BE :: Volume #2

#162: The men are standing dying 【Two】

Ha Ha “哈哈” That is full of the taunt, contains the helpless filled with grief laughter to resound through the entire mountainous area, is startled the innumerable birds, actually quickly restored lonely. 那充满嘲讽,却包含着无奈的悲怆笑声响彻整个山区,惊起无数的鸟兽,却很快恢复了冷清。 Still nobody noted here. 仍然没人注意到这里。 Xie Aoyu thorough despaired, must be buried in this place, is actually beautiful scenery, but be not eaten to turn into the beastly excrement by some Demon Beast to be good. 谢傲宇彻底的绝望了,真的要葬身此地,倒是山清水秀的,只是别被某个魔兽吃掉变成兽粪就好了。 Finished, Tricolor God Core!” You Lan Ruo wields a sword to cut. “结束吧,三色神丹!”幽兰若挥剑斩下。 Dance willow tree Emperor sword, cold brightness twinkle. 舞柳天王剑,寒光闪烁。 It seems judged unsurpassed existence that the life dies, gently delimits, does not have a fluctuation, that gentle appearance, has to destroy the day to extinguish the place the invincible might. 它好似宣判人生死的无上存在,轻轻的划下,不带起一丝的波动,就那么轻轻柔柔的样子,却有着毁天灭地的神威。 Xie Aoyu two shut. 谢傲宇两眼一闭。 He has exhausted all means that does not have the ability resistance. 他已经用尽了一切办法,却毫无能力抵抗。 „!” “咻!” Keenly blowing the sound of out of the blue resounds suddenly. 尖啸的破空声骤然响起。 A white light flashes through. 一道白光闪过。 Works as!” “当!” Dance willow tree Emperor sword hit rebound, that white light also along with it disappearance. 舞柳天王剑被打的反弹起来,那白光也随之消失。 The You Lan Ruo complexion changes, turns round to look hurriedly to that white light origin place, sees only in the remote colored thick patch of grass, a form is hiding. 幽兰若脸色微变,急忙回身看向那白光的来源处,只见遥远的花草丛中,一条身影隐藏着。 Broken absurdly eye! 破妄之眼! Has You Lan Ruo of wonderful pupil technique to start immediately, by her present boundary, the broken eye does not have toward absurdly absolutely is disadvantageous, any hideaway and camouflage can be seen through. 拥有着神妙瞳术的幽兰若立刻启动,以她现在的境界,破妄之眼绝对是无往而不利,任何隐藏、伪装都能被识破。 The double pupil of You Lan Ruo pan- wipes the golden color. 幽兰若的双眸泛起一抹金色。 Golden hazy double pupil, all within surrounding area kilometer present the essence, the underground ten meters place hides one to drill the demon mouse to be seen by her. 金色迷蒙双眸,方圆千米内的一切都呈现出本质,就连地下十米处隐藏着一只钻地魔鼠都能被她看到。 But after her vision locks that form, anything does not have. 可是当她目光锁定那条身影之后,却什么都没有。 It seems does not exist general. 好似不复存在一般。 The You Lan Ruo delicate eyebrows select, what's all this about, the broken present, not to be absurdly suppressible, how what not to discover that is the illusion? 幽兰若秀眉一挑,这是怎么回事,破妄之眼下,无可隐藏,怎么什么都没有发现,难道是幻觉? May have a look at a Xie Aoyu item of dew to be also stunned, obviously is not the illusion. 可看看谢傲宇也目露错愕,显然不是幻觉。 Brush! 刷! You Lan Ruo then at this time, suddenly got rid. 幽兰若便在这时,陡然出手。 Works as!” “当!” That mystical white light flashes before once more, once again that dance willow tree Emperor sword shooting, and this time is containing the astonishing strength, after butterfly, You Lan Ruo shaking backed up backward 34 steps. 那神秘的白光再次闪现,又一次将那舞柳天王剑给弹起,并且这次蕴含着惊人的力量,将蝶后幽兰若给震的向后倒退了34步。 