BE :: Volume #2

#157: The pain is joyful 【Three】

Acting crazy You Lan Ruo has the dignity, only in a there station, then has potential all at once is similar to the turbulent tide, the person of oppression cannot ventilate, all around flowers and plants in abundance drags, is weeping willows also fierce rocks, was calm, now is actually the strong winds writings. 发飙的幽兰若甚有威严,仅是在那里一站,便有一股气势如同汹涌的潮水,压迫的人透不过气,四周的花草纷纷的摇曳起来,就是一棵棵垂柳也剧烈的晃动起来,原本无风,现在却是狂风大作。 The characteristics of dance willow tree Emperor sword. 舞柳天王剑的特色。 The wind is the Emperor sword of surname, is really fearful tight, an optional sword, does not need to carry any Qi merely, then can the alcove dividing for two halves, that is the Emperor sword sharp incomparable sword air/Qi, does not have to prevent. 风属姓的天王剑,实在是可怕的紧,仅仅随意的一剑,不需要携带任何的斗气,便可以将亭子给劈为两半,那是天王剑犀利无匹的剑气,无可阻挡。 Feared that you are inadequate!” Zi Yan does not show weakness, both hands coincide separate immediately. “怕你不成!”紫嫣也不示弱,双手相合随即分开。 Purple halo twinkle is uncertain, Phoenix Dance Roaring Moon Spear that ten big pro­found soldier appear again in her hands, is glittering the purple halo, is shining upon Zi Yan accommodates tenderly, moving heart and soul. 紫色的光晕闪烁不定,那十大玄兵之一的凤舞啸月枪再次出现在她的手中,闪烁着紫色的光晕,映照着紫嫣的娇容,更加的动人心魄。 Puff “噗噜噜” Phoenix Dance Roaring Moon Spear trembles slightly, changes to a piece of purple lance point. 凤舞啸月枪微微一颤,化作一片紫色的枪尖。 But when she puts out the Phoenix Dance Roaring Moon Spear flash, after the butterfly, You Lan Ruo very much shameless has actually chosen the sneak attack . Moreover the goal is also not Zi Yan, unexpectedly is Xie Aoyu. 可待她拿出凤舞啸月枪的一瞬间,蝶后幽兰若却很无耻的选择了偷袭,而且目标还不是紫嫣,居然是谢傲宇 My grass your mother!” “我艹你妈!” Xie Aoyu has not thought unexpectedly after encountering butterfly , the sneak attack of You Lan Ruo use dance willow tree Emperor sword, has this master who sword perhaps enough she killed just stepped into the Emperor lower position, unexpectedly sneak attacked a youth, how not to make Xie Aoyu grasp crazily, life and death instantaneous, he went all out rolled, rolled out from the alcove directly. 谢傲宇从来没想过居然遭到蝶后幽兰若使用舞柳天王剑的偷袭,有这把剑恐怕足够她干掉刚刚踏入天王下位的高手吧,居然偷袭一个少年,如何不让谢傲宇抓狂,生死瞬间,他拼命的一滚,直接从亭子内滚了出去。 Damn!” Zi Yan is the willow eyebrows but is actually also vertical, Phoenix Dance Roaring Moon Spear point rapidly. “该死!”紫嫣也是柳眉倒竖,凤舞啸月枪急速的点出。 The lance point trembles, similarly projects together the cold glow. 枪尖一颤,同样射出一道寒芒。 Bang!” “嘭!” That sword air/Qi by lance point ** the cold glow that leaves interrupts, the formidable destructive power therefore was also damaged has 80% fully, the position that even if so 20% sword air/Qi are also at Xie Aoyu cut down to cut for two halves. 那剑气被枪尖**出的寒芒从中截断,强大的破坏力也因此被损坏足有八成,即便如此两成的剑气也将谢傲宇所在的位置劈斩为两半。 The thief who leave is quick, Xie Aoyu felt that the back is cool. 滚的贼快,谢傲宇还是感到后背凉飕飕的。 