BE :: Volume #2

#139: Pursue is the myths 【Two】

Silly looks at Yun brothers' action, Xie Aoyu is a little dumbstruck, gives own pleasant surprise is anything, so is unexpectedly grand. 傻乎乎的看着云氏兄弟的举动,谢傲宇有点发懵,给自己的惊喜是什么啊,竟然这么隆重。 First has knocked three heads respectfully. 先是恭恭敬敬的磕了三个头。 The cloud field then had not said: Brother Xie, I must give your pleasant surprise, is concerns our brothers family properties the important thing, had it, so long as is in our family sphere of influence, you will open access, but my requests, hope that you can promise me first.” 云未田这才道:“谢兄弟,我要送给你的惊喜,是关乎到我们兄弟家业的重要东西,有了它,只要是我们家势力范围内,你都将畅通无阻,但是我有一个请求,希望你能够先答应我。” What condition?” Xie Aoyu asked. “什么条件?”谢傲宇问道。 If my Yun Jia has any matter need, but also looks at you to lend a hand to help one another.” Cloud not Tamichi. “如果我云家有什么事需要,还望你能够出手相助。”云未田道。 Xie Aoyu said with a smile: I will certainly make contribution.” He whispered, my present strength, clearly impossible to have the big help to you, was difficult to be inadequate because of the forecast of Xing King, will be confident to my future? 谢傲宇笑道:“我一定会尽力的。”他心里却嘀咕,我现在的力量,显然不可能对你们有多大的帮助的,难不成因为星王的预测,对我的未来信心十足? This possibly has, Xing King definitely knows Tricolor God Core, will therefore give them a suggestion not to be uncertain. 这不是没有可能的,星王肯定知道三色神丹,故而会给他们一点暗示也不一定的。 The Yun Jia two brothers nod. 云家两兄弟点点头。 The cloud wind has not received once more that chart, the cloud field has not put out a scepter, above full is the dense and numerous spell marks, is the enchanter scepter. 云未风将那图再次收起来,云未田则拿出了一个权杖,上面满是密密麻麻的魔咒符号,正是咒师权杖。 He holds up the scepter, wielding gently, in the mouth read the spell. 他将权杖举起,轻轻的挥动,口中念动着魔咒。 On the scepter pan- wipes the cream halo, injects Xie Aoyu within the body. 权杖上面泛起一抹乳白色的光晕,射入谢傲宇的体内。 Xie Aoyu feels the body to be warm, along with, even if did not have the feeling. 谢傲宇就感到身体暖洋洋,随即便没了感觉。 This is I gives your pleasant surprise.” Cloud Tian had not said. “这就是我送给你的惊喜。”云未田说道。 But hadn't I felt? What's the matter?” Xie Aoyu asked. “可我怎么没感觉?怎么回事啊?”谢傲宇问道。 The cloud wind could not have borne say with a smile: You think that is promotes the strength the thing, that is we considers as finished, you comprehend in any case slowly, has the advantage to you.” 云未风忍不住笑道:“你以为是提升实力的东西啊,那是我们算了,反正你慢慢领会吧,对你有好处的。” „Do I comprehend? What is this?” Xie Aoyu looks away to say. “我自己领会?这算什么啊?”谢傲宇翻眼道。 Ha Ha, that told you a point.” The cloud field has not laughed saying that he refers to Chen Qi, from now on, you can order Chen Qi to handle anything, including my some subordinates.” “哈哈,那就告诉你一点吧。”云未田哈哈大笑道,他一指陈奇,“从现在开始,你就可以命令陈奇做任何事情了,包括我的一些手下。” Has this good deed? 有这好事? Xie Aoyu is skeptical, kills and torches also?” 谢傲宇持怀疑态度,“杀人放火也可以?” Except for letting him does to our disadvantageous matters, other.” Cloud Tian had not said. “除了让他做对我们不利的事情,其他的都可以。”云未田说道。 Curls the lip, Xie Aoyu thought that this pleasantly surprised is not pleasantly surprised, even if can order Chen Qi, but can see him? Does he with you in the same place, I order others to there? 撇撇嘴,谢傲宇觉得这个惊喜并不怎么惊喜,就算能够命令陈奇,可自己能够见到他吗?他跟着你们在一起,我到那里去命令别人? Has clearly drawn a cake, to eat, is impossible. 分明就是画了个饼,要想吃到,不可能。 Xie Aoyu immediately these two hominizations for mean-spirited first-class, has not chatted anything, then said goodbye to leave. 谢傲宇立刻将这二人化为“小气”一流的,没多聊什么,便告辞离开了。 