BE :: Volume #2

#144: The collision of profound wonderful secret 【One】

Massacres them, dares to assassinate emperor's son your highness, who you do not have a look at our Yanjing few three are.” Wu Jia loud violent shouts to clear the way, pulls out a sharp sword, before being in horizontally. “杀掉他们,敢刺杀皇子殿下,你们也不看看我们燕京三少是什么人。”吴嘉大声暴喝道,抽出一把利剑,横身在前。 Yanjing three few!” “燕京三少!” Invincible!” “所向无敌!” Wang Chao and Baja Tuttass also shouts to clear the way. 王超和巴哈图塔斯也同时喝道 These three so-called Yanjing three few, forwards together, stands in the front, grasps the sword, is powerful, that aristocrat dresses up in addition, has a power and prestige actually. 这三个所谓的燕京三少,齐齐向前,站在前方,一个个手持刀剑,气势十足,加上那贵族打扮,倒是有一番威风。 „Is this in the fable the most formidable sound wave attack? Does not need to consume Qi, so long as said almost the words, can the human to invincible sound wave Fights Technique that died disgustingly?” The Xie Aoyu whisper said. “这难道就是传说中最强大的声波攻击?不需要消耗斗气,只要说出几乎话,就能把人给恶心死的无敌声波斗技?”谢傲宇嘀咕道。 Outcastes!” The Wu Jia three people of complexions change suddenly. “贱民!”吴嘉三人脸色骤变。 But does not wait for them to get angry, mutation appears suddenly. 可是不等他们发怒,异变突现。 „” “啪啪啪啪” Hears a series of sounds to transmit. 就听到一连串的响动传来。 Then sees outside all windows and doors to emerge the innumerable light beams suddenly, rapid this resplendent in gold and jade green three buildings wrapping, isolates outside all. 便见所有的门窗外面突然涌现无数的光束,迅速的将这金碧辉煌三层楼给包裹起来,隔绝外面的一切。 The master who these Li Family masters, Yun Tianfeng brings was prevented entirely outside. 那些李家的高手,云天风带来的高手统统被阻挡在外。 Does not have one person to rush. 无一人能够闯进来。 Roar roar roar “吼吼吼” Incisive whooshing sound resounds suddenly, that grating sound made one be afraid, saw that was cut two youth masters who killed to stand suddenly by Xie Aoyu. 尖锐的嘶吼声陡然间响起,那刺耳的声音令人不寒而栗,就看到被谢傲宇斩杀的两名青年高手猛然站立起来。 Their whole body paint black Qi surges. 他们两个全身漆黑色的斗气涌动。 Wipes the blood to come out from their wound place class. 一抹鲜血从他们的伤口处流出来。 Bang!” Bang!” “嘭!”“嘭!” They separately the weapon that their hearts pierce pulling out, their eyes also turned into the scarlet red, is passing cold and gloomy killing intent, black aura send out from their bodies. 两人分别把将他们心脏洞穿的兵器给拔出来,他们的眼睛也变成了赤红色的,透着森冷的杀意,一股股的黑色气息从他们的身上散发出来。 They reactivated unexpectedly! 他们居然复活了! Ghosts and gods change!” “鬼神变!” This is lost for a long time ghosts and gods changes!” “这是失传已久的鬼神变!” Han Yue and Lin Dongyun simultaneously call out in alarm said that they look at each other with amazement. 韩越林动云同时惊呼道,他们骇然相顾。 Nobody changed compared with their clearer ghosts and gods means anything, that absolutely was the fearful strength, to practice the ghosts and gods changes is also very cruel, those who most made one unable to accept, a person practiced the ghosts and gods changes, in his lifetime, is unable to display the strength that the ghosts and gods changed, was killed, possibly presented the strength that the ghosts and gods changed. 没有人比他们更清楚鬼神变意味着什么了,那绝对是可怕之极的力量,而且要想修炼成鬼神变也是非常残忍的,最令人无法接受的是,一个人就算修炼鬼神变,在他的有生之年,也无法发挥出鬼神变的力量,只有被杀死,才可能出现鬼神变的力量。 