BE :: Volume #2

#143: Deep meaning 【Two】

Just like Xie Aoyu said that Lang Zhantian and Lin Dongyun were really excited, no doubt they came from An­tiq­uity family, the family and Zi Yan and You Lan Ruo that their back An­tiq­uity family but they were at had the considerable difference, that is in 3000 and 10,000 years of distance, the disparity is not a least bit. 正如谢傲宇所言,浪战天林动云真的心动了,固然他们来自上古家族,可是他们所在的家族与紫嫣幽兰若他们背后的上古家族可是有相当差距的,那就是3000年和10000年的距离,差距可不是一点半点的。 Also so, they in thing regarding imperial palace, yearns. 也正是如此,他们对于皇宫内的东西,还是十分向往的。 No doubt Sky Luo empire establishes is also less than the thousand years, is unable to compare with several thousand years of their family, but others after all are the empire surname archery target, has to grasp in all empires the authority of thing, some formidable Fights Technique, the profound wonderful secret, is very normal matter. 固然天罗帝国建立还不到千年,与他们家族的数千年无法相比,可人家毕竟是帝国姓质的,拥有掌握所有帝国内东西的权力,有一些强大的斗技,玄奇的秘技,都是很正常的事情。 Eight strong must have my Lang Zhantian!” Lang Zhantian confident say (way). “八强中必有我浪战天!”浪战天信心十足的道。 Xie Aoyu said with a smile: Does not want happily too early, you have been possible to discover, Liias, Singer, Han Yue are also not good to cope, if bumps into them, you do have to win the confidence?” 谢傲宇笑道:“不要高兴的太早了,你可发现了,那利亚斯、辛格、韩越三人也都不是好对付的,若是碰到他们,你有必胜信心?” Curls the lip, Lang Zhantian said proudly: Except for meeting your this modification, others, I am confident, let alone Han Yue that fellow obviously is your love rival, he must cheat by Han Li, selects you, to select how possibly me and Lao Lin works as the match?” 撇撇嘴,浪战天傲然道:“除了遇到你这个变态,别人,我都有信心,何况韩越那个家伙明显是你的情敌,他就算是要靠韩隶作弊,也是选中你,怎么可能会选中我和老林来当对手呢?” This saying is actually good. 这话倒是不错。 Xie Aoyu has swept Han Yue, this person is a big variable. 谢傲宇扫了一眼韩越,此人是个大变数。 No one knows that he did have to comprehend anything from the mountains and rivers wind and rain chart, a point he can comprehend, that indicated the talent of this person also above Lang Zhantian and Lin Dongyun. 谁也不知道他到底有没有从山河风雨图中领悟到了什么,一点他能领悟到,那就表明此人的天赋还在浪战天林动云之上。 In that case, must have a headache. 那样的话,就要头疼了。 Youth juniors from antiquity respected family, has the so fearful talent, his growth how possibly slow, absolutely is the most formidable match. 一个来自上古大家族的青年子弟,有着如此可怕的天赋,他的成长又怎么可能慢的了,绝对是最强大的对手。 What view does youth talent have to this mountains and rivers wind and rain chart?” Emperor's son Yun Tianfeng opens the mouth to say. “诸位青年才俊对这幅山河风雨图有什么看法?”皇子云天风开口说道。 Emperor's son your highness the Wu Jia first speech. “皇子殿下”吴嘉第一个发言。 Emperor's son Yun Tianfeng beckons with the hand, said: Your idea, I knew, um, you are also, do not express any opinion again.” 皇子云天风一摆手,道:“你的想法,我已经知道了,嗯,你们两个也是,就不要再发表什么言论了。” The Wu Jia three people shut up immediately. 吴嘉三人立刻闭嘴。 They have treated as the approval of emperor's son your highness this view, three people shot a look at other people complacently, particularly Xie Aoyu, making Yun Tianfeng not know whether to laugh or cry. 只是他们将这种说法当做了皇子殿下的认可,三人得意洋洋的瞥了一眼其他人,尤其是谢傲宇,令云天风哭笑不得。 