BE :: Volume #2

#145: Profound Qi Douji collision 【Two】

Looks that is achieving blood Armor crazy force soldier, the Xie Aoyu complexion is also dignified, he can feel that the fearfulness of that force soldier, the imposing manner of that startled fear will of the people, absolutely is the symbol of strength. 望着那达到“血甲狂化”的强力战士,谢傲宇的脸色也凝重起来,他能够感觉到那强力战士的可怕,那股惊慑人心的气势,绝对是力量的象征。 Bang!” “轰!” The blood Armor crazy soldier wields a sword to cut to strike. 血甲狂化战士挥剑斩击。 In the air explodes projects the ignition star, that is the sharp sword is too quick, with the effect of air friction, demonstrates the hemorrhage Armor crazy soldier, although has more than two meters high, a point is clumsy. 空气中爆射出点点火星,那是利剑过快,与空气摩擦的效果,显示出血甲狂化战士虽然有两米多高,却一点都笨拙。 A sword shakes Liias and Singer draws back. 一剑将利亚斯和辛格震退。 Walks!” Xie Aoyu has discovered that these person ready dead fellow goals were Yun Tianfeng, therefore his first one step, once more was supporting Yun Tianfeng, went to the distant place. “走!”谢傲宇算是发现了,这些死士般的家伙目标就是云天风,所以他抢先一步,再次拥着云天风,向远处而去。 Liias, Singer, you in the hideaway strength, whole-heartedly, this emperor's son did not take your family operation!” Yun Tianfeng gets angry shouts to clear the way. “利亚斯,辛格,你们还在隐藏实力吗,再不全力以赴,本皇子拿你们家族开刀!”云天风喝道 He has not thought that at this time, must hide the strength unexpectedly. 他也没想到,这种时候,居然还要隐藏实力。 May endure what else cannot be tolerated! 是可忍孰不可忍! Liias and Singer look one, is a forced smile, no matter their families are second day Luo three respected family, after all others are an emperor's son, found the excuse, can give two respected families to cause heavy losses absolutely. 利亚斯和辛格对望一眼,都是一阵苦笑,不管他们两个的家族是天罗三大家族之二,毕竟人家是皇子,找到借口,绝对可以给两大家族重创的。 Comes out, my partner!” Liias shouts to clear the way. “出来吧,我的伙伴!”利亚斯喝道 As his shouted, in the front summon badge heard a deafening beastly roar, together visual purple from summoning badge ** left. 随着他的一声断喝,胸前的召唤徽章内传来一声震耳欲聋的兽吼声,一道紫光从召唤徽章**出。 Huge Demon Beast appears in the field of vision of people. 一条巨大的魔兽出现在人们的视野中。 All over the body is the purple pattern, the height about three meters, the length of body more than five meters, occupies the considerable huge space, on the forehead has one purple king character design. 通体都是紫色的花纹,身高约有三米,体长五米多,占据相当庞大的空间,额头上有一个紫色的“王”字图案。 Demon Beast purple mark demon tiger! 魔兽紫纹魔虎! Pasa Family may really be the good thing to be many, Jorris has four arm demon apes, grows is Emperor level Demon Beast, this Liias has to grow unexpectedly is the super Demon Beast purple mark demon tiger of Emperor superior rank.” The Xie Aoyu at heart unstated criticism, this is the superiority of respected family. 帕萨家族可真是好东西不少啊,乔里斯有四臂魔猿,成长起来是天王魔兽,这个利亚斯居然有成长起来是天王上位级别的超级魔兽紫纹魔虎。”谢傲宇心里腹诽,这便是大家族的优势。 Purple mark demon tiger appears, yawn then together Thun­der and Light­ning projects. 紫纹魔虎出现,张口便是一道雷电射出。 Bang!” “轰!” That has arm thick or thin Thun­der and Light­ning to back up fully backward 2-3 steps that the blood Armor crazy soldier shells. 那足有手臂粗细的雷电将血甲狂化战士轰击的向后倒退两三步。 Liias noticed that Yun Tianfeng is cold the face to stare at him, smiles bitterly, the finger, breaks shouts to clear the way: Purple mark demon tiger, my partner spirit beast fusion!” 