BE :: Volume #2

#152: star moon/month throwing knife 【One】

Indoor the gravity practice sleeps, is in the imperial palace hugest gravity practice room, here gravity is lowest is also 100 times, other is also 50 times, the disparity may not with saying the language. 重力修炼室内睡觉,还是在皇宫最庞大的重力修炼室,这里的重力最低也是100倍的,其它的也不过是50倍而已,差距不可同曰而语。 Xie Aoyu here fell asleep. 偏偏谢傲宇就在这里睡着了。 Has not paid attention including him, key is this day Luo Huang said that un- day so-called pleasantly surprised, extremely had the impact that he brings, suddenly, unexpectedly including practicing this matter gave to forget, do not say that any gravity practice room, he has not cared Chen Qi's words from the start. 连他自己也没注意,关键是这次天罗皇地云未天给他带来的所谓惊喜,太过有震撼力了,一时间,竟然连修炼这件事都给忘记了,更不要说什么重力修炼室,他压根就没把陈奇的话放在心上。 Shouted ~~ shouted ~~ “呼~~呼~~” The snoring sound is not big, but here after is the imperial palace practice room, does not have other people, indistinct from practicing indoor biography. 呼噜声不算大,可这里毕竟是皇宫修炼室,没有其他人,还是隐隐约约的从修炼室内传了出去。 Chen Qi who is standing guard outside personally is the what kind strength. 正在外面亲自站岗的陈奇是何等实力。 He heard immediately, has turned around, lies in the crack in a door one looked toward inside that immediately was scared, good long while, whispered: This world is quite crazy!” 他立刻就听到了,转过身,趴在门缝往里面一看,顿时傻眼了,怔怔的了好半天,才嘀咕道:“这个世界好疯狂啊!” Even if this Sage level master, the pure theory physique, does not need Qi, can disregard 100 times of gravity suppressions, but must make him sleep, that absolutely is impossible, did not say cannot fall asleep, is that relaxes the body merely, does not need the resistance 100 times of gravity desirably to suppress, oppressed has the sensation of asphyxia. 就算是他这位至圣级高手,单纯论体质,不需要斗气,也可以无视100倍的重力压制,可要让他睡觉,那绝对是不可能的,不说睡不着,仅仅是那放松身体,不用刻意的对抗100倍重力压制,就会被压迫的有窒息感。 But Xie Aoyu can actually sleep. 谢傲宇却能睡觉。 Chen Qi follows side the emperor, watches a person's every mood absolutely first-class, this position may not only be loyal, has the battle efficiency. 陈奇跟随皇帝身边,察言观色绝对是一流的,这个位置可不仅仅是忠心,有战斗力就可以的。 He concluded that Xie Aoyu fell asleep. 他断定谢傲宇真的睡着了。 My mother, no wonder he is one of the day of Luo Wang competitors, was too abnormal.” Chen Qi by in the gate, wipes the sweat on forehead, cannot believe very much. “我的妈呀,难怪他是天罗王的竞争者之一,太变态了。”陈奇靠在门上,擦擦额头上的汗水,很是不敢相信。 Sleeps soundly Xie Aoyu, was thorough throwing actually all distracting thoughts. 熟睡中的谢傲宇,算是彻底的抛却了一切杂念。 Also has not known how long, Xie Aoyu in sleep felt some scants of breath, the oppression of outside is big, his then intention moves, Qi revolves, was in rests he to fall asleep once more. 也不知过了多久,睡梦中的谢傲宇感到有些呼吸困难,外界的压迫较大,他便心念一动,斗气运转起来,处于似睡非睡中的他再次睡着了。 His Qi then quietly operates. 他的斗气便悄然间运作。 A faint trace, one continuously, seems like not many, the regulations actually cover entirely Xie Aoyu whole body each position, the body surface also gradually pan- wipes the light halo, this gravity practice room photo bright. 一丝丝,一缕缕,看似不多,实则却布满谢傲宇全身上下的每一个位置,身体表面也渐渐的泛起一抹淡淡的光晕,将这重力修炼室都照的亮堂堂的。 The halo process, the pressure will be then small a point. 