BE :: Volume #2

#166: Little Bai sense of smell 【One】

Until eats meal at noon, Xie Aoyu discovered that the Zi Yan condensability the forehead has not loosened, then inquired: elder sister, has anything to trouble, told me.” 直到中午吃饭的时候,谢傲宇发现紫嫣凝缩的眉宇尚未松开,便询问道:“姐姐,有什么麻烦,跟我说说。” Zi Yan swung under one gently, winked the eye. 紫嫣轻轻摇了一下头,又眨了一下眼。 Um? 嗯? Xie Aoyu immediately understanding say (way): Ok, my this ability, but also insufficiently fills the gap between teeth to the human, has the trouble, I could not solve, so as to avoid the person increased the worry.” 谢傲宇立时会意的道:“算了,我这点能力,还不够给人塞牙缝的,有麻烦,我也解决不了,免得徒增烦恼。” You.” Zi Yan put out a hand to select his forehead. “你呀。”紫嫣伸手点了一下他的额头。 They smile. 两人相视一笑。 Along with even if starts to eat with single-hearted devotion. 随即便开始专心用饭。 After the food, Zi Yan then walks toward the Winter Clan sacred place winter spring with Xie Aoyu, she wants to moisten Xie Aoyu within the body Tricolor God Core above Amethyst Spirit Water with the aid of the winter water seepage, then inspires Amethyst Spirit Water, cures the Xie Aoyu injury. 饭后,紫嫣便与谢傲宇冰月族圣地冰月泉走去,她正是想要借助冰月泉水来滋润谢傲宇体内三色神丹上面的紫晶灵水,进而引动紫晶灵水,治好谢傲宇的伤势。 When Amethyst Spirit Water is Xie Aoyu is Little Devil Qin Yueyi captures, an embryonic form of Tricolor God Core absorption. 紫晶灵水谢傲宇小恶魔秦月依夺取时,三色神丹吸收的一点雏形。 Amethyst Spirit Water of embryonic form, although is also the different water, the function is not big, at least Xie Aoyu temporarily is unable to control it, the winter water seepage to its has the effectiveness of moistening actually. 只是雏形的紫晶灵水,虽也是异水,作用却不大,至少谢傲宇暂时无法控制它,倒是冰月泉水对其有滋润的效用。 Walks, the Winter Clan person noticed that Zi Yan greeted. 一路行走,冰月族人看到紫嫣都纷纷打招呼。 They had arrived at southwest the mountain valley direction, here has a hill, sansibai meters in height, reaches as high as in front in surroundings these several kilometers mountain, appears very tiny, is similar to small mound of earth. 他们一直到达了山谷西南方向,这里有一座小山,高不过三四百米,在周围那些高达数千米的大山面前,显得很渺小,就如同一个小土丘。 Winter spring here. 冰月泉就在这里。 At the foot of the hill has Winter Clan to guard with large army, mountainside some characters of elder level are also responsible for saying the examination every time, it may be said that has tight security, to enter this place, the storm is extremely difficult. 山脚下有冰月族重兵把守,山腰也有长老级的人物负责每曰查看,可谓是防守严密,要想进入此地,强攻是极难的。 Arrives at the summit, the Winter Clan elder who two are responsible for this place thing then after Zi Yan salutes, left, the entire summit is quiet, only then crash-bang the water seepage flowing sound, in addition some adorable Demon Beast low whining noises, are very lonesome and quiet. 来到山巅,两名负责此地事物的冰月族长老便向紫嫣行礼之后,离开了,整个山巅静悄悄的,只有“哗啦啦”的泉水流动声,加之一些可爱魔兽的低鸣声,很是幽静。 In the summit central location, there is a small lake. 在山巅中央位置,有一个小湖泊。 The lake water surface is similar to a mirror, all around is sending out the delicate fragrance flowers and plants, several adorable Demon Beast not shy people, sway back and forth to play there. 湖水表面如同一个镜子,四周是散发着清香的花花草草,几只可爱的魔兽也不怕生人,就在那里打滚玩耍。 Was too beautiful.” Say (Way) that Xie Aoyu muttered. “太美了。”谢傲宇喃喃自语的道。 