BE :: Volume #2

#149: Qin Yueyi transformation 【Two】

As Little Devil, Qin Yueyi is very intelligent, he had not been confused by Xie Aoyu that self-confident manner, asks: What to do do you plan?” 作为小恶魔,秦月依是十分聪明的,他并没有被谢傲宇那自信的态度所迷惑,问道:“你打算怎么办?” What what to do? The genuine murderer is only a master who Jorris hires, now Jorris died, discovers that perpetrator, can revenge, does not need anything to involve with Pasa Family.” Xie Aoyu already composed has dealt with the Qin Yueyi lie. “什么怎么办?真正的凶手只是乔里斯雇佣的一个高手,现在乔里斯已经死了,找出那个行凶者,便可报仇了,根本不需要和帕萨家族有什么牵扯的。”谢傲宇早就编好了应付秦月依的谎话。 You know that who is a murderer?!” Qin Yueyi jumped all of a sudden. “你知道谁是凶手?!”秦月依一下子跳了起来。 Xie Aoyu ill-humored has hit on the Qin Yueyi tender and delicate small buttocks, you think that I am same as you, knows to cry, for these days, I in the secret investigation, in addition the Second Brother once had had a premonition possibly some people must be disadvantageous to him, tell me to pay attention to several people, was given to look up finally by me.” 谢傲宇没好气的在秦月依娇嫩的小屁股上打了一下,“你以为我和你一样,就知道哭,这几天,我一直都在秘密调查,加上二哥曾经预感到可能有人要对他不利,告诉我注意几个人,总算被我给查出来了。” Who is, is who!” Qin Yueyi called out. “是谁,是谁!”秦月依叫道。 Xie Aoyu shook the head. 谢傲宇摇了摇头。 Qin Yueyi gets angry: Why didn't tell me?” 秦月依怒道:“为什么不告诉我?” Because the opposite party strength was too strong, let alone is you, is I, bumps into also has the dead end, you must know that Second brother's side has the Rainbow level master to protect.” Xie Aoyu pours cold water to say. “因为对方的实力太强了,别说是你,就是我,碰到也只有死路一条,你要知道,二哥的身边可是有彩虹级高手保护的。”谢傲宇泼冷水道。 You told me, who was, no matter, I will beg the grandfather to go into action, even if were Emperor, the grandfather also certainly can catch him.” Qin Yueyi shouts. “那你告诉我,到底是谁啊,不管是谁,我都会央求爷爷出马的,就算是天王,爷爷也一定能将他抓来的。”秦月依嚷道。 Listens to she so self-confident view, in the Xie Aoyu heart to move, can Qin Dynasty Family that mystical old gentleman be the Ten Kings Level master is inadequate? 听她如此自信的说法,谢傲宇心中一动,难道秦家的那位神秘的老爷子会是十王级的高手不成? But had not heard Ten Kings Level Master has surnamed Qin. 可是没听说过十王级高手有姓秦的啊。 Little Devil, you disappoint me very much.” The Xie Aoyu complexion sinks. 小恶魔,你很让我失望啊。”谢傲宇脸色一沉。 Qin Yueyi kneels on the bed, is holding the arm of Xie Aoyu, I how?” 秦月依跪在床上,抱着谢傲宇的胳膊,“我怎么了啊?” Say (Way) that Xie Aoyu lets somebody cool off or calm down: „Does Second Brother treat your? His present skeleton is not cold, you are actually not thinking revenges for him personally, unexpectedly also wants fake other people the hand.” 谢傲宇冷冷的道:“二哥怎么待你的?他现在尸骨未寒,你竟然不想着亲手为他报仇,居然还要假他人之手。” „” “啪啪啪” The tears fall from the eye pupil of Qin Yueyi. 泪水从秦月依的眼眸中掉落。 She appears is such delicateness, stirs up Xie Aoyu to want her to support into the bosom very much, feels attached to well turns, he actually must harden one's heart. 她显得是那样的娇弱,惹得谢傲宇很想将她拥入怀中,好好爱怜一翻,他却必须硬着心肠。 Everyone knew Qin Yueyi and Qin Yuenan the brother and sister affectionate, if Qin Yue had anything to change incorrect, will associate to Qin Yuenan very much easily, therefore he must harden one's heart. 谁都知道秦月依和秦跃南兄妹情深,要是秦月有什么不对的变化,很容易就会联想到秦跃南的,所以他必须硬着心肠。 