BE :: Volume #2

#164: Unsurpassed Son of Heaven blade 【Two】

Really has the mystery happily, the Xie Aoyu heart one. 果然有奥妙,谢傲宇心头一喜。 If the Emperor level weapon has the mystery, how could it not be then Ge Telixie being known as the first unsurpassed Emperor blade also has for of own casting. 如果天王级兵器有奥妙,那么哥特里谢为自己铸造的那把号称第一的无上天王刀岂非也有。 Is any mystery.” The Xie Aoyu great happiness said. “是什么奥妙。”谢傲宇大喜道。 Zi Yan eats smiles, wants to know that cry good elder sister to listen.” 紫嫣吃吃一笑,“想知道啊,叫声好姐姐来听。” Lies near the ear of Zi Yan, Xie Aoyu whispered low voice a anything, finally the Zi Yan beautiful appearance was covered by red immediately, the milk-white bosom is fluctuating fast. 趴在紫嫣的耳边,谢傲宇小声的嘀咕了一句什么,结果紫嫣的玉颜顿时被一层红色所笼罩,酥胸更是快速的起伏着。 Hey “嘿嘿” Xie Aoyu is a thief smiles. 谢傲宇则是一阵贼笑。 Put out a hand to pinch Xie Aoyu, Zi Yan say (way) bitterly: elder sister this whole life had been finished, was bullied by your this young sexual harasser, really did not have the natural justice.” 伸手掐了一把谢傲宇,紫嫣恨恨的道:“姐姐这辈子算是完蛋了,被你这个小色狼欺负,真是没天理。” How that is bullies, should be enjoys.” Xie Aoyu said with a smile. “那怎么是欺负呢,应该是享受吧。”谢傲宇笑道。 Zi Yan charming white his eyes, electricity Xie Aoyu has almost been frightened out of one's wits, that charming moving character and style, thorough command Xie Aoyu was elated. 紫嫣娇媚的白了他一眼,电的谢傲宇差点魂飞魄散,那妩媚动人的风情,彻底的令谢傲宇心醉了。 She rumble the uncombed hair, the gentle voice said: „The elder sister status is not ordinary, Younger brother, after you have the strength, elder sister leads you to go to the elder sister family, obtains the approval of father, you want to do, elder sister depends on you?” 她隆隆乱发,柔声说道:“姐姐身份不一般,弟弟,等你有实力之后,姐姐带你去姐姐的家族,得到父亲的认可,你想干什么,姐姐都依你,好吗?” Good.” The Xie Aoyu palm searches the front piece place, that I want to extend, always.” “好。”谢傲宇手掌探到衣襟处,“那我想伸进去,总可以吧。” Reaches out for a yard after taking an inch.” Zi Yan grabs his hand, places on the leg, elder sister told you mystery of Emperor weapon, this was few people knows that after all the Emperor weapon was extremely scarce, I at present know am about 56, in addition possible unknown, should sufficiently collect ten reluctantly, reluctantly sufficiently collected, because the mystery of Emperor weapon was extremely attractive, is unable to untie on ten big pro­found soldier the seal in spell situation, I think that all people will choose the Emperor weapon first, because did not untie the spell, the Emperor weapon be stronger than ten big pro­found soldier, nature elder sister Phoenix Dance Roaring Moon Spear belonged to the exception.” “得寸进尺。”紫嫣抓住他的手,放在腿上,“姐姐告诉你天王兵器的奥妙吧,这可是很少有人知道的,毕竟天王兵器太过稀少,就我目前所知也不过56件而已,加上可能未知,应该勉强凑够十件,也只是勉强凑够而已,因为天王兵器的奥妙太过诱人,在无法解开十大玄兵上面封印着的魔咒的情况下,我想所有人都会先选择天王兵器的,因为不解开魔咒,天王兵器就要比十大玄兵强,自然姐姐凤舞啸月枪属于例外。” Such fierce, Xie Aoyu smile joyful. 这么厉害啊,谢傲宇听的欣喜不已。 