The clothing was cut, the dorsal red traces, have almost also cut the skin, but he also falls under the stair of that pavilion, just fell to the ground, hears the stair to exude the painful cry, unexpectedly also by sword air/Qi separating. 衣衫被划开,后背还有一道红色的痕迹,差点划破了皮肤,而他也落在那凉亭的台阶下面,刚刚落地,就听到台阶发出痛苦的叫声,居然也被剑气给分开了。 Xie Aoyu looks at that separated stair, the back braves the cold air. 谢傲宇看着那分开的台阶,后背直冒凉气。 That a wee bit was finished on the difference. 就差那么一丁点就完蛋了。 He touches the forehead, full is sweat, clothes by sweat soaking, this may really be in the death line, almost, walks. 他摸摸额头,满是汗水,就连衣服都被汗水给湿透了,这可真是在死亡线上走了一圈,差一点,就走过去。 That anger of moral nature „” one rushes to the top-beam. 心底的那股怒火“噌”的一下冲上顶梁。 Xie Aoyu jumps suddenly. 谢傲宇霍然跳起来。 Younger brother, do not impulse!” Zi Yan urgently called out. “弟弟,不要冲动!”紫嫣急叫道。 After the butterfly, You Lan Ruo wear a look of taunt looks at Xie Aoyu, full is the color of provocation. 蝶后幽兰若面带嘲讽的看着谢傲宇,满是挑衅之色。 You!” The anger of Xie Aoyu within the body soon the full house, he was suppressing, after the putting out a hand point referred to the butterfly You Lan Ruo, after butterfly You Lan Ruo, you were listening, my Xie Aoyu pledged to the day here that I must dig up the light your clothes, withered you!” “你!”谢傲宇体内的怒火快要爆棚了,他强忍着,伸手点指蝶后幽兰若,“蝶后幽兰若,你听着,我谢傲宇在这里对天发誓,我一定要扒光你的衣服,干死你!” Younger brother, others pledged that life-long does not marry, like this what to do you made others have the type.” Zi Yan sees Xie Aoyu to bear, then felt relieved, then before , that provocative You Lan Ruo words, continue to launch an attack, the nature at this moment, she admonishes specially, did not allow to have just now that matter to occur again. “弟弟啊,人家可是发誓终生不嫁的,你这样让人家有了种怎么办啊。”紫嫣谢傲宇能够忍住,便放了心,接着之前那句挑衅幽兰若的话,继续发难,自然这一刻,她是特别警戒起来,可不允许再有方才那种事情发生了。 Shameless people!” “无耻狗男女!” After the butterfly, say (way) that You Lan Ruo lets somebody cool off or calm down, her mood cultivation for is actually extraordinary good, unexpectedly not by their words to going crazy of running on, but has held up the dance willow tree Emperor sword slowly. 蝶后幽兰若冷冷的道,她的心境修为却是出奇的好,居然没有被两人的话给挤兑的发狂,只是缓缓地举起了舞柳天王剑。 Sees this situation, Xie Aoyu must retreat, he does not want to be killed because of their fights, that was depressed. 见此情形,谢傲宇只得撤退,他可不想因为两人的战斗而被干掉,那就郁闷了。 Rapid backing up has more than 50 meters fully, arrived at the moon gate place of back garden, stands in this angle, should have certain security. 飞速的倒退足有50多米,到达了后花园的月亮门处,站在这个角度,应该有一定的安全吧。 He retreats, after the butterfly , the You Lan Ruo personal appearance shakes. 他撤退,蝶后幽兰若身形微晃。 Very obviously, she has to kill the heart to Xie Aoyu. 很显然,她对谢傲宇存有必杀之心的。 Zi Yan naturally cannot make her achieve wishes, the white hands flutter, Phoenix Dance Roaring Moon Spear changes to everywhere purple spear shade, the cover decides You Lan Ruo, blocks her completely. 紫嫣自然不会让她如愿,玉手翻飞,凤舞啸月枪化作漫天紫色的枪影,罩定幽兰若,将她完全的封锁。 