Zi Yan said with a smile: This is I have seen one of the three big beautiful scenes, compared with the goddess lake of day Yanjing, there too many copper stinks.” 紫嫣笑道:“这可是我见过的三大美景之一呢,比天罗燕京的神女湖强多了,那里太多的铜臭味了。” Yes, if can play with water with the Zi Yan elder sister affectionate couple here is more wonderful.” Xie Aoyu teased. “是啊,要是能和紫嫣姐姐在这里鸳鸯戏水就更妙了。”谢傲宇调侃道。 I thought that you want to play with water with the You Lan Ruo affectionate couple here.” The Zi Yan laughter said that she holds Xiao Bai on Xie Aoyu shoulder, making it go to and these adorable Demon Beast plays. “我看你想和幽兰若在这里鸳鸯戏水吧。”紫嫣嬉笑道,她将谢傲宇肩上的小白抱下来,让它去和那些可爱魔兽玩耍去。 Xie Aoyu faint smile looks at adorable Xiao Bai. 谢傲宇则似笑非笑的看着可爱的小白 Since You Lan Ruo runs away, Xie Aoyu then to a Xiao Bai always such strange expression, let alone the Xiao Bai looked whole body hair sets upright, is Zi Yan is also one wonders. 自从幽兰若逃走,谢傲宇便对小白总是这么一副奇怪的表情,别说小白被看的浑身毛发都竖起来,就是紫嫣也是一阵纳闷。 Eyah!” Xiao Bai, sneaks in thick patch of grass, did not have the trace. “咿呀!”小白哧溜一下,钻进草丛,没了踪影。 Xie Aoyu mumbled: This ability, even if were wind bolide Seven Color Butterfly could not certainly find.” 谢傲宇嘟囔道:“这能力,就算是风火流星七彩蝶也一定找不到。” What did you say?” Zi Yan has not listened clearly. “你说什么?”紫嫣没听清楚。 „, Nothing.” Xie Aoyu sits before the lake, the both legs plate gets up, picks slightly to crisscross on the Zi Yan black hair, elder sister, is Winter Clan long what's the matter?” “哦,没什么。”谢傲宇坐在湖泊前,双腿盘起,摘朵小花插在紫嫣的黑发上,“姐姐,冰月族长怎么回事?” Mentioned this, Zi Yan sighs, said: Was poisoned, moreover is the broken bone is cold.” She sits by Xie Aoyu, said in a soft voice, „the toxin of symptom and cold bone that the broken bone cold poisonous person semblance has displayed is extremely similar, the average person is very difficult to discover that therefore the Winter Clan big elder in the way disintoxicating of toxin of with remove cold bone, actually did not see the effect, but this broken bone cold poisonous mainland only then a person will compound, is evil Master Batu Lu Ye is not necessarily able to compound, this personal name calls Yin Feng, is a Black Lotus Holy Church elder.” 提及这个,紫嫣叹口气,道:“中毒了,而且是碎骨寒毒。”她挨着谢傲宇坐下来,轻声说道,“中了碎骨寒毒的人外表表现出来的症状与寒骨之毒极其相似,一般人是很难发现,所以冰月族的大长老一直都在以解除寒骨之毒的方式解毒,却是不见效果,而这碎骨寒毒全大陆只有一个人会配制,就是邪师巴图鲁也未必会配制,此人名唤阴风,是黑莲圣教的一名长老。” Black Lotus Holy Church? 黑莲圣教 The Xie Aoyu spirit shakes, he has not thought but actually unexpectedly involved Black Lotus Holy Church, moreover listened to the Zi Yan words the meaning, the broken bone cold toxin only then Black Lotus Holy Church that anything Yin Feng elder assembly compounded, was difficult to be inadequate Black Lotus Holy Church the foot to extend to here comes. 谢傲宇精神为之一震,他倒没想到居然牵扯到了黑莲圣教,而且听紫嫣话中含义,碎骨寒毒只有黑莲圣教那个什么阴风长老会配制,难不成黑莲圣教的脚丫子都伸到这里来了。 Just now I did not tell you, was worried walls have ears.” Zi Yan delicate eyebrows slightly pressed, I have studied Black Lotus Holy Church some procedures, if has not grasped, they will not begin to Winter Clan and Fire Cloud Clan such force race, definitely was prepared.” She also said with a smile immediately, broken bone was cold, I could develop the antidote, perhaps but the time will delay, had you, therefore I decided that was two clan remove this troubles.” “方才我不告诉你,就是担心隔墙有耳。”