BE :: Volume #2

#153: star moon/month throwing knife 【Two】

Puff!” “噗!” Just raised one's wine cup pours into Lang Zhantian and Lin Dongyun of mouth puffed out. 刚把酒倒入嘴里的浪战天林动云一口喷了出去。 Is insufficient?” Xie Aoyu asked. “不至于吧?”谢傲宇问道。 Lao Lin this like loving the person of liquor.” Bing Wu cannot bear tease. 老林这可不像爱酒之人哦。”冰舞也忍不住调侃道。 Lang Zhantian and Lin Dongyun look one, they face upward to yell: Does not have the natural justice!” 浪战天林动云对望一眼,两人仰天大叫道:“没天理啊!” Looks at their depressed appearances, Bing Wu says with a smile: Do not be too sad, Ao Yu did not say, the lucky goddess was pursuing him, but I as Xie the big madame, naturally must flatter me in the future first, therefore both of us such muddleheaded broke through.” 看着他们郁闷的样子,冰舞笑道:“你们不要太伤心,傲宇不是说了嘛,幸运女神在追求他呢,而我作为谢家未来大夫人,自然也要先讨好我了,所以我们两人就这么稀里糊涂的突破了。” Surprised. 惊讶。 Not is only Lang Zhantian and Lin Dongyun, is Xie Aoyu is also so. 不光是浪战天林动云,就是谢傲宇也是如此。 Bing Wu can say such a few words unexpectedly, cannot imagine simply, beforehand she, although before waves and Lin, although like to bystander like that cold Ao, actually very much does not act with constraint. 冰舞居然能说出这么一段话,简直不可想象啊,以前的她,虽然在浪、林两人面前,虽不像对外人那般冷傲,却也很矜持的。 „It is not I am not clear.” Lang Zhantian heaves a deep sigh to say. “不是我不明白。”浪战天摇头叹息道。 This world change is too rapid.” Lin Dongyun helpless say (way). “这个世界变化太快。”林动云无奈的道。 Xie Aoyu said with a smile: Other was sour, received the weapon quickly, this time I compensated to you, least everyone second sage, really kind.” 谢傲宇笑道:“别酸了,快去领取兵器吧,这次我给你们补偿,最少每人一把亚圣器,够意思了吧。” Their cannot help but great happiness. 两人不由得大喜。 Other people look that four people are merry, dreading in imperial palace, has not had the suspicion to the Xie Aoyu status completely, associates to chief aide-de-camp Chen Qi to his respectful, was haughty Yanjing three little fades. 其他人看着四人有说有笑,完全没有在皇宫内的忌惮,更对谢傲宇的身份产生了怀疑,联想到陈奇侍卫长对他的恭敬,就是狂傲的燕京三少都蔫了。 Under Chen Qi leads personally, some people and others arrived at the armory. 陈奇亲自带领下,一干人等来到兵器库。 The armory guards with large army, similarly has the Emperor level master to assume personal command, worst is also the Earth level master, is the defense is it may be said that stern. 兵器库重兵把守,同样有天王级高手坐镇,余者最差的也是大地级的高手,可谓是防守森严。 Turns on the armory. 打开兵器库。 Chen Qi waves, takes the lead one batch of Earth level master to enter, this is prevents some people many with the action of weapon, but cuts off all delusions. 陈奇一挥手,率先有一批大地级的高手进入,这是防止有人多拿兵器的举动,可算是断绝一切妄想。 The armory is very big, takes a broad view to look, rows of Duobaoge stands in great numbers, most goods are glittering the glistening unusual brightness, naturally some do not have the light gloomily, seems is dazzled. 兵器库很大,放眼望去,一排排多宝阁林立,大多数物品都闪烁着莹然宝光,当然也有的暗淡无光,看上去眼花缭乱的。 Your three do not elect, on me two buildings choose.” Xie Aoyu said. “你们三个不要选了,我上二楼去挑选。”谢傲宇说道。 The Bing Wu three people nod to be, watches in a building at will. 冰舞三人点头应是,在一楼随意观看。 Other people are the item of dew envy color is staring at Xie Aoyu. 