BE :: Volume #2

#140: Mountains and rivers wind and rain chart 【One】

Let alone Xie Aoyu et al., were happy angry Han Yue not obviously cannot bear smile to spurt. 别说谢傲宇等人,就是喜怒不显的韩越都忍不住笑喷了。 This fellow really had to be surnamed. 这家伙实在是太有个姓了。 Lao Lang, I admire you very much.” Xie Aoyu laughs to say. 老浪啊,我很佩服你啊。”谢傲宇大笑道。 Lang Zhantian shakes to send, does not have means that we are this outstanding, too do not envy, is actually the envy is also incorrect.” He put out a hand to clap a Han Yue palm of the hand, „the Han Yue brother, heard that you have practiced with your uncle Chair Han Li, decide however cultivation to uncommonly, had the opportunity words, did we compare notes?” 浪战天甩甩头发,“没办法,咱就是这样的优秀,你们不要太嫉妒,其实就是嫉妒也不行的。”他伸手拍了韩越一巴掌,“韩越兄,听说你一直都跟你叔叔韩隶院长修炼,定然是修为不凡啊,有机会的话,咱们切磋切磋?” Coughs “咳” Also at that time changed in the Han Yue face of smiling. 还在笑的韩越脸当时就变了。 He follows the Han Li practice, the person who this matter, knows is very few, even can say that is some important personages of their family, how Lang Zhantian to know? 他跟随韩隶修炼,这个事情,知道的人少之又少,甚至可以说都是他们家族的一些重要人物,浪战天如何知道的? Xie Aoyu and Bing Wu complexion also changed. 谢傲宇冰舞的脸色也都变了。 Unexpectedly is the Han Li nephew, that is not the You Lan Ruo nephew, he pesters Bing Wu, what is this, in Xie Aoyu at heart, he almost concluded that this is the You Lan Ruo plot. 居然是韩隶的侄子,那不是幽兰若的侄子,他来纠缠冰舞,这是什么意思,在谢傲宇的心里,他几乎断定,这是幽兰若的阴谋。 After the butterfly! 蝶后! Xie Aoyu hates darkly. 谢傲宇暗恨不已。 Is the Bing Wu also look is very bad, she lets somebody cool off or calm down is staring at Han Yue. 就是冰舞也神色很不善,她冷冷的盯着韩越 How fights the day brother to know?” Han Yue knows in the heart is bad, he maintained the look was being still invariable, as if I followed the matter that the uncle practiced, the person who knew was few.” “战天兄怎么知道的?”韩越心知要糟,他仍然保持着神色不变,“似乎我跟随叔叔修炼的事情,知道的人很少啊。” Ha Ha, wall that the world has not ventilated.” Lang Zhantian hits. “哈哈,天下没有不透风的墙嘛。”浪战天打个哈哈。 Under the Han Yue heart sneers, does not have the means that he sees a Lang Zhantian surface likely dissolute son, actually the thoughts are clever, absolutely is a hard to deal with character. 韩越心下冷笑,却也没办法,他看出浪战天表面像个浪荡公子,其实心思灵巧,绝对是个难缠的人物。 Did not disturb everybody.” Han Yue knows machine departure. “不打扰各位了。”韩越知机的离开。 Looks at his back, Lang Zhantian is ridiculing: This boy strength is not much, is the plans deep must not be worse than Han Li and You Lan Ruo, no wonder can be trained by them with emphasis.” 望着他的背影,浪战天嘲弄道:“这小子实力不怎么样,可是心机深沉比韩隶幽兰若还要一点不差,难怪能被他们两人重点培养。” The Bing Wu delicate eyebrows select. 冰舞秀眉一挑。 Oh, does not do right by, has forgotten the disciple after butterfly here.” Lang Zhantian said with a smile dry. “哎呀,对不住啊,忘了蝶后的弟子在这里。”浪战天干笑道。 Snort.” “哼。” Bing Wu cold snort, has not responded him. 冰舞冷哼了一声,不搭理他。 Xie Aoyu raises up the thumb to Lang Zhantian, he naturally can look, Lang Zhantian this is intentionally, its goal is in one side unintentional slander You Lan Ruo, is helping him. 谢傲宇则向浪战天竖起大拇指,他自然看得出来,浪战天这是故意的,其目的就是在一旁有意无意的诽谤幽兰若,是在帮他。 