BE :: Volume #2

#158: Three the fires are connected 【One】

beautiful buttocks ball surname is full, the smooth light is tender, attractive incomparable, rubs, is wonderful, even if is forced, Xie Aoyu still by that indescribable feel confusing somewhat absent-minded, gives birth to must appropriate to oneself this beautiful woman, can say the impulsion of devastation every time. 美臀弹姓十足,柔滑光嫩,诱人无比,揉动起来,更是妙不可言,即便是被迫的,谢傲宇仍然被那无法形容的手感给迷的有些失神,生出要将这美人儿据为己有,可以每曰蹂躏的冲动。 Tears that but the Bing Wu angry expression, in the beautiful pupil glitters, seems the steelyard weight same hits hard in Xie Aoyu at heart, makes bitterness and astringency that he could not say, after this time really by butterfly, You Lan Ruo playing. 怎奈冰舞愤怒的表情,美眸中闪烁的泪光,好似重锤一样重击在谢傲宇的心里,令他说不出的苦涩,这次真的被蝶后幽兰若给耍了。 Throughly that plays. 耍的彻头彻尾。 Whom but can this blame? 可这能怪谁? Xie Aoyu thought that point no wonder, after he has expected the butterfly, You Lan Ruo plays the plot, but the strength is not good, can be controlled by others including own body, must say the strength, cannot complain about him, he practices for several years, others You Lan Ruo practiced many years, even if the talent were high, was impossible such quickly to overtake. 谢傲宇觉得一点都怪不得自己,他已经预料到蝶后幽兰若玩阴谋,可实力不行,连自己的身体都能被人家控制,要说实力,不能怨他,他才修炼几年,人家幽兰若修炼多少年了,就算天赋再高,也不可能这么快追上的。 Finally can only say, after the butterfly, You Lan Ruo was too shameless. 最后只能说,蝶后幽兰若太无耻了。 This is known as the Ling Yun beautiful woman, pure, and pledged with the human in front of absolutely that lifetime strives for the practice, does not have the emotional dispute with any man, after having butterfly that the body contacts, unexpectedly gives up with the body frames itself, this probably is also being honored of my Xie Aoyu. 这个号称灵韵美女,冰清玉洁,并且与万万人面前发誓,一生为修炼而奋斗,绝不与任何男人有感情纠葛,有身体接触的蝶后,居然舍得用身体来陷害自己,这大概也算是我谢傲宇的荣幸吧。 Has not let go!” Bing Wu clenches teeth, does not make the tears stay behind. “还不撒手!”冰舞咬着牙,不让泪水留下。 Xie Aoyu makes an effort to take, this loosens. 谢傲宇用力一拿,这才松开。 „!” “啪!” After the butterfly that stands You Lan Ruo waves the arms about a palm of the hand, shameless thief!” Her elegant face is also red fierce, after all had never been bumped the body by the man, let alone is buttocks sensitive spot, puts out one set of women's clothing to cover hurriedly on the body. 站起来的蝶后幽兰若甩手一巴掌,“无耻之贼!”她的俏脸也是红的厉害,毕竟从未被男人碰过身体,何况是臀部这种敏感部位,急忙拿出一套衣裙罩在身上。 You Lan Ruo!” Xie Aoyu is covering the cheeks, gets angry shouts to clear the way. 幽兰若!”谢傲宇捂着脸颊,怒喝道 „If not look in the Bing Wu share, I will certainly you tear to shreds!” After the butterfly, You Lan Ruo saying bitterly, a taunt that but that eyeground flashes through, had indicated she is really the thoughts. “如果不是看在冰舞的份上,我必将你碎尸万段!”蝶后幽兰若恨恨的说道,可那眼底闪过的一丝嘲讽,表明了她的真是心思。 The anger of Xie Aoyu that ebullition abates swiftly. 谢傲宇那沸腾的怒火倏然消退。 The anger does not have any use. 愤怒根本没什么用处。 He must calm down, angry can only make the match more favorite, is actually not able to solve any problem, but also possibly messes up the matter, once calms down, he saw the idea of You Lan Ruo. 他要冷静下来,愤怒只能让对手更得意,却无法解决任何问题,还可能把事情弄糟,一旦冷静下来,他就看出幽兰若的想法了。 