BE :: Volume #2

#163: Unsurpassed Son of Heaven blade 【One】

The rapidness of destiny fluctuation, after letting butterfly, You Lan Ruo is also a forced smile, in a moment ago, her had absolute power over somebody to Xie Aoyu, is only in an instant, is actually the universe inverts, the game and hunter status exchange greatly. 命运变幻之快,让蝶后幽兰若也是一阵苦笑,就在刚才,她对谢傲宇还是生杀予夺,只是转眼间,却是乾坤颠倒,猎物和猎人身份大调换。 Looks appearance that Xie Aoyu clenches jaws, after the butterfly , a You Lan Ruo worry. 看着谢傲宇咬牙切齿的样子,蝶后幽兰若不禁一阵担心。 When notes the Xie Aoyu vision to fall when buttocks above that when her very curls upwards, a chill in the air emits from the bottom of the heart, youth who then declared the death sentence by her, even if faced the death, still sent out to her ridicule, as well as to the spoken language insult of her body, made her be worried about the possible matter all. 当注意到谢傲宇的目光落在她那挺翘的臀部上面时,一股寒意从心底冒出,那被她宣布死刑的少年,即便面对死亡,兀自发出对她的嘲弄,以及对她身体的言语侮辱,无不让她担心可能发生的事情。 Zi Yan, our duels had not ended!” You Lan Ruo cold shouts to clear the way. 紫嫣,我们的决斗还没有结束!”幽兰若喝道 Her voice falls, strange and phoenix that profound wonderful secret summon protection presents are somewhat similar, actually very different queer bird forms reappear behind. 她的话音一落,那玄奇秘技“召唤守护”中出现的奇异和凤凰有些相似,却又很不同的怪鸟身影浮现在身后。 Immediately, her stature starts dissipation gradually, as if the snow melting is ordinary. 随即,她的身躯开始渐渐的消散,仿佛积雪融化一般。 „To run!” Xie Aoyu rushes to grasp. “想跑!”谢傲宇冲上去一把抓去。 Whiz!” “嗖!” After the You Lan Ruo stature becomes unreal is not real, then changes to together the time to the distant place to shoot, in the flash that she flew, the palm of Xie Aoyu also arrives. 幽兰若的身躯变得虚幻不真实之后,便化作一道流光向远方射去,就在她飞起来的一瞬间,谢傲宇的手掌也到了。 „!” “刺啦!” That pulls apart the sound of women's clothing. 那是扯断衣裙的响声。 A cool feeling transmits, You Lan Ruo lowers the head looks, ashamed and resentful fainting in the past, her women's clothing had almost been pulled apart by Xie Aoyu, what is more annoying is the beautiful buttocks place is pulled apart thoroughly, snow white such as the beautiful buttocks of jade completely expose in Xie Aoyu reluctantly fragrant buttocks that at present, the only snow white color silk fabrics underpants wrap that moving heart and soul. 一丝凉意传来,幽兰若低头一看,差点羞愤的昏死过去,她的衣裙被谢傲宇扯断了,更可气的是美臀处彻底被扯断,雪白如玉的美臀彻底暴露在谢傲宇的眼前,仅有的雪白色的绸缎内裤勉强包裹住那动人心魄的香臀。 Scratches with the finger stuffily!” Xie Aoyu blurted to call out. “闷搔!”谢傲宇脱口叫道。 You Lan Ruo that wants ashamed and resentfully wanted to get rid not to be already good, the escape secret that she used is unable to stop, without a trace that in an instant vanished. 羞愤欲死的幽兰若想要出手已然不行,她使用的逃命秘技是无法停下来的,刹那间消失的无影无踪。 But that clothing splits, reveals the actually brand mark of beautiful buttocks in the heart of Xie Aoyu, but Xie Aoyu that scratches with the finger stuffily is the brand mark brand mark in the You Lan Ruo mind. 可是那衣衫裂开,露出美臀的一幕却生生的烙印在谢傲宇的心中,而谢傲宇的那句“闷搔”更是烙印般烙印在幽兰若的脑海中。 Younger brother.” Zi Yan walked, her gentle makes Xie Aoyu sit, sits down by him, the supple sound track, you had not to have since birth elder sister air/Qi, has not killed You Lan Ruo.” “弟弟。”