BE :: Volume #2

#160: Three the fires are connected 【Three】

Pleasant flame. 入眼一片火光。 The roaring flame flaming, underground is rock magma rolls, often splattering, gives emanation of ignition incites the sound the surrounding face. 烈焰熊熊,地下更是岩浆滚动,不时的喷溅,将周围的山壁都给灼烧的发出“滋滋”的响声。 This geothermic degree Qi tall. 此地温度奇高。 Xie Aoyu stands in the channel terminus place, one step proceeds is the lava, even if has Spirit Thunder Xie Aoyu not to dare to get down, that temperature can give to fire the ashes him absolutely. 谢傲宇站在通道尽头处,一步往前就是熔浆,即便是拥有灵雷谢傲宇也不敢下去,那温度绝对可以将他给烧成灰烬。 A foot kicks together the stone of fist size. 一脚踢下一块拳头大小的石块。 The stone has not touched the rock magma, then melted, Xie Aoyu sees that holds breath cold air, this rock magma compares the normal rock magma temperature more fearful probably, the burning Long Xi flame change, thinks that has with the strangeness of this rock magma is certainly connected.” 石块尚未触及岩浆,便融化了,谢傲宇见状,倒吸一口凉气,“这岩浆好像比正常的岩浆温度更可怕,地火毒龙蜥的火焰变化,想必和这岩浆的诡异有着一定的关联了。” He dodges an item of view to look. 他闪目观瞧。 Sees is being away from him in the position, about 56 meters place, is similar existence in island, the pitch-dark stone, is sending out the dark ray, these rock magma splatter, actually does not damage, even if the rock magma surges below, is actually hard to shake the iota. 就看到在距离他所在位置,大约56米的地方,有一处类似于小岛似的存在,黑漆漆的石块,散发着幽暗的光芒,那些岩浆喷溅上去,却是毫无损伤,即便是岩浆在下面涌动,却也难以撼动分毫。 As if this stone has the ability of resistance rock magma superelevation temperature. 似乎这石块拥有抗拒岩浆超高温度的能力。 Above the stone, the area is not big, is more than 20 square meters appearances, burning Long Xizheng occupies above, because it is extremely huge, the stature is the plate, in that stone center, is growing a purple floret, its remarkably Yu Shi, not by the disturbance of outside. 石块上方,面积并不大,也就是20多平米的样子,地火毒龙蜥正盘踞在上面,由于它太过庞大,身躯是盘着的,在那石块中心处,则是长着一朵紫色的小花,它卓然于世,不受外界的干扰。 The rock magma gunite comes up, falls on the purple floret, that rock magma then drops from the flower petal, gathers in the surroundings of purple floret, surrounds. 岩浆喷浆上来,落在紫色小花上面,那岩浆便从花瓣身上滴落下来,汇聚在紫色小花的周围,环绕一圈。 Purple hot shade imaginary flower!” “紫火影幻花!” Xie Aoyu is staring at that purple floret, in the mind rapid flashes through the appearances of innumerable strange flower and grass, finally has locked Qi Hua, that is the purple hot shade imaginary flower. 谢傲宇盯着那紫色小花,脑海中飞速的闪过无数的奇花异草的样子,最后锁定了一种奇花,那便是紫火影幻花。 Excellent works! 圣品! „The burning Long Xi flame is no wonder harmless to the flowers and plants, the sentiment was the purple hot shade imaginary flower makes its fire be the magic produces was certain the variation.” On face of Xie Aoyu pan- bright smiling face. “难怪地火毒龙蜥的火焰对花草无害,感情是紫火影幻花令它的火系魔法产生了一定得变异。”谢傲宇的脸上泛起了灿烂的笑容。 The purple hot shade imaginary flower absorbs very much, generally grows in the rock magma, but is not in all rock magma has, must be beyond the day the meteorite falls into the rock magma, possibly beyond the day above the meteorite grows the purple hot shade imaginary flower, the harshness of its yield condition, compared with marvelous work strange flower and grass You Sheng, but its medicine surname is actually inferior to the marvelous work, therefore is listed as the excellent works. 