The sentiment she must enrage itself to begin, ten have ** went well by oneself, gives an attack again. 感情她要激怒自己动手,十有**让自己得手,再给一次打击。 Good, after the butterfly , after butterfly, this is you compels my, my Xie Aoyu pledged that does not overthrow your this so-called pure woman, I am not Xie Aoyu! 好啊,蝶后啊蝶后,这是你逼我的,我谢傲宇发誓,不推倒你这个所谓的冰清玉洁的女人,我就不是谢傲宇 Master, we walk.” Say (Way) that Bing Wu lets somebody cool off or calm down. “师父,我们走。”冰舞冷冷的道。 The You Lan Ruo corners of the mouth pan- sneered, shot a look at Zi Yan and Xie Aoyu, they however left from the main entrance place of mansion with Bing Wu leisurely. 幽兰若嘴角泛起一丝冷笑,瞥了一眼紫嫣谢傲宇,与冰舞两人从府邸的正门处施施然离开了。 In this back garden a deathly stillness. 这后花园内一片死寂。 Man Yuan the disorder, is serving as contrast their mood, is very bad. 满园的狼籍,正衬托出两人的心情,很糟糕。 How you did not explain that I believe Bing Wu now in the fit of temper, calms down, will ponder seriously this issue.” Zi Yan also sits on the ground, gentle voice said. “你怎么不解释,我相信就算冰舞现在在气头上,冷静下来,也会认真思考这个问题的。”紫嫣也坐在地上,柔声说道。 Xie Aoyu is smiling bitterly shaking the head. 谢傲宇苦笑着摇了摇头。 Sees his bitter and astringent appearance, in the Zi Yan foreheads flashes through one to rebuke oneself, opens the lotus root arm gently, supports into Xie Aoyu the bosom, said in a soft voice: Younger brother, you are too young, in society is dangerous.” 见他苦涩的样子,紫嫣眉宇间闪过一丝自责,轻轻伸出藕臂,将谢傲宇拥入怀中,轻声道:“弟弟啊,你还是太年轻,世间险恶啊。” That elder sister my this, did not fear that I was dangerous.” Xie Aoyu tries to find pleasure amidst suffering teasing, his face by Zi Yan was pressed on mountain peak that in her has stood tall and erect tall and straight. “那姐姐把我这样,就不怕我险恶了啊。”谢傲宇苦中作乐似的调侃,他的脸被紫嫣压在了她那挺拔高耸的山峰上。 I did not fear.” Zi Yan elegant face slightly red, loosened Xie Aoyu, your hand “我不怕。”紫嫣俏脸微红,还是松开了谢傲宇,“你的手” Thinks that the body is uncontrolled, Xie Aoyu is all over the body lives coldly, the fear of not being able saying that he then discovered after the butterfly , the fearfulness of You Lan Ruo, I do not know that my body was probably uncontrolled.” 想到身体不受控制,谢傲宇就是遍体生寒,说不出的后怕,他这才发现蝶后幽兰若的可怕,“我也不知道,我的身体好像都不受控制了。” The Zi Yan complexion changes. 紫嫣的脸色微变。 elder sister.” Xie Aoyu said. 姐姐。”谢傲宇道。 Yeah! Was elder sister is too negligent.” The say (way) that Zi Yan rebukes oneself, she broke through enters in the highest sage the position, elder sister actually still treated as the highest sage lower position her, this is intentionally.” She receives Phoenix Dance Roaring Moon Spear, explained: According to your view, that indicated she can completely grasp of heart language gods ten big profound wonderful secrets controlled the technique.” “哎!都是姐姐太大意了。”紫嫣自责的道,“她已经突破进入至圣中位了,姐姐却把她仍旧当做至圣下位的,她这是故意的。”她将凤舞啸月枪收起,解释道:“按照你的说法,那就表明她已经能够完全掌握十大玄奇秘技之一的心语神控术了。” The heart language god controls the technique! 心语神控术! Five characters, are similar to the startled thunder clap Xie Aoyu head buzz. 五个字,如同惊雷震的谢傲宇脑袋嗡嗡作响。 On ten big profound wonderful secrets which strongest, nobody may give the answer, because their characteristics have the difference respectively, but must say unreliably, that is the heart language god controls the technique surely without doubt. 论十大玄奇秘技哪一个最强,无人可给出答案,因为它们的特色各有不同,但是要说最玄,那必定是心语神控术无疑。 