BE :: Volume #2

#155: The pain is joyful 【One】

Leaves from the imperial palace, some people like some people to envy. 从皇宫离开,有人欢喜有人嫉妒。 Lang Zhantian on the grounds of obtaining second sage and two Fights Technique, indicated the luck to be good, must go to vindicate to the 102 nd beautiful woman, why was 102? Because after 32 strong first battles, short ten in many days, he has carried on 101 st time has vindicated, finally is defeated. 浪战天以得到亚圣器和两门斗技为由,表示运气不错,要去向第102位美女表白了,为什么是102位呢?因为在32强首战之后,短短的十多天内,他已经进行了第101次表白了,结果还是失败。 The road of God of Love is long, the schoolmate must try hard. 正所谓爱神之路还长,同学仍需努力啊。 In the future the liquor king Lin Dongyun goal clearly will be naturally clear, must collect entirely all the good wines of Yanjing, he must swimming the dragon bottle gourd fulls floaded operation. 未来酒王林动云的目标自然更加清晰明确,要将所有燕京的美酒统统收集起来,他要将游龙葫芦灌满。 Thereupon, two shameless people left. 于是乎,两个无耻之人离开了。 Xie Aoyu entered the small woods of day of Luo Mowu institute with Bing Wu. 谢傲宇则与冰舞进入了天罗魔武学院的小树林。 Here environment is handsome, the flowers and plants complement, shadowy, smell sharp aroma, sits on the thick patch of grass, by that flowers and plants mask, the bystander is not even able to see, might be considered as the having an affair appointment the unsurpassed institute. 此处环境秀雅迷人,花草掩映,绿树成荫,香气扑鼻,坐在草丛上,被那花草遮挡,外人甚至无法看到,堪称是偷情约会之无上之所。 Ao Yu Bing Wu allowed the crimson, charming broad and handsome forehead soon to lower to that scale tenderly already not the small sticking out place, both hands not law-abiding grabbing lower hem corner. 傲宇冰舞娇容绯红,迷人的螓首快要低到那规模已然不小的隆起处,双手不安分的抓着衣角。 Xie Aoyu looked that ** increases suddenly. 谢傲宇看的**陡增。 „The Bing Wu treasure, sits.” Xie Aoyu sits on the thick patch of grass, gently draws the white hands of Bing Wu, among the men and women the intimate name lets the happiness that the Bing Wu heart could not say, finally by Xie Aoyu, sat in his bosom. 冰舞宝贝,坐下来。”谢傲宇坐在草丛上,轻轻的一拉冰舞的玉手,那男女间亲密的称呼让冰舞芳心说不出的甜蜜,结果被谢傲宇一拉,就坐在了他的怀中。 Immediately bashfully Bing Wu blushes struggles. 冰舞立时羞赧的挣扎起来。 Cannot move, otherwise I want Xie Aoyu hey to say with a smile. “不许动,不然我要”谢傲宇嘿嘿笑道。 That has the appearance of threat to make Bing Wu is shames the embarrassed, tender body one pours in the bosom of Xie Aoyu softly, Ao Yu, I, I also perhaps arrange.” 那带着威胁的样子令冰舞更是羞窘,娇躯一软倒在谢傲宇的怀中,“傲宇,我,我还没准备好。” Xie Aoyu blows the mouth steam in her delicate ear, looks attractive appearance that the Bing Wu tender body trembles, supple sound track: What perhaps do you arrange?” 谢傲宇在她秀气的耳边吹口热气,看着冰舞娇躯一颤的诱人样子,柔声道:“你没准备好什么呀?” Smelly Ao Yu, you now more and more color.” Bing Wu his eyes, actually somewhat lazy lying down in the bosom of Xie Aoyu, the comfortable say (way), Ao Yu, like this is lying in vain down quite comfortably.” “臭傲宇,你现在越来越色了。”冰舞白他一眼,却有些慵懒的躺在谢傲宇的怀中,舒服的道,“傲宇,这样躺着好舒服啊。” I lend you chest daily.” Xie Aoyu said with a smile. “我天天把胸膛借给你。”谢傲宇笑道。 Bing Wu curls the lip, I do not practice, perhaps you do not have the means to make me lie down daily, snort, I have not looked but actually that Master Zi Yan the unexpectedly old cow eats the tender grass.” 