His action, annoys Brother Yun Jia to laugh, they do not expose, does not have that necessity in any case now, later should be able to play the unexpected role. 他的举动,惹来云家兄弟哈哈大笑,他们也不揭破,反正现在也没那个必要,以后应该能起到意想不到的作用吧。 Brother, you said that Ge Telixie can act for him really?” The cloud wind has not asked. “大哥,你说哥特里谢真能为他出面吗?”云未风问道。 Did not say, in brief this opportunity, cannot let off.” All that cloud field light saying, to us, cannot use must use.” “不好说,总之这种机会,还是不能放过的。”云未田淡淡的说道,“对我们来说,能够利用的一切都要利用起来。” Returned to Qin Dynasty Family, Xie Aoyu then throws into beyond the highest heavens this Yun brothers. 返回秦家,谢傲宇便将这云氏兄弟抛到九霄云外了。 The too mean-spirited person, is disinclined to respond. 太小气的人,懒得搭理。 Returns to Qin Dynasty Family, some people look, is invitation that emperor's son Yun Tianfeng sends, the goal is to invite 32 strong players to resplendent in gold and jade green gathers tonight, in other words, 32 strong players have decided. 回到秦家,就有人来找,是皇子云天风送来的请柬,目的是邀请32强的选手今晚到金碧辉煌一聚,也就是说,32强选手已经决出来了。 Xie Aoyu received the invitation, sent human. 谢傲宇收了请柬,将人打发了。 He knows that this should be emperor's son Yun Tianfeng wins over the one method of person, regarding olive branch that present youth one generation of outstanding people extend. 他知道这应该是皇子云天风拉拢人的一种方法吧,对于现在青年一代的佼佼者们抛出的橄榄枝。 Returns to the room, he noticed that Qin Yueyi is drinking the alcohol to drown one's sorrows. 回到房间,他就看到秦月依正在喝闷酒。 Crow mouth!” Qin Yueyi sees Xie Aoyu panting in indignation saying. “乌鸦嘴!”秦月依看到谢傲宇气呼呼的说道。 The Xie Aoyu figure did own nose, say me? 谢傲宇指指自己的鼻子,说我? I.e. you, snort, crow mouth crow mouth crow mouth.” Qin Yueyi say (way) angrily, fragrant cheek roused, others have bumped into Ascension level the master, 32 have not gone, blamed you.” “就是说你呢,哼,乌鸦嘴乌鸦嘴乌鸦嘴。”秦月依气鼓鼓的道,香腮都鼓了起来,“人家碰到了腾级中位的高手,32强都没进去,都怪你。” Then, Qin Yueyi then panting in indignation left. 说完,秦月依便气呼呼的离开了。 Xie Aoyu then remembers, once threw the cold water to her, said that will be she will possibly bump into the Ascension level master, even if will have different water Amethyst Spirit Water not to have the means to go through a strategic pass. 谢傲宇这才想起,曾经给她泼凉水,说是她可能会碰到腾级高手,就算拥有异水紫晶灵水也没办法过关的。 This matter is really undeserved. 这事还真是冤枉啊。 Outside broadcasts the sound that Qin Yueyi vented, Xie Aoyu does not have to persuade, the Qin Yueyi talent was extremely high, there is a Amethyst Spirit Water like this different water, if practiced assiduously, its achievement was absolutely gratifying, but she was too lazy, this time matter, gave her a lesson, if can be cruel-hearted the practice, was good. 外面传来秦月依发泄的声音,谢傲宇也没去劝说,秦月依的天赋是极高的,又有紫晶灵水这样的异水,若是刻苦修炼,其成就绝对喜人,可她偏偏太懒,这次的事情,给她一个教训,要是能够狠下心来修炼,也是不错的。 Xie Aoyu then grasps the time practice. 谢傲宇便抓紧时间修炼。 He will not let off any practice the opportunity. 他不会放过任何修炼的机会的。 Until the weather will be late, banquet time arrived, he slightly reorganizes, leaves Qin Dynasty Family, rushes to the Yanjing most luxurious resplendence in gold and jade green. 直到天色将晚,宴会时间到了,他才略微整理一下,离开秦家,赶往燕京最奢华的金碧辉煌。 Time that he catches up with, 32 strong players also collected. 他赶来的时候,32强选手也就凑齐了。 Latest. 最晚的一个。 Outcastes are the outcastes, a time sense does not have, if such person goes to battle on behalf of the empire, simply is the shame of empire.” Wu Jia sees Xie Aoyu, then cannot bear the exit satire. “贱民就是贱民,一点时间观念都没有,这样的人要是代表帝国出战,简直就是帝国的耻辱。”吴嘉看到谢傲宇,便忍不住出口讽刺。 His two Wang Chao and Baja Tuttass are also an item of dew despises the vision. 他身旁的两人王超和巴哈图塔斯也是目露蔑视目光。 