利亚斯看到云天风冷着脸盯着他,苦笑一声,手指一点,断喝道:“紫纹魔虎,我的伙伴灵兽融合!” Roar!” “吼!” Purple mark demon tiger raises the head to roar, changes to the visual purple to shoot together but actually. 紫纹魔虎仰首咆哮,化作一道紫光倒射回去。 The visual purple submerges Liias's body, sees Liias all over the body visual purple greatly Sheng, he was wrapped by one set of purple strange mail-armor and helmet. 紫光没入利亚斯的身体,就看到利亚斯通体紫光大盛,他被一套紫色的奇异甲胄包裹起来。 This is the profound wonderful secret spirit beast fusion! 这是玄奇秘技灵兽融合! The might not weak and blood Armor crazy super secret. 其威力丝毫不弱与血甲狂化的超级秘技。 Brushes!” “刷!” Singer has not been idling, personal appearance rocks slightly, without a trace that vanishes baseless, he uses impressively is also the assassin class secret shadow magic of making oneself invisible of being lost! 辛格也没闲着,身形微微晃动,凭空消失的无影无踪,他使用的赫然也是失传的刺客类秘技暗影隐身术! They also respectively showed own profound wonderful secret. 他们也各自展现出了属于自己的玄奇秘技。 Hence was the profound wonderful secret greatly collides. 至此可谓是玄奇秘技大碰撞了。 Ghosts and gods change „the crazy technique „the blood Armor crazy technique protection summon spirit beast fusion shadow magic of making oneself invisible unexpectedly reach five profound wonderful secrets much. “鬼神变”“狂化术”“血甲狂化术”“守护召唤”“灵兽融合”“暗影隐身术”居然多达五种的玄奇秘技。 Who said the Sky Luo empire weak trend? 谁说天罗帝国弱势? Is hiding radically. 根本都隐藏着呢。 demon tiger cuts!” Liias whooshes, wields a sword to shell. “魔虎斩!”利亚斯一声嘶吼,挥剑轰击。 Immediately the form of purple mark demon tiger appears, lifelike, seems real general, exudes the sad and shrill roaring sound, cut-throat rush in the past. 立时就有一条紫纹魔虎的身影出现,栩栩如生,好似真实的一般,发出凄厉的咆哮声,凶狠的冲杀过去。 The blood Armor crazy soldier also wildly attacks. 血甲狂化战士也狂野出击。 Bang!” “轰!” Long handle great axe chops into pieces that purple mark demon tiger light, his stature is also one rocks, but that Liias also painful stuffy snort, backs up again and again. 长柄巨斧将那紫纹魔虎光影劈碎,他的身躯也是一阵晃动,但是那利亚斯也痛苦的闷哼一声,连连倒退。 A move of contact, Liias is defeated. 一招接触,利亚斯落败。 This also no wonder, the blood Armor crazy soldier is two times of crazy, was equal to that original strength two times, the natural might is more powerful, but he is always a person. 这也难怪,血甲狂化战士是两倍狂化,等于原来力量的两倍,自然威力更强大的,只是他始终是一个人。 When repels Liias, Singer of that stealth braved from his left. 待击退利亚斯,那隐身的辛格从他的左侧冒出来了。 Slender sharp sword silent thorn to the surface gate of blood Armor crazy soldier. 纤细的利剑无声无息的刺向血甲狂化战士的面门。 Ka ka “咔咔咔” The blood Armor crazy soldier turns head, that scarlet hard helmet and ballistic vest rub made the sound of person of tooth acid transmit, this mail-armor and helmet unexpectedly was real general. 血甲狂化战士一扭头,那血色的头盔和护甲摩擦的令人牙酸的声音传来,这甲胄居然是真实的一般。 Works as!” “当!” Center a Singer sword the blood helmet of blood Armor crazy soldier, the blood Armor crazy soldier backhands a sword to sweep away, shaking to fly upside down Singer. 辛格一剑正中血甲狂化战士的血盔,血甲狂化战士则反手一剑横扫,将辛格给震得倒飞出去。 The two big secrets of two big masters to its invalid. 两大高手的两大秘技对其无效。 It seems like or wants Schoolmate Han Yue to help.” Xie Aoyu brings Yun Tianfeng to change to together time, appears in the Han Yue side, saying with a laugh. “看来还是要韩越同学来帮忙啊。”谢傲宇带着云天风化作一道流光,出现在韩越的身边,笑呵呵的说道。 The blood Armor crazy soldier probably by hauling, immediately turned around the personal appearance. 血甲狂化战士就好像被牵引似的,马上掉转身形。 