BE :: Volume #2

#161: The men are standing dying 【One】

First cursed 100 in the heart Han Li, Xie Aoyu then said: Since I must die, you should the parsimonious argument, Tricolor God Core not be worth so persecuting to me merely?” 先把韩隶在心中诅咒100遍,谢傲宇这才说道:“既然我已经必死,你该不会吝啬口舌吧,仅仅三色神丹就值得你对我如此迫害?” Before only because of Tricolor God Core, now also because of your dirty!” You Lan Ruo phoenix contains the prestige. “之前仅因为三色神丹,现在还因为你的龌龊!”幽兰若凤目含威。 Xie Aoyu almost must stamp one's foot obloquied. 谢傲宇差点要跳脚大骂。 What is my dirty? 什么叫我的龌龊? My body was also made the attentive language god control the technique by you to the control, is you compels me to act indecently your, finally is I am dirty, does not know that who is dirtier, although your buttocks truly feel percentage hundred. 我的身体也是被你使用心语神控术给控制的,是你逼着我去猥亵你的,结果却是我龌龊,不知道到底谁更龌龊,虽说你的臀部确实手感百分百。 Looks at anything!” The You Lan Ruo malignant influences appear intermittently. “看什么!”幽兰若煞气隐现。 Xie Aoyu will go to the vision of You Lan Ruo jade buttocks to receive, shrugs, said: I had felt strange Tricolor God Core nothing but is a god pill, even if it is very strange, as if being insufficient makes you produce to me must kill the heart, said again Bing Wu is your disciple, I and Bing Wu relations, it is necessary to make you so do?” 谢傲宇将投向幽兰若玉臀的目光收回来,耸耸肩,道:“那我就奇怪了三色神丹无非就是一枚神丹而已,即便它很怪异,似乎不至于让你对我产生必杀之心吧,再说冰舞是你的弟子,我与冰舞的关系,有必要让你如此做吗?” Naturally!” You Lan Ruo cold -ly snorted and said. “当然!”幽兰若冷哼道。 I felt strange.” The Xie Aoyu eye has narrowed the eyes, „is only Tricolor God Core, may make you produce to me must kill the heart, why didn't I during the stay in Yanjing, Han Li begin to me directly? Moreover your family should be An­tiq­uity family, is the outstanding person in An­tiq­uity family, must kill me, such as takes something out of the pocket, is you kills why certainly me?” “那我就奇怪了。”谢傲宇眼睛眯了起来,“只为三色神丹,可令你对我产生必杀之心,为什么我在燕京的时候,韩隶不直接对我动手呢?而且你的家族应该是上古家族吧,还是上古家族中的佼佼者,要杀我,如探囊取物,为何一定是你来杀我?” In that beautiful appearance flashes through wipes astonished, You Lan Ruo sneers saying: I despised you, no wonder Tricolor God Core will choose you.” 那张绝美的容颜上闪过一抹惊愕,幽兰若冷笑道:“我真是小看你了,怪不得三色神丹会选择你。” Xie Aoyu shrugs, said: Could tell me the answer? Let understanding that I also die.” 谢傲宇耸耸肩,道:“能否告诉我答案?让我也死的明白。” Cannot!” “不能!” You Lan Ruo replied unusual firm. 幽兰若回答的异常坚定。 I must suspect.” The Xie Aoyu both arms hold the chest, does not have one appearance that again gives up resisting, on the face hangs the smiling face of wiping the demon, an eye unscrupulous is paddling on the body of You Lan Ruo, „, I also guessed that now I can conclude, you feared that was conquered by me, in me ****, must otherwise, how you possibly such impatient must kill me, moreover you unexpectedly to estrange me and Bing Wu, own beautiful buttocks betraying, me had suspected really that you were the feelings of love moved, therefore made the attentive language god control the technique to control my hand to stroke. Your buttocks, said that your buttocks feel was really good to have no way to be good “那我就要怀疑了。”