The Xie Aoyu spirit inspires, who is this is helping me? The attack of so long-distance range, can You Lan Ruo this smelly young married woman hitting unexpectedly backing up, at least is also the Sage level superior boundary, can't I not die?” This made him pleasantly surprised, must die, unexpectedly peeped a slim chance of survival. 谢傲宇精神一振,“这是谁在帮我?如此远距离的攻击,居然可以将幽兰若这个臭婆娘给打的倒退,至少也是至圣级上位的境界吧,那我不是可以不死了?”这令他大为惊喜,原本必死的,居然窥得一线生机。 Pleasantly surprised! 惊喜啊! What person?!” You Lan Ruo breaks shouts to clear the way. “什么人?!”幽兰若喝道 All around nobody responded as before, only then the You Lan Ruo shouting a question sound in reverberating, in the sky this time was climbing up a round waning moon, sprinkled the bright moon/month splendor. 四周依旧无人回应,只有幽兰若的喝问声在回荡着,天空中此时已经爬上一轮残月,洒下皎洁的月辉。 Xie Aoyu laughs, is your You Lan Ruo is too definitely lacking virtue, selfish, nobody is surnamed, shameless, dirty, has angered this place Spiritual God mean, Ha Ha, You Lan Ruo You Lan Ruo, this time you were miserable, definitely will be dug up up the clothes, was spread 100 by strong J100.” 谢傲宇哈哈大笑,“肯定是你幽兰若太缺德,自私自利,没人姓,无耻,龌龊,卑鄙惹怒了此地的神灵,哈哈,幽兰若幽兰若,这次你惨了,肯定会被扒光衣服,被强歼100遍啊100遍。” Shameless one, dies!” You Lan Ruo reaches behind the back a sword. “无耻之徒,去死!”幽兰若回手一剑。 That sword air/Qi pierces the space, cut down spatially, but. 那剑气洞穿空间,劈空而至。 Works as!” “当!” Also is a white light, the sword air/Qi was given the smashing by that white light, thorough dissipation. 又是一道白光,剑气被那白光给粉碎,彻底的消散。 This time, the You Lan Ruo complexion changed. 这一次,幽兰若脸色变了。 She seems like an optional move, in fact actually with trying, wants to kill Xie Aoyu in light of this, a reason is to probe the strength in secret master. 她看似随意的一招,实际上却是用尽了全力,一个是想就此杀死谢傲宇,还有一个原因则是试探一下暗中高手的实力。 The result made her feel a fear. 结果令她感到一丝恐惧。 Comes out, my partner!” Is having an inexplicable fear, after the butterfly, You Lan Ruo publicity in the mainland her, almost few personally had actually seen the demon favored to summon. “出来吧,我的伙伴!”带着一丝莫名的恐惧,蝶后幽兰若将她那在大陆上已经人尽皆知,却几乎没几个人看到过的魔宠召唤了出来。 Wind bolide Seven Color Butterfly! 风火流星七彩蝶 Probably now is in Emperor position, Xie Aoyu whispered at heart, he remembers initially You Lan Ruo brought Bing Wu to leave, was helps the demon favor the wind bolide Seven Color Butterfly evolution. 大概现在已经是天王中位了吧,谢傲宇心里嘀咕道,他记得当初幽兰若带着冰舞离开,就是去帮助魔宠风火流星七彩蝶进化的。 In Emperor the position, that has touched the highest rank. 天王中位,那已经触及到最高等级了。 Hissing “嘶” A wind bolide Seven Color Butterfly appearance, exudes a simple and beautiful neighing sound immediately, that sound alarms the highest heaven, frightens surrounding area a lot of li (0.5km), innumerable Demon Beast crawl in the place, bird's eye view that it occupies a commanding position Xie Aoyu. 风火流星七彩蝶一出现,立时发出一声清丽的嘶鸣声,那响声惊动九霄,震慑方圆千百里,无数的魔兽匍匐在地,它居高临下的俯瞰着谢傲宇 „, By this big bird despising.” Xie Aoyu scolded at heart. “靠,被这大鸟给藐视了。”谢傲宇心里骂道。 Wind bolide Seven Color Butterfly is not the butterfly of butterfly, but is one type appearance that is similar to the Manchurian crane, is in itself the wind and fire double is the surname, the feather does not have the flaw all over the body pure white, the body surface light halos, present the blue orange yellow malachite green blue seven colors, seems the rarest sound sequence Demon Beast seven color butterflies is ordinary. 