BE :: Volume #2

#148: Qin Yueyi transformation 【One】

In the Qin Dynasty Family courtyard is placing dozens corpses, has the Qin Dynasty Family person and Pasa Family person protector, but has three corpses in the hall similarly, had Qin Dynasty Family head of household Qin Shengkai, elder Qin Degu, Pasa Family head of the clan Griffis and elder Gullette and other core personnel of respected families. 秦家院落内摆放着几十具尸体,有秦家人和帕萨家族的人守护者,而在大厅内同样有三具尸体,更有秦家家主秦胜凯,长老秦德古,帕萨家族族长格里菲斯和长老古利特等两大家族的核心人员。 Stands outside, Xie Aoyu can see in the ground is lying down three corpses. 站在外面,谢傲宇能够看到地面上躺着的三具尸体。 Qin Dynasty Family old and young Qin Yuedong. 秦家大少秦跃东。 Qin Dynasty Family two few Qin Yuenan. 秦家二少秦跃南。 Pasa Family Jorris. 帕萨家族乔里斯。 Sees clearly their appearances, Xie Aoyu such as was struck by lightning, he looks at Qin Yuenan the corpse, in the brain a blank, he cannot believe that Qin Yuenan did die unexpectedly? 看清他们的样子,谢傲宇如遭雷击,他怔怔的看着秦跃南的尸体,脑子里一片空白,他不敢相信秦跃南居然死了? Second Brother!” Tears uncontrolled flowing of Qin Yueyi, was screaming has crashed in the hall, knelt before Qin Yuenan the corpse. “二哥!”秦月依的泪水不受控制的流了下来,尖叫着冲进了大厅内,跪在秦跃南的尸体前。 Xie Aoyu both hands get hold , the body is shivering. 谢傲宇双手握紧,身体都在颤抖。 Xie Shao, in your room some people are waiting for you.” At this time the Qin Dynasty Family steward walked, said to Xie Aoyu in a low voice, Miss Bing Wu, but also asked you to urge Miss Yueyi.” 谢少,您房间内有人在等着您。”这时秦家的管家走了过来,低声对谢傲宇说道,“冰舞小姐,还请您劝劝月依小姐吧。” Um? 嗯? Xie Aoyu strange looked at steward one eyes, sees his nod, in the heart feels slightly strangely, then returns to own room, he after is not the Qin Dynasty Family person, something are unsuitable to meddle, let alone involves to the important juniors of two respected families, cannot meddle. 谢傲宇奇怪的看了管家一眼,见他微微一点头,心中顿感奇怪,便回到自己的房间,他毕竟不是秦家人,有些事情是不便插手的,何况牵扯到两大家族的重要子弟,更是不能插手的。 Shoves open own room. 推开自己的房间。 Xie Aoyu saw sitting that a person smiles visits him on the chair. 谢傲宇就看到一个人笑眯眯的坐在椅子上看着他。 Second Brother? Haven't you, you died?” Xie Aoyu stares the big eye, is staring at this person, he unexpectedly was Qin Yuenan, „?” “二哥?你,你没死?”谢傲宇瞪大眼睛,盯着此人,他居然是秦跃南,“这是怎么回事?” What dying is false.” Qin Yuenan said with a smile. “死的是假的。”秦跃南笑道。 Shouted “呼” Xie Aoyu then grows the one breath, he and Qin Yuenan intersected very short, actually became the friend, false? How to look like? Do they know?” 谢傲宇这才长出一口气,他与秦跃南相交很短,却已经成为知己,“假的?怎么那么像啊?他们知道吗?” When I see, is very surprised.” Qin Yuenan sighed, fears you not to think, Qin Yuedong and Jorris plotted together, wants to kill me, making that fake Qin Yuenan take me, but generation it, became Qin Dynasty Family two few, you think that Qin Yuedong that idiot, he definitely will be controlled by others, so Qin Dynasty Family was equal to that was controlled by Pasa Family.” “当我见到的时候,也很吃惊。”