BE :: Volume #2

#154: star moon/month throwing knife 【Three】

Fights Technique In­stant Fang Mag­nif­i­cent, the wood is the surname to high Fights Technique, for that abnormal Emperor blade preparation, once the weapon and Fights Technique combine, absolutely is the invincible rank, Xie Aoyu believes that so long as same level, even if were the master of these hugest antiquity respected family, was having innumerable top Fights Technique, is unable to contend with him absolutely. 斗技刹那芳华,木属姓至高斗技,是为那变态的天王刀准备的,一旦兵器、斗技组合起来,绝对是无敌级别的,谢傲宇相信,只要是同级的,哪怕是那些最庞大的上古大家族的高手,拥有着无数的顶级斗技,也绝对无法与他抗衡。 star moon/month Flying Knife, has met the request of Infinite Spinning Sword farfight finally, its might, was being stimulated gradually, is not inferior to In­stant Fang Mag­nif­i­cent, what is most fearful, weapon that because star moon/month Flying Knife is tailor for Infinite Spinning Sword Fights Technique, similarly is not the surname, in other words In­stant Fang Mag­nif­i­cent Fights Technique can fuse the constitution to combine Fights Technique with star moon/month Flying Knife. 星月飞刀,终于满足了无定飞旋刀远战的要求,其威力之强,正在逐步被激发出来,丝毫不亚于刹那芳华,最可怕的是,因为星月飞刀是为无定飞旋刀斗技量身打造的兵器,同样是无属姓的,也就是说刹那芳华斗技可以与星月飞刀相融合构成组合斗技 Xie Aoyu is more is more excited. 谢傲宇是越想越兴奋。 A weapon, Fights Technique, all becomes the trump card, may help him fully in the competition of Continental Youth Competition , increased very heavy two weights. 一件兵器,一门斗技,全都成为王牌,足可助他在大陆青年大赛的比赛中,增加了非常重的两个砝码。 Excited! 激动啊! Infinite Spinning Sword!” Xie Aoyu breaks shouts to clear the way, both hands wields. 无定飞旋刀!”谢傲宇喝道,双手一挥。 Brushes 刷刷刷 Three silver color break-ups. 三道银光闪过。 Three star moon/month Flying Knife have drawn three charming arcs, with the overhead crossing, the wall has drawn three traces on, same long, the same depth, it may be said that is the strength acts bashful extremely. 三把星月飞刀划过三道迷人的弧线,与空中交叉而过,将墙壁上面画出三道痕迹,一样的长,一样的深,可谓是力道拿捏极准的。 Works as ding-dong “当当当” In three resounding, star moon/month Flying Knife bumps into respectively, the maneuver flies. 三声脆响中,星月飞刀各自相撞,回旋飞行。 Also is three traces appears. 又是三条痕迹出现。 Continues to hit to revolve. 继续撞击回旋。 The Xie Aoyu palm grasps void, comes back!” Saw that three star moon/month Flying Knife seemed reactivated generally, with midair collision, has drawn an arc from the left , middle , and right separately respectively, flew into the right hand of Xie Aoyu. 谢傲宇手掌虚空一抓,“回来!”就看到三把星月飞刀好似复活了一般,与空中相撞,分别从左中右各自划过一道弧线,飞入谢傲宇的右手中。 Three blade Qi Fei, three maneuvers. 三刀齐飞,三次回旋。 Wonderful, certainly, accurate and ruthless, this is Xie Aoyu to the appraisal that they make, is the trump card must kill the technique absolutely, receives seven star moon/month Flying Knife, he has not planned to tell others. 奇、绝、准、狠,这就是谢傲宇给它们做的评价,绝对是王牌必杀技,将七把星月飞刀收起来,他没打算告诉别人。 This is the secret card in a hand. 这算是秘密底牌。 We also had the card in a hand, the energy was fuller.” Xie Aoyu laughs, at the back of Moon Spirit Saint Blade and affectionate couple sword, raised the tour dragon bottle gourd to walk from the armory two buildings. “咱也有底牌了,底气更足了。”