Willow tree of Ye Fei spirit moon/month dance!” “灵月舞之柳叶飞!” Facing the great strength of Zi Yan, You Lan Ruo gets rid is an Assassin's mace. 面对紫嫣的强大,幽兰若出手便是杀手锏。 The long hair that if the people the white line, was swayed by that strong winds together is floating, seems beyond the day the flying immortal, the human the sword unites, seems Liu Ye who changes to that fluttering. 人若一道白线,被那狂风吹拂的长发飘飘,好似天外飞仙,人剑合一,好似化作那一叶飘飞的柳叶。 In order to expose the surface! 以点破面! bo!” “啵!” It seems a water drop falls into that tranquil level of the lake, swings a ripple, everywhere purple spear shade, as long as was affected, will then dissipate in invisible. 好似一滴水落入那平静的湖面,荡起一阵波纹,漫天的紫色枪影但凡被波及到,便会消散于无形。 After the butterfly, You Lan Ruo intrepidly in this way. 蝶后幽兰若强悍如斯。 Watches their fierce combat, Xie Aoyu that angry flame vanished, did not say that now the difference of bilateral strength disparity heaven and earth, the background strength with having no way to compare, the key is, these two fight to bring some enlightenment. 看着他们的激战,谢傲宇那愤怒的火焰消失了,不说现在双方实力差距天壤之别,背景实力跟没法比,关键是,这两人战斗能够带来一些启示。 Because the previous time their close fighting made Xie Aoyu see the light suddenly Flying Dragon In The Sky. 上次因为她们的拼战令谢傲宇顿悟“飞龙在天”。 This time has intense sense organ impact similarly. 这次同样有着很强烈的感官冲击。 He must fight with all might with the aid of them, immersion comprehends something much, for example had not had slight close combat In­stant Fang Mag­nif­i­cent that to the present, this Fights Technique is strong, what may be more abnormal than the Dragon Overlord Boxing fist, is extremely abstruse. 他要借助两人拼杀,沉浸多领悟一些东西,比如那到现在还未有丝毫近战刹那芳华,这个斗技强是强,可比霸龙拳更变态的是,太过深奥。 The Dragon Overlord Boxing fist also belongs gradually penetrates. 霸龙拳还属于一步一步的深入进去。 In­stant Fang Mag­nif­i­cent, reaches one's goal instantly, to comprehend difficultly! Difficult! Difficult! 刹那芳华,就是一步到位,要想领悟难!难!难! Therefore Xie Aoyu will not let up any opportunity, let alone comprehends Fights Technique from You Lan Ruo, looks for her trouble with Fights Technique that this comprehends, that is energetic. 所以谢傲宇不会放过任何一个机会,更何况从幽兰若身上领悟斗技,用这领悟来的斗技找她的麻烦,那才带劲。 You Lan Ruo, you are the highest sage lower position, lets dare to provoke unexpectedly.” The Zi Yan taunt said. 幽兰若,你还是至圣下位,竟让敢来挑衅。”紫嫣嘲讽道。 That Phoenix Dance Roaring Moon Spear is fierce immediately, seems the going to sea flood dragon, overwhelming, after strong winds brashly turbulent impact butterfly, You Lan Ruo goes. 凤舞啸月枪顿时凶猛起来,好似出海蛟龙,翻江倒海,狂风骤雨般汹涌的冲击蝶后幽兰若而去。 Ding-dong “当当当当” pro­found soldier shakes the Emperor sword hardly. 玄兵硬撼天王剑。 Two big peerless females slaughter. 两大绝世女子厮杀。 The Qi strength of raging tide howls flies horizontally, seems must destroy general this back garden, that intrepid strength fluctuation, made Xie Aoyu surprisedly. 狂澜的斗气力量呼啸横飞,好似要将这后花园都要毁灭一般,那种强悍的力量波动,令谢傲宇惊讶不已。 Sword air/Qi have delimited. 一道道的剑气划过。 The innumerable flowers and plants fly upwards. 无数的花草飞扬。 