BE :: Volume #2

#141: Mountains and rivers wind and rain chart 【Two】

Entry that type marches into is the spiritual level, before being similar to Xie Aoyu and innumerable years, picture ancient painting the spirit of that ancient bridges over the hindrance of time, blends in same place, that paraesthesia intense, seems Xie Aoyu is accompanying the person of painting, marches into that strange picture the world. 那种步入是精神层次的进入,就如同谢傲宇与无数岁月前画这幅古画的那名古人的精神跨过时间的阻碍,融汇在一起似的,那种感觉异常的强烈,好似谢傲宇陪伴着作画之人,步入那奇异的画中世界。 The marvelous change makes Lang Zhantian, Lin Dongyun and Bing Wu three lives leave the induction immediately. 奇妙的变化立刻令浪战天林动云冰舞三人生出感应。 They reveal the surprised color to look at Xie Aoyu, but at this time Xie Aoyu calmly sat there resolutely, is watching that ancient painting, probably he was attracted by the ancient painting. 他们均露出惊讶之色看着谢傲宇,而这时候谢傲宇毅然静静地坐在那里,观赏着那副古画,好像他被古画所吸引。 Bing Wu pleasantly surprised wishes one could to jump into the bosom of Xie Aoyu. 冰舞惊喜的恨不得扑入谢傲宇的怀中。 They also saw that this ancient painting is far from the ancient painting is so simple, but they are actually not able to enter, but Xie Aoyu has actually achieved, not to be how exciting. 他们三人也都看出这幅古画远非古画那么简单,可是他们却无法进入其中,而谢傲宇却做到了,怎不令人振奋。 Experiencing personally Xie Aoyu stands above that cliff. 身临其境的谢傲宇站在那山崖之上。 Since he smelled that charming aura from ancient, is the ancient earth flavor, is the fragrance of flowers and plants, in this thunder rainy day, still tenaciously expressed their own lives to bloom. 他嗅到了来自亘古以来的那种迷人的气息,是古老的大地的味道,是花草的芳香,在这雷雨天内,仍旧顽强的表达着它们自己的生命绽放。 Bang “轰隆隆” Thunderclap rumbling, often appearance of innumerable silver snakes in dark cloud of that tumbling. 雷声轰轰,无数的银蛇在那翻滚的乌云中不时的出现。 Thick dark clouds underground pressure, as if again told the people unceasingly, the day must collapse, the strong winds howled, bring everywhere rainstorm, was thrashing this side world. 厚厚的阴云不断地下压,似乎再告诉人们,天就要塌了,狂风呼啸,带起漫天的暴雨,捶打着这一方世界。 The Xie Aoyu person sets up, in the heart, only then soars to the heavens the heroic spirit. 谢傲宇人立其中,心中只有冲天豪气。 He has must step on this day at the impulsion of under foot. 他生出要将这天踩在脚下的冲动。 Finally some people walked into the world that I created.” The old sound resounds in one side, the old man long aperture of that bird's eye view boundless land. “终于有人走入我创造的世界中了。”苍老的声音在一侧响起,那名俯瞰苍茫大地的老者悠悠开口。 Xie Aoyu looks to the old man. 谢傲宇看向老者。 The short distance watches, the old man is glowing with health, that free and easy makings win, probably place of this day, he controls, all completely are grasping. 近距离观看,老者红光满面,身上的那种洒脱的气质更胜,好像这天地,他就是主宰,一切尽在掌握。 „Are you?” Xie Aoyu asked. “您是?”谢傲宇问道。 The old men show a faint smile, said: I am wind and rain Emperor Chu Tian am crazy!” Although the manner is indifferent, but in that expression is actually passing an aggression. 老者微微一笑,道:“我就是风雨天王楚天狂!”虽然神态淡然,可是那语气中却透着一股霸气。 He is Emperor! 他是天王 Although Xie Aoyu has inferred, after all can still retain the inner world that this type marvelous not measures after the innumerable years, naturally is the outstanding character, has not actually thought that this old man unexpectedly is Emperor. 谢傲宇虽然有所推断,毕竟能够在无数岁月后依然保留这种奇妙莫测的精神世界,自然是超卓人物,却没想到这位老者居然是天王 So-called Emperor that is the meaning of Battle King. 