BE :: Volume #2

#147: The return of cloudy god 【Two】

The daughter was collaborated to run on a bank the power core by others, unexpectedly can also say that has grown up, how the old man is unable to understand the Ge Mingde words. 女儿被别人联手挤兑出权力核心,居然还能说是长大了,老者怎么都无法理解葛明德的话。 Ge Mingde light say (way): Yu Yajie and Gu Yunying are the ambitious generations, sees their fresh children, along with their surnames, then knows that these two women are not easy to tame, in the past I introduced the Saint to teach them, must cross a time disaster, I left for ten years, then intentionally directed to release their ambitions, was uses them to train the rain to be fragrant, was not having the extra worries environment, can only become the powerhouse, actually cannot become the King.” 葛明德淡淡的道:“于雅洁、顾云英两人都是野心勃勃之辈,看她们生的孩子,都随她们的姓,便知道这两个女人不易驯服,当年我将她们引入圣教,就是要渡过一次劫难,我离开十年,便是故意引释放她们的野心,也是利用她们来培养雨香,在没有后顾之忧的环境,只能成为强者,却不能成为王者。” So that's how it is.” The old men said in consternation. “原来如此。”老者愕然道。 Gives a calm smile, Ge Mingde said: Rain fragrance can leave resolutely, unshackles to train own influence outside thoroughly, simultaneously in pays attention to teach, thinking the means to concede to and attend to the focal point shifting from her body, thus turns, gives a thought to the confrontation, this and other resolutions, indicated that she was mature!” His Zhang Shen, ease say (way): Yu Yajie and Gu Yunying in my eyes, but the generation of ganef, tidies up them is only the slight effort, Sky Luo empire takes to me actually not the small accident.” 淡然一笑,葛明德道:“雨香能够毅然离开,在外面彻底放开手脚培养自己的势力,同时关注教内,想办法让于、顾将焦点从她的身上转移开,从而变成于、顾交锋,这等决断,表明她成熟了!”他张身而起,悠然的道:“于雅洁、顾云英在我眼中,不过宵小之辈,收拾她们只是举手之劳,倒是天罗帝国带给我不小的意外啊。” The old men said: „The wound of old master is Xing King Xing Chen Feng 老者道:“老主人的伤是星王星辰风 He was unable to injure to me.” The Ge Mingde complexion becomes a little cloudy, is Ge Telixie, this old fogy went into seclusion already for dozens years, unexpectedly will act, but, this was also good, I can borrow to suffer defeat, left from Sky Luo empire, was controlling secretly.” His corners of the mouth pan- a gloomy happy expression, Sky Luo empire will be controlled by me quickly!” “他还无法伤到我。”葛明德脸色变得有点阴沉,“是哥特里谢,这个老家伙隐退已经几十年了,居然会出面,不过,这样也好,我可以假借败北,从天罗帝国抽身出来,在幕后控制。”他嘴角泛起一丝阴森的笑意,“天罗帝国很快就会被我掌控!” The Sky Luo empire trials of being noisy entered the liveliest 32 strong finals times finally. 闹哄哄的天罗帝国选拔赛终于进入了最热闹的32强决赛期。 32 strong ballots were also conducted. 32强抽签也进行完了。 The result of ballot was surprising very much. 抽签的结果很令人意外。 Xie Aoyu, Bing Wu and Lin Dongyun three people do not need to fight again, directly advances to 16, because 32 strong have seven people to assassinate emperor's son Yun Tianfeng to be killed, vacates seven vacancies, pulls out to their bamboo slip positions, can be promoted automatically, finally the Bing Wu white hands copy, pull out to three. 谢傲宇冰舞林动云三人无需再战,直接进入16强,因为32强中有七人刺杀皇子云天风被杀,空出七个空位,抽到他们的签位,便可自动晋级,结果冰舞玉手一抄,抽到三个。 