BE :: Volume #2

#156: The pain is joyful 【Two】

Berated Han Yue returns to the sheath the sword, stared Xie Aoyu bitterly, one dodges, stands in Han Li to side, very respectful appearance. 被喝斥的韩越将剑回鞘,恨恨的瞪了一眼谢傲宇,向旁边一闪,站在韩隶的身后,很恭敬的样子。 Ha-ha, you are Xie Aoyu.” Han Li said with a smile. “呵呵,你就是谢傲宇吧。”韩隶笑道。 Xie Aoyu looks at his smiling face disgusting. 谢傲宇看着他的笑容一阵恶心。 He can not know itself, radically in attire, in addition after the butterfly the repugnance of You Lan Ruo, Xie Aoyu dislikes this person, desolate say (way): Chief Sir saw me inferiorly to be right probably, was chief Sir is extremely busy, gave to forget my such unimportant person?” 他会不认识自己,根本就是在装,加之对蝶后幽兰若的反感,谢傲宇更是讨厌此人,冷淡的道:“院长大人大概见过我很多次了才对,难道是院长大人太过繁忙,把我这样的小人物都给忘了?” Xie Aoyu!” Han Yue gets angry shouts to clear the way. 谢傲宇!”韩越喝道 Han Li beckons with the hand to stop the Han Yue violent anger, said: Young fellow anger is very abundant.” 韩隶摆摆手制止韩越的暴怒,道:“少年人火气很盛啊。” Does not have the means that was been cloudy in the back by an old fogy, makes into anything directly to enter one of the 32 strong six big masters me, brings in the innumerable challenges, naturally was not feeling well.” Xie Aoyu thinks but therefore with having Gu Family of evil intent demon word technique becomes enemies, is not feeling well. “没办法,被一个老家伙在背后阴了,把我弄成什么直接进入32强的六大高手之一,引来无数的挑战,当然不爽了。”谢傲宇想到因此而和拥有邪意魔言术的顾家结仇,就很是不爽。 Also no longer responds him, swaggers away. 也不再搭理他,扬长而去。 Han Yue that this takes offense at one fell swoop wants to grasp crazily. 这一举动气的韩越直欲抓狂。 Han Yue, you disappoint me very much, did Xie Aoyu enrage us intentionally, you such been mad losing sanely? You disappoint me very much.” Han Li cold sound track. 韩越,你很让我失望,谢傲宇故意激怒我们,你就这样被气的失去理智了?你很让我失望。”韩隶冷声道。 Violent anger Han Yue such as was sprinkled the head by the cold water, calms down instantaneously. 暴怒的韩越如遭冷水泼头,瞬间冷静下来。 I know that you will possibly complain about me, why has been constraining your practice.” Han Li saw that Han Yue cares to distinguish, he smiled, do not say does not have, I am very clear, now past I was also so, should tell you time, reason that I adjusted alone from the family you, had me to come **, was because you can practice my this special Qi, this Qi practice was very special, ahead of time was not obvious, after waiting to achieve to be saturated, will carry on a blowout, that time you, will be expected to make a stretch of world on Angel Holy Island.” “我知道,你可能会怨我,为什么一直压抑着你的修炼。”韩隶看到韩越意欲分辨,他笑了笑,“不要说没有,我很清楚,当年的我也是如此,现在也该告诉你的时候了,我之所以将你从家族里单独调出来,有我来**,是因为你能修炼我这种特殊的斗气,这种斗气修炼很特殊,先期不明显,等达到饱和之后,会进行一次井喷,那时候的你,将有望在天使圣岛上打出一片天地。” The Han Yue whole body trembles, excited -ly said: Angel Holy Island!” 韩越浑身一颤,激动地道:“天使圣岛!” Walks from the day Luo Mowu institute, Xie Aoyu returns to Qin Dynasty Family directly, before the final approaches, he must make the best use of all time, the pains practice. 从天罗魔武学院走出来,谢傲宇直接返回秦家,在总决赛来临之前,他要抓紧一切时间,苦心修炼。 The line, actually has many people to the vision that he casts to pay attention. 一路行来,倒是有不少的人向他投去关注的目光。 