紫嫣秀眉微蹙,“我研究过黑莲圣教的一些做法,要是没有把握,他们是不会向冰月族火云族这样的强力种族动手的,肯定是已经有准备的。”她随即又笑道,“碎骨寒毒,我或许能够研制出解药,只是时间恐怕会耽搁,有你在,所以我决定为两族解除这个麻烦。” Xie Aoyu stands up, salutes saying: All obey the madame to direct.” 谢傲宇站起身,行礼道:“一切听从夫人指挥。” Loquacious!” “贫嘴!” Zi Yan draws him to sit, is Xie Aoyu takes off the boots personally, is similar to a virtuous wife takes care the husband to be ordinary, puts in his both feet that lake water. 紫嫣拉着他坐下来,亲自为谢傲宇脱去靴子,如同一个贤惠的妻子服侍丈夫一般,将他的双脚放入那湖水中。 The foot touches the water, extraordinarily cold. 脚触水,奇寒。 Xie Aoyu almost screamed, actually by Zi Yan holding down, was only the moment time, he then adapted to that extraordinarily cold, and faint had a cool feeling to drill into from his sole, the way both legs, arrived at outside Tricolor God Core. 谢傲宇差点叫出声,却被紫嫣给按住了,只是片刻时间,他便适应了那股奇寒,并且隐隐中有一丝凉意从他的脚底钻入,途径双腿,来到三色神丹外。 This is ice Yuehu, the winter spring in the bottommost.” Zi Yan was saying also took off the boots, reveals the polished toe, puts in the winter spring. “这是冰月湖,冰月泉就在最下面。”紫嫣说着也把靴子脱了,露出珠圆玉润的脚趾,也放入冰月泉内。 They are laughing and playing playing with water. 两人嬉笑着戏水。 Xie Aoyu has discovered that this Winter Clan seemed like with the Zi Yan family is the ally, the regulations were equal to branch strength of Zi Yan family, Zi Yan here, as if there is very big authority. 谢傲宇算是发现了,这个冰月族看似和紫嫣的家族是盟友,实则相当于紫嫣家族的一个分支力量似的,紫嫣在这里,似乎有着很大的权力。 Kidding around a while, Xie Aoyu fully adapted to the coldness of winter spring. 嬉闹一会儿,谢傲宇就完全适应了冰月泉的寒冷。 The cool feeling of that faint trace arrives at chest position, surrounds green in that symbolizes the wood is being the Tricolor God Core place of surname, but Amethyst Spirit Water hides in inside. 那丝丝的凉意到达胸口位置,环绕在那绿色的象征着木属姓的三色神丹处,而紫晶灵水正是隐藏在里面。 As the cool feeling air current increases, the wood is the Tricolor God Core part of surname, appearance gradually wipes the visual purple, is only very weak, Xie Aoyu is also the great happiness, he said to Zi Yan: elder sister, do I get down?” 随着凉意气流增多,木属姓的三色神丹部分,渐渐的出现一抹紫光,只是很微弱,谢傲宇也是大喜,他对紫嫣道:“姐姐,我下去?” Gets down, every time sinks a point, the possible surname that Amethyst Spirit Water was enticed to increase a point.” Zi Yan hesitates saying that „, once Amethyst Spirit Water flows, thinks that this winter water seepage should be able to make it expand.” “下去吧,每下沉一分,紫晶灵水被诱惑出来的可能姓就增大一分。”紫嫣沉吟道,“一旦紫晶灵水流动出来,想必这冰月泉水应该能够让它壮大的。” Xie Aoyu said with a smile: Can take off the clothes?” 谢傲宇笑道:“要不要脱衣服啊?” Gets down quickly, young sexual harasser.” Zi Yan ill-humored gave to push him. “快下去吧,小色狼。”紫嫣没好气的一把将他给推了下去。 Bang!” “嘭!” The lake water scatters, Xie Aoyu falls submarine. 湖水四溅,谢傲宇落入水下。 As soon as he enters the water, immediately felt raids extraordinarily coldly, because of must use the winter water seepage, therefore Xie Aoyu cannot use the Qi resistance, that received the old crime. 他一入水,立刻感到一股奇寒袭来,因要利用冰月泉水,所以谢傲宇不能动用斗气抵抗,那就受老罪了。 The biting cold chill in the air raids, Xie Aoyu hits to tremble. 