BE :: Volume #2

#165: Unsurpassed Son of Heaven blade 【Three】

Xie Aoyu smiled. 谢傲宇笑了。 In the past Gu Family three great treasures: Evil intent demon word technique, In­stant Fang Mag­nif­i­cent and star moon/month Flying Knife, had gotten so far as two by him unexpectedly, but also is really the fate. 当年顾家三大宝:邪意魔言术、刹那芳华、星月飞刀,居然被他弄到了两个,还真是缘分啊。 You have a look at this are anything.” Xie Aoyu took seven Flying Knife. “你看看这是什么。”谢傲宇将七把飞刀拿了出来。 Zi Yan said in consternation: Star moon/month Flying Knife? Did this you also obtain? Heaven Luo Imperial Family also is really generous, unexpectedly gives you this different thing.” 紫嫣愕然道:“星月飞刀?这你也得到了?天罗皇室还真是慷慨啊,居然把这两样东西给你。” Smiled bitterly, Xie Aoyu said: Where has that cheap matter, In­stant Fang Mag­nif­i­cent should be actually obtains free of charge, but star moon/month Flying Knife, including Bing Wu Moon Spirit Saint Blade, the Lin Dongyun tour dragon bottle gourd and Lang Zhantian affectionate couple sword, can only say that is sells into servitude to obtain.” 苦笑了一下,谢傲宇道:“哪有那么便宜的事情,刹那芳华倒是应该算是无偿得到的吧,但是星月飞刀,包括冰舞月灵圣刀,林动云的游龙葫芦和浪战天的鸳鸯剑,只能说是卖身得到的。” Sells into servitude?” The ice that one that the elegant face of Zi Yan brushes changes is cold, younger brother, you will not be will say must following Chengtian Luo Wang title?” “卖身?”紫嫣的俏脸刷的一下变的冰寒无比,“弟弟,你不会是说要继承天罗王爵位的吧?” Xie Aoyu nodded. 谢傲宇点了点头。 Bang!” “嘭!” Nearby megalith was patted broken by a Zi Yan palm of the hand, she kills the say (way) that intent surges: Day Emperor Luo said that un- day this is courts death, he wants to extinguish the country, I help him!” 旁边的巨石被紫嫣一巴掌拍碎,她杀意涌动的道:“天罗皇帝云未天这是找死,他想要灭国,我成全他!” elder sister should not be angry, when the time comes, I enroll am, at the worst leaves.” Xie Aoyu has not cared actually, is only very affected Zi Yan to own manner, gently is supporting her fragrant shoulder, that cloud un- day is an old fox, clearly regards as important me and elder sister relations, I will not be swindled, um, relatively any day of Luo Wang, what I care, when elder sister falls in love my.” 姐姐别生气,到时候,我就挂个名就是,大不了走人。”谢傲宇倒是没在意,只是很感动紫嫣对自己的态度,轻轻的拥着她的香肩,“那个云未天就是个老狐狸,分明是看重我和姐姐的关系,我才不会上当,嗯,相对什么天罗王,我更关心的是,姐姐到底是什么时候爱上我的啊。” Is you must break that moment of arm probably.” Zi Yan say (way) gently. “大概是你要断臂的那一刻吧。”紫嫣轻轻的道。 Xie Aoyu recalls, but also really blushes with shame, at that time Zi Yan had the obvious change, prolongs the life pill to her, actually kissed itself to give half, the words that moved, how possibly delivered with the lip, must know that was her initially kisses, was really stupid. 谢傲宇回想起来,还真是汗颜啊,当时紫嫣就是有明显的变化,给她延年益寿丹,却亲吻自己送给了半枚,要不是动心的话,怎么可能用唇来送,要知道,那可是她的初吻啊,真笨啊。 