Xie Aoyu also understands that he in day Yanjing is a celebrity, is the big celebrity, the feeling of but this type directed is not feeling well especially, probably plays the monkey to be the same. 谢傲宇也明白,他在天罗燕京内算是一个名人,还是大名人,只是这种被人指指点点的感觉特不爽,好像耍猴一样。 The way Ge Telixie weapon shop, Xie Aoyu went to inquire while convenient. 路径哥特里谢的兵器店,谢傲宇顺便进去询问了一下。 The answer that the result gets was Master Ge Telixie still in neglecting to eat and sleep built the Emperor blade of that wooden department, served ancestor divisional level the casting master in side to judge, but also took one month might complete building of Emperor blade. 结果得到的答案是哥特里谢大师仍旧在废寝忘食的打造那木系的天王刀,就侍候在旁的宗师级的铸造师判断,还需要一个月的时间才有可能完成天王刀的打造。 The Emperor level weapon itself rank is too high, in addition must build the most formidable Emperor blade, Master Ge Telixie naturally must cautiously, the time can understand steadily. 天王级兵器本身级别太高,加之还是要打造出最强大的天王刀,哥特里谢大师自然要小心翼翼,时间长可以理解。 Comes out from the weapon shop, after the front surface bumps into has flattered, Zi Yan. 从兵器店出来,迎面就碰到了媚后紫嫣 As before is like that beautiful, making one look at the elated beautiful pretty little girl appearance, but on the elegant face brought to wipe the weary, travel-worn appearance. 依旧是那般艳光四射,令人望之心醉的美娇娘模样儿,只是俏脸上带着一抹疲倦,风尘仆仆的样子。 Zi Yan elder sister.” Xie Aoyu pleasantly surprised say (way). 紫嫣姐姐。”谢傲宇惊喜道。 Possibly in the thinking issue, the Zi Yan delicate eyebrows is wrinkling slightly, hears the sound, completely goes sadly, reveals wipes the intoxicant smiling face, younger brother.” Zi Yan very natural grabbed the hand of Xie Aoyu, „did you come to see Master Ge Telixie to complete building of Emperor blade?” 可能是在思索问题,紫嫣的秀眉微微皱着,听到声音,忧愁尽去,露出一抹醉人的笑容,“弟弟。”紫嫣很自然的抓住了谢傲宇的手,“你是不是来看看哥特里谢大师完成了天王刀的打造?” Um.” Xie Aoyu felt that the Zi Yan very natural action, has some disappointments at heart, how not to have tender feelings, on the mouth said that where elder sister went, how travel-worn appearance.” “嗯。”谢傲宇感觉到紫嫣很自然的举动,心里有些许的失望,怎么就没有一点柔情呢,嘴上则说道,“姐姐去哪里了,怎么风尘仆仆的样子。” Management sentiment.” Before Zi Yan has gathered together the volume luxuriant with then, that graceful movement, after where has the least bit flatters the flavor, „, I heard that your war, directly hasn't entered the round of eight? Now entire Sky Luo empire all people were saying that this is you are cheating.” “办了点事情。”紫嫣拢了拢额前的秀发与而后,那优雅的动作,哪里有半点媚后的味道,“嗯,我听说你是未曾一战,直接进入八强的?现在全天罗帝国所有人都在说这是你在作弊呢。” „, I will not think.” Xie Aoyu looks away to say. “不会吧,我也不想啊。”谢傲宇翻眼道。 Zi Yan cluck-cluck smiles, said: Others' discussion, do not care, said again that the luck is also a performance of strength, they think that did not have the opportunity, since naturally, this is Continental Youth Competition conducts probably, never has the matter, therefore, you also make others discuss.” Here, she has bumped Xie Aoyu gently, resembled elder sister I, others said that after elder sister was flattered, elder sister never cares.” 紫嫣咯咯一笑,道:“别人的议论,不要放在心上,再说,运气也是一种实力的表现,他们想,还没机会呢,当然了,这大概是大陆青年大赛举办以来,从未有过的事情吧,所以啊,你也让人家议论议论。”说到这里,她轻轻碰了一下谢傲宇,“就好像姐姐我,人家都说姐姐是媚后,姐姐从来不在乎。” „Does elder sister care about my impression?” Xie Aoyu blurted out. 姐姐在乎我的观感吗?”谢傲宇脱口而出。 