BE :: Volume #2

#150: So-called pleasantly surprised 【One】

Found Fights Technique, Xie Aoyu has not left immediately, he moved toward Bing Wu first, discovered that Bing Wu visits him with a smile, obviously had also found appropriate Fights Technique. 找到斗技,谢傲宇没有马上离开,他先走向冰舞,发现冰舞笑吟吟的看着他,显然也找到了合适的斗技 They then look for Lang Zhantian and Lin Dongyun. 两人便去找浪战天林动云 Finally in these two hand is taking two Fights Technique reel, has a look at this, has a look at that somewhat does not give up, weak. 结果这两人一人手中拿着两个斗技卷轴,看看这个,看看那个,都有些舍不得,犹豫不定啊。 Xie Aoyu searched the hand two people of hands to take Fights Technique reel in respectively, then said to Chen Qi: Chen Qi, I wants three Fights Technique, can?” 谢傲宇探手将两人手中各自拿了一个斗技卷轴,然后对陈奇说道:“陈奇,我想要三个斗技,可不可以啊?” Sir is casual.” Chen Qi said with a smile. “大人随便。”陈奇笑道。 Xie Aoyu shrugs to them. 谢傲宇向两人耸耸肩。 Lao Xie, has really your, what's the matter, what relations you and do the imperial family have?” The Lang Zhantian great happiness, he has not thought that also has this good deed. 老谢,真有你的啊,怎么回事,你和皇室是不是有什么关系啊?”浪战天大喜,他可没想到还有这种好事。 Now I do not clarify, a while saw the emperor, can know.” Xie Aoyu transfers to Bing Wu said that you have a look at Fights Technique that also has anything to like.” “现在我也弄不清楚,等会儿见了皇帝,就能知道了。”谢傲宇转对冰舞说道,“你看看还有什么喜欢的斗技。” Bing Wu shakes the head, said: Too many words, instead disadvantageously practice.” 冰舞摇摇头,道:“太多的话,反而不利修炼。” Xie Aoyu said with a smile: Yes, bites off more than one can chew.” 谢傲宇笑道:“是啊,贪多嚼不烂。” Their so procedure, made Lang Zhantian and Lin Dongyun is also admires, facing so many Advanced level Fights Technique, may few that can bear, they beyond control choice difference, these two decidedly respectively chose one type. 他们如此做法,令浪战天林动云也是一阵佩服,面对如此多高级斗技,能够忍住的可没几个,就连他们两个都无法控制的挑选两样,这两人决然各自选择一种。 Looks at Xie Aoyu to take that many Fights Technique, Wu Jia asked: Chief aide-de-camp Chen Qi, can I 看着谢傲宇拿了那么多斗技,吴嘉问道:“陈奇侍卫长,我可不可以” „It is not good!” Does not wait for him to speak, Chen Qi is then cold sound shouts to clear the way. “不行!”不等他说话,陈奇便冷声喝道 He why?” Say (Way) that Wu Jia is not convinced. “他为什么可以?”吴嘉不服气的道。 Say (Way) that Chen Qi lets somebody cool off or calm down: You have compared with any qualifications and Sir!” 陈奇冷冷的道:“你有什么资格和大人相比!” This saying shocked. 这话太震撼了。 Must know that Wu Jia is next to Yanjing three respected families the son of Wu, the status is honored, a birth had the title, unexpectedly did not have compared with the qualifications and Xie Aoyu, what is this? 要知道吴嘉可是仅次于燕京三大家族的吴家的公子,身份何等尊贵,一出生就拥有爵位的,居然没有资格与谢傲宇相比,这是什么意思? These immersion Fights Technique Han Yue et al. in also in abundance turn head to look to Xie Aoyu. 就连那些沉浸斗技中的韩越等人也纷纷扭头看向谢傲宇 Xie Aoyu helpless shrugging, he does not know that what's the matter, even if has rescued emperor old, seems also insufficient such to treat itself, the answer has a that so-called pleasant surprise. 谢傲宇无奈的耸耸肩,他也不知道怎么回事,就算救了皇帝老儿,似乎也不至于这么对待自己吧,答案只有一个那个所谓的惊喜。 What is pleasantly surprised? 