谢傲宇哈哈一笑,背着月灵圣刀、鸳鸯剑,提着游龙葫芦从兵器库二楼走了下来。 At this time Han Yue, Liias, Singer, Baja Tuttass, Wu Jia, Wang Chao have chosen own weapon, is the best quality goods, but has not achieved the rank of second sage. 此时韩越、利亚斯、辛格、巴哈图塔斯、吴嘉、王超六人已经挑选出属于自己的兵器,都是极品,但还没有达到亚圣器的级别。 Bing Wu, Lang Zhantian and Lin Dongyun three people intense are waiting. 冰舞浪战天林动云三人则略带紧张的等待着。 The vision often going to stairway of people. 众人的目光不时的投向楼梯口。 The Xie Aoyu form appears, then concentrated. 谢傲宇的身影出现,便都集中上去了。 Lao Lin, your second sage tour dragon bottle gourd.” Xie Aoyu separated to empty the bottle gourd in hand throwing, that bottle gourd from the sky has drawn an arc, flew to fall in the Lin Dongyun hand. 老林,你的亚圣器游龙葫芦。”谢傲宇隔空将手中的葫芦给抛了出去,那葫芦在空中划过一道弧线,飞落林动云手中。 Liquor bottle gourd, Ha Ha Lin Dongyun takes the tour dragon bottle gourd to laugh excitedly, Lao Xie, you most understand me, Ha Ha, loved you.” “酒葫芦,哈哈”林动云兴奋地拿着游龙葫芦大笑起来,“老谢,你最了解我,哈哈,爱死你了。” Bing Wu ill-humored say (way): He does not like the man!” 冰舞没好气的道:“他不喜欢男人!” Lin Dongyun is a hollow laugh, bottle gourd such thing is the best quality goods, is very rare, after all nobody uses this, when weapon, let alone the tour dragon bottle gourd was second sage, he excitedly was also very natural. 林动云则是一阵干笑,葫芦这样的东西就算是极品的,都是非常稀有的,毕竟没人用这个当兵器,何况游龙葫芦是亚圣器,他兴奋也是很自然的。 Lao Xie, my?” Lang Zhantian is pointing at own nose. 老谢,我的呢?”浪战天指着自己的鼻子。 Picks the affectionate couple sword, Xie Aoyu throws to him, this is your, second sage.” 将鸳鸯剑摘下来,谢傲宇抛给他,“这是你的,亚圣器。” Affectionate couple? The roar roar, Lao Xie understands me, my solemn God of Love Lang Zhantian, must play with water with my affectionate couple the world beautiful women, quack Lang Zhantian grotesque calling out. “鸳鸯?吼吼,老谢了解我,我堂堂爱神浪战天,就是要将天下美女都与我鸳鸯戏水,嘎嘎”浪战天怪模怪样的叫道。 Wu Jia et al. coveted is staring at Xie Aoyu rank. 吴嘉等人眼热的盯着谢傲宇等人。 Second sage! 亚圣器啊! Although second sage were many, may not go to the popular situation, even if were in An­tiq­uity family, is unable to popularize, that was because human are many, but An­tiq­uity family had the time to be remote, collection naturally many, then had no way to compare like Wu and Wang respected family. 虽说亚圣器不少,可远还没有达到普及的地步,就算是上古家族中,也无法普及的,那是因为人多,可是上古家族存在时间久远,收集的自然就多,那么像吴家、王家这样的大家族就更加没法比了。 In their hands best is also the best quality goods weapon. 他们手中最好的也就是极品兵器。 Others.” Bing Wu extends the fair white hands, winks the pitch-dark pupil, smiling is visiting him, she believes that Xie Aoyu definitely prepares for her pleasantly surprised. “人家的呢。”冰舞伸出白皙的玉手,眨着黑漆漆的眸子,笑眯眯的看着他,她相信谢傲宇肯定为她准备惊喜的。 Xie Aoyu said with a laugh: My Bing Wu, naturally is better, just, is you also this little expressed that is good.” 谢傲宇笑呵呵道:“我的冰舞,当然是更好的喽,只不过嘛,是不是你也该有点表示才行啊。” Fresh-faced elegant face slightly red, Bing Wu one forwards, rapid has kissed on the lip of Xie Aoyu. 粉嫩的俏脸微红,冰舞一下向前,飞速的在谢傲宇的嘴唇上吻了一下。 Touches the difference. 一触即分。 