The heart language god controls the technique, through the formidable psychic force, unequalled Qi is the foundation, through some strange strength fluctuation, the surrounding person or Demon Beast, even is the flowers and plants trees and so on all lives, may its control, practice the highest boundary, it is said can control including Emperor. 心语神控术,通过强大的精神力,无与伦比斗气为基础,通过某种奇异的力量波动,将周围的人或魔兽,甚至是花草树木之类的一切生命,都可将其控制,修炼到最高境界,据说连天王都能够控制。 Heart language god controls the technique to achieve the highest sage lower position to practice, but must apply on the body of person, by your present strength and mental, You Lan Ruo, only then achieves in the highest sage the position, possibly controls your body, therefore , from beginning to end, we in her planning.” Zi Yan said. “心语神控术必须要达到至圣下位才可以修炼,但是要应用在人的身上,以你现在的实力和心智,幽兰若只有达到至圣中位,才可能控制你的身体,所以说,从头到尾,我们都在她的算计中。”紫嫣说道。 So that's how it is. 原来如此啊。 That in Xie Aoyu heart did not have depressed, since is the heart language god controls the technique, then directly vanishes into thin air to the attack of his confidence, is only Bing Wu. 谢傲宇心中的那一点沮丧没了,既然是心语神控术,那对他信心的打击都直接化为乌有,唯一就是冰舞 But he understands that now can only watch changes quietly, cannot meddle, what making his many somewhat relieved is Bing Wu brings the Queen of night tears to hang to fall, this thing enough her immunity heart language god controls the technique. 但他明白,现在只能静观其变,根本插不上手,让他多少有些安心的是冰舞带着月神泪吊坠,这东西足够她免疫心语神控术。 elder sister, I want to drink.” Xie Aoyu said. 姐姐,我想喝酒。”谢傲宇道。 elder sister accompanies you.” Zi Yan said with a smile. 姐姐陪你。”紫嫣笑道。 The liquor breaks the repressed sadness and anxiety to worry to worry, original Fond Il­lu­sion Licor is unable intoxicant, but drinks were many, Xie Aoyu was drunk unexpectedly blurry. 正所谓酒断愁肠愁更愁,本来迷梦酒无法醉人的,可是喝的多了,谢傲宇竟然迷迷糊糊的醉了。 Sleep wakes up. 一觉醒来。 After other beautiful are not drunk the feeling, somewhat is instead refreshing. 没有其他美酒醉后的感觉,反而有些神清气爽。 The Fond Il­lu­sion Licor characteristics are so, has the advantage to the human, closing the eyes that not the fault, he makes an effort, opens once more, the pleasant eight silver lamps emit the gentle ray, making him not have the least bit dazzling feeling, he lies down on a spacious gum, the embroidery account of then from the ceiling letting fall as well as should in cotton-wadded quilt, is the pink, is passing noblly magnificent. 迷梦酒的特色便是如此,对人只有好处,并无坏处,他用力的合眼,再次睁开,入眼八盏银灯放射出柔和的光线,让他没有半点刺眼的感觉,他躺在一张宽大的牙床上,那从天花板上垂落的绣帐以及该在身上的棉被,无不是粉红色的,透着高贵华丽。 Wisp of light fragrance blows on the face. 一缕淡淡的香气吹在脸上。 Xie Aoyu turns head to look that was immediately scared. 谢傲宇扭头看去,顿时就傻眼了。 Sees only Zi Yan to lie down in his side, exudes the slight snoring sound, rests just fragrant, the short distance watches, can see that the Zi Yan facial features are passing the ivory gloss, the curved thin eyebrow, the long eyelash, pitch-black luxuriant optional hanging loose on the fragrant shoulder, in addition that pink thin quilt, is gorgeous incomparable, has been full of the endless attraction. 只见紫嫣躺在他的身旁,发出轻微的鼾声,睡的正香,近距离观看,能够看到紫嫣的面容透着象牙般的光泽,弯弯的细眉,长长的睫毛,一头乌黑的秀发随意的披散在香肩上,加上那粉红色的薄被,更是艳丽无比,充满了无尽的诱惑力。 Um? 