Mystical strength blockade that outside that presents also encountered the innumerable masters to attack to present the fissure at this time crazily, this made the blood Armor crazy soldier have to speed up moving. 外界那出现的神秘力量封锁也在这时候遭到无数高手疯狂的攻击出现了裂痕,这就更令血甲狂化战士不得不加快行动了。 Xie brother will chat, how I possibly snatch your crest of wave.” Han Yue said with a smile. “谢兄真会说笑,我怎么可能抢你的风头呢。”韩越笑道。 I do not mind.” Xie Aoyu smiles, to put out a hand suddenly, gives to push out Han Yue fiercely, pounds to that blood Armor crazy soldier. “我不介意的。”谢傲宇嘿嘿一笑,突然一伸手,猛地一把,将韩越给推了出去,砸向那血甲狂化战士。 Yun Tianfeng blurts to say with a smile: Your quality.” 云天风脱口笑道:“你好坏啊。” That joke sweet appearance, leads Xie Aoyu to have the strange feeling once more. 那笑语嫣然的样子,再次领谢傲宇产生怪异的感觉。 Their four items of relative, he actually read out a faint trace different kind thing from the Yun Tianfeng eye, although were not many, made Xie Aoyu think suddenly Bing Wu looked to own vision. 两人四目相对,他竟然从云天风的眼中读出一丝丝别样的东西,虽然不多,却令谢傲宇猛然想到了冰舞看向自己的目光。 He startles shivers spirit. 他激灵灵打个冷颤。 My God, Yun Tianfeng should not be surnamed the orientation to have the issue. 我的天,云天风该不会姓取向有问题吧。 He hurried to loosen Yun Tianfeng, rather went to resist the blood Armor crazy soldier, cannot possibly have the different kind whereabouts man to treat with this in the same place. 他赶紧松开了云天风,宁可前去抵挡血甲狂化战士,也不能和这个可能有别样去向的男人待在一起啊。 Xie Aoyu!” Han Yue is mad roars. 谢傲宇!”韩越则是气得怒吼。 His strength is not worse than Xie Aoyu, but has not thought Xie Aoyu unexpectedly so shameless pushes out him. 他实力并不比谢傲宇差,只是没想到谢傲宇居然如此无耻的将他推出去。 Schoolmate Han Yue supports, I help you.” Xie Aoyu yelled. 韩越同学支持住啊,我来帮你。”谢傲宇大叫道。 Han Yue turns head to look that Xie Aoyu is standing there, grinning beckons with the hand to him, there has the meaning of move, the tooth that he hates is itchy. 韩越回头一看,谢傲宇正站在那里,笑嘻嘻的向他摆手,那里有动弹的意思,他恨的牙痒痒。 Keeps off me dead!” The blood Armor crazy soldier exclaimed. “挡我者死!”血甲狂化战士吼道。 He saw that blocks here strange strength to burst, the attack to other people completely disregards, the cut-throat rush in the past, wielded the long handle great axe to divide to cut wickedly. 他看到了那封锁这里的奇异力量正在破裂,对其他人的攻击完全无视,凶狠的冲杀过去,挥动长柄巨斧恶狠狠地劈斩下去。 Bites!” “叮!” The sword whining noise spreads. 剑鸣声传出。 In the hand of Han Yue presents a length approximately one meter about five, the extraordinarily cold incomparable long sword, the under foot slides all over the body, has let that long handle great axe, cuts slantingly. 韩越的手中出现一把长约一米五左右,通体奇寒无比的长剑,脚下一滑,让过那长柄巨斧,斜斩下去。 „!” “咔嚓!” That had the long handle of baby arm thick or thin long handle great axe cutting off by that cold air dense sharp sword. 那有婴儿手臂粗细的长柄巨斧的长柄被那寒气森森的利剑给斩断了。 Han Yue makes use to sweep away a sword. 韩越趁势横扫一剑。 The blood light spatters in all directions. 血光迸溅。 The front scarlet mail-armor and helmet of blood Armor crazy soldier bursts, a blood comes out from the breakage place class, presents one is half meter blood trough. 血甲狂化战士的胸前血色甲胄破裂,一道鲜血从破裂处流出来,出现一道长达半米的血槽。 Ultra Saint thick ice sword!” Lin Dongyun low shouts to clear the way. “超圣器玄冰剑!”林动云喝道 Also is ultra Saint, this is the real equipment of Han Yue, under the Xie Aoyu heart sneers, found out Han Yue some details finally. 又是一把超圣器,这才是韩越的真实装备吧,谢傲宇心下冷笑,总算摸清韩越的一些底细了。 