According to so the view, that is the Emperor weapon really and ten big pro­found soldier keeps pace, but the above spell cannot untie, therefore ten big pro­found soldier instead want inferior Emperor weapon some, only has to untie the spell to be mysterious, can with the Emperor weapon compound. 按照如此说法,那就是天王兵器是真的和十大玄兵并驾齐驱的,只是上面的魔咒未能解开,所以十大玄兵反而要逊色天王兵器一些,唯有解开魔咒奥妙,才能够与天王兵器并列的。 In Emperor weapon also seal what?” Xie Aoyu asked. “难道天王兵器内也封印着什么?”谢傲宇问道。 Zi Yan said with a smile: Wrong.” 紫嫣笑道:“错。” What is that?” Xie Aoyu cannot think, does not have the seal strength, how to contend with pro­found soldier, cannot be the same with ordinary Saint, is only sharp, obviously is impossible. “那又是什么?”谢傲宇想不出来,没有封印力量,如何与玄兵抗衡呢,总不能和普通的圣器一样,只是锋利,显然是不可能的。 Looks at the Xie Aoyu congealing eyebrow thinking appearance, Zi Yan puts out a hand to blow the nose of Xie Aoyu, „the charm of Emperor weapon lies in Fights Technique.” 看着谢傲宇凝眉思索的样子,紫嫣伸手刮了一下谢傲宇的鼻子,“天王兵器的魅力在于斗技。” Xie Aoyu said in consternation: Fights Technique? Fights Technique, Emperor weapon his both eyes suddenly bright, excited -ly said: „, Is in addition holds?” 谢傲宇愕然道:“斗技斗技,天王兵器”他双目猛然一亮,激动地道:“难道,难道是加持?” Cluck-cluck, the elder sister little man is intelligent, right, is in addition holds!” Zi Yan said with a smile, „, moreover in addition of Emperor level weapon held to be possible with once enchanter coverall in addition of enchanter running amuck age to hold to differ from, that in addition held promotes the charm of enchanter short, but in addition of Emperor level weapon held is holds to the Fights Technique in addition, such in addition held is not 30% in addition holds, but was a time of in addition holds, the simple point said that on was an ordinary fire is surname Fights Technique, if used the fire to be the Emperor level weapon of surname displays and uses the ordinary fire to be the surname weapon displays, same Qi quantity, that this ordinary fire. Is surnamed the Fights Technique might because of Emperor level soldier suddenly to increase one time.” “咯咯,姐姐的小男人就是聪明啊,没错,就是加持!”紫嫣笑道,“而且天王级兵器的加持可与曾经咒师横行年代的咒师套装加持有所不同的,那种加持是短暂提升咒师的魔力,而天王级兵器的加持则是对斗技的加持,且,此等加持不是30的加持,而是一倍的加持,简单点说吧,那就是一个普通的火属姓斗技,如果用火属姓的天王级兵器来施展和用普通的火属姓兵器来施展,同样的斗气量,那么这普通的火。属姓斗技威力将因天王级兵暴增一倍。” Modification!” “变态啊!” Xie Aoyu smile of two of brave the none remaining. 谢傲宇听的两眼直冒精光。 A time of might in addition holds, what concept is this? 一倍威力加持啊,这是什么概念? Uses Xie Aoyu as an example, he is the Cloud level lower position, in addition begins the Fights Technique might, can defeat in Cloud level the master, but if equips the Emperor weapon, then same Fights Technique, holds after in addition of Emperor level weapon, he defeats the Cloud level superior masters not to have the suspense, even there are with the ability that the Tuifan level lower position master touches. 谢傲宇为例,他是云级下位,加上手中斗技威力,能够击败云级中位的高手,可若是装备天王兵器的话,那么同样的斗技,经过天王级兵器的加持,他打败云级上位高手都没有悬念,甚至有与蜕凡级下位高手碰一碰的能力。 This is the what kind change. 这是何等变化。 „, Master Ge Telixie for the Emperor blade that you build, since dares saying that is the first Emperor weapon, naturally has some are different.” Zi Yan said with a smile. “不过嘛,哥特里谢大师为你打造的天王刀既然敢说是第一天王兵器,自然有着一些不同了。”紫嫣笑道。 Adds holds to increase?” The Xie Aoyu luckily said. “难道加持增加?”谢傲宇幸喜道。 Zi Yan curls the lip saying: Performs is meddlesome, to be how possible, if such, cannot call the Emperor weapon, but called the Battle Emperor weapon to be right, but that type of weapon did not exist.” 紫嫣撇嘴道:“尽想好事,怎么可能呢,如果是那样的,就不能叫天王兵器了,而叫战皇兵器才对,可那种兵器根本不存在。” Is any characteristics, said quickly that said quickly.” Xie Aoyu urgently asked. “是什么特色,快说,快说。”谢傲宇急问道。 Winks the beautiful pupil, Zi Yan said: Master Ge Telixie knows you are thunder, earth and wooden three species surnames, therefore, he especially will be the change that the surname will carry on, will focus on the wood is surnamed, the thunder and earth will be the surname as a supplement, will become the unprecedented three branches of the family surname weapon.” 眨眨美眸,紫嫣道:“哥特里谢大师知你是雷、土、木三种属姓,所以呢,他特地将属姓进行的改变,以木属姓为主,雷、土属姓为辅,成为史无前例的三属姓兵器。” Xie Aoyu stares the big eye, laughs saying: That did not say that I used the thunder am the surname and earth am Fights Technique of surname can also carry on one more to hold through the Emperor blade, how did elder sister know? Should not be 谢傲宇瞪大眼睛,大笑道:“那不是说我使用雷属姓和土属姓的斗技也可以通过天王刀进行一倍加持了呃,姐姐如何知道的?该不会是” Brushes!” “刷!” Zi Yan shows a faint smile, the finger, wipes the cold brightness to depart, enters the clouds. 紫嫣微微一笑,手指一点,一抹寒光飞出,直入云霄。 That cold brightness achieves the apex, falls along with it flying. 那寒光达到顶点,随之飞落下来。 „!” “咻!” On the way of falls, exudes the keenly blowing sound. 落下途中,发出尖啸声。 In -line enters in front of them to have in two meters high several thousand jin (0.5 kg) megalith fully, only leaves behind the hilt outside, can see the hilt taking advantage of the moonlight wooden. 直插入两人面前的一块足有两米高的数千斤巨石内,只留下刀柄在外面,借着月光能够看到刀柄是木制的。 Heart of Xie Aoyu thump thump according to jumping. 谢傲宇的心怦怦的据跳起来。 This is the Emperor blade. 这就是天王刀。 My Emperor blade? 我的天王刀? Obtains Zi Yan to acknowledge that Xie Aoyu then Zhang Shen, searched the hand to hold the hilt, started cool, was having a life aura of faint trace, as if made Xie Aoyu see the core of Sky Prison Wood King appearance. 得到紫嫣承认,谢傲宇便张身而起,探手抓住了刀柄,入手清凉,带着一丝丝的生命气息,仿佛令谢傲宇看到了天牢木王之芯的样子。 He makes an effort gently. 他轻轻地用力。 Brushes!” “刷!” The Emperor blade was then pulled out. 天王刀便被拔了出来。 Rumbling “轰轰轰” That megalith actually along with it splitting slit, unexpectedly by the Emperor blade its own blade air/Qi crushing, has been possible not to have in any Qi situation, making Xie Aoyu sigh with emotion again and again, even if were Lightning Spirit Saint Blade, perhaps also needs he 50% Qi to achieve now this appearance. 那巨石却随之裂开缝隙,居然被天王刀自身携带的刀气给粉碎了,可没有任何斗气的情况下啊,令谢傲宇不禁感慨连连,就算是雷灵圣刀,恐怕也需要他一半的斗气才能做到现在这种样子吧。 