谢傲宇双臂抱胸,再无一丝放弃抵抗的样子,脸上挂着一抹邪魅的笑容,一双眼睛肆无忌惮的在幽兰若的身上划动着,“本来呢,我还只是猜测,现在我敢断定了,你是怕被我征服,在我****吧,要不然的话,你怎么可能这么迫不及待的要杀我呢,而且你居然为了离间我和冰舞,把自己的美臀给出卖了,我真怀疑,你是不是春心动了,所以使用心语神控术来控制我的手去抚摸。你的臀部,啧啧,说起来,你的臀部手感实在是好得没法再好了” „!” “啪!” The said elegant face was pallid, murderous intention suddenly Xian, the You Lan Ruo mood of phoenix concealment cold and gloomy chill in the air cultivation to extremely high, now is also the anger launches a psychological attack. 被说的俏脸煞白,杀机暴现,凤目隐含森冷的寒意的幽兰若原本心境修为极高的,现在也是怒火攻心。 She is pure, actually because of Xie Aoyu, but was traced the buttocks, has not been away from the clothes, this let You Lan Ruo recently more than 20 days, often remembered must grasp crazily. 她本是冰清玉洁,却因谢傲宇,而被摸了臀部,还不是隔着衣服,这让幽兰若最近20多天,每每想起都要抓狂。 Nowadays was pointing at the face by Xie Aoyu, the shame is ashamed and resentful. 现如今被谢傲宇指着脸,羞辱更是羞愤。 Is separated by more than ten meters, You Lan Ruo waves the arms about then to give a Xie Aoyu palm of the hand, Xie Aoyu wants to move aside, but is only the fleeting thought that the body had not responded with enough time that was hit. 相隔十多米,幽兰若甩手便送给谢傲宇一巴掌,谢傲宇想要躲闪,可只是一闪念,身体还没来得及反应,就被击中了。 In clear ear and area around it sound, his Zuo Lianjia presented one to be in charge red, the trim left face was numb, the corners of the mouth also flowed out a blood. 清脆的耳光声中,他的左脸颊出现了一个红掌印,整片左脸都麻木了,嘴角也流出一丝鲜血。 This is the disparity. 这是差距。 In the Cloud level lower position and Sage level the distance of position, is insurmountable, moreover Tuifan level always practices in the system, a biggest trench, 60% followers are unable to overstep life-long, Xie Aoyu has not arrived that step, how also to contend with You Lan Ruo. 云级下位与至圣级中位的距离,根本不可逾越,而且蜕凡级还是总修炼体系中,一个最大的壕沟,60的修炼者终生无法逾越,谢傲宇还未到达那一步,又如何与幽兰若相抗衡。 The disparity was too big. 差距太大了。 You are so excited, that was certainly said by me.” Xie Aoyu deletes the blood of corners of the mouth, was dying in any case, cannot die aggrievedly, was estranged the relations with Bing Wu by her, but must be killed in this bleak area, at least must scold a happiness orally, otherwise owed. “你这么激动,那一定是被我说中了。”谢傲宇擦去嘴角的鲜血,反正要死了,总不能憋屈死吧,被她离间与冰舞的关系,还要被杀在这荒凉地区,至少也要口头上骂个痛快,不然太亏了。 „!” “啪!” You Lan Ruo sends out once more. 幽兰若再次送出一记耳光。 The right cheeks of Xie Aoyu were hit, the whole piece face was thoroughly numb, the head is a little murky, this time he has made the preparation ahead of time, after knowing said that You Lan Ruo will definitely get rid, finally responded that is too slow. 谢傲宇的右脸颊被打,整张脸彻底麻木了,脑袋都有点昏昏沉沉的,这次他是提前做了准备,知道说完之后,幽兰若肯定会出手,结果还是反应太慢。 Once in Hengduan Shan the city of forest, Xie Aoyu also fought with Gullette a move, performing is one move, at least made Gullette embarrassed, at that time his strength pitiful awfully, but then Gullette and present You Lan Ruo disparity, only then a rank, in highest sage lower position and highest sage position, but the strength may not with saying the language. 曾经在横断山脉的森林之城内,谢傲宇也与古利特交手一招,尽是一招,至少令古利特难堪了,当时他实力可怜的要命,而当时的古利特和现在的幽兰若差距只有一个等级,至圣下位和至圣中位,但是实力根本不可同曰而语。 