BE :: Volume #2

#146: The return of cloudy god 【One】

Can't? 不会吧? Xie Aoyu looks up the person's shadow that airborne vanishes, cursed at heart, this how and had the relations, what was ten years of painstaking care, I do not know that who you were. 谢傲宇抬头看着那空中消失的人影,心里一阵咒骂,这怎么又和自己扯上关系了,什么叫十年心血啊,我都不知道你是谁。 Depressed! 郁闷! Following Han Yue et al. exudes a laughter of taking pleasure in others'misfortunes. 后面的韩越等人则是发出一阵幸灾乐祸的笑声。 Obviously they looked, the person strength of that running away absolutely was the super modification. 显然他们都看出来了,那个逃走的人实力绝对是超级变态的。 Outcastes!” “贱民!” Ignorant outcastes!” “无知的贱民!” Small outcastes also dare to snatch our merit, this is the retribution, Ha Ha “小小贱民也敢抢我们的功劳,这就是报应,哈哈” Yanjing three little once more express the opinion, is laughing heartily departure, other people also or the envy, or envy, either taunt left. 燕京三少再次发表言论,纵声大笑着离去,其他人也或嫉妒,或羡慕,或嘲讽的都离开了。 Resplendent in gold and jade green out, has Xie Aoyu, Bing Wu, Lang Zhantian and Lin Dongyun four people. 金碧辉煌门外,只有谢傲宇冰舞浪战天林动云四人。 They look at each other speechless. 他们相视无语。 Lao Xie, whom did you offend?” Lang Zhantian asked. 老谢,你又得罪谁了?”浪战天问道。 This „” character, making Xie Aoyu very speechless. 这个“又”字,让谢傲宇很无语。 Opens to have a look at own enemy, strength worst unexpectedly was also has Imperial Crown Mercenary Group of terrorist forces, Xie Aoyu must faint. 翻开看看自己的敌人,实力最差的居然也是有着恐怖势力的皇冠佣兵团,谢傲宇真的要晕倒了。 Ten years of painstaking care, a dynasty was destroyed, this hatred suffices in a big way.” Lin Dongyun drinks good wine, including him felt that worried. “十年心血,一朝被毁,这仇恨可是够大的啊。”林动云喝一口美酒,连他自己都感到一丝担忧。 My really not ten years? Ten years?” The Xie Aoyu heart shakes. “我真的不十年?十年?”谢傲宇心头一震。 In something that he contacts, has the relations with ten years of these two characters, as if only then one, that is the Yun Jia two brothers, initially the cloud field had not been poisoned, finally said is poisoned for about ten years, who the cloud wind has not said the murderer immediately possibly is, deliberately planned for ten years. 在他接触的一些事情中,与十年这两个字有关系的,似乎只有一个,那就是云家两兄弟,当初云未田中毒,结果自己说出“中毒十年左右”,云未风立刻说出凶手可能是谁,处心积虑十年。 Cloud not field? Cloud un- day? 云未田?云未天? Cloud not wind? 云未风? Yun Tianfeng, the day and wind, isn't this combination of their name? 云天风,天、风,这不是两人名字的组合吗? Xie Aoyu wanted to curse at people, the sentiment did over, oneself by the gratitude and grudges of imperial family involving, no wonder always felt that Yun Jia two brothers not like average person, he toward that aspect has not thought that sentimental these two, one was day of Emperor Luo, one was day of Luo Wang. 谢傲宇想要骂人了,感情弄来弄去,自己还是被皇家的恩怨给牵扯进去了,难怪总是感觉云家两兄弟不像普通人,他也没往那方面想啊,感情这两人,一个是天罗皇帝,一个是天罗王。 You go Qin Dynasty Family with us.” Xie Aoyu said. “你们两个跟我们去秦家吧。”谢傲宇说道。 Lang Zhantian beckons with the hand saying: Do not disturb this handsome fellow to soak the little girl important matter, the 100 th goal appeared, this handsome fellow planned that vindicates!” 