彻骨的寒意袭来,谢傲宇真打哆嗦。 However his adaptive faculty is also strong, is about several minutes, then did not have that intense chill in the air, this steadily mind, to sinking. 但是他的适应力也是超强,不过几分钟,便没有那么强烈的寒意了,这才稳稳心神,向下沉去。 One meter! 一米! Two meters! 两米! Three meters! 三米! Until the sixth meter, Xie Aoyu was frozen by that biting cold chill in the air somewhat cannot withstand, is good because of him mental hard like the steel and iron, was still enduring that extraordinarily cold ice-cold. 直到第六米,谢傲宇才被那彻骨的寒意冰冻的有些承受不住,好在他心智坚硬如钢铁,仍旧忍受着那种奇寒的冰冷。 The cold air of winter spring enters the body, changes to the innumerable ice cold air currents to flow in the body of Xie Aoyu, entirely gathering his Tricolor God Core place, making that Tricolor God Core green wood be surname part green glow greatly Sheng, immediately his within the body gushes out a heat flow, fast class whole body. 冰月泉的寒气入体,化作无数的冰寒气流在谢傲宇的身体内流动,统统的汇聚到他的三色神丹处,使得那三色神丹的绿色木属姓部分绿芒大盛,随即他的体内涌出一股热流,快速的流遍全身。 Xie Aoyu comfortable groan, sinks once more. 谢傲宇舒服的呻吟一声,再次下沉。 13 meters! 13米! In this position, Xie Aoyu sees under ice Yuehu, no doubt water seepage, although it in ice Yuehu, should not exist, but it is out of the ordinary. 在这个位置,谢傲宇就看到在冰月湖下面,固然有一条泉水,虽然它在冰月湖内,本不应该存在,但它与众不同。 Because it is the winter water seepage, is making great strides forward to the different water. 因为它就是冰月泉水,正在向异水迈进。 The winter water seepage is existence of rill, was only too short, only then trivial three meters length, according to evolution, when it reduced to the occupying land area, only then about half meter, was evolves successfully. 冰月泉水就是一条小溪似的存在,只是太短了,只有区区三米的长度,按照进化来说,当它缩小到占地只有半米左右的时候,也就是进化成功了。 In so the depth, is pitch-dark, the winter water seepage has actually been sending out the light moonlight ray, dimly shines upon here, is very charming. 在如此深度,已经是黑漆漆的了,冰月泉水却散发着淡淡的月色光芒,将这里映照的朦朦胧胧的,很是迷人。 Xie Aoyu lands on side slowly. 谢傲宇缓缓地降落在旁边。 He puts out a hand gently a winter water seepage. 他伸手轻轻一点冰月泉水。 bo!” “啵!” The sound transmits unexpectedly, as if for several thousand years, this winter water seepage is maintaining static state, finally was broken tranquilly. 竟然有一丝响动传来,仿佛数千年来,这冰月泉水就一直保持着静态似的,终于被人打破了宁静。 The winter water seepage then slightly ripples. 冰月泉水便微微荡漾起来。 Xie Aoyu was actually bite back finger, extraordinarily cold incomparable, continue compared with winter lake water ice-cold ten times, Xie Aoyu suspected that the finger must ruin by freezing. 谢傲宇却是急忙收回了手指,奇寒无比啊,要比冰月湖水冰冷十倍不止,谢傲宇都怀疑手指要被冻坏了。 When he touches that winter water seepage, the Amethyst Spirit Water embryonic form in Tricolor God Core also slightly shivered, it at this time already tempted came, but has not left Tricolor God Core. 而在他触及那冰月泉水的时候,三色神丹内的紫晶灵水雏形也微微颤动了起来,它此时已经被引诱的现身了,只是尚未离开三色神丹 It seems like must turn into the ice sculpture.” The Xie Aoyu whisper said. “看来要变成冰雕了。”谢傲宇嘀咕道。 Although this winter water seepage has not formed the different water, but its essence has actually revealed without doubt, absolutely is the super different water that in the middle of the different water can be among the best. 