秦跃南叹气道,“恐怕你不会想到,秦跃东和乔里斯合谋,就是想杀死我,让那个假的秦跃南取我而代之,成为秦家的二少,你想想秦跃东那个蠢材,他肯定会被人家控制的,如此秦家就等于被帕萨家族控制了。” Good sinister scheme. 好阴险的计谋。 Xie Aoyu holds breath cold air, matter that you have not died?” 谢傲宇倒吸一口凉气,“那你没死的事情?” Only then my grandfather and steward know that is my parents and Second Uncle does not know.” Qin Yuenan said. “只有我爷爷和管家知道,就是我父母和二叔都不知道。”秦跃南说道。 Regarding Qin Dynasty Family that mystical old person, Xie Aoyu has never seen, only knows that he in Qin Dynasty Family, has the formidable deterrent force to other families. 对于秦家那位神秘的老人,谢傲宇从未见过,只知道他在秦家,就对其他家族有着强大的威慑力。 Why can like this?” Xie Aoyu knits the brows saying that he is very puzzled. “为什么要这样?”谢傲宇皱眉道,他很不解。 Qin Yue the south station set out, arrives at window, looks at outside, I have killed the Pasa Family Cenozoic 31 people, including Jorris.” 秦跃南站起身,来到窗口,看着外面,“我杀了帕萨家族新生代31人,包括乔里斯在内。” Hissing “嘶” Xie Aoyu was startled once more. 谢傲宇再次吃了一惊。 31 people, Pasa Family no doubt was the respected family, the Cenozoic population possible 100-200, but 31 people were also very huge digit, that was the Pasa Family juniors, moreover on with Qin Yuenan, homicide possibly was that type of waste? Perhaps was the elites in Pasa Family Cenozoic. 31人啊,帕萨家族固然是大家族,新生代人数可能一两百,但是31人也是非常庞大的数字了,那可是帕萨家族的子弟啊,而且就以秦跃南来说,他杀的可能是那种废物吗?恐怕都是帕萨家族新生代中的精英吧。 Pasa Family must go crazy, in the Xie Aoyu mind emits such a viewpoint. 帕萨家族要发疯了,谢傲宇脑海中冒出这么一个观点。 Qin Yuenan continued saying: When you told me after the Seven Color Spirit Snake matter, I felt that the crisis, Qin Dynasty Family was also possibly seeped by Black Lotus Holy Church, in addition during seepage of Pasa Family, as well as Qin Yuedong that waste firewood, Qin Dynasty Family had the possibility to be in is extremely precarious, therefore my supposing has gotten down a strategy, seized Jorris, finally the accident discovered that he found one unexpectedly with the person who my appearance was without change, and in the hand also had the Qin Dynasty Family head of household token, that was Qin Yuedong gives them, prepared to being loyal to Qin Dynasty Family the person, with the aid of my reputation, used the head of household token, carried on a clean, ha-ha., Mentioned dexterously, may I be afraid at that time.” 秦跃南接续说道:“当你告诉我关于七彩灵蛇的事情之后,我就感觉到了危机,秦家可能也被黑莲圣教渗透了,加上帕萨家族的渗透,以及秦跃东那个废柴,秦家极有可能已经处于风雨飘摇之中了,所以我就设下了一个计策,捉住了乔里斯,结果意外发现他居然找到一个与我长相一般无二的人,并且手中还有秦家家主令牌,那就是秦跃东交给他们的,准备对忠于秦家的人,借助我的名誉,动用家主令牌,进行一次清洗,呵呵。,说来轻巧,可当时我真的害怕了。” If I have not begun, possibly the consequence is dreadful, Qin Dynasty Family may be disintegrated by thorough pulling out very much spatially, therefore I take the bull by the horns, killed Jorris and fake Qin Yuenan, then pretended to be fake Qin Yuenan, will hide in the people of family clutches entirely, ha-ha, Brother, you may know, when I uncovered these people, was what mood? These have me and Yueyi wet nurse unexpectedly, has the collateral branch Qin Dynasty Family juniors who my father most trusts, I completely had executed them at that time, does not remain!” “如果我没有动手的话,可能后果不堪设想,秦家很有可能被彻底的掏空瓦解,所以我当机立断,杀死乔里斯和假秦跃南,然后冒充假秦跃南,将隐藏在家族的人统统揪出来,呵呵,老弟,你可知道,当我揪出这些人的时候,是什么心情吗?