The ghosts and gods change, one of the worst secrets. 鬼神变,最邪恶的秘技之一。 As long as the practice ghosts and gods change, after dying, will turn into the evil corpse, this type of corpse is also not the ordinary corpse can compare, as long as transforms, ordinary sword difficult wound. 但凡修炼鬼神变,死后就会变成邪恶的僵尸,这种僵尸还不是普通的僵尸所能比的,但凡蜕变,普通刀剑难伤。 Roar!” Roar!” “吼!”“吼!” The sad and shrill roar sends out from the mouths of two corpses. 凄厉的吼声从两具僵尸的口中发出。 Their both eyes project scarlet red light beam, locks Yun Tianfeng completely, at the point of death after before the intention is the ghosts and gods change, intention of corpse fight. 它们双目射出赤红色的光束,全部锁定云天风,临死前的心念是鬼神变之后,僵尸战斗的心念。 Faith at this moment kills Yun Tianfeng! 此刻的信念就是杀死云天风 Two big corpses simultaneously killed the past. 两大僵尸同时扑杀过去。 Yanjing three few, invincible!” Xie Aoyu the body, touched and went from the Yanjing three few sides in a flash, arrived at behind them, will fight to give this Yanjing few three. “燕京三少,所向无敌!”谢傲宇一晃身,从燕京三少的身边擦过,来到了他们后面,将战斗交给这燕京三少。 Two corpses leap, but. 两具僵尸一跃而至。 The corpse that changes as the ghosts and gods what is most fearful, battle efficiency Qi is strong, retains all war Fights Technique to be skillful before death, that body will not be stiff, this is the ordinary corpse maximum difference. 作为鬼神变的僵尸最可怕的是,战斗力奇强,更保留着生前所有的战斗技巧,那身体也不会是僵硬的,这是和普通僵尸最大的不同。 Yanjing three few!” “燕京三少!” Invincible!” “所向无敌!” Is emperor's son your highness, would rather die than dismisses!” “为皇子殿下,宁死不辞!” Wu Jia three people of exclaiming with one voice, killing of threatening rushes to two corpses, the sword develops simultaneously, Qi vertically and horizontally, quite somewhat imposing manner. 吴嘉三人异口同声的吼道,气势汹汹的杀奔两具僵尸,刀剑并举,斗气纵横,颇有几分气势。 Two corpses disregard to their attacks directly. 两具僵尸对他们的攻击直接无视。 Bang!” Bang!” Bang!” “嘭!”“嘭!”“嘭!” Three dull thumping sounds, the Yanjing three few weapons hit hard two corpses. 三声闷响,燕京三少的兵器重击两具僵尸。 Rocked slightly, two corpses completely disregard, that is irresistibly the skin of weapon, is unexpectedly perfect, Lian Dianpi not broken. 微微晃动了一下,两具僵尸完全无视,那原本是无法抵抗兵器的皮肤,竟然完好无损,连点皮都没破。 Ping “砰砰砰” Two corpses also counter-attack. 两具僵尸同时反击。 Pitiful Yanjing three little immediately change to the flying trapeze, pounds to the following wall, does not know that after because whether turns the ghosts and gods change the corpse, the strength suddenly to increase reason, Yanjing three little completely mount the wall. 可怜的燕京三少顿时化作空中飞人,砸向后面的墙壁,也不知道是否因为变成鬼神变僵尸之后,力量暴增的缘故,燕京三少全部都镶嵌进了墙壁。 Yanjing three few!” “燕京三少!” „The best quality goods in man!” “男人中的极品!” Lang Zhantian and Lin Dongyun have not forgotten to satirize. 浪战天林动云还不忘讽刺。 Two corpses fast forward flush away, their goals are Yun Tianfeng. 两具僵尸则是快速向前冲去,他们的目标是云天风 Leave.” Xie Aoyu looks distinctly, his cross previous step, the double fist rumbles, that is containing the earth soul stone, is equal to the terrifying fist of thousand jin (0.5 kg) gravity numerous pounds. “滚回去。”谢傲宇看得分明,他跨前一步,双拳轰出,那包含着土魂石,相当于千斤重力的恐怖拳头重重的砸去。 Bang!” Bang!” “嘭!”