其他人则是一个个目露嫉妒之色的盯着谢傲宇 Walks into two buildings, here thing relatively was sparse, many several weapons, but thinks these lowest was also second sage, the value compared with one building strong many time. 步入二楼,这里的东西就相对稀疏了,多不过十几件兵器,但是想到这些最低的也是亚圣器,价值就要比一楼强很多倍了。 The Xie Aoyu vision passed over gently and swiftly, locks a Duobaoge. 谢傲宇目光掠过,锁定一个多宝阁。 Can see by far that in that Duobaoge is putting a slightly delicate treasured sword, the hilt is the cream not well-known silk thread twines, the scabbard pan- the light white halo, is shining upon the moonlight all over the body probably. 远远能够看到,那个多宝阁内放着一把略微秀气的宝刀,刀柄是乳白色的不知名的丝线缠绕起来,刀鞘通体泛着淡淡的白色光晕,好像映照着月光。 Xie Aoyu searches the hand to work the treasured sword. 谢傲宇探手将宝刀抓起。 Brushes!” “刷!” The treasured sword comes out of the sheath. 宝刀出鞘。 Wipes brilliance of silvery bright to flash through, the glistening unusual brightness sends out from the knife, blade long about one meter, the knife is somewhat narrow, only two figures, above has together the lunar white pattern, the pattern style is plain, obviously its old. 一抹银亮的光华闪过,莹莹宝光从刀身上散发出来,刀长不过一米左右,刀身有些窄,仅有两指,上面有一道月白色的花纹,花纹样式古朴古拙,可见其年代久远。 In hilt and knife attachment point, but can also see four fluorescent small characters. 在刀柄和刀身连接处,还能看到四个荧光小字。 Moon Spirit Saint Blade! 月灵圣刀 Was it.” Xie Aoyu receives Moon Spirit Saint Blade. “就是它了。”谢傲宇月灵圣刀收起。 Since the Bing Wu hand did not have Saint , after does not know is the butterfly, You Lan Ruo is mean-spirited, is anything, therefore Xie Aoyu then planned that with the aid of this opportunity, is Bing Wu chooses Saint. 一直以来,冰舞手中都没有圣器,也不知是蝶后幽兰若小气,还是什么,所以谢傲宇便打算借助这次机会,为冰舞挑选一把圣器。 Moon Spirit Saint Blade, most suits. 月灵圣刀,最是适合。 Xie Aoyu then seeks for other Saint. 谢傲宇转而寻找其他的圣器。 Finally Saint are not many, major part was second sage, what next mapped his view was one is glittering the dark golden ray bottle gourd. 结果圣器不多,绝大部分都是亚圣器,下一个映入他眼帘的是一个闪烁着暗金色光芒的葫芦。 Xie Aoyu searches the hand to work. 谢傲宇探手抓起。 This surface looks at and common bottle gourd has 70-80 jin (0.5 kg) weight fully, the finger touches, a chill in the air raids, as if bottle gourd once master the great distance did not know many years later, was still keeping his strength, the ice cold aura by the meridians transmission, but, fast gathering forehead. 这个表面看并不起眼的葫芦却足有七八十斤的重量,手指触及,一股寒意袭来,仿佛葫芦曾经的主人在相隔不知多少年之后,仍然留着他的力量,冰寒气息透过经脉传递而至,快速的汇聚到头部。 Startles shivers spirit, Xie Aoyu all over the body lives coldly, what is main, some distracting thoughts in brains as if were also removed, the brains were more sober. 激灵灵打个冷颤,谢傲宇遍体生寒,最主要的是,头脑中的一些杂念似乎也被排除了一些,头脑更加清醒了。 The surface of bottle gourd is carving some patterns, a hovering Shenlong. 葫芦的表面雕刻着一些花纹,还有一条翱翔的神龙。 The base has two character You Long! 底部有两个字游龙! Compares Moon Spirit Saint Blade, this bottle gourd slightly almost, was second sage. 相比较月灵圣刀,这葫芦略微差一点,是亚圣器。 This gives Lao Lin.” Xie Aoyu thought that can use bottle gourd as the weapon probably perhaps also had Lin Dongyun this drunkard. “这个就送给老林吧。”谢傲宇心想,大概能够使用葫芦作为兵器的恐怕也只有林动云这个酒鬼了。 Is addicted to alcohol like the life. 嗜酒如命。 