This saying many somewhat implies another thing. 这话多少有些别有所指。 In the Zi Yan beautiful pupil flashes through wipes the bright, immediately ridicules saying: What's wrong? To soak elder sister, don't you fear too old?” 紫嫣美眸中闪过一抹亮光,随即揶揄似的说道:“怎么?想泡姐姐啊,你就不怕年龄太大吗?” elder sister do not forget to prolong the life pill.” The Xie Aoyu reminder said that „the Zi Yan elder sister life lengthens, will not age, such conversion words, you are also equal to 16 or 17-year-old, might as well I am big.” 姐姐别忘了延年益寿丹啊。”谢傲宇提醒道,“紫嫣姐姐的寿命延长,而且不会变老,这么换算的话,你还相当于十六七岁,还不如我大。” Brat, your mouth is sweet.” Zi Yan stretched out the finger that the allium cepa managed to poke Xie Aoyu forehead, walked, goes to me the residence in Yanjing.” “臭小子,就你嘴巴甜。”紫嫣伸出玉葱办的手指戳了谢傲宇的额头一下,“走,去我在燕京的住所。” The Zi Yan status is special, has to belong to her mansion in mainland each Yanjing and king, naturally has the record in each Empire Imperial family and kingdom royal family there these mansions, that i.e., even if the empire imperial authority alternates, these mansions are also nobody dare to invade, this was the deterrent force of antiquity respected family. 紫嫣身份特殊,在大陆各个燕京、王都都有属于她的府邸,当然在各个帝国皇室和王国王室那里这些府邸是有记录的,那就是说,即便帝国皇权更迭,那些府邸也是没人敢侵占的,这就是上古大家族的威慑力。 The mansion occupies a land area is not big, in Yanjing can only be medium. 府邸占地并不大,在燕京只能算是中等。 In the palace also only then some any Qi ordinary maidservant will not be tidying up, but is such one seems like the common center, Xie Aoyu actually discovered that really has the bodyguard in imperial palace to wait and see personally, looked that is the appearance that prevents anybody to enter. 府内也只有一些不会任何斗气的普通的侍女在收拾,可就是这样一个看似不起眼的腹地,谢傲宇却发现竟然有皇宫的侍卫亲自观望,一看就是防止任何人进入的样子。 Xie Aoyu sighed with emotion the fearfulness of antiquity respected family once more. 谢傲宇再次感慨上古大家族的可怕。 Day after day Luo Huang Yanjing must be careful significance is serving. 就连天罗皇燕京要小心意义的伺候着。 Marches into, Zi Yan leads him to walk into the back garden directly, here is some flowers and plants that I transplant personally, although does not have what excellent works, can actually combine the special fragrance that I most like.” 步入其中,紫嫣直接带着他走入后花园,“这里是我亲自栽植的一些花草,虽然没有什么圣品,却能组合成我最喜欢的这种特殊的芳香。” Attracts “吸” Xie Aoyu makes an effort has attracted, „, is fragrant with the body of elder sister.” 谢傲宇用力的吸了一下,“嗯,和姐姐的体香一样。” Kid knows that what is the body is fragrant.” In Zi Yan arriving back garden only alcove with a laugh, although here is small, is actually the arrangement unusual is refined. “小家伙知道什么叫体香啊。”紫嫣笑呵呵的走到后花园唯一的亭子内,此处虽小,却是布置的非常雅致。 The flowering shrubs lawn, the green willow tree create shades, two curving news overlapping, has the ideal condition. 花丛草地,绿柳成荫,两条弯曲的消息交叉而过,颇有意境。 Well? Fond Il­lu­sion Licor?” Xie Aoyu doubt looks to Zi Yan. “咦?迷梦酒?”谢傲宇狐疑的看向紫嫣 Yes, I have explained Fond Il­lu­sion Licor, cluck-cluck, later we do not need to worry that can drink light Fond Il­lu­sion Licor.” Zi Yan announced excitedly. “是啊,我已经将迷梦酒破解了,咯咯,以后我们不用担心会喝光迷梦酒了。”紫嫣兴奋地宣布道。 Xie Aoyu great happiness: How could it not be that Zi Yan did elder sister promote for the ancestor divisional level elixir master?” 