紫嫣走了过来,她轻柔的让谢傲宇坐下来,挨着他坐下,柔声道,“你有没有生姐姐的气,没有杀死幽兰若。” Must say does not have, that is false. 要说没有,那是假的。 Then situation, Xie Aoyu was in itself facing several times death threat, hit was barely alive, his hatred dreadful time, possibly not to be how noisy, but this resentment was also only the flash, what after all Zi Yan represented was An­tiq­uity family, she must think about the family benefit, if struck to kill You Lan Ruo, perhaps will incur the loss that is unable to estimate to her family, this can only say that she was too sane, or was too realistic. 当时的情况,谢傲宇本身就面临着数次的死亡威胁,更是被打的半死不活,他恨意滔天的时候,怎么可能不闹很,但这种怨气也只是一瞬间的,毕竟紫嫣代表的是一个上古家族,她要为家族利益着想,若是击杀幽兰若,恐怕会给她的家族带来无法估量的损失,这只能说她太理智,或者是太现实了。 No, I possibly am how angry, elder sister has done that many for me, gave to me including Evil Spirit Spell Law Sign.” Xie Aoyu said with a smile. “没有,我怎么可能生气,姐姐为我做了那么多,连邪灵魔咒法牌都送给我了。”谢傲宇笑道。 In the pupil of Zi Yan gathers wipes the tears completely, her both hands are holding the cheeks of Xie Aoyu, the cheeks that swells have lessened the swollen area, her cool palm presses to come up, not only does not have the ache, instead the faint trace cool feelings, elder sister saw the resentment from your eye.” 紫嫣的眸子中蓄满一抹泪光,她双手捧着谢傲宇的脸颊,那肿起来的脸颊已经消肿了,她那清凉的手掌按上去,不但没有疼痛,反而有一丝丝清凉的感觉,“姐姐从你的眼里看到了怨气。” Does not have, elder sister considered thoroughly.” Xie Aoyu said with a smile lightly. “真的没有,姐姐多虑了。”谢傲宇轻笑道。 You were polite with elder sister, in the past never had.” The Zi Yan bitter and astringent say (way), tears uncontrolled fall. “你都和姐姐客气了,往常从来没有的。”紫嫣苦涩的道,泪水不受控制的一颗颗滑落下来。 Looks at her sad appearance, Xie Aoyu wishes one could to hit, this is anything, the solemn man, hits a woman, making another woman rescuing, unexpectedly also had the resentment, some self-ridiculed is, the matter of man, should have the man to be done, I must overthrow You Lan Ruo personally am the goal. 看着她那伤心的样子,谢傲宇恨不得打自己一记耳光,这算什么啊,堂堂男子汉,打不过一个女人,让另外一个女人给救了,居然还有怨气,该有的是自嘲才是,男人的事情,就应该有男人来做,我要亲手推倒幽兰若才是目的。 elder sister, I have not been angry, I have pledged to You Lan Ruo, so long as I do not die, must overthrow her, does her 100.” Xie Aoyu said. 姐姐,我真没有生气,我可是对幽兰若发誓过,只要我不死,就要将她推倒,搞她100遍。”谢傲宇说道。 Throws!” “扑哧!” Zi Yan smiled through tears, stretches out the allium cepa finger to select the Xie Aoyu forehead, young sexual harasser, looked that you pulled the You Lan Ruo skirt, knows that you were lascivious.” 紫嫣破涕为笑,伸出玉葱般的手指点了一下谢傲宇的额头,“小色狼,看你把幽兰若的裙子扯下来,就知道你好色的。” That does elder sister support me?” Xie Aoyu saw You Lan Ruo to smile, felt with ease. “那姐姐支持我吗?”谢傲宇幽兰若笑了,顿感轻松。 Yes, the man should have acting. 是啊,男人应该有担当的。 Even if the match is strong he too many too many enemies, cannot flinch. 哪怕对手是强过他太多太多的敌人,也不能退缩。 Support, elder sister supports certainly, elder sister helps certainly my young sexual harasser younger brother overthrow 100 You Lan Ruo 100.” Zi Yan said with a smile. “支持,姐姐当然支持,姐姐一定帮我的小色狼弟弟将幽兰若推倒100遍啊100遍。”紫嫣笑道。 Looks at that pretty facial features, teardrops are also hanging on the long eyelash, seriously is the pear colored belt rain, too beautiful to behold, Xie Aoyu that looks, forwards at heart slightly, light kiss on the corner of the eye of Zi Yan. 