“嘭!” Under that wild strength, two corpse hit chests get down hollowly, the bone has broken, hit flying upside down, pounds to Han Yue that watches the fun. 在那狂暴的力量之下,两具僵尸被打的胸膛凹陷下去,骨头都断裂了,也被打的倒飞出去,砸向那看热闹的韩越 Regarding Han Yue this person, Xie Aoyu has very big vigilance. 对于韩越此人,谢傲宇有着很大的警惕。 High of his talent, compared with Lang Zhantian and Lin Dongyun they, he be the descendant of respected family, has been trained inevitably comprehensively, what is more annoying, this person most understands the hideaway strength, others are unable to know him strongly. 他的天赋之高,要比浪战天林动云两人强出一线,他还是大家族的后代,必然得到全面培养,更可气的是,此人最懂得隐藏实力,别人根本无法知道他到底有多强。 Therefore the Xie Aoyu plan has a look at his card in a hand. 所以谢傲宇打算看看他的底牌。 Therefore gives him two corpses. 故而将两具僵尸送给他。 Damn!” Han Yue scolded. “该死!”韩越骂道。 He wants to hide the strength, is not, but such needs to avoid the corpse inevitably, but will so decide however to be noted by Yun Tianfeng, will be very disadvantageous to him. 他想要隐藏实力,也不是不可以,但是那样必然是需要躲避僵尸的,可是如此定然会被云天风注意到,对他很不利。 Han Yue wants to pass the burden the corpse target, actually discovery surrounding person escaped. 韩越想要转嫁僵尸的攻击目标,却发现周围的人都逃开了。 Does not blame them, three little was hit half dead including Yanjing by one move, they at all are not the matches, therefore not silly flaunting hero. 不怪他们,连燕京三少都被一招打个半死,他们根本不是对手,所以都不会傻乎乎的逞英雄。 Roar!” Roar!” “吼!”“吼!” Two corpses also attack. 两具僵尸同时攻击。 But, the Han Yue personal appearance rotation, is separated from the attack, simultaneously both hands wield continuously, two giant palms appear in the airborne, numerous racket on the body of corpse, its dozen flies once more horizontally, the goal is Lang Zhantian and Lin Dongyun they. 无奈之下,韩越身形转动,从攻击中脱离出来,同时双手连续挥动,两个巨大的手掌出现在空中,重重的拍在僵尸的身上,将其打的再次横飞起来,目标则是浪战天林动云两人。 „” “啪啪啪啪” When all people paid attention to by the corpse, the clear skeleton explosive sound transmits, saw that person of body in a seven big sneak attack masters starts to have the great change. 在所有人都被僵尸注意的时候,清脆的骨骼爆响声传来,就看到七大偷袭者高手中的一人身体开始发生巨变。 Originally only then one meter about seven he, will shortly rise suddenly to two meters altitude. 原本只有一米七左右的他,顷刻间暴涨到两米的高度。 Clothes entirely rupturing of whole body, the muscle blows up, the strength also along with it multiplication, puts out a two meters long handle great axe, separates to empty to Yun Tianfeng to cut. 全身的衣服统统的爆裂,肌肉鼓起,力量也随之倍增,拿出一把两米长的长柄巨斧,隔空向云天风斩去。 Crazy technique! 狂化术! Also is a strange secret. 又是一种奇异的秘技。 After crazy, the body enlarges, the battle efficiency doubles has. 狂化之后,身体放大,战斗力增长一倍有余。 Walks!” Xie Aoyu puts out a hand to embrace Yun Tianfeng, leading him to go to a bank. “走!”谢傲宇伸手揽住云天风,带着他向一侧飞去。 Place that the palm bumps into, although is away from a clothing, still felt that creamy flesh, a Xie Aoyu whisper, this emperor's son is at heart different, skin compared with being better of woman. 手掌碰到的地方,虽然隔着一层衣衫,仍旧感觉到滑腻的肌肤,谢傲宇心里一阵嘀咕,这皇子就是不一样,皮肤比女人的都要好。 Yun Tianfeng is in the foreheads flashes through wipes blushes bashfully. 云天风则是眉宇间闪过一抹羞赧。 Their light shunting. 他们轻飘飘的躲开。 