all possibly was not a match, in the critical juncture, three scorpion dragon beasts suddenly revealed the fear, forgot to attack, this was killed by me, I once again and again recalled, at that time indeed did not have other people, only then I and you, then who made three scorpion Long Shou frightened?” 谢傲宇没好气的道:“不是说的这个,我是说,你的真实身份,第一次,幽兰若告诉我地肺心炎所在地,却有三尾蝎龙兽的存在,那时的我,根本不可能是对手,就在危急关头,三尾蝎龙兽突然露出恐惧,忘记攻击,这才被我杀死,我曾三番两次的回忆,当时的确没有旁人,只有我和你,那么谁让三尾蝎龙兽恐惧的呢?” Xiao Bai is vacant tilting the head, looks at Xie Aoyu. 小白则是茫然的歪着头,看着谢傲宇 Very ignorant appearance. 很懵懂的样子。 Zi Yan also hears the Xie Aoyu words, arrives at the near, she smilingly looks at the lark beast, in the brain rapid flashing through with lark beastly appearance approximate Demon Beast, had not actually found formidable. 紫嫣也听到谢傲宇的话,来到近前,她笑眯眯的看着白灵兽,脑子里则飞速的闪过跟白灵兽长相近似的魔兽,却没有找到强大的。 You continue to install.” Xie Aoyu lies in the shore, „the second time, was struggles to win gold to live the wood, this time I had a vivid memory, to the present cannot believe matter that I saw, Xiao Bai, you gave my pleasant surprise at that time, was fierce, we snatched the gold medal to live the wood, I was stopped, to emit you to snatch the gold medal to live the wood, you have completed my order, snatched gold Shengmu, facing robbing of bandits and thieves, you very intelligent threw gold Shengmu to me, but the bandits and thieves erupted the speed at this time suddenly, above me, saw that gold Shengmu was snatched. Is you, Gold Eater Beast egg shell that throws, after you unexpectedly, sent first, gold Shengmu projecting on my chest position.” “你继续装。”谢傲宇就趴在岸边,“第二次,就是争夺金生木了,这次我可是记忆犹新,到现在都不敢相信我看到的事情,啧啧,小白啊,那时候你给我的惊喜,更是厉害,我们抢夺金生木,我被阻拦,放出你去抢夺金生木,你完成了我的命令,抢到了金生木,面对盗贼的抢夺,你非常聪明的将金生木扔给我,而盗贼这时候突然爆发速度,在我之上,眼看着金生木被抢,又。是你,扔出的食金兽蛋壳,你居然后发先至,将金生木给打到了我的胸口位置。” Indeed quick.” The Zi Yan nod said. “的确很快。”紫嫣点头道。 Xie Aoyu said: Is more mysterious, on gold Shengmu has had a strange strength unexpectedly, has inspired Tricolor God Core!” 谢傲宇道:“还有更神奇的,那金生木上面居然产生了一丝奇异的力量,引动了三色神丹!” The Zi Yan also item shoots Qi Guang looks at Xiao Bai. 紫嫣也目射奇光的看着小白 Inspires Tricolor God Core, that did not joke. 引动三色神丹,那可不是闹着玩的。 Then Xie Aoyu also said: „The third time, was this time, I was almost given to massacre by You Lan Ruo that young married woman, but the critical moment, had the mystical strength to appear, not only has routed You Lan Ruo, caused heavy losses to wind bolide Seven Color Butterfly, but at that time, Xiao Bai also mystical vanished from my side.” 接着谢傲宇又说道:“第三次,就是这次了,我差点被幽兰若那婆娘给杀掉,可关键时刻,却有神秘力量出现,不但击溃了幽兰若,更是重创了风火流星七彩蝶,而那时候,小白也神秘的从我身边消失喽。” The consecutively three questions, linger in the Xie Aoyu mind throughout. 连续三个疑问,始终萦绕在谢傲宇的脑海中。 From first start, Xie Aoyu thinks strange, but cannot conclude, until second time discovers Xiao Bai to be unusual, had realized that to the third time, he has then set eyes on Xiao Bai. 从第一次开始,谢傲宇就觉得奇怪,但是又不敢断定,直到第二次发现小白异常,才有所察觉,一直到第三次,他便将目光锁定了小白 Eyah, eyah.” Vacant of Xiao Bai face. “咿呀,咿呀。”小白一脸的茫然。 Xie Aoyu looks away saying: You also install.” 谢傲宇翻眼道:“你还装。” Eyah.” Xiao Bai was asking any attire probably, that expression made Xie Aoyu feel that its anything did not understand probably, was extremely real. “咿呀。”小白好像在问什么装,那表情令谢傲宇都感觉它好像真的什么都不懂似的,极其真实。 You have another status, or what other strengths has?” The Xie Aoyu simply very direct inquiry, he believes that Xiao Bai smile of understanding, this little thing sometimes intelligent is doubtable it always to annihilate the arch villain the worldly person who becomes. “你是不是还有另外一个身份,或者有什么其它的力量?”