看着那娇俏的面容,一颗颗泪珠还挂着长长的睫毛上面,当真是梨花带雨,美不胜收,看的谢傲宇心里一荡,微微向前,轻吻在紫嫣的眼角上。 Their four items of relative, a fervor from the bottom of the heart turbulently. 两人四目相对,一股激情从心底汹涌而出。 Also does not know that is who is initiative. 也不知是谁主动。 They support suddenly in the same place, two open mouth to paste in the same place, the crazy violent kiss, two tongues pester in together, wishes one could to rub own body the body of opposite party. 他们猛然拥在一起,两张嘴贴在一起,疯狂的激吻,两条舌头纠缠在一起,恨不得将对方的身体揉进自己的身体。 Um “嗯” Shouted lowly transmits. 一声低呼传来。 Xie Aoyu contorts one's face in agony. 谢傲宇一阵呲牙裂嘴。 Young sexual harasser, gets what one deserves, wound is so fierce, but also indulges in fantasy.” Among the Zi Yan beaux yeuxes completely feels attached, in the pupil full is the tender feelings looks that this youth who her heart conquers. “小色狼,活该,伤的这么厉害,还想入非非。”紫嫣美目间尽是爱怜,眸子中满是柔情的看着这个将她的芳心征服的少年。 I do not have, is elder sister is good.” Xie Aoyu called the injustice to say. “我没有,是姐姐好不好。”谢傲宇叫冤道。 Zi Yan ill-humored say (way): You do not have, your hand there?” 紫嫣没好气的道:“你没有,你的手在那里呢?” Lowers the head looked that Xie Aoyu discovered that own hand has climbed up Zi Yan that soft tall and straight mountain peak unexpectedly, moreover grasps is pinching. 低头一看,谢傲宇才发现,自己的手居然攀上了紫嫣那柔软挺拔的山峰,而且还抓捏着。 Hey, I know that feeling feel is good, has not thought.” Xie Aoyu said with a smile dry. “嘿嘿,我知道感觉手感不错,没想到啊。”谢傲宇干笑道。 That has not moved away.” Zi Yan wipes out his wolf claw, somewhat grieved is touching the cheeks of Xie Aoyu, younger brother, you complies with a elder sister matter, ok?” “那还不拿开。”紫嫣打掉他的狼爪,有些心痛的抚摸着谢傲宇的脸颊,“弟弟,你答应姐姐一件事,行吗?” Xie Aoyu said: Let alone one, is ten, hundred, I also comply.” 谢傲宇道:“别说一件,就是十件,百件,我也答应。” Looks the appearance that he vows solemnly, Zi Yan felt one want to work as a concubine very much, does not go to the matters of control these families, the mainland wind and cloud that will have, „never get rid of elder sister.” 看着他信誓旦旦的样子,紫嫣感到自己很想当个小女人,不去管那些家族的事情,将起的大陆风云,“永远不要抛弃姐姐。” Only if the fool, is not right, the fool will not abandon the elder sister like this good and virtuous wife.” Xie Aoyu puts out a hand to support the Zi Yan tender body. “除非是傻子,不对,傻子也不会抛弃姐姐这样的善良又贤惠的老婆的。”谢傲宇伸手拥住紫嫣的娇躯。 Zi Yan gently by in his bosom, is listening to that powerful heartbeat, suddenly, all worries, all worry, throw entirely in beyond the highest heavens. 紫嫣轻轻的靠在他的怀里,听着那强有力的心跳声,一时间,所有的烦恼,所有的担忧,统统抛在九霄云外。 Thinks that these said the child, she wants to seek for Xie Aoyu, actually does not want to be stopped by Han Li, at that time she knew to have an accident, You Lan Ruo affirmed that chased down Xie Aoyu, anxious, worry wait / etc. various mood raided, making her bear the pressure that was hard to imagine, felt really tired. 想想这些曰子,她本想寻找谢傲宇的,却不想被韩隶阻拦,那时候她就知道要出事,幽兰若肯定去追杀谢傲宇了,焦虑、担心等等各种情绪袭来,令她承受着难以想象的压力,真的感到好累。 Tells elder sister the process that you and You Lan Ruo encounter. „ Zi Yan kissed near the ear of Xie Aoyu lightly, the gentle voice said. “把你和幽兰若遭遇的过程告诉姐姐好吗。“紫嫣谢傲宇的耳边轻吻了一下,柔声说道。 