这其中居然有我和月依的奶妈,有我父亲最信任的旁系秦家子弟,我当时就将他们全部处死了,一个不留!” Kills these people, I do not vent spleen very much, does not vent spleen very much! Therefore I the lock-on target Pasa Family, have brought under control through the steward continuously in secret, in the elites to Pasa Family 31 Cenozoic executed completely, but I saw the grandfather, he has pointed out a road to me.” “杀完这些人,我很不解气,很不解气!所以我将目标锁定了帕萨家族,通过管家连续暗中布控,对帕萨家族31名新生代中的精英全部处死,而我则去见了爷爷,他老人家给我指出了一条路。” Listened to Qin Yuenan to be full of hatred the sound, Xie Aoyu can understand the person who at that time Qin Yuenan mood, most trusted betrayed, that taste was very uncomfortable. 听着秦跃南充满恨意的声音,谢傲宇能明白当时秦跃南的心情,被最信任的人出卖,那种滋味是非常难受的。 Can leave?” Xie Aoyu thinks that fake Qin Yue replaced really Qin Yuenan, he has not even told Qin Shengkai the news that have not died, then has guessed correctly this possibility surname. “是不是要离开?”谢傲宇想到那个假的秦跃南来代替真秦跃南,他甚至将自己未死的消息都没告诉秦盛凯,便猜到了这种可能姓。 Qin Yuenan nodded saying: Yes, you once had said that Sol Skjod, I think that this fake Qin Yuenan, he definitely knows that therefore some Pasa Family aspect people guessed certainly correctly that I have not died, but they cannot disclose, definitely will search me, carries on to revenge, but I stay in Yanjing, has the family to protect, they also inevitably begin, will initiate Qin Dynasty Family and Pasa Family internecine strife, then to is tattered and torn Qin Dynasty Family, absolutely is disadvantageous, but I also only have to leave, can complete my wish!” 秦跃南点头道:“是的,你曾说过那个索尔斯克,我想这个假秦跃南,他是肯定知道的,所以帕萨家族方面一定有人猜到我没死,但是他们又不能声张,必然会搜查我,进行报仇的,而我就算留在燕京,有家族保护,他们也必然动手的,甚至会由此引发秦家帕萨家族的火拼,那对已经是千疮百孔的秦家来说,绝对是不利的,而我也唯有离开,才能完成我那个心愿!” What is his wish? The Xie Aoyu nature is clear , because of him, Qin Yuenan the desire of stimulating, but leaves Yanjing, Qin Yuenan will start from scratch, can be imagined difficultly. 他的心愿是什么?谢傲宇自然一清二楚,还是因为他,才激发的秦跃南的欲望,只是离开燕京,秦跃南将是白手起家,艰难可想而知。 Where does Second Brother preparation go to?” Xie Aoyu asked. “二哥准备去哪里?”谢傲宇问道。 Kingdom Alliance, there repels to the strengths of three big empires very much, I will choose a suitable kingdom, realizes my aspiration.” Qin Yuenan both hands placed on the shoulder of Xie Aoyu, brother, after I left, you must help me look after Yueyi, I most did not feel relieved was she, was my father cannot restrain her, she did not know the truth, certainly will revenge for me, such will then provoke the struggles of two respected families, only then you can.” 王国联盟吧,那里对三大帝国的力量很排斥,我会选择一个适合的王国,去实现我的抱负的。”秦跃南双手放在谢傲宇的肩上,“老弟,我离开之后,你要帮我照顾月依,我最不放心的就是她了,就是我父亲也约束不了她,她不知道真相,一定会为我报仇的,那样便会挑起两大家族的斗争,只有你可以。” The Xie Aoyu nod said: My meeting!” 