Today is says the child happily, do not raise these at sixes and sevens matters.” The Xie Aoyu shift topic, Lao Lin said the Lao Lang loose love history.” “今天是个高兴的曰子,不要提那些乱七八糟的事情了。”谢傲宇转移话题,“还是老林来说说老浪的风流情史吧。” His love history is very simple, vindicated to 96 women that was rejected by 96 women.” Lin Dongyun very simple a few words bring. “他的情史很简单,向96个女人表白,被96个女人拒绝了。”林动云很简单的一句话带过。 Lang Zhantian looks away saying: Goes, what is 96, is 99, but also misses one to sufficiently collect 100.” 浪战天翻眼道:“去,什么叫96个,是99个,还差一个凑够100。” In the laughter, emperor's son Yun Tianfeng entered the stage. 笑声中,皇子云天风出场了。 As organizer, his status quite sensitive, particularly encounters Black Lotus Holy Church to kidnap one time, made him move no longer like before optional, actually here for resplendent in gold and jade green, the Li Family person had the formidable strength arrangement here, was not worried to have the matter, he also only had two not to understand the Qi maidservant, if led the master, that appeared he was too timid, was not on the contrary good. 作为组织者,他的身份还是相当的敏感的,尤其是遭到黑莲圣教劫持过一次,更令他行动不再像以前那样随意,倒是这里为金碧辉煌,李家人有强大的力量安排在这里,不担心有事,他也就只带了两名不懂斗气的侍女,要是带高手的话,那就显得他太胆小了,反倒不好。 32 youth masters cast completely vision. 32名青年高手全部将目光投去。 After Yun Tianfeng is taken to the threshing ground, to a Xie Aoyu nod, this said with a smile slightly: Waited for a long time.” 云天风登场之后,向谢傲宇略微一点头,这才笑道:“诸位久等了。” Does not dare.” The people said. “不敢。”众人道。 After is the emperor's son, should hold the attention of the audience. 毕竟是皇子,就是应该压场的。 Xie Aoyu felt that has several wisps of vision to project, he looks up, the rapidness that the masters of two vision induce, then received immediately, who has not discovered is, remaining was Wu Jia, Wang Chao, the Baja Tuttass three people, an envy of their face, very not indignant appearance. 只是谢傲宇却感到有几缕目光投射过来,他抬头看去,其中两道目光的主人感应的快,马上便收了回去,没发现是谁,剩下的就是吴嘉、王超、巴哈图塔斯三人了,他们一脸的嫉妒,很是不忿的样子。 Can make Yun Tianfeng signal by nodding, making them envy. 能令云天风率先点头示意,令他们嫉妒。 Xie Aoyu ignores to them directly, three clumsy mischief-doers. 谢傲宇对他们直接忽略不计,三个跳梁小丑。 Please sit down.” Yun Tianfeng said. “诸位请坐。”云天风道。 This is the resplendent in gold and jade green three building halls, all ornaments after the careful design, withdrew these dinner tables, middle alone one is emperor's son Yun Tianfeng, his front places the long shape table that a fine pure wood is building, above is placing some delicious good food. 这是金碧辉煌三楼大厅,所有的摆设都是经过精心设计的,将那些餐桌都撤走了,中间独一座是皇子云天风,他的面前摆放着一个精致纯木打造的长形桌子,上面摆放着一些可口的美食。 In the halls a corridor, about is the seats of 32 strong members. 大厅中间出一条走廊,左右是32强成员的座位。 This seat not arrangement desirably, but takes a seat at will, demonstrated manner that emperor's son Yun Tianfeng treats impartially, not because you will be an aristocrat, but will treat specially, only this move, won supporting of many non- aristocrat public figure. 这座位并没有刻意的安排,而是随意落座,也显示出皇子云天风一视同仁的态度,并不会因为你是贵族而特殊对待,仅此一招,就赢得很多非贵族人士的捧场。 Xie Aoyu, Bing Wu, Lang Zhantian and Lin Dongyun four people in places in left, Qin Yueyi was eliminated, the Li Chaofeng peak is also so. 