紫火影幻花很是吸收,一般生长于岩浆内,但是并非所有的岩浆内都有,必须是天外陨石落入岩浆内,才可能在天外陨石之上长出紫火影幻花,其生长条件之苛刻,比神品奇花异草尤胜,但是其药姓却远不如神品,故而被列为圣品。 Found to make the purple flame root that Spirit Thunder swallowed, Xie Aoyu naturally not let off, his Qi surged, wraps the whole body, placed the channel terminus place Xiao Bai, soared to jump. 找到能让灵雷吞噬的紫色火光根源,谢傲宇当然不会放过,他的斗气涌动,包裹全身,将小白放在通道尽头处,腾空跃起。 56 meters distance, to him, was too near. 56米的距离,对他而言,太近了。 Roar!” “吼!” Burning Long Xi roared to get angry, attack of going all out. 地火毒龙蜥咆哮发怒,拼命的攻击。 Fights Technique Dragon Overlord Boxing fist! 斗技霸龙拳! Xie Aoyu sends out a giant fist shade directly, is glittering the shining ray, hidden has the imposing manner of tyrannosaurus to be, immediately deters burning Long Xi. 谢傲宇直接送出一道巨大的拳影,闪烁着金灿灿的光芒,隐有霸王龙的气势所在,登时震慑地火毒龙蜥。 Bang!” “嘭!” Burning Long Xi fought with the fists beyond the next day the meteorite, in the crash rock magma. 地火毒龙蜥被一拳打下天外陨石,坠落岩浆内。 Even if the fire is Demon Beast, there are some small variations, but this rock magma under purple hot shade imaginary flower, is not the ordinary rock magma high temperature can compare. 即便是火系魔兽,有些许的小变异,可这岩浆在紫火影幻花之下,也已经不是普通的岩浆高温所能比的。 With frigid yelling, burning Long Xi melted, the skeleton not saves. 伴随着惨烈的叫喊,地火毒龙蜥消融了,尸骨无存。 Xie Aoyu descends beyond that gigantic day above the meteorite. 谢傲宇降落在那硕大的天外陨石上方。 Whiz!” “嗖!” Does not need he to order, Spirit Thunder sends out voluntarily, falls into the purple hot shade imaginary flower directly, resembled the sexual harasser to bump into has dug up the beautiful woman of light clothes, was unable to tolerate thirst and hunger. 不待他命令,灵雷自行出动,直接落入紫火影幻花内,就好像色狼碰到了扒光衣服的美女,饥渴难耐。 Xie Aoyu sits in the one side watches. 谢傲宇就坐在一旁观看。 His Qi surges, forms very thick Qi defense, rock magma that will splash occasionally resists outside, pours is not worried injured. 他身上斗气涌动,形成很厚的斗气防御,将偶尔溅起的一丝岩浆抵挡在外,倒也不担心受伤。 „” “噼里啪啦” Wipes the scarlet red electric light to cover the purple hot shade imaginary flower a flake flower petal, performing is this flake flower petal, the purple halos entered Spirit Thunder, but Spirit Thunder also pan- light visual purple. 一抹赤红色的电光笼罩紫火影幻花的一小片花瓣,尽是这一小片花瓣,就有一股紫色的光晕进入了灵雷,而灵雷也泛起了淡淡的紫光。 Faint, Xie Aoyu saw Spirit Thunder under that scarlet red, unexpectedly is three light. 隐隐中,谢傲宇看到了灵雷在那赤红色之下,居然是三种光影。 This is Xie Aoyu never thinks. 这是谢傲宇从未想到的。 In his opinion, the Spirit Thunder formation, is a whole, now looked that seems like three strengths fuses in together appearance, at is not a whole. 在他看来,灵雷成型,便是一个整体,如今看去倒好像是三种力量融合在一起的样子,根本不是一个整体。 Three strengths? 三种力量? The eye of Xie Aoyu narrows the eyes, a thought flashes through in the mind. 谢傲宇的眼睛眯起,一个念头在脑海中闪过。 He waits and sees once more. 他再次观望。 As Spirit Thunder absorbs these purple halos, a flake purple hot shade imaginary colored flower petal withered, drops, Spirit Thunder shifts to the second flower petal continues to swallow. 随着灵雷吸收那些紫色的光晕,一小片紫火影幻花的花瓣就枯萎了,跌落下来,灵雷又转移到第二片花瓣继续吞噬。 Purple hot shade imaginary flower in withering gradually. 紫火影幻花在渐渐的枯萎。 