Xie Aoyu at heart one warm, he understands that this is Zi Yan makes him vent the anger in heart, does not make him at heart, be punched a pig type by You Lan Ruo aggrievedly after all, is always very at heart uncomfortable. 谢傲宇心里一暖,他明白这是紫嫣让他把心中的怒火发泄出来,不让他憋屈在心里,毕竟被幽兰若揍成猪头样,心里总是很不舒服的。 I must feel here to say.” Xie Aoyu is pointing at the chest of Zi Yan. “我要摸着这里说。”谢傲宇指着紫嫣的前胸。 Young sexual harasser!” The Zi Yan jade surface pan- wipes to blush, ill-humored his eyes, work on his hand to place the front in vain, „can only trace, cannot be dissolute.” “小色狼!”紫嫣玉面泛起一抹红晕,没好气的白他一眼,抓起他的手放在胸前,“只能摸,不能放肆哦。” Starts full, that moving feel made a Xie Aoyu elation, did not say dissolutely, how possibly, his palm gently rubbed to pinch, said the process. 饱满入手,那动人的手感令谢傲宇一阵心醉,说不放肆,又怎可能真的,他手掌轻轻地揉捏着,将过程说了一遍。 Especially spoke of barely alive, but must stand, was makes the Zi Yan beautiful pupil red, was nipping the silver tooth, pledged secretly, You Lan Ruo, I was am impossible to kill you, but must help the younger brother overthrow you, you were not the Ling Yun fairy maiden, you were not pure, you were not the Bing Wu master worker, I thought you when the time comes am any appearance. 尤其是说到半死不活了,还要站起来,更是令紫嫣美眸通红,咬着银牙,暗暗发誓,幽兰若,我是不可能杀死你,但是一定要帮弟弟把你推倒,你不是灵韵仙子吗,你不是冰清玉洁吗,你不是冰舞的师父吗,我看你到时候是个什么样子。 So is why stubborn, your such also stands, aggravates to your injury is very fierce.” Say (Way) that Zi Yan worries about, this was also the fait accomplice, although Xie Aoyu has eaten up greatly the panacea, still had the danger. “为什么那么倔强,你那样还站起来,对你的伤势加重很厉害的。”紫嫣担忧的道,这也是既成事实了,谢傲宇虽然吃下了大把的灵丹妙药,却仍有危险。 The Xie Aoyu eyebrow selects, man can only stand dying, cannot like the soft egg.” 谢傲宇眼眉一挑,“男人只能站着死,不能像个软蛋一样。” You, know that shows off power.” Zi Yan looks that Xie Aoyu that delicate facial features pass firm and resolute that sends out at this moment, in the eye project the color of being enchanted by, this is a man. “你呀,就知道逞强。”紫嫣看着谢傲宇那清秀的面容此刻透发出的坚毅,眼中射出迷醉之色,这才是男人。 Was right, how does elder sister get rid of Han Li that old thing?” Xie Aoyu asked. “对了,姐姐如何摆脱韩隶那个老东西的?”谢傲宇问道。 elder sister has Phoenix Dance Roaring Moon Spear, looks at the old thing to be in the way, knows that the younger brother had difficultly, used directly has emitted has eaten delicacies moon/month of day wolf, this old thing running away in fear.” Zi Yan cluck-cluck said with a smile, resembled has thought lying that at that time the Han Li embarrassed type, smiled in the shoulder of Xie Aoyu. 姐姐凤舞啸月枪啊,一看老东西挡路,就知道弟弟有难了,直接动用了放出了啸月天狼,就把这个老东西给吓跑了。”紫嫣咯咯笑道,似是想到了当时韩隶的囧样,笑的趴在谢傲宇的肩头。 Also is eats delicacies moon/month of day wolf. 又是啸月天狼。 Xie Aoyu said: „Is pro­found soldier the seal Demon Beast, and can release it, attacks for the master?” 谢傲宇道:“玄兵是不是都封印着魔兽,并且可以将其释放出来,为主人攻击?” Yes, this is the pro­found soldier strongest offensive force, and has the spell under Emperor spell master on pro­found soldier, it is said is maintains life to use, is only extremely abstruse, is elder sister has not ravelled the spell on Phoenix Dance Roaring Moon Spear is any meaning, how to use.” Zi Yan said. “是的,这是玄兵最强攻击力量,另外就玄兵内都有天王魔咒师下的魔咒,据说是保命用的,只是太过深奥,就是姐姐至今也没弄明白凤舞啸月枪上的魔咒是什么意思,如何使用。”紫嫣说道。 