到底是什么惊喜呢? Xie Aoyu a little anticipated, as if this pleasantly surprised is not very waste firewood. 谢傲宇有点期待了,似乎这个惊喜不是很废柴啊。 Leaves the Fights Technique pavilion, some people lead into the gravity practice room Bing Wu, Lang Zhantian and Lin Dongyun, Xie Aoyu are going to see the emperor to say un- day by Chen Qi dai. 离开斗技阁,有人将冰舞浪战天林动云带入重力修炼室,谢傲宇则被陈奇带着前去见皇帝云未天。 The imperial palace occupies a land area is very broad, enough a half hour, they go to the back garden. 皇宫占地很广,足足半个小时,他们才来到后花园。 Sees only cloud un- day and cloud wind they have not been drinking there, is merry, the side only then in few waits on, has not processed the appearance of national affairs. 只见云未天和云未风两人正在那里喝酒,有说有笑的,身旁只有寥寥几个内侍,也没有处理国事的样子。 Ha Ha, Brother Xie, you may come.” The cloud wind has not laughed to say. “哈哈,谢兄弟,你可来了。”云未风大笑道。 Under the Xie Aoyu heart the unstated criticism, on the mouth said: See your majesty, Prince.” 谢傲宇心下腹诽,嘴上道:“参见陛下,王爷。” Looks at your appearance, knows that is not wholehearted.” The cloud wind has not dragged into him a pavilion, him according to the stone block, sits, when we were still the original appearances.” “看你的样子,就知道不是真心实意的。”云未风将他拉入一个凉亭内,将他按在石墩上面,“坐,就当我们仍旧是原来的样子。” Yes.” On the Xie Aoyu mouth so said that actually quite does not approve at heart, but these two empire authority biggest two, how can like to the average person. “是。”谢傲宇嘴上如此说,心里却是相当不赞同,这两位可是帝国权力最大的两人,如何能够像对普通人那样。 Is a king's right-hand man as dangerous as being in the company of atiger, Xie Aoyu knows. 伴君如伴虎,谢傲宇可是知道的。 Cloud un- day said with a smile: You are very constrained, before I remember, but you Lao Yun Lao Yun keeping calling, but also the lesson our 1-2, how now so are often honest.” 云未天笑道:“你很拘束啊,我记得之前,你可是老云老云的叫个不停的,还不时的教训我们一两句,怎么现在这么老实了。” My that also thinks of your majesty.” Xie Aoyu said with a smile dry. “我那也是为陛下着想嘛。”谢傲宇干笑道。 Cloud un- day has not actually let off his meaning, the faint smile say (way): I remember that resembles some people, when bids good-bye with us, said that anything is mean-spirited.” 云未天却没有放过他的意思,似笑非笑的道,:“我记得好像有人在与我们分手的时候,说什么小气的。” Xie Aoyu vacant say (way): Has? Who dares so to disrespect to the emperor, Xie Aoyu does not forgive him.” 谢傲宇茫然的道:“有吗?谁敢对皇帝陛下如此不敬,谢傲宇绝不饶他。” Puff!” “噗!” Cloud wind of wine-tasting liquor puffing out. 品酒的云未风一口将酒给喷了出去。 Is cloud un- day cannot bear the racket the shoulder of Xie Aoyu, you are very suitable to mix the government.” 就是云未天也忍不住拍拍谢傲宇的肩头,“你很适合混官场啊。” Many thanks your majesty praised.” The Xie Aoyu facial skin thick is also one gives off heat again, said at heart that most suitable Lang Zhantian, the facial skin wants the thick three points compared with the city wall. “多谢陛下夸奖。”谢傲宇脸皮再厚也是一阵发热,心里则说道,最适合的还是浪战天吧,脸皮比城墙都要厚三分的。 Cloud un- day revealed immediately has wiped the smiling face, said: Also makes me taste the Fond Il­lu­sion Licor flavor?” 云未天随即露出了一抹笑容,道:“是不是也让我尝尝迷梦酒的味道啊?” Xie Aoyu has put out ten bottles of Fond Il­lu­sion Licor. 