BE :: Volume #2

#142: Deep meaning 【One】

Sits cross-legged in that unreal inner world, Xie Aoyu is practicing Qi fully, he does not know that this strange world will bring anything, but a little can conclude that absolutely will not be the fault. 盘坐在那虚幻的精神世界内,谢傲宇正在全力修炼斗气,他不知道这种奇异的世界会带来什么,但是有一点可以断定,绝对不会是坏处。 Wind and rain Emperor Chu Tiankuang wants him Wind and rain line to carry forward. 风雨天王楚天狂可是要他将“风雨行”发扬光大的。 „” “嗤嗤” The sound that airborne transmits is increasing, that is the sound that crazy Thun­der and Light­ning dodges, they must ruin this stretch of world, the Xie Aoyu body model of domestic virtue is the scarlet red ray twinkle, impressively is Spirit Thunder. 空中传来的声响在加大,那是狂雷电闪的声音,它们要将这片天地毁掉,谢傲宇的身体内则是赤红色的光芒闪烁,赫然是灵雷 Spirit Thunder may absorb the world Thun­der and Light­ning strength , to promote 's boundary. 灵雷可吸收天地雷电的力量,提升本身的境界。 So crazy Thun­der and Light­ning dodges, is not just the time? 如此狂雷电闪,不正是时候吗? Xie Aoyu then completely released Spirit Thunder, did not go to manage it, and looked that it grew, regarding this type of wrapped in a shroud of obscurity mysterious thing, he does not want to meddle too. 谢傲宇便完全释放出了灵雷,不去管它,且看它自己来成长吧,对于这种神秘莫测的玄奥之物,他也不想插手太多。 Spirit Thunder surrounds around Xie Aoyu, releases the innumerable electric lights. 灵雷环绕谢傲宇周围,释放出无数的电光。 Meanwhile, in the real world of mountains and rivers wind and rain chart outside, is time in an instant, Lang Zhantian, Lin Dongyun and Bing Wu et al. just concentrated the spirit to study this mountains and rivers wind and rain chart. 与此同时,山河风雨图外界的现实世界中,也不过是一转眼的功夫,浪战天林动云冰舞等人刚刚集中精神要去研究这山河风雨图。 They can the clear feeling in the mountains and rivers wind and rain chart contain anything. 他们能够清晰的感觉到山河风雨图内蕴藏着什么。 Therefore will not let up this opportunity, is other people also nothing more than such as is, including that Liias and Singer, their conditions is less disappointing than the Lang Zhantian three people. 所以不会放过这个机会,就是其他人也不外如是,包括那利亚斯和辛格两人,他们的状态丝毫不比浪战天三人差劲。 Has again is Han Yue. 再有就是韩越 Han Yue is quite strange, what he reveals is an inexplicable repugnance, probably saw from the mountains and rivers wind and rain chart that oneself are not willing to see, even an eye pan- wipes cold and gloomy killing intent, and is getting stronger and stronger, making around him these 32 strong members therefore be disturbed, is unable to perceive through meditation the mountains and rivers wind and rain chart. 只是韩越比较诡异,他露出来的是一丝莫名的反感,好像从山河风雨图中看到了自己不愿意看到的一幕,甚至一双眼睛泛起一抹森冷的杀意,且越来越浓重,使得他周围的那些32强成员因此受到干扰,根本无法参悟山河风雨图。 Your highness, this ancient painting seriously is lifelike, lifelike, is similar to real general, when this picture is the priceless treasure, your highness has this picture, has increased the ancient painting value.” Wu Jia completely has not comprehended the mountains and rivers wind and rain chart the grandness, has not perceived through meditation to have the thing to express, was still flattering. “殿下,这幅古画当真是栩栩如生,活灵活现,如同真实的一般,此画当属无价之宝,殿下拥有此画,更是增添了古画价值。”吴嘉则是完全没有领悟到山河风雨图的壮丽,更没有参悟到里面有东西在表达,仍然在拍马屁。 Wang Chao also said: This picture runs into your highness, is being honored of picture.” 王超也说道:“此画遇到殿下,就是画的荣幸。” Your highness puts out this picture and others altogether to enjoy with me, is I and others was honored.” Bathu Tass is the horse bullshit is also unceasing, three people flattered. “殿下拿出此画与我等共赏,是我等荣幸啊。”巴图哈塔斯也是马屁话不断,三人你一言我一语的奉承。 