You more hit me, to exceed explained that the idea of your innermost feelings is so, hey, I suspected really that you control my fingerprint your buttocks, unexpectedly has also rubbed several, is very comfortable, at that time Xie Aoyu had not said that was slapped third, however in his hand still grasped Evil Spirit Spell Law Sign, crazy input Qi, he must release Evil Spirit and a You Lan Ruo war. “你越是打我,越说明你内心的想法就是如此,嘿嘿,我真怀疑,你控制我的手模你的臀部,居然还揉了几下,是不是很舒服啊,那时”谢傲宇没说完,便被打了第三个耳光,但是他的手中依然抓出了邪灵魔咒法牌,疯狂的输入斗气,他要释放出邪灵幽兰若一战。 After the butterfly , the face of You Lan Ruo is pale, grasps conveniently in airborne one, the strange ray projects, that pan- the ray spell law sign returned unexpectedly tranquilly, Xie Aoyu Qi is unable to search into. 蝶后幽兰若的脸铁青,随手在空中一阵抓动,奇异的光芒射出,那已经泛起光芒的魔咒法牌居然重新回归平静,谢傲宇斗气都无法探入其中。 Evil Spirit Spell Law Sign was sealed! 邪灵魔咒法牌被封了! The You Lan Ruo cloudy vision is passing infinite killing intent, kneels down!” 幽兰若阴沉的目光透着无穷的杀意,“跪下!” A boundless imposing manner from her body surges, forms the invisible oppression strength, has starts in all directions to the Xie Aoyu extrusion, but. 一股磅礴的气势从她的身上涌动出来,形成无形的压迫力,有四面八方开始向谢傲宇挤压而至。 This invisible strength is the symbol of psychic force. 这种无形的力量就是精神力的象征。 The imposing manner surges the tide. 气势涌动似潮水。 The crushed stone of ground crash-bang the trundle, goes the Xie Aoyu body previous meter place, entirely blasting open the powder, that pressure arrived at any situation obviously. 地面的碎石哗啦啦的滚动,到达谢傲宇身前一米的地方,统统的炸裂成粉末,可见那压力到达了什么地步。 Transmits the body of Xie Aoyu is beyond description. 传递到谢傲宇的身上更是难以形容。 Kneels down!” You Lan Ruo breaks shouts to clear the way. “跪下!”幽兰若喝道 You lie to dig the buttocks in front, the father kneel!” The Xie Aoyu oppressed body tightened, still clenched teeth, insisting on, the exit was satirizing, I most liked this posture “你在前面趴着撅起屁股,老子就跪!”谢傲宇被压迫的身体都绷紧了,仍然咬着牙,坚持着,出口讽刺,“我最喜欢这种姿势” Shameless one, kneels!” You Lan Ruo air/Qi must grasp crazily. “无耻之徒,跪!”幽兰若气的要抓狂。 That imposing manner is resembles flood dragon mind, the agitation sea is furious, the great strength of its oppression strength, making Xie Aoyu suspect that will be equal to about 150 times of gravity oppressions. 那气势更是好像蛟龙脑海,搅动的大海震怒似的,其压迫力之强大,令谢傲宇怀疑相当于将近150倍的重力压迫。 Xie Aoyu whole body severe pain. 谢傲宇全身剧痛。 The bone as if by the innumerable strengths attacking squeezing, the mill, must give the breakage his whole body all skeletons, that pain is indescribable. 骨头仿佛被无数的力量给冲击着压榨,碾磨,要将其全身所有的骨骼都给破损,那种痛苦难以言喻。 What is fatal is suffocates. 更致命的是窒息。 The five main internal organs (entrails) must rupture, but how also to breathe, red that the facial features suppress. 五脏六腑都要爆裂了,还如何呼吸,面容憋的通红。 Kneels down!” The You Lan Ruo as if female sorceress is common, waving of jet black luxuriant alienation, the charming facial features were fierce because of the excessive anger, an eye projects the cold and gloomy cold brightness, is similar to the substantive light beam hole shoots, the mouth opens, sends out whooshing of incantation. “跪下!”