You are coaxing me, compelling me to practice, matter that does not go to think the Second Brother.” Qin Yueyi sits on the bed, both hands get hold of the beautiful leg, hides the broad and handsome forehead in the both legs. “你是不是在哄我啊,逼我修炼,不去想二哥的事。”秦月依坐在床上,双手握紧美腿,将螓首藏在双腿间。 Words that does not believe that you can ask the steward, is he and I collaborates to find out the murderer, moreover letter that in his hand also Feng the Second Brother leaves, that letter was the Second Brother stays behind, although has not indicated the status of murderer, a little suggested faintly.” Xie Aoyu said. “不信的话,你可以去问管家,是他和我联手查出凶手的,而且他手中还有一封二哥留下的信,那信是二哥生前留下的,虽然没有指明凶手的身份,却隐隐有一点暗示。”谢傲宇道。 Qin Yueyi begins suddenly supinely, really?!” 秦月依猛然仰起头,“真的?!” Qin Dynasty Family has more than ten stewards, responsible Qin Yuenan and steward status of some Qin Yueyi miscellaneous matters were quite special, he was the Qin Yueyi mother maternal home person, with the Qin Dynasty Family brother and sister relations were kind, why this was also this steward can know reason that Qin Yuenan has not died. 秦家有十多个管家,其中主管秦跃南和秦月依一些杂事的管家身份比较特殊,他是秦月依母亲娘家人,与秦家兄妹关系最是亲切,这也是为什么这个管家能够知道秦跃南没死的缘故。 Xie Aoyu earnest nod. 谢傲宇认真的点点头。 I look for the steward!” Qin Yueyi barefoots to jump down the bed. “我去找管家!”秦月依赤脚跳下床。 Comes back!” “回来!” Xie Aoyu pulls back her, you like this go, eats a thing, looks for the steward again.” 谢傲宇一把将她拉回来,“你就这样去啊,吃点东西,再去找管家。” Is eaten a thing that Xie Aoyu forces reluctantly, they then looked for the steward, formerly Xie Aoyu already had reached an agreement with the steward, after must deceive Qin Yueyi to be difficult! 谢傲宇逼迫的勉强吃点东西,两人便去找管家了,先前谢傲宇早就与管家商量好了,毕竟要骗过秦月依难啊! In addition after an argument, that letter that Qin Yuenan left, Qin Yueyi has believed their words finally, but who they have not told the Qin Yueyi murderer are, but told her, when her strength achieved, naturally can tell her. 经过一番口舌,加上秦跃南留下的那封信,秦月依最后相信了两人的话,但是他们并没有告诉秦月依凶手是谁,只是告诉她,等她的实力达到,自然会告诉她。 The strength of murderer, was decided as the Sage level lower position by Xie Aoyu. 凶手的实力,被谢傲宇定为至圣级下位。 If were high, Qin Yueyi definitely will have the suspicion, but protect guard who protected Qin Yuenan, was Rainbow level, this boundary exactly. 若是高了,秦月依肯定会产生怀疑,而保护秦跃南的护卫,都是彩虹级的,这个境界恰好。 Sage level regarding the present is Spirit level boundary Qin Yueyi, will need some time, may achieve, therefore to was not worried about her. 至圣级对于现在才是灵级境界的秦月依来说,还是需要相当长的一段时间,才可能达到的,所以到不担心她了。 Also starting from that moment, Qin Yueyi places above the practice with all one's heart, and occasionally before starting to pay attention to some Qin Yuenan, Qin Dynasty Family thing that took over control, gradually some ideas. 也是从那一刻开始,秦月依一门心思放在修炼上面,并且偶尔开始关注一些秦跃南之前接管的秦家事物,渐渐的出一些主意。 Xie Aoyu then thoroughly felt relieved. 谢傲宇这才彻底放心。 Often looks at the appearance of Qin Yueyi self-torture, Xie Aoyu is sighing with emotion, perhaps this time event, will be the golden opportunity that Qin Dynasty Family will rise once more. 每每望着秦月依苦修的样子,谢傲宇不禁感慨,或许这次的事件,将是秦家再次崛起的大好时机吧。 In the Qin Dynasty Family Cenozoic, the elite were many. 秦家新生代中,精英不少。 