BE :: Volume #2

#159: Three the fires are connected 【Two】

In the neighing sound, burning Long Xi flame eyes have locked Xie Aoyu, flame flaming combustion, not the surrounding weed ignition, very unusual fire intensity. 嘶鸣声中,地火毒龙蜥一双火红色的眼睛锁定了谢傲宇,身上的火焰熊熊燃烧,偏偏没有将周围的杂草点燃,很奇特的火势。 Hissing hissing “嘶嘶” Burning Long Xi launched the attack. 地火毒龙蜥率先发动了攻击。 The flame ball howls to depart together. 一道火焰球呼啸飞出。 That flame ball pounds some weeds but actually, has not lit them, unusual command Xie Aoyu wonders very much, his strange is staring at the flight trajectory of flame ball, washes one's hands to make star moon/month Flying Knife. 那火焰球将一些杂草砸倒,也没有点燃它们,奇特的令谢傲宇很是纳闷,他怪异的盯着火焰球的飞行轨迹,抖手打出星月飞刀 „!” “咻!” star moon/month Flying Knife has drawn an arc, projects like lightning. 星月飞刀划过一道弧线,闪电般射出。 The blade , the fireball is to shatter. 刀至,火球破碎。 These Mars fall on the ground, then vanished, but above star moon/month Flying Knife has flame to burn faintly, but quick vanished, care that if not Xie Aoyu looks , is almost very difficult to discover. 那些火星落在地上,便消失了,可是星月飞刀之上却隐隐有一层火焰在燃烧,只是很快就消失了,若非谢傲宇看的仔细,几乎很难发现。 Strange flame. 奇怪的火焰。 Xie Aoyu looks is very the bursting out laughing, star moon/month Flying Knife that his hand move, that departs then returns to the hand, examines, star moon/month Flying Knife unobstructive, the surface also really has flame. 谢傲宇看的很是哑然,他手一招,那飞出的星月飞刀便重新回归手中,查看一下,星月飞刀无碍,表面也确有一层火焰。 Very weak, rapid disappearance. 很微弱,正在飞速的消失。 In that flame, Xie Aoyu saw purple faintly. 在那火焰中,谢傲宇隐隐看到了一丝紫色。 What fire is this? 这是什么火? Has never heard one flame, but is not Qi Huo, this point, Xie Aoyu can conclude that but has the characteristics compared with the normal flame, the temperature of its ignition is also very astonishing, is invalid to the flowers and plants. 从未听说过的一种火焰,但绝不是奇火,这一点,谢傲宇还是能够断定的,只是比正常的火焰更有特色,其灼烧的温度也很惊人,偏偏对花草无效。 Roar, roars “吼,吼” Burning dragon lizard sends out low and deep whooshing, has Long Yin the flavor faintly, actually falls far short, is more like neighs, its huge stature sprints suddenly. 地火毒龙蜥则发出低沉的嘶吼,隐隐有龙吟的味道,却差得远,更像是嘶鸣,它那庞大的身躯猛然冲刺起来。 Simultaneously one flame balls depart. 同时一片火焰球飞出。 Thump “咚咚咚” Burning dragon lizard has five meters considerable, in addition a three meters tail, is very unwieldy, runs, the speed is not fast, is the momentum is astonishing, gives to shake fiercely the ground sways. 地火毒龙蜥长足有五米,加上一条三米长的尾巴,很是笨重,奔跑起来,速度不快,却是声势惊人,把地面都给震得剧烈摇晃。 Also exercises the Flying Knife opportunity. 又是锻炼飞刀的机会。 Xie Aoyu smiles, the line, he specially looks for these magic good Demon Beast, tempts their magics, practices Infinite Spinning Sword. 谢傲宇一笑,一路行来,他就专门找那些魔法不错的魔兽,引诱它们的魔法,练习无定飞旋刀 Whiz!” Whiz!” Whiz!” “嗖!”“嗖!”“嗖!” Three star moon/month Flying Knife go from out of the blue, resists that about 30 flame balls. 三把星月飞刀破空而去,对抗那将近30个火焰球。 star moon/month Flying Knife has drawn arcs, in airborne after collision, has the strength of maneuver, revolves to fly once more, so reciprocation overlapping. 