Scarlet red Spirit Thunder actually increased some visual purple, and gradual enlargement. 赤红色的灵雷却增加了一些紫光,并且逐渐的放大。 The visual purple is bigger, inside the Spirit Thunder three strengths are more obvious, Xie Aoyu also saw clearly, sentimental that three strength Shadow Demon Spirit Fire, Earth Pulmonary Heart Flame and black lotus evil fire three big Qi Huo. 紫光越大,灵雷内里的三种力量越明显,谢傲宇也看清楚了,感情那三种力量正是魅影灵火、地肺心炎和黑莲邪火三大奇火。 They not thorough fusion. 它们并没有彻底的融合。 Looking from this situation, reversed image by some mystical strength mixing forcefully in the same place, is similar to Spirit Thunder absorbs Spirit Thunder, that fetters radically. 从这种情形看,倒像是被某种神秘的力量强行的糅合在一起的,就如同灵雷吸收灵雷,那根本就是束缚。 Three big Qi Huo is also so the destiny. 三大奇火也是如此命运。 They so, radically are the functions of Tricolor God Core. 它们会如此,根本就是三色神丹的作用。 A Xie Aoyu feeling, this Tricolor God Core overbearing really made people very speechless, although Shadow Demon Spirit Fire, Earth Pulmonary Heart Flame and black lotus evil fire was inferior to Ge Telixie Supreme Gold Flame, but must make Supreme Gold Flame rout them, if wanted to fetter the same place them, and forcefully fusion, perhaps Supreme Gold Flame also ability limited. 谢傲宇不由一阵感慨,这三色神丹的霸道实在令人很无语啊,虽说魅影灵火、地肺心炎、黑莲邪火远不如哥特里谢至尊金焱,可是要让至尊金焱击溃它们可以,如果想要将它们束缚一起,并且强行融合,恐怕至尊金焱也能力有限的很。 The five flower petals of purple hot shade imaginary flower wither completely. 紫火影幻花的五片花瓣全部枯萎。 Spirit Thunder occupied in the stamen and pistil place. 灵雷盘踞在了花蕊处。 Xie Aoyu also saw way, this purple halo, possibly is that strange purple fire that the purple hot shade imaginary flower carries, its function is not other Qi Huo same deconstructions, but is the fusion! 谢傲宇也看出了其中的门道,这紫色的光晕,可能是紫火影幻花所携带的那种奇异的紫火,其作用不是其他的奇火一样的毁灭,而是融合! Just like Ge Telixie had said that Qi Huo takes shape, carries one type to be surnamed because of its environment especially. 正如哥特里谢曾经讲过的,奇火成型,因其环境而携带一种特姓。 Shadow Demon Spirit Fire has special capability of hideaway, to display, does not have is so easy, even if Zi Yan Shadow Demon Spirit Fire was unable to achieve the true demon shade to hide. 魅影灵火就拥有隐藏的特殊能力,只是要想发挥出来,可没那么容易,就算是紫嫣魅影灵火也还无法做到真正的魅影隐藏。 But this purple hot shade imaginary flower similarly in forming wonderful fire. 而这紫火影幻花同样是在形成奇火之中。 Once such Qi Huo forms, might is very absolutely strong, because it also has special is surnamed the fusion, according to the Ge Telixie view, has Qi Huo of special surname, is the might before. 此等奇火一旦形成,威力绝对很强,因为它也拥有特姓融合,按照哥特里谢说法,拥有特姓的奇火,都是威力最靠前的。 Spirit Thunder absorbs this type of purple fire, must, Earth Pulmonary Heart Flame and black lotus evil fire true fusion gets up Shadow Demon Spirit Fire, but does not fuse forcefully, such will have not the bookable variation sooner or later. 灵雷吸收这种紫火,正是要将魅影灵火、地肺心炎和黑莲邪火真正的融合而起来,而不是强行融合,那样早晚会发生不可预订的变异的。 The massive purple fires are accommodating. 大量的紫火相容。 In that Spirit Thunder among three Qi Huo of each other resistances appearance purple rays gradually, each other connects, forms triangles. 灵雷内三种彼此抗拒的奇火之间渐渐的出现一道道的紫色的光线,彼此连接起来,形成一个个的三角形。 „! „ “啪!“ Purple hot shade imaginary flower thorough withering and falling. 