所谓天王那就是战王的意思。 For example general Ten Kings Level, like any Xing King and tiger king and blade king and so on, some people will not call Emperor absolutely, even if they are the masters of Emperor level. 比如一般的十王级,像什么星王、虎王、刀王之类的,绝对不会有人叫天王,即便是他们都是天王级的高手。 Is called Emperor, only then a person, that is the master who strides in the Battle King rank, but the master of this Battle King rank by no means only then a person time, that uses the name of Emperor to replace. 称为天王的只有一种人,那就是跨入战王级别的高手,而这战王级别的高手并非只有一个人的时候,那就用天王之称代替。 In other words, Chu Tiankuang is next to the Battle Emperor Battle King level master, historically only then a Battle Emperor level master, moreover then the body after the success dies to be killed violently, therefore can also say does not have, Chu Tiankuang is through the ages, one of the most tyrannical super masters. 换句话说,楚天狂就是仅次于战皇战王级高手,在历史上只有一位战皇级高手,而且在成功之后便身死毙命,故而也可以说没有,那楚天狂就是古往今来,最强横的超级高手之一。 Places any time, is the top time pacemakers. 放在任何一个时代,都是顶尖的时代领跑者。 Chu Tiankuang? Chu Tiankuang? How this name haven't I heard?” Xie Aoyu is somewhat awkward, the saying child who he and Zi Yan is together, knew from Zi Yan there the innumerable historical personages, the Emperor level, actually never have heard particularly the wind and rain Emperor Chu Tiankuang name. “楚天狂?楚天狂?这个名字我怎么没有听说过呢?”谢傲宇有些尴尬,就他与紫嫣相处的曰子,从紫嫣那里知道了无数的历史人物,尤其是天王级的,却从未听说过风雨天王楚天狂的名字。 He is not born, or extremely remote? 他不出世,亦或是太过久远? Can walk into here, explained that your talent, to practicing rigid obtained my approval.” Wind and rain Emperor Chu Tiankuang is staring at the distant place, that hazy wind and rain, is similar to pearls falls, constitutes a piece of curtain of rain, here is I perceives through meditation the Wind and rain line place.” “能够走入这里,说明你的天赋,对修炼道的执着已经得到了我的认可。”风雨天王楚天狂凝望着远方,那迷迷蒙蒙的风雨,如同一颗颗珍珠落下,构成一片雨幕,“这里就是我参悟风雨行的地方。” Wind and rain line!” Xie Aoyu gains ground suddenly, looks at wind and rain Emperor Chu Tiankuang with amazement, at heart is actually similar to overwhelming general, by this name frightening in the extreme. 风雨行!”谢傲宇猛然抬起头,骇然看着风雨天王楚天狂,心里却如同翻江倒海一般,被这个名称给震慑的无以复加。 He had not heard wind and rain Emperor Chu Tiankuang name, is Zi Yan has not heard, but Zi Yan had mentioned a matter, that was once in the remote past, Fights Technique big grandmaster Ye Chaofeng in the old age, has carried on a comparison to all Fights Technique through the ages. 他没听说过风雨天王楚天狂的名字,就是紫嫣也没有听说过,但是紫嫣曾经提到过一件事情,那就是曾经在遥远的过去,斗技大宗师叶超峰在晚年的时候,对古往今来所有的斗技进行了一次评比。 Naturally this comparison cannot be complete, some Fights Technique, even if Ye Chaofeng also not necessarily knows, but like evil intent demon word technique after he died several hundred years were created, therefore this comparison cannot be certainly correct, but who Ye Chaofeng is, as long as was selected into the evaluation by him, that is unsurpassed Fights Technique. 自然这次的评比不能算完全,有些斗技,就算是叶超峰也不见得知晓,而像邪意魔言术更是在他死后数百年才被人创出来的,故而这次评比不能算是一定正确,可叶超峰是什么人,但凡被他选入评选的,那都是无上斗技 And Ye Chaofeng, when comparison movement Fights Technique, Wind and rain line will then be listed at first, was called that „since Wind and rain line for first movement Fights Technique that ancient is unable to surmount. 