谢傲宇拿出了十瓶迷梦酒 Communicated with these two well, later had very big advantage. 与这两位沟通好了,以后可是有很大好处的。 Ha-ha, really said with outside is the same, is very natural.” Cloud un- day has drunk with flies with a smile one cup, „the wind, you have not told him.” “呵呵,果然和外面说的一样,很大方。”云未天笑着自斟自饮了一杯,“未风,你就告诉他吧。” The cloud wind has not nodded, restraining just now smiling face, becomes serious. 云未风点点头,收敛方才的笑容,变得严肃起来。 The atmosphere is one constrains imperceptibly. 无形中气氛就是一阵压抑。 Chen Qi waves, in all alcoves serves in waits on departs entirely, Chen Qi also falls back on outside the alcove ten meters place, the observation of alert the surrounding matter. 陈奇更是一挥手,所有亭子内侍候的内侍统统离去,陈奇也退到亭子外十米的地方,戒备的观察着周围的事情。 The situation of so facing, making Xie Aoyu also enforce. 如此正视的情形,令谢傲宇也严肃起来。 „The Sky Luo empire royal family member is very since the ancient times scarce, this point, thinks that you also know, right?” The cloud wind had not said. 天罗帝国的皇室成员自古以来都很稀少,这一点,想必你也知道的,对吧?”云未风说道。 Xie Aoyu nods, this he indeed knows. 谢傲宇点点头,这个他的确知道一些。 Listens to the cloud wind not to continue saying: Reason that so, that is because founding emperor in a campaign, has run into the worst hell demon master, has encountered the bloodline curse, from now on Heaven Luo Imperial Family each generation almost will be hard to be powerful, throughout is population all pity, until our two brothers, is we are lucky, when childhood bumps into an extra mundane person of high skill, his status, we do not know, but his ability, can the bloodline curse rejection, the prerequisite be, must exert this bloodline curse in having the body of person of blood relationship, therefore I on becoming a present this appearance, life-long cannot give birth., Was I was still very happy, because Heaven Luo Imperial Family wanted to be prosperous.” 就听云未风继续说道:“之所以如此,那是因为开国皇帝在一次战役中,遇到了最邪恶的地狱魔师,遭到了血脉诅咒,自此天罗皇室每一代几乎难以强盛起来,始终是人口悉数的可怜,直到我们兄弟两人,也是我们侥幸,幼年时碰到一位世外高人,他的身份,我们不知道,但是他有一个能力,就是可以将血脉诅咒剔除,前提条件是,要将这个血脉诅咒施加在有血缘关系之人的身上,于是我就成了现在这个样子,终生不能生育。,可是我仍然很高兴,因为天罗皇室要兴旺起来了。” What makes our unexpected is, the bloodline of Heaven Luo Imperial Family, unexpectedly have all brought to the attention of Ge Mingde that cloudy god, my nephew nieces have not been born, entirely bad his violent treachery, is good because of the female imperial concubine of day wind is the disciple of Monroe big grandmaster, therefore Ge Mingde has not started to her, was worried probably was discovered that this had a day of wind, is also merely only then he, was instead more pitiful than my this generation, until your appearance.” “可是让我们意想不到的是,天罗皇室的这种血脉悉数,居然引起了葛明德那个阴神的注意,我那些侄子侄女还未出世,就统统糟了他的毒手,好在天风的母妃是门罗大宗师的弟子,所以葛明德未曾对她下手,大概是担心被发现吧,这才有了天风,可是也仅仅只有他一个人,反而比我这一代更可怜了,直到你的出现。” Here, the day Luo Yun two brothers both smiled. 说到这里,天罗云氏两兄弟都笑了。 Very obviously their present is happy. 很显然他们现在的心情很好。 „Do you know that I still to at that time be being been sneak attacking by Nine Color Spirit Snake King now, but rejoiced that such, how I will bump into you, even if bumps into you, perhaps does not know that you have Medical Spirit Finger, achieves quite high Medical Spirit Finger.” The cloud wind has not said with emotion, day unceasingly my Heaven Luo Imperial Family, Ha Ha “你知道不知道,我现在还在为当时被九彩灵蛇王偷袭,而庆幸,要不是那样,我怎会碰到你,就算碰到你,恐怕也不会知道你有药神指,还是达到相当高度的药神指。”云未风感慨道,“天不绝我天罗皇室啊,哈哈” Constrains in the pain in the Heaven Luo Imperial Family heart heavy most is unable to bear fearfully is a Xie Aoyu solution, finally gets rid of this psychology, how not to make them excited. 压抑在天罗皇室心头上最沉重最可怕最无法忍受的痛苦便是谢傲宇一手解决的,终于摆脱这种心理,怎不令他们兴奋。 The cloud wind more has not smiled the sound to be bigger, is pointing at the cloud not sun: You may know my emperor brother, my emperor brother 云未风越笑声音越大,指着云未天道:“你可知道我皇兄,我皇兄” Shut up!” Cloud un- day shameless slightly red, gets angry shouts to clear the way. “闭嘴!”云未天老脸微红,怒喝道 Because probably the Heaven Luo Imperial Family situation is very special, but the cloud wind has not shared the reasons of too many matter for cloud un- day, their brothers do not have among the imperial family juniors that barrier and suspicion, the cloud wind not to care, he said in a low voice: Three noble concubines were pregnant.” 大概因为天罗皇室的情况很是特殊,而云未风又为云未天分担了太多的事情的缘故,他们兄弟并没有皇室子弟之间那种彼此间的隔阂、猜忌,云未风也不在乎,他低声道:“有三个贵妃怀孕了。” Congratulates your majesty, congratulates your majesty.” Xie Aoyu said. “恭喜陛下,贺喜陛下。”谢傲宇道。 Hey cloud un- day blushes shamelessly slightly, Ao Yu, all these are your merit, you also come from a family, although is the small family, but you should understand, if the family industry are many, does not have the male offspring is any taste, therefore I can not decide to give you with the wind pleasantly surprised that.” “嘿嘿”云未天老脸微微发红,“傲宇啊,这一切都是你的功劳啊,你也来自一个家族吧,虽然是小家族,可是你应该明白,如果家族产业不少,却没有子嗣是什么滋味吧,所以我才会和未风决定送给你那个惊喜的。” In Xie Aoyu heart one happy, so looks like, this pleasantly surprised is quite not indeed ordinary. 谢傲宇心中一喜,如此看来,这个惊喜的确相当不一般啊。 Sees the joy in the Xie Aoyu eye flashing through, smiles, this that the cloud wind has not been as deep as a well must be specific, probably get up pleasantly surprised for me.” His clear throat , to continue saying that „the Heaven Luo Imperial Family population is extremely scarce, can inherit for several hundred years, is is not very really easy, therefore has formed a strange phenomenon, as long as with for their, one person does not repair the martial arts, specializes in thing and having a child that mystique the emperor must grasp.” 看到谢傲宇眼中闪过的一丝喜悦,云未风高深莫测的一笑,“这个惊喜要具体的说,就要从我来说起了。”他清清嗓子,继续说道,“天罗皇室人口太过稀少,能够传承几百年,实在是很不容易啊,所以就形成了一个古怪的现象,但凡同代两人的,一人不修武道,专修皇帝所要掌握的东西和生孩子秘法。” Throws!” “扑哧!” The bonus is the Xie Aoyu a little pressure, moreover faces the emperor, still could not bear smile to spurt. 饶是谢傲宇有点压力,而且还是面对皇帝,仍然忍不住笑喷了。 You do not need to smile, this is each empire emperor, the kingdom king will do, but Heaven Luo Imperial Family cares.” Cloud un- day has not cared but actually. “你也不用笑,这是每一个帝国皇帝,王国国王都会做的,只是天罗皇室更加在意一些而已。”云未天倒没在乎。 