浪战天摆手道:“别打扰本帅哥泡妞大计,第100个目标已经出现了,本帅哥打算去表白一下!” I must drink.” Lin Dongyun said. “我要去喝酒。”林动云道。 These two also left. 这两人也离开了。 Only then Xie Aoyu and Bing Wu two people, they hand in hand, walk on the street, discovered that everywhere is the unusual vision, made a Xie Aoyu forced smile. 只有谢傲宇冰舞二人,他们手牵手,行走在街道上,发现到处都是异样的目光,令谢傲宇一阵苦笑。 He and Zhou Zhenwang fights, but is a full Yanjing. 他与周震王一战,可算是名满燕京。 Nowadays when that mystical person departs the cry, transmits in the Xie Aoyu name the ears of all people, he is very difficult to imagine, cannot find out the famous metropolis to be difficult. 现如今那神秘人离去时的叫声,更是将谢傲宇的名字传递到所有人的耳中,他很难想象,想不出名都难啊。 Xie Da the celebrity, signs.” “谢大名人,签个名吧。” When does not know, Little Devil Qin Yueyi presents their front. 不知何时,小恶魔秦月依出现两人的面前。 Goes, today the mood is not feeling well.” Xie Aoyu looks away to say. “去,今天心情不爽。”谢傲宇翻眼道。 What fears, I help you take Bing Wu elder sister, your crisp?” Qin Yueyi asked. “怕什么啊,我帮你把冰舞姐姐拿下,你爽一下?”秦月依问道。 Pulls out Yueyi!” “抽月依!” Bing Wu is greatly bashful. 冰舞大羞。 Two beautiful women kidded around. 两个美女又嬉闹起来了。 Xie Aoyu enters Qin Dynasty Family, saw that in hall Qin Shengkai, Qin Degu, Qin Yuenan three people presented that items shot Qi Guang was staring at him. 谢傲宇走进秦家,就看到大厅内秦盛凯、秦德古、秦跃南三人都在座,一个个目射奇光的盯着他。 Brother, chats.” Qin Yuenan beckoned to say. “老弟,来聊聊吧。”秦跃南招手道。 Xie Aoyu walks into the hall. 谢傲宇步入大厅。 Do not ask me, but also please three first answer my issue.” Xie Aoyu opens the mouth, making Qin Shengkai who must speak have to shut up, who can tell me, this ten years of painstaking care, what bird man a dynasty by the fellow who I do destroy is?” “不要问我,还请三位先回答我的问题。”谢傲宇率先开口,让要说话的秦盛凯不得不闭嘴,“谁能告诉我,这个十年心血,一朝被我毁的家伙是个什么鸟人?” Hides in the empire more than ten years, conspires to disintegrate the person in empire, this person the deepness of plans, the marvelousness of method, is I always only sees absolutely, he called Ge Mingde.” Qin Shengkai replied. “一个隐藏在帝国长达十多年,密谋瓦解帝国的人,此人的心机之深沉,手段之奇妙,绝对是我平生仅见的,他叫葛明德。”秦盛凯回答道。 Anything!” “什么!” Xie Aoyu has stood all of a sudden. 谢傲宇一下子站了起来。 Never has that time, the Xie Aoyu heartbeat so has sped up, not because to woman heart movement, vindicating, because of that person Ge Mingde! 从未有过那一次,谢傲宇的心跳如此加快,不是因为对女人心动,表白,而是因为那个人葛明德 „Do you know this person?” Qin Shengkai and Qin Degu looked one, was the stunned appearances. “你知道此人?”秦盛凯和秦德古两人对望一眼,都是错愕的样子。 „Don't you know?” Xie Aoyu is a little also surprised. “你们不知道?”谢傲宇也有点吃惊。 The Qin Dynasty Family three people shook the head. 秦家三人摇了摇头。 The person who originally the Ge Mingde status, knows are not many, no wonder he can hide in Sky Luo empire more than ten years, the secret makes a huge plot, perhaps if not because of own words, Sky Luo empire really therefore disintegrated. 原来葛明德的身份,知道的人不多啊,难怪他能够隐藏在天罗帝国内长达十多年,秘密制造一个庞大的阴谋,若非因为自己的话,恐怕天罗帝国真的因此而瓦解了。 