谢傲宇干脆很直接的询问,他相信小白听的懂,这小东西有时候聪明的令人怀疑它是老歼巨猾的人精变得。 This Xiao Bai nodded. 这次小白点头了。 Xie Aoyu and Zi Yan look one, said pleasantly surprised: Your strength formidable?” 谢傲宇紫嫣对望一眼,惊喜道:“你的力量有多强大?” Xiao Bai begins supinely, a very arrogant appearance. 小白仰起头,一副很高傲的样子。 Displays to come to see.” Zi Yan is busy at saying. “施展来看看。”紫嫣忙说道。 Xiao Bai stands up, stride before arriving at one meter high megalith, however the hand has referred to with the small beastly claw, is referring to own nose. 小白站起身,大步的来到一块一米高的巨石前,然手用小兽爪指了一下,在指指自己的鼻子。 Xie Aoyu their anticipation. 谢傲宇两人一阵期待。 Eyah!” “咿呀!” Xiao Bai stretches out the small beastly claw to pat. 小白伸出小兽爪拍去。 „!” “啪!” Very slight sound, that stone has not had anything to change, Xie Aoyu worked on the pebble to throw together, wanted to have a look at the stone anything situation. 很轻微的响声,那石块未有什么变化,谢傲宇抓起一块小石子投了过去,想要看看石块什么情况。 Works as!” “当!” The pebble was shot to open, that stone is unexpectedly perfect. 小石子被弹开,那石块居然完好无损。 Xiao Bai!” Xie Aoyu shouts to clear the way, this little thing dares to deceive people unexpectedly, moreover gave to deceive him and Zi Yan, but also thinks that it will display many strengths. 小白!”谢傲宇喝道,这小东西居然敢骗人,而且把他和紫嫣都给蒙骗了过去,还以为它会施展出多少力量。 Whiz!” “嗖!” Rising with a spring that Xiao Bai frightens, enters three meters altitude, the back presented a fat small wing, dancing in the air back and forth, a leisurely appearance, from the sky flies round. 小白吓的一跃而起,直入三米的高度,背后则出现了一对肉乎乎的小翅膀,来回的飞舞,一副悠闲自得的样子,在空中飞来飞去的。 The wing or Xie Aoyu first time sees on Xiao Bai. 翅膀还是谢傲宇第一次在小白身上见到。 He narrows the eye to look at Xiao Bai retain, the little thing clearly, Xie Aoyu say (way) bitterly: Xiao Bai, have not installed again, takes all your abilities.” 他眯着眼睛看着小白,小东西分明有所保留的,谢傲宇恨恨的道:“小白,别再装了,把你所有的能力都拿出来吧。” Eyah.” Xiao Bai called one, then flies to the left. “咿呀。”小白叫了一声,便飞向左侧。 Looks at its back, Zi Yan says with a smile: Xiao Bai is really not simple, just now I desirably use auricle passes the survey technique to survey its strength, unexpectedly was shielded.” 看着它的背影,紫嫣笑道:“小白还真是不简单啊,方才我刻意利用‘心耳通’的探测术去探测它的力量,居然被屏蔽了。” Xie Aoyu because of being surname issue, can only master the basic capability that the auricle passes, concrete to does not know the circumstances of the matter, this survey technique is any situation.” 谢傲宇因属姓问题,只能掌握心耳通的基本能力,具体的到不知情,“这个探测术是个什么情况。” My strength reluctantly displays, at least the Tuifan level following master and Demon Beast are unable to hide, but it can actually shield.” Zi Yan said with a smile, younger brother demon did not favor simply, it does not know probably auricle passed has the so special ability.” “我的实力只是勉强施展出来,至少蜕凡级以下的高手、魔兽都无法隐藏的,可是它却能够屏蔽。”紫嫣笑道,“弟弟这个魔宠不简单啊,它大概并不知道‘心耳通’有如此特别的能力。” So they concluded that Xiao Bai is not ordinary. 如此两人更断定小白不一般。 Xiao Bai disguises unable to understand, they also take it not to have the means. 偏偏小白就假装听不懂,两人也拿它没办法。 Xie Aoyu shrugs, considers as finished, this little thing was too sly, it or said that we also take it not to have the means that elder sister just now an appearance of ponder, what is thinking?” 谢傲宇耸耸肩,“算了,这小东西太狡猾了,它要不说,我们也拿它没办法,姐姐方才一副沉思的样子,在想什么呢?” „After I want to wait for your remove Bing Ye Xuan broken bone cold toxin, goes to Fire Cloud Clan, perhaps in Fire Cloud Clan some people invested Black Lotus Holy Church, but Fire Cloud Clan long Sun Ming contains this person, I found that he should so not do.” Zi Yan said. “我想等你解除冰夜轩的碎骨寒毒之后,就去火云族,或许火云族内有人投入了黑莲圣教,但是火云族孙明涵这个人,我还是了解的,他应该不会如此做。”