谢傲宇点头道:“我会的!” Shouted “呼” Grew the one breath, Qin Yuenan said: I should also walk.” 长出一口气,秦跃南道:“我也该走了。” Visits him to open the door, must leave, Xie Aoyu said: „Can Second Brother tell me, how Qin Yuedong did die?” 看着他拉开房门,要离开,谢傲宇道:“二哥能不能告诉我,秦跃东是怎么死的?” Qin Yuenan carried to him, light say (way): Should be Sol Skjod is to eliminate a potential informant kills him, I found his time, he died.” 秦跃南背对他,淡淡的道:“应该是索尔斯克为灭口将他杀死的,我找到他的时候,他已经死了。” Hears this answer, Xie Aoyu closes the eye, long vented anger. 听到这个答案,谢傲宇闭上眼睛,也长出了一口气。 Other Qin Yuedong and Qin Dynasty Family people were different, he was Qin Yuenan the biological brother, Qin Yuedong who if he killed, Xie Aoyu does not dare to imagine. 秦跃东和其他秦家人不同,他是秦跃南的亲大哥,若是他杀死的秦跃东的话,谢傲宇都不敢想象的。 Is good because has not occurred. 好在并没有发生。 He was still Qin Yuenan. 他依然是秦跃南。 Regarding something between Qin Dynasty Family and Pasa Family, Xie Aoyu has not meddled, has not inquired about, as one knows that the person of inside story, he understands that not the doubtable best means that do not have a hand to meddle, but he is not the Qin Dynasty Family person, itself does not facilitate the involvement to be too many. 对于秦家帕萨家族之间的一些事情,谢傲宇都没有插手,也没有过问,作为一个知道内幕的人,他明白,不让人怀疑的最好办法,就是不要插手进去,而他本就不是秦家人,本身也不方便介入太多。 Afterward said the child, the competition was still held. 随后的曰子,比赛依然在进行。 The Xie Aoyu duty also from the competition, transformed to look after Qin Yueyi, this Qin Dynasty Family Little Devil, except for him, but also nobody can restrain her. 谢傲宇的任务也从比赛,转变成了照看秦月依,这个秦家小恶魔,除了他,还真没人能约束住她。 Looks that Qin Yueyi of optimist every day unemotionally, Xie Aoyu also very much loves dearly at heart, actually cannot tell her the truth. 只是看着乐天派的秦月依每天面无表情,谢傲宇心里也很心疼,却又不能将实情告诉她。 Qin Dynasty Family and Pasa Family also as if reached some agreement. 秦家帕萨家族也仿佛是达成了某种协议。 Three days later, the family members of both sides bury completely. 三天后,双方的家人全部下葬。 The Yanjing storm that Tudor watches people from all quarters forecast has not appeared, but was Qin Dynasty Family and Pasa Family oneself has carried on a clean , many people were massacred. 原本帝舵各方人士预测的燕京风暴也并未出现,而是秦家帕萨家族自身进行了一次清洗,又有不少人被杀掉。 All appear that tranquil. 一切都显得那么的平静。 But all people smelled the dangerous flavor, now all parties' nerve tightened, once a questions suggest is improper, possibly initiates the storm that one is unable to forecast. 可是所有人都嗅到了危险的味道,现在各方的神经都绷紧了,一旦一个问题处理不当,就可能引发一场无法预测的风暴。 The imperial family has also issued the order. 皇室也下达了命令。 The entire city searches the person of Black Lotus Holy Church, this matter has Qin Dynasty Family and Pasa Family is responsible, other respected families coordinated, to carry on an unprecedented big clean. 全城搜索黑莲圣教之人,此事有秦家帕萨家族负责,其他各大家族配合,进行了一场史无前例的大清洗。 The murder is almost in progress every day. 杀人几乎每天都在进行。 