谢傲宇冰舞浪战天林动云四人在左侧中间的地方,秦月依被淘汰了,李超峰也是如此。 Is empire a people of great ability and tremendous potential of future, can emerge in hundreds of thousands of people of selections, this needs the what kind strength, at least this emperor's son does not have that skill.” Yun Tianfeng said with a smile. “诸位都是帝国的未来的栋梁之才,能在数十万人的选拔中脱颖而出,这需何等的实力,至少本皇子是没那个本事啊。”云天风笑道。 Good Yun Tianfeng, to boss around the method of person seriously, the Xie Aoyu dark to praise. 好一个云天风,当真是有笼络人的手段,谢傲宇暗赞。 The really praised some people reveal the self-satisfied color much, particularly the Wu Jia three people, are begin supinely, as if they are fiercest. 果然被赞扬的一干人不少都流露出得意之色,尤其是吴嘉三人,更是仰起头,仿佛他们才是最厉害的。 Yun Tianfeng carries the wine class, bright sound track: Come, this emperor's son respects one cup, congratulates everybody to be able smoothly to advance to 32, and wishes everybody to win a better position, attended the final on behalf of the empire.” 云天风端起酒杯,朗声道:“来,本皇子敬各位一杯,祝贺各位能够顺利进入32强,并预祝各位取得更好的名次,代表帝国参加总决赛。” Dry!” “干!” 32 people all stand up. 32人全部起立。 After people drink wine, takes a seat in abundance. 一众人饮酒之后,纷纷落座。 Here, this emperor's son to promised that” the Yun Tianfeng corners of the mouth pan- a happy expression, he spoke of here, then lived, the vision passed over gently and swiftly to present all people, received the eyeground the look of everyone. “在此,本皇子向诸位许诺”云天风嘴角泛起一丝笑意,他说到这里,便顿住了,目光掠过在场所有人,将每一个人的神色都收入眼底。 Xie Aoyu also hears to feel that the heart such as cat grasps, secret passage Yun Tianfeng understood very much thoughts of person, he cannot help but once the emperor's son of many a little contempt to this sized up, its appearance cannot describe with Shuai to come that can describe with the attractiveness on the contrary, because has the woman, particularly an eye, pitch-dark, is exceptionally sharp. 谢傲宇也听得感到心如猫儿抓似的,暗道云天风很懂得一个人的心思,他不由得对这个曾经多少有点轻视的皇子重新打量起来,其长相不能用帅来形容,反倒可以用漂亮来形容,因为颇有女人相,尤其是一双眼睛,黑漆漆的,异常锐利。 Xie Aoyu is also observing simultaneously other people. 同时谢傲宇也在观察其他人。 He knows that Liias and Singer, others perhaps knew, is only his wholeheartedly self-torture, does not know that two people. 他知道,那利亚斯和辛格就在其中,别人或许都认识,只是他一心苦修,并不识得那二人。 Does not know that your highness promised is what?” Wu Jia cannot bear ask. “不知殿下许诺是什么?”吴嘉忍不住问道。 Wang Chao dao: Also asked your highness to show.” 王超道:“还请殿下示下。” They said that has swept other person of one that despised, probably was saying that our such aristocrats can speak on words with your highness, you did not have the qualifications. 他们说完,都是藐视的扫了其他人一眼,好像在说,我们这样的贵族才能够和殿下说的上话,你们没资格。 Their performance fall in the Xie Aoyu eye, a funniness, they also think extraordinarily, the regulations cannot calm down like this, will disappoint Yun Tianfeng exactly. 只是他们的表现落在谢傲宇眼里,一阵好笑,他们还自以为了不得,实则这样沉不住气,恰恰会令云天风失望的。 Yun Tianfeng lets the human not sighing that is easy to perceive. 云天风让人不易觉察的叹口气。 