The drinking vessel is a weapon, this will be sooner or later transformation. 酒器为兵器,这是早晚的转化。 By Duobaoge of laying aside bottle gourd, a sharp long sword is attracting Xie Aoyu. 在放置葫芦的多宝阁旁边,还有一把锋利的长剑吸引着谢傲宇 This sword grow ten centimeters to continue compared with common sword, the similarly type sword, it can be said that the longest style, this most has not attracted Xie Aoyu, what he regards as important is on the scabbard is embroidering that to the affectionate couple. 此剑要比一般的剑长出十厘米不止,同样类型的剑,可以说是最长的样式了,这还不是最吸引谢傲宇,他看重的是剑鞘上绣着的那对鸳鸯。 God of Love Lang Zhantian! 爱神浪战天 This fellow bragged that soaks the little girl master, pursues the beautiful woman to reach 100, does not have a success, hopes that this can take to him the sword some good luck. 这家伙自诩泡妞高手,追求美女多达100,却无一成功,希望这把剑能够带给他一些好运吧。 Xie Aoyu searches the hand to hold. 谢傲宇探手抓住。 Um? Two?” Xie Aoyu takes up the long sword, discovered that in sword storehouse sword. “嗯?两把?”谢傲宇拿起长剑,才发现,剑中藏剑。 The main sword is that the long sword, must have one meter about 67 appearance, is very long, is actually not the great sword type, the width of great sword is very big, and weight is astonishing, this is long the sword, is not wide, sinks is not heavy. 主剑是那把长剑,要有一米67左右的样子,很长,却不是巨剑类型的,巨剑的宽度很大,且重量惊人,这把剑长,却不宽,沉却不重。 The sword blade seems Wang Qiushui. 剑身好似一汪秋水。 Sword blade edge sending out faint trace cold air. 剑刃散发丝丝寒气。 Defeated sword is just the opposite, short, and is heavy, its 30 cms in length, the insufficient main sword one-fifth, actually compared with main sword heavy one time, and surface and main sword are without change, because its short, is very difficult to discover his existence. 负剑则恰恰相反,短,且重,其长不过30厘米,不足主剑1,却要比主剑重一倍有余,且表面与主剑一般无二,又因其短小,很难让人发现他的存在。 No wonder the scabbard is the affectionate couple design, this is one pair.” Xie Aoyu has held appreciatively a while, to praise sighed, good sword, this sword, although was second sage, if added on the short-sword, was not inferior to Saint.” “怪不得剑鞘是鸳鸯图案,这是一对啊。”谢傲宇把玩了一会儿,赞叹道,“好剑啊,这剑虽是亚圣器,若加上短剑的话,丝毫不亚于圣器啊。” The affectionate couple sword receives. 鸳鸯剑收起。 Weapon that the Bing Wu three people of institutes need, gave to find, then, the Xie Aoyu goal was own weapon, he must nitpick many. 冰舞三人所需要的兵器,都给找到了,接下来,谢傲宇的目标就是属于自己的兵器了,他自己就要挑剔很多了。 Overlord Gloves, Saint! 霸王拳套,圣器! Lightning Spirit Saint Blade, Saint! 雷灵圣刀,圣器! What weapon is choosing? 在选择什么样的兵器呢? The sword is not obviously suitable, after all does he have Lightning Spirit Saint Blade, the arm protector? Kneepad? That too has wasted, let alone two buildings do not have the weapon of that auxiliary surname. 刀剑显然不适合,毕竟他有雷灵圣刀,护臂?护膝?那就太浪费了,何况二楼也没有那种辅助姓的兵器啊。 The Xie Aoyu vision from the second floor stairway place, the equally same examination in the past, the vision locked innermost side two building Duobaoge finally. 谢傲宇的目光从二楼楼梯口处,一样一样的查看过去,最后目光锁定二楼最内侧的一处多宝阁。 There is placing several Flying Knife. 那里摆放着数把飞刀 Infinite Spinning Sword! 无定飞旋刀 In the Xie Aoyu mind flashes through that farfight Infinite Spinning Sword Fights Technique shadow, the heart cannot help but crazily shakes, somewhat excitedly the half step walks. 