风火流星七彩蝶不是蝴蝶的蝶,而是一种类似于仙鹤的样子,本身是风、火双属姓的,通体羽毛是洁白无瑕,体表则有一层淡淡的光晕,呈现青橙黄绿青蓝色七种颜色,好似最稀有的声波系魔兽七彩蝴蝶一般。 This kind of Demon Beast is inborn. 此类魔兽天生倨傲。 Color butterfly, examines nearby to have any person.” You Lan Ruo sinking sound track. “彩蝶,去查看一下附近有什么人。”幽兰若沉声道。 A wind bolide Seven Color Butterfly slightly nod, fans the wing gently, the soaraway upper air, achieves kilometer remote instantaneously, with so the altitude, downward the bird's eye view, takes in everything at a glance. 风火流星七彩蝶微一点头,轻轻扇动羽翼,腾飞高空,瞬间达到千米之遥,与如此高度,往下俯瞰,一览无余。 Hissing hissing “嘶嘶” A neighing sound transmits, the You Lan Ruo delicate eyebrows are pressed. 一阵嘶鸣声传来,幽兰若的秀眉蹙起。 A psychological loosen that Xie Aoyu looks, wind bolide Seven Color Butterfly has not discovered anything obviously. 谢傲宇看的心理一松,显然风火流星七彩蝶并未发现什么。 Brushes!” “刷!” When Xie Aoyu secretly rejoices, You Lan Ruo uses the sword once more, is sneak attack -type cutting kills, again makes Xie Aoyu feel the woods cold sword air/Qi that the dance willow tree Emperor sword belt comes. 就在谢傲宇暗喜的时候,幽兰若再次出剑,又是偷袭式的斩杀,再次让谢傲宇感受到舞柳天王剑带来的森寒的剑气。 Also has stepped onto the life and death line. 又走上了生死线。 The fourth time, the Xie Aoyu secret passage, this time is suffered by You Lan Ruo ****. 第四次了,谢傲宇暗道,这次算是被幽兰若折磨的****了。 Works as!” “当!” The familiar sound resounds. 熟悉的声音响起。 The You Lan Ruo dance willow tree Emperor sword was shot to start again, she shaken backs up more than ten talents to come to a stop backward reluctantly, is actually the right hand tigers mouth splits, a fresh blood stream above the dance willow tree Emperor sword, she is a complexion pallidness, tall and straight milk-white bosom fierce fluctuating. 幽兰若的舞柳天王剑再次被弹开,她本人更是被震的向后倒退十多步才勉强站稳,却已经是右手虎口裂开,一丝鲜血流在舞柳天王剑之上,她本人更是脸色一片煞白,挺拔的酥胸剧烈的起伏。 Hissing!” “嘶!” Airborne wind bolide Seven Color Butterfly instantaneous under throws, such as like lightning, quick inconceivable. 空中的风火流星七彩蝶瞬间下扑,如闪电般,快的不可思议。 You Lan Ruo also opens broken eye to watch absurdly. 幽兰若也开启破妄之眼观看。 Bang!” “嘭!” This mountain fierce swaying, the innumerable crushed stones crash-bang tumble, the splash, wind bolide Seven Color Butterfly also lifts off in all directions. 这座山剧烈的摇晃,无数的碎石哗啦啦的滚落下来,四处飞溅,风火流星七彩蝶也随之升空。 Color butterfly, has anything to discover.” You Lan Ruo asked. “彩蝶,有什么发现。”幽兰若问道。 Wind bolide Seven Color Butterfly two reveal the confused color, as if also in strange, attacks the You Lan Ruo strength to send out there obviously, could not find. 风火流星七彩蝶的两眼露出迷茫之色,似乎还在奇怪,明明攻击幽兰若的力量就在那里发出的,怎么找不到。 You Lan Ruo is anything has not seen. 幽兰若也是什么都没看到。 As if that mystical aggressor does not exist. 仿佛那神秘的攻击者是不存在的。 Color butterfly, gets down with me collaborates to kill Xie Aoyu!” You Lan Ruo takes the bull by the horns, her essential target kills Xie Aoyu, other in next. “彩蝶,下来与我联手干掉谢傲宇!”幽兰若当机立断,她的主要目标还是杀死谢傲宇,其他的都在其次。 Wind bolide Seven Color Butterfly neighed, airborne shot together the roaring flame wind blade edge. 风火流星七彩蝶嘶鸣一声,空中射下一道烈焰风刃。 That wind blade edge revolving flies, surface has roaring flame of flaming combustion, is the compound magic of wind fire pair of department, the might greatly strong astonishment. 