Looks at their complacent appearances, emperor's son Yun Tianfeng disappointed sighing. 看着他们洋洋得意的样子,皇子云天风失望的叹口气。 This time he has not concealed the disappointment in heart. 这次他没有掩饰心中的失望。 Perhaps here, except for Xie Aoyu, Lang Zhantian and other people, other people are not the Wu Jia three people of matches, but that is because of their family background background reason. 或许在这里,除了谢傲宇浪战天等寥寥几人,其他人不是吴嘉三人的对手,可那是因为他们三人的家世背景的缘故。 The solemn empire respected families train fully, even if the idiot, can have certain result, let alone they in practice also indeed a little certain strength, naturally be quicker than these family work ordinary person practice speeds, but talent is not really able to make up with the family background, once is certain age limit, these people will be similar to the golden illumination that will flee the capital, but the Wu Jia three people will be doomed unsuccessfully. 堂堂帝国大家族全力培养,就算是蠢材,也能有一定的成绩,何况他们在修炼方面也的确有点一定的实力,自然要比那些家事一般的人修炼速度要快,可是天赋方面实在无法用家世来弥补,一旦达到一定的年限,那些人就会如同蒙尘的金子发光,而吴嘉三人注定要碌碌无为的。 The respected families so, later they govern the family that oneself were, how can? 大家族如此,以后他们掌管了自己所在的家族,会如何? Strength of empire, but there are these respected families to support. 一个帝国的壮大,可是有这些大家族来支撑的。 At this moment, emperor's son Yun Tianfeng moved weakened the empire to the impulsion that various respected families relied on, the idea flashes past, actually in Yun Tianfeng has left the trace at heart. 这一刻,皇子云天风动了削弱帝国对各大家族依赖的冲动,想法一闪而过,却在云天风的心里留下了痕迹。 Three have the connoisseurship to the ancient painting, it seems like that this aspect has spent some times.” Yun Tianfeng said with a laugh. “三位对古画也有鉴赏啊,看来这方面下过一些功夫。”云天风笑呵呵地说道。 Baja Tuttass said with a smile: Emperor's son overpraised, we also occasionally know, the wise supernatural might of there comparing favorably with emperor's son your highness.” 巴哈图塔斯笑道:“皇子过奖了,我们也只是偶尔知道一点,那里比得上皇子殿下的英明神武。” „, Looked that the picture can also see the wise supernatural might?” Yun Tianfeng really cannot endure, asked one. “哦,看画也能看出英明神武啊?”云天风实在忍受不住,反问了一句。 That naturally, emperor's son your highness is the empire in the future the wisest monarchy, is the supernatural might uncommon ruler, can be regarded as important by emperor's son your highness, demonstrated that this mountains and rivers wind and rain chart free uncommon place, others could not see that naturally explained the vision of emperor's son your highness was original.” Baja Tuttass said. “那当然,皇子殿下是帝国未来最英明的君主,更是神武不凡的帝皇,能够被皇子殿下看重,就显示出这山河风雨图自由不凡之处啊,别人都看不出,自然说明皇子殿下的眼光独到了。”巴哈图塔斯说道。 Yun Tianfeng was defeated thoroughly. 云天风彻底被打败了。 He was disinclined to respond these three fellows, the vision passed over gently and swiftly, has locked Xie Aoyu, but saw his both eyes to shoot the extraordinary light, body motionless was staring at the mountains and rivers wind and rain chart, as if has comprehended anything. 他懒得在搭理这三个家伙,目光掠过,锁定了谢傲宇,但见他双目射出奇光,身体一动不动的盯着山河风雨图,似乎领会了什么。 Is he being predestined friends person? 难道他就是有缘人? Yun Tianfeng looks at Xie Aoyu, said at heart: This mountains and rivers wind and rain chart embodiment holds one set of unsurpassed Fights Technique, is Xing King Xing Chen Feng also can only understand a superficial knowledge, his so condition, should not perceive through meditation deep meaning? If is really so, then father emperor and emperor uncle gives his pleasant surprise, perhaps is really useful to the empire.” 