谢傲宇的脑海中闪过那远战无定飞旋刀斗技的影子,心头不由得狂震起来,有些激动地快步走过去。 Since obtains Infinite Spinning Sword, Xie Aoyu because of not having the weapon of concealed or hidden weapon Flying Knife class, displays the Infinite Spinning Sword farfight ability the time, Lightning Spirit Saint Blade as attack method. 自从得到无定飞旋刀,谢傲宇因没有暗器飞刀类的兵器,施展无定飞旋刀的远战能力的时候,都是将雷灵圣刀作为攻击手段的。 But Lightning Spirit Saint Blade has a shortcoming. 怎奈雷灵圣刀有个缺点。 Too heavy. 太重。 Regarding the close combat, this weight is very appropriate, is the words of farfight, is a fatal weakness, displays, can make Lightning Spirit Saint Blade circle in flight a return, this must look at the distance, most cannot over 13 meters, his present boundary promotion, the distance should promote a point. 对于近战来说,这个重量很合适,可是远战的话,就是一个致命的弱点,施展的时候,也就是能够令雷灵圣刀飞旋一次回归,这还要看距离,最远不能超过13米,他现在境界提升,距离应该在提升一点。 But this to the Infinite Spinning Sword might, displays half. 可这对无定飞旋刀的威力来说,也只是发挥出一半而已。 Infinite Spinning Sword as once running amuck mainland Nangong family one of the of three big Fights Technique, its might absolutely was the super terror, was less disappointing than the Dragon Overlord Boxing fist. 无定飞旋刀作为曾经横行大陆的南宫家族的三大斗技之一,其威力绝对是超级恐怖的,丝毫不比霸龙拳差劲儿。 The close combat, most may a blade cut down, seven assault waves. 近战,最强可一刀劈出,有七道攻击波。 The farfight, airborne circles in flight, kills repeatedly, virtually impossible to guard against. 远战,空中飞旋,多次袭杀,令人防不胜防。 This occupies extraordinary, its novel place, absolutely unexpected, may call the secret fully, but he biggest two big characteristics are not the surname and fuse the Fights Technique ability. 这就占据一个奇字,其新奇之处,绝对令人意想不到,足可称之为秘技,而他最大的两大特色就是无属姓和融合斗技能力。 So-called is not the surname, that is any is the person of surname practices to play the Infinite Spinning Sword most formidable might, only this point, then made one be jealous. 所谓无属姓,那就是任何属姓的人修炼都可以发挥出无定飞旋刀最强大的威力,仅此一点,便令人眼红。 So-called fuses the Fights Technique ability, this is quite powerful, perhaps pure this point, the Dragon Overlord Boxing fist is more inferior, because Infinite Spinning Sword Fights Technique can fuse with other Fights Technique, constitutes brand-new combination Fights Technique. 所谓融合斗技能力,这个比较有震撼力,单纯这一点,恐怕霸龙拳都要逊色一些的,因为无定飞旋刀斗技可以与其它的斗技融合,构成全新的组合斗技 For example Dragon Overlord Boxing fist. 比如霸龙拳。 Xie Aoyu grasps to have Dragon Overlord Boxing fist two If I can not do it , who can and Flying Dragon In The Sky. 谢傲宇掌握有霸龙拳两式舍我其谁飞龙在天 If Xie Aoyu Qi is enough, he can integrate Infinite Spinning Sword these two type Fights Technique, in close combat, a blade cut down three blades, but these three blades are the strengths of three Dragon Overlord Boxing fists, that time might far more than increased, was multiplies absolutely, constitution most terrorist Fights Technique. 如果谢傲宇斗气足够的话,他就可以将这两式斗技融入无定飞旋刀,在近战方面,一刀劈出三刀,而这三刀就是三记霸龙拳的力量,那时候的威力何止增加,绝对是倍增的,构成最恐怖的斗技 If farfight, similarly so. 若是远战,同样如此。 However must display Infinite Spinning Sword this biggest characteristics, must have the different thing: Saint above weapon and enough Qi. 