Only Lang Zhantian must display own luck at games of chance. 唯独浪战天非要表现自己的手气。 Finally he must enter the war. 结果他要参战。 The time said that Xie Aoyu et al. arrived at the competition range, is Lang Zhantian refuels, his match is not very famous, common people from empire small town. 次曰,谢傲宇等人来到比赛场地,为浪战天加油,他的对手并不是很有名气的,是来自帝国一个小城的平民。 Atmosphere exceptionally warm. 现场气氛异常的热烈。 Holds 20,000 people of sports fields, full house, this is first has directly enters 32 to compete the competition that one of the six big masters attend. 容纳20000人的比赛场,座无虚席,这是第一场有直接进入32强比赛六大高手之一参加的比赛。 Lao Lin, you said that Lao Lang can the seizing the chance wind scratch with the finger?” Xie Aoyu both hands hold the arm, looks to stand under the duel stage with a smile, being eager to try Lang Zhantian. 老林,你说老浪会不会趁机风搔一把呢?”谢傲宇双手抱臂,笑着看站在决斗台下,跃跃欲试的浪战天 He is Lang Zhantian.” The reply of Lin Dongyun has the connotation very much. “他是浪战天。”林动云的回答很有内涵啊。 Xie Aoyu earnest nod, said with a smile: I understood, a Lao Lang surname does not scratch with the finger to seize the world by the wind, but by ** moves the common people.” 谢傲宇认真的点点头,笑道:“我明白了,老浪的个姓是不以风搔夺天下,但以**动世人。” Penetrating!” Lin Dongyun has raised up the thumb to Xie Aoyu. “精辟!”林动云谢傲宇竖起了大拇指。 They look at each other to laugh. 两人相视大笑。 When nearby Bing Wu and Qin Yueyi chatted, often softness looks at Xie Aoyu, looks at that majestic stature, thinks that he in the near future a series of performance, the heart full was his form. 旁边的冰舞秦月依说笑时,不时的柔情似水的看着谢傲宇,看着那雄壮的身躯,想到他近期一系列的表现,芳心满是他的身影。 As announced the player to be taken to the threshing ground, the atmosphere was warm. 随着宣布选手登场,气氛更是热烈。 Whiz!” “嗖!” Has not walked the stair, Lang Zhantian one step soars, jumps to two meters high duel stage on, a battledress of pure white non- flaw, jet black hair natural throwing over after the brain, on the face is hanging the light smiling face, but also has the flavor of aristocrat handsome fellow. 没有走台阶,浪战天一步腾空,跳到两米高的决斗台上,一袭洁白无瑕的战斗服,漆黑的头发潇洒的披在脑后,脸上挂着淡淡的笑容,还真有贵族帅哥的味道。 As for his match, slightly obviously somewhat was poor. 至于他的对手,就略显有些寒酸了。 The common people from small town, can arrive this step, was proud, what puts on is the brown battledress, moreover there is an obvious patch trace, more evident Lang Zhantian. 来自小城的平民,能够走到这一步,已经值得骄傲了,穿的是土黄色的战斗服,而且有明显的补丁痕迹,更加凸显浪战天 „Do two players, prepare?” The referee of competition asked. “两位选手,准备好没有?”比赛的裁判问道。 Slow!” “慢!” Lang Zhantian gains ground. 浪战天抬起头。 The audience who his words also let the ardent expectation fight is peaceful. 他的话也让热切期盼战斗的观众安静下来。 Xie Aoyu shows a faint smile, some looked. 谢傲宇微微一笑,有的看了。 