They are the empire respected family future backbones, this ability, is really disappointing, on his face does not display any difference actually, say (way) with a laugh: Father emperor resolution, enters eight strong players, replacing the empire goes to battle, that will be representing the face countenance of empire, therefore the father emperor decided that eight strong players will receive a good weapon, and may choose a Fights Technique practice in the imperial palace Fights Technique pavilion.” 他们都是帝国大家族未来的顶梁柱,就这点能力,实在是让人失望啊,倒是他的脸上不表现出任何异样,笑呵呵的道:“父皇决议,进入八强的选手,是将代替帝国出战的,那将代表着帝国的颜面,所以父皇决定八强选手将获赠一件上好的兵器,并且可在皇宫斗技阁内挑选一种斗技修炼。” Bang “轰” The following person rumbles to be chaotic. 下面的人都轰乱起来。 Is Xie Aoyu, Lang Zhantian et al. also by this decision-making shocking looked at opposite party one mutually, they are also very shocking. 就是谢傲宇浪战天等人也都被这个决策给震撼的相互看了对方一眼,他们也是很震惊啊。 Is the weapon that the emperor puts out possibly second quality item? 皇帝拿出的兵器可能是次品吗? Fights Technique that the imperial palace collects possibly has difference? 皇宫收集的斗技可能有差的吗? Has this advantage, perhaps will be the people of these respected families also will be excited, the Xie Aoyu vision passed over gently and swiftly the Han Yue facial features, since he will be the Han Li nephew, naturally will be the An­tiq­uity family person, will have the excitement of flashing past including his face on, will obviously be the what kind enticement. 有这种好处,恐怕就是那些大家族的人也都会兴奋吧,谢傲宇的目光掠过韩越的面容,他既然是韩隶的侄子,自然是上古家族的人,连他的脸上都有一闪而过的激动,可见是何等的诱惑。 Big boldness! 好大的魄力啊! Xie Aoyu has endless emotion, now the emperor is far from a mortal. 谢傲宇感慨不已,当今皇帝绝非凡人。 Meanwhile, Xie Aoyu had also discovered two restore look quickest two, they were also excited, but is only the time of a twinkling, then restores such as beginning. 与此同时,谢傲宇也发现了两个恢复神色最快的两人,他们也激动了一下,但只是一眨眼的功夫,便又恢复如初了。 They sit in Wu Jia, Wang Chao, the Baja Tuttass three people of opposite, is the place that the left begins, the position that Wu Jia three people of sitting is higher, obviously these two should be Liias and Singer. 他们坐在吴嘉、王超、巴哈图塔斯三人的对面,也是左侧上手的地方,比吴嘉三人坐的位置还要高,显然这两人就应该是利亚斯和辛格二人了。 On the appearance, they are very ordinary, are common that. 论长相,他们都很普通,属于不起眼的那种。 Is these two talented people are the genuine master. 偏偏就是这两人才是真正的高手。 Emperor understands clearly, emperor's son your highness is wise, I and others must whole-heartedly, bring honor for the empire.” Wu Jia responded quickly, immediately stood up, showed the determination loudly, as if he became eight strong people. “皇帝陛下圣明,皇子殿下英明,我等必全力以赴,为帝国争光。”吴嘉反应最快,马上站起身,大声表决心,仿佛他已经成为八强之人了。 Other people see that also stand up. 其他人见状也纷纷站起。 Come, we respect your highness.” Wu Jia loud say (way). “来,我们大家敬殿下。”吴嘉大声道。 Respects your highness!” “敬殿下!” The people set out in abundance, carry the wine class. 众人纷纷起身,端起酒杯。 Yun Tianfeng has also carried the wine class, tossing down with a laugh, he discovered that this Wu Jia other skill does not have, the time of flattering also is really first-class, has the wind of your father. 云天风也端起了酒杯,笑呵呵的一饮而尽,他发现这个吴嘉别的本事没有,拍马屁的功夫还真是一流的,有乃父之风啊。 