冰舞撇撇嘴,“就算我不修炼,恐怕你也没办法天天让我躺吧,哼,我倒没看出来,紫嫣大师竟然老母牛吃嫩草。” Throws!” “扑哧!” Xie Aoyu face up lies down on the ground with a smile. 谢傲宇笑着仰面躺在地上。 Bing Wu also takes advantage of opportunity to lie down in his one side, puts out a hand to pinch the ear of Xie Aoyu, jealousy say (way): I spoke incorrectly, was, I in the side, not making her take advantage of loopholes.” 冰舞也顺势躺在他的一侧,伸手掐着谢傲宇的耳朵,不无醋意的道:“我说错了吗,本来就是,我不在身边,让她钻了空子。” Gently supports into Bing Wu bosom, looks at the branches and leaves mask the deep blue sky, is breathing the fresh air, Xie Aoyu at present reappeared graceful bearing remarkable Zi Yan. 轻轻的将冰舞拥入怀中,看着枝叶遮挡的蔚蓝天空,呼吸着清新的空气,谢傲宇的眼前浮现了风姿卓越的紫嫣 He does not know that is anything relates with Zi Yan. 他也不知道与紫嫣到底是什么关系。 Sweethearts? 情人吧? As if not like, Zi Yan, although after is flatters, but with always very much receives gifts, moreover displays very kind concern, does not have the friendship between men and women. 似乎不像,紫嫣虽然是媚后,可是与自己一向都很收礼的,而且也只是表现出很亲切的关怀,并没有男女间的情分。 Friends? 朋友吧? As if like, that does not have the friend for is Xie Aoyu, with is An­tiq­uity family Lang Zhantian and Lin Dongyun will make to participate, wanting to a person deterrent force that Xie Aoyu begins, what is main is that Evil Spirit Spell Law Sign, this seems under the Zi Yan family a head of the clan's symbol, unexpectedly gives to him. 似乎也不像,那有朋友会为为谢傲宇,将同为上古家族浪战天林动云弄来参赛,给想要对谢傲宇动手的人一个威慑力,最主要的还是那邪灵魔咒法牌,这个似乎是紫嫣家族下任族长的一个象征,居然送给他。 Sometimes therefore Xie Aoyu does not clarify their relations. 所以谢傲宇有时候也搞不清两人的关系。 As if bridges over the friend boundary, has certain distance from the sweetheart boundary, ambiguous, does not know that is how a situation. 似乎是跨过朋友境界,距离情人境界还有一定的距离,模棱两可,也不知道是怎么个情况。 Hello! Hello!” Bing Wu makes an effort has pushed Xie Aoyu, smelly Ao Yu, I was angry, unexpectedly with me in the same place, but also is thinking others, snort!” “喂!喂!”冰舞用力的推了一把谢傲宇,“臭傲宇,我生气了,竟然跟我在一起,还想着别人,哼!” Xie Aoyu hurries to support into bosom her, my where is thinking others, I am thinking that Lightning Spirit Saint Blade and Moon Spirit Saint Blade know we are the lovers, therefore they are also one pair, when lives small Saint Blade.” 谢傲宇赶紧将她拥入怀中,“我哪里在想别人啊,我在想雷灵圣刀月灵圣刀是不是知道我们是情侣,所以它们也是一对,什么时候生个小圣刀。” Not proper.” Bing Wu has pushed his with a smile. “没正经。”冰舞笑着推了他一把。 Stands up from failure to sit up, Xie Aoyu said with a smile: Closes the eye, gives you a pleasant surprise.” 翻身坐起,谢傲宇笑道:“闭上眼睛,给你一个惊喜。” This thinks that Xie Aoyu cracks a joke, sees an earnestness of his face obediently, Bing Wu then has closed the eye, but feared that anything resembles, both hands hold the front. 本以为谢傲宇开玩笑的,见他一脸的认真,冰舞便乖乖的闭上了眼睛,但又怕什么似的,双手抱胸前。 Protects oneself to realize very strongly, I have felt relieved, Xie Aoyu whispered at heart. 自我保护意识很强啊,那我就放心了,谢傲宇心里嘀咕道。 He hung to fall the Queen of night tears with. 他将月神泪吊坠拿了出来。 This thing restrained special existence of psychic force control and spell control specially, Xie Aoyu initially begged, for the Bing Wu preparation. 这东西是专门克制精神力控制、魔咒控制的特殊存在,谢傲宇当初讨要,也是为冰舞准备的。 He can believe anybody, after only cannot believe the butterfly, You Lan Ruo. 他可以相信任何人,唯独不能相信蝶后幽兰若 She does not look that now is so good to Bing Wu, who knows when the time comes can use other means that in order to the security, Xie Aoyu must provide the best protection to Bing Wu. 