A back garden piece in confusion, Xie Aoyu stands in the moon entrance place, stunned looks at inside change, in just now, the back garden is also similar to the picture the fairyland, at this moment, so is disrepair. 后花园一片狼藉,谢傲宇站在月亮门口处,愕然的看着里面的变化,就在方才,后花园还如同画中仙境,这一刻,却是如此的残败不堪。 A Ming became aware from the Xie Aoyu mind flashes past. 一丝明悟从谢傲宇的脑海中一闪而过。 He as if held, has not caught. 他似乎抓住了,却又没抓到。 In­stant Fang Mag­nif­i­cent, In­stant Fang Mag­nif­i­cent Xie Aoyu at heart unceasing was talking over, if this Fights Technique name, were very actually easy to understand that was appeared briefly the meaning. 刹那芳华,刹那芳华谢傲宇的心里不断的念叨着,如果说这个斗技的名称,倒是很容易理解,那便是昙花一现似的意思。 The splendor of flash. 一瞬间的精彩。 What is this? 这是什么呢? Xie Aoyu can guess correctly its meaning, is In­stant Fang Mag­nif­i­cent is extremely abstruse, did not say that you can understand the meaning, can understand, that needs to comprehend attentively. 谢傲宇能够猜到其含义,可是刹那芳华太过深奥,不是说你能理解意思,就能够懂的,那需要用心去领悟。 In­stant Fang Mag­nif­i­cent is the wooden department, means that can sense blooming that in that life In­stant Fang Mag­nif­i­cent brings from the flowers and plants? 刹那芳华是木系,是否意味着要从花草中去感悟刹那芳华带来的那种生命中的绽放呢? Thinks of here, Xie Aoyu then drifts away from the bodies of two big peerless beautiful women, falls on these flowers and plants, his squatting lower part of the body, looks in the moon gate about one meter place. 想到这里,谢傲宇便从两大绝世美女的身上游离开来,落在那些花草上面,他蹲下身,看着月亮门内大约一米的地方。 There flowers and plants had wreaked havoc unable to withstand by the sword air/Qi. 那里花草已经被剑气肆虐不堪。 Only the grass as before stands upright. 唯有一根小草依旧挺立。 Brush! 刷! Wipes the sword air/Qi complementary waves to sweep, that grass breaks off, Xie Aoyu looks is startled slightly, a miraculous glow that just had such therefore was scattered. 一抹剑气余波扫过,那小草折断,谢傲宇看的微微一怔,刚刚产生的一丝灵光就这么因此而被打散。 He sighed, since In­stant Fang Mag­nif­i­cent were one of three big Fights Technique Ye Chaofeng such Fights Technique big grandmaster old age created, had its mystery to be, cannot true realized from experience, was applies very much difficultly truely, looks at the bottle gourd picture wooden scoop at most, had its stance, did not have its connotation. 他叹口气,刹那芳华既然是叶超峰这样的斗技大宗师晚年创出来的三大斗技之一,自有其奥妙所在,不能真正的去体悟的话,是很难真正应用,顶多是看葫芦画瓢,有其架势,却无其内涵。 Chest!” “胸部!” Face!” “面部!” Buttocks!” “臀部!” A vocal cord was teasing the joke of meaning to send out from the Zi Yan mouth, her Phoenix Dance Roaring Moon Spear has locked the You Lan Ruo most tense three places. 一声声带着调侃意味的笑语从紫嫣的口中发出,她的凤舞啸月枪就是锁定了幽兰若最紧张的三个地方。 The face fears to disfigure. 面部怕破相。 The chest and buttocks fear to be exposed, perhaps others You Lan Ruo does not need to be worried that this Zi Yan can do absolutely, therefore the strength falls after the leeward butterfly You Lan Ruo starts fast moving aside. 胸部和臀部怕走光,别人或许幽兰若不用担心,这个紫嫣绝对干得出来,所以实力落于下风的蝶后幽兰若开始快速的躲闪。 Works as ding-dong “当当当” More than ten hits transmit. 