However can haunch a family, and advances the family perhaps was also Qin Yuenan and Qin Yueyi, now Qin Yuenan went to Kingdom Alliance, started from scratch, Qin Yueyi very natural must stand. 但是能够撑起一个家族,并且推进家族的恐怕也就是秦跃南和秦月依两人了,现在秦跃南远赴王国联盟,白手起家,秦月依很自然的就要站立起来。 It spoke the truth, what Qin Dynasty Family was most fearful was Qin Yueyi. 其实说起来,秦家最可怕的还是秦月依 The brain of this Little Devil was too easy-to-use, intelligent excess, but this intelligent vigor uses above the amusement did wickedly, once turned the head, was earnest, that showed her talent. 这个小恶魔的脑子太好使了,聪明的过分,只是将这个聪明劲儿用在玩乐恶搞上面了,一旦转过头来,认真起来,那就展现出她的天分。 In such saying, eight completely was born. 就在这样的曰中,八强全部诞生了。 Xie Aoyu that never fights early determined that eight strong quotas, other enter eight strongly separately is Bing Wu, Lang Zhantian, Lin Dongyun, Han Yue, Liias, Singer as well as Baja Tuttass. 从未一战的谢傲宇早早确定八强的名额,其余进入八强的分别是冰舞浪战天林动云韩越、利亚斯、辛格以及巴哈图塔斯。 Yanjing three few Wu Jia were eliminated by Singer, Wang Chao was eliminated by Lin Dongyun. 燕京三少中的吴嘉被辛格淘汰,王超被林动云淘汰。 Eight come out, means that the final of final Continental Youth Competition puts on to say the regulation, the competition site is the Fig. Ro­ma­nia em­pire Yanjing. 八强决出,也就意味着最后的大陆青年大赛的总决赛提上曰程,比赛地点是图罗帝国的燕京。 Comes out eight strong second day, eight strong members then under the leadership of imperial palace convoy guard, entered the imperial palace. 决出八强的第二天,八强成员便在皇宫护卫队的带领下,进入了皇宫。 According to the commitment of emperor's son Yun Tianfeng, they will have the opportunity to choose a weapon in the imperial palace, Fights Technique, prepares for the final. 依照皇子云天风的承诺,他们都将有机会在皇宫内挑选一件兵器,一门斗技,为总决赛准备。 Imperial palace Fights Technique pavilion, those who are responsible for protecting is two Emperor level masters. 皇宫斗技阁,负责守护的是两名天王级高手。 But those who lead eight strong masters to arrive is the protect guard also long reports on accomplishments with their protect guards, the protect guard long impressively is Chen Qi, has not appeared as for emperor's son Yun Tianfeng. 而带八强高手到来的是护卫也与他们的护卫长交差,护卫长赫然是是陈奇,至于皇子云天风则并未出现。 Sir Chen Qi chief aide-de-camp, should make us separate, these outcastes, enter the Fights Technique pavilion, will tarnish the noble floor?” Baja Tuttass goes forward, said to chief aide-de-camp Chen Qi loudly that for fear that others cannot hear. “陈奇侍卫长大人,是不是该让我们分开进去啊,那些贱民,进入斗技阁,是不是会玷污高贵的地板?”巴哈图塔斯率先上前,大声对侍卫长陈奇说道,生怕别人听不到似的。 Yes, chief aide-de-camp Sir.” Wu Jia also said. “是啊,侍卫长大人。”吴嘉也说道。 Because 32 strong present seven masters is the enemies who Ge Mingde places, therefore this time eight strong beside, led two substitutes, is Wang Chao and Wu Jia, otherwise, the final then had not had the buckle, does not have the face to the empire very much. 由于32强中出现七个高手是葛明德安插的敌人,所以这次八强之外,又带了两个替补,正是王超和吴嘉,否则的话,还未总决赛便有折损,对帝国来说是很没面子的。 Chen Qi looked that has not visited them, arrives in front of Xie Aoyu directly, Sir, in requests personally.” 陈奇看都没看他们,径直来到谢傲宇面前,“大人,里面请。” This, may make other people stare in a big way the eye. 这一下,可令其他人都瞪大了眼睛。 Who Chen Qi is, the personal chief aide-de-camp of emperor, although is only the status of count, but is the empire dukes saw that he must give precedence out of courtesy three points, he is the person of emperor most trusted friend. 