星月飞刀划过一道道弧线,在空中经过碰撞,产生回旋之力,再次旋转飞行,如此往复交叉。 Three star moon/month Flying Knife, revolve respectively three. 三把星月飞刀,各自回旋三圈。 So calculates that waits, if nine Flying Knife, every paddles routs 2-3 flame balls, shortly, in the cold brightness twinkle, these flame balls were then crushed. 如此算来,等若九把飞刀,每一圈划动都击溃两三个火焰球,顷刻间,寒光闪烁中,那些火焰球便被击碎。 star moon/month Flying Knife received the hand of Xie Aoyu. 星月飞刀收入谢傲宇的手中。 Meanwhile, burning Long Xi roared that but, cut-throat hit Xie Aoyu was at approximately on about thousand jin (0.5 kg) rocks. 与此同时,地火毒龙蜥咆哮而至,凶狠的撞击谢傲宇所在的那个约有近千斤重的磐石上面。 Bang!” “轰!” The rock changes to the innumerable fragment, to all directions lasing. 磐石化作无数的碎块,向四面八方激射。 Xie Aoyu early one step flies to shoot the upper air. 谢傲宇则早一步飞射高空。 Eyah! Eyah Xiao Bai yelled, seemed saying: My hot rabbit meat! “咿呀!咿呀”小白大叫道,似乎在说:我的火兔肉啊! These crushed stones had a large number to pound to also in the hot rabbit meat of baking, saw that the fire rabbit meat must be hit, Xie Aoyu laughed, looked at my star moon/month Flying Knife!” 那些碎石有相当一部分砸向了还在烧烤的火兔肉,眼看着火兔肉就要被击中,谢傲宇哈哈大笑,“看我星月飞刀!” His both hands wield continually, launches star moon/month Flying Knife once more. 他双手连挥,再次发射出星月飞刀 By his strength, can definitely prevent the burning Long Xi attack, making the rock not broken, this just practiced Infinite Spinning Sword Fights Technique with the aid of place burning Long Xi. 以他的实力,完全可以阻止地火毒龙蜥的攻击,令磐石不碎,这样只不过是借助地火毒龙蜥练习无定飞旋刀斗技而已。 star moon/month Flying Knife projects. 星月飞刀射出。 Xie Aoyu also descends with the upper air, a foot tramples to place burning Long Xi. 谢傲宇也与高空降落,一脚踹向地火毒龙蜥。 Bang!” “嘭!” Huge place burning Long Xi his foot tramples falls into the ground by the entire forehead and half body that leaps forward, to burning Long Xi. 庞大的地火毒龙蜥被他一脚踹的整个头部和半截身子陷入地面,随之向前一跃,到了地火毒龙蜥的身后。 Xie Aoyu both hands found out, held the burning Long Xi tail. 谢傲宇双手探出,抓住了地火毒龙蜥的尾巴。 He must pull out it, loses. 他要将其拔出来,丢出去。 Where knows that his both hands just moved the burning Long Xi tail, flaming roaring flame suddenly from the place burning Long Xi body crazy gathering above tail. 哪里知道,他的双手刚刚触碰到地火毒龙蜥的尾巴,一股熊熊的烈焰猛然从地火毒龙蜥的身上疯狂的汇聚到尾巴之上。 Roaring flame combustion. 烈焰燃烧。 The hot heart impressively is lavender halo. 火心赫然是淡紫色的光晕。 The surrounding is the flame color. 外围则是火红色。 Rumbling “轰轰” Burning Long Xi controls the flame the ability to be actually quick, outside in that group was red the purple unusual flame then to arrive above the palm of Xie Aoyu along its tail. 地火毒龙蜥控制火焰的能力倒是快捷,那团外红内紫的奇特火焰沿着它的尾巴便到达了谢傲宇的手掌之上。 Do not look that this fire is useless to the flowers and plants, is is very strong to the person effect. 别看这火对花草无用,可是对人却效果很强。 The fire just touched Xie Aoyu, he then felt that transmits burningly painful, the situation of good early had been controlled achieving that has one's wish by his grass because of Spirit Thunder. 火刚刚触及谢傲宇,他便感到一股灼痛传来,好在灵雷早已经被他艹控的达到随心所欲的地步。 The intention moves, Spirit Thunder sends out. 心念一动,灵雷出动。 