Xie Aoyu felt that Tricolor God Core of chest place jumped fiercely, then returns silent, his bursting out laughing looks at Bing Wu, but actually has not thought that face tender she dares to kiss itself before the human unexpectedly. 谢傲宇就感到胸膛处的三色神丹猛跳了一下,接着又回归寂静,他哑然的看着冰舞,倒没想到脸嫩的她居然真敢在人前吻自己。 Looks at that because of being shy to make the beautiful face pan- wipe the attractive maiden dizzy pretty appearance, Xie Aoyu supports intensely must Bing Wu support the impulsion that into the bosom is in love with willfully. 望着那因害羞而令玉容泛起一抹诱人的处女晕的娇俏模样儿,谢傲宇拥出强烈的要将冰舞拥入怀中恣意爱恋的冲动。 Some people look.” Bing Wu looked at the heart ping randomly to keep jumping by Xie Aoyu that scalding hot vision, particularly in that vision is containing being outspoken ** bare desire, makes her tender body weakness, charming incomparable white Xie Aoyu. “有人看着呢。”冰舞谢傲宇那灼热的目光看得芳心砰砰乱跳个不停,尤其是那目光中所蕴含着的毫无保留的**裸的欲望,更是令她娇躯一阵酥软,娇媚无比的白了谢傲宇一眼。 Thump!” “咕咚!” Xie Aoyu swallows the mouth saliva, he made himself tranquil diligently. 谢傲宇咽口唾液,他努力的令自己平静下来。 Once semblance ice-cold Bing Wu throws a coquettish look, it is estimated that all men can by the electricity but actually, Xie Aoyu also by being frightened out of one's wits of electricity. 外表冰冷的冰舞一旦抛个媚眼,估计所有的男人都能被电倒,谢傲宇也是被电的魂飞魄散。 Lao Lang, this, this bottle gourd was, is Lin Dongyun is having the sound sound of shivering, captured the attention of all people all of a sudden. 老浪,这,这葫芦是,是”林动云带着颤抖的声音响了起来,一下子把所有人的目光都吸引了过去。 The atmosphere was broken, Xie Aoyu also depresses that passion in the heart surging, puts out a hand to support the Bing Wu slender willow slender waist, their bodies touch, felt that the Bing Wu tender body trembles slightly, the elegant face is crimson, has not actually struggled, is only secretly white Xie Aoyu, put out a hand to pinch in his waist. 气氛被打破,谢傲宇也压下了心中涌动的那股情欲,伸手拥住冰舞纤细的杨柳细腰,两人身体相触,就感到冰舞娇躯微微一颤,俏脸绯红,却没有挣扎,只是偷偷的白了谢傲宇一眼,伸手在他腰间掐了一把。 Xie Aoyu palm gently caresses lovingly that to be away from creamy flesh of clothes, what is, is Lao Lin, so excited as for you?” 谢傲宇手掌轻轻的抚摩着那隔着一层衣服的滑腻肌肤,“是什么啊,老林,至于你这么兴奋吗?” Naturally, this is my idol one generation of liquor Wang Lin roaring days that tour dragon bottle gourd!” Lin Dongyun grabs the bottle gourd, yelled excitedly. “当然了,这是我的偶像一代酒王林啸天的那个游龙葫芦啊!”林动云抓着葫芦,激动地大叫道。 Lang Zhantian the item shoots Qi Guang immediately looks to that tour dragon bottle gourd. 浪战天立时目射奇光的看向那游龙葫芦。 Liquor Wang Lin roaring day name, Xie Aoyu has heard actually, before fable that is 3000, the Ten Kings Level master, because of being addicted to alcohol like the life, makes good use of the liquor bottle gourd to make the weapon, therefore is called the liquor king, has spread, it is said on the main road 80% liquor are the liquor Wang Lin roaring day developed, therefore in many historical sites has the liquor Wang Lin roaring day statue. 酒王林啸天这个名字,谢傲宇倒是听说过,传说那是3000年前,十王级的高手,因嗜酒如命,善用酒葫芦做兵器,故被称为酒王,一直有一个流传,据说大路上80的酒都是酒王林啸天研制出来的,因此有很多古迹中都有酒王林啸天的雕像。 His weapon bystander only knows that is the liquor bottle gourd, but does not know that was second sage. 