云天风怔怔的看着谢傲宇,心里说道:“此山河风雨图内蕴含着一套无上斗技,就是星王星辰风也只能悟出点皮毛而已,他这般状态,该不会是参悟其中奥义了吧?若真是如此,那么父皇和皇叔送给他的惊喜,或许真的对帝国有用。” He is also the thoughts hundred revolutions. 他也是心思百转。 The imperial family, the benefit is supreme, why anything will not disturb, even if Yun Tianfeng is also so, sometimes, he also felt that this is very cruel, even does not have much, but does not have the means that because he lives in the imperial family, was imperial generation of only Cenozoic. 皇家,利益至上,不会为什么任何事情所干扰,就算是云天风也是如此,有时候,他也感觉到这样很残忍,甚至很没有自我,可是没办法,因为他生在皇家,更是皇家这一代唯一的新生代。 Is good because of the reason of this imperial heirless person, they have made clear finally, but helps their is still that sits Xie Aoyu in crowd. 好在这个皇家绝户的原因,他们终于搞清楚了,而帮他们的依然是那个坐在人群中的谢傲宇 It is difficult to imagine, does he probably have Medical Spirit Finger? 很难想象,他怎么可能拥有药神指 Moreover the Medical Spirit Finger rank or Qi tall, what secret does he have? 而且药神指的级别还是奇高,他到底有什么秘密呢? Yun Tianfeng looks at Xie Aoyu, suddenly, the full brain is the question and pleasant surprise that Xie Aoyu brings, naturally can make to hold 32 strong banquets that he so relaxes, its reason also has one. 云天风怔怔的看着谢傲宇,一时间,满脑子都是谢傲宇带来的疑问和惊喜,自然能令他如此放松的来召开32强的宴会,其原因还有一个。 After remove was violently poisonous, after the elixir big grandmaster Monroe's personal inspection, his two family members, that crossed the 40-year-old man also to have the fertility. 解除了剧毒之后,经过炼药大宗师门罗的亲自检查,他的两位亲人,那都过40岁的男人又有了生育能力。 A command imperial family pleasantly surprised matter. 一个令皇家惊喜的事情。 „Did Lao Lin, what see?” Lang Zhantian asked in a low voice. 老林,看出什么了吗?”浪战天低声问道。 Lin Dongyun shakes the head, is only the feeling a little thing is telling me, cannot hold, probably got drunk was the same.” 林动云摇摇头,“只是感觉有点东西在告诉我,却又抓不住,就好像喝醉了一样。” My feeling like high tide.” The Lang Zhantian whisper said. “我的感觉就像高潮一样。”浪战天嘀咕道。 High tide? Your this virgin when high tide? Was, definitely studied in dream.” The attack that Lin Dongyun is relentless said. “高潮?你这个处男什么时候高潮过?哦,是了,肯定是在梦里自己研究的。”林动云毫不留情的打击道。 They spoke, glimpsed Bing Wu. 他们说话间,瞥见冰舞 But sees the Bing Wu elegant face to be excited from time to time, from time to time confuses, from time to time sees the light. 但见冰舞俏脸时而兴奋,时而迷惑,时而豁然大悟。 They look one, surprised say (way): She comprehended!” 两人对望一眼,吃惊的道:“她领悟到了!” „” “啪啪啪啪” Then at this time, a clear skeleton sound transmitted, they all turned head to look to Xie Aoyu, two eyes stared compared with the buphthalmo was also larger, to look at Xie Aoyu with amazement. 便在这时,一阵清脆的骨骼响动传来,两人全部扭头看向谢傲宇,两双眼睛瞪的比牛眼还要大的多,骇然看着谢傲宇 My grass!” Lin Dongyun shouted lowly. “我艹!”林动云低呼道。 Lao Xie is abnormal, unexpectedly broke through, broke through!” Lang Zhantian almost shouted. 老谢就是变态啊,居然突破了,突破了!”浪战天差点叫嚷起来。 Yes, Xie Aoyu broke through. 是的,谢傲宇突破了。 He is extracting the time practice that all can use every day, in addition is the host of Tricolor God Core, the practice speed book is the astonishing quickness. 他每天都在抽出一切能够利用的时间修炼,加之又是三色神丹之主,修炼速度本就是惊人的快捷。 This time makes the breakthrough at one fell swoop. 此番更是一举做出突破。 Xie Aoyu strided in Ascension level superior boundary. 谢傲宇跨入了腾级上位的境界。 He also sobers from that mountains and rivers wind and rain chart, on the face hangs the bright smiling face, a whole body relaxedness, in the meridians billowing Qi is flowing, has the share strength to move restlessly. 他也从那山河风雨图中清醒过来,脸上挂着灿烂的笑容,全身一阵轻松,经脉内滚滚斗气流动,有股子力量在躁动。 