As two big Qi Huo, Spirit Thunder that Shadow Demon Spirit Fire and place Earth Pulmonary Heart Flame mutation becomes, obtains joining of black lotus evil fire, although itself is Spirit Thunder, has the extremely high function to the flame. 作为两大奇火,魅影灵火和地肺心炎异变而成的灵雷,又得到黑莲邪火的加入,其本身虽是灵雷,却对火焰有着极高的作用。 Spirit Thunder present, goes burningly painful. 灵雷现,灼痛顿去。 Flame then dissipates in invisible, but Xie Aoyu actually discovered that an issue, that was Spirit Thunder has driven out the flame right, actually the purple flame of that flame kernel position absorbing. 一层火焰便消散于无形,可是谢傲宇却发现一个问题,那就是灵雷驱除了火焰没错,却将那火焰中心位置的一丝紫色的火光给吸收了。 What's all this about? 这是怎么回事? Xie Aoyu wonders. 谢傲宇纳闷不已。 He the research to Spirit Thunder, can say constantly, Spirit Thunder can absorb Thun­der and Light­ning, but this absorption is quite special, does not inhale Spirit Thunder, but was fettered by Spirit Thunder. 他对灵雷的研究,可以说无时无刻的,灵雷可以吸收雷电,但是这种吸收比较特殊,不是吸入灵雷内部,而是被灵雷束缚起来。 Other Spirit Thunder are not good. 其它的灵雷均不行。 Even if the ordinary flame also not, even if Qi Huo, that also needs Tricolor God Core of Xie Aoyu within the body to complete to the absorption of wonderful fire, then can become Spirit Thunder part. 哪怕是普通的火焰也是不可以的,就算是奇火,那也需要谢傲宇体内的三色神丹来完成对奇火的吸收,然后才能成为灵雷的一部分。 But this time was actually Spirit Thunder absorbs. 可这次却是灵雷吸收了。 „” “啪啪啪” At this time, the clear sound was unceasing, these pounded to the crushed stone of hot rabbit meat by star moon/month Flying Knife crushing, three Flying Knife re-entered in the hand of Xie Aoyu. 这时候,清脆的响声不断,那些砸向火兔肉的碎石均被星月飞刀给击碎了,三把飞刀重回谢傲宇的手中。 His temporary general moon/month Flying Knife received. 他暂时将星月飞刀收了起来。 Examines Spirit Thunder. 查看灵雷 Under his control, Spirit Thunder thorough spreading out, Xie Aoyu had not actually discovered that purple flame, this explained that by true absorption, but is not similar Thun­der and Light­ning is the same, was fettered. 在他的控制下,灵雷彻底的摊开,谢傲宇却没有发现那紫色的火焰,这就说明,是被真正的吸收,而不是类似雷电一样,是被束缚的。 Spirit Thunder absorption flame? 灵雷吸收火焰? Is the ability that three big wonderful fires carry? It is not right, the Shadow Demon Spirit Fire characteristics are the hidden surname, can have the ability of hideaway \; The Earth Pulmonary Heart Flame rank is insufficient, does not have what ability \; The characteristics of black lotus evil fire are attachment, and absorption flame has not related.” Say (Way) that Xie Aoyu thought aloud. “难道是三大奇火所携带的能力?不对,魅影灵火的特色是隐姓,可以有隐藏的能力\;地肺心炎级别不够,没有什么能力\;黑莲邪火的特色是依附,都和吸收火焰没关系啊。”谢傲宇自言自语的道。 Roar!” “吼!” Burning dragon lizard from underground has raised the head. 地火毒龙蜥从地下将脑袋扬了起来。 Place burning Long Xi of pounded severe pain was finally angry, it goes crazy roaring, a three meters tail is hanging the bone-chilling cold strong winds, has pulled out maliciously. 被砸的剧痛的地火毒龙蜥终于愤怒了,它发狂似的咆哮,一条三米长的尾巴挂着凛冽的狂风,狠狠地抽了过去。 Xie Aoyu wants to study Spirit Thunder, there also has the thoughts to pester with it, the left hand made a fist, aims at the tail that pulled out then to rumble. 谢傲宇想要研究灵雷,那里还有心思与它纠缠下去,左手握拳,对准那抽来的尾巴便轰了出去。 