Xie Aoyu this time was a little repugnant, he with these three people altogether meets, be only three times, every time satirized itself, but also really did not know the immensity of heaven and earth. 谢傲宇这次就有点反感了,他与这三人总共遇到只有三次,每一次都来讽刺自己,还真是不知天高地厚。 Just about to rebuts with sarcasm, Xie Aoyu saw that Bing Wu of white clothing is standing in one side, the side charming young man is also doing everything to please, sees Xie Aoyu to arrive, Bing Wu looked secretly, touches with the Xie Aoyu vision, immediately has turned head, disguises not to see. 刚要反唇相讥,谢傲宇就看到一袭白衣的冰舞正在一旁站着,旁边还有一名帅气的青年男子在献殷勤,看到谢傲宇到来,冰舞偷偷的看了过来,与谢傲宇目光相触,立刻扭过头去,假装没看到。 Xie Aoyu smiled, takes a step the past. 谢傲宇一笑,迈步走了过去。 Disregards the Wu Jia three people. 无视吴嘉三人。 The noses of Wu Jia three people of seeing that air/Qi wanted crookedly, wished one could to get rid to teach Xie Aoyu, but here was resplendent in gold and jade green, they a little dreaded that must press down the unhappiness in heart. 吴嘉三人见状气的鼻子都要歪了,恨不得出手教训谢傲宇,可这里是金碧辉煌,他们还是有点忌惮的,只得按下心中的不快。 Hello, boy who which comes, does not know that Bing Wu is my woman?” Xie Aoyu puts out a hand to embrace the Bing Wu slender willow waist, to bosom area. “喂,哪来的小子,不知道冰舞是我的女人吗?”谢傲宇伸手揽住冰舞纤细的柳腰,向怀中一带。 Bing Wu has not thought that Xie Aoyu is so overbearing, elegant face one red, is angry saying: Who is your woman.” Does not have extremely to struggle, but symbolized the expression of surname. 冰舞没想到谢傲宇如此霸道,俏脸一红,嗔道:“谁是你的女人。”却没有太过挣扎,只是象征姓的表示了一下。 This action, making that charming man be discouraged. 这一举动,令那帅气男子甚为气馁。 Han Yue, peon.” On the charming male face was still maintaining the happy expression. 韩越,无名小卒。”帅气男子脸上仍然保持着笑意。 Surnamed Han?” Xie Aoyu gives a calm smile, can advance to 32, is the person of peon are not many, only if desirably for it.” “姓韩?”谢傲宇淡然一笑,“能进入32强,还是无名小卒的人可不多哦,除非是刻意为之啊。” Han Yue said with a smile: To Xie the brother, all of us is the peons.” 韩越笑道:“相对于谢兄,我们所有人都是无名小卒啊。” His saying exits, stands turns head to wait and see in nearby other players. 他这话出口,站在附近的其他选手纷纷回头观望。 A Xie Aoyu brow wrinkle, isn't this is provoking? He has swept Han Yue one desolately, puts out the Fengxiang bangle from Space Ring, this is the Fengxiang bangle, come, I give my Bing Wu to put on.” He pulls the white hands of Bing Wu, is sending out the light blue light Fengxiang bangle set that on the right hand of Bing Wu. 谢傲宇眉头一皱,这不是在挑衅吗?他冷淡的扫了韩越一眼,从空间戒指内拿出凤翔手镯,“这是凤翔手镯,来,我给我的冰舞戴上。”他牵起冰舞的玉手,将那散发着淡淡的青光的凤翔手镯套在冰舞的右手上。 Original Xie Aoyu expressed that disrespecting to You Lan Ruo, Bing Wu is somewhat repugnant, but does not care, leaves piqued and headstrong, intends to warned that Xie Aoyu must to the You Lan Ruo respect point, what may make her angry is, after the Xie Aoyu , more than ten days have not come to look for her unexpectedly. 本来谢傲宇表示对幽兰若的不敬,冰舞是有些反感的,可是并不太放在心上,负气离开,也意在警告谢傲宇要对幽兰若尊敬点,可让她气恼的是,谢傲宇居然之后十多天都没有来找过她。 Today sees Xie Aoyu, wants to select the color to have a look to him. 今天看到谢傲宇,就想给他点颜色看看。 Who knows, a beloved man appearance, she first could not control, by Xie Aoyu overbearing announcement is his woman, threw into beyond the highest heavens the anger directly. 谁知,心爱的男人一出现,她就首先控制不住了,被谢傲宇霸道的宣布是他的女人,直接将怒气抛到九霄云外了。 Looks in the share of bangle, bypassed your this time.” Bing Wu looks at the bangle, is much more excited, she naturally knows this is the enchanter Shi Guo spell wind is the surname bangle. “看在手镯的份上,就绕过你这次了。”冰舞看着手镯,兴奋得不得了,她自然识得这是咒师施过魔咒的风属姓手镯。 „? Looks on the bangle? You were also too realistic, if some people put out a better thing, do not surrender?” Xie Aoyu looks away to say. “啊?看在手镯上?那你也太现实了吧,要是有人拿出更好的东西,你还不是要投怀送抱?”谢傲宇翻眼道。 Bing Wu air/Qi has hit a Xie Aoyu fist, „am I such person?” 冰舞气的打了谢傲宇一拳,“我是那样的人吗?” Xie Aoyu holds the white hands of Bing Wu, hey said with a smile: I made a mistake was not good, my Bing Wu that absolutely was mental tenacious like the steel and iron, I cannot build up to circle refer to supply.” 谢傲宇抓住冰舞的玉手,嘿嘿笑道:“我错了还不行吗,我的冰舞那绝对是心智坚韧如钢铁,非我不能炼为绕指柔的。” Loquacious.” Bing Wu in vain his eyes. “贫嘴。”冰舞白他一眼。 Visits them to flirt with one another, particularly side intent has told itself, Bing Wu will only love Xie Aoyu, to view that others will not move, making Han Yue greatly disappointed. 看着两人打情骂俏,尤其是意有旁之的告诉自己,冰舞只会爱谢傲宇,对别人不会动心的说法,让韩越大受打击。 He is always proud, is to the woman to looking disdainfully, this time got refused unexpectedly. 他一向自负,更是对女人所向睥睨,这次居然碰了钉子。 Hello! Hello! I protested, Lao Xie, you are very atypical, in the eye only then your beautiful woman, feels sorry for me and Lao Lin becomes friends with your this fellow who sees the color to forget the righteousness.” Lang Zhantian sound sound. “喂!喂!我抗议,老谢,你这人忒不地道了,眼里就只有你的美人儿,可怜我和老林结交你这个见色忘义的家伙。”浪战天的声音响了起来。 Xie Aoyu then discovered that they stand in less than two meters place, oneself have not seen unexpectedly, cannot help but an shame, does not have the means that who made Bing Wu too brilliant.” 谢傲宇这才发现他们两人就站在不到两米的地方,自己居然没有看到,不由得一阵惭愧,“没办法,谁让冰舞太光彩照人了。” Bing Wu put out a hand to pinch his, spat lowly: Do not speak irresponsibly.” 冰舞伸手掐了他一把,低啐道:“别乱说。” Her facial skin is quite thin, if Qin Yueyi, definitely is patting the tender chest acknowledgment. 她脸皮比较薄,要是秦月依的话,肯定是拍着娇胸承认的。 Sees the color to forget the righteousness, was too irresponsible, is not good, I chaste immature mind received has attacked seriously, you must compensate me to be good.” Lang Zhantian protested. “见色忘义,太不负责任了,不行,我纯洁幼小的心灵受到严重打击了,你必须赔偿我才行。”浪战天抗议道。 Um, compensates to give you Han Yue brother, you just vindicated the defeat in any case, finds the human to fight one well.” Lin Dongyun saying with a laugh. “嗯,就将韩越兄赔偿给你吧,反正你刚刚表白失败,找人打一架也不错。”林动云笑呵呵的说道。 Lang Zhantian is angry saying: Lin Dongyun, you are not understanding, what is the vindicating defeat, that is others has acting with constraint of woman, she simply has not rejected me.” 浪战天大怒道:“林动云,你懂个屁,什么叫表白失败,那是人家有女人家的矜持,她根本没有拒绝我。” Drank liquor in bottle gourd, Lin Dongyun said in consternation: Right?” 喝了一口葫芦内的酒,林动云愕然道:“是吗?” Naturally, you forgot others saying that agrees next life with me.” “当然,你忘了人家说跟我约定来世。” Puff!” Lin Dongyun liquor puffed out. “噗!”林动云一口酒喷了出去。 The Xie Aoyu doubt said: Said?” 谢傲宇狐疑道:“怎么说的?” Lang Zhantian said: She said that wants to pursue me, next generation!” 浪战天道:“她说想追我,下辈子吧!” Ha Ha “哈哈” Xie Aoyu, Bing Wu et al. cannot bear again, laughs loudly. 谢傲宇冰舞等人再也忍不住,放声大笑起来。 This made me understand a truth finally.” A Lang Zhantian very clear appearance. “这让我终于明白了一个道理。”浪战天一副很明白的样子。 What truth understood?” Xie Aoyu asked. “明白了什么道理?”谢傲宇问道。 Lang Zhantian lowered the head slightly, is hand-held the forehead, deep incomparable saying, „the woman of my Lang Zhantian pursue has the personal status, they never spoke the logical expression, has said is the myths.” 浪战天微微低下头,一只手扶着额头,深沉无比的说道,“我浪战天追求的女人就是有品位,她们从来不说人话,一直说的都是神话。”
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