Listens to the Zi Yan spooky say (way): An­tiq­uity family seems like the scenery, is actually very tired, the family was too big, several hundred thousand people, will form characteristics, the family only then the adult male can be surnamed the surname of family, the girl can only own surname surnamed Mu, moreover does not repel beyond the female surname to marry, even if such as this person continually is increasing, the human are more, will have the struggle, this is unavoidable, let alone becomes the head of the clan of family, that was almost equal to that overlord same existence of mainland, yeah, is very abominable, why this is also I rather treats such a long time reason in Lang Ya City, in the family too cold blood, only has your father, Once had the graciousness of life-saving to me, I must repay a debt of gratitude, because is she makes me know that in society had the true feelings.” 就听紫嫣幽幽的道:“上古家族看似风光,其实很累的,家族太大了,有几十万人,以至于会形成一个特色,家族只有男丁才能姓家族的姓,女孩只能姓母亲的姓,而且不排斥女姓外嫁,即便如此人还是在不断地增多,人越多,就会有斗争,这是难免的,何况成为家族的族长,那几乎就等于大陆上的太上皇一样的存在,哎,很令人心烦,这也是我为什么宁可在琅琊城待那么长时间的原因,在家族太冷血,唯有你父亲,曾经对我有救命之恩,我必须报恩,因为是她让我知道世间还是有真情的。” I can love elder sister of entire life.” Xie Aoyu makes an effort supports this is seeming the scenery is infinite, is actually very lonely the pretty woman who paces back and forth very much, I certainly will become fable Battle Emperor, will not make elder sister receive any grievance again!” “我会一生一世的疼爱姐姐。”谢傲宇用力的拥着这个看上去风光无限,其实很孤独很彷徨的漂亮女人,“我一定会成为传说战皇的,绝不会让姐姐再受任何委屈!” Um!” “嗯!” Zi Yan lies in his bosom. 紫嫣趴在他的怀中。 After they cherish one's relatives my me, Xie Aoyu looks moon/month to fall the Emperor blade and star moon/month Flying Knife, that called an excitement, this was two secret trump cards. 两人亲亲我我之后,谢傲宇看着月陨天王刀和星月飞刀,那叫一个兴奋,这就是两张秘密王牌啊。 The moon/month falls Emperor blade in addition to hold a Fights Technique time of might, may be the ultimate trump card. 月陨天王刀加持斗技一倍的威力,可作为终极王牌。 star moon/month Flying Knife chooses in imperial palace armory, the bystander does not know, after all before him, has Lightning Spirit Saint Blade and Overlord Gloves, in bystander opinion, is he cannot have a liking for other weapons, therefore knows he has star moon/month Flying Knife perhaps was also responsible for guarding the person in armory, but in these person of ordinary circumstances cannot enter two, therefore star moon/month Flying Knife was also a secret, in addition Infinite Spinning Sword of Fights Technique farfight, was the trump card must kill the technique. 星月飞刀是在皇宫兵器库挑选出来的,外人也不知道,毕竟他之前就有雷灵圣刀霸王拳套,在外人看来,是他看不上其他的兵器,故而知道他有星月飞刀的恐怕也就是负责看守兵器库的人了,但是那些人一般情况下是不能进入二层的,故而星月飞刀也是一个秘密,加之远战之无定飞旋刀斗技,也算是王牌必杀技。 Had these, I can Yang-yang on Continental Youth Competition be imposing absolutely.” In the Xie Aoyu heart quite surges, since continuously , he although the lock-on target Continental Youth Competition champion, but he also understands, even if he has Tricolor God Core, may practice the time too to be after all short, Fights Technique that let alone grasps are not many, these respected families are only assorted grotesque and gaudy secret enough he drink a pot. “有了这些,我绝对可以在大陆青年大赛上扬扬威风了。”谢傲宇心中颇为激荡,一直以来,他虽是将目标锁定大陆青年大赛的冠军,可他也明白,即便他有三色神丹,可修炼时间毕竟太短,何况掌握的斗技也不多,那些大家族光是各色光怪陆离的秘技都足够他喝一壶的了。 This time he was sporty. 这时候的他才是底气十足。 