Three idiots! 三个白痴! Liias, you said.” Yun Tianfeng simply directly mentioned by name. “利亚斯,你来说说吧。”云天风干脆直接点名。 Mentioned by name Liias situated in left-hand side most superior, he and Singer were low-key, is only the Wu Jia three people does not dare before them wild, therefore on the first position will have given them on own initiative. 被点名的利亚斯位于左首最上位,他和辛格本来是要低调的,只是吴嘉三人不敢在他们面前猖狂,所以主动将上首位置让给了他们二人。 Ashamed very much, anything has not comprehended.” Liias sighed, was quite disheartened. “惭愧的很,什么也没领悟到。”利亚斯叹气道,颇为丧气。 Yun Tianfeng can look to Singer. 云天风能看向了辛格。 Has revealed the bitter and astringent appearance next to Singer who Liias sits, shook the head, does not know whether your highness can give the opportunity that we appreciate once more.” 紧挨着利亚斯坐着的辛格已露出苦涩模样儿,摇了摇头,“不知殿下能否给予我们再次欣赏的机会呢。” Eight strong players, will give an opportunity again.” Yun Tianfeng said with a smile. “八强选手,会再给一次机会的。”云天风笑道。 Many thanks your highness!” Singer great happiness. “多谢殿下!”辛格大喜。 Is Lang Zhantian and Lin Dongyun they also reveals the joyful color, has paid attention to Han Yue Xie Aoyu is actually a brow wrinkle, because he had not noticed that in the Han Yue eye reveals joyfully, instead is very light appearance. 就是浪战天林动云两人也露出欣喜之色,一直注意韩越谢傲宇却是眉头一皱,因为他没有看到韩越的眼中露出欣喜,反而是很平淡的样子。 Yun Tianfeng also saw Han Yue, said with a smile: Schoolmate Han Yue, you as if to once more appreciates the mountains and rivers wind and rain chart not too big interest.” 云天风也看到了韩越,笑道:“韩越同学,你似乎对再次欣赏山河风雨图并没有太大的兴趣啊。” Xie Aoyu one smile, secretly raises up the thumb to Yun Tianfeng. 谢傲宇一听,偷偷的向云天风竖起大拇指。 Yun Tianfeng also smiles with tacit understanding. 云天风也会意一笑。 Their a little small tacit understanding, Yun Tianfeng was pressing for an answer the Han Yue situation actually particularly obviously, looked that he did have to comprehend any thing. 两人倒是有点小默契,尤其是云天风显然在逼问韩越的情况,看他到底有没有领悟到什么东西。 Yeah, is so attractive, understands others idea, if the woman were good, certainly conquers her, in heart of Xie Aoyu an emitting such thought for no reason. 哎,这么漂亮,又懂得别人想法,要是个女人就好了,一定征服她,谢傲宇的心中无端的冒出这么一个念头。 Yeah, is the Han Yue natural talent is really stupid, had not discovered that the mountains and rivers wind and rain chart has any unusual place, but also asked emperor's son your highness to excuse me.” Han Yue ashamed say (way). “哎,实在是韩越天资愚笨,未曾发现山河风雨图有什么奇特之处,还请皇子殿下见谅。”韩越惭愧的道。 Brushes 刷刷刷 All of a sudden, Xie Aoyu, Bing Wu, Lang Zhantian, Lin Dongyun, Liias, Singer six thirty-year old masters neat vision centralized on his body. 一下子,谢傲宇冰舞浪战天林动云、利亚斯、辛格六大青年高手齐刷刷的将目光集中在他的身上。 This clearly is burying head in the sand -type explanation. 这分明是掩耳盗铃式的解释。 His intelligence possibly observes unable to sense in the mountains and rivers wind and rain chart exquisite? 他的资质可能察觉不出山河风雨图内的精妙吗? Even if unable to perceive through meditation, can certainly realize, so said how could it not be to indicate exactly, he comprehended anything from the mountains and rivers wind and rain chart. 就算无法参悟,也一定能够察觉的到,如此说,岂非恰恰表明,他已经从山河风雨图中领悟到了什么。 „, Schoolmate Han Yue is really the natural talent was intelligent.” Yun Tianfeng said with a smile. “原来如此,韩越同学果然是天资聪颖啊。”云天风笑道。 A Han Yue words exit, knows awful, he extremely underestimated others, or he was proud, thinks, only then he can see the mystery in mountains and rivers wind and rain chart. 韩越话一出口,才知道糟糕,他太过低估别人了,或者说他太自负了,以为只有他能够看出山河风雨图内的奥妙。 But the words have exported, wants to change is actually impossible. 可话已出口,想更改却是不可能的。 He not in low key, but is holds up the head to look at each other with Xie Aoyu et al. high. 他也不在低调,而是高昂着头与谢傲宇等人对视。 Schoolmate Han Yue is very fierce, has the opportunity words, but actually must ask for advice.” Person who Xie Aoyu light saying, he to has the relations with You Lan Ruo totally does not have the favorable impression, naturally Bing Wu is an exception. 韩越同学很厉害啊,有机会的话,倒要领教领教了。”谢傲宇淡淡的说道,他对和幽兰若有关系的人一概没有好感,当然冰舞除外。 Ha-ha, I also very much hope that the 32 strong first war can bump into Xie the brother.” Saying that Han Yue smiles, in the eye the none remaining twinkle is uncertain. “呵呵,我也很希望32强第一战能够碰到谢兄啊。”韩越笑眯眯的说道,眼中精光闪烁不定。 Their vision from the sky interlock, erupt the radiant spark. 两人的目光在空中交错,爆发出璀璨的火花。 The atmosphere of banquet, had some changing flavor from this. 宴会的气氛,也由此有些许的变味了。 Yun Tianfeng wields actually, two enchanting maidservants the landscape wind and rain chart receiving, him have raised glass once more, said: Has drunk this glass of liquor, everybody heartily enjoys, all expenses have the imperial palace to pay, this emperor's son must advance one step, but also invited do not blame.” 倒是云天风手一挥,两名妖娆的侍女将江山风雨图给收了起来,他再次举杯,道:“喝了这杯酒,大家就尽情享受吧,一切消费均有皇宫支付,本皇子也要先行一步了,还请诸位不要责怪。” Doesn't dare, emperor's son your highness each decision, is wise, is we supports absolutely.” Baja Tuttass said loudly. “不敢不敢,皇子殿下每一个决定,都是英明的,绝对是我们拥护的。”巴哈图塔斯大声说道。 Bootlickers! 马屁精! All people raise up the middle finger to Baja Tuttass, Wang Chao, the Wu Jia three people. 所有人都对巴哈图塔斯、王超、吴嘉三人竖起中指。 Dry!” “干!” Yun Tianfeng was used to it gradually, on immunity. 云天风渐渐习惯了,也就免疫了。 Dry!” “干!” All people carry the wine class completely. 所有人全部将酒杯端起。 Raises the neck completely, liquor water entirely drinking in wine class under. 全部一扬脖,将酒杯内的酒水统统的喝下。 Also raises head in them that flash of drinking, Xie Aoyu felt suddenly an ice-cold killing intent flashes past, he lowers the head hurriedly. 也就是在他们仰头喝酒的那一瞬间,谢傲宇骤然感觉到一股冰冷的杀意一闪而过,他急忙低头。 Kills!” “杀!” Passes whooshing of biting cold chill in the air is being similar to the startling thunderclap crack, resplendent in gold and jade green this that shakes shivers, along with, even if hears „” sound. 一声透着彻骨寒意的嘶吼如同惊雷炸响,震的金碧辉煌这一层喽都为之颤动,随即便听到“啪啪啪啪”的响声。 Seven people simultaneously pound the wine class on the ground. 七个人同时将酒杯砸在地上。 That or before, or, either all withdrew the weapon in the seven youth masters of middle 32 strong member, is whooshing killing emperor's son Yun Tianfeng. 那或在前,或在后,或在中间的32强成员的七个青年高手全部撤出了兵器,嘶吼着扑杀皇子云天风 The sudden change, making all people gawk. 突如其来的变化,令所有人都是一楞。 