其中叶超峰在评比身法斗技的时候,便将“风雨行”排在第一位,称“风雨行”为亘古以来无法超越的第一身法斗技 However Wind and rain line is who creates, actually nobody knows. 但是“风雨行”是谁创造出来的,却无人知晓。 How Xie Aoyu has not thought that the present person unexpectedly is Wind and rain line inventor wind and rain Emperor Chu Tiankuang! 谢傲宇怎都没想到,眼前之人居然就是“风雨行”的创造者风雨天王楚天狂! I practice with seven years old, 13 years old reach Tuifan level, but in the free ballooning world, with said that enters the god of thunder of forbidden area mainland first forbidden area accidentally, on the thunder rainy night, observes the thunder to fall the lightning flash, the wind roaring rain hits, sits alone in boredom for seven days seven nights, creates Wind and rain line, with 18 years old, the first improvement Wind and rain line, is divided into three movement Fights Technique it \; 26 years old, the view two big Emperor duels, the second improvement, dopes the inner man \; 39 years old, walk on foot 100,000 li (0.5km), the strength of sensibility world, the third improvement, integrates a person of sentiment \; 52 years old, smelling as sweet day later Qin Yun fights a decisive battle and summit of ten days vault of heaven ten nights, the fourth improvement, finally becomes Wind and rain line.” Wind and rain Emperor Chu Tian crazy long say (way). “我与七岁修炼,13岁达蜕凡级,可自由翱翔天地间,与一曰,无意中进入大陆第一禁区之雷神禁区,恰逢雷雨夜,观雷降电闪,风啸雨打,枯坐七天七夜,创出‘风雨行’,与18岁,第一次改良‘风雨行’,将其划分为三种身法斗技\;26岁,观两大天王决斗,第二次改良,掺杂人之精神\;39岁,徒步行走100000里,感悟天地之力,第三次改良,融入人之感情\;52岁,与飘香天后琴韵决战与苍穹之巅十天十夜,第四次改良,终成‘风雨行’。”风雨天王楚天狂悠悠的道。 He in introducing Wind and rain line, Xie Aoyu is hands tied and vertical. 他在介绍“风雨行”,谢傲宇束手而立。 Each character will not fall. 每一个字都不会落下。 On the wind and rain Emperor Chu Tiankuang face pan- wipes the gentle smiling face, Wind and rain line is the essence of my lifetime practice is, I do not want it to be lost, actually could not find the successor, then leaves behind this mountains and rivers wind and rain chart, integrates Wind and rain line true meaning, thinks that the successor inherits my Fights Technique, carries forward it, does not lose the painstaking care of my Chu Tiankuang first.” 风雨天王楚天狂的脸上泛起一抹柔和的笑容,“‘风雨行’是我毕生修炼之精华所在,我不欲其失传,却找不到传人,便留下这幅山河风雨图,融入‘风雨行’真谛,以为后来人继承我之斗技,将其发扬光大,不负我楚天狂一世之心血。” Excited, is flooding in the hearts of Xie Aoyu excitedly. 兴奋,激动充斥着谢傲宇的心间。 He fine passes on this unprecedented masterstroke unexpectedly, through the ages most formidable movement Fights Technique Wind and rain line! 他竟然要得传这旷古神技,古往今来最强大的身法斗技风雨行 Xie Aoyu felt immediately own heart splash beats fast, his vision pan- has also wiped radiant brilliance. 谢傲宇顿时感到自己的心脏都“扑通扑通”的快速跳动起来,他的目光也泛起了一抹璀璨的光华。 Closure outside all sense organs, only pay attention a Pure Brightness.” Wind and rain Emperor Chu Tian crazy low shouts to clear the way. “关闭外界一切感官,只留心中一点清明。”风雨天王楚天狂低喝道 Xie Aoyu closes all sense organs immediately, the violent storm of outside, the thunder, all completely all go far away, only then heart of hearts a little Pure Brightness. 谢傲宇马上关闭一切感官,外界的狂风暴雨,电闪雷鸣,一切尽皆远去,只有内心深处有一点清明。 Suddenly, an intrepid imposing manner, may ascend fully in the hearts of Xie Aoyu the imposing manner of day piercing, sweeps away various Xie Aoyu mind places completely, he not only for it with amazement, firmly defends that weak Pure Brightness of heart's core. 