光晕经过,压力便会小一分。 However the pressure will not reduce, this gravity practice room forever is maintaining 100 times of pressures, then these pressures affect on Qi. 但是压力是不会减小的,这个重力修炼室永远都保持着100倍的压力,那么那些压力就作用在斗气上面。 Receives the oppression Qi to start to revolt, inflation. 受到压迫的斗气开始反抗,膨胀。 This has then formed the oppression, revolt, the inflation \; Oppression, revolt, inflation, so a circulation, but that oppression is invariable, the revolt is actually from weak ones to strong ones. 这便形成了压迫,反抗,膨胀\;压迫,反抗,膨胀,如此一个循环,而那压迫是不变的,反抗却是从弱到强。 Finally, sleeping soundly Xie Aoyu felt that within the body transmits the light stabbing pain feeling faintly. 终于,熟睡的谢傲宇感觉到体内隐隐传来淡淡的刺痛感觉。 Shouted!” “呼!” Xie Aoyu sat suddenly, both eyes emit dazzling luminous, whole body light cold suddenly to dodge, on his face reveals the pleasantly surprised color that is hard to conceal. 谢傲宇猛然坐了起来,双目放射出刺眼的光亮,全身光寒暴闪,他的脸上流露出难以掩饰的惊喜之色。 Because he knows that this feeling i.e. Ming's Qi once more has achieved the phenomenon of bottleneck, so long as eradicates this bottleneck, he can stride in a brand-new boundary. 因为他知道,这个感觉就是说明本身的斗气已经再次达到瓶颈的现象,只要破除这个瓶颈,他就可以跨入一个全新的境界。 He at this moment is the Ascension level superior. 此刻的他是腾级上位。 Well? Hundred times of gravity practice rooms, no wonder, no wonder.” Xie Aoyu then discovered that this is hundred times of gravity practice rooms, understands why will have the phenomenon that Qi increases sharply. “咦?百倍重力修炼室,难怪,难怪。”谢傲宇这才发现这是百倍重力修炼室,也就明白为什么会有斗气激增的现象了。 Thinks that several other people are also so. 想必其他几人也是如此吧。 This is one that the imperial family gives can break through the self- opportunity. 这是皇家送给的一个能够突破自我的机会啊。 Xie Aoyu is tranquil, starts grass to control Qi, he does not control complete Qi, resists that hundred times of pressure, after to him, hundred times of pressures indeed is not very fierce, but controls wad, but so point Qi resists with hundred times of pressures, indomitably will revolt, inflation. 谢傲宇平静下来,开始艹控斗气,他不是将全部的斗气都控制起来,对抗那百倍的压力,毕竟对他而言,百倍压力的确不是很厉害,只是控制一小束,而正是如此一点的斗气与百倍压力抗争,才会不屈不挠的反抗,膨胀。 Feels Qi inflation point by point, Xie Aoyu is wild with joy. 感受到斗气一分一分的膨胀,谢傲宇欣喜若狂。 The growth of Qi is year after year one step, can make one have the so obvious feeling, is Xie Aoyu is also first time feels. 斗气的增长是长年累月的一个步骤,能够令人有如此明显的感觉,就是谢傲宇也是第一次感受到。 That feeling was really too wonderful! 那种感觉实在是太美妙了! Stands in the distinction that Chen Qi looks, by his Sage level boundary, naturally knows that Xie Aoyu is trying to break through the Ascension level boundary bottleneck. 站在门外的陈奇看的分明,以他至圣级的境界,自然知道谢傲宇在试图突破腾级境界的瓶颈。 Has thought slightly, Chen Qi then turns around to leave, and told that others can not disturb. 略微想了一下,陈奇便转身离开,并且吩咐别人不得打扰。 The needless moment, Xie Aoyu then felt that pressure increases suddenly. 不消片刻,谢傲宇便感觉到那压力陡增。 In the Xie Aoyu foreheads pan- wipes the happy expression, he knows that this should be Chen Qi behavior, he is promoting this gravity to practice indoor gravity multiple. 谢傲宇眉宇间泛起一抹喜色,他知道这应该是陈奇所为,他在提升这个重力修炼室内的重力倍数。 