紫嫣说道。 Goes, I accompany elder sister.” Xie Aoyu looks pleasantly surprised color suddenly, Amethyst Spirit Water!” “去就去呗,我陪姐姐。”谢傲宇突然面露惊喜之色,“紫晶灵水!” Bang!” “嘭!” The ejection of visual purple from ice Yuehu comes out together. 一道紫光从冰月湖内弹射出来。 The Xie Aoyu finger, that visual purple then falls into his control central location, that wipes the purple water glare, the partly visible surface has a light purple halo to flash, all over the body clear, if not can flow, perhaps will make one think that is a quartz. 谢傲宇手指一点,那紫光便落入他的手心中央位置,那是一抹紫色的水光,若隐若现的表面有一层淡淡的紫色光晕闪动着,通体晶莹,若非能够流动着,恐怕会令人以为是一块水晶。 This is Amethyst Spirit Water. 这就是紫晶灵水 Good, you can use it to restore the injury now, the different water to therapy the function is very big.” Zi Yan saying with a laugh. “好啦,你现在可以利用它来恢复伤势了,异水对疗伤作用很大的。”紫嫣笑呵呵的说道。 The Xie Aoyu nod complies with one, controls Amethyst Spirit Water to enter the body. 谢傲宇点头答应一声,控制紫晶灵水入体。 Amethyst Spirit Water can indeed can be called the therapy excellent works, that cool current of water crosses the five main internal organs (entrails), was been then better by the internal organs of You Lan Ruo town wound. 紫晶灵水的确可以称得上疗伤圣品了,那清凉的水流过五脏六腑,被幽兰若镇伤的内脏便好了许多。 So the reciprocation uses. 如此往复利用。 After having been through repeatedly 18 times, Amethyst Spirit Water thorough the Xie Aoyu injury restores such as beginning, he also feels the whole body to be comfortable, that Qi also along with the it quick recovery. 在历经18次之后,紫晶灵水彻底的将谢傲宇的伤势恢复如初,他本人也感到浑身舒爽,那斗气也随之快速恢复。 Grasps the feeling of strength to be good. 重新掌握力量的感觉就是不错啊。 Xie Aoyu moves the hands and feet, wants to find the human to fight one very much. 谢傲宇活动活动手脚,很想找人打一架。 Eyah, eyah, eyah “咿呀,咿呀,咿呀” Xie Aoyu they turn head to look, sees Xiao Bai fast flew from the distant place, in the small beastly claw also grabs a pitch-dark grass, this grass unceasingly dropping black liquid. 谢傲宇两人回头看去,就见小白快速的从远处飞了回来,小兽爪中还抓着一个黑漆漆的小草,这草不断地滴落黑色的液体。 The liquid falls to the ground, there stone is covered by black immediately. 液体落地,那里的石块立刻被一层黑色笼罩。 Xie Aoyu felt that the left hand caudula refers to shivering, wipes the light golden light to send out from above, Medical Spirit Finger had to respond, that was violently poisonous. 谢傲宇就感到左手小尾指颤动起来,一抹淡淡的金光从上面散发出来,药神指有反应了,那是剧毒。 As the elixir master of ancestor divisional level, Zi Yan is the vision is more sinister. 作为宗师级的炼药师,紫嫣更是眼光毒辣。 Xiao Bai gives me.” Zi Yan has caught that black grass. 小白给我。”紫嫣抓过那黑色的小草。 End of this grass by Xiao Bai with a branch selecting, that branch on the violent poisonousness by grass had not actually been given to perish, pours also strangely. 这小草的尾端被被小白用一根树枝给挑了起来,那树枝却没有被小草上面的剧毒给腐蚀掉,倒也怪哉。 Has solvable all violently poisonous Medical Spirit Finger Xie Aoyu to be the typical dregs of medical decoction, violently poisonous not over 20 of understanding, but also is ordinariest, therefore he stands in the one side very much peacefully. 拥有可解一切剧毒的药神指谢傲宇属于典型的药渣,认识的剧毒不超过20个,还都是最普通的,所以他很安静的站在一旁。 Zi Yan carefully examined a while, counts on the fingers to spring white powder. 紫嫣审视了一会儿,屈指弹出一点白色的粉末。 That powder falls on above, the black grass has stuck out suddenly the black flame immediately, shortly grass firing ashes, actually that branch also burnt is a little black. 那粉末落在上面,黑色的小草立刻暴起了黑色的火焰,顷刻间就将小草给烧成了灰烬,倒是那根树枝也只是被烧的有点黑而已。 