幽兰若仿佛女巫婆一般,漆黑的秀发狂乱的舞动,娇媚的面容因为过度的愤怒已经狰狞了,一双眼睛射出森冷的寒光,如同实质般的光束洞射,嘴巴张开,发出咒语的嘶吼。 The Xie Aoyu forehead blue vein sticks out suddenly, red that suppresses shamelessly, the sweat bead falls, the body almost must twist, he still diligently showed a smiling face, I pledged so long as only I live certainly am annihilating your 100 谢傲宇额头青筋暴起,老脸憋的通红,汗珠子啪嗒啪嗒的落下来,身体几乎要扭曲了,他仍然努力地露出一丝笑容,“我发誓只只要我活着就就一定强歼你100遍” I must kill you!” “我要杀了你!” After the butterfly , the You Lan Ruo genuine violent walked. 蝶后幽兰若真正的暴走了。 Before by the Xie Aoyu shame, being made her want to oppress Xie Aoyu to kneel in her front very much, has not actually thought of the Xie Aoyu very man, was standing dying, was not kneeling living, this made her give up shaming Xie Aoyu, she must kill people! 之前被谢傲宇羞辱,令她很想压迫谢傲宇跪在她的面前,却没想到谢傲宇很男人,只有站着死,绝不跪着生,这让她放弃了羞辱谢傲宇,她要杀人! The flash of but in her violent walking, that imposing manner also along with a it loosen. 可就在她暴走的一瞬间,那气势也随之一松。 Earth Escape Technique! 土遁术 Although Xie Aoyu knew perfectly well 99% possibly was killed, is actually not without a fight, 1% opportunities also must hold. 谢傲宇虽明知99的可能被杀,却也绝不束手就擒,1的机会也是也要抓住。 Let alone the lifelong goal has not been realized. 何况人生目标未实现。 Father Xie Gan throws in the lethargic sleep, until now the superior regains consciousness. 父亲谢乾扔在昏睡中,迄今为止上位苏醒。 He is not willingly. 他不甘心啊。 Achieves the Cloud level lower position boundary, making Xie Aoyu Earth Escape Technique be the most long-distance range is 18 meters, was not far, but must be separated from You Lan Ruo 15 meters of imposing manner most abundant region, actually yes. 达到云级下位境界,令谢傲宇土遁术达到了最远距离是是18米,不算远,可是要脱离幽兰若的气势最盛区域的15米,却是可以的。 You must pay the price for all that said!” After the butterfly, You Lan Ruo is similar to the female lion that goes crazy, wielded the dance willow tree Emperor sword bowel movement to cut maliciously. “你要为所说的一切付出代价!”蝶后幽兰若如同发狂的母狮子,挥动舞柳天王剑便恶狠狠地斩了出去。 The Xie Aoyu subsoil escapes again. 谢傲宇再次土遁。 Bang!” “嘭!” Just entered underground, felt the earth to vibrate, the fierce fluctuation transmitted, his body immediately shaking from underground to brave by that fluctuation strength, flew more than ten meters, hit on the face, was painful he to contort one's face in agony. 刚入地下,就感到大地震动,剧烈的波动传来,他的身体立时被那股波动力量给震得从地下冒出来,飞出去十多米,撞在山壁上,痛得他呲牙裂嘴。 Said without enough time that the Xie Aoyu subsoil escapes again. 来不及多说,谢傲宇再次土遁。 Possibility of only life. 唯一活命的可能。 Indeed, in his hand grasps Wind and rain line was known as first movement Fights Technique, he also grasped Wind and rain line such as light electricity, but after he and butterfly , the You Lan Ruo disparity is too big. 诚然,他手中掌握的“风雨行”号称第一身法斗技,他也掌握了“风雨行”的如光似电,怎奈他与蝶后幽兰若的差距太大。 Even if You Lan Ruo does not excel at the speed, he such as only will resemble the electricity to display the acme, has no way to run away, let alone You Lan Ruo is the wind is the surname, she most excels at the speed. 就算幽兰若不擅长速度,他将如光似电发挥到极致,也根本没法逃走,何况幽兰若就是风属姓,她最擅长速度。 