In Qin Dynasty Family, atmosphere still depressing fierce, all people are go on a trip in a hurry, these Qin Dynasty Family collateral branch juniors gradually have also leapt forward in the line of sight of Xie Aoyu. 秦家内,气氛依然压抑的厉害,所有人都是行色匆匆的,那些秦家的旁系子弟也渐渐的跃入了谢傲宇的视线内。 The two sons of Qin Dynasty Family head of household both did not have, next lets the head of household successor naturally to choose from the collateral branch, therefore under Qin Dynasty Family constrains, trend gradually is active, Little Devil that but Qin Yueyi this Yanjing everybody has a headache about actually vanishes in the line of sight of people. 秦家家主的两个儿子都没了,下任家主继承人自然就要从旁系中挑选了,故而秦家压抑之下,渐渐的走向活跃,只是秦月依这个燕京人人头疼的小恶魔却消失在人们的视线中。 This time she is lying down in room. 此时的她正躺在房内。 Psst “嘎吱吱” The door was shoved open. 房门被推开。 Exits, I do not eat, I do not eat.” Qin Yueyi back foreign, surface inward, impatient shouting. “出去,我不吃,我不吃。”秦月依背对外,面朝里,不耐烦的嚷道。 Xie Aoyu walks from outside, beckons with the hand, making the maidservant who serves leave, he sat in the Qin Yueyi bedside, from one side looks at Qin Yueyi for several days, thin, some say (way) of loving dearly: Food must always eat, otherwise pinched badly, your Second Brother will be sad.” 谢傲宇从外面走进来,摆摆手,让侍候的侍女离开,他就在秦月依的床边坐了下来,从侧面看着秦月依几天来,瘦了一圈,有些心疼的道:“饭总是要吃的,不然捏坏了,你二哥会伤心的。” Heard the Xie Aoyu sound, Qin Yueyi sat suddenly, tears uncontrolled flowing, jumped into the bosom of Xie Aoyu, was hugging him stubbornly, has cried loudly. 听到谢傲宇的声音,秦月依猛然坐了起来,泪水不受控制的流了下来,扑入谢傲宇的怀中,死死地抱着他,大声哭了起来。 Big Devil, you know that my mother in me in childhood, had died from illness, now this mother at is not my biological mother, I am very repugnant she, since, has been the Second Brother most had been good to me, I want anything, he will make to me, I cause trouble each time, is he takes the rap, was punished by the father, is he, he actually did not have, I what to do.” Qin Yueyi cried to call out. 大恶魔,你知道嘛,我妈妈在我小时候,就病故了,现在这个妈妈根本不是我亲妈,我很讨厌她,一直以来,都是二哥对我最好了,我想要什么,他都会给我弄来,每次我闯祸,都是他背黑锅,被父亲惩罚的,可是他,他竟然没了,我怎么办啊。”秦月依哭叫道。 Xie Aoyu racket gently fragrant shoulder of Qin Yueyi, supple sound track: You want to cry to cry, but I must tell you, to revenge, as soon as possible is good.” 谢傲宇轻轻的拍拍秦月依的香肩,柔声道:“你想哭就哭吧,但是我要告诉你,要想报仇的话,就尽快的好起来。” Revenges, I naturally must revenge!” Say (Way) that Qin Yueyi clenches jaws, immediately bitter and astringent say (way), „, but the father strict order I do not permit to look for the trouble of Pasa Family, otherwise did not recognize me.” “报仇,我当然要报仇!”秦月依咬牙切齿的道,随即又苦涩的道,“可是父亲严令我不准找帕萨家族的麻烦,否则就不认我了。” Ha-ha, this minor matter, gives me.” Xie Aoyu said with a smile. “呵呵,这点小事,就交给我吧。”谢傲宇笑道。 „Can you level my father?” Some Qin Yueyi suspicions. “你能摆平我父亲?”秦月依有些怀疑。 Xie Aoyu said: Do not forget, I am Big Devil, for me, this is only the small matter.” 谢傲宇道:“别忘了,我可是大恶魔,对我来说,这只是小事情。”
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