Zi Yan shows a faint smile, general moon/month Flying Knife takes, puts in Xie Aoyu Space Ring personally, then presses that crescent moon design with the hand, Qi of faint trace emerges from the thumb, saw that moon/month falls the Emperor blade violent to lighten wipes radiant brilliance, immediately changes to a crescent moon to hang to fall. 紫嫣微微一笑,将星月飞刀拿起来,亲自放入谢傲宇空间戒指内,然后用手一按那个月牙图案,一丝丝的斗气从拇指上涌入进去,就看到月陨天王刀暴闪出一抹璀璨的光华,随即化作一个月牙吊坠。 Two circles that Xie Aoyu looks at open the eyes. 谢傲宇看的两眼圆睁。 This is the spell that Master Ge Telixie supposes.” Zi Yan said that control point is this month tooth, after inputting Qi, changes voluntarily.” “这是哥特里谢大师设下的魔咒。”紫嫣说道,“控制点就是这个月牙,输入斗气之后自行变化。” Takes the crescent moon to hang to fall, Xie Aoyu suddenly, somewhat was startled. 拿着月牙吊坠,谢傲宇一时间,有些怔了。 This is the wrapped in a shroud of obscurity spell. 这就是神秘莫测的魔咒啊。 In the Xie Aoyu heart sighed that once spell running amuck time, can be any appearance, Master Ge Telixie also has this ability.” 谢傲宇心中不禁感叹,曾经的魔咒横行时代,会是什么样子呢,“哥特里谢大师还有这能力啊。” Far more, I suspected that my father that respects to him, he possibly is the genuine enchanter.” Zi Yan said. “何止,我都怀疑我父亲对他那么尊重,他可能是真正的咒师。”紫嫣道。 Has the possibility.” Xie Aoyu said with a smile, his hand pressed the crescent moon to hang to fall. “有可能啊。”谢傲宇笑道,他手一按月牙吊坠。 Wisp of Qi emerges. 一缕斗气涌入。 The crescent moon hangs to fall is sending out hazy luminous immediately, wipes pale golden flashing through suddenly, transforms the next month to fall the Emperor blade, Xie Aoyu is pressing the crescent moon design once more, restores the crescent moon to hang the falling appearance. 月牙吊坠立刻散发着迷蒙的光亮,一抹淡金色的骤然闪过,幻化出月陨天王刀,谢傲宇再次按着月牙图案,又恢复月牙吊坠模样儿。 Expressed admiration, hung to fall to hang the crescent moon on the neck. 啧啧称奇中,将月牙吊坠挂在脖子上。 Who can think that this looks like the thing of accessory is moon/month falls unexpectedly the Emperor blade. 谁能想到,这看上去好像饰品的东西居然是月陨天王刀呢。 Xie Aoyu was feeling that crescent moon hangs the light cool feeling that falls to transmit, has the wonderful feeling of not being able saying that the whole person seemed relaxed. 谢傲宇感觉着那月牙吊坠传来的淡淡的凉意,有着说不出的美妙感觉,整个人都仿佛轻松了许多。 Younger brother, your wound, in my hand does not have any immediately effective miracle cure, not, if we go to Winter Clan, they have the winter water seepage, is forming in the middle of the different water, will have the advantage to your Amethyst Spirit Water, then made you rapidly restore.” Zi Yan proposed said. “弟弟,你的伤,我手中也没什么立马见效的灵丹,不若我们去冰月族吧,他们有冰月泉水,正在形成异水当中,对你的紫晶灵水会有好处,进而令你快速恢复的。”紫嫣提议说道。 Winter Clan, a very formidable race, the entire clan is the ice is the surname, once created the infinite scenery the thousand years ago, is only nearly several hundred years, seems goes into hiding general, actually does not want to live in seclusion unexpectedly here. 冰月族,一个非常强大的种族,全族都是冰属姓的,曾在千年前创出过无限风光,只是近几百年,好似销声匿迹一般,却不想居然在这里隐居。 The race of mainland is not many, actually also some, even several race history may place on a par with some An­tiq­uity family, is very formidable existence. 