Really, the Lang Zhantian skill turns, 999 brilliant red roses appear in the hand, his forward one step, to stand on bright sound track: Liu Yaner beautiful woman, since sees you, your beautiful appearance, the probably pure white saussurea involucrata, the graceful bearing of your dust, the probably clear ganoderma lucidum, making my tea not think, the food does not think, whenever time of quiet time, the infinite lovesickness well ups, I toss and turn, am hard to go to sleep, I know that this is the lovesickness in fable, but is unable to forget you, this Duan Qing, has buried many years, this love, already lonely many days 果然,浪战天手腕一翻,999朵红艳艳的玫瑰花出现在手中,他向前一步,对着看台上朗声道:“柳嫣儿美女,自从见到你,你那美丽的容颜,好像洁白的雪莲,你那出尘的风姿,好像晶莹的灵芝,让我茶不思,饭不想,每当夜深人静的时候,无穷的相思涌上心头,我真是辗转反侧,难以入眠,我知道,这就是传说中的相思病,但又无法忘记你,这段情,已埋藏很多年,这份爱,已孤独多少天” That sound with emotions, the words of touching heart, made countless women are both eyes reveal the loyalty, even many women must be infatuated with. 那动情的声音,感人心扉的话语,令无数的女人都是双目露出红心,甚至有很多女人都要被陶醉了。 Sufficed!” “够了!” The cool sound resounds suddenly. 清凉的声音骤然响起。 Has broken Lang Zhantian, awakened other people, but sees above a pretty beautiful woman and stand stands, gets angry the sound track: This is you comes to Yanjing to say to four girls similar words, you do not think disgusting, I think disgusting.” Said that turned around, walks. 打断了浪战天,也惊醒了其他人,但见一个俊秀的美女与看台之上站起来,怒声道:“这已经是你来到燕京对四个女孩儿说过的同样的话,你不觉得恶心,我都觉得恶心。”说完一转身,走了。 The 100 th defeat, Xie Aoyu at heart say (way) silently. 第100次失败,谢傲宇心里默默的道。 Pitiful Lang Zhantian suffers the attack, is actually indomitable, he sighed, lowered the head, the resigned-looking appearance, has not vindicated the painful appearance of defeat slightly. 可怜的浪战天饱经打击,却已经是百折不挠,他叹口气,低下头,一脸无奈的样子,丝毫没有表白失败的痛苦样子。 Does not have the beautiful woman to appreciate my unique man charm.” Lang Zhantian washes one's hands of throws. “还是没有美女能够欣赏我独特的男人魅力啊。”浪战天抖手一抛。 Whish!” “哗!” That 999 red rose shoots up to the sky, changes to piece by piece the red flower petal, loafing falls gently, making this duel stage increase pretty. 那999朵红玫瑰冲天而起,化作片片红色的花瓣,悠悠荡荡的飘落下来,令这决斗台增添了一份靓丽。 Flower petal falls, you must defeat!” Lang Zhantian raises the head suddenly, saying that the arrogance soars to the heavens. “花瓣落,你必败!”浪战天猛然扬起头,傲气冲天的说道。 Such facial expression immediately causes a piece of scream. 此等神情顿时引起一片尖叫。 Was indignant Liu Yaner of leaving the table also stopped the footsteps, turned head to look. 就是愤而离席的柳嫣儿也停下了脚步,回头看去。 Xie Aoyu also narrows the eye to look that he wants to have a look at this to have strong background Lang Zhantian very much to have how formidable battle efficiency, perhaps has any unusual secret. 谢傲宇也眯起眼睛看去,他很想看看这有着强大背景的浪战天到底有多么强大的战斗力,或许有什么奇特秘技。 Since continuously, Lang Zhantian and Lin Dongyun have not had many performance. 一直以来,浪战天林动云都没有多少表现的。 The flower petal flutters about, Lang Zhantian stand forth, he from the flower, is having a rose flower fragrance of gladdening the heart in big strides probably. 花瓣纷飞中,浪战天大踏步向前走去,他好像从花中来,带着一阵沁人心脾的玫瑰花香。 What his match use is a long spear, knows Lang Zhantian directly to enter 32 strong masters, the rocking long spear, then must first attack. 他的对手使用的是一条长枪,知晓浪战天是直接进入32强的高手,晃动长枪,便要抢先攻击。 Lang Zhantian flushes away suddenly forward. 浪战天骤然向前冲去。 Brush! 