No one has thought that will really have such matter occurrence, does not think that in this 32 strong members, some people arrange unexpectedly in secret, their goals are not the trials, but must kill Yun Tianfeng. 谁也没想到竟然会有这样的事情发生,更加不会想到,这32强的成员中,居然是有人暗中安排的,他们的目的不是什么选拔赛,而是要袭杀云天风 The Yun Tianfeng look is peaceful, in his mind flashes through a thought. 云天风神色安静,他的脑海中闪过一个念头。 Ten years ago the arrangement that starts, must start finally. 十年前开始的布置,终于要开始了。 Seven thirty-year old masters all soar to jump, leaves the move respectively, they can be said as the uniform velocity profile masters, wonderful quick incomparable, and two in Wu Jia, Wang Chao, Baja Tuttass three people of behind, are away from Yun Tianfeng to be extremely near, gets rid to sneak attack suddenly, coherent Yaaz and Singer responded that do not say the palm reading to rescue. 七大青年高手全部腾空跃起,各自出招,他们可以说是清一色的速度型高手,奇快无比,且有两人就在吴嘉、王超、巴哈图塔斯三人的后面,距离云天风极近,陡然出手偷袭,就连利亚斯和辛格都反应不及,更不要说出手相救了。 Roar!” “吼!” A long and loud cry shocks all people. 一声长啸震动所有人。 Then in that flash that seven big masters soar, Xie Aoyu changes to the time to explode to shoot together. 便在七大高手腾空的那一瞬间,谢傲宇化作一道流光爆射出去。 Movement Fights Technique such as light electricity! 身法斗技如光似电! The first type in Wind and rain line Fights Technique, takes quickly as unsurpassed Fights Technique of true meaning. 风雨行斗技中的第一种,以“快”为真谛的无上斗技 Presents all people to feel that at present a flower, seems the electric light has delimited together, one bunch of sunlight passed over gently and swiftly, such as the light electricity, making one also ponder over airtight existence. 在场所有人就感到眼前一花,好似一道电光划过,一束阳光掠过,如光似电,令人还琢磨不透的存在。 Ding-dong ding-dong “当当当当当当” Seven hits transmit, the weapons of seven big masters had been hit a fist by Xie Aoyu, their seven people by that intrepid Qi frightening falling falls. 七声撞击传来,七大高手的兵器均被谢傲宇打了一拳,他们七人被那强悍的斗气给震慑的摔落下来。 Because must pretend to be 32 strong players, therefore their strengths are unable to be too high, such will bring to the attention, naturally some people will investigate, is very when the time comes easy then to find out the issue, therefore their strengths are similar, can not be conspicuous, the strength is quite good. 因为要冒充32强的选手,所以他们的实力根本无法太高,那样就会引起注意,自然会有人调查的,到时候很容易便能查出问题,所以他们的实力都是差不多的,能够不显眼,却实力相当不错。 Seven big masters also to successfully kill Yun Tianfeng to be confident. 七大高手也对成功袭杀云天风信心十足。 Has not thought that the Xie Aoyu speed so is unexpectedly fast. 只是没想到谢傲宇的速度居然那么快。 Drew near them the situation that was hard to imagine, one step soared, such as distortion Thun­der and Light­ning, passed over gently and swiftly with they seven people of sides together, instead shook them. 快到了他们难以想象的地步,一步腾空,如一道扭曲的雷电,与他们七人的身边掠过,将他们反震回去。 Broken kills!” Masters in seven people break shouts to clear the way. “破杀!”七人中的一名高手断喝道 Immediately four thirty-year old masters collaborate to attack, the powerful kills Xie Aoyu, another three people in abundance project the weapon in hand. 立时就有四大青年高手联手出击,强势扑杀谢傲宇,另外三人则纷纷将手中的兵器投射出去。 Fights Technique Scarlet Electric Fulminating cuts! 斗技赤电雷爆斩! Xie Aoyu Lightning Spirit Saint Blade has grasped in the hand, takes advantage of opportunity to sweep away one move. 