那风刃旋转飞行,表面有一层熊熊燃烧的烈焰,正是风火双系的复合魔法,威力大强的惊人。 You Lan Ruo has also held up the dance willow tree Emperor sword. 幽兰若也举起了舞柳天王剑。 „!” “咻!” The broken rumor of keenly blowing resounds once more, the cold glow flashes through together, that roaring flame wind blade edge breaks immediately. 尖啸的破风声再次响起,一道冷芒闪过,那烈焰风刃当即破碎。 The You Lan Ruo dance willow tree Emperor sword also seizes the chance to cut. 幽兰若的舞柳天王剑也趁机斩下。 Works as!” “当!” Also is a rebound, the formidable strength shakes to spurt the blood to fly upside down You Lan Ruo directly, at the same time, a white light cuts the expansive sky, explodes directly shoots wind bolide Seven Color Butterfly. 又是一次反弹,强大的力量将幽兰若直接震得喷血倒飞出去,与此同时,一道白光划破长空,直接爆射风火流星七彩蝶 In Emperor wind bolide Seven Color Butterfly of position neighed, the innumerable wind edges and flame balls were similar to the raindrop fall, had the gigantic wind blade edge to send out to tear to pieces the space together the strength, attacked that white light. 天王中位的风火流星七彩蝶嘶鸣一声,无数的风刃、火焰球如同雨点般落下,更有一道硕大的风刃发出撕破空间的力量,袭击那白光。 Bang!” “嘭!” That wind blade edge was cracked-up by the white light directly. 那风刃直接被白光撞碎。 The white light, these wind edges and roaring flame have all dissipated. 白光所过,那些风刃、烈焰俱都消散。 Color butterfly, be careful!” You Lan Ruo screamed. “彩蝶,小心!”幽兰若尖叫道。 But is too late, that white light was too quick, achieves is the wind is the situation that wind bolide Seven Color Butterfly of surname is unable to dodge, was hit the abdomen. 可是为时已晚,那白光太快,达到了就是风属姓的风火流星七彩蝶都无法躲闪的地步,被击中腹部。 With a sad and shrill crane whining noise, wind bolide Seven Color Butterfly crashes from the upper air. 伴随着一声凄厉的鹤鸣声,风火流星七彩蝶从高空坠落。 Color butterfly!” You Lan Ruo urgently called out, summons the badge in a flash to move, that wind bolide Seven Color Butterfly then changes to light beam to submerge. “彩蝶!”幽兰若急叫道,召唤徽章微一晃动,那风火流星七彩蝶便化作一道光束没入其中。 In the solemn Emperor level position Demon Beast, was struck the heavy losses. 堂堂天王级中位魔兽,被一击重创。 You Lan Ruo!” 幽兰若!” At this time, Zi Yan that was containing angrily shouted at seems the startling thunderclap crack, saw her to be above from the distant place the speed of imagination rapidly flushed. 这时候,紫嫣那包含着愤怒的断喝好似惊雷炸响,就见她从远处以超乎想象的速度急速的冲来。 In the visual purple twinkle, Phoenix Dance Roaring Moon Spear also appears in the hand. 紫光闪烁中,凤舞啸月枪也出现在手中。 When she sees Xie Aoyu that barely alive appearance, a heart hung in the throat place, Phoenix Dance Roaring Moon Spear vibrated, has thrown directly. 当她看到谢傲宇那半死不活的样子,一颗芳心都悬在了喉咙处,凤舞啸月枪抖动,直接抛了出去。 Roar!” “吼!” Startled day roaring explosive. 惊天怒吼爆响。 That Phoenix Dance Roaring Moon Spear changes to all over the body silver-white color, ten meters high god wolves, in Demon Beast rarest Emperor superior Demon Beast roar fully moon/month of day wolf. 凤舞啸月枪化作一条通体银白色,足有十米高的神狼,正是魔兽中最为罕见的天王上位魔兽啸月天狼。 This eats delicacies moon/month of day wolf airborne to run, yawn blowout together visual purple. 这啸月天狼空中奔跑,张口喷出一道紫光。 King of beasts roaring ball! 兽王咆哮弹! Ten Kings Level!” One that the You Lan Ruo complexion brushes becomes pale. 十王级!”幽兰若的脸色刷的一下变得惨白。 