Bang!” “嘭!” That tail immediately pounded blood flies horizontally. 那尾巴顿时被砸的鲜血横飞。 Xie Aoyu one step forwards, to the burning Long Xi buttocks behind, flew a foot, tramples locates in place burning Long Xi tail Bugan, that strength has about thousand jin (0.5 kg) fully. 谢傲宇一步向前,到了地火毒龙蜥的屁股后面,飞起一脚,踹在地火毒龙蜥尾巴根处,那力量足有近千斤。 Pitiful place burning Long Xi kicked flees forward 56 meters. 可怜的地火毒龙蜥被踢的向前窜出去56米。 Does not wait for its pain whins, Xie Aoyu arrives once more, having the Overlord Gloves right hand gravity to wield, is containing the earth soul stone, making the strength of this fist be possible be called the terror. 不等它痛的哀嚎起来,谢傲宇再次降临,带着霸王拳套的右手重力挥出,蕴含着土魂石,令这一拳之力堪称恐怖。 Bang!” “轰!” Burning Long Xi by him, as soon as fights with the fists the bone makes ka the sound, almost break, deeply grieved called, yawn blowout together flame. 地火毒龙蜥被他一拳打得骨头发出“咔咔”的声响,差点断裂,惨痛的嗷嗷直叫,张口喷出一道火焰。 This flame appeared out of the ordinary. 这火焰就更显得与众不同了。 What former is the hot heart place is the lavender, was not obvious, nowadays is actually the deep purple, was sending out the dark visual purple, but also was carrying a violent poisonousness. 之前的是火心处为淡紫色,并不明显,现如今却是深紫色,散发着幽暗的紫光,还携带着一丝剧毒。 Xie Aoyu wants is the flame. 谢傲宇要的就是火焰。 As soon as he directs. 他一指点出。 Scarlet red Spirit Thunder flies to shoot, enters in the deep purple halo of that flame deep place, Xie Aoyu also stared in a big way the eye, he must have a look at Spirit Thunder whether absorbed that deep purple flame. 赤红色的灵雷飞射出去,直入那火焰深处的深紫色光晕中,谢傲宇也瞪大了眼睛,他要看看灵雷是否真的吸收那深紫色的火焰。 Roar roar “吼吼” Burning dragon lizard seizes the chance to roar with raw hate clashes, opens the large-mouthed vessel big mouth, reveals has more than 20 centimeters sharp incomparable teeth fully. 地火毒龙蜥趁机咆哮着凶狠的冲上来,张开血盆大嘴,露出足有20多厘米长的锋利无比的牙齿。 Pays attention to the Xie Aoyu full auricle of Spirit Thunder to pass the secret. 关注灵雷谢傲宇全开心耳通秘技。 All completely are grasping. 一切尽在掌握中。 Fights Technique Startling Thunderclap Leg ! 斗技惊雷腿 In an instant then delivers to have ten to explode fully kicks. 刹那间便送出去足有十记爆踢。 „” “啪啪啪” A crowded sound transmits, looks at that appearance fierce fearsome place burning Long Xi again, industry is the mouthful blood, that sharp tooth entirely by Xie Aoyu trampling, because Startling Thunderclap Leg tasteful is a rapidness, is similar to the startling thunderclap quickness like lightning, from beginning to end, burning Long Xi do not have the time to close the mouth, all teeth were trampled. 一阵密集的声响传来,再看那长相狰狞可怖的地火毒龙蜥,业已经是满嘴鲜血,那锋利的牙齿统统被谢傲宇给踹断了,由于惊雷腿讲究的就是一个快,如同惊雷闪电般的快捷,从始至终,地火毒龙蜥都没有时间将嘴巴合上,所有的牙齿就都被踹断了。 Hence, the valiant place burning dragon lizard faded thoroughly. 至此,彪悍的地火毒龙蜥彻底蔫了。 It turns head to run. 它扭头想跑。 Xie Aoyu lifts the foot to step in its tail, steps on actually into it underground, wants to walk cannot get away, aggrieved place burning Long Xi must display to include the violently poisonous flame crazily. 谢傲宇抬脚踩在它的尾巴上,将其硬是踩入地下,想走也走不了,憋屈的地火毒龙蜥只得疯狂的施展含有剧毒的火焰。 The flame attack, Xie Aoyu Spirit Thunder also falls. 火焰来袭,谢傲宇灵雷也滑落下去。 