嗯? Xie Aoyu wants to get out of bed, actually discovery starting locates, soft, that feeling resembles, probably the eye of Xie Aoyu was straight, his hand does not know when searched in the Zi Yan front piece unexpectedly, was away from a light underwear to hold tall and straight of Zi Yan. 谢傲宇想要起床,却发现入手处,一片柔软,那种感觉就好像,好像谢傲宇的眼睛直了,他的手不知道什么时候居然探进了紫嫣的衣襟内,隔着一层薄薄的内衣抓住了紫嫣的挺拔。 Soft, ball surname, slides tenderly, the wonder of not being able to say. 柔软、弹姓、嫩滑,说不出的美妙。 The intense stimulation made Xie Aoyu almost crisp called, but saw the appearance that Zi Yan rested sweetly, Xie Aoyu has pinched oneself maliciously. 强烈的刺激令谢傲宇差点爽的叫起来,可是看到紫嫣甜睡的样子,谢傲宇狠狠地掐了自己一把。 This is Zi Yan elder sister. 这可是紫嫣姐姐啊。 Even if there is idea to her, cannot use the so shameless method, Xie Aoyu bite back the hand, still could not bear the hand places the tip of the nose to smell, the frankincense is light. 就算是对她有想法,也不能用如此无耻的手段,谢傲宇急忙收回了手,仍旧是忍不住将手放在鼻尖一嗅,乳香淡淡。 His getting out of bed gently, opening the door of being soundless. 他轻轻的下床,蹑手蹑脚的开门走了出去。 When the door closure, Zi Yan has then opened the beautiful pupil. 待房门关闭,紫嫣便睁开了美眸。 A elegant face passed red, put out a hand to cover is rubbed to pinch several tender and delicate milk-white bosoms, in the Zi Yan intoxicant pupil has flashed through one to flatter the light, does not know that has thought of anything, spat one lowly bah, then wants to continue to sleep, could not fall asleep, now gets out of bed, was worried about Xie Aoyu to be embarrassed, was enduring. 一张俏脸已经红透了,伸手捂着被揉捏了几下的娇嫩酥胸,紫嫣醉人的眸子中闪过一丝媚光,不知道想到了些什么,低啐了一声“呸”,便想继续睡觉,却怎么也睡不着了,现在起床吧,又担心谢傲宇难堪,便忍着。 Until the skylight is greatly bright, the appearance that Zi Yan pretends to awake walks. 直到天光大亮,紫嫣才装作睡醒的样子走出来。 Actually saw that the entrance ground has a letter. 却看到门口地上有一封信。 Zi Yan takes to look that is Xie Aoyu remains, few words, roughly the content is, making Zi Yan inform emperor's son Yun Tianfeng, he did not travel together with everybody, took a person to rush to the Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire Yanjing, good to practice on the way voluntarily. 紫嫣拿起来一看,是谢傲宇所留,寥寥几句话,大体内容就是,让紫嫣通知皇子云天风,他不与大家同行了,要一个人赶往图罗帝国燕京,途中好自行修炼。 This silly younger brother.” Zi Yan sighed. “这个傻弟弟。”紫嫣叹气道。 Outside day Yanjing, a person's shadow in the rapid vanguard, its speed is making both sides wind system Demon Beast blush with shame, this person Xie Aoyu. 天罗燕京外,一条人影正在飞速的前行,其速度让两旁的风系魔兽为之汗颜,此人正是谢傲宇 The worrying matter entanglement made Xie Aoyu feel that is unable to be quiet. 烦心事纠缠令谢傲宇感到无法清静下来。 Finally he decides to leave resolutely. 最后他毅然决定离开。 All mind invest into the practice, only has so can put behind all, only by doing so, can make itself be insufficient extremely to indulge with the children personal relationships, let alone, nowadays he is also more a grand goal, after that is overthrows the butterfly, You Lan Ruo! 所有的心神投入到修炼中,唯有如此才能够忘却一切,也只有这样,才能令自己不至于太过沉溺与儿女私情,更何况,现如今的他又多出一个宏伟的目标,那就是推倒蝶后幽兰若 Displays Wind and rain line such as the light electricity. 一路施展“风雨行”之如光似电。 Excitement that Xie Aoyu sprint heartily, that fast feeling, could not say, sky exceptionally deep blue, the earth length and breadth was boundless, everywhere was passing the fresh flavor. 谢傲宇尽情的冲刺,那种快速的感觉,说不出的兴奋,天空异常的蔚蓝,大地广袤无垠,处处透着清新的味道。 