The king of beasts roaring ball, Ten Kings Level Demon Beast unique one King strength, belongs to they most intrepid strength, can say that king of beasts roaring shoots one, even if the Ten Kings Level human master faces, will choose the avoidance without hesitation. 兽王咆哮弹,十王级魔兽所特有的一种王者力量,属于它们最强悍的力量,可以说兽王咆哮弹一出,就算是十王级的人类高手面对,也会毫不犹豫的选择躲避。 Angry Zi Yan finally of strongest strengths Phoenix Dance Roaring Moon Spear this so-called ten big pro­found soldier have shown, can kill all absolutely horizontally. 愤怒的紫嫣终于将凤舞啸月枪这所谓的十大玄兵之一的最强力量展现了出来,绝对可以横杀一切。 Summon protection!” “召唤守护!” The You Lan Ruo elegant face is pallid, her both hands point, the whole body explodes projects ten thousand brilliance, together misty luminous presents in her surroundings, covers her. 幽兰若俏脸煞白,她双手一分,全身爆射出万道光华,一道蒙蒙的光亮呈现在她的周围,将她笼罩起来。 Then together the blazing flame appeared. 接着一道炽热的火焰出现了。 A strange queer bird reappears above that only cover. 一只奇异的怪鸟浮现在那光罩之上。 „!” “啪!” Saw that king of beasts roaring ball must hit You Lan Ruo, Zi Yan actually looks but color beckons gently, that eats delicacies moon/month of day wolf to change to Phoenix Dance Roaring Moon Spear, returns to her hand. 眼看着兽王咆哮弹就要击中幽兰若,紫嫣却面露无奈之色的轻轻一招手,那啸月天狼重新化作凤舞啸月枪,回到她的手中。 The king of beasts roaring ball deviated the motion trajectory. 兽王咆哮弹则偏离了运行轨迹。 „!” “啪!” Is the complementary waves of king of beasts roaring ball touch and go that You Lan Ruo summon protection result her protection then disrupts, she also shaken spurting blood falls to fly. 仅仅是兽王咆哮弹的余波擦过那幽兰若的“召唤守护”结果她的守护便碎裂开来,她本人也被震的喷血摔飞出去。 The king of beasts roaring ball has drawn an arc, flew to the horizon. 兽王咆哮弹则划过一道弧线,飞向了天际。 Bang!” “轰!” The horizon hears the startled day explosive sound. 天际传来惊天爆炸声。 The space was torn a slit. 空间都被撕裂开一条缝隙。 The fearful strength vibrates this stretch of world to sway. 可怕的力量震动这片天地都在摇晃。 Zi Yan descends, grasps shaken throwing down Xie Aoyu, younger brother, you are all right.” When she sees the Xie Aoyu whole body wound, the face has become a pig type, intraocular gathering the tears, have put out a panacea completely hurriedly, entirely squeezes in the Xie Aoyu mouth, eats quickly.” 紫嫣降落下来,抱住被震的摔倒的谢傲宇,“弟弟,你没事吧。”当她看到谢傲宇全身伤口,脸都成了猪头样,眼内不由的蓄满了泪水,急忙拿出一把灵丹妙药,统统的塞入谢傲宇的口中,“快吃下去。” Xie Aoyu stuttering next several panaceas. 谢傲宇一口吃下十几枚灵丹妙药。 The severe pain of whole body reduced half to have immediately, but the five main internal organs (entrails) was also injured, a short time also, however under the stimulation of miracle cure, Qi of dry dantian appearance faint trace gradually, this wisp of Qi seemed the chap earth that for several years did not rain suddenly welcomes rainstorm, was moistening the body. 全身的剧痛立时减轻了一半有余,只是五脏六腑也受到了伤害,一时半会儿也好不了,但是在灵丹的刺激下,干涸的丹田渐渐的出现一丝丝的斗气,这一缕斗气好似数年不下雨的龟裂的大地突然迎来一场暴雨,滋润着身体。 Xie Aoyu has stood all of a sudden, elder sister, I was much better.” He turned around to move toward the shaken whole body falls down on the ground, You Lan Ruo that was incapable of revolting against, You Lan Ruo, you may still remember I have spoken words, 100 100!” 谢傲宇一下子站了起来,“姐姐,我好多了。”他一转身走向了被震的全身栽倒在地上,无力反抗的幽兰若,“幽兰若,你可还记得我说过的话,100遍啊100遍!”
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