The cloud wind has not continued saying: Emperor brother must become an emperor, total involvement the say (way) of study rule, but above I place practice with all one's heart, once I become the Emperor level master, then I will obtain a title automatically, this title each generation will have a person to inherit, the majority is the royal family member, but also has small some right and wrong royal family members.” 云未风继续说道:“皇兄要成为皇帝,全身心的学习执政之道,而我则一门心思的放在修炼上面,一旦我成为天王级高手,那么我将自动获得一个爵位,这个爵位每一代都会有一个人来继承,大部分是皇室成员,但是也有一小部分是非皇室成员。” Ping “砰砰砰” The Xie Aoyu heartbeat sped up uncontrolled. 谢傲宇的心跳不受控制的加快了。 He naturally knows that the cloud wind has not been any title. 他自然知道云未风到底是什么爵位。 You have also thought that right, this title is day of Luo Wang!” Cloud wind light saying, so-called day Luo Wang, has not been below the day of Luo Huang highest title, if royal family members following Chengtian Luo Wang, then has to assemble the army, to the authority of duke following any title appointing and dismissing power, it can be said that the Sky Luo empire second emperor, but I never meddle \; If non- royal family members, naturally have not assembled the army and title appointing and dismissing power, other authorities, status similarly above other Sky Luo empire title, and also has a responsibility.” “你也想到了,没错,这个爵位就是天罗王!”云未风淡淡的说道,“所谓天罗王,就是天罗皇以下的最高爵位,若是皇室成员继承天罗王,则拥有调集军队,对公爵以下任何爵位任免权的权力,可以说是天罗帝国第二个皇帝,只是我从不插手而已\;如果非皇室成员的话,自然没有调集军队和爵位任免权,其他的权力均在,地位同样在天罗帝国其他所有爵位之上,并且还有一个责任。” Cloud un- day stands up, serious saying: That is protection day Luo!” 云未天站起身,严肃的说道:“那就是守护天罗!” Really does not have that good matter, Xie Aoyu did not have that big heart, protects day Luo, to put it bluntly, is protects Heaven Luo Imperial Family, the receiving in exchange day Luo Wang title. 果然没那么好的事情,谢傲宇还没那么大的心,去守护天罗,说白了,就是保护天罗皇室,换取天罗王的爵位。 It seems like very relaxed, the regulations think where has that good matter. 看似很轻松,实则想一想,哪有那么好的事情。 The Heaven Luo Imperial Family population all, is some people with high aspirations, the goal of intriguer, must cope with their many definitely, even may be the Ten Kings Level master, the so big responsibility, Xie Aoyu is able, will not undertake. 天罗皇室人数悉数,本来就是一些有心人,阴谋家的目标,要对付他们的肯定不少,甚至有可能是十王级的高手,如此大的责任,谢傲宇就算有能力,也不会去承担的。 Protection day Luo, that means that lifetime pays for day Luo. 守护天罗,那就意味着一生为天罗付出。 The Xie Aoyu goal becomes under starry sky the first master, both seem like have not been connected, the regulations relate in a big way very much, protection day Luo means was fettered in day Luo, do not think the travelling for pleasure mainland , to promote own strength, let alone the development of anything, does not know that can be any appearance, was fettered, always makes one not be feeling well very much. 谢傲宇的目标则是成为星空下第一高手,两者看似没有关联,实则关系大的很,守护天罗就意味着被束缚在天罗,别想游历大陆,来提升自己的实力,何况任何事情的发展,都不知道会是什么样子,被束缚,总是令人很不爽的。 „Can your majesty, reject?” Xie Aoyu asked. “陛下,可以拒绝吗?”谢傲宇问道。
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