谢傲宇大喜道:“那紫嫣姐姐岂非是晋升为宗师级炼药师了?” Being promoted of elixir, Xie Aoyu knows that can refine some rank the thing of formula, will then promote for that rank. 炼药师的晋级,谢傲宇还是知道一点的,能够炼制出某一个级别的配方的东西,那么就会晋升为那个级别。 Fond Il­lu­sion Licor is the formula of ancestor divisional level. 迷梦酒就是宗师级的配方。 Zi Yan can study the Fond Il­lu­sion Licor formula through Fond Il­lu­sion Licor, that is compared with having the formula refines Fond Il­lu­sion Licor strong many, therefore she could be said as the elixir master of ancestor divisional level, further reached the large amount divisional level again, must make mainland all elixir teachers shock. 紫嫣能够通过迷梦酒来研究出迷梦酒的配方,那可是比有配方炼制迷梦酒强的多,故而她可说是宗师级的炼药师了,再进一步达到大宗师级,恐怕就要令大陆所有的炼药师均为之震撼了。 The elixir master of large amount divisional level, the mainland cannot discover five. 大宗师级的炼药师,全大陆也找不出五个。 The quantity of ancestor divisional level is extremely also rare. 宗师级的数量也极其稀有的。 The key is Zi Yan is young, she becomes the big grandmaster, almost does not have any suspense. 关键是紫嫣还年轻啊,她成为大宗师,几乎是没有任何悬念的。 That is natural, is this celebration.” Zi Yan said with a smile. “那是自然,是不是该庆祝啊。”紫嫣笑道。 Naturally.” Xie Aoyu presents that the pale blue and pale red two entirely different color Fond Il­lu­sion Licor opens, gives Zi Yan one bottle of pale blue Fond Il­lu­sion Licor, comes, I respect elder sister.” “当然。”谢傲宇将那呈现淡蓝色和淡红两种截然不同颜色的迷梦酒打开,交给紫嫣一瓶淡蓝色的迷梦酒,“来,我敬姐姐。” Zi Yan received Fond Il­lu­sion Licor. 紫嫣接过迷梦酒 They cheer. 两人干杯。 Ahem.” The Ying-Yang blames sneers to resound, in the back garden does not know that were when many a person, stands in an alcove probably ten meters far place, “哼哼。”阴阳怪掉的冷笑响起,后花园内不知何时多了一个人,就站在亭子大概十米远的地方, Xie Aoyu turns head to look suddenly. 谢傲宇猛然扭头看去。 That person of acquaintance , after is the personal enemy butterfly, You Lan Ruo! 那人正是熟人,也是仇人蝶后幽兰若 Yeah, isn't this Ling Yun beautiful woman You Lan Ruo of light buttocks? How to run up to here to come, was the plan makes me help you take off a skirt again.” Zi Yan say (way) with a smile. “哎吆,这不是光屁股的灵韵美女幽兰若吗?怎么又跑到我这里来了,是不是打算让我再帮你脱一次裙子啊。”紫嫣笑吟吟的道。 After the butterfly , the facial features that You Lan Ruo sneers become the cold woods get up immediately. 蝶后幽兰若冷笑的面容登时变得冷森起来。 Was torn up the skirt, reveals the snow white buttocks, after this is the butterfly, You Lan Ruo life biggest shame, those who made her go crazy, began after she regarded as flattering of life enemy, Zi Yan. 被人扯破裙子,露出雪白臀部,这是蝶后幽兰若一生最大的耻辱,更令她发狂的是,动手的还是她视为一生敌人的媚后紫嫣 Zi Yan!” The say (way) that You Lan Ruo clenches jaws, does not have the least bit immortal taste again. 紫嫣!”幽兰若咬牙切齿的道,再无半点仙味。 Makes me help you?” Zi Yan say (way) with a laugh, this time I do not profit, put out your dance willow tree Emperor sword, we dispute fairly.” “让我帮你?”紫嫣笑呵呵的道,“这次我也不占便宜,拿出你的舞柳天王剑吧,我们公平较量一下。” Dances Liu Jian, Xie Aoyu looks after the butterfly You Lan Ruo, many are a little surprised. 舞柳剑,谢傲宇看向蝶后幽兰若,多少有点惊讶。 Must know that dances Liu Jian, but the famous wind is surnamed the Emperor sword, is several thousand years exists, after three Ten Kings Level masters, it may be said that is the prestige illustrious. 