This is the slow surname attaches the toxin of bone violently poisonously, the human in the thing that if eats doped has attached the toxin of bone, then five days later, the whole body will not have the vigor, particularly Qi, will dissipate, if within ten said that could not obtain the antidote, will certainly the thorough turning average person.” The fearfulness of Zi Yan face darken, Xiao Bai, where did you find?” “这是慢姓剧毒附骨之毒,人若是吃到的东西里面掺杂了附骨之毒,那么将会在五天之后,全身没劲儿,尤其是斗气,会消散,若是十曰之内,得不到解药,必将彻底的变成普通人。”紫嫣脸色阴沉的可怕,“小白,你在哪里找到的?” Xiao Bai is pointing at the distant place, eyah, eyah.” 小白指着远方,“咿呀,咿呀。” Walks, front guides.” Zi Yan sinking sound track. “走,前面带路。”紫嫣沉声道。 Xiao Bai flutters to fly to the distant place. 小白振翅向远处飞去。 Looks at that section of branch in Zi Yan hand, under the Xie Aoyu heart funny, Xiao Bai Xiao Bai, this may be a flaw, you actually understand looks for one to resist to attach the branch of toxin of bone. 看着紫嫣手中的那一截树枝,谢傲宇心下好笑,小白小白,这可又是一个破绽,你竟然懂的找一根能够抵抗附骨之毒的树枝。 Xie Aoyu has also no longer exposed, he also understands that Xiao Bai will definitely not say, as for is wind bolide Seven Color Butterfly that it attacks, after that can only wait, its agree acknowledged that inquired again. 谢傲宇也不再点破了,他也明白小白肯定不会说的,至于是不是它攻击的风火流星七彩蝶,那只能等以后,它肯承认的时候,再询问了。 The Xiao Bai flying speed is quick. 小白的飞行速度很快。 They from this mountain, walk, will walk again forward for more than ten minutes, then saw a limpid creek, will wind to forward. 他们从这座山上,走下去,再向前行走将近十多分钟,便看到了一条清澈的小河,蜿蜒向前。 The river water has extended to the Winter Clan community. 河水一直延伸到冰月族的居住区。 Very obviously, this is the Winter Clan water source, they eat and drink use this river water. 很显然,这是冰月族的水源,他们吃喝均用这河水。 Eyah, eyah Xiao Bai flies to arrive at the mountain valley the corner, is pointing at the ground. “咿呀,咿呀”小白飞着来到山谷的拐角处,指着地上。 Here does not have the flowers and plants and so on, but Xie Aoyu carefully watches, discovered that the surroundings are the flowers and plants, only here does not have, as if by human desirably eliminated the flowers and plants. 此处并没有花草之类的,可是谢傲宇仔细观看,才发现,周围都是花草,唯独这里没有,似乎是被人刻意的将花草清除了。 Zi Yan has picked a grass from side, the insertion ground. 紫嫣从旁边摘了一根小草,插入地面。 The needless moment, that grass turned into the black. 不消片刻,那小草变成了黑色的。 „The law of good astute Shi Du, unexpectedly toxin under riverside ground, like this not only can dilute attaches the toxin of bone, making the time of its outbreak lengthen, and can not be discovered that so long as the appearance of the water, then poisonously will be involved in the river water slightly greatly, then completed the intoxication goal.” The Zi Yan surface sinks the water. “好精明的施毒之法啊,竟然将毒下在河边的地面,这样既可以稀释附骨之毒,令其发作的时间延长,又可以不被人发现,只要水势稍微大一点,便会将毒卷入河水中,进而完成下毒目的。”紫嫣面沉似水。 The Xie Aoyu both arms hold the chest, looks at Xiao Bai, others toxin under underground, how do you discover?” 谢傲宇双臂抱胸,看着小白,“人家把毒下在地下,你怎么发现的?” Xiao Bai is pointing at own nose. 小白指着自己的鼻子。 Smell that you smell?” Zi Yan was startled, this attaches the toxin of bone indeed to have the unusual smell, but is not very obvious, particularly places here, after the dilution, the wind blows, should very ill-smelling.” “你嗅到的气味?”紫嫣吃了一惊,“这附骨之毒的确有异味,但是很不明显,尤其是放在这里,经过稀释,还有风吹,应该很难闻到了。” Xiao Bai complacent is rocking the forehead, eyah eyah eyah 小白得意洋洋的晃动着头部,“咿呀咿呀咿呀” Xie Aoyu many can understand its meaning, said with a smile: It said that was nose keenest spirit nose dog Wang Jian it must call the master worker.” 谢傲宇多少能够读懂它的一点意思,笑道:“它说就是鼻子最灵敏的灵鼻犬王见了它也要叫师父。”
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