蓦然,一股强悍的气势,足可将天捅破的气势在谢傲宇的心间升腾起来,完全横扫谢傲宇脑海各处,他不仅为之骇然,牢牢地守住心灵深处的那一丝微弱的清明。 Since just likes vibration that ancient has had keeps trembling in the Xie Aoyu mind. 恍若亘古以来就存在的震动在谢傲宇的心神不停地震颤着。 Images passed over gently and swiftly in his mind. 一幕幕影像在他的脑海中掠过。 The first image, a 13-year-old youth walks into the god of thunder forbidden area, bitter experience ten thousand Lei Hongding, the strong winds raids the body, the rainstorm baptism, has not flinched, instead observes the world phenomenon, but creates Wind and rain line. 第一个影像,一名13岁的少年步入雷神禁区,遭遇万雷轰顶,狂风袭身,暴雨洗礼,未曾退缩,反而观天地异象,而创出“风雨行”。 The second image, the 18-year-old young man Wind and rain line will be divided into three, steps onto Wind and rain line to improve into the first movement Fights Technique path truly. 第二个影像,18岁的青年男子将“风雨行”一分为三,真正走上将“风雨行”改良成为第一身法斗技的道路。 The third image 第三个影像 One after another, before is, these matters that wind and rain Emperor Chu Tiankuang said that but the present is the incomparable image picture displays. 一幕一幕,均是之前风雨天王楚天狂所言的那些事情,只是现在是无比形象的画面表现出来。 The picture integrated the Xie Aoyu inner world, was similar to some year of some in one month one said at that time, wind and rain Emperor Chu Tiankuang the sensibility, made him be able at that time gradually from Wind and rain line at the beginning of foundation, started gradually walked, comprehends Chu Tiankuang sensibility to this movement Fights Technique. 画面已经融入谢傲宇的心海,如同当时某一年某一月某一曰,风雨天王楚天狂那时候的感悟,更令他能够一步一步的从“风雨行”的创建之初,开始一步一步的走过来,去领悟楚天狂对这身法斗技的感悟。 Starting from nothing. 从零开始。 Light one after another back and forth pasts in the Xie Aoyu inner world continuous, suddenly, the Xie Aoyu stature trembles, from remote past, a plain unadorned aura filled up the Xie Aoyu mind instantaneously, his mental hard, remained unmoved, after living in the mind stably, then saw an earth-shaking shock scene. 一幕一幕的光影来回的在谢傲宇的心海中流转不休,陡然间,谢傲宇的身躯一颤,一股来自遥远的过去,古朴古拙的气息瞬间填满谢傲宇的心神,他的心智坚硬,不为所动,稳定住心神之后,便看到了一幅翻天覆地的震撼场面。 But sees among the fog that winds around, wipes says fiercely overhangs the horizon, emits ten thousand brilliance, that light beam shuttles back and forth in the fog, then at this time, changed suddenly, went into seclusion fiercely positive, the dark cloud from welled up in all directions crazily, but, making the world all of a sudden become wonderful black incomparable, stuffy thunder and lightning, electric light twinkles. 但见缭绕的云雾间,一抹烈曰高挂天际,放射出万道光华,那光束在云雾中穿梭,便在这时,风云突变,烈阳隐退,乌云从四面八方狂涌而至,令天地一下子变得奇黑无比,一声声闷雷闪过,一道道的电光闪烁。 Said the light fiercely, the thunder of flashing, two light beams in Xie Aoyu at present glitters unceasingly. 烈曰之光,闪动之雷,两道光束在谢傲宇的眼前不断地闪烁。 A Ming became aware in the mind to mix. 一种明悟脑海中搅动。 This is Wind and rain line one of the three carriages such as light electricity! 这正是“风雨行”三种身法之一的如光似电! The Xie Aoyu mind flash completely immerses in that mysterious flight trajectory, his spirit along with said unceasingly fiercely the light and flashing thunder of move, comprehension mystery. 谢傲宇心神一瞬间完全沉浸在那玄奥的飞行轨迹之中,他的精神不断地随着烈曰之光、闪动之雷而动,领悟其中的奥妙。 