别她看现在对冰舞这么好,谁知道到时候会不会动用其他的办法,安全起见,谢傲宇要给冰舞配备最佳的保护。 Opens the eye.” Xie Aoyu supple sound track. “睁开眼睛。”谢傲宇柔声道。 The Bing Wu long eyelash vibration, in the beautiful pupil pan- wipes the bright, good attractive hanging falls.” 冰舞长长的睫毛抖动,美眸中泛起一抹亮光,“好漂亮的吊坠啊。” Is the presenting a gift faith token.” Xie Aoyu said with a smile. “就算是定情信物吧。”谢傲宇笑道。 Really, real.” Bing Wu somewhat is suddenly flurried, although before , has determined to relate, may now so be likely official, is makes her somewhat be caught off guard. “真,真的啊。”冰舞突然有些慌乱起来,虽说之前已经确定关系,可像现在这般正式,却是令她有些措手不及。 Xie Aoyu said: Come, I put on to you.” 谢傲宇道:“来,我给你戴上。” Um.” “嗯。” Bing Wu has to display that obedient of gentle female slightly, she is very peaceful to the feeling of person in the Xie Aoyu front, but except for Xie Aoyu, that is another appearance, cold Aohe the wisdom pays equal attention, absolutely is command ability , after is the butterfly, You Lan Ruo sees this potential, one of the principal factors also to Xie Aoyu beginning. 冰舞稍有表现出温柔女子的那种乖顺,她在谢傲宇的面前给人的感觉很安静,可除了谢傲宇,那就是另外一个样子,冷傲和智慧并重,绝对是帅才型的,也是蝶后幽兰若看出她这份潜质的,也是对谢傲宇动手的主因之一。 Xie Aoyu does not know. 只是谢傲宇并不知道罢了。 The low broad and handsome forehead, Bing Wu is a short hair, the swan pure white such as the neck of jade presents, Xie Aoyu hangs to fall to buckle remove the Queen of night tears. 低下螓首,冰舞是一头短发,天鹅般洁白如玉的颈子呈现出来,谢傲宇将月神泪吊坠扣解除 Hangs to fall the Queen of night tears to Bing Wu puts on. 将月神泪吊坠给冰舞戴上。 His hand has not actually stopped, has untied a Bing Wu button, that brushes, the Bing Wu jade surface is red, seems Chaoyang of initial rise, in the beautiful pupil seemed to be that wipes to flatter the optical scintillation. 他的手却没停下来,解开了冰舞的一个纽扣,刷的一下,冰舞的玉面通红,好似初升的朝阳,美眸中似有一抹媚光闪烁。 Xie Aoyu looked moral nature flame rubs on braves. 谢傲宇看心底火焰蹭蹭的上冒。 Turns on the second button again. 再将第二个纽扣开启。 Piece of snow white such as the flesh of jade then presents in the Xie Aoyu front, because even Bing Wu shames blushing, therefore, that blushes to spread the nape of the neck, faint made the glittering and translucent carving flesh reappear wipes the light red, appeared the moving heart and soul. 一片雪白如玉的肌肤便呈现在谢傲宇的面前,甚至因为冰舞羞赧之故,那红晕蔓延过脖颈,隐隐中令原本晶莹剔透的肌肤浮现一抹淡淡的红色,更显得动人心魄。 Thump!” “咕咚!” Xie Aoyu cannot bear swallow the mouth saliva, is quite beautiful. 谢傲宇忍不住咽口唾液,好美啊。 His mind, hangs to fall to place on the Queen of night the flesh of Bing Wu steadily, originally clear seems Queen of night tears of drop of thorough water drop sending out of that flesh complementing the glistening glory, the moving heart and soul, stirred up a Xie Aoyu heart heat, both hands caudula referred to gently then under that front piece has delimited. 他稳稳心神,将月神吊坠放在冰舞的肌肤上,本就晶莹的好似一滴透彻的水珠的月神泪更将那肌肤映衬的散发着莹莹光辉,动人心魄,惹得谢傲宇心头一热,双手小尾指便轻轻的在那衣襟下划了一下。 Tender and delicate soft meat, and shoots the surname to be full, stirs up Xie Aoyu to move restlessly, unexpectedly is the Bing Wu beautiful twin peaks, that wonderful feel 娇嫩的软肉,且弹姓十足,惹得谢傲宇躁动不已,竟然是冰舞绝美的双峰,那美妙的手感 „!” “啊!” Bing Wu sends out the groan of cat, tender body one soft, by in the bosom of Xie Aoyu, shames the embarrassed say (way): Smelly Ao Yu, your more and more color, with Master Zi Yan studied, after she was flatters probably.” 