Ge Mingde is one small organization of Black Lotus Holy Church from small kingdom, pushes up that Black Lotus Holy Church back person of mainland rank organization!” A Xie Aoyu character character said. 葛明德就是一手将黑莲圣教从一个小王国内的小组织,推上大陆级别组织的那个黑莲圣教背后的人!”谢傲宇一字一字地说道。 Peaceful, dies the general peace. 安静,死一般的安静。 Qin Dynasty Family three people of also panic-stricken staring in a big way eye. 秦家三人也都惊骇的瞪大了眼睛。 „Did you determine?” Qin Shengkai sinking sound track. “你确定?”秦盛凯沉声道。 I know that a Ge Mingde boost Black Lotus Holy Church, he is a going down in the world aristocrat in kingdom, as for the person who you said that I think that should be a person, is the intriguer.” Xie Aoyu associates to their characteristics, that Ge Mingde boosts Black Lotus Holy Church to go to now so the situation, it can be imagined his fierce. “我知道葛明德一手助推的黑莲圣教,他原本是一个王国的落魄贵族,至于你们说的这个人,我想应该是一个人,都属于阴谋家。”谢傲宇联想到两人的特点,那葛明德一手助推黑莲圣教达到现在这般地步,可想而知他的厉害。 As for this ten years of painstaking care, supposes the startled day general situation Ge Mingde, is a method excellent intriguer, so two people have astonishing similar, radically is a person. 至于这个十年心血,设下惊天大局的葛明德,也是一个手段高超的阴谋家,如此两个人有着惊人的相似,根本就是一个人。 Xie Aoyu is not clear, why can Ge Mingde hide in Sky Luo empire ten years? 只是谢傲宇不明白,葛明德为什么要隐藏在天罗帝国内十年? Can overthrow Sky Luo empire merely? 难道仅仅是要推翻天罗帝国 As if overthrows an empire, is insufficient so difficultly, various methods, or they want to substitute for Heaven Luo Imperial Family, controls Sky Luo empire, if so, that was too fearful. 似乎推翻一个帝国,不至于如此困难吧,各种方法都可以,亦或者他们想取代天罗皇室,掌控天罗帝国,如果是这样的话,那就太可怕了。 Brother, you know that what this Ge Mingde has made?” Qin Yuenan said. “老弟,你知道这个葛明德都做了些什么吗?”秦跃南说道。 Definitely is not the good deed, moreover by chance was destroyed by me.” After Xie Aoyu knows is Ge Mingde, no longer was too worried actually, in any case already and Black Lotus Holy Church became a mortal enemy. “肯定不是好事,而且还是碰巧被我破坏的。”谢傲宇得知是葛明德之后,倒是不再太担心了,反正早就和黑莲圣教成为死敌了。 Qin Yuenan sighed: „The Heaven Luo Imperial Family population is sparse, is Ge Mingde does, said the child in these, child not six that according to the information that we obtained, the Ge Mingde command was pregnant in secret the noble concubine who runs off, five, what end was the evil and cruel incomparable, virulent method makes the blood boil, he even wanted to make a noble concubine be with on his child in secret.” 秦跃南叹气道:“天罗皇室人口稀疏,就是葛明德干的,就在这些曰子,根据我们得到的情报,葛明德暗中令怀孕的贵妃流掉的孩子没有六个,也有五个,端的是歹毒无比,恶毒的手段令人发指,他甚至想要暗中令一个贵妃怀上他的孩子。” Virulent! 恶毒! Xie Aoyu said: Finally?” 谢傲宇道:“结果呢?” Finally was that noble concubine does not have.” Qin Yuenan light saying, was very obvious, so-called did not have, definitely was not Ge Mingde removes, but was Heaven Luo Imperial Family. “结果就是那个贵妃没了。”秦跃南淡淡的说道,很显然,所谓没了,肯定不是葛明德除掉的,而是天罗皇室了。 