By the Zi Yan status, she does not know, others are naturally more impossible to know that Xie Aoyu said: Is this, is in each pro­found soldier fights the seal the Ten Kings Level king of beasts?” 紫嫣的身份来说,连她都不知晓,别人自然更不可能知道,谢傲宇道:“是这样啊,是不是每一件玄兵内斗封印着十王级的兽王?” Zi Yan said with a smile: How possible, person who such has pro­found soldier, does not wait, if were existence of Ten Kings Level, my this Phoenix Dance Roaring Moon Spear passes through nine generations, is a lot of years of effort, made the purple phoenix and eats delicacies moon/month of day wolf to promote, the purple phoenix until now was also the Emperor superior, must achieve Ten Kings Level, perhaps wanted the next generation to be hopeful.” 紫嫣笑道:“怎么可能,那样拥有玄兵的人,不等若就是十王级的存在了吗,我这凤舞啸月枪是经过九代人,长达千百年的努力,才令紫凤凰和啸月天狼提升的,紫凤凰迄今为止也不过是天王上位,要达到十王级,恐怕要下一代才有希望喽。” Um, that was our daughter's matters.” Xie Aoyu said. “嗯,那就是我们女儿的事情了。”谢傲宇道。 Zi Yan smile has smiled, your this young sexual harasser is big, is thinking the daughter.” 紫嫣听的笑了起来,“你这个小色狼才多大啊,就想着女儿啦。” Xie Aoyu hollow laugh, the palm made an effort only, Zi Yan that rubbed groaned, groaned, elder sister or the letter, delivers a daughter now to you.” 谢傲宇干笑一声,手掌唯一用力,揉的紫嫣呻吟了一声,“哼哼,姐姐要不信,现在就送个女儿给你。” Good, good, knows your very man.” Zi Yan, re-enters topic slightly, pro­found soldier quantity actually and many, like the Sol Skjod dancing Saint sword, the seal is dancing Mi Zhou, is pro­found soldier, reason that ten big pro­found soldier, it radically is not in the seal Demon Beast, after all ten big pro­found soldier originally seals is Sage level Demon Beast, was elder sister the purple phoenix in Phoenix Dance Roaring Moon Spear and eats delicacies moon/month of day wolf once is also Sage level, they truly were called ten big pro­found soldier reasons are on that the seal spell, fable each spell was maintains life to use, so-called maintained life on is can by any match. Caused heavy losses, but is not the escape, therefore once some people inferred, on ten big pro­found soldier seal the spell strength, should be the Ten Kings Level spell master most formidable one spell, may destroy a city fully with ease, is fiercer than the Ten Kings Level king of beasts unique king of beasts roaring ball.” “好啦,好啦,知道你很男人。”紫嫣略微一顿,重回话题,“玄兵数量其实并不少的,像索尔斯克的婆娑圣剑,封印着婆娑秘咒,也算是玄兵,但是之所以有十大玄兵,其根本并不是里面封印着魔兽,毕竟十大玄兵原本封印着的都是至圣级魔兽,就是姐姐凤舞啸月枪内的紫凤凰和啸月天狼曾经也都是至圣级的,它们真正被称为十大玄兵的原因是那上面封印着的魔咒,传说每一个魔咒都是保命用的,所谓保命就是能够让任何对手。都遭到重创,而不是逃命,所以曾经有人推断,十大玄兵上面封印着的魔咒力量,应该是十王级魔咒师最强大的一种魔咒,足可轻松的毁灭一个城池,比十王级兽王特有的兽王咆哮弹还要厉害。” Is so fierce, how could it not be that ten big can pro­found soldier compared with Emperor weapon strong many? Even if no that enchanter demon Incantation technique, releases seal Demon Beast also to suffice abnormally.” Xie Aoyu thinks that an issue, why pro­found soldier is actually only and Emperor weapon keeps pace? Does the Emperor weapon have the mystery to be inadequate?” “这么厉害,那十大玄兵岂非要比天王兵器强的多?就算没有那咒师魔咒术,释放出封印魔兽也就够变态的了。”谢傲宇想到一个问题,“为什么玄兵却只是和天王兵器并驾齐驱的呢?难道天王兵器也有奥妙不成?” Holds down Xie Aoyu to search the palm of front piece, Zi Yan said: Naturally had the mystery.” 按住谢傲宇想要探进衣襟的手掌,紫嫣道:“当然有奥妙了。”
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