但是要发挥出无定飞旋刀这个最大的特色,必须具备两样东西:圣器以上的兵器和足够的斗气 Only has the Saint above weapon to satisfy the tearing strength that two Fights Technique fusions bring, even if were second sage, perhaps could not withstand many times, will be ruined. 唯有圣器以上的兵器才能够满足两种斗技融合带来的撕扯力,就算是亚圣器,恐怕也承受不了多少次,就会被毁掉的。 Enough Qi, records by Infinite Spinning Sword Fights Technique reel, then achieves Tuifan level. 足够的斗气,以无定飞旋刀斗技卷轴内记载,则是达到蜕凡级 On Cloud level is Tuifan level, can say near at hand. 云级上面便是蜕凡级,可以说近在咫尺。 If can have the Saint Flying Knife kind, can meet Infinite Spinning Sword all requests, so the situation, how does not make Xie Aoyu long for having Flying Knife of Saint rank. 若是能够拥有圣器飞刀类,便可满足了无定飞旋刀所有的要求,如此情形,怎不令谢傲宇渴望拥有圣器级别的飞刀 But the concealed or hidden weapon is not mainstream, the follower is very few. 怎奈暗器本来就不是主流,修炼者少之又少。 This has created the Flying Knife concealed or hidden weapon of casting Saint rank, is rare. 这就造成了铸造圣器级别的飞刀暗器,更是稀有。 Before arriving at that Duobaoge, the Xie Aoyu heartbeat starts to accelerate, his vision is staring at that abreast in row seven Flying Knife, are conforming to the numbers of seven eight Flying Knife the farfight Infinite Spinning Sword highest boundary needs. 来到那多宝阁前,谢傲宇的心跳开始加速,他的目光盯着那并排着的七把飞刀,正符合远战无定飞旋刀最高境界所需的七八飞刀之数。 Coincidence?” The Xie Aoyu whisper said. “巧合?”谢傲宇嘀咕道。 He puts out a hand to work on Flying Knife. 他伸手抓起一把飞刀 Flying Knife is not heavy, is actually sharp incomparable, Xie Aoyu is taking a stroke of that hard incomparable wall gently, is similar to cuts the bean curd to be ordinary. 飞刀不算重,却是锋利无比的,谢傲宇拿着轻轻的一划那坚硬无比的墙壁,如同切豆腐一般。 One side of the knife is carving a character south, another side also character palace, but has two small character star months in the hilt place. 刀身一侧刻着一个字“南”,另一侧也有一个字“宫”,而在刀柄处则有两个小字星月。 Ha Ha “哈哈” Xie Aoyu looks at Flying Knife, good long while, cannot bear laugh to laugh wildly again, these seven Flying Knife unexpectedly were initially the Nangong family is star moon/month Flying Knife that Infinite Spinning Sword Fights Technique was tailor! 谢傲宇怔怔的看着飞刀,好半天,再也忍不住纵声狂笑起来,这七把飞刀居然就是当初南宫家族为无定飞旋刀斗技量身打造的星月飞刀 Laughs heartily, the Xie Aoyu skill turns. 纵声大笑中,谢傲宇手腕一翻。 Brushes!” “刷!” star moon/month Flying Knife silent departure. 星月飞刀无声无息的飞出。 A blade delimits together the trace the front Duobaoge, with the strength of hit, revolves, has delimited under that first trace, once again leaves together the trace, borrows the strength to depart once more. 一刀将前方的多宝阁划出一道痕迹,借撞击之力,回旋一圈,在那第一道痕迹下面划过,又一次留下一道痕迹,再次借力飞出。 Consecutively for three times. 连续三次。 Leaves three same traces, returns to the hand of Xie Aoyu. 留下三条相同的的痕迹,才返回谢傲宇的手中。 After this is Fights Technique In­stant Fang Mag­nif­i­cent, another trump card Fights Technique, could be said as with In­stant Fang Mag­nif­i­cent Fights Technique with for must kill trump card Fights Technique. 这又将是即斗技刹那芳华之后,又一个王牌斗技,也可以说是与刹那芳华斗技同为必杀王牌斗技了。 Xie Aoyu sighs with emotion: „The tour of imperial palace, harvests many!” 谢傲宇感慨道:“皇宫之行,收获颇丰啊!”
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