要知道舞柳剑可是有名的风属姓天王剑,是数千年就存在的,历经三位十王级的高手,可谓是威名赫赫。 After the butterfly, You Lan Ruo has such Emperor level weapon, unexpectedly did not use, obviously is treats as the card in a hand to use, after all uses to dance Liu Jian, even if achieves Sage level, jumps the ranks the challenge almost difficult ratio to ascend to heaven, from this Emperor sword, was enough, obviously the fearfulness of Emperor level weapon. 蝶后幽兰若拥有如此天王级兵器,居然一直不动用,显然是当做底牌来用的,毕竟用上舞柳剑,即便达到至圣级,越级挑战几乎难比登天,由此天王剑,也足够了,可见天王级兵器的可怕。 Hits must certainly hit.” After the butterfly, You Lan Ruo sneers saying that she turns head to look to Xie Aoyu, Xie Aoyu, I give you now a choice.” “打肯定是要打的。”蝶后幽兰若冷笑道,她扭头看向谢傲宇,“谢傲宇,现在我给你一个选择。” A Xie Aoyu brow wrinkle, this imperative mood speech way, making him very not happy, was only the light say (way): Anything chooses, you said.” 谢傲宇眉头一皱,这种命令式的说话方式,令他很不痛快,只是淡淡的道:“什么选择,你说吧。” I can give up killing you, and lets you and Bing Wu in the same place, but after” butterfly, You Lan Ruo shot a look at Zi Yan, this said that you must cut off all relations with Zi Yan, later treats like a passerby.” “我可以放弃杀你,并且让你和冰舞在一起,但是”蝶后幽兰若瞥了一眼紫嫣,这才说道,“你必须与紫嫣断绝一切关系,以后视如陌路。” „!” “哧!” Xie Aoyu taunt has smiled, sneers saying: You Lan Ruo, you have problems by the brain that Zi Yan elder sister did hit? Do you think this possibility?” 谢傲宇嘲讽似的笑了起来,冷笑道:“幽兰若,你是不是被紫嫣姐姐打的脑子出问题了?你觉得这可能吗?” This reply lets Zi Yan is really gratified. 这个回答让紫嫣甚是欣慰。 Thinks that they have experienced the life and death, the sentiment is not the general depth, how possibly to give up itself, Zi Yan has also shown the smiling face. 想想两人可是经历过生死的,感情不是一般的深,怎么可能放弃自己呢,紫嫣也露出了笑容。 Snort, forever do not want with Bing Wu in the same place.” After the butterfly, You Lan Ruo cold -ly snorted and said. “哼,那你就永远别想和冰舞在一起。”蝶后幽兰若冷哼道。 Xie Aoyu vision one cold, sinking sound track: You Lan Ruo, you think that who you are, you can prevent me and Bing Wu, I told you, I and Bing Wu friends from childhood, in the same place, our sentiments, were you can since childhood compared with, do not think that was her master worker to be great, has to plant you to tell her, you must kill me, having a look at her anything to respond.” 谢傲宇目光一冷,沉声道:“幽兰若,你以为你是谁,你能阻挡我和冰舞,我告诉你,我与冰舞青梅竹马,从小就在一起,我们的感情,是你能比的吗,不要以为当了她的师父就了不起,有种你告诉她,你要杀我,看看她什么反应。” Always strong You Lan Ruo pointed at the nose to interrogate by a youth that made the You Lan Ruo complexion sudden change, but Zi Yan a few words, were make her grasp crazily. 向来强势的幽兰若被一个少年指着鼻子质问,令幽兰若脸色骤变,可紫嫣的一句话,更是令她抓狂。 Zi Yan said: „Does she have to plant? Probably does not have.” Said also dissolute has swept a You Lan Ruo smooth lower abdomen place, has to study the meaning greatly. 紫嫣如是说道:“她有种吗?好像没有吧。”说完还放肆的扫了一眼幽兰若平坦的小腹处,大有要研究一下的意思。 Brushes!” “刷!” Cold brightness for the first time presently, if the waning moon has delimited, that refined alcove was then cut as two halves, in the hand of You Lan Ruo presents a sharp long sword, the point refers to Zi Yan, shouts to clear the way: War!” 寒光乍现,若残月划过,那雅致的亭子便被斩为两半,幽兰若的手中出现一把锋利的长剑,点指紫嫣,喝道:“战!”
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