十多声撞击传来。 That enchanting Zi Yan airborne turns around, rotates from the You Lan Ruo left right, before her Phoenix Dance Roaring Moon Spear is also surrounding the body paddles, „”, after the butterfly , the You Lan Ruo front front piece was cut a slit. 那妖娆的紫嫣空中一个转身,从幽兰若的左侧转动到右侧,她的凤舞啸月枪也环绕着身前划动,“刺啦”一下,蝶后幽兰若的胸前衣襟被划开一道缝隙。 Wipes the snow white color to flash through. 一抹雪白色闪过。 Two corona that Xie Aoyu looks, is really white! 谢傲宇看的两眼一晕,真白啊! Spirit moon/month wind waves!” The You Lan Ruo surface presently the ashamed and resentful color, she wants to run away, the sorrowful discovery, the Zi Yan speed is faster, completely her pestering, has had no recourse to display mysterious movement Fights Technique. “灵月风舞动!”幽兰若面现羞愤之色,她想要逃走,却悲哀的发现,紫嫣的速度更快,完全将她给纠缠住了,迫不得已施展神奇身法斗技 Body piece of Liu Ye, moves with the wind, dances with the wind. 身化一片柳叶,随风而动,随风而舞。 High and low fluttering, if beyond day flying immortal, wonderful. 上下翻飞,若天外飞仙,妙不可言。 Zi Yan smiles, that Phoenix Dance Roaring Moon Spear then vibrates, makes „” the sound, then together the hot flame exits from that lance point concentrated fire. 紫嫣嫣然一笑,那凤舞啸月枪便震动起来,发出“噼里啪啦”的声响,接着一道火炎从那枪尖攒射出去。 That is mixing with the Shadow Demon Spirit Fire strange fierce flame impressively. 那赫然是夹杂着魅影灵火的奇异烈炎。 In the Xie Aoyu heart understands that this should be Shadow Demon Spirit Fire mixes with the reason of that phoenix fire the Phoenix Dance Roaring Moon Spear embodiment has had, making the fierce oppressive heat strength increase. 谢傲宇心中明白,这应该是魅影灵火夹杂了凤舞啸月枪内蕴含着的那凤火的缘故,使得烈炎威力大增。 Whiz!” “嗖!” The You Lan Ruo spirit moon/month wind waves is really one set of immortal taste full profound wonderful movement Fights Technique, in that moment that must run upon immediately, the tender body turns, gave way to traffic stiffly. 幽兰若的灵月风舞动实在是一套仙味十足的玄奇身法斗技,在马上要撞上的那一刻,娇躯一扭,硬生生避让开了。 Also is this, after the Zi Yan, move then arrived. 也就是这一下,紫嫣的后招便到了。 „!” “刺啦!” Also is clothing cracking. 又是衣衫破裂声。 This time was You Lan Ruo Zuo Leijian is cut a slit, was piece of snow white flashes through, the You Lan Ruo jade surface contained the ghost, phoenix contained the prestige. 这次是幽兰若的左肋间被划破了一条缝隙,又是一片雪白闪过,幽兰若的玉面含煞,凤目含威。 Told you clearly, ten big pro­found soldier and compared with the Emperor swords, the sharp degree was inferior, but pro­found soldier highlit on an profound character, therefore two types of weapons were equally matched, your present boundary lowers me first-level, unexpectedly also wants to defeat me, the wishful thinking, this time let your only buttocks again.” Zi Yan rocks Phoenix Dance Roaring Moon Spear to kill once more. “明白告诉你吧,十大玄兵天王剑相比,锋利程度逊色,但是玄兵就突出在一个玄字上面,所以两种兵器不相上下,你现在境界低我一级,居然还想打败我,痴心妄想,这次再让你光屁股。”紫嫣晃动凤舞啸月枪再次杀去。 After the butterfly, You Lan Ruo clenches teeth the sword to attack. 蝶后幽兰若咬牙挺剑出击。 Um? 嗯? Xie Aoyu sees this step, a little wondered, after the butterfly , is You Lan Ruo that stupid fellow? So the opportunity, she unexpectedly does not seize the chance to run away. 