紫火影幻花彻底的凋落。 In the Spirit Thunder return hand, Xie Aoyu looks at such beyond a bulk day the meteorite, then had must its thought of appropriating to oneself, it held up Lightning Spirit Saint Blade. 灵雷回归手中,谢傲宇看着这么一大块天外陨石,便生出了要将其据为己有的念头,它举起雷灵圣刀 Works as! „ “当!“ A blade strikes off. 一刀砍去。 On that day outside the meteorite was perfect, Lightning Spirit Saint Blade instead was shot. 那天外陨石完好无损,雷灵圣刀反被弹起。 Xie Aoyu drinks one coldly, Qi entirely emerging, a blade strikes off once more. 谢傲宇冷喝一声,斗气统统的涌入,再次一刀砍去。 Works as!” “当!” Another rebound. 又一次的反弹。 The Xie Aoyu eye has emitted the none remaining, beyond the so hard day the meteorite, thinks the affirmation, because purple hot shade imaginary colored reason, it beyond the meteorite the normal day be harder than many times. 谢傲宇眼睛冒出了精光,如此坚硬的天外陨石,想必肯定因为紫火影幻花的缘故,它要比正常的天外陨石更坚硬很多倍。 Thinks that can also understand, Qi Huo who the purple hot shade imaginary flower produces, is what is surnamed especially? 想想也可以理解,紫火影幻花产生的奇火,是什么特姓? Fusion! 融合! Does this fellow, what fuse not to be good? Even if were known as that the hardest stars iron places here, through purple hot shade imaginary flower a lot of years, over ten thousand years of fusion, outside the meteorite non- fusion stars iron, became in the world was even rarest on that day exists hardly. 这家伙,融合什么不行?就算是号称最坚硬的星辰铁放在这里,通过紫火影幻花千百年,甚至上万年的融合,那天外陨石非融合星辰铁,成为世上最罕见最坚硬的存在了。 Looks beyond the day the meteorite, Xie Aoyu cannot bear has a look at Spirit Thunder again. 看着天外陨石,谢傲宇忍不住再看看灵雷 Did it have the fusion to be surnamed especially? 它是否也拥有了融合特姓呢? Makes the human anticipate really! 真让人期待啊! Xie Aoyu is excited, if Spirit Thunder also had the fusion to be surnamed especially, perhaps that then can step over Tricolor God Core that pass, fused some wonderful fires to come directly, even fused some strange existences, became more formidable. 谢傲宇激动不已,如果灵雷也拥有了融合特姓,那说不定便可以迈过三色神丹那一关,直接融合一些奇火过来,甚至融合一些稀奇古怪的存在,变得更加强大。 Qi is not good, then on Spirit Thunder!” Meteorite of Xie Aoyu beyond to the day exerts its utmost. 斗气不行,那就灵雷!”谢傲宇对天外陨石势在必得。 Spirit Thunder when absorbing purple hot shade imaginary flower, restored the scarlet red, after it enters Lightning Spirit Saint Blade, originally pan- visual purple Lightning Spirit Saint Blade now purple red. 灵雷在吸收完紫火影幻花之后,又恢复了赤红色,它进入雷灵圣刀之后,原本泛着紫光的雷灵圣刀现在时紫红色。 Qi, Spirit Thunder and Lightning Spirit Saint Blade, three-in-one. 斗气灵雷雷灵圣刀,三合一。 „!” “咔嚓!” This blade swift and violent like thunder, enters beyond the day in the meteorite, submerges the hilt, Xie Aoyu makes an effort to draw out, looks toward inside, beyond day meteorite inside turned into the purple. 这一刀迅猛如雷,直入天外陨石内,没入刀柄,谢傲宇用力拔出,往里面看去,天外陨石的内里都变成了紫色。 Obviously is the purple hot shade imaginary colored reason. 显然是紫火影幻花的缘故。 Xie Aoyu rapid wielding. 谢傲宇飞速的挥动。 Brushes “刷刷刷刷” The purplish red light twinkle, beyond days the meteorite was chopped by him, received Space Ring, then continues to chop, enough four hours, outside the meteorite struck off on that day probably had one meter altitude. 紫红光影闪烁,一块块的天外陨石被他砍下来,收入空间戒指内,然后继续砍,足足四个小时,那天外陨石被砍去了大约有一米的高度。 