BE :: Volume #2

#151: So-called pleasantly surprised 【Two】

Yun brothers look at each other in blank diamay. 云氏兄弟面面相觑。 In their opinion, said this matter, Xie Aoyu should be delighted beyond measure, was suppressing at most also ecstatically, may actually be he rejects finally. 在他们看来,说出这个事情,谢傲宇应该喜不自胜,顶多也就是强忍着心花怒放,可结果却是他拒绝。 „Haven't I misunderstood?” Cloud not air flue. “我没听错吧?”云未风道。 The Xie Aoyu forced smile said: I am only an unimportant person, the itself strength is average, how can protect day Luo, for day Luo considers, I am not suitable.” 谢傲宇苦笑道:“我只是一个小人物,本身实力平平,如何能够守护天罗,所以为了天罗着想,我不适合。” Diligently tidies up the mood, the cloud wind then had not said: Does not let your present protection day Luo, but after achieves the Emperor level boundary, protection day Luo.” 努力的收拾好心情,云未风这才说道:“不是让你现在守护天罗,而是达到天王级境界之后,守护天罗。” „It is not suitable.” “还是不适合。” Why?” “为什么?” I possibly only meet the empire to draw on troublesome, will make the empire unstable, in that case, I was the sin am grave.” “我可能只会帝国招来麻烦的,而且还会让帝国内部不稳定的,那样的话,我就是罪孽深重了。” What do you draw on to trouble? Nothing but is Imperial Crown Mercenary Group and Black Lotus Holy Church, Black Lotus Holy Church is also the enemy in empire, as for Imperial Crown Mercenary Group, the Xing Luo commission army corps diverts, does not need to care, the interior that you said is unstable, is Pasa Family Jorris is probably related, this is easier, Jorris died, is not you kills, they naturally cannot pay attention to you.” “你招来什么麻烦?无非就是皇冠佣兵团黑莲圣教,这其中黑莲圣教也是帝国的敌人,至于皇冠佣兵团,还有星罗佣兵团牵制,根本不用放在心上,你说的内部不稳定,大概是和帕萨家族的乔里斯有关吧,这个更容易,乔里斯都死了,也不是你杀的,他们自然不会在关注你。” Xie Aoyu has discovered that this recognizes him to the brothers probably. 谢傲宇算是发现了,这对兄弟好像是认定他了。 „But if did I offend An­tiq­uity family?” Xie Aoyu knows that can make Heaven Luo Imperial Family also dread truly, even is frightened or An­tiq­uity family. “可如果我得罪了上古家族呢?”谢傲宇知道真正能够令天罗皇室也忌惮,甚至是恐惧的还是上古家族 Did not say that you have not offended, how even if offends, you and Master Zi Yan relations, think that these An­tiq­uity family instead must consider must cope with you.” The cloud wind had not said. “不说你没有得罪,就算得罪又如何,你与紫嫣大师的关系,想必那些上古家族反而要考虑考虑要不要对付你了。”云未风说道。 Xie Aoyu was depressed. 谢傲宇郁闷了。 He cannot say after the butterfly, You Lan Ruo must kill him, but this saying said that also nobody believes that after your woman was the butterfly, You Lan Ruo apprentice, who can believe her to kill you? 他总不能说蝶后幽兰若要杀他吧,可这话就算说出来,也没人相信啊,你的女人是蝶后幽兰若的徒弟,谁会信她要杀你? Only if said Tricolor God Core. 除非说出三色神丹 But this was impossible saying that a forced smile of Xie Aoyu face. 但这又不可能说出去,谢傲宇一脸的苦笑。 Yun brothers are more depressed. 云氏兄弟更郁闷。 The day Luo Wang title, that is a title that Sky Luo empire is in sole possession , the what kind glory, the what kind powerful, the what kind entire poem, was rejected unexpectedly. 天罗王爵位啊,那可是天罗帝国独有的一个爵位,何等的荣耀,何等的强势,何等的全诗,居然被拒绝了。 What is more depressed, they request others to work as this day Luo Wang unexpectedly. 更令人郁闷的是,他们居然要求着人家来当这个天罗王。 Can't discuss really again?” Xie Aoyu asked. “真的不可以再商量商量?”谢傲宇问道。 Not!” Cloud un- day shakes the head saying that the cloud wind do not grasp crazily. “不可以!”云未天摇头道,云未风都要抓狂了。 The Xie Aoyu forced smile said: I as far as possible.” 谢傲宇苦笑道:“那我尽量吧。” The brat, looked that has saved our brothers in you, in the Medical Spirit Finger share, such spoke to me, had already chopped your head, in the cloud sky overhead has not been feeling well very much, but Xie Aoyu Medical Spirit Finger for him, had the attraction, in addition he through the research discovered that Xie Aoyu really and Zi Yan relations and intimate, can only be mad downward press. 