谢傲宇看到这一步,就有点纳闷了,蝶后幽兰若是那么愚蠢的家伙吗?如此机会,她居然不趁机逃走。 By the You Lan Ruo strength, so long as there is an opportunity, full speed runs away, can leave absolutely, she actually must remain, does not suit. 幽兰若的实力,只要有机会,全速逃走的话,绝对可以离开的,她却要留下来,不对劲儿啊。 She is always insufficient to make Zi Yan strip off the clothes to run to her. 她总不至于要让紫嫣给她脱光衣服才跑吧。 What's the matter? 怎回事? Xie Aoyu thoughts hundred revolutions, his vision locks You Lan Ruo, operates an abacus, is not good by the strength, is bent on having to show off ability, if not clear Zi Yan has Phoenix Dance Roaring Moon Spear really but actually, then such comes, why is also? 谢傲宇心思百转,他的目光锁定幽兰若,打着算盘,论实力不行,偏要来逞能,若是真不清楚紫嫣凤舞啸月枪倒也罢了,那么这么来,又是为什么呢? The miraculous glow flashes through together, Xie Aoyu gains ground suddenly, is staring at You Lan Ruo. 一道灵光闪过,谢傲宇猛然抬起头,盯着幽兰若 Does she want to frame me? 她想陷害我? The thought just braved, hears „” calls out in alarm, Xie Aoyu gains ground hurriedly, saw after the butterfly , the women's clothing of You Lan Ruo buttocks was pricked by the spear, reveals the palm of the hand big hole, the buttocks of snow white in saying up, is sending out the charming halo, she also flies upside down, is falling on the Xie Aoyu side. 念头刚一冒出来,就听到“啊”的一声惊叫,谢傲宇急忙抬头,就看到蝶后幽兰若臀部的衣裙被枪挑破,露出巴掌大的窟窿,雪白的臀部在曰光下,散发着迷人的光晕,她也随之倒飞,正落在谢傲宇的身旁。 If before trading does, the Xie Aoyu first response is lashes out. 若是换做之前,谢傲宇第一反应是出手攻击。 But now he realized that Bing Wu possibly arrives, is almost the conditioned reflex leaps backward, moves aside, so as to avoid by You Lan Ruo framing. 可是现在他意识到冰舞可能到来,几乎是条件反射的向后跃去,躲闪开来,免得被幽兰若给陷害了。 Where knows that You Lan Ruo beckons gently, the strength that is hard to imagine then passed on. 哪里知道,幽兰若轻轻一招手,一股难以想象的力道便传了过来。 The body of Xie Aoyu was completely uncontrolled, won over actually, but his hand was also forced to lift, „” one hit in You Lan Ruo that very has curled absolutely upwards, on the tension full beautiful buttocks, was the place of that palm of the hand size, a palm hit, the feel was full. 谢傲宇的身体完全不受控制,硬是被拉拢了过去,而他的手也被迫抬了起来,“啪”的一下打在了幽兰若那绝对是挺翘,弹力十足的美臀上,正是那巴掌大小的地方,一掌打下去,手感十足。 Bing Wu!” You Lan Ruo called out lowly. 冰舞!”幽兰若低叫道。 Xie Aoyu smiles bitterly, he turns head to look that really sees Bing Wu to appear after behind, but his hand also presses after the butterfly on You Lan Ruo that attractive beautiful buttocks. 谢傲宇苦笑一声,他回头一看,果然看到冰舞出现在身后,而他的手还按在蝶后幽兰若那诱人的美臀上。 Xie Aoyu!” Bing Wu complexion ice-cold, scolds to say tenderly. 谢傲宇!”冰舞脸色冰冷,娇叱道。 Bing Wu.” Xie Aoyu said that considers to move away the hand, where knows that he is unable to control his palm, unexpectedly by rubbing of strength restraint. 冰舞。”谢傲宇说着想拿开手,哪里知道他根本无法控制自己的手掌,居然被一股力量克制的揉动了起来。 Then, Xie Aoyu was depressed and coexists refreshedly. 这下,谢傲宇算是郁闷与爽快并存了。
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