That Qi cuts the place that Yun Tianfeng just now stands dividing the smashing, two maidservants were also cut by Qi of that terror cut to kill at the scene, die a violent death. 斗气斩将云天风方才站立的地方给劈的粉碎,两名侍女也被那恐怖的斗气斩当场斩杀,死于非命。 Liias, Singer, you block him!” Yun Tianfeng breaks shouts to clear the way. “利亚斯,辛格,你们二人挡住他!”云天风喝道 Liias and Singer smile bitterly, they are also hard to escape by luck, they must get rid, resists that crazy later master. 利亚斯和辛格两人苦笑一声,他们也难以幸免啊,两人只得出手,将那名狂化之后的高手抵挡住。 So on remaining four by Xie Aoyu severe wound master still. 如此就剩下四名被谢傲宇重伤的高手犹在。 Explodes!” “爆!” One of them hissing exclaimed. 其中一人嘶吼道。 The bodies of four big masters simultaneously inflate. 四大高手的身体同时膨胀起来。 They must choose from unexpectedly exploding! 他们居然要选择自爆! From exploding is the most fearful strength, the deconstruction surname of explosion, discussed by a Ascension level lower position master, can absolutely a Cloud level superior, even was the Tuifan level lower position master kills to the bang. 自爆是最可怕的力量,爆炸的毁灭姓,以一名腾级下位高手而论,绝对可以将一名云级上位,甚至是蜕凡级下位的高手给轰杀。 Four big masters simultaneously from exploding, that might is the abnormal rank. 四大高手同时自爆,那威力更是变态级别的。 Bing Wu, speed!” Xie Aoyu shouts to clear the way. 冰舞,速度!”谢傲宇喝道 Yes!” Bing Wu comprehends immediately. “明白!”冰舞立刻领悟。 They simultaneously display speed Fights Technique that they just practiced become. 两人同时施展他们刚刚修炼而成的速度斗技 If light electricity! 如光似电! The night rain smells as sweet! 夜雨飘香! Their changes to the electric light, the lasing exits together \; Similar to the flower petal flies, carries off one fragrance that made the person mind ripple. 他们一个化作一道电光,激射出去\;一个则如同偏偏花瓣飞逝,带走一股令人心神荡漾的芳香。 Reaches the limit speed. 达到极限的速度。 Ping “砰砰砰” Three dull thumping sounds, three people were hit by Xie Aoyu, flies to hiding in Han Yue of corner. 三声闷响,三人被谢傲宇打中,飞向躲藏在一个角落的韩越 Bang “砰” Another person was also hit by Bing Wu, he also fruitfully accompanied another three companions to fly to Han Yue. 另外一人也被冰舞击中,他也如愿的陪同另外三名同伴向韩越飞去。 You intentionally!” The face of Han Yue air/Qi was green, he is very no doubt strong, but four big masters simultaneously from exploding, that terrifying deconstruction surname, suffices him to drink a pot. “你们故意的!”韩越气的脸都绿了,他固然很强,可是四大高手同时自爆,那种恐怖的毁灭姓,也够他喝一壶的。 Action that especially Bing Wu unexpectedly and Xie Aoyu is exactly the same, not only displays their tacit understanding, deeply attacked the intention to pursue Bing Wu Han Yue. 尤其是冰舞竟然和谢傲宇如出一辙的举动,不但表现两人的默契,更是深深地打击了意图追求冰舞韩越 Dodge opens!” The reminder of Xie Aoyu also unusual good intention said. “快闪开啊!”谢傲宇还非常好心的提醒道。 The Han Yue nose air/Qi was crooked. 韩越的鼻子气歪了。 The bodies of four big masters inflated the limit. 四大高手的身体已经膨胀到了极限。 Protection summon!” “守护召唤!” Passive under Han Yue is surname life, finally no longer hides the strength, his both hands violent force shakes the fist to about, body bang one runs out of together the roaring flame. 被动之下的韩越为姓命,终于不再隐藏实力,他双手猛力向左右挥拳,身上“轰”的一下冲出一道烈焰。 The flaming roaring flame adds the body, an image of giant strange phoenix appears. 熊熊烈焰加身,一道巨大的奇异神鸟的形象出现。 