刷! In an instant arrives in front of this person, shakes the fist then to hit, making him simply not have the opportunity to get rid. 刹那间到达此人面前,挥拳便打,令他根本没有机会出手。 Bang!” “嘭!” This person resists with the rifle stock hastily. 此人连忙用枪杆抵挡。 Lang Zhantian shows wild side, no longer is the mild-mannered and cultivated aristocrat man just now, does not use the weapon, a pair of armored hand shells again and again. 浪战天展现出狂野的一面,不再是方才温文尔雅的贵族男子,也不动用兵器,一双铁拳连连轰击。 Ping ping “砰砰砰砰” A fist quick as fist, a fist is better than a fist, instantaneous 16 fists, the rifle stock of his match hitting the bend, the 17 th fist brought the clamor rumor bang to go. 一拳快似一拳,一拳强似一拳,瞬间16拳,将他对手的枪杆给打的弯折了,第17拳带着咧咧风声轰去。 „!” “咔嚓!” Long-barrelled gun break. 长枪断裂。 Long-barrelled gun owner who huge impulse also shakes stuffy snort, flies upside down, flies to fall from the duel stage, this person is not a weak one, his hand interrupt spear turns, inserts on the duel stage, draws the body suddenly, airborne encirclement one week, the both feet like lightning series tramples. 庞大的冲击力也震的长枪主人闷哼一声,倒飞出去,从决斗台上飞落下去,此人也不是弱者,他手中断枪一翻,插入决斗台上,猛然一拉身体,空中环绕一周,双脚闪电般的连环踹出。 Roar “吼” Lang Zhantian roars wildly, seems beast of prey that goes crazy, whole body ray suddenly to dodge, duel stage that one step, thump steps on forward rocks, both hands find out. 浪战天狂野怒吼,好似发狂的猛兽,全身光芒暴闪,向前一步,“咚”踩的决斗台一阵晃动,双手探出。 Bang!” “嘭!” The both feet that flies to trample was held by Lang Zhantian both hands, his taking advantage of opportunity area, treats as the stick to brandish the match, revolves for two weeks later, throws directly to the ground under duel stage. 那飞踹来的双脚被浪战天双手抓住了,他顺势一带,将对手当做棍子抡起来,旋转两周之后,直接抛向决斗台下的地面。 The fight from the beginning, then ended. 战斗一开始,便结束了。 A Lang Zhantian personal appearance revolution, arrives at the duel stage central location, restraining just now that wild incomparable image, aristocrat male who restores the laden makings. 浪战天身形一转,来到决斗台中央位置,收敛方才那种狂野无匹的形象,重新恢复充满忧郁气质的贵族男。 He begins supinely, the last flower petal falls slowly. 他仰起头,最后一片花瓣缓缓落下。 Puts out a hand, the flower petal falls in the hand, Lang Zhantian heaves a deep sigh saying: Flower, although beautiful, is actually inferior to person beautiful.” Throws conveniently, that flower petal falls, he also walks from the duel stage. 伸出手,花瓣落在手上,浪战天摇头叹息道:“花虽美,却不如人美。”随手一抛,那花瓣落下,他也从决斗台上走下来。 The natural movement, natural shaking, natural turning around, causes a piece of scream. 潇洒的动作,潇洒的甩头,潇洒的转身,引起一片尖叫。 Smelly fart fading god.” Say (Way) that Qin Yueyi disdains very much. “臭屁的衰神。”秦月依很不屑的道。 She saw the Lang Zhantian essence actually. 她倒是看出了浪战天的本质。 Everybody, how this handsome fellow displays, has the man charm very much, if later who wants to pick up the little girl, I certainly generous natural will soak the little girl secret to hand down, what kind, really kind.” Lang Zhantian gets down, restored the dissolute son's appearance. “各位,本帅哥表现如何,很有男人魅力吧,以后谁要想泡妞,我一定慷慨大方的将泡妞秘技相传的,怎么样,够意思吧。”浪战天一下来,就恢复了浪荡公子的样子。 