陈奇是谁,皇帝的贴身侍卫长,虽然只是伯爵的身份,可是就算是帝国公爵见到他也要礼让三分的,他是皇帝最心腹的人啊。 Chen Qi, your family two masters are good.” Xie Aoyu faint smile say (way). “陈奇,你家两位老爷还好吧。”谢傲宇似笑非笑的道。 Chen Qi smiles awkwardly, said: Sir, this is the attention of masters, you cannot blame my this unimportant person.” 陈奇尴尬一笑,道:“大人,这都是老爷们的注意,你可不能责怪我这个小人物啊。” Ok, a while, you lead me to see them, should they have the time?” Xie Aoyu has not planned to haggle over, but wants to ask that emperor old to oneself any pleasant surprise, now ought to say. “算了,等会儿,你带我去见见他们吧,他们应该有时间吧?”谢傲宇也没打算计较,只是想问问,那皇帝老儿到底给自己什么惊喜,现在总该说了吧。 Master already showed that when you came, can see him.” Chen Qi replied, this put out a hand the posture that made to invite, Sir, come.” “老爷早就示下,等你来了,可以去见他。”陈奇回答道,这才伸手做出请的姿势,“大人,请进。” Xie Aoyu then holds the hand of Bing Wu to take a step to enter the Fights Technique pavilion. 谢傲宇便牵着冰舞的手迈步走进斗技阁。 Looks at this, all people were scared. 看着这一幕,所有人都傻眼了。 Is Lang Zhantian and Lin Dongyun, sees Xie Aoyu to go, two talented people responded that hurried to pursue, other people also as if awakening from a dream with. 就是浪战天林动云也怔怔的,看到谢傲宇进去,两人才反应过来,赶紧追了进去,其他人也如梦方醒的跟进去。 Imperial palace Fights Technique pavilion Qin Dynasty Family like that is not complex, inside is a book shelf, above put completely Fights Technique reel. 皇宫斗技阁不似秦家那般复杂,里面全都是书柜,上面放满了斗技卷轴 „, Your majesty has the aim, everyone limits to choose Fights Technique, multi- electing, to bully Mr. big crime to punish, selects Fights Technique, may depart, do not stop over.” Chen Qi stands in the Fights Technique pavilion entrance, said loudly. “诸位,陛下有旨,每人限选一门斗技,多选者,以欺君大罪论处,选中斗技者,可离去,不要逗留。”陈奇站在斗技阁门口,大声说道。 Is hugging by luck person at heart, had a scare. 抱着侥幸心里的人,都吓了一跳。 In the Fights Technique pavilion also some people, their one group stands before a book shelf, stares is coming to seek for Fights Technique these youth talents. 斗技阁内也有一些人,他们两人一伙站在一个书柜前,盯着前来寻找斗技的那些青年才俊们。 Xie Aoyu has swept one roughly, discovered that is Fights Technique of surname has everything expected to find one by one, the quantity are many, he looks at these is the surname, associates to own situation. 谢傲宇大体扫了一眼,发现各个属姓的斗技应有尽有,数量都不少,他看着那些属姓,联想到自己的情况。 In hand Fights Technique, although are not many, is actually most top Fights Technique. 手中斗技虽不多,却都是最顶级的斗技 earth is surnamed Fights Technique, has the Dragon Overlord Boxing fist and Earth Escape Technique, the Dragon Overlord Boxing fist is quite special, even if studies for ten years, is not necessarily have a thorough understanding, therefore Xie Aoyu had not planned that chooses the earth is surnamed Fights Technique. 土属姓斗技,有霸龙拳和土遁术,其中霸龙拳比较特别,就算是研究十年,也未必能够吃透,所以谢傲宇没打算挑选土属姓斗技 The thunder is surnamed Fights Technique, has Scarlet Electric Fulminating to cut with Startling Thunderclap Leg , although these two Fights Technique cannot compare the Dragon Overlord Boxing fist, actually is also quite good, has Spirit Thunder to help one another, is powerful. 雷属姓斗技,有赤电雷爆斩和惊雷腿,这两种斗技虽比不得霸龙拳,却也是相当不错,有灵雷相助,威力十足。 He now only defective is the wood is surnamed Fights Technique. 