他的兵器外人只知道是酒葫芦,但并不知是亚圣器。 Before this reason must mention 3000 condition, the people who each time alone collar wind scratches with the finger are different, although said is Ten Kings Level Master, but does not mean that Ten Kings Level certainly is ten people, before 3000, liquor Wang Lin roaring day time, Ten Kings Level Master, only then six people, do not raise the Battle King level master. 这个原因则是要提到3000年前的状态了,每一个时代独领风搔的人都是不同的,虽然都说是十王级高手,但并不意味着十王级就一定是十个人,3000年前酒王林啸天时代,十王级高手只有六人,更不要提战王级高手了。 But like thousand years anterior lobe ultra peak time, then 14 Ten Kings Level Master, may still not have the Battle King level master, the most powerful time, said according to Zi Yan that as if currently this time, Ten Kings Level Master has about 15, at least four people have the Ten Kings Level Master strength, is actually not able to arrange to enter Ten Kings Level, but the Battle King level also during the birth, the so-called birth in this period was Battle King in ten king had the ability, but also was in closes up. 而像千年前叶超峰时代,则有14位十王级高手,可仍然没有战王级高手,最强盛的时代,根据紫嫣所说,似乎是现在这个时代,十王级高手有近15个,至少有四人有着十王级高手的实力,却无法排进十王级,但是战王级也还是在诞生其间,所谓诞生其间就是十王中的战王已经具备了能力,还处于闭关中。 Before because 3000, is a time of decline, Ten Kings Level is extremely scarce, the liquor Wang Lin roaring day basis does not need any Saint, the Emperor weapon and pro­found soldier and so on thing, was almost invincible, therefore he has never used Saint and so on, the people also guessed that his liquor bottle gourd is the Emperor level weapon, who once thinks that unexpectedly was second sage. 而因为3000年前属于一个没落的时代,十王级太过稀少,酒王林啸天根本无需什么圣器、天王兵器、玄兵之类的东西,就几乎无敌了,故而他从未使用过圣器之类的,人们也只是猜测他的酒葫芦是天王级兵器,谁曾想到居然是亚圣器。 Lao Lin, did you determine?” Xie Aoyu asked. 老林,你确定?”谢傲宇问道。 Determination, determined certainly that this tour dragon bottle gourd has the record in my family, you just gave me the time, I almost cannot believe that therefore has confirmed specially.” During the Lin Dongyun speeches has put out enough 100 bottles of good wines from Space Ring, you look!” “确定,当然确定,这游龙葫芦在我家中有记载的,你刚给我的时候,我差点不敢相信,所以特别验证了一下。”林动云说话间从空间戒指内拿出了足足100瓶美酒,“你们看着啊!” Saying, his squatting lower part of the body, was starting to pour into the tour dragon bottle gourd these good wines. 说着,他蹲下身,开始将那些美酒倒进游龙葫芦。 Swims the dragon bottle gourd not to be big, its body surface at most can also install the next 2-3 bottles of liquor, but Lin Dongyun was linking but actually more than 30 bottles unexpectedly, the sound that inside heard, has not filled. 游龙葫芦不大,就其体表顶多也就是能装下两三瓶酒而已,可是林动云居然连着倒了30多瓶,里面传来的响声,还没有满。 100 bottles of good wines go in entirely but actually. 100瓶美酒统统倒进去。 You look.” Lin Dongyun will swim dragon Hulukou to make Xie Aoyu wait and see. “你们看。”林动云将游龙葫芦口让谢傲宇观望。 Xie Aoyu said with a smile: „Haven't I been dazzled? How not to have arrived including half.” 谢傲宇笑道:“我没看花眼吧?