臭小子,要不是看在你救了我们兄弟,还有药神指的份上,这么对我说话,早就砍了你的脑袋了,云未天心里很是不爽,怎奈谢傲宇药神指对他来说,太有诱惑力了,加上他通过研究发现谢傲宇真的和紫嫣关系及其亲密,只能气往下压。 The Zi Yan background, that is arranges in An­tiq­uity family at most front row, if angers the Zi Yan family, perhaps shortly, can make Sky Luo empire change surname. 紫嫣的背景,那可是在上古家族中都是排在最前列的,要是惹怒紫嫣的家族,恐怕顷刻间,就能让天罗帝国改姓的。 You practice, although now you also not following Chengtian Luo Wang title, but in the imperial palace practices the related thing, you can take casually, Heaven Luo Imperial Family will train you fully.” Yun Weitian was saying beckoning with the hand. “你去修炼吧,虽然现在你还没有继承天罗王爵位,但是皇宫内修炼有关的东西,你可以随便拿,天罗皇室将会全力培养你。”云未天说着摆摆手。 Saw that in two waits on. 就看到有两名内侍走来。 On their trays has five strange flowers and grass, is giving by far off the fragrance of gladdening the heart, that is the rare goods, the medicine surname is greatly strengthened. 他们的托盘上有五株奇花异草,远远地便散发着沁人心脾的香气,那都是罕见的物品,药姓极强。 I know that your Medical Spirit Finger Advanced level, the ordinary excellent works function was not very big, the marvelous work also has in the imperial family, but except for was selected by the Monroe big grandmaster, other has not grown, these five are the ultra excellent works levels, is next to the marvelous work, you built up to melt.” The cloud wind had not said. “我知道,你的药神指已经很高级了,普通的圣品作用不大,神品在皇室也有,可除了被门罗大宗师选中的,其他的都还没成长起来,这五株是超圣品级的,仅次于神品,你就炼化了吧。”云未风说道。 Xie Aoyu not polite. 谢傲宇也没客气。 Must protect day Luo, but also is polite. 都要守护天罗了,还客气个屁。 His altogether five ultra excellent works entirely absorptions, that Medical Spirit Finger color also once more has some desalinations from the golden color, faint transforms to the yellow. 他一股脑儿的将五株超圣品统统的吸收,那药神指的颜色也从金色再次有些许的淡化,隐隐中向黄色蜕变。 Medical Spirit Finger to this situation, again is further very difficult, even right and wrong marvelous work, other does not have any use. 药神指到了这个地步,再进一步都是非常非常困难,甚至是非神品,其它的都没什么用处的。 What do you also want?” The cloud wind had not said that the imposing manner of un- day that emperor, his life-saving graciousness to Xie Aoyu, is the true gratitude, cloud un- day is not having the profit-centered surname. “你还想要什么?”云未风远没有云未天那种皇帝的气势,他对谢傲宇的救命之恩,是真正的感激,不似云未天带着功利姓。 What wants? 要什么呢? This opportunity cannot miss. 这种机会不能错过。 Xie Aoyu thoughts hundred revolutions, have thought a matter, that is Bing Wu, after she is the butterfly, You Lan Ruo disciple, after Continental Youth Competition finished, definitely will practice with You Lan Ruo, then can be controlled? Was brainwashed? Quilt 谢傲宇心思百转,想到了一件事情,那就是冰舞,她是蝶后幽兰若的弟子,等到大陆青年大赛结束之后,必然会跟着幽兰若去修炼,那么会否被控制?被洗脑?被 Thinks that Xie Aoyu feels alarmed and frightened. 想想,谢傲宇都感到惊怕。 What is more painful, because after this matter butterfly, You Lan Ruo is extremely mean, he also has no way saying that will otherwise cause the repugnance of Bing Wu surely, the will of the people are the meat is long, after the butterfly, You Lan Ruo to her is love of sincerity, she is impossible not to have the sentiment. 更痛苦的是,这事因为蝶后幽兰若太过卑鄙,他还没法说出来,不然定会引起冰舞的反感,人心都是肉长的,蝶后幽兰若对她是真心的疼爱,她不可能没有感情的。 Has one type, um, said that is that type can make the mind of person throughout maintain tranquil, not for the similar mental manipulation technique of outside and so on thing of control?” The Xie Aoyu description said. “有没有一种,嗯,怎么说呢,就是那种能够让人的心灵始终保持宁静,不为外界的类似精神控制术之类控制的东西?”谢傲宇描述道。 