Lang Zhantian and Lin Dongyun these two fellows are also sly, sees this situation, they attack fully, hits that two corpses flew. 浪战天林动云这两个家伙也是狡猾得很,见此情形,他们全力出击,将那两具僵尸打的飞了过去。 Explodes!” Explodes!” Explodes!” Explodes!” “爆!”“爆!”“爆!”“爆!” Four big masters also shout out. 四大高手同时呼喝。 Their bodies shortly will also explode. 他们的身体也顷刻间爆炸。 Rumbling rumbling “轰轰轰轰” Startled day explosion transmits, entire resplendent in gold and jade green fierce sways, the explosive force complementary waves of that terror to surge in all directions. 惊天的爆炸传来,整座金碧辉煌都剧烈的摇晃起来,那恐怖的爆炸力余波向四面八方激荡。 The Xie Aoyu horizontal body can keep off Yun Tianfeng behind. 谢傲宇横身将云天风能挡在身后。 Other people buoy up the Qi resistance. 其他人纷纷振作斗气抗击。 The complementary waves, all furniture cup board entirely being reduced to ashes, the ground and wall have presented the innumerable fissures, outside blocks the strange strength also intense fluctuation of windows and doors, as for two corpse also exploded being split up, thorough being finished. 余波所过,一切桌椅杯盘统统的化为灰烬,就连地面、墙壁都出现无数的裂痕,外面封锁门窗的奇异力量也强烈的波动起来,至于两具僵尸也被炸的四分五裂,彻底的完蛋了。 Under the so scary strength, Han Yue is perfect. 如此骇人的力量下,韩越完好无损。 That roaring flame phoenix disappeared. 那烈焰神鸟已经消失。 Worthily is An­tiq­uity family sharp, unexpectedly has the so mysterious secret, can resist four big masters from exploding, can't that nobody in same level break its defense?” Xie Aoyu narrows the eye to stare at Han Yue, the thoughts hundred revolutions. “不愧是上古家族的精锐,居然有如此玄奥的秘技,能够抵挡四大高手的自爆,那不是在同级中无人可破其防御?”谢傲宇眯着眼睛盯着韩越,心思百转。 Han Yue is combative stubbornly is staring at Xie Aoyu, wished one could to stutter he, this was the family is most formidable, was the most mystical profound wonderful secret, unexpectedly such exposed. 韩越更是杀气腾腾的死死的盯着谢傲宇,恨不得一口吃了他,这可是家族最强大,也是最神秘的玄奇秘技啊,居然就这么曝光了。 Roar “吼” Raises the head to roar by the crazy master who Liias and Singer pester. 被利亚斯和辛格纠缠住的狂化高手仰首咆哮。 Along with it his ray for the first time presently. 随之他的身上光芒乍现。 His that six companions scattered blood actually rapid the gatherings in various places in the past, constituted a blood red mail-armor and helmet with his body, made his strength promote once more. 他那六个同伴飘散在各处的鲜血却飞速的汇聚过去,与他的身上构成一幅血红色的甲胄,同时也令他的力量再次提升。 Blood Armor crazy!” “血甲狂化!” Strength second time turns time of blood Armor crazy!” “力量第二次翻倍的血甲狂化!” This time, no matter Han Yue, Lang Zhantian and Lin Dongyun complexion changed. 这一次,不管是韩越,还是浪战天林动云脸色都变了。 Crazy made that person of strength multiply, now promotes once more, this has not calculated that what is most fearful is that blood constitution the defense of scarlet mail-armor and helmet makes him almost disregard the attack. 原本狂化已经令那人实力倍增,如今再次提升,这还不算,最可怕的是那鲜血构成的血色甲胄的防御令他几乎无视攻击。 My grass damn, this is the assassination that who designs, damn was too sinister, is linked together, each point after careful computation.” Lang Zhantian shouted abuse. “我艹他妈的,这是谁设计的刺杀,太他妈的阴险了,环环相扣,每一环都是经过精心的计算的。”浪战天破口大骂。 The Xie Aoyu complexion is also exceptionally dignified. 谢傲宇脸色也是异常凝重。 This assassination is uses up all the tricks seriously! 此次刺杀当真是机关算尽啊!
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