他现在唯一欠缺的就是木属姓斗技 With is by the wood of person the surname striking power is emaciated, the Xie Aoyu wood is the surname lives the wood after the gold, became sharp incomparable, can say that in striking power, not weak is the surname with the thunder. 与被人的木属姓攻击力孱弱不同,谢傲宇的木属姓经过金生木,已经变得犀利无比,可以说在攻击力方面,丝毫不弱与雷属姓。 Nowadays, Ge Telixie is building the wood for him is surnamed the Emperor blade. 现如今,哥特里谢正在为他打造木属姓天王刀。 If no wood to be is surnamed Fights Technique to coordinate, that was unfair to the Emperor blade, let alone Ge Telixie must build the most formidable Emperor blade, was not the general Emperor blade can compare. 若是没有木属姓斗技相配合,那就太对不起天王刀了,何况哥特里谢可是要打造最强大的天王刀,还不是一般天王刀能够比拟的。 Therefore Xie Aoyu walks into the wood directly is the Fights Technique area of surname. 所以谢傲宇径直走入木属姓的斗技区。 The wood is surnamed Fights Technique relative other is Fights Technique of surname must be short a lot, on with Xie, even cannot put out several types of wood is Fights Technique of surname. 木属姓斗技相对其他属姓的斗技要少得多,就以谢家来说,甚至拿不出几种木属姓的斗技 The imperial palace Fights Technique pavilion is opposite, wood is surnamed the Fights Technique also more than ten book shelves, each dense and numerous is placing Fights Technique reel, before each book shelf, two are guarding. 皇宫斗技阁则相反,木属姓斗技也有十多个书柜,每一个都密密麻麻的摆放着斗技卷轴的,每个书柜前,都有两人看守着。 Xie Aoyu starts to turn to look. 谢傲宇开始翻找起来。 He chooses the wood is surnamed Fights Technique, two requests, must first be the top attacks Fights Technique \; Second must be knife skill class Fights Technique, to does not care. 他挑选木属姓斗技,两个要求,第一必须是顶级攻击斗技\;第二必须是刀法类的斗技,余者到不在乎。 Finally Fights Technique are too really many, chooses for one hour, Xie Aoyu selects a wood is surnamed Fights Technique. 结果斗技实在太多,足足挑选一个多小时,谢傲宇才选中一门木属姓斗技 Fights Technique name In­stant Fang Mag­nif­i­cent! 斗技名称刹那芳华 When he takes up this Fights Technique reel watches, the corner of the eye split vision glimpses Chen Qi secretly to raise up the thumb, Xie Aoyu has smiled, it seems like that this Fights Technique is not very pure. 当他拿起这本斗技卷轴观看起来的时候,眼角余光瞥见陈奇偷偷的竖起了大拇指,,谢傲宇就笑了,看来这门斗技很不单纯啊。 He not hesitant, received In­stant Fang Mag­nif­i­cent Fights Technique reel. 他也没犹豫,就将刹那芳华斗技卷轴收了起来。 Chen Qi walks, said in a low voice: Sir vision is sinister, this is one generation of Fights Technique big grandmaster Ye Chaofeng ten thousand years of creations one of the three big Fights Technique, another two Dragon Overlord Boxing fists, one is nine hot lotuses cuts, In­stant Fang Mag­nif­i­cent is special, because is the wood is the surname, but the wood is the battle efficiency of surname itself low, it is said another two Fights Technique mysteriously are not difficult to understand.” 陈奇走过来,低声道:“大人眼光毒辣啊,这是一代斗技大宗师叶超峰万年创造的三大斗技之一,另外两种一个霸龙拳,还有一个则是九叶火莲斩,其中刹那芳华最是特殊,因为是木属姓的,而木属姓的战斗力本身就低,据说不似另外两种斗技那么玄奥难懂。” Xie Aoyu hears the word great happiness, he has not thought but actually this In­stant Fang Mag­nif­i­cent unexpectedly is one of strongest three big Fights Technique Ye Chaofeng creates, that may really be in luck. 谢傲宇闻言大喜,他倒没想到这“刹那芳华”居然是叶超峰创造的最强三大斗技之一,那可真是走运了。
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