Therefore Xie Aoyu takes advantage only has Earth Escape Technique. 所以谢傲宇依仗的唯有土遁术 Leave!” After the butterfly, You Lan Ruo breaks shouts to clear the way. “滚出来!”蝶后幽兰若喝道 The dance willow tree Emperor sword cut down the day to cut. 舞柳天王剑劈天斩下。 One about 20 meters in length, the width has about ten meters ultra giant great sword light presents in the midair, by easily accomplished potential cut-throat falling. 一道长达20多米,宽有近十米的超巨型的巨剑光影呈现在半空中,以摧枯拉朽之势凶狠的落下。 Rumbling “轰轰轰” Giant sword shade place visited, all change into the nihility. 巨型剑影所过之处,一切化为虚无。 All hindrance, even if one that mountain is hit has several thousand jin (0.5 kg) rock also with ease to be divided for the powder fully, flies upwards with the sky. 所有的阻碍,哪怕是山中弹出来的一块足有数千斤重的岩石也被轻松地劈为粉末,与天空中飞扬。 The travel fatigue flutters. 风尘飘扬中。 Here presents a rectangle the small artificial lake pit, pours into the water, that is a small lake, is the prestige of You Lan Ruo sword. 这里出现一个长方形的小型人工湖似的地坑,灌入水,那就是一个小型湖泊,是幽兰若一剑之威。 About about ten meters place before that pit, Xie Aoyu slanting by in a giant stone, the whole body clothing was total wreck, everywhere is the wound, the body still in slight shivering, on the face also completely is the wound, the mouth the outflow blood, obviously received the extremely heavy injury. 在那地坑前大约十米开外的地方,谢傲宇斜靠在一块巨大的石块上,全身衣衫破烂不堪,到处都是伤口,身体仍然在轻微的颤抖,脸上也尽是伤口,嘴里汩汩的流出鲜血,显然受了极重的伤势。 You Lan Ruo light flies his near, the tip of the toe takeoffs about three centimeters altitude, by the arrogant stance bird's eye view Xie Aoyu, what you were also having to say?” 幽兰若轻飘飘的飞到他的近前,脚尖离地大约三厘米的高度,以高傲的姿态俯瞰着谢傲宇,“你还有什么说的?” Also,” Xie Aoyu gasping for breath diligently, the eye stubbornly is staring at You Lan Ruo, I , if not die, certainly annihilates your 100.” “还,还有”谢傲宇努力的喘口气,眼睛死死地盯着幽兰若,“我若不死,一定强歼你100遍。” Shameless!” “无耻!” You Lan Ruo exploded with rage the lung, wielded the dance willow tree Emperor sword then to cut. 幽兰若气炸了肺,挥动舞柳天王剑便斩了下去。 Slow!” Xie Aoyu anxious shouts to clear the way. “慢!”谢傲宇喝道 You also want to say anything.” You Lan Ruo impatient say (way). “你还想说什么。”幽兰若不耐烦的道。 Puts out a hand to hold the megalith, Xie Aoyu is clenching the teeth, exhausts the strength of whole body, this reluctantly has stood, Qi has consumed thoroughly cleanly, the whole body is the wound, even if holds the megalith to stand, he also feels the incomparable strenuousness. 伸手扶着巨石,谢傲宇咬紧牙关,用尽全身的力气,这才勉强站了起来,斗气已经彻底消耗干净,全身都是伤口,即便是扶着巨石站立,他也感到无比的吃力。 Death, must stand dying! 死,也要站着死! That tenacious such as steel and iron mental made You Lan Ruo also surprised, is actually not able to make her eliminate the murderous intention, she must kill the heart to Xie Aoyu, did not have the maneuver to be possible certainly. 那坚韧如钢铁的心智令幽兰若也为之惊讶,却无法令她消除杀机,她对谢傲宇是必杀之心,绝无回旋可能。 The Xie Aoyu body by the megalith, is staring at You Lan Ruo, finally what I want to say after is the butterfly , the buttocks of You Lan Ruo are very slippery, Ha Ha 谢傲宇身体靠在巨石上,盯着幽兰若,“我最后想说的是蝶后幽兰若的屁股真的很滑啊,哈哈”
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