Thanked the modification, felt well.” Say (Way) of Lang Zhantian envy. “谢变态,感觉不错吧。”浪战天嫉妒的道。 Xie Aoyu said with a smile: I have not thought that will make the breakthrough at this time.” He has swept their one eyes, what did you obtain to enlighten?” 谢傲宇笑道:“我也没想到会在这种时候做出突破。”他扫了两人一眼,“你们得到什么启迪了吗?” They smile bitterly to shake the head. 两人苦笑摇头。 Xie Aoyu looks to that Liias with Singer, these two are also a depression of face, is similar to Lang Zhantian they are same, can realize that obviously the mountains and rivers wind and rain chart has something to tell them again, cannot catch, when he sees Han Yue, discovered impressively Han Yue both eyes are red, the murderous intention appears intermittently. 谢傲宇又看向那利亚斯和辛格,这两人也是一脸的苦闷,如同浪战天两人一样,明明能够察觉到山河风雨图有一些东西再告诉他们,却怎么也抓不到,当他看到韩越的时候,赫然发现韩越双目赤红,杀机隐现。 This action, has caused the attention of Lang Zhantian and Lin Dongyun. 这一举动,也引起了浪战天林动云的注意。 Three people each other look one, the Xie Aoyu doubt said: „Does the mountains and rivers wind and rain chart give his feeling is inadequate just the opposite? Perhaps evil Fights Technique?” 三人彼此对望一眼,谢傲宇狐疑道:“难道山河风雨图给他的感觉是恰恰相反的不成?或是一种邪恶的斗技?” „, How won't a chart possibly do the different things?” Lin Dongyun shakes the head saying that „, let alone links me and Lao Lang does not perceive through meditation, he is what.” “不会吧,一副图怎么可能搞出不同的东西呢?”林动云摇头道,“何况连我和老浪都参悟不到,他算老几。” Heard others' taunt, Han Yue trembles suddenly, returned to normal. 听到别人的嘲讽,韩越猛然一颤,恢复了正常。 He cannot lower the head and others vision relative, carried wine class to drink one glass of liquor, stimulated itself with that pungent liquor water maintains sober. 他低头不去和别人目光相对,端起酒杯自己喝了一杯酒,用那辛辣的酒水来刺激自己保持清醒。 Meanwhile, Bing Wu also sobers from the mountains and rivers wind and rain chart. 与此同时,冰舞也从山河风雨图中清醒过来。 „Did Bing Wu, break through?” Xie Aoyu said with a smile. 冰舞,突破了?”谢傲宇笑道。 Bing Wu excited nod, I now was also the Ascension level lower position boundary.” 冰舞兴奋的点点头,“我现在也是腾级下位境界了哦。” 32 strong, Spirit level boundary has about half, other is the Ascension level boundaries, but they have practiced for over ten years, but like Xie Aoyu and Bing Wu is actually greatly different, particularly Xie Aoyu, altogether practice time not over three years, actually Bing Wu, after she by butterfly, You Lan Ruo receives for the disciple, is more than one year of time, actually strided from initially the Intermediate level boundary to the present Ascension level boundary, cultivation to seriously progress by leaps and bounds. 32强中,灵级境界的有一半左右,其他的都是腾级境界,但是他们都是修炼了十年以上的,而像谢傲宇冰舞却是大大不同,尤其是谢傲宇,总共修炼时间不超过三年,倒是冰舞,她被蝶后幽兰若收为弟子,也就是一年多的时间,却已经从当初中级境界跨入到现在腾级境界,当真是修为突飞猛进的。 Original Bing Wu has to jump the ranks the ability of challenge, now achieves the Ascension level lower position, entered eight to increase the chip regarding her, confident. 本来冰舞就拥有越级挑战的能力,现在达到腾级下位,对于她进入八强更是增加了筹码,信心十足了。 What kind, what Fights Technique can once comprehend?” Xie Aoyu said with a smile. “怎么样,可曾领悟到什么斗技?”谢傲宇笑道。 Um, I comprehended night rain smelling as sweet movement Fights Technique.” The Bing Wu excited -ly said, is very fierce Fights Technique, my master worker had said that this movement Fights Technique can disperse into through the ages movement Fights Technique first five.” “嗯,我领悟到了夜雨飘香身法斗技。”冰舞兴奋地道,“是非常厉害的斗技哦,我师父曾经说过,这种身法斗技可以排入古往今来身法斗技的前五名哦。” Lang Zhantian and Lin Dongyun stared in a big way the eye. 