Cloud not air flue: „Do you want that to do?” 云未风道:“你要那个干什么?” Provides against contingencies, if I become day Luo protect, definitely will become others' goal, had it, that also will be the defense in not however.” Xie Aoyu so said. “以防万一啊,我要是成为天罗守护,肯定会成为别人的目标的,有了它,那也算是防卫于未然嘛。”谢傲宇如此说道。 Ha-ha, good, this is right, must from the empire basis.” Cloud wind satisfied saying with a smile, his skill has not turned, puts out one slightly to hang to fall, this is the Queen of night tears, can not by the controls of these cult tactics.” “呵呵,好啊,这样才对嘛,就是要从帝国根本出发。”云未风满意的笑道,他手腕一翻,拿出一个小吊坠,“这是月神泪,可以不受那些邪术的控制。” Received the Queen of night tears to hang to fall, Xie Aoyu great happiness: Many thanks your majesty, many thanks prince.” Had this thing, at least can guarantee that Bing Wu was not controlled, can. 接过月神泪吊坠,谢傲宇大喜道:“多谢陛下,多谢王爷。”有了这个东西,至少能够保证冰舞不被控制,能够自我的。 Cloud un- day said with a smile: We should thank you actually, this is also you have the idea that for the empire.” 云未天笑道:“倒是我们应该谢你,这也是你为帝国才有的想法。” I meet the empire to do one's best.” The Xie Aoyu bright sound track, the wizard knows how he actually thinks, has not been thinking the matter of doing one's best in any case. “我一定会帝国鞠躬尽瘁的。”谢傲宇朗声道,鬼才知道,他到底是怎么想的,反正没想着鞠躬尽瘁的事情。 Cloud un- day then made Chen Qi lead him to practice. 云未天便让陈奇带他去修炼了。 Looks the back that he goes far away, the cloud wind forced smile had not said: Emperor brother, were we too cruel? He has rescued our surname life after all.” 看着他远去的背影,云未风苦笑道:“皇兄,我们是不是太残忍了?他毕竟救过我们两人的姓命。” „The wind, why you have not known my brother, the father emperor elect me for day Luo Huang, but are you day of Luo Wang? Because you are too easy to get worked up emotionally.” Cloud un- day said slowly that imperial family wants the cold blood!” “未风,你知道为什么我兄弟,父皇选我为天罗皇,而你是天罗王吗?因为你太容易动感情。”云未天缓缓地说道,“皇家要冷血!” Yeah!” The cloud wind has not sighed, has not said anything. “哎!”云未风叹口气,没说什么。 Cloud not sun: He has Medical Spirit Finger, if cannot win in the day Luo Wang title competition, must execute, the Medical Spirit Finger deterrent force was too big, even can therefore make over a hundred Emperor level masters devote life to for him, you must know that person is not willing to renounce makes the Medical Spirit Finger master owe a friendship the opportunity, even if the Battle King level master is no exception.” 云未天道:“他拥有药神指,若是不能在天罗王爵位竞争中胜出,必须处死,药神指的威慑力太大了,甚至可以因此让上百的天王级高手为他效命的,你要知道,没有那个人愿意决绝让药神指的主人欠个情分的机会,哪怕是战王级高手也不例外。” Day Luo Wang contends the what kind brutality, the non- victory dies, his talent is very high, but is too young, moreover before 13 years old , is unable to practice Qi, these contention some present was 31 or 32-year-old.” The cloud wind has not dept frown, what makes me be worried, he gives my feeling, will not treat in a place is too long, even if becomes day of Luo Wang, only feared that will not be resigned to stay in Yanjing.” “天罗王角逐何等的残酷,非胜即死,他的天赋很高,可年龄太小,而且13岁以前根本无法修炼斗气,那些角逐者有的现在已经是三十一二岁了。”云未风眉头紧锁,“更让我担心的是,他给我的感觉,是不会待在一个地方太久的,就算成为天罗王,只怕也不会甘心留在燕京的。” On cloud un- day face flashes through wipes the cloudy and cold color, such words, he can only die.” He beckons with the hand, stopping the cloud wind not to speak, „the Heaven Luo Imperial Family benefit, does not allow anybody to move!” 云未天脸上闪过一抹阴冷之色,“那样的话,他就只能死了。”他一摆手,制止云未风说话,“天罗皇室的利益,决不允许任何人触碰!” Returns to practice the field, Xie Aoyu discovered that here has many practice rooms. 回到修炼场,谢傲宇发现这里有很多的修炼室。 