Qin Shengkai the corners of the mouth pan- a happy expression, was staring at Xie Aoyu, what most made my surprised was you, unexpectedly can remove including the violent poisonousness that elixir big grandmaster Monroe is unable to discover, does not know that Ao Yu can tell us, you were any means of using, do not tell us, was Master Zi Yan bestowed, she was insufficient any antidote miracle cure gave to you.” 秦盛凯嘴角泛起一丝笑意,盯着谢傲宇,“最令我惊奇的还是你啊,居然能够解除连炼药大宗师门罗都无法发现的剧毒,不知傲宇能不能告诉我们,你到底是用的什么办法啊,别告诉我们,又是紫嫣大师赠送的吧,她不至于将什么解药灵丹的都送给你吧。” Listened to him so saying that knows Qin Yuenan has not said the Medical Spirit Finger matter. 听他如此说,就知道秦跃南没有说出药神指的事情。 Xie Aoyu looked to Qin Yuenan, saw Qin Yuenan to say with a smile: I comply with your matter, even if the father inquired that I will not say.” 谢傲宇看向秦跃南,就见秦跃南笑道:“我答应你的事情,就算是老爹询问,我也不会说出来的。” That does not say.” Xie Aoyu said with a smile. “那就不说了。”谢傲宇笑道。 Qin Shengkai and Qin Degu turned the eye fiercely. 秦盛凯和秦德古猛翻眼睛。 At this time, outside incoming telegram. 这时候,外面来报。 The emperor is invited. 皇帝有请。 The Qin Dynasty Family two brothers, Qin Shengkai and Qin Degu then reorganized the clothing, departs in a hurry, the matter that today has, can say is of far-reaching influence, they are treating in the hall , is waiting to summon. 秦家两兄弟,秦盛凯和秦德古两人便整理了一下衣衫,匆匆离去,今天发生的事情,可以说影响深远,他们在大厅内待着,也就是在等候召唤。 Second Brother, who you may find out are intoxicate to you?” Xie Aoyu said. “二哥,你可查出是谁对你下毒的了吗?”谢傲宇说道。 Already a little feature.” Qin Yuenan the look became very unattractive, „, although these people have given to give up him, but he thought oneself infallible, does not believe that may desirably looked, making me find some clues, all clues have aimed at Jorris, you also know that Jorris was very unique in the Pasa Family status, his mother came from An­tiq­uity family, therefore the status was very high, to look for his trouble, I must calculate carefully.” “已经有点眉目了。”秦跃南神色变得很不好看,“虽然那些人已经将他给放弃了,可是他这个人就是自以为是,根本不这么认为,可刻意的去找,让我找到了一些蛛丝马迹,所有的线索都指向了乔里斯,你也知道,乔里斯在帕萨家族身份很独特,他的母亲来自一个上古家族,所以地位很高,要想找他的麻烦,我必须小心计算。” Xie Aoyu sinking sound track: If involves Jorris, then the Second Brother must be careful that a person, this person's ability in plot, could become Ge Mingde absolutely second.” 谢傲宇沉声道:“如果牵扯到乔里斯的话,那么二哥就要小心一个人了,此人在阴谋方面的能力,绝对有望成为葛明德第二。” „?” Qin Yuenan knows that can make Xie Aoyu so say, that person was not absolutely simple. “哦?”秦跃南知道能够令谢傲宇这般说,那人绝对不简单。 He is Jowers personal servant Sol Skjod!” Xie Aoyu said that this person excels at the schemes and tricks very much, previous time outside especially Los Angeles, if not he is extremely proud, disdains to me, perhaps I had been given to plan by him, moreover he also has the dancing Saint sword, has to dance Mi Zhou, is a very hard to deal with character.” “他就是乔尔斯的跟班索尔斯克!”谢傲宇说道,“这个人很擅长阴谋诡计,上次在特洛城外,若非他太过骄傲,对我不屑,恐怕我已经被他给算计了,而且他还有婆娑圣剑,拥有婆娑秘咒,是个非常难缠的人物。” Nods, Qin Yuenan said: I will pay attention his.” 点点头,秦跃南道:“我会注意他的。” Xie Aoyu said: Also a little, the Second Brother found out behind the human is Jorris, this made me associate to an a little fearful connection.” 