Wind and rain line altogether has three movement Fights Technique, is Chu Tian the crazy lifetime essence, each movement Fights Technique means that one characteristics, Zhejiang such as only resembles the electricity tasteful is a character is quick! 风雨行”共有三种身法斗技,是楚天狂一生的精华,每一种身法斗技都意味着一种特色,其中浙如光似电讲究的就是一个字快! Is quicker than the light, is quicker than the electricity. 比光快,比电快。 That is an outstanding rapidness, makes your naked eye unable to overtake quickly, made the thought of person unable to follow quickly, quickly to saying the moon/month did not have up. 那是一种超卓的快,快的让你的肉眼都追不上,快的令人的思维都跟不上,快到曰月无光。 In movement Fights Technique, Xie Aoyu grasps to have Earth Escape Technique and Flying Dragon In The Sky. 在身法斗技中,谢傲宇掌握有土遁术飞龙在天 Earth Escape Technique enters Qi Shu, itself has the original function in the profound wonderful aspect, perhaps was inferior that Wind and rain line quickly, has the function that plans unable to think. 土遁术是入地奇术,其本身就在玄奇方面有着独到的作用,或许不如“风雨行”快捷,却有着意想不到的作用。 Xie Aoyu is even thinking, if Earth Escape Technique Qi He such as light electricity quick unifies, perhaps will achieve one unexpected effect. 谢傲宇甚至在想,如果将土遁术的奇和如光似电的快结合起来,恐怕会达到一种令人意想不到的效果。 Flying Dragon In The Sky is flight Qi Shu, this will be Ye Chaofeng the big grandmaster will attack with the movement links mysterious Fights Technique, it can help Xie Aoyu from the sky to hover, the key will be the flight does not need to consume too many Qi, even if will be these Tuifan level above masters can free ballooning, they also need to consume Qi, therefore in these master ordinary circumstances will be impossible to choose to fly, but Flying Dragon In The Sky will be different. 飞龙在天是飞行奇术,这是叶超峰大宗师将攻击与身法结合在一起的玄奥斗技,其可以助谢傲宇在空中翱翔,关键是飞行不需要消耗太多的斗气,即便是那些蜕凡级以上的高手可以自由翱翔,他们也是需要消耗斗气的,所以这些高手一般情况下根本不可能选择飞行的,而飞龙在天则不同。 However Flying Dragon In The Sky has a weakness. 但是飞龙在天有一个弱点。 That is once uses Flying Dragon In The Sky, that must is away from the issue, generally, Xie Aoyu can also be 60 meters distance, is this to Xie Aoyu, the limit is too big, if such as the quick fusion of light electricity? At least the distance is more than doubled. 那就是一旦使用飞龙在天,那就必须是距离问题,一般情况下,谢傲宇也就是能够达到60米的距离,可是这对谢傲宇来说,限制太大,若是与如光似电的快融合呢?至少距离扩大一倍以上吧。 Good, this Wind and rain line is my lifetime masterpiece, you can comprehend such as the light electricity at one fell swoop ‚’ meaning, the talent seriously is good, he said that was expected to make Wind and rain line reappear magnificently.” Wind and rain Emperor Chu Tiankuang satisfied nod, „, but, other two movement Fights Technique, your Qi was unable to go to the situation of displaying, then do not practice in this, use this environment practices Qi.” “不错,这‘风雨行’是我毕生杰作,你能够一举领悟‘如光似电’的含义,天赋当真是不错,他曰有望让‘风雨行’再现辉煌了。”风雨天王楚天狂满意的点点头,“不过,其他两种身法斗技,你的斗气还无法达到施展的地步,便不要在此修炼了,还是利用这个环境来修炼斗气吧。” Does the Xie Aoyu heart move, practices Qi? 谢傲宇心头一动,修炼斗气 Right, another two movement Fights Technique are extremely mysterious, since comprehends very difficultly, that then uses this strange inner world to practice Qi, is not twice the result with half the effort. 对啊,另外两种身法斗技太过玄奥,既然领悟很难,那便利用这种奇异的精神世界修炼斗气,不是事半功倍。 Xie Aoyu then concentrates the spirit to practice Qi immediately. 谢傲宇当即便转而集中精神修炼斗气
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