100 times, 101 times, 102 times 100倍,101倍,102倍 The gravity oppression is increasing unceasingly, Qi of Xie Aoyu control is also increasing can resist, but Qi will increase the speed of inflation naturally to increase. 重力压迫在不断地增加,谢傲宇控制的斗气也在增加才能够抗击,而斗气增加膨胀的速度自然就会加大。 Thump! Thump! Thump “咚!咚!咚” Xie Aoyu felt that Qi is sending out whooshing, they are releasing their strength, the fast growth, causes his body brilliance greatly Sheng. 谢傲宇感到斗气在发出一声声的嘶吼,它们在释放自己的力量,快速的增长,使得他的身体光华大盛。 From the semblance, in the body seems hiding a Shenlong. 从外表看去,身体里面仿佛隐藏着一条神龙。 That Qi. 那正是斗气 This moment Qi is similar to the incarnation is Shenlong, rapid is pasting in Xie Aoyu within the body, is scrubbing his whole body all meridians unceasingly. 此刻斗气如同化身为神龙,飞速的在谢傲宇的体内流转着,不断地洗刷着他全身所有的经脉。 Brush! 刷! Xie Aoyu opens the eye suddenly. 谢傲宇猛然睁开眼睛。 A wild imposing manner comes out from his full house, his body polishing UW Sheng, the both feet makes an effort slightly, Zhang Shen stands up, whatever Qi increases in within the body unceasingly, he has also moved. 一股狂野的气势从他的身上爆棚出来,他身上光华大盛,双脚略微用力,张身站起,任由斗气在体内不断地增加,他也活动了起来。 Ping “砰砰砰” The body sways from side to side, changes stances, the double fist series ejects. 身体扭动,变化一个个姿态,双拳连环击出。 Although strokes the air, actually forms the fierce fluctuation. 虽是击打空气,却形成剧烈的波动。 The continuous bombardment, forms a fist shade, blots out the sky, vent of that strength, as if must give Qi to flow out some space as far as possible, the feeling of Xie Aoyu is also so, he will make a fist every time, Qi will then strengthen a point, the growth will be quicker. 绵绵不绝的轰击,形成一片拳影,铺天盖地的,那正是力量的发泄,似乎要尽可能的给与斗气流出一些空间似的,谢傲宇的感觉也是如此,他每打出一拳,斗气便会增强一分,增长速度更快捷。 Rumbling “轰轰轰” The Xie Aoyu speed is getting more and more fast, strength is also getting bigger and bigger. 谢傲宇的速度越来越快,力量也越来越大。 , He changes to together the remnant shade gradually, indoor gravity practice crazy is enlivening, that stormy report, seems the firecracker. 渐渐的,他化作一道残影,在重力修炼室内疯狂的活跃着,那密集的爆裂声,好似鞭炮声。 Enough after half double-hour. 足足半个时辰之后。 Sound ga however vanishes. 声音噶然消失。 Xie Aoyu is suddenly peaceful, his static standing in gravity practice room center position, but surroundings that fist shade then slow disappearance. 谢傲宇突然安静下来,他静静的站在重力修炼室中心的位置,而周围那一片拳影这才缓慢的消失。 „!” “啪!” An extremely slight sound, in the Xie Aoyu smile, is actually similar to the sounds of nature wonderful sound, could not say wonderful interesting to listen, between that Ascension level boundaries and Cloud level boundaries were spanning the hindrance, was broken through quietly. 只是一声极其轻微的响动,在谢傲宇听来,却如同天籁妙音,说不出的美妙动听,那腾级境界与云级境界之间横亘着的阻碍,被悄然冲破。 He strided in the Cloud level lower position boundary. 他跨入了云级下位境界。 Shouted “呼” Xie Aoyu grows the one breath, although hits more than half double-hour crazily the spatial fist, not only not exhausted, instead in spiritual Yi Yi, passes regards, saw that in the meridians Qi rolling flows, is similar to a perpetual flow, galloping is restless, gathers in dantian length and breadth boundless sea. 谢傲宇长出一口气,虽然狂打半个多时辰的空拳,不但没有疲惫,反而精神奕奕,通过内视,看到经脉内斗气滚滚而流,如同一条长河,奔腾不息,汇聚在丹田这个广袤无垠的大海内。 