谢傲宇道:“还有一点,二哥查出了背后之人是乔里斯,这让我联想到了一个有点可怕的连接。” What is?” Qin Yuenan asked. “是什么?”秦跃南问道。 Like this said that the Second Brother does know the Nine Color Spirit Snake King special surname?” Xie Aoyu saw that Qin Yuenan shook the head to express does not know, he then answered, Nine Color Spirit Snake King was quite special, any place, the surrounding area in a lot of li (0.5km), can only Nine Color Spirit Snake King, but all Seven Color Spirit Snake were controlled by Nine Color Spirit Snake King, but I knew, that Nine Color Spirit Snake King of Yanjing from Black Lotus Holy Church.” “这样说吧,二哥知道九彩灵蛇王的特姓吗?”谢傲宇看到秦跃南摇头表示不知,他便解释道,“九彩灵蛇王比较特殊,任何地方,方圆千百里内,只能有一只九彩灵蛇王,而所有的七彩灵蛇都是被九彩灵蛇王控制的,而就我所知,燕京的那条九彩灵蛇王来自黑莲圣教。” Qin Yuenan the eyebrow selected, you were said that Black Lotus Holy Church did seep enters Pasa Family?” 秦跃南眉毛一挑,“你是说黑莲圣教已经渗透进入帕萨家族?” Xie Aoyu nods. 谢傲宇点点头。 If Pasa Family were seeped, then Qin Dynasty Family was seeped? 若是帕萨家族被渗透,那么秦家是否被渗透了呢? Nobody dares to strike one's chest said that certainly does not have. 没有人敢拍着胸脯儿说,一定没有的。 How it seems like I must redesign should begin, at least must annihilate Qin Dynasty Family possible, captures entirely.” Qin Yuenan has made the decision. “看来我要重新设计该如何动手了,至少要将秦家可能的内歼,统统拔掉。”秦跃南做出了决定。 Xie Aoyu said: Needs my words, Second Brother said freely.” 谢傲宇道:“需要我的话,二哥尽管说。” Black Lotus Holy Church headquarters, in not a known secret room 黑莲圣教总部,一间不为人知晓的密室内 Is wounded Ge Mingde that returns to put in order to sit cross-legged on the bed, he is carrying on therapy. 负伤而回的葛明德整盘坐在床上,他在进行自我疗伤。 An old man calmly stands, in his eye projects the earnest vision, as if looked that is ordinary in a god, wishes one could to crawl in the place. 一名老者静静地站在旁边,他的眼中射出热切的目光,仿佛看在一尊神一般,恨不得匍匐在地。 Long time, Ge Mingde opens the eye. 良久,葛明德才睁开眼睛。 Old master, you came back finally.” The old men splash knee down. “老主人,你终于回来了。”老者扑通跪倒在地。 Gets up.” The Ge Mingde light say (way), I not in ten years that the Saint teaches, what happened?” “起来吧。”葛明德淡淡的道,“我不在圣教的十年中,是不是发生了什么事情?” Old man tears say (way): Old master, you not, may painstakingly the young lady, she, although is the black face saintess, but nobody listens to young lady's order radically, complies in public but opposes in private, even does everything possible, young lady from headquarters running on.” 老者老泪纵横的道:“老主人,您不在的时候,可苦了小姐了,她虽然是黑脸圣女,可是根本没人听小姐的命令,一个个都是阳奉阴违,甚至想尽办法,将小姐从总部给挤兑出去了。” Does not have what anger, the Ge Mingde complexion incomparable tranquility. 没有什么愤怒,葛明德脸色无比的平静。 Is Yu Yajie and Gu Yunying collaborates behavior.” Ge Mingde said. “是于雅洁和顾云英联手所为把。”葛明德道。 They.” The old men replied. “正是她们。”老者回答道。 The Ge Mingde corners of the mouth pan- a happy expression, looked like the rain grows up fragrant.” 葛明德嘴角泛起一丝笑意,“看来雨香长大了。” „?” The old men were shocked. “啊?”老者愣住了。
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