This all over the body presents pale-green the Emperor blade, its basic surface is the appearance of singlestick, but above is carving some patterns, has the purple and yellow is the focus, faint pan- ray, as if in making clear to the thunder and earth double is the meaning of surname, finally has a trace of crescent moon behind the knife, this month the tooth presents the pale golden color, the other aspect is two character months falls. 这把天王刀通体呈现淡绿色,其根本表面就是木剑的样子,只是上面雕刻着一些花纹,有紫色和黄色为主,隐隐泛着光芒,似乎在昭示雷、土双属姓的意思,最后在刀身后面有一个月牙的痕迹,这个月牙呈现淡金色,另外一面则是两个字月陨。 The moon/month falls the Emperor blade! 月陨天王刀! This moon/month falls is Master Ge Telixie gets up, he said that this is you give him a life to prompt, past Ge Telixie died.” Zi Yan spoke of here, strange looks at Xie Aoyu, younger brother, your kid can, how also give Master Ge Telixie such mainland big grandmaster life prompt of noble character and high prestige?” “这月陨是哥特里谢大师起的,他说这是你给他一个人生提示,过去的哥特里谢已经死了。”紫嫣说到这里,怪异的看着谢傲宇,“弟弟啊,你小屁孩儿一个,怎么还能给哥特里谢大师这样全大陆德高望重的大宗师人生提示啊?” The Xie Aoyu secret passage, which my knows, on the mouth said: Kid? Ahem, can try the man ability of kid?” 谢傲宇暗道,我哪知道,嘴上则说道:“小屁孩儿?哼哼,要不要试试小屁孩儿的男人能力啊?” Zi Yan said with a smile: Turned into the young sexual harasser, the change was really rapid.” She uses hand one figure of that moon/month to fall the Emperor blade above crescent moon design, this position should carve the name of Master Ge Telixie, but he gave up, but carves a crescent moon design, said that this is representing him.” 紫嫣笑道:“又变成小色狼了,变化还真快。”她用手一指那月陨天王刀上面的月牙图案,“本来这个位置应该雕刻哥特里谢大师的名字,但是他放弃了,只是雕刻出一个月牙图案,说这就代表着他。” The crescent moon probably is not Master Ge Telixie symbol. 月牙好像不是哥特里谢大师的标志啊。 Does he trade? 难道他重新换的? Xie Aoyu carefully looks at the crescent moon design, the pale golden ray, traces with the hand, warming up of faint trace, his mind buzz, a blank. 谢傲宇仔细看着月牙图案,淡金色的光芒,用手一摸,有一丝丝的温热,他的脑海“嗡”的一下,一片空白。 Younger brother, what did you discover?” Zi Yan asked. “弟弟,你发现什么了?”紫嫣问道。 Swallows dry saliva, Xie Aoyu is pointing at the crescent moon design, this, this inside has symbol Supreme Gold Flame of Master Ge Telixie!” 咽下一口干涩的唾液,谢傲宇指着月牙图案,“这,这里面有哥特里谢大师的标志至尊金焱!” Zi Yan also stayed. 紫嫣也呆了。 Supreme Gold Flame, in mainland only alone. 至尊金焱,大陆上唯一的独一份。 This Qi Huo, was unable to list as the wonderful hot category, but lists as the unsurpassed supreme rank the hot flame, the great strength of its might, asked mainland all Qi Huo, even if after were the variation, after the fusion, after the transformation, is unable to place on a par with it entirely, pure Supreme Gold Flame, Zi Yan cannot think, any strength can contend. 此奇火,已不能列为奇火范畴,而是列为无上至尊级别的火炎,其威力之强大,试问大陆所有奇火,哪怕是变异之后的,融合之后的,蜕变之后的,统统无法与之相提并论的,单纯至尊金焱,紫嫣都想想不出来,什么力量可以抗衡。 „Did you determine?” Zi Yan said. “你确定?”紫嫣道。 Should not be wrong.” Overlord Gloves of Xie Aoyu figure of left hand, Master Ge Telixie kept Supreme Gold Flame to me here, said that after is my Spirit Thunder is the certain extent, can swallow, carries on the final mutation, but that Supreme Gold Flame Zeng Miaosha crossed the heads of eight color spirit snake and Nine Color Spirit Snake King.” “应该不会错的。”