怎么连一半都没到。” This is the unique element of tour dragon bottle gourd, it can put how much liquor, nobody knows radically.” Lin Dongyun said excitedly that past years because of so, the person of innumerable love liquor has also built the tour dragon bottle gourds of massive imitation, I also suspected at first, this is real.” “这就是游龙葫芦的特殊之处,它能够盛放多少酒,根本没人知晓。”林动云激动地说道,“当年也是因为如此,无数的爱酒之人打造了大量的仿制的游龙葫芦,我起初还怀疑呢,这是真的。” You win over into the new liquor king!” Xie Aoyu laughs to say. “那你就争取成为新酒王吧!”谢傲宇大笑道。 The Lin Dongyun complexion blushes excitedly, a nod of effort, bright sound track: From now on, I no longer am Bacchus, but is the liquor king, future liquor king!” 林动云激动地脸色发红,用力的一点头,朗声道:“从现在开始,我不再是酒神,而是酒王,未来的酒王!” He was sober, said that is ‚the future liquor king, the nickname in mainland had the characteristics very much, did not mention can get up, particularly after that Wang He, these two characters. 他还算清醒,说是‘未来的酒王’,大陆上的诨号是很有特色的,不是说起就能起的,尤其是那个王和后这两个字。 Does not take a firm stand!” Lang Zhantian begins supinely, said proudly, „, a pair of god on the remaining my God of Love, all beauties, was only working as the favor of God of Love.” “立场不坚定!”浪战天仰起头,傲然说道,“以后双神就只剩下我爱神了,所有的美眉们,当着爱神的宠幸吧。” Thump!” “咚!” The bodyguard really cannot withstand the Lang Zhantian narcissism, two turned, faints. 有一名侍卫实在承受不了浪战天的自恋,两眼一翻,晕死了过去。 I depend, whether this is invincible sound wave Fights Technique of wave God of Love?” Xie Aoyu raises up the thumb, fierce fierce, admire!” “我靠,这是否是浪爱神的无敌声波斗技呢?”谢傲宇竖起大拇指,“厉害啊厉害,佩服!” Lang Zhantian also rare shameless one red, shifts the topic: Lao Xie, takes to give us to have a look the Bing Wu weapon quickly.” 浪战天也罕见的老脸一红,转移话题道:“老谢,快把冰舞的兵器拿出来给我们大家看看吧。” Good, this gives you.” Xie Aoyu smiles to begin in the future a racket. “好,这就给你们。”谢傲宇笑着手往后一拍。 Moon Spirit Saint Blade that carries has drawn an arc, flies to shoot the horizon. 背着的月灵圣刀划过一道弧线,飞射天际。 Works as!” “当!” Moon Spirit Saint Blade airborne crashes, spike the ground. 月灵圣刀空中坠落,钉入地面。 The knife shivers, makes clank sound, is reflecting the sunlight, sends out the bright luminous light, particularly that Moon Spirit Saint Blade several characters, bloom unexpectedly the blurred moonlight, behind the handwriting as if really have one to cancel the waning moon. 刀身颤动,发出“铮铮”声响,反射着阳光,散发出皎洁的光亮之光,尤其是那“月灵圣刀”几个字,竟然绽放出迷离的月光,字迹后面似乎真的有一勾残月。 Saint Saint Blade!” Wu Jia eyes suffice the point, glimpses that two characters, then exuded one has been possible be called the top sound wave Fights Technique squeal. “圣圣刀!”吴嘉眼睛够尖,瞥见那两个字,便发出了一声堪称顶级声波斗技的尖叫声。 Other people have shake. 其他人具是一震。 Saint! 圣器啊! Bing Wu, how has not tried.” Xie Aoyu jogged Bing Wu, say (way) with a laugh. 冰舞,还不试试如何。”谢傲宇轻推了一下冰舞,笑呵呵的道。 The Bing Wu pursing the lips lip, takes a step to forward, has pulled out that Moon Spirit Saint Blade, she rocks afterward, Moon Spirit Saint Blade dances in the air up and down, sprinkles next moonlight blade light piece by piece, its complementing is too beautiful to behold. 冰舞抿着嘴唇,迈步向前,将那月灵圣刀拔了出来,她随后晃动,月灵圣刀上下飞舞,洒下一片片的月色刀光,将其掩映的更是美不胜收。 All people look dumbfoundedly. 所有人都看得目瞪口呆。 Too beautiful! 太美了!
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