谢傲宇雷灵圣刀已经抓在手中,顺势横扫一招。 The innumerable scarlet red dodge electroexplosive shoot. 无数的赤红色闪电爆射。 The turbulent strength erupts from his body, the boundary of Ascension level superior is not in Ascension level the position institute can compare, his strength takes a stride forward. 汹涌的力量从他的身上爆发出来,腾级上位的境界可不是腾级中位所能比的,他的实力足足向前跨出一大步。 „!!!!” “咔嚓!咔嚓!咔嚓!咔嚓!” The four tones of classical Chinese break sound spreads, four attack the Xie Aoyu master weapon to cut off by Xie Aoyu entirely, formidable Scarlet Electric Fulminating cuts might to come out turbulently, spurts the blood that they shake to fly upside down. 四声断裂声传出,四个攻击谢傲宇的高手兵器统统被谢傲宇斩断,强大的“赤电雷爆斩”威力动荡出来,将他们震的一个个喷血倒飞出去。 Meanwhile another three big masters all advance troops to the Qi input, going all out projects the weapon. 与此同时另外三大高手全部将斗气输入进兵器内,拼命的将兵器投射。 Three weapons change to three cold brightness to project. 三件兵器化作三道寒光射出去。 Saves emperor's son your highness!” “救皇子殿下!” Protects your highness!” “保护殿下!” Called out in alarm the sound crack to get up at this time, all people got rid, they must prevent that three with every effort are similar to the electric light weapon are good. 惊叫声这时候才炸响起来,所有人纷纷出手,他们要尽力的阻挡那三件如同电光的兵器才行。 But gets rid, that weapon was actually too quick. 可是一个个出手,那兵器却是太快了。 It is not able to prevent. 根本无法阻挡。 Night rain smells as sweet!” “夜雨飘香!” Bing Wu scolds one tenderly, the tender body rocks gently, seems changes to the innumerable gorgeous flower petals, is giving off the moving fragrance, center strikes one sharp sword that flies to shoot. 冰舞娇叱一声,娇躯轻轻晃动,好似化作无数的艳丽花瓣,散发着动人的香气,一击正中一把飞射的利剑。 Works as!” “当!” Then was struck to fly by her the sharp sword. 那把利剑被她击飞。 Other two swords actually castrate do not reduce. 其他两把刀剑却是去势不减。 If light electricity! 如光似电! The Xie Aoyu eye narrows the eyes, full speed displays this set of movement Fights Technique, displays incisively its quick character, he one step steps forward, if wipes the electro-optic to flash through. 谢傲宇眼睛眯起,全速施展这套身法斗技,将其快字发挥到淋漓尽致,他一步跨出,若一抹光电闪过。 In an instant, Xie Aoyu then arrived at the Yun Tianfeng front. 刹那间,谢傲宇便到了云天风的前方。 Lightning Spirit Saint Blade receives. 雷灵圣刀收起。 Brings both hands of Overlord Gloves to find out swiftly forward. 带着霸王拳套的双手倏然向前探出。 „!” „!” “啪!”“啪!” Two swords were held by his both hands separately, the skill turns, throws two swords, gives back to you.” 两把刀剑被他双手分别抓住,手腕一翻,将两把刀剑扔出去,“还给你们。” Puff!” Puff!” “噗!”“噗!” Two the masters of sneak attacks were pierced the heart by sword, is killed violently at the scene. 两名偷袭的高手被刀剑洞穿心脏,当场毙命。 Is about several seconds, Xie Aoyu then completely melted the attacks of seven big masters, and cuts to kill them, causes heavy losses to four people, is the victory is it may be said that astonishing. 前后不过数秒钟,谢傲宇便已经将七大高手的攻击全部化解,并且斩杀两人,重创四人,可谓是战果惊人。 What Xie Aoyu also truly comprehended is quick. 谢傲宇也真正领悟到了什么叫快。 According to the view of Lang Zhantian, that is quickly must make you feel that the buddy is only a fable!” 按照浪战天的说法,那就是“快得让你觉得哥们只是个传说!”
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