冰舞发出猫儿般的呻吟,娇躯一软,靠在谢傲宇的怀中,羞窘的道:“臭傲宇,你越来越色了,是不是跟紫嫣大师学的啊,她好像是媚后。” Hey, this is can not help, can not help.” Xie Aoyu is supporting Bing Wu, that bang bang the heartbeat, making them peaceful. “嘿嘿,这是情不自禁,情不自禁。”谢傲宇拥着冰舞,那嘭嘭的心跳声,令两人都安静了下来。 They have not spoken, is only static. 他们谁也没有说话,只是静静的。 The intermittent breeze is having light flower fragrance, has brought groans. 阵阵微风带着淡淡的花香,更带来了一声声呻吟。 Um, no, leaves here.” “嗯,别,别在这里。” Nobody sees, clever, separates the leg, right, grabs.” “没人看到的,乖,分开腿,对,抓着。” Quite hard.” “好硬哦。” You pay special attention well comfortably, I must go in “哦你抓得好舒服啊,我要进去了” Upward rises, Xie Aoyu that several short dialogs, let Xie Aoyu and Bing Wu constrains the desire of rub bites the tip of tongue, he does not want here Bing Wu executing a captured offender on the spot, is seen, but must suffer a loss. 几句短短的对话,却让谢傲宇冰舞压抑下去的欲望蹭蹭的往上涨,谢傲宇一咬舌尖,他可不想在这里把冰舞给就地正法了,被人看到,可要吃大亏了。 After coming soberly, supported Bing Wu to stand. 清醒过来之后,拥着冰舞站了起来。 The Bing Wu pink / white face is red. 冰舞粉脸通红。 Pats the outstanding buttocks that Bing Wu has stuck out gently, the Xie Aoyu figure broadcasts the sound that side, then has inclined the head and listened attentively, immediately bright sound track: „! The forest, is the tree.” 轻轻拍了一下冰舞隆起的翘臀,谢傲宇指指传来声音的那边,然后侧耳倾听了一下,随即朗声道:“啊!森林啊,都是树。” This throat frightens scream to be innumerable immediately. 这一嗓子立时吓起尖叫无数。 Unexpectedly more than one pair of unmarried couple is in heat here. 居然不止一对野鸳鸯在这里发情。 Xie Aoyu they one has thrown from the small woods, they stand in not far away, sees in the small woods forms to rock, laughs. 谢傲宇两人则哧溜一下从小树林内抛了出来,两人站在不远处,看到小树林内一条条身影晃动,哈哈大笑。 You were too bad.” Bing Wu smiles to bend the waist. “你太坏了。”冰舞笑弯了腰。 Xie Aoyu restraining smiling face, serious say (way): Institute is chaste, you look at the present, I walk to smell in the air to have the flavor that wind scratches with the finger, this how.” 谢傲宇收敛笑容,一脸严肃的道:“学院是要纯洁的,你看现在,我一走进来就嗅到空气中有一股风搔的味道,这怎么可以。” Smelly Ao Yu, you want to laugh at me.” Bing Wu has hammered Xie Aoyu two lightly, smiled to lie in his bosom, the tears soon comes out. “臭傲宇,你想笑死我啊。”冰舞轻锤了谢傲宇两下,笑趴在他的怀里,眼泪快要出来了。 Has gone bad, I by Lao Lang infecting.” Xie Aoyu pats the forehead. “坏了,我被老浪给传染了。”谢傲宇一拍额头。 His voice just fell, hears the familiar sound to resound. 他话音刚落,就听到熟悉的声音响起。 The origin is outside not far away that female student dormitory. 来源是不远处那个女生宿舍外。 Saw that Lang Zhantian holds the rose, loud say (way), Chen Yan beautiful woman, since sees you, your beautiful appearance, probably pure white saussurea involucrata 就看到浪战天手捧玫瑰花,大声道,“陈燕美女,自从见到你,你那美丽的容颜,好像洁白的雪莲” Also is that familiar one set. 又是那熟悉的一套。 Just now begins, saw that a female student dormitory window opens, sprinkles trough water for foot-washing from inside, typical Little Devil against wolf technique. 只是才刚开头,就看到女生宿舍一个窗子打开,从里面泼下来一盆洗脚水,典型的小恶魔防狼术。 Pitiful, 102 nd vindicating is defeated.” Xie Aoyu said. “可怜,第102次表白失败。”谢傲宇道。 