这冰月泉水虽还未形成异水,可其本质却已经显露无疑,绝对是异水当中能够名列前茅的超级异水。 Xie Aoyu deeply inspires, this once more puts the hand. 谢傲宇深吸一口气,这才将手再次放进去。 bo!” “啵!” Points at the cusp to enter in the winter water seepage. 手指尖点入冰月泉水内。 Immediately an indescribable chill in the air raids, from the fingertip fast spread to the palm of Xie Aoyu on, then arrives at the arm, Xie Aoyu lowers the head looked that his palm and arm were frozen, has become the ice sculpture, and that freezes the trace also in the fast promotion, spread his nape of the neck place. 立时一股无法形容的寒意袭来,从手指尖快速的蔓延到谢傲宇的手掌上,进而到达手臂,谢傲宇低头一看,他的手掌和手臂已经被冰冻了,成了冰雕,并且那冰冻痕迹还在快速的提升,蔓延到了他的脖颈处。 Has the neck place again, arrives at the top of the head upwardly, has spread downward the both feet, finally only then the chest position had not been frozen, his whole person is an ice sculpture. 再有脖子处,向上到头顶,向下一直蔓延到双脚,最后只有胸口位置没有被冰冻,他整个人就是一个冰雕。 That chill in the air is obviously extraordinary. 那寒意可见非凡。 So freezes, also gave to guide the essence of winter water seepage finally, entered the Tricolor God Core position, immediately Amethyst Spirit Water attracting. 如此冰冻,也终于将冰月泉水的一丝精华也给导引了出来,进入三色神丹的位置,立刻就将紫晶灵水给吸引了出来。 Amethyst Spirit Water probably is Demon Beast of childhood, its, so long as grown can become Emperor level Demon Beast, the running amuck world, is the present is too small and weak, but the essence of winter water seepage similarly can make the goods of cub fast growth, therefore Amethyst Spirit Water, once were felt the winter water seepage, immediately on rapid circulation. 紫晶灵水就好像是幼年的魔兽,其只要成年便可成为天王魔兽,横行天下,可是现在还太弱小,而冰月泉水的精华则类似能够令幼兽快速成长的物品,所以紫晶灵水一经感受到冰月泉水,立刻就飞速的流转出来。 Brushing Xie Aoyu freezing also starts the fast ablation. 谢傲宇身上的冰冻也开始快速的消融。 An essence of winter water seepage continuously was absorbed by Amethyst Spirit Water, but it also started to expand, Xie Aoyu seized the chance to control it. 一缕缕的冰月泉水的精华被紫晶灵水吸收,而它也开始壮大了起来,谢傲宇则趁机对其进行控制。 Although now Amethyst Spirit Water is too weak, does not have any striking power, but the water is surname very close wood is the surname, regarding therapy, two electing, through the strong stance, Amethyst Spirit Water was not controlled absolutely. 虽说现在紫晶灵水太弱,没什么攻击力,但是水属姓很接近木属姓,对于疗伤来说,绝对是不二之选,通过强硬的姿态,紫晶灵水便被掌控。 Immediately Xie Aoyu simply threw in Amethyst Spirit Water the winter water seepage. 随即谢傲宇就将紫晶灵水干脆抛进了冰月泉水内。 Xie Aoyu has braved from ice Yuehu, Zi Yan stands in the cliff place, is looking at the Winter Clan station, a ponder of face, his eyes saw Xiao Bai. 谢傲宇则从冰月湖内冒了出来,紫嫣则站在山崖处,望着冰月族驻地,一脸的沉思,他则一眼瞅见了小白 At this time the little thing in the discounting yawn, the sleepy eyes dim appearance, is the eye tail is not taking a look to other adorable Demon Beast, but it is the most preliminary lark beast, other Demon Beast ranks compare it to be high, actually makes so the gesture, when makes Xie Aoyu is funny, to Xiao Bai were many several points of question. 此时小东西正在打折哈欠,睡眼朦胧的样子,对其它可爱魔兽是眼尾都不瞅一下,而它本身就是一个最低级的白灵兽,其它的魔兽等级都比它要高,却做出这般姿态,令谢傲宇好笑之余,也对小白多了几分疑问。 Xiao Bai, comes.” Xie Aoyu beckons, we should also chat.” 小白,过来。”谢傲宇招招手,“咱们也该聊聊了。”
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