The practice room is the gravity practice field, is extremely helpful regarding the practice, moreover constructs this kind of special gravity practice room is very difficult, first is the formation of gravity, Qin Dynasty Family has not established. 修炼室是重力修炼场,对于修炼极其有帮助的,而且建造这样一个特殊的重力修炼室是非常困难的,首先就是重力的形成,就连秦家都没有建立起来。 Xie Aoyu also under the influence of Chen Qi, walks into a practice room. 谢傲宇也在陈奇的引领下,步入一间修炼室。 This decorates the most luxurious practice room. 这是装饰最豪华的修炼室。 Enters, inside actually clean anything does not have, is only the serious oppression force transmission, Xie Aoyu has not used Qi. 进入其中,里面倒是干干净净的什么都没有,只是有一股沉重的压迫力传递过来,谢傲宇也没动用斗气 He is thinking also the matter. 他心里还想着事儿呢。 Day Luo Wang successor? 天罗王继承者? Has that good matter, Xie Aoyu always has a lump at heart, other did not say that pure this is next to the status of day of Emperor Luo, enough made countless people be jealous, in addition, will be future emperor Yun Tianfeng, now relates is good, once a non- royal family member took in the same day Luo Wang, he did not have the heart of alert, did not fear that usurped the throne? Waits for various aspect syntheses, becomes day of Luo Wang, that absolutely is not the good deed. 有那么好的事情,谢傲宇心里总有个疙瘩,别的不说,单纯这个仅次于天罗皇帝的地位,就足够令无数人眼红了,除此之外,还有就是未来的皇帝云天风了,现在关系是不错,可是一旦一个非皇室成员来担当天罗王,他就没有戒备之心,就不怕被篡位?等等各方面综合来说,成为天罗王,那绝对不是什么好事。 This is one seems like the scenery is infinite, title that the regulations momentarily possibly were killed. 这是一个看似风光无限,实则随时可能丧命的爵位。 Xie Aoyu more wants not more feeling well. 谢傲宇越想越不爽。 Flees? 逃离? Probably is good means that Xie Aoyu touches the nose, is a little excited, may think does not suit, others give you day Luo Wang title, knows that you are of a different surname, is not the Yun juniors, possibly hasn't diverted? 好像是个不错的办法,谢傲宇摸摸鼻子,有点心动,可又觉得不对劲儿,人家给你天罗王爵位,知道你是异姓,不是云氏子弟,可能没有牵制? A Xie Aoyu mold chest. 谢傲宇一模胸膛。 In his mind reappeared initially said that un- day put out cream light beam that the scepter released, as if has infiltrated his body. 他的脑海中浮现了当初云未天拿出权杖释放出的一道乳白色的光束,似乎就是透入了他的身体。 Should that not be to my one diversion? Xie Aoyu tries with Medical Spirit Finger, a response does not have, obviously and is not related issues violently poisonously, what is? 那该不会是对我的一种牵制吧?谢傲宇药神指试试,一点反应都没有,显然和剧毒扯不上关系,到底是什么呢? Xie Aoyu face up lies down in smooth ground, both hands putting out of one's mind is resting the head on, is curling upwards one leg on the other, at heart is hundred taste mixed Chen, ponders, thinks that from leaving Xie starts, meets Qin Yueyi, becomes enemies Pasa Family, to rescue Zi Yan, cuts to kill Imperial Crown Mercenary Group, kills evil Master Batu, arrives in especially Los Angeles again, becomes the mortal enemy with Black Lotus Holy Church, these also endured, more annoying also has after the butterfly You Lan Ruo hatred that because Tricolor God Core brings. 谢傲宇仰面躺在光滑的地面上,双手放在脑后枕着,翘着二郎腿,心里是百味杂陈,思考一下,想想从离开谢家开始,遇到秦月依,结仇帕萨家族,为救紫嫣,斩杀皇冠佣兵团,袭杀邪师巴图鲁,再到特洛城,与黑莲圣教成为死敌,这些也就忍了,更可气的还有和蝶后幽兰若的因为三色神丹带来的仇恨。 Really troublesome. 真是麻烦啊。 More wants not more feeling well, no matter Xie Aoyu simply that many, has thrown into the brain after entirely, sleeps to consider as finished, thereupon, does not know that because whether was changed the physique reason by Tricolor God Core, Xie Aoyu has the high multiple pressure in this, to others, the breath very difficult place, slept 越想越不爽,谢傲宇干脆不管那么多了,统统抛到脑后,睡觉算了,于是乎,也不知道是否因为被三色神丹改变了体质的原因,谢傲宇就在这有着高倍数压力,对别人来说,呼吸都很困难的地方,睡觉了
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