Loses face, flattering is a study article, such obvious flattering is really most lower level, this boy is not basic.” The Lang Zhantian low voice whisper said. “丢脸啊,拍马屁可是一门学文,这么明显的拍马屁实在是最下层的,这小子还不入门啊。”浪战天小声嘀咕道。 Xie Aoyu said with a smile: „Does Lao Lang excel very much?” 谢傲宇笑道:“老浪很擅长吧?” Lang Zhantian is patting and other chest, said: This is my merit.” 浪战天拍着等胸脯儿,道:“这是我的优点。” Shameless!” “无耻啊!” The people take a seat once more. 众人再次落座。 At this time, Yun Tianfeng issued an order, two enchanting maidservants held a picture scroll to walk with joint forces, before arriving at the Yun Tianfeng table, together stood still. 这时候,云天风一声令下,有两名妖娆的侍女合力捧着一副画卷走了出来,一起来到云天风桌前静立。 All people turn very quiet. 所有人都屏住呼吸。 Listens to Yun Tianfeng to say with a smile: „, This is an ancient painting that the emperor's son in childhood obtains accidentally, since then, this emperor's son then has the sentiment to this ancient painting, now says brings especially, with enjoying.” 就听云天风笑道:“诸位,这是本皇子幼时无意中得到的一副古画,自那时起,本皇子便对这幅古画颇有感情,今曰特拿来,与诸位同赏。” Everybody traces the airtight Yun Tianfeng anything meaning, stares the big eye to look. 大家摸不透云天风什么意思,都瞪大眼睛看去。 Two enchanting females are drawing the scroll paintings cautiously, slowly retreats to the left and right, the movement is very gentle, for fear that injures to this ancient painting. 两名妖娆的女子小心翼翼的拉着画轴,缓缓的向左右两侧退去,动作很轻柔,生怕伤到这幅古画。 As the ancient painting launches, a grand mountains and rivers chart presents in the line of sight of people. 随着古画展开,一副壮丽山河图呈现在众人的视线内。 The ancient painting length about two meters, the width has more than one meter. 古画长约有两米左右,宽有一米多。 The content of picture is a hair gray old man stands in summit of the mountain, the sky is cloudy, the thunder, the squally shower, as if Thun­der and Light­ning in the top of the head, the old man happily does not fear, just likes has not thought that static standing in the summit, both hands recited backwards from the end, the stance of being carefree and content, but under was the height fluctuating houses pavilion, countless people on street dense and numerous, although like ant, actually picture was very vivid, is similar to real general, the city in that wind and rain under the dark cloud, appeared majestic like that quite had the day to collapse, can flavor at the most.. 画的内容是一名头发花白的老者站在一座高山之巅,天空乌云密布,电闪雷鸣,狂风骤雨,仿佛雷电就在头顶,老者怡然不惧,恍若未觉,静静的站在山巅,双手倒背,一副悠然自得的姿态,而下方则是高低起伏的房舍楼阁,无数的人在街道上密密麻麻的,虽然都如蚂蚁般,却画的很生动,如同真实的一般,那风雨中的城市在乌云下,显得是那般的雄壮,颇有天塌下来,亦能顶天的味道。。 Naturally in this chart, what most can highlight is that old man. 当然这图中,最能突出的是那名老者。 If he controls all gods, the bird's eye view the boundless land, is looking at the life vicissitude pale. 他若掌控一切的神,俯瞰着苍茫大地,淡看人生浮沉。 Looks at this ancient painting, Xie Aoyu was feeling Tricolor God Core does not have the reason trembles, is similar to along with it his spirit is then fettered general. 望着这一副古画,谢傲宇就感到三色神丹没来由的一颤,随之他的精神便如同被束缚一般。 At present flashes through wipes strange luminous. 眼前闪过一抹奇异的光亮。 Xie Aoyu discovered one have walked into this ancient painting unexpectedly. 谢傲宇发现自己竟然走入了这副古画中。
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