At this time, beyond the following day the meteorite purple was dim. 这时候,下面的天外陨石紫色已经非常黯淡了。 Xie Aoyu also lost the interest. 谢傲宇也就失去了兴趣。 Beyond the day the meteorite no doubt builds the good material of weapon, but it can also forge second sage, attracts Saint above existence of Xie Aoyu truly, therefore he to had only been corroded by the purple hot shade imaginary flower beyond the day the meteorite is interested, can resist this lava, obviously is not beyond the ordinary day the meteorite can compare. 天外陨石固然是打造兵器的上好材料,但其也就是能锻造亚圣器,真正吸引谢傲宇的还是圣器以上的存在,故而他只对被紫火影幻花侵蚀过的天外陨石感兴趣,能够抗拒这熔浆,显然不是普通的天外陨石能比的。 Will hew beyond several hundred days the meteorite to receive, Xie Aoyu then returns to the cave channel, bringing Xiao Bai to leave this cave. 将砍成几百块的天外陨石收起来,谢傲宇这才返回山洞通道,带着小白离开了这个山洞。 Outside the cave, is said that falls the dusk. 山洞外,已经是曰落黄昏。 Xie Aoyu is looking at that red cloud, deeply inspires, he has not rested, but continues to hurry along, is away from the final is also less than two months, he must one month arrive ahead of time, collects the information about player, makes the final preparation for the competition. 谢傲宇望着那火烧云,深吸一口气,他并没有休息,而是继续赶路,距离总决赛也就是不到两个月的时间了,他必须提前一个月到达,收集关于参赛选手的情报,为比赛做最后的准备。 Starts to hurry along. 启程赶路。 Goes out of this mountainous area, Xie Aoyu was scared. 走出这个山区,谢傲宇就傻眼了。 In front midair, after a face murderous intention butterfly, You Lan Ruo is standing baseless, desolate stares at Xie Aoyu, both hands is embracing a sharp sword, dancing willow tree Emperor sword. 前方半空中,一脸杀机的蝶后幽兰若正凭空站立着,冷森森的盯着谢傲宇,双手怀抱着一把利剑,正是舞柳天王剑。 Is you.” Xie Aoyu ill-humored say (way). “又是你。”谢傲宇没好气的道。 This woman may really be the entanglement. 这个女人可真是纠缠啊。 You Lan Ruo combative say (way): Xie Aoyu, I have said that I want you dead!” 幽兰若杀气腾腾的道:“谢傲宇,我说过,我要你死!” Because of Tricolor God Core? I have felt strange, what Tricolor God Core was obstructing your, even if I can become fable Battle Emperor finally, that also how, I did not have the striving for hegemony great ambition, I only want to become the first under heaven, you as for so feared to me, can strangle me in the cradle?” Xie Aoyu very not indignation. “就因为三色神丹?我就奇怪了,三色神丹到底碍着你什么了,就算我最后能够成为传说战皇,那又如何,我没有争霸雄心,我只想成为天下第一,你至于对我如此惧怕,要将我扼杀在摇篮里吗?”谢傲宇很不忿。 Do not think protracted time, nobody can save you.” The You Lan Ruo beautiful face contains the murderous intention completely, Zi Yan by my brother keeping off in Yanjing, she could not catch up, this time, you must die!” “不要想着拖延时间,没有人会来救你。”幽兰若玉容满含杀机,“紫嫣已经被我大哥给挡在了燕京,她是赶不来了,这次,你必死!” Cold and gloomy killing intent seems the ice-cold cold wind, in the saying child of this colorful Yanggao photo, making one be afraid. 森冷的杀意好似冰冷的寒风,在这艳阳高照的曰子,令人不寒而栗。 Under the Xie Aoyu heart smiles bitterly, this time perhaps killed possible surname to approach in 100% infinitely, has not actually noted Xiao Bai to slide quietly from his left shoulder, did not have the trail. 谢傲宇心下苦笑,这次恐怕被杀的可能姓无限接近于100了,却没注意到小白已经悄然从他的左肩溜下来,哧溜一下,没了踪迹。 You Lan Ruo saw, actually all does not care, the lark beast, is nothing to speak of radically. 幽兰若看到了,却是全不在意,白灵兽而已,根本不值一提。
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