The whole body seems the vigor that has unable to cause. 全身好似有着使不完的劲儿。 Xie Aoyu optional wields a fist, then saw that gigantic sending out the light white smooth fist shade is appearing, breaks through ten meters distance actually, hits on the wall. 谢傲宇随意的挥动一拳,便看到一个硕大的散发着淡淡白色光滑的拳影出现,硬是突破十米的距离,打在墙壁上。 The wall shivers slightly, has not left any trace. 墙壁微微颤动,未曾留下任何痕迹。 This is changes. 这就是变化啊。 In just now, Xie Aoyu fully shakes the fist, under that 100 times of gravity oppresses, that fist shade farthest is also a distance wall 2-3 meters appearance, is now, the optional fist can arrive at the wall. 就在方才,谢傲宇全力挥拳,在那100多倍的重力压迫之下,那拳影最远的也就是距离墙壁两三米的样子,可是现在,随意一拳便可到达墙壁。 This is the Ascension level boundary and Cloud level boundary disparity. 这便是腾级境界和云级境界的差距。 A big boundary breakthrough, Qi far more than multiplies. 大境界一次突破,斗气何止倍增。 Walks from the gravity practice, Xie Aoyu to standing said in entrance Chen Qi with a smile: This time, but many thanks you help one another.” 从重力修炼室内走出来,谢傲宇对站在门口的陈奇笑着说道:“这次可是多谢你相助啊。” Sir praised.” Chen Qi gives a calm smile. “大人夸奖了。”陈奇淡然一笑。 Regarding the person of their this serving emperor, can according to watching a person's every mood, seeing the emperor must do, ahead of time prepares, therefore is actually very light. 对于他们这种侍候皇帝的人,能够根据察言观色,看出皇帝要干什么,提前准备的,故而对此倒是很平淡。 Um, I remember that must choose the weapon.” Xie Aoyu said. “嗯,我记得是要挑选兵器的。”谢傲宇道。 Yes, for weapon of choice, in armory.” Chen Qi with an armory of hand figure of not far away, there has guard with large army, generally in the imperial palace forbids to carry the weapon. “是,供挑选的兵器,就在兵器库内。”陈奇用手一指不远处的兵器库,那里可是有重兵把守的,一般皇宫内是禁止携带兵器的。 Xie Aoyu blinks to him, what has to have the characteristics weapon?” 谢傲宇向他眨眨眼,“有没有什么有特色的兵器?” Chen Qi dao: Is this, the Sir enters the armory is unzoned, can enter the second choice weapon, other people can only in the first choice weapon.” 陈奇道:“是这样的,大人进入兵器库是不受限制的,可以进入第二层挑选兵器,其他人仅能在第一层挑选兵器。” This probably is the superiority of day of Luo Wang title successor, Xie Aoyu sighed at heart darkly, first can choose Fights Technique in the Fights Technique pavilion, then adjusted the gravity multiple in gravity practice room Chen Qi, now can enter armory second, his first time tasted the taste of authority. 这大概就是天罗王爵位继承者的优势吧,谢傲宇心里暗叹,先是能在斗技阁多挑选斗技,接着在重力修炼室陈奇调整重力倍数,现在又可以进入兵器库第二层,他第一次尝到了权力的滋味。 The authority, dominates above others. 权力,就是凌驾于别人之上的。 Xie Aoyu not only does not have many pleasant sensations, instead felt that the headache, he acknowledged that the authority also has the attraction to him, but he longs for becomes under the starry sky the first master, this goal is the what kind remoteness, if were diverted attention by the authority, perhaps he this life was hard to reach that fable Battle Emperor level. 只是谢傲宇不但没有多少快感,反而感到有一丝头疼,他承认,权力对他也有诱惑力,可是他更渴望成为星空下第一高手,这个目标是何等的遥远,如果被权力分心的话,恐怕他今生都难以达到那传说战皇级了。 However undeniably, the authority has also brought many advantage to him, for example now. 但是不可否认,权力也给他带来了很多好处,譬如现在。 What second does have?” Xie Aoyu thinks not to need Zhuanwanzi, straightforward inquiry. “第二层有什么?”