Has is above the defense of imagination summon protection, striking power strong ultra Saint thick ice sword. 拥有超乎想象的防御的“召唤守护”,攻击力超强的超圣器玄冰剑。 Thick ice is series!” “玄冰连环破!” If Han Yue quickly lightning wields continuously has more than 30 swords fully. 韩越快若闪电的连续挥动足有30多剑。 Brushes “刷刷刷刷” That tenacious scarlet mail-armor and helmet will shortly turn into the beggar clothing, everywhere is the loopholes, has a wound piece by piece to flow the blood. 那坚韧的血色甲胄顷刻间变成了乞丐服,到处都是漏洞,更有一片片的伤口在流着鲜血。 The blood Armor crazy soldier who enrages goes crazy roars. 激怒的血甲狂化战士发狂似的怒吼起来。 Han Yue smiles dark, personal appearance rotation, the ghosts and demons arrive at the back of blood Armor crazy soldier, a cut-throat foot tramples, flying that two meters high blood Armor crazy soldier tramples to Xie Aoyu, he must tit for fat. 韩越阴阴一笑,身形转动,鬼魅般来到血甲狂化战士的背后,凶狠的一脚踹出,将两米高的血甲狂化战士踹的飞向谢傲宇,他要以牙还牙。 Roar!” “吼!” The blood Armor crazy soldier sees that immediately is excited, reckless rush in the past. 血甲狂化战士见状,登时兴奋起来,不顾一切的冲杀过去。 What Xie Aoyu is worried will be he from exploding that type cruel Fights Technique that will make one shout'mother-fucker', now sees this person from exploding the stance, he also felt relieved. 谢傲宇担心的是他会自爆那种令人骂娘的残忍斗技,如今看出此人并没有自爆的架势,他也就放心了。 Brushes “刷” Lightning Spirit Saint Blade comes out of the sheath. 雷灵圣刀出鞘。 Overlord Gloves has also worn in the hand. 霸王拳套也一直戴在手上。 Fights Technique Scarlet Electric Fulminating cuts! 斗技赤电雷爆斩! The innumerable scarlet red electric lights glitter on his body, the fast gathering above Lightning Spirit Saint Blade, scarlet red Spirit Thunder also quietly sends out. 无数的赤红色的电光在他的身上闪烁,快速的汇聚到雷灵圣刀之上,赤红色的灵雷也悄然出动。 Xie Aoyu to a blood Armor crazy soldier loudly blade. 谢傲宇对着血甲狂化战士轰然一刀。 This blade is containing him to fierce Qi, mixes with can jump the ranks challenge Spirit Thunder, it can be said that intrepid incomparable. 这一刀蕴含着他至强至猛的斗气,更是夹杂着可以越级挑战的灵雷,可以说是强悍无匹。 If Bing Wu the female celestial, tender body turns over, arrives at the Yun Tianfeng body side, replaces Xie Aoyu to protect Yun Tianfeng. 冰舞若仙女般,娇躯翻转,来到云天风的身侧,代替谢傲宇保护云天风 A tacit understanding of look, does not need to say a word. 一个眼神的默契,无需言语。 Facing a Lightning Spirit Saint Blade fierce and brutal blade, the blood Armor crazy soldier also realized that the terror of match, he mentioned that to succeed in giving up two sections of long handle great axes, resisted with the gigantic axe. 面对雷灵圣刀凶暴的一刀,血甲狂化战士也意识到对手的恐怖,他提起了那断成两截的长柄巨斧,用硕大的斧头抵挡。 Red electro-optical twinkle. 赤红光电闪烁。 Alienation three buildings are instantaneously peaceful. 狂乱的三楼瞬间安静下来。 All people look up, that fetters here outside mystical strength also to be broken, to large quantities of masters, completely looks. 所有人都抬头看去,那束缚这里的外界神秘力量也被破碎,冲进来大批的高手,全部怔怔的看着。 Sees Xie Aoyu already very agily the Lightning Spirit Saint Blade counter- insertion scabbard, Overlord Gloves also picked, natural both hands recited backwards from the end. 就看见谢傲宇已经非常利落的将雷灵圣刀反插入刀鞘,霸王拳套也摘下来了,潇洒的双手倒背。 That blood Armor crazy soldier is motionless. 那血甲狂化战士一动不动。 Breeze blows. 一股微风吹来。 Ka ka “咔咔咔” The gigantic axe divides into two, drops ground, the blood Armor crazy soldier is also divided into two halves, goes to about but actually, he was cut to kill by Xie Aoyu together with the weapon. 