His mood also incomparable surges upward. 他的心情也无比的高涨起来。 Roar!” “吼!” A long and loud cry, resembling is announced that the King returns. 一声长啸,似是宣布王者归来。 Xie Aoyu takes the path that leads the way once more, walks, is informed and experienced, with oneself war, with the beastly war, drinks the hazy good wine thirstily, eats baking of Xiao Bai master chef hungrily, pours also free and unrestrained. 谢傲宇再次踏上前行的道路,一路行走,一路历练,与己战,与兽战,渴饮迷蒙美酒,饿食小白大厨的烧烤,倒也逍遥自在。 20 days later, Xie Aoyu arrived at the border line of day of Yanjing. 20天之后,谢傲宇到达了天罗燕京的边境线。 This place borders on Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire, is actually is several thousand li (0.5km) wooded mountain, the innumerable mercenary soldier and bandits and thieves group appears and disappears, Advanced level Demon Beast also often appearance. 此地与图罗帝国接壤,却是长达数千里的山林,无数的佣兵、盗贼团出没,高级魔兽也不时的现身。 Xie Aoyu sits on a rock practices Qi. 谢傲宇坐在一块磐石上面修炼斗气 A meat continuously floats fragrant, is Xiao Bai is actually baking, since the definite lifelong goal, after should be the beast lives the goal, Xiao Bai every time says trains hard the cook, and follows some master chefs to study fortunately, high of its cook, has gone far beyond Xie Aoyu, has met the standard of cook master. 一缕缕的肉香飘来,却是小白在烧烤,自从确定人生目标,哦,应该是兽生目标之后,小白可谓是每曰苦练厨艺,并且有幸跟随一些大厨学习,其厨艺之高,已经远远超过谢傲宇,达到了厨艺大师的水准。 Eyah, eyah.” Xiao Bai called two. “咿呀,咿呀。”小白叫了两声。 Xie Aoyu from the rock, received sending out that Xiao Bai hands over the hot rabbit meat of attractive fragrance, has nipped one maliciously, that called a fragrance, the skin was crisp, full mouth fragrance. 谢傲宇从磐石上下来,接过小白递来的散发着诱人香气的火兔肉,狠狠地咬了一口,那叫一个香,皮酥柔嫩,满口香。 Half hot rabbit gets down, the Xie Aoyu big capacity for food also ate to the full , to continue to practice. 半只火兔下去,谢傲宇的大饭量也吃饱了,继续修炼。 Xiao Bai just now starts vigorous, goal ten hot rabbits! 小白才刚开始发奋,目标十只火兔! Hissing, hissing “嘶,嘶” Low and deep neighed to resound, has harassed the practice of Xie Aoyu, he opened the eye, to transmitting the sound place looked that saw only a colossus to lie in not far away, the large-mouthed vessel big mouth opens, saliva directing current was staring at that was baking ten hot rabbits. 低沉的嘶鸣响起,扰乱了谢傲宇的修炼,他睁开眼睛,向传来声音的地方看去,只见一庞然大物正趴在不远处,血盆大嘴张开,口水直流的盯着那正在烧烤着的十只火兔。 Burning Long Xi! 地火毒龙蜥! The fire is Demon Beast of surname, has bloodline of dragon, because was actually too pale, the wisdom is not high, the lumps, resemble to form the scale all over the body, has not actually formed, seems very disgusting appearance. 火属姓的魔兽,有着一丝龙的血脉,却因为太淡了,智慧不高,通体疙疙瘩瘩的,似形成鳞片,却又没形成,看上去很恶心的长相。 A scarlet tongue puts out, makes hissing hissing the sound unceasingly, seems the poisonous snake crosses the lawn, saliva „” keeping falling, gradually approaches to Xiao Bai. 一条猩红色的舌头不断地吐出,发出“嘶嘶”的声音,好似毒蛇过草地,口水“吧嗒吧嗒”的掉个不停,一步一步的向小白靠近。 The Xie Aoyu skill turns, star moon/month Flying Knife appears in the hand. 谢傲宇手腕一翻,一把星月飞刀出现在手中。 He in self-torture Infinite Spinning Sword Fights Technique, has striven these days before the final starts, turns into own trump card to kill the technique it. 他这段时间一直在苦修无定飞旋刀斗技,争取在总决赛开始前,将其变成自己的王牌必杀技。
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