谢傲宇觉得没必要转弯子,直接了当的询问。 Second sage was a focus, several Saint.” Chen Qi replied truthfully. “亚圣器为主,还有几件圣器。”陈奇如实回答。 Second was second sage, that third? Whether also has fourth? 第二层就是亚圣器了,那第三层?是否还有第四层呢? Xie Aoyu said: Words that spoke, that third is Saint is a focus, several ultra Saint?” 谢傲宇道:“这么说的话,那第三层就是圣器为主,几件超圣器了?” This, Bei Zhi does not know that the inferior duty authority is limited, only knows second.” Chen Qi spoke of here, hesitation a while, said that Bei Zhi once listened to day of Luo Wang to mention, the armory altogether had five, fourth and fifth altogether had 34 weapons, seemed two Emperor level weapon and pro­found soldier.” “这个,卑职不知,卑职权力有限,仅知第二层。”陈奇说到这里,沉吟一会儿,又说道,“卑职曾听天罗王提及,兵器库共有五层,第四层和第五层总共只有34把兵器,似乎是两把天王级兵器和一把玄兵。” The good thing, Xie Aoyu two to brave up. 好东西啊,谢傲宇两眼冒光。 The Emperor level weapon, that absolutely is the sharpest incomparable weapon, pro­found soldier is the most unreliable wonderful weapon, two types of weapons may be called present age the most formidable weapons. 天王级兵器,那绝对是最锋利无匹的兵器,玄兵则是最玄奇的兵器,两种兵器堪称当世最强大的兵器。 If I become day of Luo Wang, can have? 要是我成为天罗王,是不是就可以拥有了呢? Xie Aoyu shakes hurriedly, made him feel that this fearful thought threw actually, once became day of Luo Wang, the lifelong goal forever not will be realized possibly. 谢傲宇急忙甩甩头,将这个令他感到可怕的念头抛却,一旦成为天罗王,人生目标将永无实现可能。 At this time, several other practice rooms opened in abundance. 这时候,其他几个修炼室纷纷开启。 Bing Wu, Lang Zhantian, Lin Dongyun, Han Yue et al. walk in abundance. 冰舞浪战天林动云韩越等人纷纷走出来。 Ha Ha, Lao Xie, this time my Lao Lang has finally made the breakthrough.” Lang Zhantian far away was laughing, made an effort to pat the shoulder of Xie Aoyu, said excitedly that finally caught up with you, Ha Ha “哈哈,老谢,这次我老浪终于做出了突破。”浪战天老远便大笑着走了过来,用力一拍谢傲宇的肩头,兴奋地说道,“终于赶上你了,哈哈” Lin Dongyun is also the whole face thioindigo red. 林动云也是满脸红光。 Obviously they have also made breakthrough. 显然他们两人也都做出了突破。 Is worth congratulating.” Xie Aoyu said with a smile, he got hold of the white hands of Bing Wu, Bing Wu to his slightly nod, indicated that she also broke through. “值得庆贺啊。”谢傲宇笑道,他握紧冰舞的玉手,冰舞向他微微一点头,表示她也突破了。 „Is worth congratulating that can treat as an equal with your Lao Xie finally.” The Lang Zhantian excited -ly said, he is hugging the shoulder of Xie Aoyu, is not easy, Lao Xie, with liquor!” He puts out four glittering and translucent carving, is embroidering a cup of strange Demon Beast design, gives him the Xie Aoyu three people. “是值得庆贺啊,终于能够和你老谢平起平坐了。”浪战天兴奋地道,他搂着谢傲宇的肩头,“不容易啊,老谢,拿酒来!”他又拿出四个晶莹剔透,绣着一只奇异魔兽图案的杯子,给他谢傲宇三人。 Lin Dongyun sees that wine class, two are one bright. 林动云看到那酒杯,两眼就是一亮。 He puts out one bottle presents the good wine of silver-white halo, is four people pours out to fill a wine cup. 他则拿出一瓶呈现银白色光晕的美酒,为四人斟满酒。 Come, cheers!” Lang Zhantian laughs saying that congratulates me and Lao Xie makes the breakthrough.” “来,干杯!”浪战天大笑道,“祝贺我和老谢做出突破。” Xie Aoyu said with a smile: Cheers, congratulates me and Bing Wu makes the breakthrough.” 谢傲宇笑道:“干杯,祝贺我和冰舞做出突破。”
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