奇奥大陆的种族并不是很多,却也有一些,甚至有几个种族历史可与一些上古家族相提并论,也是非常强大的存在。 „Does elder sister look at each other with them?” Xie Aoyu said with a smile. 姐姐与他们相视?”谢傲宇笑道。 A little relations.” Zi Yan is walking arm in arm with him, stand forth, the timid young girl or child who inspires tenderness, head of the clan Winter Clan mother of passing away, with my paternal grandmother was a family, moreover Winter Clan had encountered several problems, was our family helps their remove, therefore we were the allies.” “有点关系。”紫嫣与他相依偎着,向前走去,小鸟依人般,“冰月族族长的过世的母亲,与我奶奶是一个家族的,而且冰月族曾经遇到过几次麻烦,也是我们家族帮他们解除的,所以我们算是盟友吧。” Xie Aoyu, the things of these levels, had not been in the situation that he can contact, he resounds beyond that strange day suddenly the meteorite, then has put out one, elder sister has a look at this is anything.” 谢傲宇哦了一声,这些层面的东西,远还没到他能接触的地步,他陡然响起那奇异的天外陨石,便拿出了一块,“姐姐看看这是什么。” Received beyond the day the meteorite, Zi Yan whispers: Quite heavy.” She then read, the delicate eyebrows has selected immediately then, held the arm of Xie Aoyu, where did this is do?” 接过天外陨石,紫嫣嘀咕道:“好重啊。”她便翻看了一下,秀眉登时便挑了起来,一把抓住谢傲宇的胳膊,“这是从哪里搞来的?” elder sister knows that is what?” Xie Aoyu said with a smile. 姐姐知道是什么?”谢傲宇笑道。 Naturally knows that this is the visual purple meteorite, the hard degree and stars iron is equally matched.” Zi Yan replied, I look at the visual purple meteorite, probably had been cut by the blade, you definitely also had.” “当然知道,这是紫光陨石啊,坚硬程度与星辰铁不相上下。”紫嫣回答道,“我看着紫光陨石,好像是被刀切过的,你肯定还有。” Xie Aoyu smiled, I have probably such big several hundred.” 谢傲宇笑了笑,“我还有大概这样大的几百块吧。” Zi Yan said in consternation: „Haven't you cracked a joke?” 紫嫣愕然道:“你没开玩笑吧?” Gave all visual purple meteorites along with it Xie Aoyu with, I obtained from the cave accidentally.” He related the process. 随之谢傲宇就将所有的紫光陨石都给拿了出来,“我是从山洞内无意中得到的。”他就将过程诉说了一遍。 After listening, Zi Yan also with a smile shook the head, the secret passage luck is good, but the good luck as if always to be accompanying the bad luck, immediately has bumped into You Lan Ruo. 听完之后,紫嫣也笑着摇了摇头,暗道运气不错,只是好运气似乎总是伴着坏运气,马上碰到了幽兰若 Visual purple meteorite builds the best raw material of ultra Saint, ha-ha, so much visual purple meteorites, it seems like have other necessity pick-up point materials, built ultra Saint.” Zi Yan said with a smile. “紫光陨石可是打造超圣器的最佳原材料,呵呵,如此多的紫光陨石,看来有必要收集点其他的材料,打造超圣器了。”紫嫣笑道。 Xie Aoyu said: That has elder sister to take.” 谢傲宇道:“那就有姐姐拿着吧。” Zi Yan is impolite, their relations pierced that matter window paper, shares everything, then receives all visual purple meteorites, the beautiful pupil pan- wipes the none remaining, as if in wants to use these visual purple meteorites to build any ultra Saint. 紫嫣也不客气,两人的关系已经捅破那层窗户纸,不分彼此,便将所有的紫光陨石收起来,美眸泛起一抹精光,似乎在想利用这些紫光陨石要打造什么超圣器吧。 They talked, left this Pian Shan area. 他们交谈中,离开了这片山区。 Zi Yan does not use the flying technique, walks side-by-side with Xie Aoyu. 紫嫣也不用飞行术,就与谢傲宇并肩而行。 