With your bubble little girl secret, it is estimated that we must hit for a lifetime the hoodlum.” Lin Dongyun looks away to say. “用你的泡妞秘技,估计我们都要打一辈子光棍了。”林动云翻眼道。 Lang Zhantian despises saying: I know that you are the envy.” 浪战天鄙视道:“我知道你这是嫉妒。” Although the time is short, Xie Aoyu saw Lang Zhantian some background, the strength quite strong vigor, he said with a smile: We go to No. 8 competition range, the winner of that competition, will be my match.” 虽然时间短暂,谢傲宇还是看出了浪战天的一些底子,实力相当强劲儿啊,他笑道:“我们去八号比赛场地吧,那场比赛的胜者,将是我的对手。” Several people naturally cannot oppose. 几人自然不会反对。 They leave the sports field, then directly soars No. 8 sports field. 他们离开比赛场,便直奔八号比赛场。 Has not achieved the sports field, saw that the massive audiences have welled up. 还没有达到比赛场,就看到大量的观众涌了出来。 Hello, you come.” Qin Yueyi shows the Little Devil original surname, finger point fully has one meter eight high adult male students. “喂,你过来。”秦月依展现出小恶魔的本姓,手指一点其中一名足有一米八的高大男学生。 That male student ran over immediately, respectful -ly said: Schoolmate Qin had anything to tell.” 那名男生马上跑了过来,恭敬地道:“秦同学有什么吩咐。” „Did competition end?” “比赛结束了?” Finished.” “结束了。” Who won?” “谁赢了?” Mutually wounded, now is rescuing.” “两败俱伤,现在正在抢救。” Qin Yueyi beckons with the hand, walks.” 秦月依一摆手,“走吧。” Several people of vision neat centralized on the body of Xie Aoyu, Lang Zhantian called out: Lao Xie, are you and lucky goddess have a leg, truthfully confession!” 几人的目光齐刷刷的集中在谢傲宇的身上,浪战天更是叫道:“老谢,你是不是和幸运女神有一腿,如实交代!” Is very doubtable, does not fight, directly enters the round of eight, attended the final on behalf of Sky Luo empire, did not have the natural justice.” Is Lin Dongyun cannot bear complain. “很让人怀疑啊,一场不战,直接进入八强,代表天罗帝国参加总决赛,太没天理了。”就是林动云也忍不住控诉起来。 Bing Wu covers the mouth titter in the one side, the pupil light of softness is staring at Xie Aoyu. 冰舞则在一旁掩嘴偷笑,柔情似水的眸光盯着谢傲宇 Xie Aoyu helpless say (way): Since you such asked that I also no longer concealed.” He begins supinely, is studying the Lang Zhantian appearance, right, the lucky goddess is pursuing me!” 谢傲宇无奈的道:“既然你们这么问了,那我也就不再隐瞒了。”他仰起头,学着浪战天的样子,“没错,幸运女神正在追求我!” Vomits!” “呕!” Several make the vomitive shape in average. 几人均做呕吐状。 Therefore Xie Aoyu maliciously was butchered by them on resplendent in gold and jade green eighth, then Lang Zhantian continues to pursue the beautiful woman, Lin Dongyun continues to look for the Yanjing good wine. 于是谢傲宇就被他们在金碧辉煌第八层狠狠的宰了一顿,然后浪战天继续去追求美女,林动云继续去找燕京美酒。 Xie Aoyu was bringing Bing Wu and Qin Yueyi returned to Qin Dynasty Family. 谢傲宇则带着冰舞秦月依返回了秦家 They walk into the street road junction that the Qin Dynasty Family mansion is, saw that the Qin Dynasty Family convoy guard forms half encirclement ring in the entrance, banned that anybody passes through. 他们走入秦家府邸所在的街道口,就看到秦家护卫队在大门口形成半包围圈,禁制任何人通行。 Had an accident? 出事了? The Xie Aoyu three people then fast entered Qin Dynasty Family. 谢傲宇三人便快速进入了秦家 Just marched into Qin Dynasty Family, Xie Aoyu saw the scene of shock. 刚步入秦家,谢傲宇就看到了震撼的场面。
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