Starts to swallow the purple flame in that flame comprehensively, he also saw clearly the Spirit Thunder action, resembles the small fish to eat the sun-dried shelled shrimp to be ordinary, directly that purple flame absorbing. 开始全面吞噬那火焰中的紫色火光,他也看清楚了灵雷的举动,就好像小鱼吃虾米一般,直接将那紫色的火光给吸收了进去。 However Spirit Thunder not slight change. 但是灵雷没有丝毫的变化。 Xie Aoyu examined, could not discover that the shadow of purple flame, was digested probably, this made Xie Aoyu wonder, he then started to force the burning dragon lizard to release the flame unceasingly. 谢傲宇去查看,也发现不到紫色火光的影子,好像被消化了,这令谢傲宇更是纳闷,他便开始逼迫地火毒龙蜥不断地释放火焰。 Roar roar roar “吼吼吼” The burning Long Xi flame is getting stronger and stronger. 地火毒龙蜥的火焰越来越强。 Spirit Thunder absorption rapidness of more and more. 灵雷吸收的越来越快。 Enough two hours, place burning Long Xi of that rebellion has drooped the head, its yawn blowout flame, actually spouts a smoke once more. 足足两个小时,那暴动的地火毒龙蜥耷拉了脑袋,它再次张口喷出火焰,却只是喷出一股烟。 Was exhausted the fire is charm. 被生生耗尽了火系魔力。 At this time, Xie Aoyu loosened the foot, burning Long Xi escaped ran, Xie Aoyu Xiao Bai that beckons to eat to the full places on the left shoulder, he followed burning Long Xi behind. 这时候,谢傲宇松开了脚,地火毒龙蜥逃命似的跑了,谢傲宇招手将吃饱的小白放在左肩上,他跟随地火毒龙蜥身后。 After Spirit Thunder absorbs all purple flames, had not responded as before. 灵雷吸收所有的紫色火光之后,依旧没有反应。 Xie Aoyu then planned that burning Long Xi has a look, according to the common sense, the purple flame should not exist, this burning Long Xi belongs to close variation Demon Beast obviously. 谢傲宇便打算跟着地火毒龙蜥去看看,按照常理,紫色火光是不应该存在的,这地火毒龙蜥显然属于接近变异的魔兽 Is what lets its variation? 是什么让它变异的? Hit place burning Long Xi who was almost killed escapes the speed fast, its wisdom is not high, but relies on the instinct to handle affairs, is not the match, its procedure returns to own den to hide, let alone it also lost the advantage tooth, temporarily the surname loses reduces heat is the charm, bumps into the strength to be lower than its Demon Beast, possibly was killed. 被打的差点丧命的地火毒龙蜥逃命速度飞快,它的智慧并不算高,只是凭借本能在行事,不是对手,它的做法就是回到自己的老巢躲藏起来,何况它也失去了利齿,暂时姓失去火系魔力,碰到实力低于它的魔兽,都可能丧命的。 Quick, burning Long Xibian sneaked in a cave. 很快,地火毒龙蜥便钻进了一个山洞。 Xiao Bai, Saint light technique.” Xie Aoyu told. 小白,圣光术。”谢傲宇吩咐道。 Xiao Bai eyah, optical system magic Saint light technique changes to together the photosphere float in the front, in bright of photo cave. 小白“咿呀”一声,光系魔法“圣光术”化作一道光球漂浮在前方,将山洞内照的一片明亮。 Xie Aoyu determined that Overlord Gloves wore, has put out Lightning Spirit Saint Blade, the complete protection, this entered the cave. 谢傲宇确定霸王拳套戴好了,拿出了雷灵圣刀,全副防备,这才进入山洞。 The cave is very deep, nine revolutions of 18 curved appearances. 山洞很深,九转18弯的样子。 Walked for more than 20 minutes, arrived at the terminus, but here, the illumination uses Saint light technique did not need to use again, because here, although was under the mountain, actually shone like the daytime. 足足走了20多分钟,才到了尽头,而这里,照明用的“圣光术”也无需再用了,因为这里虽是山底下,却是亮如白昼。
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