硕大的斧头一分为二,跌落地面,血甲狂化战士也分为两半,向左右倒去,他连同兵器都被谢傲宇斩杀了。 Your highness, we protect you!” “殿下,我们保护你!” Protects your highness!” “保护殿下!” We came!” “我们来了!” Three hoarse roared to transmit, that empire three few Wu Jia, Wang Chao, the Baja Tuttass three people do not know when sobered, running staggering in the past. 三声嘶哑的吼叫传来,那帝国三少吴嘉、王超、巴哈图塔斯三人不知何时清醒过来,踉踉跄跄的跑过去。 People despises. 众人一阵蔑视。 That is responsible for the emperor's son Yun Tianfeng security the protect guard long cross previous step, Shan Tui kneels down to Xie Aoyu, please honored your excellency accepts my gratitude, is you bravely steps forward in the critical juncture, protects emperor's son your highness, you will be the examples of all our emperor's son convoy guards, we will thank you sincerely!” 那负责皇子云天风安全的护卫长跨前一步,单腿给谢傲宇跪下,“请尊贵的阁下接受我的谢意,是您在危急关头挺身而出,保护皇子殿下的,您将是我们所有皇子护卫队的榜样,我们真诚的感谢您!” Brush! 刷! Follows kneels down in his following protect guard. 跟随在其后面的护卫纷纷跪下。 „The blood Armor crazy soldier who I kill is fiercer, he is picks up a bargain!” Han Yue handsome face distortion, clenching jaws is staring at Xie Aoyu. “我杀的血甲狂化战士更厉害,他是捡便宜的!”韩越俊脸扭曲,咬牙切齿的盯着谢傲宇 Xie Aoyu shrugs, yeah, many thanks Schoolmate Han Yue gives me this performance the opportunity.” At once protect guard team leader will support by the arm, protects emperor's son your highness, is our common responsibility, the protect guard growing up person quickly protects emperor's son your highness to return to the imperial palace, in order to avoid has the assassin again.” 谢傲宇耸耸肩,“哎,多谢韩越同学给我这个表现的机会啊。”旋即将护卫队长搀扶起来,“保护皇子殿下,是我们共同的责任,护卫长大人还是快保护皇子殿下返回皇宫吧,以免再有刺客。” Yes!” “是!” Protect guard team leader respectful saluting. 护卫队长恭敬的行礼。 If emperor's son Yun Tianfeng were assassinated, even is injured, this protect guard teams leader as well as his subordinates will apologize with the surname life, this was equal to rescuing their life. 若是皇子云天风被刺杀,甚至受伤,他这个护卫队长以及他的手下们都将用姓命来谢罪,这等于救了他们的命。 Yun Tianfeng deep looked at Xie Aoyu one, this leaves. 云天风深深的看了谢傲宇一眼,这才离开。 That command Xie Aoyu cold air braves. 那一眼令谢傲宇寒气直冒。 What idea won't this man have to me? That may be bad! 这男人不会对我有什么想法吧?那可糟了! Shakes, depresses this idea, Xie Aoyu is secretly vigilant, must avoid some distances with Yun Tianfeng as far as possible, he is pulling the white hands of Bing Wu, we walk.” 甩甩头,将这个想法压下,谢傲宇暗自警惕,要与云天风尽可能避开一些距离,他牵着冰舞的玉手,“我们走吧。” Four people go out one after another resplendently in gold and jade green. 四人相继走出金碧辉煌。 Other such as Han Yue and Yanjing three few et al. also walked, is only the complexion quite bad, particularly looked that has been full of the hatred to the Xie Aoyu vision. 其他如韩越、燕京三少等人也走了出来,只是脸色相当的不善,尤其是看向谢傲宇的目光充满了恨意。 Shouted “呼” The strong winds sway, the houses that blows are swaying. 狂风吹拂,吹的房舍都在摇晃。 But sees the imperial palace position of distant place to surge in all directions the strong winds, a person's shadow soars to the heavens to go, immediately airborne hands down one to cause a stir in the voice of Yanjing, ten years of painstaking care, a dynasty was destroyed, Xie Aoyu, does not kill you, I vowed am not a human!” 但见远处的皇宫位置向四面八方涌动着狂风,一条人影冲天而去,随即空中传下一个轰动燕京的声音,“十年心血,一朝被毁,谢傲宇,不杀你,我誓不为人!”
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