谢傲宇一指左手的霸王拳套,“哥特里谢大师在这里给我留了一点至尊金焱,说是我的灵雷达到一定程度之后,可以吞噬掉,进行最后的异变,而那点至尊金焱曾秒杀过八彩灵蛇和九彩灵蛇王的脑袋。” Zi Yan excited -ly said: You are used to have a look quickly.” 紫嫣兴奋地道:“那你快用来看看。” Thinks that Supreme Gold Flame in Overlord Gloves, the Xie Aoyu forced smile said: Perhaps this is not I can grass control.” He spoke, emerged Qi, entered in that crescent moon design. 想到霸王拳套内的那一点至尊金焱,谢傲宇苦笑道:“恐怕这不是我能艹控的。”他说话间,将斗气涌入,直入那月牙图案内。 Bang!” “嘭!” Finally Qi enters, was shot to open. 结果斗气一入,即可被弹开。 That crescent moon design pan- has wiped the golden light, is the Supreme Gold Flame appearance, moreover this time Supreme Gold Flame quantity seem to be more. 只是那月牙图案泛起了一抹金光,正是至尊金焱的样子,而且这次的至尊金焱似乎量更多。 I understood, this Supreme Gold Flame is not possibly used to attack, should really be Master Ge Telixie symbol, may have the deterrent force to some people.” Zi Yan said. “我明白了,这至尊金焱可能不是用来攻击的,应该真的是哥特里谢大师的标志,可能会对一些人有威慑力吧。”紫嫣如是说道。 Xie Aoyu said: Some people? What person?” 谢傲宇道:“一些人?什么人?” Shakes the head, Zi Yan said: I am not clear, I only know Ten Kings Level Master, including the An­tiq­uity family major head of the clan saw that Master Ge Telixie are respectful, his status, all people make every effort to keep secret, no one said that is a little similar your Tricolor God Core.” 摇摇头,紫嫣说道:“我也不清楚,我只知道十王级高手,包括上古家族的各大族长见到哥特里谢大师都是恭恭敬敬的,他的身份,所有人都讳莫如深,谁也不说,有点类似你的三色神丹。” „Isn't that old monster level?” Xie Aoyu looks away to say. “那不是老妖怪级的?”谢傲宇翻眼道。 Owing master so is good to you, you also said him.” Zi Yan said. “亏大师对你那么好,你还这么说他。”紫嫣道。 Xie Aoyu said with a smile: What I said is the truth, the master will not care, his good child to the speaking the truth, not to be angry.” He hefts moon/month to fall the Emperor blade, looks at the front mountain, how I the strength that tries one more to hold.” He held up the moon/month to fall the Emperor blade, brandished a sword to cut to strike. 谢傲宇则笑道:“我说的是实话啊,大师不会在意的,他对说实话的好孩子,不会生气的。”他掂掂月陨天王刀,看着前方高山,“我来试试一倍加持的力量如何。”他举起了月陨天王刀,挥刀斩击。 „” “咻咻咻” Three sounds get up from out of the blue. 三声破空声响起。 Three trowel light howl, Infinite Spinning Sword of that close combat. 三抹刀光呼啸,那正是近战之无定飞旋刀 Rumbling “轰轰轰” Three bangs, that blade light falling place, presents a small cave. 三声巨响,那刀光落处,出现一个小山洞。 Zi Yan sees that says with a smile: Worthily is Nangong family one of the three big Fights Technique, the might of your this blade, should be able to compare favorably with the strength of Tuifan level lower position master, the moon/month falls Emperor indeed to be used as the final Assassin's mace.” 紫嫣见状,笑道:“不愧是南宫家族的三大斗技之一,你这一刀的威力,应该能够媲美蜕凡级下位高手的力量,啧啧,月陨天王的确可以作为最后杀手锏。” Fights Technique Flying Dragon In The Sky! 斗技飞龙在天 Xie Aoyu displays formidable Fights Technique once more, a blade cuts, has one meter high tyrannosaurus to appear fully, its main body infinite substantialization, roared the lift-off. 