Lao Lang fiercely competes and successfully competes, I believe that he when 200 th vindicating, can certainly succeed, spiritually supports him.” Bing Wu brandishes the pink / white fist to say. 老浪是越战越勇,我相信,他在第200次表白的时候,一定能成功的,精神上支持他。”冰舞挥舞着粉拳道。 Xie Aoyu has pinched the outstanding nose of Bing Wu, this is right, later don't all day icy.” 谢傲宇捏了一下冰舞的翘鼻,“这样才对嘛,以后别整天冷冰冰的了。” Bing Wu said: I do not think that was these male students was too bored, is always entangling the human, or was cold the face, has not known annoyingly.” 冰舞道:“我也不想啊,可是那些男生太无聊了,总是缠着人,要不冷着脸,还不知道多烦人。” Also right, my Bing Wu was too attractive.” Xie Aoyu said with a smile. “也对,我的冰舞太漂亮了。”谢傲宇笑道。 You know.” Bing Wu stood on tiptoes the tip of the toe to kiss on the face of Xie Aoyu, turned around then to walk, I have practiced, do not disturb me.” “你才知道啊。”冰舞踮起脚尖在谢傲宇的脸上吻了一下,转身便走了,“我去修炼了,别打扰我哦。” Xie Aoyu said: Our presenting a gift faith tokens cannot tell anybody, that is our secrets.” 谢傲宇道:“我们的定情信物不能告诉任何人,那是我们的秘密。” Knows that guaranteed no one said.” Bing Wu turned the body to run. “知道啦,保证谁也不说。”冰舞扭身跑了。 Leaves the one breath darkly, Xie Aoyu then puts down the heart. 暗出一口气,谢傲宇这才放下心。 He also somewhat worried that after Bing Wu will hang falls to tell the butterfly You Lan Ruo the Queen of night tears, do not look that Bing Wu had not discovered the Queen of night tears are not the ordinary thing, after the butterfly, You Lan Ruo is uncertain. 他还真有点担心冰舞会将月神泪吊坠告诉蝶后幽兰若,别看冰舞没发现月神泪不是普通的东西,蝶后幽兰若就不一定了。 Soaks the little girl level to be good.” The annoying sound from behind conveys. “泡妞水平不错嘛。”烦人的声音从身后传来。 Xie Aoyu sighed, has turned around, light looks at Han Yue, Bing Wu and I was the friends from childhood, I can tell you explicitly, even if were I and she separates, she will only place above all energy the practice, to other men, including your Han Yue, will not have any interest.” 谢傲宇叹口气,转过身,淡淡的看着韩越,“冰舞与我是青梅竹马,我可以明确告诉你,就算是我和她分开,她只会将所有的精力放在修炼上面,对其他男人,包括你韩越,不会有任何兴趣的。” This is the Bing Wu surname standard. 这是冰舞的姓格。 After her goal is to surmount butterfly You Lan Ruo, therefore in the Bing Wu life, only then Xie Aoyu and practice, other is very difficult to be interested. 她的目标就是超越蝶后幽兰若,所以在冰舞的生命中,只有谢傲宇和修炼,其他的很难提起兴趣。 That how, she, if places practice all energy, to our Han Family, is hundred advantages does not have an evil.” Han Yue sneers to say. “那又如何,她要是将所有的精力放在修炼方面,对我们韩家来说,是百利而无一害的。”韩越冷笑道。 Xie Aoyu curls the lip, said: Han Family? Is Han Family very fierce? Probably your Han Yue is not much.” 谢傲宇撇撇嘴,道:“韩家韩家很厉害吗?好像你韩越并不怎么样吧。” The Han Yue complexion changes, his cold -ly snorted and said: You understand anything, I am 韩越脸色微变,他冷哼道:“你懂什么,我是” You are anything, your anything is not.” Xie Aoyu stretched out the finger jogging two, I must teach you, a hand.” “你是什么,你什么都不是。”谢傲宇伸出手指轻摇了两下,“我要教训你,一只手都可以。” Han Yue gets angry shouts to clear the way: You talk nonsense!” He has pulled out the sword. 韩越喝道:“你放屁!”他一把将剑拔了出来。 Han Yue!” 韩越!” A sincere sound conveys, a middle-aged man walks. 一个厚重的声音传来,一名中年男子走来。 Xie Aoyu narrows the eye to stare at him. 谢傲宇眯着眼睛盯着他。 This person is Han Li, the chief of day Luo Mowu institute, after the butterfly, You Lan Ruo brother. 此人就是韩隶,天罗魔武学院的院长,蝶后幽兰若的大哥。
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