Their your my my, pours also rambles. 两人你你我我的,倒也逍遥。 Probably after one hour, they arrive at summit of the mountain, gets down to the southern bird's eye view, impressively is a scenery beautiful mountain valley, has the houses pavilion everywhere. 大概一个小时之后,他们来到一座高山之巅,向南方俯瞰下去,赫然是一处风光秀丽的山谷,到处都有房舍楼阁。 The mountain valley is enormous, may be equal to half Lang Ya City size fully, was a small town. 山谷极大,足可相当于半个琅琊城大小,算是个小城了。 This is the Winter Clan station.” Zi Yan said with a smile. “这就是冰月族的驻地。”紫嫣笑道。 Their group arrives at the mountain mouth. 他们一行来到山谷口。 Here has the Winter Clan master to guard, sees Zi Yan, walks from the hidden place, salutes respectfully, obviously Zi Yan has come incessantly one time, the Winter Clan people are very familiar she. 这里有冰月族的高手在镇守,看到紫嫣,都从暗处走出来,恭敬行礼,显然紫嫣不止来过一次,冰月族的人都很熟悉她。 How did you also, Winter Clan meet to trouble?” Zi Yan sees two black big, then realized that had the problem. “怎么你们两个也在,冰月族是不是遇到麻烦了?”紫嫣看到两个黑大个,便意识到出现了问题。 And black big replied: Miss Zi Yan, we and Fire Cloud Clan made war.” 其中一个黑大个回答道:“紫嫣小姐,我们和火云族开战了。” The Zi Yan complexion changes, shouts to clear the way: What's the matter?!” 紫嫣脸色微变,喝道:“怎么回事?!” Head of the clan and Fire Cloud Clan long Sun Ming contains the competition, who knows Sun Ming to contain wipes the toxin on the sword unexpectedly, the head of the clan is also ill abed now, the big elder wants completely the means that also cannot detoxify.” Black big said. “族长和火云族孙明涵比试,谁知孙明涵竟然在剑上抹毒,族长现在还卧床不起,大长老想尽了办法,也没能解毒。”黑大个说道。 Sun Ming contains is not a villain.” The say (way) that Zi Yan thought aloud, led me to go.” 孙明涵可不是个小人。”紫嫣自言自语的道,“带我进去。” This black big then guides before. 这个黑大个便在前带路。 Zi Yan saw head of the clan Winter Clan directly Bing Ye Xuan, Xie Aoyu was arranged in refined two Little Lou, it is said Zi Yan came each time, will live in this Little Lou. 紫嫣直接去见冰月族族长冰夜轩了,谢傲宇则被安排在一个雅致的二层小楼,据说紫嫣每次前来,都会住在这栋小楼。 In Little Lou, Xie Aoyu stands in the parapet place, is looking at the scenery in this mountain valley, just likes places oneself the fairyland. 小楼内,谢傲宇站在栏杆处,望着这山谷内的风景,恍若置身仙境。 Breathes the specially fresh air, Xie Aoyu was suspecting really that here lives, at least can live for ten years, the environment was good, stands aloof from the world. 呼吸着特别清新的空气,谢傲宇真怀疑,在这里生活,至少能多活十年,环境太好了,与世无争。 Xie Aoyu has stood for several minutes, then returns to the room to start to practice. 谢傲宇站了几分钟,便返回房间开始修炼。 His injury obtains containment of enough panacea, actually not complete, Xie Aoyu then in advance transfers Qi, carries on the self- training. 他的伤势得到足够的灵丹妙药的遏制,却没有完好,谢傲宇便先行调动斗气,进行自我修养。 Qi also restores was similar. 斗气也恢复的差不多了。 Within a half hour, in arriving room that the Zi Yan delicate eyebrows reduce, did not speak, sat in two building balcony parapet places, was pondering any issue. 半个小时之后,紫嫣秀眉紧缩的来到房间内,也不说话,就坐在二楼阳台栏杆处,沉思着什么问题。 Xie Aoyu sees that then has not disturbed, wholly-absorbed practice. 谢傲宇见状,便不去打扰了,专心修炼。
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