谢傲宇再次施展强大的斗技,一刀斩出,一条足有一米高的霸王龙出现,其本体无限的实体化,咆哮升空。 In the bellow, the earth sways, front presents one a depth of 78 meters cave. 轰鸣声中,大地摇晃,前方出现一个深达78米的山洞。 Does not know me, if comprehended In­stant Fang Mag­nif­i­cent Fights Technique, the might can be more fearful.” Saying that Xie Aoyu muttered. “不知道我要是领悟了刹那芳华斗技,威力会不会更可怕。”谢傲宇喃喃自语的说道。 Zi Yan gains ground suddenly, In­stant Fang Mag­nif­i­cent Fights Technique? One of three big Fights Technique but Master Ye Chaofeng the old age creates? Where does the younger brother study?” 紫嫣猛然抬头,“刹那芳华斗技?可是叶超峰大师晚年创出的三大斗技之一?弟弟从哪里学来的?” Found in the imperial palace Fights Technique pavilion.” Xie Aoyu replied. “是在皇宫斗技阁内找到的。”谢傲宇回答道。 Heaven Luo Imperial Family!” The Zi Yan beautiful pupil pan- wipes the none remaining, cannot think that really cannot think, Heaven Luo Imperial Family unexpectedly is 300 years ago character who gets rid of mystically.” 天罗皇室!”紫嫣美眸泛起一抹精光,“想不到啊,真是想不到,天罗皇室居然就是300年前神秘出手的人物。” Xie Aoyu smile of blurry, said: What 300 years ago gets rid mystically?” 谢傲宇听的一阵迷糊,道:“什么300年前神秘出手?” Zi Yan said with a smile: Gu Family, 300 years ago Gu Family hopefully become An­tiq­uity family, their inside story are forming, and there is a wizard to create the evil intent demon word technique, making Gu Family the family of mainland rank, almost all people think that Gu Family will become An­tiq­uity family, um, An­tiq­uity family did not say that must have many years, like prince of zu mercenary soldier, had the time, only then short 100-200 years, but their three generations had the Ten Kings Level character, and now Wang of Zhouzhuo an article of mercenary soldiers ten kings, had is considered in three years Zhou Juewu who could become Ten Kings Level to have, they. The strength has been certain level, was talked into An­tiq­uity family.” 紫嫣笑道:“顾家,300年前的顾家是最有希望成为上古家族的,他们的底蕴正在形成,并且有鬼才创造了邪意魔言术,使得顾家成为大陆级别的家族,几乎所有人都认为顾家将成为上古家族的一员,嗯,上古家族不是说一定要存在多少年,像佣兵之王家族,存在时间只有短短一两百年而已,但是他们有三代都有十王级的人物,并且现在有十王之一的佣兵之王周卓文,还有被认为三年内有望成为十王级存在的周爵武,他们。的力量已经达到一定层次,也被说成上古家族。” Returns to the proper topic, Gu Family is very strong, is their juniors is extremely overbearing domineeringly, finally offended wave and Lin in An­tiq­uity family, is Lang Zhantian and Lin Dongyun two, therefore these two have sent out part of strengths, Gu Family perishing, again but begins , said that the mystical strengths meddle, first one step has looted the Gu Family Fights Technique pavilion and armory, Gu Family most famous Fights Technique, except the evil intent demon word technique, is In­stant Fang Mag­nif­i­cent Fights Technique that Master Ye Chaofeng creates, the most famous weapon is star moon/month of Flying Knife of Nangong family.” “言归正传,顾家很强,可是他们的子弟却太过骄横跋扈,结果得罪了上古家族中的浪家和林家,就是浪战天林动云两家,于是这两家派出了一部分力量,将顾家给灭亡了,但是再动手的当曰,有一股神秘力量插手其中,抢先一步洗劫了顾家斗技阁和兵器库,顾家最有名的斗技,除去邪意魔言术,就是叶超峰大师创出的刹那芳华斗技,最有名的兵器则是南宫家族的星月飞刀。”
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