浪战天林动云都瞪大了眼睛。 „Does night rain smell as sweet? You learned the night rain to smell as sweet!” Lang Zhantian startled say (way). “夜雨飘香?你学会了夜雨飘香!”浪战天惊道。 Yes.” The Bing Wu excited -ly said, she looks to Xie Aoyu, Ao Yu, what Fights Technique have you learned? I saw that you comprehend compared with me must early.” “是啊。”冰舞兴奋地道,她看向谢傲宇,“傲宇,你学到了什么斗技啊?我可是看出你比我领悟的还要早呢。” Xie Aoyu was a little scared at this time. 谢傲宇此时有点傻眼了。 This mountains and rivers wind and rain chart contains really non- is being Fights Technique, really also has night rain smelling as sweet movement Fights Technique, that not smelling as sweet day of wind and rain Emperor Chu Tian crazy duel later Qin Yun peerless movement Fights Technique? 这幅山河风雨图果真是蕴含着非是一种斗技啊,竟然还有夜雨飘香身法斗技,那不是与风雨天王楚天狂决斗的飘香天后琴韵的绝世身法斗技吗? He has doubts has swept Han Yue, what fierce and brutal Fights Technique did this boy comprehend? 他疑惑的扫了一眼韩越,这小子是不是领悟了什么凶暴的斗技呢? Did not say. 不好说啊。 Ao Yu, asked your words.” Bing Wu put out a hand to push his. 傲宇,问你话呢。”冰舞伸手推了他一把。 Xie Aoyu said with a smile: What I learn is Wind and rain line movement Fights Technique.” 谢傲宇笑道:“我学到的是‘风雨行’身法斗技。” My grass!” “我艹!” Lang Zhantian and Lin Dongyun have simultaneously stood, blows out a thick mouth, they naturally know: Wind and rain line means anything, that is most formidable movement Fights Technique. 浪战天林动云同时站了起来,爆出一句粗口,他们自然是知道:“风雨行”意味着什么,那可是最强大的身法斗技啊。 This throat has also shocked all people. 这一嗓子也震惊了所有人。 Does not have the quality.” Say (Way) that Han Yue lets somebody cool off or calm down. “没素质。”韩越冷冷的道。 Always compares not to have of male surname ability.” Saying of Lang Zhantian provocation, the air/Qi Han Yue complexion is pale, this most insults the words of person. “总比没男姓能力的强。”浪战天挑衅似的说道,气的韩越脸色铁青,这可是最侮辱人的话。 Lin Dongyun asked in a low voice: Lao Xie, you determined what you perceive through meditation is Wind and rain line? What how Bing Wu perceives through meditation is night rain smells as sweet?” 林动云低声问道:“老谢,你确定你参悟的是‘风雨行’?怎么冰舞参悟的是‘夜雨飘香’呢?” Xie Aoyu shrugs, I do not know, after I enter in that mountains and rivers wind and rain chart, then saw that old man, he says wind and rain Emperor Chu Tiankuang, Wind and rain line inventor.” 谢傲宇耸耸肩,“我也不知道,我进入那山河风雨图中之后,便看到了那老者,他自称风雨天王楚天狂,‘风雨行’的创造者。” I am also, but, she said my talent was unable to grasp Wind and rain line the complete deep meaning, night rain will then smell as sweet transmits to me.” Bing Wu said. “我也是,只不过,她说我的天赋还无法掌握‘风雨行’的全部奥义,便将‘夜雨飘香’传送给我了。”冰舞说道。 They result in movement Fights Technique respectively, is obtains the boundary to break through. 两人各得一项身法斗技,更是得到境界突破。 They actually joyfully. 他们倒是欣喜不已。 Instead is the waves and Lin is very depressed, they can feel that in the mountains and rivers wind and rain chart has the thing, but is unable to seep, a that depression. 反而是浪、林两人很是郁闷,他们能够感觉到山河风雨图中有东西,可就是无法渗透进去,那就一个郁闷。 Xie Aoyu said with a smile: Do not be depressed, thinks how can enter the round of eight, this time Yun brother can put out the mountains and rivers wind and rain chart, then the treasure in imperial palace are naturally more, chooses a weapon at will, Fights Technique, the luck good words, that will be crisp, will have a dream to fantasize you high tide that will be crisper.” 谢傲宇笑道:“别郁闷了,还是想想如何才能进入八强吧,这次云兄能够拿出山河风雨图,那么皇宫内的宝贝自然更多,随意挑选一件兵器,一门斗技,运气好的话,那可是会爽死了,比你做梦幻想出来的高潮还要爽。”
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